mirror of https://github.com/sol/hpack.git synced 2024-10-04 03:38:00 +03:00

Better handling of unrecognized fields

This commit is contained in:
Simon Hengel 2018-01-29 21:12:50 +08:00
parent 916d06d6a0
commit 70bea0e370
25 changed files with 863 additions and 927 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
-- hash: 673b49264a8acc7c22607806c4d188ae1979a8dd940edacfae4895002f4bc64a
-- hash: 1597d0d933485404bf8046e9586ac2203f8b08fd83d3d61e0e1cc39f6890024b
name: hpack
version: 0.23.0
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ library
, text
, transformers
, unordered-containers
, vector
, yaml
@ -55,6 +56,10 @@ library
@ -62,11 +67,8 @@ library
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ executable hpack
, text
, transformers
, unordered-containers
, vector
, yaml
@ -114,6 +117,7 @@ test-suite spec
, Glob
, HUnit
, QuickCheck
, aeson >=1.0.0
, base >=4.8 && <5
@ -132,12 +136,17 @@ test-suite spec
, mockery >=0.3
, pretty
, scientific
, template-haskell
, temporary
, text
, transformers
, unordered-containers
, yaml
, vector
, yaml >=0.8.28
@ -149,13 +158,15 @@ test-suite spec
@ -166,11 +177,8 @@ test-suite spec

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ dependencies:
- http-types
- http-client
- http-client-tls
- vector
source-dirs: src
@ -60,3 +61,6 @@ tests:
- temporary
- mockery >= 0.3
- interpolate
- template-haskell
- HUnit
- yaml >= 0.8.28

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue (
, Parser
, DecodeResult
, decodeValue
, Generic
, GenericDecode
, genericFromValue
, Options(..)
, genericFromValueWith
, typeMismatch
, withObject
, withText
, withString
, withArray
, withNumber
, withBool
, (.:)
, (.:?)
, Value(..)
, Object
, Array
) where
import GHC.Generics
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON(..))
import Data.Aeson.Config.Util
import Data.Aeson.Config.Parser
type DecodeResult a = Either String (a, [String])
decodeValue :: FromValue a => Value -> DecodeResult a
decodeValue = runParser fromValue
(.:) :: FromValue a => Object -> Text -> Parser a
(.:) = explicitParseField fromValue
(.:?) :: FromValue a => Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
(.:?) = explicitParseFieldMaybe fromValue
class FromValue a where
fromValue :: Value -> Parser a
default fromValue :: forall d m. (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d m, Datatype d, GenericDecode (Rep a)) => Value -> Parser a
fromValue = genericFromValue
genericFromValue :: forall a d m. (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 d m, Datatype d, GenericDecode (Rep a)) => Value -> Parser a
genericFromValue = genericFromValueWith (Options $ hyphenize name)
name :: String
name = datatypeName (undefined :: D1 d m p)
instance FromValue Bool where
fromValue = liftParser . parseJSON
instance FromValue Int where
fromValue = liftParser . parseJSON
instance FromValue Text where
fromValue = liftParser . parseJSON
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} FromValue String where
fromValue = liftParser . parseJSON
instance FromValue a => FromValue (Maybe a) where
fromValue value = liftParser (parseJSON value) >>= traverse fromValue
instance FromValue a => FromValue [a] where
fromValue = withArray $ zipWithM (parseIndexed fromValue) [0..] . V.toList
parseIndexed :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Int -> Value -> Parser a
parseIndexed p n value = p value <?> Index n
instance FromValue a => FromValue (Map String a) where
fromValue = withObject $ \ o -> do
xs <- forM (HashMap.toList o) $ \ (name, value) ->
(,) (T.unpack name) <$> fromValue value <?> Key name
return $ Map.fromList xs
instance (FromValue a, FromValue b) => FromValue (a, b) where
fromValue v = (,) <$> fromValue v <*> fromValue v
instance (FromValue a, FromValue b) => FromValue (Either a b) where
fromValue v = Left <$> fromValue v <|> Right <$> fromValue v
data Options = Options {
optionsRecordSelectorModifier :: String -> String
genericFromValueWith :: (Generic a, GenericDecode (Rep a)) => Options -> Value -> Parser a
genericFromValueWith opts = fmap to . genericDecode opts
class GenericDecode f where
genericDecode :: Options -> Value -> Parser (f p)
instance (GenericDecode a) => GenericDecode (D1 d a) where
genericDecode opts = fmap M1 . genericDecode opts
instance (GenericDecode a) => GenericDecode (C1 c a) where
genericDecode opts = fmap M1 . genericDecode opts
instance (GenericDecode a, GenericDecode b) => GenericDecode (a :*: b) where
genericDecode opts o = (:*:) <$> genericDecode opts o <*> genericDecode opts o
instance (Selector sel, FromValue a) => GenericDecode (S1 sel (Rec0 a)) where
genericDecode = accessFieldWith (.:)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Selector sel, FromValue a) => GenericDecode (S1 sel (Rec0 (Maybe a))) where
genericDecode = accessFieldWith (.:?)
accessFieldWith :: forall sel a p. Selector sel => (Object -> Text -> Parser a) -> Options -> Value -> Parser (S1 sel (Rec0 a) p)
accessFieldWith op Options{..} v = M1 . K1 <$> withObject (`op` T.pack label) v
label = optionsRecordSelectorModifier $ selName (undefined :: S1 sel (Rec0 a) p)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Data.Aeson.Config.Parser (
, runParser
, typeMismatch
, withObject
, withText
, withString
, withArray
, withNumber
, withBool
, explicitParseField
, explicitParseFieldMaybe
, Aeson.JSONPathElement(..)
, (<?>)
, Value(..)
, Object
, Array
, liftParser
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Set (Set, notMember)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Aeson.Types (Value(..), Object, Array)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Internal (IResult(..), iparse)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Internal as Aeson
-- This is needed so that we have an Ord instance for aeson < 1.2.4.
data JSONPathElement = Key Text | Index Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type JSONPath = [JSONPathElement]
fromAesonPath :: Aeson.JSONPath -> JSONPath
fromAesonPath = reverse . map fromAesonPathElement
fromAesonPathElement :: Aeson.JSONPathElement -> JSONPathElement
fromAesonPathElement e = case e of
Aeson.Key k -> Key k
Aeson.Index n -> Index n
newtype Parser a = Parser {unParser :: WriterT (Set JSONPath) Aeson.Parser a}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad)
liftParser :: Aeson.Parser a -> Parser a
liftParser = Parser . lift
runParser :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Value -> Either String (a, [String])
runParser p v = case iparse (runWriterT . unParser <$> p) v of
IError path err -> Left ("Error while parsing " ++ formatPath (fromAesonPath path) ++ " - " ++ err)
ISuccess (a, consumed) -> Right (a, map formatPath (determineUnconsumed consumed v))
formatPath :: JSONPath -> String
formatPath = go "$" . reverse
go :: String -> JSONPath -> String
go acc path = case path of
[] -> acc
Index n : xs -> go (acc ++ "[" ++ show n ++ "]") xs
Key key : xs -> go (acc ++ "." ++ T.unpack key) xs
determineUnconsumed :: Set JSONPath -> Value -> [JSONPath]
determineUnconsumed ((<> Set.singleton []) -> consumed) = Set.toList . execWriter . go []
go :: JSONPath -> Value -> Writer (Set JSONPath) ()
go path value
| path `notMember` consumed = tell (Set.singleton path)
| otherwise = case value of
Number _ -> return ()
String _ -> return ()
Bool _ -> return ()
Null -> return ()
Object o -> do
forM_ (HashMap.toList o) $ \ (k, v) -> do
go (Key k : path) v
Array xs -> do
forM_ (zip [0..] $ V.toList xs) $ \ (n, v) -> do
go (Index n : path) v
(<?>) :: Parser a -> Aeson.JSONPathElement -> Parser a
(<?>) (Parser (WriterT p)) e = do
Parser (WriterT (p Aeson.<?> e)) <* markConsumed (fromAesonPathElement e)
markConsumed :: JSONPathElement -> Parser ()
markConsumed e = do
path <- getPath
Parser $ tell (Set.singleton $ e : path)
getPath :: Parser JSONPath
getPath = liftParser $ Aeson.parserCatchError empty $ \ path _ -> return (fromAesonPath path)
explicitParseField :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Object -> Text -> Parser a
explicitParseField p o key = case HashMap.lookup key o of
Nothing -> fail $ "key " ++ show key ++ " not present"
Just v -> p v <?> Aeson.Key key
explicitParseFieldMaybe :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Object -> Text -> Parser (Maybe a)
explicitParseFieldMaybe p o key = case HashMap.lookup key o of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just v -> Just <$> p v <?> Aeson.Key key
typeMismatch :: String -> Value -> Parser a
typeMismatch expected = liftParser . Aeson.typeMismatch expected
withObject :: (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withObject p (Object o) = p o
withObject _ v = typeMismatch "Object" v
withText :: (Text -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withText p (String s) = p s
withText _ v = typeMismatch "String" v
withString :: (String -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withString p = withText (p . T.unpack)
withArray :: (Array -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withArray p (Array xs) = p xs
withArray _ v = typeMismatch "Array" v
withNumber :: (Scientific -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withNumber p (Number n) = p n
withNumber _ v = typeMismatch "Number" v
withBool :: (Bool -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withBool p (Bool b) = p b
withBool _ v = typeMismatch "Boolean" v

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Data.Aeson.Config.Types where
import Data.Monoid hiding (Product)
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
newtype List a = List {fromList :: [a]}
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Monoid)
instance FromValue a => FromValue (List a) where
fromValue v = List <$> case v of
Array _ -> fromValue v
_ -> return <$> fromValue v
fromMaybeList :: Maybe (List a) -> [a]
fromMaybeList = maybe [] fromList
data Product a b = Product a b
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (Product a b) where
mempty = Product mempty mempty
Product a1 b1 `mappend` Product a2 b2 = Product (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2)
instance Bifunctor Product where
bimap fa fb (Product a b) = Product (fa a) (fb b)
instance Bifoldable Product where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Product where
bitraverse fa fb (Product a b) = Product <$> fa a <*> fb b
instance (FromValue a, FromValue b) => FromValue (Product a b) where
fromValue v = Product <$> fromValue v <*> fromValue v

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module Data.Aeson.Config.Util where
import Data.Aeson.Types (camelTo2)
hyphenize :: String -> String -> String
hyphenize name = camelTo2 '-' . dropPrefix . dropWhile (== '_')
dropPrefix = drop (length (dropWhile (== '_') $ reverse name))

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -43,15 +44,14 @@ module Hpack.Config (
, LibrarySection(..)
, fromLibrarySectionInConditional
, formatOrList
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Data
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
@ -60,21 +60,20 @@ import Data.List (nub, (\\), sortBy, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid hiding (Product)
import Data.Ord
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson.Internal
import Hpack.Syntax.Util
import Hpack.Syntax.UnknownFields
import Hpack.Syntax
import Data.Aeson.Config.Types
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue hiding (decodeValue)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue as Config
import Hpack.Syntax.Defaults
import Hpack.Util hiding (expandGlobs)
import qualified Hpack.Util as Util
import Hpack.Defaults
@ -146,12 +145,7 @@ packageConfig = "package.yaml"
data CustomSetupSection = CustomSetupSection {
customSetupSectionDependencies :: Maybe Dependencies
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance HasFieldNames CustomSetupSection
instance FromJSON CustomSetupSection where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
data LibrarySection = LibrarySection {
librarySectionExposed :: Maybe Bool
@ -161,7 +155,7 @@ data LibrarySection = LibrarySection {
, librarySectionGeneratedOtherModules :: Maybe (List String)
, librarySectionReexportedModules :: Maybe (List String)
, librarySectionSignatures :: Maybe (List String)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
instance Monoid LibrarySection where
mempty = LibrarySection Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
@ -175,16 +169,11 @@ instance Monoid LibrarySection where
, librarySectionSignatures = librarySectionSignatures a <> librarySectionSignatures b
instance HasFieldNames LibrarySection
instance FromJSON LibrarySection where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
data ExecutableSection = ExecutableSection {
executableSectionMain :: Maybe FilePath
, executableSectionOtherModules :: Maybe (List String)
, executableSectionGeneratedOtherModules :: Maybe (List String)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
instance Monoid ExecutableSection where
mempty = ExecutableSection Nothing Nothing Nothing
@ -194,12 +183,7 @@ instance Monoid ExecutableSection where
, executableSectionGeneratedOtherModules = executableSectionGeneratedOtherModules a <> executableSectionGeneratedOtherModules b
instance HasFieldNames ExecutableSection
instance FromJSON ExecutableSection where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
data CommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a = CommonOptions {
data CommonOptions cSources jsSources a = CommonOptions {
commonOptionsSourceDirs :: Maybe (List FilePath)
, commonOptionsDependencies :: Maybe Dependencies
, commonOptionsPkgConfigDependencies :: Maybe (List String)
@ -220,11 +204,14 @@ data CommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a = CommonOptions {
, commonOptionsInstallIncludes :: Maybe (List FilePath)
, commonOptionsLdOptions :: Maybe (List LdOption)
, commonOptionsBuildable :: Maybe Bool
, commonOptionsWhen :: Maybe (List (ConditionalSection capture cSources jsSources a))
, commonOptionsWhen :: Maybe (List (ConditionalSection cSources jsSources a))
, commonOptionsBuildTools :: Maybe Dependencies
} deriving (Functor, Generic)
instance (Monoid cSources, Monoid jsSources) => Monoid (CommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a) where
type ParseCommonOptions = CommonOptions ParseCSources ParseJsSources
instance FromValue a => FromValue (ParseCommonOptions a)
instance (Monoid cSources, Monoid jsSources) => Monoid (CommonOptions cSources jsSources a) where
mempty = CommonOptions {
commonOptionsSourceDirs = Nothing
, commonOptionsDependencies = Nothing
@ -274,43 +261,28 @@ instance (Monoid cSources, Monoid jsSources) => Monoid (CommonOptions capture cS
, commonOptionsBuildTools = commonOptionsBuildTools b <> commonOptionsBuildTools a
type ParseCommonOptions = CommonOptions CaptureUnknownFields ParseCSources ParseJsSources
instance HasFieldNames (ParseCommonOptions a)
instance (FromJSON a, HasFieldNames a) => FromJSON (ParseCommonOptions a) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
type ParseCSources = Maybe (List FilePath)
type ParseJsSources = Maybe (List FilePath)
type CSources = [FilePath]
type JsSources = [FilePath]
type WithCommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a = Product (CommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a) a
type WithCommonOptions cSources jsSources a = Product (CommonOptions cSources jsSources a) a
data Traverse m capture capture_ cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_ = Traverse {
traverseCapture :: forall a. capture a -> m (capture_ a)
, traverseCSources :: cSources -> m cSources_
data Traverse m cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_ = Traverse {
traverseCSources :: cSources -> m cSources_
, traverseJsSources :: jsSources -> m jsSources_
defaultTraverse :: Applicative m => Traverse m capture capture cSources cSources jsSources jsSources
defaultTraverse = Traverse {
traverseCapture = pure
, traverseCSources = pure
, traverseJsSources = pure
type Traversal t = forall m cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_. Monad m
=> Traverse m cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_
-> t cSources jsSources
-> m (t cSources_ jsSources_)
type Traversal t = forall m capture capture_ cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_. (Monad m, Traversable capture_)
=> Traverse m capture capture_ cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_
-> t capture cSources jsSources
-> m (t capture_ cSources_ jsSources_)
type Traversal_ t = forall m capture capture_ cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_ a. (Monad m, Traversable capture_)
=> Traverse m capture capture_ cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_
-> t capture cSources jsSources a
-> m (t capture_ cSources_ jsSources_ a)
type Traversal_ t = forall m cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_ a. Monad m
=> Traverse m cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_
-> t cSources jsSources a
-> m (t cSources_ jsSources_ a)
traverseCommonOptions :: Traversal_ CommonOptions
traverseCommonOptions t@Traverse{..} c@CommonOptions{..} = do
@ -325,60 +297,33 @@ traverseCommonOptions t@Traverse{..} c@CommonOptions{..} = do
traverseConditionalSection :: Traversal_ ConditionalSection
traverseConditionalSection t@Traverse{..} = \ case
ThenElseConditional c -> ThenElseConditional <$> (traverseCapture c >>= traverse (bitraverse (traverseThenElse t) return))
FlatConditional c -> FlatConditional <$> (traverseCapture c >>= traverse (bitraverse (traverseWithCommonOptions t) return))
ThenElseConditional c -> ThenElseConditional <$> bitraverse (traverseThenElse t) return c
FlatConditional c -> FlatConditional <$> bitraverse (traverseWithCommonOptions t) return c
traverseThenElse :: Traversal_ ThenElse
traverseThenElse t@Traverse{..} c@ThenElse{..} = do
then_ <- traverseCapture thenElseThen >>= traverse (traverseWithCommonOptions t)
else_ <- traverseCapture thenElseElse >>= traverse (traverseWithCommonOptions t)
then_ <- traverseWithCommonOptions t thenElseThen
else_ <- traverseWithCommonOptions t thenElseElse
return c{thenElseThen = then_, thenElseElse = else_}
traverseWithCommonOptions :: Traversal_ WithCommonOptions
traverseWithCommonOptions t = bitraverse (traverseCommonOptions t) return
data Product a b = Product a b
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data ConditionalSection cSources jsSources a =
ThenElseConditional (Product (ThenElse cSources jsSources a) Condition)
| FlatConditional (Product (WithCommonOptions cSources jsSources a) Condition)
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (Product a b) where
mempty = Product mempty mempty
Product a1 b1 `mappend` Product a2 b2 = Product (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2)
instance Bifunctor Product where
bimap fa fb (Product a b) = Product (fa a) (fb b)
instance Bifoldable Product where
bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable Product where
bitraverse fa fb (Product a b) = Product <$> fa a <*> fb b
instance (FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (Product a b) where
parseJSON value = Product <$> parseJSON value <*> parseJSON value
instance (HasFieldNames a, HasFieldNames b) => HasFieldNames (Product a b) where
fieldNames Proxy =
fieldNames (Proxy :: Proxy a)
++ fieldNames (Proxy :: Proxy b)
ignoreUnderscoredUnknownFields Proxy =
ignoreUnderscoredUnknownFields (Proxy :: Proxy a)
|| ignoreUnderscoredUnknownFields (Proxy :: Proxy b)
data ConditionalSection capture cSources jsSources a =
ThenElseConditional (capture (Product (ThenElse capture cSources jsSources a) Condition))
| FlatConditional (capture (Product (WithCommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a) Condition))
instance Functor capture => Functor (ConditionalSection capture cSources jsSources) where
instance Functor (ConditionalSection cSources jsSources) where
fmap f = \ case
ThenElseConditional c -> ThenElseConditional (first (fmap f) <$> c)
FlatConditional c -> FlatConditional (first (bimap (fmap f) f) <$> c)
ThenElseConditional c -> ThenElseConditional (first (fmap f) c)
FlatConditional c -> FlatConditional (first (bimap (fmap f) f) c)
type ParseConditionalSection = ConditionalSection CaptureUnknownFields ParseCSources ParseJsSources
type ParseConditionalSection = ConditionalSection ParseCSources ParseJsSources
instance (FromJSON a, HasFieldNames a) => FromJSON (ParseConditionalSection a) where
parseJSON v
| hasKey "then" v || hasKey "else" v = ThenElseConditional <$> parseJSON v
| otherwise = FlatConditional <$> parseJSON v
instance FromValue a => FromValue (ParseConditionalSection a) where
fromValue v
| hasKey "then" v || hasKey "else" v = ThenElseConditional <$> fromValue v
| otherwise = FlatConditional <$> fromValue v
hasKey :: Text -> Value -> Bool
hasKey key (Object o) = HashMap.member key o
@ -386,39 +331,31 @@ hasKey _ _ = False
newtype Condition = Condition {
_conditionCondition :: Cond
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Condition where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
instance HasFieldNames Condition
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
newtype Cond = Cond String
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON Cond where
parseJSON v = case v of
String _ -> Cond <$> parseJSON v
instance FromValue Cond where
fromValue v = case v of
String s -> return (Cond $ T.unpack s)
Bool True -> return (Cond "true")
Bool False -> return (Cond "false")
_ -> typeMismatch "Boolean or String" v
data ThenElse capture cSources jsSources a = ThenElse {
thenElseThen :: capture (WithCommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a)
, thenElseElse :: capture (WithCommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a)
data ThenElse cSources jsSources a = ThenElse {
thenElseThen :: WithCommonOptions cSources jsSources a
, thenElseElse :: WithCommonOptions cSources jsSources a
} deriving Generic
instance Functor capture => Functor (ThenElse capture cSources jsSources) where
instance Functor (ThenElse cSources jsSources) where
fmap f c@ThenElse{..} = c{thenElseThen = map_ thenElseThen, thenElseElse = map_ thenElseElse}
map_ = fmap (bimap (fmap f) f)
map_ = bimap (fmap f) f
type ParseThenElse = ThenElse CaptureUnknownFields ParseCSources ParseJsSources
type ParseThenElse = ThenElse ParseCSources ParseJsSources
instance HasFieldNames (ParseThenElse a)
instance (FromJSON a, HasFieldNames a) => FromJSON (ParseThenElse a) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
instance FromValue a => FromValue (ParseThenElse a)
data Empty = Empty
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -427,51 +364,53 @@ instance Monoid Empty where
mempty = Empty
mappend Empty Empty = Empty
instance FromJSON Empty where
parseJSON _ = return Empty
instance FromValue Empty where
fromValue _ = return Empty
instance HasFieldNames Empty where
fieldNames _ = []
-- From Cabal the library, copied here to avoid a dependency on Cabal.
data BuildType
= Simple
data BuildType =
| Configure
| Make
| Custom
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Enum, Bounded)
instance FromJSON BuildType where
parseJSON = withText "String" $ \case
"Simple" -> return Simple
"Configure" -> return Configure
"Make" -> return Make
"Custom" -> return Custom
_ -> fail "build-type must be one of: Simple, Configure, Make, Custom"
instance FromValue BuildType where
fromValue = withText $ \ (T.unpack -> t) -> do
maybe err return (lookup t options)
err = fail ("expected one of " ++ formatOrList buildTypesAsString)
buildTypes = [minBound .. maxBound]
buildTypesAsString = map show buildTypes
options = zip buildTypesAsString buildTypes
type SectionConfigWithDefaluts capture cSources jsSources a = capture (Product (DefaultsConfig capture) (WithCommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a))
formatOrList :: [String] -> String
formatOrList xs = case reverse xs of
[] -> ""
x : [] -> x
y : x : [] -> x ++ " or " ++ y
x : ys@(_:_:_) -> intercalate ", " . reverse $ ("or " ++ x) : ys
type PackageConfigWithDefaults capture cSources jsSources = PackageConfig_
(SectionConfigWithDefaluts capture cSources jsSources LibrarySection)
(SectionConfigWithDefaluts capture cSources jsSources ExecutableSection)
capture cSources jsSources
type SectionConfigWithDefaluts cSources jsSources a = Product DefaultsConfig (WithCommonOptions cSources jsSources a)
type SectionConfig capture cSources jsSources a = capture (WithCommonOptions capture cSources jsSources a)
type PackageConfigWithDefaults cSources jsSources = PackageConfig_
(SectionConfigWithDefaluts cSources jsSources LibrarySection)
(SectionConfigWithDefaluts cSources jsSources ExecutableSection)
cSources jsSources
type PackageConfig capture cSources jsSources = PackageConfig_
(SectionConfig capture cSources jsSources LibrarySection)
(SectionConfig capture cSources jsSources ExecutableSection)
capture cSources jsSources
type PackageConfig cSources jsSources = PackageConfig_
(WithCommonOptions cSources jsSources LibrarySection)
(WithCommonOptions cSources jsSources ExecutableSection)
cSources jsSources
data PackageVersion = PackageVersion {unPackageVersion :: String}
instance FromJSON PackageVersion where
parseJSON v = case v of
Number n -> return (PackageVersion $ scientificToVersion n)
String _ -> PackageVersion <$> parseJSON v
instance FromValue PackageVersion where
fromValue v = PackageVersion <$> case v of
Number n -> return (scientificToVersion n)
String s -> return (T.unpack s)
_ -> typeMismatch "Number or String" v
data PackageConfig_ library executable capture cSources jsSources = PackageConfig {
data PackageConfig_ library executable cSources jsSources = PackageConfig {
packageConfigName :: Maybe String
, packageConfigVersion :: Maybe PackageVersion
, packageConfigSynopsis :: Maybe String
@ -487,13 +426,13 @@ data PackageConfig_ library executable capture cSources jsSources = PackageConfi
, packageConfigLicense :: Maybe String
, packageConfigLicenseFile :: Maybe (List String)
, packageConfigTestedWith :: Maybe String
, packageConfigFlags :: Maybe (Map String (capture FlagSection))
, packageConfigFlags :: Maybe (Map String FlagSection)
, packageConfigExtraSourceFiles :: Maybe (List FilePath)
, packageConfigExtraDocFiles :: Maybe (List FilePath)
, packageConfigDataFiles :: Maybe (List FilePath)
, packageConfigGithub :: Maybe Text
, packageConfigGit :: Maybe String
, packageConfigCustomSetup :: Maybe (capture CustomSetupSection)
, packageConfigCustomSetup :: Maybe CustomSetupSection
, packageConfigLibrary :: Maybe library
, packageConfigInternalLibraries :: Maybe (Map String library)
, packageConfigExecutable :: Maybe executable
@ -502,29 +441,20 @@ data PackageConfig_ library executable capture cSources jsSources = PackageConfi
, packageConfigBenchmarks :: Maybe (Map String executable)
} deriving Generic
data DefaultsConfig capture = DefaultsConfig {
defaultsConfigDefaults :: Maybe (List (capture Defaults))
} deriving Generic
instance HasFieldNames (DefaultsConfig a)
instance FromJSON (DefaultsConfig CaptureUnknownFields) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
data DefaultsConfig = DefaultsConfig {
defaultsConfigDefaults :: Maybe (List Defaults)
} deriving (Generic, FromValue)
traversePackageConfig :: Traversal PackageConfig
traversePackageConfig t@Traverse{..} p@PackageConfig{..} = do
flags <- traverse (traverse traverseCapture) packageConfigFlags
customSetup <- traverse traverseCapture packageConfigCustomSetup
library <- traverse (traverseSectionConfig t) packageConfigLibrary
library <- traverse (traverseWithCommonOptions t) packageConfigLibrary
internalLibraries <- traverseNamedConfigs t packageConfigInternalLibraries
executable <- traverse (traverseSectionConfig t) packageConfigExecutable
executable <- traverse (traverseWithCommonOptions t) packageConfigExecutable
executables <- traverseNamedConfigs t packageConfigExecutables
tests <- traverseNamedConfigs t packageConfigTests
benchmarks <- traverseNamedConfigs t packageConfigBenchmarks
return p {
packageConfigFlags = flags
, packageConfigCustomSetup = customSetup
, packageConfigLibrary = library
packageConfigLibrary = library
, packageConfigInternalLibraries = internalLibraries
, packageConfigExecutable = executable
, packageConfigExecutables = executables
@ -532,45 +462,17 @@ traversePackageConfig t@Traverse{..} p@PackageConfig{..} = do
, packageConfigBenchmarks = benchmarks
traverseNamedConfigs = traverse . traverse . traverseSectionConfig
traverseNamedConfigs = traverse . traverse . traverseWithCommonOptions
traverseSectionConfig :: Traversal_ SectionConfig
traverseSectionConfig t = traverseCapture t >=> traverse (traverseWithCommonOptions t)
type ParsePackageConfig = PackageConfigWithDefaults ParseCSources ParseJsSources
traverseSectionConfigWithDefaluts :: Traversal_ SectionConfigWithDefaluts
traverseSectionConfigWithDefaluts t =
traverseCapture t >=> traverse (bitraverse (traverseDefaultsConfig t) (traverseWithCommonOptions t))
type ParsePackageConfig = PackageConfigWithDefaults CaptureUnknownFields ParseCSources ParseJsSources
instance HasFieldNames ParsePackageConfig where
ignoreUnderscoredUnknownFields _ = True
instance FromJSON ParsePackageConfig where
parseJSON value = handleNullValues <$> genericParseJSON value
handleNullValues :: ParsePackageConfig -> ParsePackageConfig
handleNullValues =
ifNull "homepage" (\p -> p {packageConfigHomepage = Just Nothing})
. ifNull "bug-reports" (\p -> p {packageConfigBugReports = Just Nothing})
ifNull :: String -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
ifNull name f
| isNull name value = f
| otherwise = id
isNull :: String -> Value -> Bool
isNull name value = case parseMaybe p value of
Just Null -> True
_ -> False
p = parseJSON >=> (.: fromString name)
instance FromValue ParsePackageConfig
type Warnings m = WriterT [String] m
type Errors = ExceptT String
decodeYaml :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
decodeYaml file = lift . ExceptT $ (>>= parseValue file) <$> Yaml.decodeYaml file
decodeYaml :: FromValue a => FilePath -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
decodeYaml file = lift (ExceptT $ Yaml.decodeYaml file) >>= decodeValue file
readPackageConfig :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Either String (Package, [String]))
readPackageConfig = readPackageConfigWith Yaml.decodeYaml
@ -578,23 +480,18 @@ readPackageConfig = readPackageConfigWith Yaml.decodeYaml
readPackageConfigWith :: (FilePath -> IO (Either String Value)) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Either String (Package, [String]))
readPackageConfigWith readValue userDataDir file = runExceptT $ runWriterT $ do
value <- lift . ExceptT $ readValue file
config <- lift . ExceptT . return $ parseValue file value
config <- decodeValue file value
dir <- liftIO $ takeDirectory <$> canonicalizePath file
toPackage userDataDir dir config
parseValue :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> Value -> Either String a
parseValue file value = case ifromJSON value of
IError path err -> Left (file ++ ": Error while parsing " ++ formatPath "$" path ++ " - " ++ sanitizeError err)
ISuccess a -> Right a
decodeValue :: FromValue a => FilePath -> Value -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
decodeValue file value = do
(a, unknown) <- lift . ExceptT . return $ first (prefix ++) (Config.decodeValue value)
tell (map formatUnknownField unknown)
return a
formatPath acc [] = acc
formatPath acc (Index n : xs) = formatPath (acc ++ "[" ++ show n ++ "]") xs
formatPath acc (Key key : xs) = formatPath (acc ++ "." ++ T.unpack key) xs
sanitizeError = replace "record (:*:)" "Object"
replace :: String -> String -> String -> String
replace old new = T.unpack . T.replace (T.pack old) (T.pack new) . T.pack
prefix = file ++ ": "
formatUnknownField name = prefix ++ "Ignoring unrecognized field " ++ name
data Package = Package {
packageName :: String
@ -680,12 +577,7 @@ data FlagSection = FlagSection {
_flagSectionDescription :: Maybe String
, _flagSectionManual :: Bool
, _flagSectionDefault :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance HasFieldNames FlagSection
instance FromJSON FlagSection where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
data Flag = Flag {
flagName :: String
@ -702,57 +594,49 @@ data SourceRepository = SourceRepository {
, sourceRepositorySubdir :: Maybe String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Config capture cSources jsSources =
Product (CommonOptions capture cSources jsSources Empty) (PackageConfig capture cSources jsSources)
type Config cSources jsSources =
Product (CommonOptions cSources jsSources Empty) (PackageConfig cSources jsSources)
traverseConfig :: Traversal Config
traverseConfig t = bitraverse (traverseCommonOptions t) (traversePackageConfig t)
type ConfigWithDefaults capture = Product
(CommonOptionsWithDefaults capture Empty)
(PackageConfigWithDefaults capture ParseCSources ParseJsSources)
type ConfigWithDefaults = Product
(CommonOptionsWithDefaults Empty)
(PackageConfigWithDefaults ParseCSources ParseJsSources)
type CommonOptionsWithDefaults capture a = Product
(DefaultsConfig capture)
(CommonOptions capture ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
type CommonOptionsWithDefaults a = Product DefaultsConfig (CommonOptions ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
type WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults a = Product DefaultsConfig (WithCommonOptions ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
type WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults capture a = Product
(DefaultsConfig capture)
(WithCommonOptions capture ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
type ParseConfig = CaptureUnknownFields (ConfigWithDefaults CaptureUnknownFields)
toPackage :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ParseConfig -> Warnings (Errors IO) Package
toPackage :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ConfigWithDefaults -> Warnings (Errors IO) Package
toPackage userDataDir dir =
>=> expandDefaultsInConfig userDataDir
expandDefaultsInConfig userDataDir
>=> traverseConfig (expandForeignSources dir)
>=> toPackage_ dir
:: FilePath
-> ConfigWithDefaults Identity
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (Config Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources)
-> ConfigWithDefaults
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (Config ParseCSources ParseJsSources)
expandDefaultsInConfig userDataDir = bitraverse (expandGlobalDefaults userDataDir) (expandSectionDefaults userDataDir)
:: FilePath
-> CommonOptionsWithDefaults Identity Empty
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (CommonOptions Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources Empty)
-> CommonOptionsWithDefaults Empty
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (CommonOptions ParseCSources ParseJsSources Empty)
expandGlobalDefaults userDataDir = do
fmap (`Product` Empty) >>> expandDefaults userDataDir >=> \ (Product c Empty) -> return c
:: FilePath
-> PackageConfigWithDefaults Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (PackageConfig Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources)
-> PackageConfigWithDefaults ParseCSources ParseJsSources
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (PackageConfig ParseCSources ParseJsSources)
expandSectionDefaults userDataDir p@PackageConfig{..} = do
library <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir)) packageConfigLibrary
internalLibraries <- traverse (traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir))) packageConfigInternalLibraries
executable <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir)) packageConfigExecutable
executables <- traverse (traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir))) packageConfigExecutables
tests <- traverse (traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir))) packageConfigTests
benchmarks <- traverse (traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir))) packageConfigBenchmarks
library <- traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir) packageConfigLibrary
internalLibraries <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir)) packageConfigInternalLibraries
executable <- traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir) packageConfigExecutable
executables <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir)) packageConfigExecutables
tests <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir)) packageConfigTests
benchmarks <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir)) packageConfigBenchmarks
return p{
packageConfigLibrary = library
, packageConfigInternalLibraries = internalLibraries
@ -763,28 +647,28 @@ expandSectionDefaults userDataDir p@PackageConfig{..} = do
:: (HasFieldNames a, FromJSON a, Monoid a)
:: (FromValue a, Monoid a)
=> FilePath
-> WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults Identity a
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (WithCommonOptions Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
-> WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults a
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (WithCommonOptions ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
expandDefaults userDataDir = expand []
expand :: (HasFieldNames a, FromJSON a, Monoid a) =>
expand :: (FromValue a, Monoid a) =>
-> WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults Identity a
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (WithCommonOptions Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
-> WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults a
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (WithCommonOptions ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
expand seen (Product DefaultsConfig{..} c) = do
d <- mconcat <$> mapM (get seen . runIdentity) (fromMaybeList defaultsConfigDefaults)
d <- mconcat <$> mapM (get seen) (fromMaybeList defaultsConfigDefaults)
return (d <> c)
get :: (HasFieldNames a, FromJSON a, Monoid a) =>
get :: forall a. (FromValue a, Monoid a) =>
-> Defaults
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (WithCommonOptions Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (WithCommonOptions ParseCSources ParseJsSources a)
get seen defaults = do
file <- lift $ ExceptT (ensure userDataDir defaults)
seen_ <- lift (checkCycle seen file)
decodeYaml file >>= warnUnknownFieldsInDefaults file >>= expand seen_
decodeYaml file >>= expand seen_
checkCycle :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Errors IO [FilePath]
checkCycle seen file = do
@ -803,9 +687,9 @@ toExecutableMap name executables mExecutable = do
return $ Just (Map.fromList [(name, executable)])
Nothing -> return executables
type GlobalOptions = CommonOptions Identity CSources JsSources Empty
type GlobalOptions = CommonOptions CSources JsSources Empty
toPackage_ :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Product GlobalOptions (PackageConfig Identity CSources JsSources) -> Warnings m Package
toPackage_ :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Product GlobalOptions (PackageConfig CSources JsSources) -> Warnings m Package
toPackage_ dir (Product globalOptions PackageConfig{..}) = do
mLibrary <- liftIO $ traverse (toLibrary dir packageName_ globalOptions) packageConfigLibrary
@ -880,9 +764,9 @@ toPackage_ dir (Product globalOptions PackageConfig{..}) = do
Just n -> ([], n)
mCustomSetup :: Maybe CustomSetup
mCustomSetup = toCustomSetup . runIdentity <$> packageConfigCustomSetup
mCustomSetup = toCustomSetup <$> packageConfigCustomSetup
flags = map (toFlag . fmap runIdentity) $ toList packageConfigFlags
flags = map toFlag $ toList packageConfigFlags
toList :: Maybe (Map String a) -> [(String, a)]
toList = Map.toList . fromMaybe mempty
@ -917,80 +801,11 @@ toPackage_ dir (Product globalOptions PackageConfig{..}) = do
fromGithub = (++ "/issues") . sourceRepositoryUrl <$> github
sequenceUnknownFields :: Applicative capture => Traverse capture capture Identity cSources cSources jsSources jsSources
sequenceUnknownFields = defaultTraverse{traverseCapture = fmap Identity}
:: Monad m
=> String
-> CaptureUnknownFields (WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults CaptureUnknownFields a)
-> Warnings m (WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults Identity a)
warnUnknownFieldsInDefaults name =
(warnUnknownFields In name . (>>= bitraverse sequenceDefaults (traverseWithCommonOptions sequenceUnknownFields)))
:: Applicative m
=> Traverse m capture capture_ cSources cSources_ jsSources jsSources_
-> DefaultsConfig capture -> m (DefaultsConfig capture_)
traverseDefaultsConfig Traverse{..} (DefaultsConfig defaults) = do
DefaultsConfig <$> traverse (traverse $ traverseCapture) defaults
sequenceDefaults :: Applicative capture => DefaultsConfig capture -> capture (DefaultsConfig Identity)
sequenceDefaults = traverseDefaultsConfig sequenceUnknownFields
warnUnknownFieldsInConfig :: forall m. Monad m => ParseConfig -> Warnings m (ConfigWithDefaults Identity)
warnUnknownFieldsInConfig =
>=> bitraverse (bitraverse warnDefaults return) return
>=> traverse warnSections
t = sequenceUnknownFields
warnGlobal c = warnUnknownFields In "package description" (c >>= bitraverse (traverse (traverseCommonOptions t)) return)
warnDefaults :: DefaultsConfig CaptureUnknownFields -> Warnings m (DefaultsConfig Identity)
warnDefaults = warnUnknownFields In "defaults section" . sequenceDefaults
warnSections :: ParsePackageConfig -> Warnings m (PackageConfigWithDefaults Identity ParseCSources ParseJsSources)
warnSections p@PackageConfig{..} = do
flags <- traverse (warnNamed For "flag" . fmap (traverseCapture t)) packageConfigFlags
customSetup <- warnUnknownFields In "custom-setup section" (traverse (traverseCapture t) packageConfigCustomSetup)
library <- warnUnknownFields In "library section" (traverse (traverseSectionConfigWithDefaluts t) packageConfigLibrary)
internalLibraries <- warnNamedSection "internal-libraries" packageConfigInternalLibraries
executable <- warnUnknownFields In "executable section" (traverse (traverseSectionConfigWithDefaluts t) packageConfigExecutable)
executables <- warnNamedSection "executable" packageConfigExecutables
tests <- warnNamedSection "test" packageConfigTests
benchmarks <- warnNamedSection "benchmark" packageConfigBenchmarks
return p {
packageConfigFlags = flags
, packageConfigCustomSetup = customSetup
, packageConfigLibrary = library
, packageConfigInternalLibraries = internalLibraries
, packageConfigExecutable = executable
, packageConfigExecutables = executables
, packageConfigTests = tests
, packageConfigBenchmarks = benchmarks
:: String
-> Maybe (Map String (SectionConfigWithDefaluts CaptureUnknownFields cSources jsSources a))
-> Warnings m (Maybe (Map String (SectionConfigWithDefaluts Identity cSources jsSources a)))
warnNamedSection sectionType = traverse (warnNamed In (sectionType ++ " section") . fmap (traverseSectionConfigWithDefaluts t))
warnNamed :: Preposition -> String -> Map String (CaptureUnknownFields a) -> Warnings m (Map String a)
warnNamed preposition sect = fmap Map.fromList . mapM f . Map.toList
f (name, fields) = (,) name <$> (warnUnknownFields preposition (sect ++ " " ++ show name) fields)
warnUnknownFields :: forall m a. Monad m => Preposition -> String -> CaptureUnknownFields a -> Warnings m a
warnUnknownFields preposition name = fmap snd . bitraverse tell return . formatUnknownFields preposition name
:: MonadIO m
=> FilePath
-> Traverse (Warnings m) capture capture ParseCSources CSources ParseJsSources JsSources
expandForeignSources dir = defaultTraverse {
-> Traverse (Warnings m) ParseCSources CSources ParseJsSources JsSources
expandForeignSources dir = Traverse {
traverseCSources = expand "c-sources"
, traverseJsSources = expand "js-sources"
@ -1051,10 +866,10 @@ inferModules dir packageName_ getMentionedModules getInferredModules fromData fr
r = fromConfig pathsModule inferableModules conf
return (outerModules ++ getInferredModules r, r)
toLibrary :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> SectionConfig Identity CSources JsSources LibrarySection -> IO (Section Library)
toLibrary :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> WithCommonOptions CSources JsSources LibrarySection -> IO (Section Library)
toLibrary dir name globalOptions =
inferModules dir name getMentionedLibraryModules getLibraryModules fromLibrarySectionTopLevel fromLibrarySectionInConditional
. toSectionI (mempty <$ globalOptions)
. toSection (mempty <$ globalOptions)
getLibraryModules :: Library -> [String]
getLibraryModules Library{..} = libraryExposedModules ++ libraryOtherModules
@ -1093,21 +908,21 @@ fromLibrarySectionPlain LibrarySection{..} = Library {
, librarySignatures = fromMaybeList librarySectionSignatures
toInternalLibraries :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> Maybe (Map String (SectionConfig Identity CSources JsSources LibrarySection)) -> IO (Map String (Section Library))
toInternalLibraries :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> Maybe (Map String (WithCommonOptions CSources JsSources LibrarySection)) -> IO (Map String (Section Library))
toInternalLibraries dir packageName_ globalOptions = traverse (toLibrary dir packageName_ globalOptions) . fromMaybe mempty
toExecutables :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> Maybe (Map String (SectionConfig Identity CSources JsSources ExecutableSection)) -> IO (Map String (Section Executable))
toExecutables :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> Maybe (Map String (WithCommonOptions CSources JsSources ExecutableSection)) -> IO (Map String (Section Executable))
toExecutables dir packageName_ globalOptions = traverse (toExecutable dir packageName_ globalOptions) . fromMaybe mempty
getMentionedExecutableModules :: ExecutableSection -> [String]
getMentionedExecutableModules (ExecutableSection main otherModules generatedModules)=
maybe id (:) (main >>= toModule . splitDirectories) $ fromMaybeList (otherModules <> generatedModules)
toExecutable :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> SectionConfig Identity CSources JsSources ExecutableSection -> IO (Section Executable)
toExecutable :: FilePath -> String -> GlobalOptions -> WithCommonOptions CSources JsSources ExecutableSection -> IO (Section Executable)
toExecutable dir packageName_ globalOptions =
inferModules dir packageName_ getMentionedExecutableModules executableOtherModules fromExecutableSection (fromExecutableSection [])
. expandMain
. toSectionI (mempty <$ globalOptions)
. toSection (mempty <$ globalOptions)
fromExecutableSection :: [String] -> [String] -> ExecutableSection -> Executable
fromExecutableSection pathsModule inferableModules ExecutableSection{..} =
@ -1135,13 +950,10 @@ expandMain = flatten . expand
, sectionConditionals = map (fmap flatten) sectionConditionals
toSectionI :: CommonOptions Identity CSources JsSources a -> Identity (WithCommonOptions Identity CSources JsSources a) -> Section a
toSectionI globalOptions = toSection globalOptions . runIdentity
toSection :: CommonOptions Identity CSources JsSources a -> WithCommonOptions Identity CSources JsSources a -> Section a
toSection :: CommonOptions CSources JsSources a -> WithCommonOptions CSources JsSources a -> Section a
toSection globalOptions (Product options a) = toSection_ (Product (globalOptions <> options) a)
toSection_ :: WithCommonOptions Identity CSources JsSources a -> Section a
toSection_ :: WithCommonOptions CSources JsSources a -> Section a
toSection_ (Product CommonOptions{..} a) = Section {
sectionData = a
, sectionSourceDirs = fromMaybeList commonOptionsSourceDirs
@ -1168,15 +980,12 @@ toSection_ (Product CommonOptions{..} a) = Section {
, sectionBuildTools = fromMaybe mempty commonOptionsBuildTools
toSectionI_ :: Identity (WithCommonOptions Identity CSources JsSources a) -> Section a
toSectionI_ = toSection_ . runIdentity
conditionals = map toConditional (fromMaybeList commonOptionsWhen)
toConditional :: ConditionalSection Identity CSources JsSources a -> Conditional (Section a)
toConditional :: ConditionalSection CSources JsSources a -> Conditional (Section a)
toConditional x = case x of
FlatConditional (Identity (Product sect c)) -> conditional c (toSection_ sect) Nothing
ThenElseConditional (Identity (Product (ThenElse then_ else_) c)) -> conditional c (toSectionI_ then_) (Just $ toSectionI_ else_)
ThenElseConditional (Product (ThenElse then_ else_) c) -> conditional c (toSection_ then_) (Just $ toSection_ else_)
FlatConditional (Product sect c) -> conditional c (toSection_ sect) Nothing
conditional (Condition (Cond c)) = Conditional c

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Hpack.Syntax
import Hpack.Syntax.Defaults
type URL = String

View File

@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ import qualified Distribution.Version as D
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
githubBaseUrl :: String
githubBaseUrl = "https://github.com/"
@ -50,11 +51,11 @@ data SourceDependency = GitRef GitUrl GitRef (Maybe FilePath) | Local FilePath
type GitUrl = String
type GitRef = String
instance FromJSON Dependencies where
parseJSON v = case v of
String _ -> dependenciesFromList . return <$> parseJSON v
Array _ -> dependenciesFromList <$> parseJSON v
Object _ -> Dependencies <$> parseJSON v
instance FromValue Dependencies where
fromValue v = case v of
String _ -> dependenciesFromList . return <$> fromValue v
Array _ -> dependenciesFromList <$> fromValue v
Object _ -> Dependencies <$> fromValue v
_ -> typeMismatch "Array, Object, or String" v
fromDependency :: Dependency -> (String, DependencyVersion)
@ -63,10 +64,11 @@ instance FromJSON Dependencies where
dependenciesFromList :: [Dependency] -> Dependencies
dependenciesFromList = Dependencies . Map.fromList . map fromDependency
instance FromJSON DependencyVersion where
parseJSON v = case v of
instance FromValue DependencyVersion where
fromValue v = case v of
Null -> return AnyVersion
Object _ -> SourceDependency <$> parseJSON v
Object _ -> SourceDependency <$> fromValue v
Number n -> return (scientificToDependencyVersion n)
String s -> parseVersionRange ("== " ++ input) <|> parseVersionRange input
@ -88,8 +90,8 @@ scientificToVersion n = version
| otherwise = 0
e = base10Exponent n
instance FromJSON SourceDependency where
parseJSON = withObject "SourceDependency" (\o -> let
instance FromValue SourceDependency where
fromValue = withObject (\o -> let
local :: Parser SourceDependency
local = Local <$> o .: "path"
@ -115,15 +117,13 @@ data Dependency = Dependency {
, _dependencyVersion :: DependencyVersion
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON Dependency where
parseJSON v = case v of
String _ -> do
(name, versionRange) <- parseJSON v >>= parseDependency
return (Dependency name versionRange)
instance FromValue Dependency where
fromValue v = case v of
String s -> uncurry Dependency <$> parseDependency (T.unpack s)
Object o -> addSourceDependency o
_ -> typeMismatch "Object or String" v
addSourceDependency o = Dependency <$> name <*> (SourceDependency <$> parseJSON v)
addSourceDependency o = Dependency <$> name <*> (SourceDependency <$> fromValue v)
name :: Parser String
name = o .: "name"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hpack.Syntax (
module Hpack.Syntax.Defaults (
#ifdef TEST
, isValidUser
@ -10,31 +11,25 @@ module Hpack.Syntax (
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.FilePath.Posix (splitDirectories)
import Hpack.Syntax.Util
import Hpack.Syntax.UnknownFields
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
import Hpack.Syntax.Git
data ParseDefaults = ParseDefaults {
parseDefaultsGithub :: Github
, parseDefaultsRef :: Ref
, parseDefaultsPath :: Maybe Path
} deriving Generic
instance HasFieldNames ParseDefaults
instance FromJSON ParseDefaults where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON
} deriving (Generic, FromValue)
data Github = Github {
githubUser :: String
, githubRepo :: String
instance FromJSON Github where
parseJSON v = parseJSON v >>= parseGithub
instance FromValue Github where
fromValue = withString parseGithub
parseGithub :: String -> Parser Github
parseGithub github
@ -70,8 +65,8 @@ alphaNum = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9']
data Ref = Ref {unRef :: String}
instance FromJSON Ref where
parseJSON v = parseJSON v >>= parseRef
instance FromValue Ref where
fromValue = withString parseRef
parseRef :: String -> Parser Ref
parseRef ref
@ -80,8 +75,8 @@ parseRef ref
data Path = Path {unPath :: [FilePath]}
instance FromJSON Path where
parseJSON v = parseJSON v >>= parsePath
instance FromValue Path where
fromValue = withString parsePath
parsePath path
| '\\' `elem` path = fail ("rejecting '\\' in " ++ show path ++ ", please use '/' to separate path components")
@ -99,10 +94,10 @@ data Defaults = Defaults {
, defaultsPath :: [FilePath]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON Defaults where
parseJSON v = toDefaults <$> case v of
String _ -> parseJSON v >>= parseDefaultsFromString
Object _ -> parseJSON v
instance FromValue Defaults where
fromValue v = toDefaults <$> case v of
String s -> parseDefaultsFromString (T.unpack s)
Object _ -> fromValue v
_ -> typeMismatch "Object or String" v
toDefaults :: ParseDefaults -> Defaults
@ -117,6 +112,3 @@ parseDefaultsFromString :: String -> Parser ParseDefaults
parseDefaultsFromString xs = case break (== '@') xs of
(github, '@' : ref) -> ParseDefaults <$> parseGithub github <*> parseRef ref <*> pure Nothing
_ -> fail ("missing Git reference for " ++ show xs ++ ", the expected format is user/repo@ref")
instance HasFieldNames Defaults where
fieldNames Proxy = fieldNames (Proxy :: Proxy ParseDefaults)

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Hpack.Syntax.GenericsUtil (
, typeName
, Selectors
, selectors
) where
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics
type HasTypeName a d m = (Datatype d, Generic a, Rep a ~ M1 D d m)
typeName :: forall a d m. (Datatype d, Generic a, Rep a ~ M1 D d m) => Proxy a -> String
typeName _ = datatypeName (undefined :: M1 D d x y)
selectors :: (Selectors (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> [String]
selectors = f
f :: forall a. (Selectors (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> [String]
f _ = selNames (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a))
class Selectors a where
selNames :: Proxy a -> [String]
instance Selectors f => Selectors (M1 D x f) where
selNames _ = selNames (Proxy :: Proxy f)
instance Selectors f => Selectors (M1 C x f) where
selNames _ = selNames (Proxy :: Proxy f)
instance Selector s => Selectors (M1 S s (K1 R t)) where
selNames _ = [selName (undefined :: M1 S s (K1 R t) ())]
instance (Selectors a, Selectors b) => Selectors (a :*: b) where
selNames _ = selNames (Proxy :: Proxy a) ++ selNames (Proxy :: Proxy b)
instance Selectors U1 where
selNames _ = []

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Hpack.Syntax.UnknownFields (
, HasFieldNames(..)
, hyphenize
, CaptureUnknownFields
, Preposition(..)
, formatUnknownFields
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Hpack.Syntax.GenericsUtil
import Hpack.Syntax.Util
newtype FieldName = FieldName {unFieldName :: String}
class HasFieldNames a where
fieldNames :: Proxy a -> [FieldName]
default fieldNames :: (HasTypeName a d m, Selectors (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> [FieldName]
fieldNames proxy = map (FieldName . hyphenize (typeName proxy)) (selectors proxy)
ignoreUnderscoredUnknownFields :: Proxy a -> Bool
ignoreUnderscoredUnknownFields _ = False
data CaptureUnknownFields a = CaptureUnknownFields [FieldName] a
deriving Functor
instance Applicative CaptureUnknownFields where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad CaptureUnknownFields where
return = CaptureUnknownFields mempty
(CaptureUnknownFields xs x) >>= f = CaptureUnknownFields (xs `mappend` ys) y
CaptureUnknownFields ys y = f x
captureUnknownFields :: forall a. (HasFieldNames a, FromJSON a) => Value -> Parser (CaptureUnknownFields a)
captureUnknownFields v = CaptureUnknownFields unknown <$> parseJSON v
unknown = getUnknownFields v (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance (HasFieldNames a, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (CaptureUnknownFields a) where
parseJSON = captureUnknownFields
getUnknownFields :: forall a. HasFieldNames a => Value -> Proxy a -> [FieldName]
getUnknownFields v _ = case v of
Object o -> map FieldName (ignoreUnderscored unknown)
unknown = keys \\ fields
keys = map T.unpack (HashMap.keys o)
fields = map unFieldName $ fieldNames (Proxy :: Proxy a)
| ignoreUnderscoredUnknownFields (Proxy :: Proxy a) = filter (not . isPrefixOf "_")
| otherwise = id
_ -> []
data Preposition = In | For
formatUnknownFields :: Preposition -> String -> CaptureUnknownFields a -> ([String], a)
formatUnknownFields p name (CaptureUnknownFields unknownFields a) = (formatUnknownFields_ preposition name unknownFields, a)
preposition = case p of
In -> "in"
For -> "for"
formatUnknownFields_ :: String -> String -> [FieldName] -> [String]
formatUnknownFields_ preposition name = map f
f (FieldName field) = "Ignoring unknown field " ++ show field ++ " " ++ preposition ++ " " ++ name

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Hpack.Syntax.Util (
, genericParseJSON
, hyphenize
, module Data.Aeson.Types
) where
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (genericParseJSON)
import Data.Data
import GHC.Generics
import Hpack.Syntax.GenericsUtil
genericParseJSON :: forall a d m. (GFromJSON Zero (Rep a), HasTypeName a d m) => Value -> Parser a
genericParseJSON = Aeson.genericParseJSON defaultOptions {fieldLabelModifier = hyphenize name}
name :: String
name = typeName (Proxy :: Proxy a)
hyphenize :: String -> String -> String
hyphenize name =
camelTo2 '-' . drop (length (dropWhile (== '_') $ reverse name)) . dropWhile (== '_')

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@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Hpack.Util (
, fromMaybeList
, GhcOption
, GhcProfOption
, GhcjsOption
, CppOption
@ -25,7 +19,6 @@ module Hpack.Util (
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Char
import Data.List hiding (sort)
import Data.Ord
@ -45,17 +38,6 @@ sort = sortBy (comparing lexicographically)
lexicographically :: String -> (String, String)
lexicographically x = (map toLower x, x)
newtype List a = List {fromList :: [a]}
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Monoid)
instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (List a) where
parseJSON v = List <$> case v of
Array _ -> parseJSON v
_ -> return <$> parseJSON v
fromMaybeList :: Maybe (List a) -> [a]
fromMaybeList = maybe [] fromList
type GhcOption = String
type GhcProfOption = String
type GhcjsOption = String

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@ -1 +1 @@
resolver: nightly-2017-09-25
resolver: nightly-2018-01-29

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Data.Aeson.Config.FromValueSpec where
import Helper
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
shouldDecodeTo :: (HasCallStack, Eq a, Show a, FromValue a) => Value -> DecodeResult a -> Expectation
shouldDecodeTo value expected = decodeValue value `shouldBe` expected
shouldDecodeTo_ :: (HasCallStack, Eq a, Show a, FromValue a) => Value -> a -> Expectation
shouldDecodeTo_ value expected = decodeValue value `shouldBe` Right (expected, [])
data Person = Person {
personName :: String
, personAge :: Int
, personAddress :: Maybe Address
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
data Address = Address {
addressRegion :: String
, addressZip :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
data Job = Job {
jobRole :: String
, jobSalary :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, FromValue)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "fromValue" $ do
context "with a record" $ do
left :: String -> DecodeResult Person
left = Left
it "decodes a record" $ do
name: "Joe"
age: 23
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Person "Joe" 23 Nothing
it "captures unrecognized fields" $ do
name: "Joe"
age: 23
foo: bar
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (Person "Joe" 23 Nothing, ["$.foo"])
it "captures nested unrecognized fields" $ do
name: "Joe"
age: 23
region: somewhere
zip: "123456"
bar: 23
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (Person "Joe" 23 (Just (Address "somewhere" "123456")), ["$.address.foo"])
it "fails on missing field" $ do
name: "Joe"
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - key \"age\" not present"
it "fails on invalid field value" $ do
name: "Joe"
age: "23"
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.age - expected Int, encountered String"
context "with (,)" $ do
it "captures unrecognized fields" $ do
name: Joe
age: 23
role: engineer
salary: 100000
foo: bar
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right ((Person "Joe" 23 Nothing, Job "engineer" 100000), ["$.foo"])
context "with []" $ do
it "captures unrecognized fields" $ do
expected = [Person "Joe" 23 (Just (Address "somewhere" "123456")), Person "Marry" 25 Nothing]
- name: "Joe"
age: 23
region: somewhere
zip: "123456"
foo: 23
- name: "Marry"
age: 25
bar: 42
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (expected, ["$[1].bar", "$[0].address.foo"])
context "with Map" $ do
it "captures unrecognized fields" $ do
region: somewhere
zip: '123456'
foo: bar
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (Map.fromList [("Joe", Address "somewhere" "123456")], ["$.Joe.foo"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Data.Aeson.Config.TypesSpec (spec) where
import Helper
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValueSpec (shouldDecodeTo, shouldDecodeTo_)
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
import Data.Aeson.Config.Types
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "fromValue" $ do
context "List" $ do
parseError :: String -> DecodeResult (List Int)
parseError prefix = Left (prefix ++ " - expected Int, encountered String")
context "when parsing single values" $ do
it "returns the value in a singleton list" $ do
[yaml|23|] `shouldDecodeTo_` (List [23 :: Int])
it "returns error messages from element parsing" $ do
[yaml|foo|] `shouldDecodeTo` parseError "Error while parsing $"
context "when parsing a list of values" $ do
it "returns the list" $ do
- 23
- 42
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` List [23, 42 :: Int]
it "propagates parse error messages of invalid elements" $ do
- 23
- foo
|] `shouldDecodeTo` parseError "Error while parsing $[1]"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Hpack.Syntax.UtilSpec (spec) where
module Data.Aeson.Config.UtilSpec (spec) where
import Test.Hspec
import Hpack.Syntax.Util
import Data.Aeson.Config.Util
spec :: Spec
spec = do

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import Prelude hiding (writeFile)
import qualified Prelude
import Helper
import Test.HUnit
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import Control.Exception
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.String.Interpolate
@ -218,16 +218,15 @@ spec = around_ (inTempDirectoryNamed "foo") $ do
name: foo
library: {}
|] `shouldWarn` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in defaults section"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"foo\" in " ++ file
"package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.defaults.bar"
, file ++ ": Ignoring unrecognized field $.foo"
describe "version" $ do
it "accepts string" $ do
version: 0.1.0
|] `shouldRenderTo` (package [i|
|]) {packageVersion = "0.1.0"}
|] `shouldRenderTo` (package "") {packageVersion = "0.1.0"}
it "accepts number" $ do
@ -240,6 +239,33 @@ spec = around_ (inTempDirectoryNamed "foo") $ do
version: {}
|] `shouldFailWith` "package.yaml: Error while parsing $.version - expected Number or String, encountered Object"
describe "build-type" $ do
it "accept Simple" $ do
build-type: Simple
|] `shouldRenderTo` (package "") {packageBuildType = "Simple"}
it "accept Configure" $ do
build-type: Configure
|] `shouldRenderTo` (package "") {packageBuildType = "Configure"}
it "accept Make" $ do
build-type: Make
|] `shouldRenderTo` (package "") {packageBuildType = "Make"}
it "accept Custom" $ do
build-type: Custom
|] `shouldRenderTo` (package "") {packageBuildType = "Custom"}
it "rejects invalid values" $ do
build-type: foo
|] `shouldFailWith` "package.yaml: Error while parsing $.build-type - expected one of Simple, Configure, Make, or Custom"
describe "extra-doc-files" $ do
it "accepts a list of files" $ do
touch "CHANGES.markdown"
@ -509,8 +535,8 @@ spec = around_ (inTempDirectoryNamed "foo") $ do
foo: 1
bar: 2
|] `shouldWarn` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in custom-setup section"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"foo\" in custom-setup section"
"package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.custom-setup.bar"
, "package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.custom-setup.foo"
it "accepts dependencies" $ do
@ -790,7 +816,7 @@ spec = around_ (inTempDirectoryNamed "foo") $ do
baz: 42
|] `shouldWarn` pure "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in internal-libraries section \"bar\""
|] `shouldWarn` pure "package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.internal-libraries.bar.baz"
it "warns on missing source-dirs" $ do
@ -972,10 +998,10 @@ spec = around_ (inTempDirectoryNamed "foo") $ do
- condition: os(windows)
baz: 23
|] `shouldWarn` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"foo\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"bar2\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in package description"
"package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.foo"
, "package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.when[0].bar"
, "package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.when[0].when.bar2"
, "package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.when[1].baz"
context "when parsing conditionals with else-branch" $ do
@ -1028,13 +1054,13 @@ spec = around_ (inTempDirectoryNamed "foo") $ do
baz: null
|] `shouldWarn` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"foo\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in package description"
"package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.when.foo"
, "package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.when.then.bar"
, "package.yaml: Ignoring unrecognized field $.when.else.when.else.baz"
run :: FilePath -> String -> IO ([String], String)
run c old = run_ c old >>= either (throwIO . ErrorCall) return
run :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> String -> IO ([String], String)
run c old = run_ c old >>= either assertFailure return
run_ :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Either String ([String], String))
run_ c old = do

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@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ module Helper (
, withTempDirectory
, module System.FilePath
, withCurrentDirectory
, shouldParseAs
, yaml
) where
import Data.Yaml
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Mockery.Directory
@ -20,6 +18,9 @@ import Control.Exception
import qualified System.IO.Temp as Temp
import System.FilePath
import Data.Yaml.TH (yamlQQ)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter)
withCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
withCurrentDirectory dir action = do
bracket getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory $ \ _ -> do
@ -30,6 +31,5 @@ withTempDirectory :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempDirectory action = Temp.withSystemTempDirectory "hspec" $ \dir -> do
canonicalizePath dir >>= action
shouldParseAs :: (HasCallStack, Show a, Eq a, FromJSON a) => ByteString -> Either String a -> Expectation
shouldParseAs input expected = do
decodeEither input `shouldBe` expected
yaml :: Language.Haskell.TH.Quote.QuasiQuoter
yaml = yamlQQ

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@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ module Hpack.ConfigSpec (
) where
import Helper
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValueSpec hiding (spec)
import Data.String.Interpolate.IsString
import Control.Arrow
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts
@ -23,11 +24,14 @@ import System.Directory (createDirectory)
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Hpack.Util
import Hpack.Dependency
import Hpack.Config hiding (package)
import qualified Hpack.Config as Config
import Data.Aeson.Config.Types
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
instance Exts.IsList (Maybe (List a)) where
type Item (Maybe (List a)) = a
fromList = Just . List
@ -152,78 +156,6 @@ spec = do
getModules dir "./." `shouldReturn` ["Foo"]
describe "readPackageConfig" $ do
it "warns on unknown fields" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
bar: 23
baz: 42
_qux: 66
(`shouldMatchList` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in package description"
it "warns on unknown fields in when block, list" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
- condition: impl(ghc)
bar: 23
baz: 42
_qux: 66
(`shouldMatchList` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"_qux\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in package description"
it "warns on unknown fields in when block, single" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
condition: impl(ghc)
github: foo/bar
dependencies: ghc-prim
baz: 42
(`shouldMatchList` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in package description"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"github\" in package description"
it "warns on unknown fields in when block in library section" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
condition: impl(ghc)
baz: 42
(`shouldBe` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in library section"
it "warns on unknown fields in when block in executable section" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
main: Main.hs
condition: impl(ghc)
baz: 42
(`shouldBe` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in executable section \"foo\""
it "warns on missing name" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
@ -320,33 +252,6 @@ spec = do
(packageLicenseFile >>> (`shouldBe` ["FOO", "BAR"]))
it "accepts build-type: Simple" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
build-type: Simple
(`shouldBe` package {packageBuildType = Simple})
it "accepts build-type: Configure" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
build-type: Configure
(`shouldBe` package {packageBuildType = Configure})
it "accepts build-type: Make" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
build-type: Make
(`shouldBe` package {packageBuildType = Make})
it "accepts build-type: Custom" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
build-type: Custom
(`shouldBe` package {packageBuildType = Custom})
it "rejects unknown build-type" $ do
parseEither parseJSON (String "foobar") `shouldBe` (Left "Error in $: build-type must be one of: Simple, Configure, Make, Custom" :: Either String BuildType)
it "accepts flags" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
@ -357,21 +262,6 @@ spec = do
(packageFlags >>> (`shouldBe` [Flag "integration-tests" (Just "Run the integration test suite") True False]))
it "warns on unknown fields in flag sections" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
description: Run the integration test suite
manual: yes
default: no
foo: 23
(`shouldBe` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"foo\" for flag \"integration-tests\""
it "accepts extra-source-files" $ do
withPackageConfig [i|
@ -510,19 +400,6 @@ spec = do
(packageName >>> (`shouldBe` "n2"))
context "when reading library section" $ do
it "warns on unknown fields" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
bar: 23
baz: 42
(`shouldMatchList` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in library section"
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in library section"
it "accepts source-dirs" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
@ -585,21 +462,6 @@ spec = do
(packageLibrary >>> (`shouldBe` Just (section library{libraryExposed = Just False})))
context "when reading executable section" $ do
it "warns on unknown fields" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
main: Main.hs
bar: 42
baz: 23
(`shouldMatchList` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in executable section \"foo\""
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in executable section \"foo\""
it "reads executables section" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
@ -615,15 +477,6 @@ spec = do
(packageExecutables >>> (`shouldBe` Map.fromList [("foo", section $ executable "driver/Main.hs")]))
it "warns on unknown executable fields" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
main: Main.hs
unknown: true
(`shouldBe` ["Ignoring unknown field \"unknown\" in executable section"])
context "with both executable and executables" $ do
it "gives executable precedence" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
@ -748,38 +601,7 @@ spec = do
(`shouldBe` package {packageExecutables = Map.fromList [("foo", (section $ executable "driver/Main.hs") {sectionGhcProfOptions = ["-fprof-auto"]})]})
context "when reading benchmark section" $ do
it "warns on unknown fields" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
main: Main.hs
bar: 42
baz: 23
(`shouldMatchList` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in benchmark section \"foo\""
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in benchmark section \"foo\""
context "when reading test section" $ do
it "warns on unknown fields" $ do
withPackageWarnings_ [i|
name: foo
main: Main.hs
bar: 42
baz: 23
(`shouldMatchList` [
"Ignoring unknown field \"bar\" in test section \"foo\""
, "Ignoring unknown field \"baz\" in test section \"foo\""
it "reads test section" $ do
withPackageConfig_ [i|
@ -841,24 +663,34 @@ spec = do
let file = dir </> "package.yaml"
readPackageConfig undefined file `shouldReturn` Left [i|#{file}: Yaml file not found: #{file}|]
describe "parseJSON" $ do
context "when parsing Cond" $ do
describe "fromValue" $ do
context "with Cond" $ do
it "accepts Strings" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` Right (Cond "os(windows)")
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Cond "os(windows)"
it "accepts True" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` Right (Cond "true")
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Cond "true"
it "accepts False" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` Right (Cond "false")
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Cond "false"
it "rejects other values" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $: expected Boolean or String, encountered Number" :: Either String Cond)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` (Left "Error while parsing $ - expected Boolean or String, encountered Number" :: DecodeResult Cond)
describe "formatOrList" $ do
it "formats a singleton list" $ do
formatOrList ["foo"] `shouldBe` "foo"
it "formats a 2-element list" $ do
formatOrList ["foo", "bar"] `shouldBe` "foo or bar"
it "formats an n-element list" $ do
formatOrList ["foo", "bar", "baz"] `shouldBe` "foo, bar, or baz"

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@ -6,164 +6,164 @@ module Hpack.DependencySpec (spec) where
import Helper
import Data.String.Interpolate.IsString
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValueSpec (shouldDecodeTo, shouldDecodeTo_)
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
import Hpack.Dependency
parsesAs :: HasCallStack => ByteString -> Either String Dependencies -> Expectation
parsesAs = shouldParseAs
left :: String -> DecodeResult Dependencies
left = Left
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "parseJSON" $ do
describe "fromValue" $ do
context "when parsing Dependencies" $ do
context "with a scalar" $ do
it "accepts dependencies without constraints" $ do
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", AnyVersion)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", AnyVersion)]
it "accepts dependencies with constraints" $ do
hpack >= 2 && < 3
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2 && <3")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2 && <3")]
context "with invalid constraint" $ do
it "returns an error message" $ do
hpack ==
|] `parsesAs` Left "Error in $: invalid dependency \"hpack ==\""
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - invalid dependency \"hpack ==\""
context "with a list" $ do
it "accepts dependencies without constraints" $ do
- hpack
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", AnyVersion)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", AnyVersion)]
it "accepts dependencies with constraints" $ do
- hpack >= 2 && < 3
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2 && <3")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2 && <3")]
it "accepts git dependencies" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing
- name: hpack
git: https://github.com/sol/hpack
ref: master
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
it "accepts github dependencies" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/sol/hpack" "master" Nothing
- name: hpack
github: sol/hpack
ref: master
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
it "accepts an optional subdirectory for git dependencies" $ do
let source = GitRef "https://github.com/yesodweb/wai" "master" (Just "warp")
- name: warp
github: yesodweb/wai
ref: master
subdir: warp
|] `parsesAs` Right [("warp", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("warp", SourceDependency source)]
it "accepts local dependencies" $ do
let source = Local "../hpack"
- name: hpack
path: ../hpack
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", SourceDependency source)]
context "when ref is missing" $ do
it "produces accurate error messages" $ do
- name: hpack
git: sol/hpack
ef: master
|] `parsesAs` Left "Error in $[0]: key \"ref\" not present"
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $[0] - key \"ref\" not present"
context "when both git and github are missing" $ do
it "produces accurate error messages" $ do
- name: hpack
gi: sol/hpack
ref: master
|] `parsesAs` Left "Error in $[0]: neither key \"git\" nor key \"github\" present"
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $[0] - neither key \"git\" nor key \"github\" present"
context "with a mapping from dependency names to constraints" $ do
it "accepts dependencies without constraints" $ do
|] `parsesAs` Right [("array", AnyVersion)]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("array", AnyVersion)]
it "rejects invalid values" $ do
hpack: []
|] `parsesAs` Left "Error in $.hpack: expected Null, Object, Number, or String, encountered Array"
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.hpack - expected Null, Object, Number, or String, encountered Array"
context "when the constraint is a Number" $ do
it "accepts 1" $ do
hpack: 1
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange "==1")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==1")]
it "accepts 1.0" $ do
hpack: 1.0
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange "==1.0")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==1.0")]
it "accepts 0.11" $ do
hpack: 0.11
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange "==0.11")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==0.11")]
it "accepts 0.110" $ do
hpack: 0.110
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange "==0.110")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==0.110")]
it "accepts 1e2" $ do
hpack: 1e2
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange "==100")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==100")]
context "when the constraint is a String" $ do
it "accepts version ranges" $ do
hpack: '>=2'
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange ">=2")]
it "accepts specific versions" $ do
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange "==")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==")]
it "accepts wildcard versions" $ do
hpack: 2.*
|] `parsesAs` Right [("hpack", VersionRange "==2.*")]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("hpack", VersionRange "==2.*")]
it "reports parse errors" $ do
hpack: foo
|] `parsesAs` Left "Error in $.hpack: invalid constraint \"foo\""
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.hpack - invalid constraint \"foo\""
context "when the constraint is an Object" $ do
it "accepts github dependencies" $ do
github: haskell/cabal
ref: d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76
subdir: Cabal
|] `parsesAs` Right [("Cabal", SourceDependency (GitRef "https://github.com/haskell/cabal" "d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76" (Just "Cabal")))]
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Dependencies [("Cabal", SourceDependency (GitRef "https://github.com/haskell/cabal" "d53b6e0d908dfedfdf4337b2935519fb1d689e76" (Just "Cabal")))]
it "ignores names in nested hashes" $ do
name: inner-name
path: somewhere
|] `parsesAs` Right [("outer-name", SourceDependency (Local "somewhere"))]
|] `shouldDecodeTo` Right (Dependencies [("outer-name", SourceDependency (Local "somewhere"))], ["$.outer-name.name"])

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Hpack.SyntaxSpec (spec) where
module Hpack.Syntax.DefaultsSpec (spec) where
import Helper
import Data.String.Interpolate.IsString
import Hpack.Syntax
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValueSpec hiding (spec)
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue
import Hpack.Syntax.Defaults
spec :: Spec
spec = do
@ -46,15 +48,18 @@ spec = do
it "accepts hyphens" $ do
isValidRepo "foo-bar" `shouldBe` True
describe "parseJSON" $ do
describe "fromValue" $ do
context "when parsing Defaults" $ do
left :: String -> DecodeResult Defaults
left = Left
context "with Object" $ do
it "accepts Defaults from GitHub" $ do
github: sol/hpack
ref: 0.1.0
path: defaults.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` Right Defaults {
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Defaults {
defaultsGithubUser = "sol"
, defaultsGithubRepo = "hpack"
, defaultsRef = "0.1.0"
@ -62,59 +67,59 @@ spec = do
it "rejects invalid user names" $ do
github: ../hpack
ref: 0.1.0
path: defaults.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $.github: invalid user name \"..\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.github - invalid user name \"..\""
it "rejects invalid repository names" $ do
github: sol/..
ref: 0.1.0
path: defaults.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $.github: invalid repository name \"..\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.github - invalid repository name \"..\""
it "rejects invalid Git references" $ do
github: sol/hpack
ref: ../foo/bar
path: defaults.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $.ref: invalid Git reference \"../foo/bar\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.ref - invalid Git reference \"../foo/bar\""
it "rejects \\ in path" $ do
github: sol/hpack
ref: 0.1.0
path: hpack\\defaults.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $.path: rejecting '\\' in \"hpack\\\\defaults.yaml\", please use '/' to separate path components" :: Either String Defaults)
path: hpack\defaults.yaml
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.path - rejecting '\\' in \"hpack\\\\defaults.yaml\", please use '/' to separate path components"
it "rejects : in path" $ do
github: sol/hpack
ref: 0.1.0
path: foo:bar.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $.path: rejecting ':' in \"foo:bar.yaml\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.path - rejecting ':' in \"foo:bar.yaml\""
it "rejects absolute paths" $ do
github: sol/hpack
ref: 0.1.0
path: /defaults.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $.path: rejecting absolute path \"/defaults.yaml\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.path - rejecting absolute path \"/defaults.yaml\""
it "rejects .. in path" $ do
github: sol/hpack
ref: 0.1.0
path: ../../defaults.yaml
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $.path: rejecting \"..\" in \"../../defaults.yaml\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $.path - rejecting \"..\" in \"../../defaults.yaml\""
context "with String" $ do
it "accepts Defaults from GitHub" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` Right Defaults {
|] `shouldDecodeTo_` Defaults {
defaultsGithubUser = "sol"
, defaultsGithubRepo = "hpack"
, defaultsRef = "0.1.0"
@ -122,27 +127,27 @@ spec = do
it "rejects invalid user names" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $: invalid user name \"..\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - invalid user name \"..\""
it "rejects invalid repository names" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $: invalid repository name \"..\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - invalid repository name \"..\""
it "rejects invalid Git references" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $: invalid Git reference \"../foo/bar\"" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - invalid Git reference \"../foo/bar\""
it "rejects missing Git reference" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $: missing Git reference for \"sol/hpack\", the expected format is user/repo@ref" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - missing Git reference for \"sol/hpack\", the expected format is user/repo@ref"
context "with neither Object nor String" $ do
it "fails" $ do
|] `shouldParseAs` (Left "Error in $: expected Object or String, encountered Number" :: Either String Defaults)
|] `shouldDecodeTo` left "Error while parsing $ - expected Object or String, encountered Number"

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Hpack.Syntax.GenericsUtilSpec (spec) where
import Test.Hspec
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics
import Hpack.Syntax.GenericsUtil
data Person = Person {
_personName :: String
, _personAge :: Int
} deriving Generic
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "selectors" $ do
it "returns a list of record selectors" $ do
selectors (Proxy :: Proxy Person) `shouldBe` ["_personName", "_personAge"]
describe "typeName" $ do
it "gets datatype name" $ do
typeName (Proxy :: Proxy Person) `shouldBe` "Person"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Hpack.UtilSpec (main, spec) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Helper
import System.Directory
@ -69,25 +65,6 @@ spec = do
touch "foo/bar/baz"
getModuleFilesRecursive "foo" `shouldReturn` empty
describe "List" $ do
parseError :: String -> Either String (List Int)
parseError prefix = Left (prefix ++ ": expected Int, encountered String")
context "when parsing single values" $ do
it "returns the value in a singleton list" $ do
fromJSON (toJSON $ Number 23) `shouldBe` Success (List [23 :: Int])
it "returns error messages from element parsing" $ do
parseEither parseJSON (String "foo") `shouldBe` parseError "Error in $"
context "when parsing a list of values" $ do
it "returns the list" $ do
fromJSON (toJSON [Number 23, Number 42]) `shouldBe` Success (List [23, 42 :: Int])
it "propagates parse error messages of invalid elements" $ do
parseEither parseJSON (toJSON [Number 23, String "foo"]) `shouldBe` parseError "Error in $[1]"
describe "tryReadFile" $ do
it "reads file" $ do
inTempDirectory $ do