mirror of https://github.com/sol/hpack.git synced 2024-10-04 11:47:15 +03:00

Allow version constraint for source dependencies

This commit is contained in:
Simon Hengel 2018-09-08 10:34:37 +08:00
parent 65db9de3bb
commit 1c541ac940
7 changed files with 26 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ toBuildTool packageName_ executableNames = \ case
(UnqualifiedBuildTool executable, v)
| executable `elem` executableNames -> localBuildTool executable v
| Just pkg <- lookup executable legacyTools -> legacyBuildTool pkg executable v
| executable `elem` legacySystemTools, VersionConstraint c <- v -> legacySystemBuildTool executable c
| executable `elem` legacySystemTools, DependencyVersion Nothing c <- v -> legacySystemBuildTool executable c
| otherwise -> buildTool executable executable v
buildTool pkg executable v = return . Right $ (BuildTool pkg executable, v)

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@ -316,9 +316,7 @@ renderDependency :: (String, DependencyVersion) -> String
renderDependency (name, version) = name ++ renderVersion version
renderVersion :: DependencyVersion -> String
renderVersion version = case version of
VersionConstraint c -> renderVersionConstraint c
SourceDependency _ -> ""
renderVersion (DependencyVersion _ c) = renderVersionConstraint c
renderVersionConstraint :: VersionConstraint -> String
renderVersionConstraint version = case version of

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ instance FromValue BuildTools where
fromCabal :: D.ExeDependency -> (ParseBuildTool, DependencyVersion)
fromCabal (D.ExeDependency package executable version) = (
QualifiedBuildTool (D.unPackageName package) (D.unUnqualComponentName executable)
, VersionConstraint $ versionConstraintFromCabal version
, DependencyVersion Nothing $ versionConstraintFromCabal version
parseUnqualifiedBuildTool :: Monad m => Text -> m (ParseBuildTool, DependencyVersion)

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@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ parseDependency :: Monad m => String -> Text -> m (String, DependencyVersion)
parseDependency subject = fmap fromCabal . cabalParse subject . T.unpack
fromCabal :: D.Dependency -> (String, DependencyVersion)
fromCabal d = (D.unPackageName $ D.depPkgName d, VersionConstraint . versionConstraintFromCabal $ D.depVerRange d)
fromCabal d = (D.unPackageName $ D.depPkgName d, DependencyVersion Nothing . versionConstraintFromCabal $ D.depVerRange d)

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@ -55,14 +55,12 @@ versionConstraint v = case v of
_ -> typeMismatch "Null, Number, or String" v
anyVersion :: DependencyVersion
anyVersion = VersionConstraint AnyVersion
anyVersion = DependencyVersion Nothing AnyVersion
versionRange :: String -> DependencyVersion
versionRange = VersionConstraint . VersionRange
versionRange = DependencyVersion Nothing . VersionRange
data DependencyVersion =
VersionConstraint VersionConstraint
| SourceDependency SourceDependency
data DependencyVersion = DependencyVersion (Maybe SourceDependency) VersionConstraint
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromValue DependencyVersion where
@ -72,8 +70,8 @@ dependencyVersion :: Value -> Parser DependencyVersion
dependencyVersion v = case v of
Null -> return anyVersion
Object o -> sourceDependency o
Number n -> return (VersionConstraint $ numericVersionConstraint n)
String s -> VersionConstraint <$> stringVersionConstraint s
Number n -> return (DependencyVersion Nothing $ numericVersionConstraint n)
String s -> DependencyVersion Nothing <$> stringVersionConstraint s
_ -> typeMismatch "Null, Object, Number, or String" v
data SourceDependency = GitRef GitUrl GitRef (Maybe FilePath) | Local FilePath
@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ sourceDependency o = let
subdir :: Parser (Maybe FilePath)
subdir = o .:? "subdir"
in SourceDependency <$> (local <|> git)
in DependencyVersion . Just <$> (local <|> git) <*> pure AnyVersion
numericVersionConstraint :: Scientific -> VersionConstraint
numericVersionConstraint n = VersionRange ("==" ++ version)

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@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ spec = do
it "accepts source dependencies with a qualified name" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing
let source = Just (GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing)
- name: hpack:foo
github: sol/hpack
ref: master
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` BuildTools [(QualifiedBuildTool "hpack" "foo", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` BuildTools [(QualifiedBuildTool "hpack" "foo", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)]
it "accepts source dependencies with an unqualified name" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing
let source = Just (GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing)
- name: hpack
github: sol/hpack
ref: master
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` BuildTools [(UnqualifiedBuildTool "hpack", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` BuildTools [(UnqualifiedBuildTool "hpack", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)]
context "when parsing SystemBuildTools" $ do
context "with a scalar" $ do

View File

@ -51,36 +51,36 @@ spec = do
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", versionRange ">= && <1.3")]
it "accepts git dependencies" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing
let source = Just (GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing)
- name: hpack
git: https://github.com/sol/hpack
ref: master
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)]
it "accepts github dependencies" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing
let source = Just (GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing)
- name: hpack
github: sol/hpack
ref: master
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)]
it "accepts an optional subdirectory for git dependencies" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/yesodweb/wai" "master" (Just "warp")
let source = Just (GitRef "https://github.com/yesodweb/wai" "master" (Just "warp"))
- name: warp
github: yesodweb/wai
ref: master
subdir: warp
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("warp", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("warp", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)]
it "accepts local dependencies" $ do
let source = Local "../hpack"
let source = Just (Local "../hpack")
- name: hpack
path: ../hpack
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)]
context "when ref is missing" $ do
it "produces accurate error messages" $ do
@ -163,16 +163,18 @@ spec = do
context "when the constraint is an Object" $ do
it "accepts github dependencies" $ do
let source = Just (GitRef "https://github.com/haskell/cabal" "d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76" (Just "Cabal"))
github: haskell/cabal
ref: d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76
subdir: Cabal
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("Cabal", SourceDependency (GitRef "https://github.com/haskell/cabal" "d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76" (Just "Cabal")))]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("Cabal", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)]
it "ignores names in nested hashes" $ do
let source = Just (Local "somewhere")
name: inner-name
path: somewhere
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (Dependencies [("outer-name", SourceDependency (Local "somewhere"))], ["$.outer-name.name"])
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (Dependencies [("outer-name", DependencyVersion source AnyVersion)], ["$.outer-name.name"])