{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Keter.App ( App , start , reload , Keter.App.terminate ) where import Keter.TempFolder import Keter.Postgres import Keter.Process import Keter.Nginx hiding (start) import qualified Keter.Prelude import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import Codec.Compression.GZip (decompress) import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as F import Data.Yaml import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import System.PosixCompat.Files import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan as C import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import System.Timeout (timeout) import qualified Network import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Control.Exception (try, SomeException, onException, throwIO) import System.IO (hClose) import System.Directory (removeDirectoryRecursive) import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Text (Text, pack) data Config = Config { configExec :: F.FilePath , configArgs :: [Text] , configHost :: String , configPostgres :: Bool } instance FromJSON Config where parseJSON (Object o) = Config <$> (F.fromText <$> o .: "exec") <*> o .:? "args" .!= [] <*> o .: "host" <*> o .:? "postgres" .!= False parseJSON _ = fail "Wanted an object" data Command = Reload | Terminate newtype App = App (Command -> IO ()) tryM :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a) tryM f = do res <- try f case res of Left (e :: SomeException) -> do putStrLn $ "Exception received: " ++ show e return Nothing Right x -> return $ Just x unpackBundle :: TempFolder -> F.FilePath -> Appname -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, Config)) unpackBundle tf bundle appname = tryM $ do elbs <- runKIO $ Keter.Prelude.readFileLBS bundle lbs <- either throwIO return elbs edir <- runKIO $ getFolder tf appname dir <- either throwIO return edir putStrLn $ "Unpacking bundle to: " ++ show dir let rest = do Tar.unpack (F.encodeString dir) $ Tar.read $ decompress lbs let configFP = dir F. "config" F. "keter.yaml" Just config <- decodeFile $ F.encodeString configFP return (F.encodeString dir, config) rest `onException` Keter.Prelude.removeTree dir start :: TempFolder -> Nginx -> Postgres -> Appname -> F.FilePath -- ^ app bundle -> IO () -- ^ action to perform to remove this App from list of actives -> IO (App, IO ()) start tf nginx postgres appname bundle removeFromList = do chan <- C.newChan return (App $ C.writeChan chan, rest chan) where void f = f >> return () runApp port dir config = do setFileMode (F.encodeString $ F.decodeString dir F. "config" F. configExec config) ownerExecuteMode otherEnv <- do mdbi <- if configPostgres config then do edbi <- Keter.Prelude.runKIO print $ getInfo postgres appname case edbi of Left e -> do Keter.Prelude.runKIO print $ Keter.Prelude.log $ Keter.Prelude.ExceptionThrown e return Nothing Right dbi -> return $ Just dbi else return Nothing return $ case mdbi of Just dbi -> [ ("PGHOST", "localhost") , ("PGPORT", "5432") , ("PGUSER", dbiUser dbi) , ("PGPASS", dbiPass dbi) , ("PGDATABASE", dbiName dbi) ] Nothing -> [] runKIO $ run ("config" F. configExec config) (F.decodeString dir) (configArgs config) $ ("PORT", pack $ show port) : ("APPROOT", pack $ "http://" ++ configHost config) : otherEnv rest chan = void $ forkIO $ do mres <- unpackBundle tf bundle appname case mres of Nothing -> removeFromList Just (dir, config) -> do port <- getPort nginx process <- runApp port dir config b <- testApp port if b then do addEntry nginx (configHost config) $ AppEntry port loop chan dir process port config else do removeFromList releasePort nginx port runKIO $ Keter.Process.terminate process loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld = do command <- C.readChan chan case command of Terminate -> do removeFromList removeEntry nginx $ configHost configOld putStrLn $ "Received terminate signal for app: " ++ show appname terminateOld Reload -> do mres <- unpackBundle tf bundle appname case mres of Nothing -> do runKIO $ Keter.Prelude.log $ Keter.Prelude.InvalidBundle bundle loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld Just (dir, config) -> do port <- getPort nginx process <- runApp port dir config b <- testApp port if b then do addEntry nginx (configHost config) $ AppEntry port when (configHost config /= configHost configOld) $ removeEntry nginx $ configHost configOld putStrLn $ "Finished reloading: " ++ show appname terminateOld loop chan dir process port config else do releasePort nginx port runKIO $ Keter.Process.terminate process runKIO $ Keter.Prelude.log $ Keter.Prelude.ProcessDidNotStart bundle loop chan dirOld processOld portOld configOld where terminateOld = void $ forkIO $ do threadDelay $ 20 * 1000 * 1000 putStrLn $ "Terminating old process for: " ++ show appname runKIO $ Keter.Process.terminate processOld threadDelay $ 60 * 1000 * 1000 putStrLn $ "Removing folder: " ++ dirOld removeDirectoryRecursive dirOld runKIO :: Keter.Prelude.KIO a -> IO a -- FIXME remove this runKIO = Keter.Prelude.runKIO print testApp :: Port -> IO Bool testApp port = do putStrLn $ "Testing app on port: " ++ show port res <- timeout (90 * 1000 * 1000) testApp' return $ fromMaybe False res where testApp' = do threadDelay $ 2 * 1000 * 1000 eres <- try $ Network.connectTo "" $ Network.PortNumber $ fromIntegral port case eres of Left (e :: SomeException) -> do putStrLn $ "Connection failed: " ++ show e testApp' Right handle -> do putStrLn $ "App is running on port: " ++ show port hClose handle return True reload :: App -> IO () reload (App f) = f Reload terminate :: App -> IO () terminate (App f) = f Terminate