#!/bin/sh # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # build-woff.sh # A shell script that builds the Hack woff web fonts from ttf files # Copyright 2018 Christopher Simpkins # MIT License # # Usage: ./build-woff.sh (--install-dependencies) # Arguments: # --install-dependencies (optional) - installs all # build dependencies prior to the build script execution # # NOTE: If you change the source, you must build new ttf files # with build.sh PRIOR to execution of this script. # This script builds directly from previous ttf builds, # not source files. # # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # The sfnt2woff-zopfli build directory. BUILD="$HOME/sfnt2woff-zopfli-build" # sfnt2woff-zopfli version SFNTWOFF_VERSION="1.1.0" SFNTWOFF="sfnt2woff-zopfli-$SFNTWOFF_VERSION" # Path to sfnt2woff-zopfli executable SFNTWOFF_BIN="$BUILD/$SFNTWOFF/sfnt2woff-zopfli" ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS="3" # The font build directory paths and file paths for the woff builds TTF_BUILD="build/ttf" WOFF_BUILD="build/web/fonts" REGULAR_TTF="Hack-Regular.ttf" REGULAR_PRE="Hack-Regular.woff" REGULAR_WOFF="hack-regular.woff" BOLD_TTF="Hack-Bold.ttf" BOLD_PRE="Hack-Bold.woff" BOLD_WOFF="hack-bold.woff" ITALIC_TTF="Hack-Italic.ttf" ITALIC_PRE="Hack-Italic.woff" ITALIC_WOFF="hack-italic.woff" BOLDITALIC_TTF="Hack-BoldItalic.ttf" BOLDITALIC_PRE="Hack-BoldItalic.woff" BOLDITALIC_WOFF="hack-bolditalic.woff" # test for number of arguments if [ $# -gt 1 ] then echo "Inappropriate arguments included in your command." 1>&2 echo "Usage: ./build-woff.sh (--install-dependencies)" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Optional build dependency install request with syntax `./build-web.sh --install-dependencies` if [ "$1" = "--install-dependencies" ] then # define the current directory (Hack repository) CUR_DIR=$(pwd) if test -d "$BUILD" -o -f "$BUILD"; then echo "Build directory \`$BUILD' must not exist." exit 1 fi mkdir "$BUILD" cd "$BUILD" || exit 1 echo "#####" echo "Download archive." echo "#####" curl -L -O "https://github.com/bramstein/sfnt2woff-zopfli/archive/v$SFNTWOFF_VERSION.tar.gz" echo "#####" echo "Extract archives." echo "#####" tar -xzvf "v$SFNTWOFF_VERSION.tar.gz" cd "$SFNTWOFF" || exit 1 echo "#####" echo "Build $SFNTWOFF." echo "#####" make # make Hack repository the current directory again following the build cd "$CUR_DIR" || exit 1 fi if [ -f "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" ]; then echo "Beginning web font build with $SFNTWOFF" else echo "Unable to locate sfnt2woff-zopfli on the path $SFNTWOFF_BIN. Please attempt a manual install of this build dependency and then repeat your build attempt." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Build woff files from ttf files # regular set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$REGULAR_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $REGULAR_WOFF from $REGULAR_TTF." 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Regular woff set successfully built from $REGULAR_TTF" fi # bold set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLD_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $BOLD_WOFF from $BOLD_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Bold woff set successfully built from $BOLD_TTF" fi # italic set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$ITALIC_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $BOLD_WOFF from $ITALIC_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Italic woff set successfully built from $ITALIC_TTF" fi # bold italic set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $BOLDITALIC_WOFF from $BOLDITALIC_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Bold Italic woff set successfully built from $BOLDITALIC_TTF" fi echo "Moving woff files to build directory..." # create directory if it does not exist # (occurs with git + empty directories) if ! [ -d "$WOFF_BUILD" ]; then mkdir $WOFF_BUILD fi # move woff files to appropriate build directory mv "$TTF_BUILD/$REGULAR_PRE" "$WOFF_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLD_PRE" "$WOFF_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$ITALIC_PRE" "$WOFF_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_PRE" "$WOFF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF" echo " " if [ -f "$WOFF_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF" ]; then echo "Regular woff build path: $WOFF_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF" fi if [ -f "$WOFF_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF" ]; then echo "Bold woff build path: $WOFF_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF" fi if [ -f "$WOFF_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF" ]; then echo "Italic woff build path: $WOFF_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF" fi if [ -f "$WOFF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF" ]; then echo "Bold Italic woff build path: $WOFF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF" fi