mirror of https://github.com/sol/hpack.git synced 2024-10-04 11:47:15 +03:00
hpack: A modern format for Haskell packages
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Simon Hengel c1b564de85 Remove reference to Dhall from README
(as dhall-hpack is not stable enough)
2018-07-17 05:01:41 +08:00
driver Expose more flexible API from "Hpack" module 2018-02-14 15:46:52 +08:00
src Fix a regression related to indentation sniffing (close #310) 2018-07-16 20:37:19 +08:00
test Fix a regression related to indentation sniffing (close #310) 2018-07-16 20:37:19 +08:00
.ghci aeson 0.10.0 compatibility 2015-09-22 16:45:31 +08:00
.gitignore Add .stack-work to .gitignore. 2017-05-18 15:56:29 -07:00
.travis-setup.sh Build with stack also 2016-02-21 15:38:43 +02:00
.travis.yml Remove Hackage deploy from travi-ci config 2018-03-13 13:05:49 +08:00
appveyor.yml Add appveyor.yml (thx @phadej) 2016-02-26 07:39:42 +08:00
CHANGELOG.md Fix a regression related to indentation sniffing (close #310) 2018-07-16 20:37:19 +08:00
get-hpack.sh Minor fixup 2018-02-05 22:54:03 +08:00
hpack.cabal Fix a regression related to indentation sniffing (close #310) 2018-07-16 20:37:19 +08:00
LICENSE Bump version 2018-03-15 11:27:18 +08:00
package.yaml Fix a regression related to indentation sniffing (close #310) 2018-07-16 20:37:19 +08:00
README.md Remove reference to Dhall from README 2018-07-17 05:01:41 +08:00
Setup.lhs Add Setup.lhs 2014-12-24 12:01:07 +08:00
stack.yaml Add support for Apache, MPL and ISC when inferring license (close #305) 2018-07-15 23:17:41 +08:00

hpack: An alternative format for Haskell packages

Hpack is a format for Haskell packages. It is a modern alternative to the Cabal package format and follows different design principles.

Design principles

The guiding design principles for Hpack are:

  • Don't require the user to state the obvious, make sensible assumptions by default
  • Give the user 100% control when needed
  • Don't require the user to repeat things, facilitate DRYness

Tool integration

Hpack packages are described in a file named package.yaml. Both cabal2nix and stack support package.yaml natively. For other build tools the hpack executable can be used to generate a .cabal file from package.yaml.

There is no user guide

There is reference documentation below, but introductory documentation is still lacking. For the time being, take a look at the slides from my talk about Hpack at the Singapore Haskell meetup: http://typeful.net/talks/hpack




Top-level fields

Hpack Cabal Default Notes Example Since
name ·
version · 0.0.0
synopsis ·
description ·
category ·
stability ·
homepage · If github given, <repo>#readme
bug-reports · If github given, <repo>/issues
author · May be a list
maintainer · May be a list
copyright · May be a list
license · Inferred from license-file Both SPDX license expressions and traditional Cabal license identifiers are accepted. license: MIT SPDX: 0.29.0
license-file license-file or license-files LICENSE if file exists May be a list
tested-with ·
build-type · Simple, or Custom if custom-setup exists Must be Simple, Configure, Make, or Custom
extra-source-files · Accepts glob patterns
extra-doc-files · Accepts glob patterns 0.21.2
data-files · Accepts glob patterns
data-dir ·
github source-repository head Accepts owner/repo or owner/repo/subdir github: foo/bar
git source-repository head No effect if github given git: https://my.repo.com/foo
custom-setup · See Custom setup
flags flag <name> Map from flag name to flag (see Flags)
library · See Library fields
internal-libraries library <name> Map from internal library name to a dict of library fields and global top-level fields. 0.21.0
executables executable <name> Map from executable name to executable (see Executable fields)
executable executable <package-name> Shortcut for executables: { package-name: ... } 0.18.0
tests test-suite <name> Map from test name to test (see Test fields)
benchmarks benchmark <name> Map from benchmark name to benchmark (see Benchmark fields)
defaults See Defaults, may be a list


Hpack does not require you to specify a cabal-version manually. When generating a .cabal file, Hpack sets the cabal-version automatically based on the features that are used.

If you want to override this behavior you can use verbatim to set cabal-version manually, e.g.:

  cabal-version: 2.2


Hpack allows the inclusion of common fields from a file on GitHub or a local file.

To use this feature a user must specify a GitHub repository, Git reference and a path to a file within that repository; alternatively, a path to the local file must be given.


  github: sol/hpack-template
  ref: 2017
  path: defaults.yaml

This will include all common fields from https://github.com/sol/hpack-template/blob/2017/defaults.yaml into the package specification.

Field Default Notes Example
github For github defaults. Accepts <owner>/<repo> github: sol/hpack-template
ref For github defaults. ref: 2017
path .hpack/defaults.yaml For github defaults. A relative path to a file within the repository, path segments are separated by / and must not contain : and \. path: defaults.yaml
local For local defaults. New in 0.26.0.

Exactly one of github and local must be given in a defaults section.

Hpack supports shorthand syntax for specifying github and ref as a string:

defaults: sol/hpack-template@2017

This is equivalent to:

  github: sol/hpack-template
  ref: 2017

Note: Hpack caches downloaded files under ~/.hpack/defaults/<owner>/<repo>/<path>. Once downloaded, a file is reused from the cache. If the content on GitHub changes the file is not updated. For this reason it is recommended to only use tags as Git references.

  • If a defaults file has changed on GitHub and you want to use the latest version, then you have to delete that file from the cache manually.

  • If you want to prevent Hpack from accessing the network to download a defaults file, then you can achieve this by adding that file to the cache manually.

Custom setup

Hpack Cabal Default Notes Example
dependencies setup-depends Implies build-type: Custom

Common fields

These fields can be specified top-level or on a per section basis; top-level values are merged with per section values.

Hpack Cabal Default Notes
buildable · Per section takes precedence over top-level
source-dirs hs-source-dirs
default-extensions ·
other-extensions ·
ghc-options ·
ghc-prof-options ·
ghcjs-options ·
cpp-options ·
cc-options ·
c-sources · Accepts glob patterns
cxx-options ·
cxx-sources · Accepts glob patterns
js-sources · Accepts glob patterns
extra-lib-dirs ·
extra-libraries ·
include-dirs ·
install-includes ·
frameworks ·
extra-frameworks-dirs ·
ld-options ·
dependencies build-depends
pkg-config-dependencies pkgconfig-depends
build-tools ·
when Accepts a list of conditionals (see Conditionals)

Library fields

Hpack Cabal Default Notes
exposed ·
exposed-modules · All modules in source-dirs less other-modules less any modules mentioned in when
generated-exposed-modules Added to exposed-modules and autogen-modules. Since 0.23.0.
other-modules · Outside conditionals: All modules in source-dirs less exposed-modules less any modules mentioned in when. Inside conditionals, and only if exposed-modules is not specified inside the conditional: All modules in source-dirs of the conditional less any modules mentioned in when of the conditional
generated-other-modules Added to other-modules and autogen-modules. Since 0.23.0.
reexported-modules ·
signatures ·
default-language Haskell2010

Executable fields

Hpack Cabal Default Notes
main main-is
other-modules · All modules in source-dirs less main less any modules mentioned in when
generated-other-modules Added to other-modules and autogen-modules. Since 0.23.0.
default-language Haskell2010

Test fields

Hpack Cabal Default Notes
type exitcode-stdio-1.0
main main-is
other-modules · All modules in source-dirs less main less any modules mentioned in when
generated-other-modules Added to other-modules and autogen-modules. Since 0.23.0.
default-language Haskell2010

Benchmark fields

Hpack Cabal Default Notes
type exitcode-stdio-1.0
main main-is
other-modules · All modules in source-dirs less main less any modules mentioned in when
generated-other-modules Added to other-modules and autogen-modules. Since 0.23.0.
default-language Haskell2010


Hpack Cabal Default Notes
description · Optional
manual · Required (unlike Cabal)
default · Required (unlike Cabal)


Conditionals with no else branch:

  • Must have a condition field
  • May have any number of other fields

For example,

  - condition: os(darwin)
    extra-lib-dirs: lib/darwin


if os(darwin)

Conditionals with an else branch:

  • Must have a condition field
  • Must have a then field, itself an object containing any number of other fields
  • Must have a else field, itself an object containing any number of other fields
  • All other top-level fields are ignored

For example,

  - condition: flag(fast)
      ghc-options: -O2
      ghc-options: -O0


if flag(fast)
  ghc-options: -O2
  ghc-options: -O0

File globbing

At place where you can specify a list of files you can also use glob patterns. Glob patters and ordinary file names can be freely mixed, e.g.:

  - static/*.js
  - static/site.css

Glob patterns are expanded according to the following rules:

  • ? and * are expanded according to POSIX (they match arbitrary characters, except for directory separators)
  • ** is expanded in a zsh-like fashion (matching across directory separators)
  • ?, * and ** do not match a . at the beginning of a file/directory

Passing things to Cabal verbatim

(since hpack-0.24.0)

In cases where Hpack does not (yet!) support what you want to do, you can use the verbatim field to pass things to Cabal verbatim. It is recognized top-level, in sections, and in conditionals.

verbatim accepts an object or a string (or a list of objects and strings).


When an object is used:

  • field values can be strings, numbers, booleans, or null
  • existing .cabal fields can be overridden
  • existing .cabal fields can be removed by overriding with null
  • additional .cabal fields can be added


    main: Spec.hs
    source-dirs: test
      type: detailed-0.9     # change type from exitcode-stdio-1.0
      default-language: null # remove default-language


When a string is used:

  • it will be added verbatim, indented to match the indentation of the surrounding context.
  • all existing .cabal fields are left untouched


verbatim: |
      hspec-discover:hspec-discover == 2.*  

Lists of objects and strings

You can combine the use of objects and strings to gain more fine-grained control, e.g. you can remove an existing field with an object and then include it with a string so that you have 100% control over the layout.

  - build-depends: null
  - |
    -- let's use Cabal 5.0 dependency syntax
      hspec: [2-3[    

Not repeating yourself

It is possible to use YAML anchors (&), aliases (*) and merge keys (<<) to define fields and reference them later.

  my-exe-1: &my-exe
    main: my-exe-1.hs
    dependencies: [base, my-lib]
    ghc-options: [-threaded]
    <<: *my-exe
    main: my-exe-2.hs

Fields that start with an underscore are ignored by hpack, so they can be used to declare aliases:

_exe-ghc-options: &exe-ghc-options
  - -threaded
  - -rtsopts

    ghc-options: *exe-ghc-options

It is also possible to use the !include directive:

# ...

  hlint: !include "../common/hlint.yaml"


source-dirs: test
main: hlint.hs
dependencies: [base, hlint]

This can also be used to provide entire libraries of snippets:

_common/lib: !include "../common/lib.yaml"

name: example1
version: ''
synopsis: Example
<<: *legal

<<: *defaults

  source-dirs: src

  hlint: *test_hlint


- &legal
  maintainer: Some One <someone@example.com>
  copyright: (c) 2017 Some One
  license: BSD3

- &defaults
    - base
    - containers
    - -Wall
    - -Werror

- &test_hlint
  source-dirs: test
  main: hlint.hs
  dependencies: [hlint]

Vim integration

To run hpack automatically on modifications to package.yaml add the following to your ~/.vimrc:

autocmd BufWritePost package.yaml call Hpack()

function Hpack()
  let err = system('hpack ' . expand('%'))
  if v:shell_error
    echo err

Stack support

Stack has built-in support for Hpack. If you are using Stack you can use package.yaml instead of a .cabal file. No additional steps are required.

Binaries for use on Travis CI

You can get binaries for use on Travis CI with:

curl -sSL https://github.com/sol/hpack/raw/master/get-hpack.sh | bash

(both Linux and OS X are supported)