Merge pull request #113 from mwotton/master

spelling fix for Forgeting
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Reichert 2015-07-13 13:57:43 -05:00
commit e0dcefb1f2

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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ instance Show LogMessage where
show SanityChecksPassed = "Sanity checks passed"
show (ReservingHosts app hosts) = "Reserving hosts for app " ++ show app ++ ": " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
show (ForgetingReservations app hosts) = "Forgeting host reservations for app " ++ show app ++ ": " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
show (ForgetingReservations app hosts) = "Forgetting host reservations for app " ++ show app ++ ": " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
show (ActivatingApp app hosts) = "Activating app " ++ show app ++ " with hosts: " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
show (DeactivatingApp app hosts) = "Deactivating app " ++ show app ++ " with hosts: " ++ unwords (map (unpack . original) $ Set.toList hosts)
show (ReactivatingApp app old new) = concat