TARGETS = darwin/amd64 darwin/arm64 linux/amd64 linux/arm64 windows/amd64 GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) BUILD_TIME = $(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" | tr -d '\n') GO_VERSION = $(shell go version | awk {'print $$3'}) DOCKER_RELEASE_TAG = "sosedoff/pgweb:$(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags | sed 's/v//')" DOCKER_LATEST_TAG = "sosedoff/pgweb:latest" LDFLAGS = -s -w PKG = usage: @echo "" @echo "Task : Description" @echo "----------------- : -------------------" @echo "make setup : Install all necessary dependencies" @echo "make dev : Generate development build" @echo "make build : Generate production build for current OS" @echo "make bootstrap : Install cross-compilation toolchain" @echo "make release : Generate binaries for all supported OSes" @echo "make test : Execute test suite" @echo "make test-all : Execute test suite on multiple PG versions" @echo "make clean : Remove all build files and reset assets" @echo "make docker : Build docker image" @echo "make docker-release : Build and tag docker image" @echo "make docker-push : Push docker images to registry" @echo "" test: go test -race -cover ./pkg/... test-all: @./script/ @./script/ dev: go build @echo "You can now execute ./pgweb" build: go build @echo "You can now execute ./pgweb" release: LDFLAGS += -X $(PKG)/pkg/command.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT) release: LDFLAGS += -X $(PKG)/pkg/command.BuildTime=$(BUILD_TIME) release: LDFLAGS += -X $(PKG)/pkg/command.GoVersion=$(GO_VERSION) release: @echo "Building binaries..." @gox \ -osarch "$(TARGETS)" \ -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" \ -output "./bin/pgweb_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}" @echo "Building ARM binaries..." GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 go build -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o "./bin/pgweb_linux_arm_v5" @echo "Building ARM64 binaries..." GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 GOARM=7 go build -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" -o "./bin/pgweb_linux_arm64_v7" @echo "\nPackaging binaries...\n" @./script/ bootstrap: gox -build-toolchain setup: go install clean: @rm -f ./pgweb @rm -rf ./bin/* docker: docker build --no-cache -t pgweb . docker-release: docker build --no-cache -t $(DOCKER_RELEASE_TAG) . docker tag $(DOCKER_RELEASE_TAG) $(DOCKER_LATEST_TAG) docker images $(DOCKER_RELEASE_TAG) docker-push: docker push $(DOCKER_RELEASE_TAG) docker push $(DOCKER_LATEST_TAG)