mirror of https://github.com/sol/hpack.git synced 2024-10-04 03:38:00 +03:00

Expose more flexible API from "Hpack" module

This commit is contained in:
Simon Hengel 2018-02-14 15:43:46 +08:00
parent 123c0f270c
commit 5f19c465fd
10 changed files with 163 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module Main (main) where
import System.Environment
import qualified Hpack
import qualified Hpack.Config as Hpack
main :: IO ()
main = Hpack.main
main = getArgs >>= Hpack.getOptions Hpack.packageConfig >>= mapM_ (uncurry Hpack.hpack)

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@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
-- hash: 915b06f21c258063ad56ca291cf410f98c11e9a0b4e56022aca70ca2d3f16288
-- hash: 6affba6bd6791822c191936fdc6314baff1c094aaaebbdd3bf1020f907131a8e
name: hpack
version: 0.25.0
version: 0.26.0
synopsis: An alternative format for Haskell packages
description: See README at <https://github.com/sol/hpack#readme>
category: Development

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: hpack
version: 0.25.0
version: 0.26.0
synopsis: An alternative format for Haskell packages
description: See README at <https://github.com/sol/hpack#readme>
maintainer: Simon Hengel <sol@typeful.net>

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@ -1,18 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hpack (
-- | /__NOTE:__/ This module is exposed to allow integration of Hpack into
-- other tools. It is not meant for general use by end users. The following
-- caveats apply:
-- * The API is undocumented, consult the source instead.
-- * The exposed types and functions primarily serve Hpack's own needs, not
-- that of a public API. Breaking changes can happen as Hpack evolves.
-- As an Hpack user you either want to use the @hpack@ executable or a build
-- tool that supports Hpack (e.g. @stack@ or @cabal2nix@).
-- * Version
-- * Running Hpack
, hpack
, hpackResult
, printResult
, Result(..)
, Status(..)
-- * Options
, defaultOptions
, setTarget
, setDecode
, getOptions
, Verbose(..)
, Options(..)
, Force(..)
, version
, main
, mainWith
#ifdef TEST
, hpackResultWithVersion
, header
, hpackWithVersionResult
) where
@ -32,7 +54,6 @@ import Hpack.Render
import Hpack.Util
import Hpack.Utf8 as Utf8
import Hpack.CabalFile
import Hpack.Yaml
programVersion :: Version -> String
programVersion v = "hpack version " ++ Version.showVersion v
@ -47,19 +68,28 @@ header p v hash = unlines [
, ""
main :: IO ()
main = mainWith packageConfig decodeYaml
data Options = Options {
optionsDecodeOptions :: DecodeOptions
, optionsForce :: Force
, optionsToStdout :: Bool
mainWith :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO (Either String Value)) -> IO ()
mainWith configFile decode = do
result <- getArgs >>= parseOptions configFile
getOptions :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (Verbose, Options))
getOptions defaultPackageConfig args = do
result <- parseOptions defaultPackageConfig args
case result of
PrintVersion -> putStrLn (programVersion version)
PrintNumericVersion -> putStrLn (Version.showVersion version)
Help -> printHelp
PrintVersion -> do
putStrLn (programVersion version)
return Nothing
PrintNumericVersion -> do
putStrLn (Version.showVersion version)
return Nothing
Help -> do
return Nothing
Run options -> case options of
Options _verbose _force True file -> hpackStdOut (DecodeOptions file Nothing decode)
Options verbose force False file -> hpack (DecodeOptions file Nothing decode) verbose force
ParseOptions verbose force toStdout file -> do
return $ Just (verbose, Options defaultDecodeOptions {decodeOptionsTarget = file} force toStdout)
ParseError -> do
@ -73,11 +103,19 @@ printHelp = do
, " " ++ name ++ " --help"
hpack :: DecodeOptions -> Verbose -> Force -> IO ()
hpack = hpackWithVersion version
hpack :: Verbose -> Options -> IO ()
hpack verbose options = hpackResult options >>= printResult verbose
hpackResult :: DecodeOptions -> Force -> IO Result
hpackResult = hpackWithVersionResult version
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options defaultDecodeOptions NoForce False
setTarget :: FilePath -> Options -> Options
setTarget target options@Options{..} =
options {optionsDecodeOptions = optionsDecodeOptions {decodeOptionsTarget = target}}
setDecode :: (FilePath -> IO (Either String Value)) -> Options -> Options
setDecode decode options@Options{..} =
options {optionsDecodeOptions = optionsDecodeOptions {decodeOptionsDecode = decode}}
data Result = Result {
resultWarnings :: [String]
@ -92,9 +130,8 @@ data Status =
| OutputUnchanged
deriving (Eq, Show)
hpackWithVersion :: Version -> DecodeOptions -> Verbose -> Force -> IO ()
hpackWithVersion v options verbose force = do
r <- hpackWithVersionResult v options force
printResult :: Verbose -> Result -> IO ()
printResult verbose r = do
printWarnings (resultWarnings r)
when (verbose == Verbose) $ putStrLn $
case resultStatus r of
@ -104,8 +141,7 @@ hpackWithVersion v options verbose force = do
ExistingCabalFileWasModifiedManually -> resultCabalFile r ++ " was modified manually, please use --force to overwrite."
printWarnings :: [String] -> IO ()
printWarnings warnings = do
forM_ warnings $ \warning -> Utf8.hPutStrLn stderr ("WARNING: " ++ warning)
printWarnings = mapM_ $ Utf8.hPutStrLn stderr . ("WARNING: " ++)
mkStatus :: [String] -> Version -> CabalFile -> Status
mkStatus new v (CabalFile mOldVersion mHash old) = case (mOldVersion, mHash) of
@ -118,8 +154,11 @@ mkStatus new v (CabalFile mOldVersion mHash old) = case (mOldVersion, mHash) of
| old == new -> OutputUnchanged
| otherwise -> Generated
hpackWithVersionResult :: Version -> DecodeOptions -> Force -> IO Result
hpackWithVersionResult v options force = do
hpackResult :: Options -> IO Result
hpackResult = hpackResultWithVersion version
hpackResultWithVersion :: Version -> Options -> IO Result
hpackResultWithVersion v (Options options force toStdout) = do
DecodeResult pkg cabalFile warnings <- readPackageConfig options >>= either die return
oldCabalFile <- readCabalFile cabalFile
let new = renderPackage (maybe [] cabalFileContents oldCabalFile) pkg
@ -130,16 +169,12 @@ hpackWithVersionResult v options force = do
case status of
Generated -> do
let hash = sha256 new
Utf8.writeFile cabalFile (header (decodeOptionsTarget options) v hash ++ new)
if toStdout
then Utf8.putStr new
else Utf8.writeFile cabalFile (header (decodeOptionsTarget options) v hash ++ new)
_ -> return ()
return Result {
resultWarnings = warnings
, resultCabalFile = cabalFile
, resultStatus = status
hpackStdOut :: DecodeOptions -> IO ()
hpackStdOut options = do
DecodeResult pkg _cabalFile warnings <- readPackageConfig options >>= either die return
Utf8.putStr (renderPackage [] pkg)
printWarnings warnings

View File

@ -13,6 +13,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Hpack.Config (
-- | /__NOTE:__/ This module is exposed to allow integration of Hpack into
-- other tools. It is not meant for general use by end users. The following
-- caveats apply:
-- * The API is undocumented, consult the source instead.
-- * The exposed types and functions primarily serve Hpack's own needs, not
-- that of a public API. Breaking changes can happen as Hpack evolves.
-- As an Hpack user you either want to use the @hpack@ executable or a build
-- tool that supports Hpack (e.g. @stack@ or @cabal2nix@).
, defaultDecodeOptions
, packageConfig

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Hpack.Options where
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
data ParseResult = Help | PrintVersion | PrintNumericVersion | Run Options | ParseError
data ParseResult = Help | PrintVersion | PrintNumericVersion | Run ParseOptions | ParseError
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Verbose = Verbose | NoVerbose
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ data Verbose = Verbose | NoVerbose
data Force = Force | NoForce
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Options = Options {
optionsVerbose :: Verbose
, optionsForce :: Force
, optionsToStdout :: Bool
, optionsTarget :: FilePath
data ParseOptions = ParseOptions {
parseOptionsVerbose :: Verbose
, parseOptionsForce :: Force
, parseOptionsToStdout :: Bool
, parseOptionsTarget :: FilePath
} deriving (Eq, Show)
parseOptions :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ParseResult
@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ parseOptions defaultTarget = \ case
["--version"] -> return PrintVersion
["--numeric-version"] -> return PrintNumericVersion
["--help"] -> return Help
args -> parseRunOptions defaultTarget args
parseRunOptions :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ParseResult
parseRunOptions defaultTarget xs = case targets of
args -> case targets of
Right (target, toStdout) -> do
file <- expandTarget defaultTarget target
return $ Run (Options verbose force toStdout file)
| toStdout = ParseOptions NoVerbose Force toStdout file
| otherwise = ParseOptions verbose force toStdout file
return (Run options)
Left err -> return err
silentFlag = "--silent"
@ -39,9 +40,9 @@ parseRunOptions defaultTarget xs = case targets of
flags = silentFlag : forceFlags
verbose = if silentFlag `elem` xs then NoVerbose else Verbose
force = if any (`elem` xs) forceFlags then Force else NoForce
ys = filter (`notElem` flags) xs
verbose = if silentFlag `elem` args then NoVerbose else Verbose
force = if any (`elem` args) forceFlags then Force else NoForce
ys = filter (`notElem` flags) args
targets :: Either ParseResult (Maybe FilePath, Bool)
targets = case ys of

View File

@ -5,6 +5,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hpack.Render (
-- | /__NOTE:__/ This module is exposed to allow integration of Hpack into
-- other tools. It is not meant for general use by end users. The following
-- caveats apply:
-- * The API is undocumented, consult the source instead.
-- * The exposed types and functions primarily serve Hpack's own needs, not
-- that of a public API. Breaking changes can happen as Hpack evolves.
-- As an Hpack user you either want to use the @hpack@ executable or a build
-- tool that supports Hpack (e.g. @stack@ or @cabal2nix@).
, renderPackageWith
, defaultRenderSettings

View File

@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hpack.Yaml where
module Hpack.Yaml (
-- | /__NOTE:__/ This module is exposed to allow integration of Hpack into
-- other tools. It is not meant for general use by end users. The following
-- caveats apply:
-- * The API is undocumented, consult the source instead.
-- * The exposed types and functions primarily serve Hpack's own needs, not
-- that of a public API. Breaking changes can happen as Hpack evolves.
-- As an Hpack user you either want to use the @hpack@ executable or a build
-- tool that supports Hpack (e.g. @stack@ or @cabal2nix@).
) where
import Data.Yaml hiding (decodeFile, decodeFileEither)
import Data.Yaml.Include

View File

@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ spec = do
context "by default" $ do
it "returns Run" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget [] `shouldReturn` Run (Options Verbose NoForce False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget [] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce False defaultTarget)
it "includes target" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["foo.yaml"] `shouldReturn` Run (Options Verbose NoForce False "foo.yaml")
parseOptions defaultTarget ["foo.yaml"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce False "foo.yaml")
context "with superfluous arguments" $ do
it "returns ParseError" $ do
@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ spec = do
context "with --silent" $ do
it "sets optionsVerbose to NoVerbose" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--silent"] `shouldReturn` Run (Options NoVerbose NoForce False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--silent"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions NoVerbose NoForce False defaultTarget)
context "with --force" $ do
it "sets optionsForce to Force" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--force"] `shouldReturn` Run (Options Verbose Force False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--force"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose Force False defaultTarget)
context "with -f" $ do
it "sets optionsForce to Force" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-f"] `shouldReturn` Run (Options Verbose Force False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-f"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose Force False defaultTarget)
context "with -" $ do
it "sets optionsToStdout to True" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-"] `shouldReturn` Run (Options Verbose NoForce True defaultTarget)
it "sets optionsToStdout to True, implies Force and NoVerbose" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions NoVerbose Force True defaultTarget)
it "rejects - for target" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-", "-"] `shouldReturn` ParseError

View File

@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ readFile name = Prelude.readFile name >>= (return $!!)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "hpackWithVersionResult" $ do
describe "hpackResult" $ do
context "with existing cabal file" $ around_ inTempDirectory $ before_ (writeFile packageConfig "name: foo") $ do
file = "foo.cabal"
hpackWithVersion v = hpackWithVersionResult v defaultDecodeOptions NoForce
hpack = hpackWithVersionResult version defaultDecodeOptions NoForce
hpackForce = hpackWithVersionResult version defaultDecodeOptions Force
hpackWithVersion v = hpackResultWithVersion v defaultOptions
hpack = hpackResult defaultOptions
hpackForce = hpackResult defaultOptions {optionsForce = Force}
generated = Result [] file Generated
modifiedManually = Result [] file ExistingCabalFileWasModifiedManually