Fix empty CSS #13

Revert foundation
This commit is contained in:
Kam 2016-11-24 19:26:43 +01:00
parent e6f49e9602
commit 5ed20126f0
97 changed files with 7161 additions and 10485 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,26 @@ module.exports = function(grunt, options, spec) {
return {
// Compile SCSS source files into the cache directory
sass: {
options: {
includePaths: [
options.appDir + '/vendor',
options.appDir + '/vendor/foundation/scss'
scss: {
files: {
[path.resolve(options.cacheDir, 'stylesheets/spectacle.css')]: path.resolve(options.appDir, 'stylesheets/spectacle.scss')
foundation_scss: {
files: {
[path.resolve(options.cacheDir, 'stylesheets/foundation.css')]: path.resolve(options.appDir, 'stylesheets/foundation.scss')
sass: {
scss: {
options: {
@ -30,6 +50,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt, options, spec) {
concat: {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (c) 2013-2016 ZURB, inc.
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 ZURB, inc.
MIT License

View File

@ -1,44 +1,51 @@
# [Foundation for Sites](
# [Foundation for Sites]( (v6.1)
[![npm version](]( [![Bower version](]( [![Gem Version](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Gitter](](
Foundation is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly go from prototype to production, building sites or apps that work on any kind of device with Foundation. Includes a fully customizable, responsive grid, a large library of Sass mixins, commonly used JavaScript plugins, and full accessibility support.
Foundation is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly go from prototype to production, building sites or apps that work on any kind of device with Foundation. Includes layout constructs, like a fully customizable, responsive grid, commonly used JavaScript plugins, and full A11Y support.
## Getting Started
## Requirements
The quickest way to get started is with the [basic CSS download]( You can get versions with every component, essential ones only, or a custom build.
Requires NodeJS to be installed on your machine. Works with 0.10, 0.12, and 4.1! **Note that parts of our build process will break with NPM 3, due to the changes in how packages are installed.**
If you're a Sass user, we have two starter project templates, the [Basic Template]( and the [ZURB Template]( You can install them by manually downloading them from GitHub, or using the [Foundation CLI](
The Sass is compiled using libsass, which requires the GCC to be installed on your machine. Windows users can install it through [MinGW](, and Mac users can install it through the [Xcode Command-line Tools](
Lastly, if you're rolling your own setup, you can install Foundation through a variety of [package managers](
## Setup
To get going with Foundation you can:
* [Install Yeti Launch]( Seriously though, check it out!
* [Install the CLI]( `npm install -g foundation-cli`
* [Download the latest release](
* [Install with Bower]( `bower install foundation-sites`
* [Install with npm]( `npm install foundation-sites`
* [Install with Atmosphere for Meteor]( `meteor add zurb:foundation-sites`
* [Install with Composer]( `php composer.phar require zurb/foundation`
## Documentation
The documentation can be found at <>. To run the documentation locally on your machine, you need [Node.js]( and [Ruby]( installed on your computer. (Your Node.js version must be 0.12 or higher.)
Foundation uses [Gulp]( and [SuperCollider]( to generate its [documentation pages]( Documentation can also be run from your local computer:
Run these commands to set up the documentation:
### View documentation locally
git clone
You'll want to clone the Foundation repo first and install all the dependencies. You can do this using the following commands:
git clone
cd foundation-sites
gem install scss-lint
npm install
Then run `npm start` to compile the documentation. When it finishes, a new browser window will open pointing to a BrowserSync server displaying the documentation.
Then just run `npm start` and the documentation will be compiled. It will also launch an instance of [BrowserSync]( and open a tab in your default browser.
The file structure:
## Testing
├── dist/
│ └── ...
├── docs/
│ └── ...
Foundation has three kinds of tests: JavaScript, Sass, and visual regression. Refer to our [testing guide]( for more details.
These commands will run the various tests:
- `npm run test:sass`
- `npm run test:javascript`
- `npm run test:visual`
## Contributing
Check out our [contributing guide]( to learn how you can contribute to Foundation. You can also browse the [Help Wanted]( tag in our issue tracker to find things to do.
Copyright (c) 2016 ZURB, inc.
Copyright (c) 2015 ZURB, inc.

View File

@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Abide module.
* @module foundation.abide
class Abide {
* Creates a new instance of Abide.
* @class
@ -15,7 +8,7 @@ class Abide {
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to add the trigger to.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options = {}) {
function Abide(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Abide.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -24,66 +17,153 @@ class Abide {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Abide');
* Default settings for plugin
Abide.defaults = {
* The default event to validate inputs. Checkboxes and radios validate immediately.
* Remove or change this value for manual validation.
* @option
* @example 'fieldChange'
validateOn: 'fieldChange',
* Class to be applied to input labels on failed validation.
* @option
* @example 'is-invalid-label'
labelErrorClass: 'is-invalid-label',
* Class to be applied to inputs on failed validation.
* @option
* @example 'is-invalid-input'
inputErrorClass: 'is-invalid-input',
* Class selector to use to target Form Errors for show/hide.
* @option
* @example '.form-error'
formErrorSelector: '.form-error',
* Class added to Form Errors on failed validation.
* @option
* @example 'is-visible'
formErrorClass: 'is-visible',
* Set to true to validate text inputs on any value change.
* @option
* @example false
liveValidate: false,
patterns: {
alpha : /^[a-zA-Z]+$/,
alpha_numeric : /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/,
integer : /^[-+]?\d+$/,
number : /^[-+]?\d*(?:[\.\,]\d+)?$/,
// amex, visa, diners
card : /^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})$/,
cvv : /^([0-9]){3,4}$/,
email : /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+$/,
url : /^(https?|ftp|file|ssh):\/\/(((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/,
domain : /^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,8}$/,
datetime : /^([0-2][0-9]{3})\-([0-1][0-9])\-([0-3][0-9])T([0-5][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])(Z|([\-\+]([0-1][0-9])\:00))$/,
date : /(?:19|20)[0-9]{2}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])|(?:(?!02)(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:30))|(?:(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31))$/,
time : /^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9]){2}$/,
dateISO : /^\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}$/,
month_day_year : /^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.]\d{4}$/,
day_month_year : /^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.]\d{4}$/,
// #FFF or #FFFFFF
color : /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/
* Optional validation functions to be used. `equalTo` being the only default included function.
* Functions should return only a boolean if the input is valid or not. Functions are given the following arguments:
* el : The jQuery element to validate.
* required : Boolean value of the required attribute be present or not.
* parent : The direct parent of the input.
* @option
validators: {
equalTo: function (el, required, parent) {
return $('#' + el.attr('data-equalto')).val() === el.val();
* Initializes the Abide plugin and calls functions to get Abide functioning on load.
* @private
_init() {
this.$inputs = this.$element.find('input, textarea, select');
Abide.prototype._init = function(){
this.$inputs = this.$element.find('input, textarea, select').not('[data-abide-ignore]');
* Initializes events for Abide.
* @private
_events() {
Abide.prototype._events = function() {
var _this = this;
.on('reset.zf.abide', () => {
.on('submit.zf.abide', () => {
return this.validateForm();
if (this.options.validateOn === 'fieldChange') {
.on('change.zf.abide', (e) => {
.on('reset.zf.abide', function(e){
.on('submit.zf.abide', function(e){
return _this.validateForm();
if(this.options.validateOn === 'fieldChange'){
.on('change.zf.abide', function(e){
if (this.options.liveValidate) {
.on('input.zf.abide', (e) => {
.on('input.zf.abide', function(e){
* Calls necessary functions to update Abide upon DOM change
* @private
_reflow() {
Abide.prototype._reflow = function() {
* Checks whether or not a form element has the required attribute and if it's checked or not
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to check for required attribute
* @returns {Boolean} Boolean value depends on whether or not attribute is checked or empty
requiredCheck($el) {
if (!$el.attr('required')) return true;
Abide.prototype.requiredCheck = function($el) {
if(!$el.attr('required')) return true;
var isGood = true;
switch ($el[0].type) {
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
isGood = $el[0].checked;
@ -91,16 +171,14 @@ class Abide {
case 'select-one':
case 'select-multiple':
var opt = $el.find('option:selected');
if (!opt.length || !opt.val()) isGood = false;
if(!opt.length || !opt.val()) isGood = false;
if(!$el.val() || !$el.val().length) isGood = false;
return isGood;
* Based on $el, get the first element with selector in this order:
* 1. The element's direct sibling('s).
@ -111,16 +189,13 @@ class Abide {
* @param {Object} $el - jQuery object to use as reference to find the form error selector.
* @returns {Object} jQuery object with the selector.
findFormError($el) {
var $error = $el.siblings(this.options.formErrorSelector);
if (!$error.length) {
Abide.prototype.findFormError = function($el){
var $error = $el.siblings(this.options.formErrorSelector)
$error = $el.parent().find(this.options.formErrorSelector);
return $error;
* Get the first element in this order:
* 2. The <label> with the attribute `[for="someInputId"]`
@ -129,105 +204,45 @@ class Abide {
* @param {Object} $el - jQuery object to check for required attribute
* @returns {Boolean} Boolean value depends on whether or not attribute is checked or empty
findLabel($el) {
var id = $el[0].id;
var $label = this.$element.find(`label[for="${id}"]`);
if (!$label.length) {
Abide.prototype.findLabel = function($el) {
var $label = this.$element.find('label[for="' + $el[0].id + '"]');
return $el.closest('label');
return $label;
* Get the set of labels associated with a set of radio els in this order
* 2. The <label> with the attribute `[for="someInputId"]`
* 3. The `.closest()` <label>
* @param {Object} $el - jQuery object to check for required attribute
* @returns {Boolean} Boolean value depends on whether or not attribute is checked or empty
findRadioLabels($els) {
var labels = $, el) => {
var id =;
var $label = this.$element.find(`label[for="${id}"]`);
if (!$label.length) {
$label = $(el).closest('label');
return $label[0];
return $(labels);
* Adds the CSS error class as specified by the Abide settings to the label, input, and the form
* @param {Object} $el - jQuery object to add the class to
addErrorClasses($el) {
var $label = this.findLabel($el);
var $formError = this.findFormError($el);
Abide.prototype.addErrorClasses = function($el){
var $label = this.findLabel($el),
$formError = this.findFormError($el);
if ($label.length) {
if ($formError.length) {
$el.addClass(this.options.inputErrorClass).attr('data-invalid', '');
* Remove CSS error classes etc from an entire radio button group
* @param {String} groupName - A string that specifies the name of a radio button group
removeRadioErrorClasses(groupName) {
var $els = this.$element.find(`:radio[name="${groupName}"]`);
var $labels = this.findRadioLabels($els);
var $formErrors = this.findFormError($els);
if ($labels.length) {
if ($formErrors.length) {
* Removes CSS error class as specified by the Abide settings from the label, input, and the form
* @param {Object} $el - jQuery object to remove the class from
removeErrorClasses($el) {
// radios need to clear all of the els
if($el[0].type == 'radio') {
return this.removeRadioErrorClasses($el.attr('name'));
Abide.prototype.removeErrorClasses = function($el){
var $label = this.findLabel($el),
$formError = this.findFormError($el);
var $label = this.findLabel($el);
var $formError = this.findFormError($el);
if ($label.length) {
if ($formError.length) {
* Goes through a form to find inputs and proceeds to validate them in ways specific to their type
* @fires Abide#invalid
@ -235,19 +250,15 @@ class Abide {
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to validate, should be an HTML input
* @returns {Boolean} goodToGo - If the input is valid or not.
validateInput($el) {
Abide.prototype.validateInput = function($el){
var clearRequire = this.requiredCheck($el),
validated = false,
customValidator = true,
validator = $el.attr('data-validator'),
equalTo = true;
// don't validate ignored inputs or hidden inputs
if ($'[data-abide-ignore]') || $'[type="hidden"]')) {
return true;
switch ($el[0].type) {
case 'radio':
validated = this.validateRadio($el.attr('name'));
@ -266,17 +277,11 @@ class Abide {
validated = this.validateText($el);
if (validator) {
customValidator = this.matchValidation($el, validator, $el.attr('required'));
if(validator){ customValidator = this.matchValidation($el, validator, $el.attr('required')); }
if($el.attr('data-equalto')){ equalTo = this.options.validators.equalTo($el); }
if ($el.attr('data-equalto')) {
equalTo = this.options.validators.equalTo($el);
var goodToGo = [clearRequire, validated, customValidator, equalTo].indexOf(false) === -1;
var message = (goodToGo ? 'valid' : 'invalid') + '.zf.abide';
var goodToGo = [clearRequire, validated, customValidator, equalTo].indexOf(false) === -1,
message = (goodToGo ? 'valid' : 'invalid') + '.zf.abide';
this[goodToGo ? 'removeErrorClasses' : 'addErrorClasses']($el);
@ -286,104 +291,70 @@ class Abide {
* @event Abide#valid
* @event Abide#invalid
$el.trigger(message, [$el]);
$el.trigger(message, $el[0]);
return goodToGo;
* Goes through a form and if there are any invalid inputs, it will display the form error element
* @returns {Boolean} noError - true if no errors were detected...
* @fires Abide#formvalid
* @fires Abide#forminvalid
validateForm() {
var acc = [];
var _this = this;
Abide.prototype.validateForm = function(){
var acc = [],
_this = this;
this.$inputs.each(function() {
var noError = acc.indexOf(false) === -1;
this.$element.find('[data-abide-error]').css('display', (noError ? 'none' : 'block'));
* Fires when the form is finished validating. Event trigger is either `formvalid.zf.abide` or `forminvalid.zf.abide`.
* Trigger includes the element of the form.
* @event Abide#formvalid
* @event Abide#forminvalid
* Fires when the form is finished validating. Event trigger is either `formvalid.zf.abide` or `forminvalid.zf.abide`.
* Trigger includes the element of the form.
* @event Abide#formvalid
* @event Abide#forminvalid
this.$element.trigger((noError ? 'formvalid' : 'forminvalid') + '.zf.abide', [this.$element]);
return noError;
* Determines whether or a not a text input is valid based on the pattern specified in the attribute. If no matching pattern is found, returns true.
* @param {Object} $el - jQuery object to validate, should be a text input HTML element
* @param {String} pattern - string value of one of the RegEx patterns in Abide.options.patterns
* @returns {Boolean} Boolean value depends on whether or not the input value matches the pattern specified
validateText($el, pattern) {
// A pattern can be passed to this function, or it will be infered from the input's "pattern" attribute, or it's "type" attribute
pattern = (pattern || $el.attr('pattern') || $el.attr('type'));
var inputText = $el.val();
var valid = false;
Abide.prototype.validateText = function($el, pattern){
// pattern = pattern ? pattern : $el.attr('pattern') ? $el.attr('pattern') : $el.attr('type');
pattern = (pattern || $el.attr('pattern') || $el.attr('type'));
var inputText = $el.val();
if (inputText.length) {
// If the pattern attribute on the element is in Abide's list of patterns, then test that regexp
if (this.options.patterns.hasOwnProperty(pattern)) {
valid = this.options.patterns[pattern].test(inputText);
// If the pattern name isn't also the type attribute of the field, then test it as a regexp
else if (pattern !== $el.attr('type')) {
valid = new RegExp(pattern).test(inputText);
else {
valid = true;
// An empty field is valid if it's not required
else if (!$el.prop('required')) {
valid = true;
return valid;
* Determines whether or a not a radio input is valid based on whether or not it is required and selected. Although the function targets a single `<input>`, it validates by checking the `required` and `checked` properties of all radio buttons in its group.
return inputText.length ?//if text, check if the pattern exists, if so, test it, if no text or no pattern, return true.
this.options.patterns.hasOwnProperty(pattern) ? this.options.patterns[pattern].test(inputText) :
pattern && pattern !== $el.attr('type') ? new RegExp(pattern).test(inputText) : true : true;
}; /**
* Determines whether or a not a radio input is valid based on whether or not it is required and selected
* @param {String} groupName - A string that specifies the name of a radio button group
* @returns {Boolean} Boolean value depends on whether or not at least one radio input has been selected (if it's required)
validateRadio(groupName) {
// If at least one radio in the group has the `required` attribute, the group is considered required
// Per W3C spec, all radio buttons in a group should have `required`, but we're being nice
var $group = this.$element.find(`:radio[name="${groupName}"]`);
var valid = false, required = false;
Abide.prototype.validateRadio = function(groupName){
var $group = this.$element.find(':radio[name="' + groupName + '"]'),
counter = [],
_this = this;
// For the group to be required, at least one radio needs to be required
$group.each((i, e) => {
if ($(e).attr('required')) {
required = true;
var rdio = $(this),
clear = _this.requiredCheck(rdio);
if(clear) _this.removeErrorClasses(rdio);
if(!required) valid=true;
if (!valid) {
// For the group to be valid, at least one radio needs to be checked
$group.each((i, e) => {
if ($(e).prop('checked')) {
valid = true;
return valid;
return counter.indexOf(false) === -1;
* Determines if a selected input passes a custom validation function. Multiple validations can be used, if passed to the element with `data-validator="foo bar baz"` in a space separated listed.
* @param {Object} $el - jQuery input element.
@ -391,153 +362,57 @@ class Abide {
* @param {Boolean} required - self explanatory?
* @returns {Boolean} - true if validations passed.
matchValidation($el, validators, required) {
Abide.prototype.matchValidation = function($el, validators, required){
var _this = this;
required = required ? true : false;
var clear = validators.split(' ').map((v) => {
return this.options.validators[v]($el, required, $el.parent());
var clear = validators.split(' ').map(function(v){
return _this.options.validators[v]($el, required, $el.parent());
return clear.indexOf(false) === -1;
* Resets form inputs and styles
* @fires Abide#formreset
resetForm() {
Abide.prototype.resetForm = function() {
var $form = this.$element,
opts = this.options;
$(`.${opts.labelErrorClass}`, $form).not('small').removeClass(opts.labelErrorClass);
$(`.${opts.inputErrorClass}`, $form).not('small').removeClass(opts.inputErrorClass);
$('.' + opts.labelErrorClass, $form).not('small').removeClass(opts.labelErrorClass);
$('.' + opts.inputErrorClass, $form).not('small').removeClass(opts.inputErrorClass);
$(opts.formErrorSelector + '.' + opts.formErrorClass).removeClass(opts.formErrorClass);
$form.find('[data-abide-error]').css('display', 'none');
$(':input', $form).not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden, :radio, :checkbox, [data-abide-ignore]').val('').removeAttr('data-invalid');
$(':input:radio', $form).not('[data-abide-ignore]').prop('checked',false).removeAttr('data-invalid');
$(':input:checkbox', $form).not('[data-abide-ignore]').prop('checked',false).removeAttr('data-invalid');
$(':input', $form).not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden, [data-abide-ignore]').val('').removeAttr('data-invalid');
* Fires when the form has been reset.
* @event Abide#formreset
$form.trigger('formreset.zf.abide', [$form]);
* Destroys an instance of Abide.
* Removes error styles and classes from elements, without resetting their values.
destroy() {
Abide.prototype.destroy = function(){
var _this = this;
.css('display', 'none');
.each(function() {
.find('[data-abide-error]').css('display', 'none');
* Default settings for plugin
Abide.defaults = {
* The default event to validate inputs. Checkboxes and radios validate immediately.
* Remove or change this value for manual validation.
* @option
* @example 'fieldChange'
validateOn: 'fieldChange',
Foundation.plugin(Abide, 'Abide');
* Class to be applied to input labels on failed validation.
* @option
* @example 'is-invalid-label'
labelErrorClass: 'is-invalid-label',
// Exports for AMD/Browserify
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = Abide;
if (typeof define === 'function')
define(['foundation'], function() {
return Abide;
* Class to be applied to inputs on failed validation.
* @option
* @example 'is-invalid-input'
inputErrorClass: 'is-invalid-input',
* Class selector to use to target Form Errors for show/hide.
* @option
* @example '.form-error'
formErrorSelector: '.form-error',
* Class added to Form Errors on failed validation.
* @option
* @example 'is-visible'
formErrorClass: 'is-visible',
* Set to true to validate text inputs on any value change.
* @option
* @example false
liveValidate: false,
patterns: {
alpha : /^[a-zA-Z]+$/,
alpha_numeric : /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/,
integer : /^[-+]?\d+$/,
number : /^[-+]?\d*(?:[\.\,]\d+)?$/,
// amex, visa, diners
card : /^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})$/,
cvv : /^([0-9]){3,4}$/,
email : /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+$/,
url : /^(https?|ftp|file|ssh):\/\/(((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-zA-Z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-zA-Z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/,
domain : /^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,8}$/,
datetime : /^([0-2][0-9]{3})\-([0-1][0-9])\-([0-3][0-9])T([0-5][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])\:([0-5][0-9])(Z|([\-\+]([0-1][0-9])\:00))$/,
date : /(?:19|20)[0-9]{2}-(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9])|(?:(?!02)(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:30))|(?:(?:0[13578]|1[02])-31))$/,
time : /^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9]){2}$/,
dateISO : /^\d{4}[\/\-]\d{1,2}[\/\-]\d{1,2}$/,
month_day_year : /^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.]\d{4}$/,
day_month_year : /^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.]\d{4}$/,
// #FFF or #FFFFFF
color : /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/
* Optional validation functions to be used. `equalTo` being the only default included function.
* Functions should return only a boolean if the input is valid or not. Functions are given the following arguments:
* el : The jQuery element to validate.
* required : Boolean value of the required attribute be present or not.
* parent : The direct parent of the input.
* @option
validators: {
equalTo: function (el, required, parent) {
return $(`#${el.attr('data-equalto')}`).val() === el.val();
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Abide, 'Abide');
}(Foundation, jQuery);

View File

@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Accordion module.
* @module foundation.accordion
* @requires foundation.util.keyboard
* @requires foundation.util.motion
!function($, Foundation) {
'use strict';
class Accordion {
* Creates a new instance of an accordion.
* @class
* @fires Accordion#init
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into an accordion.
* @param {Object} options - a plain object with settings to override the default options.
constructor(element, options) {
function Accordion(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Accordion.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -32,19 +28,43 @@ class Accordion {
Accordion.defaults = {
* Amount of time to animate the opening of an accordion pane.
* @option
* @example 250
slideSpeed: 250,
* Allow the accordion to have multiple open panes.
* @option
* @example false
multiExpand: false,
* Allow the accordion to close all panes.
* @option
* @example false
allowAllClosed: false
* Initializes the accordion by animating the preset active pane(s).
* @private
_init() {
Accordion.prototype._init = function() {
this.$element.attr('role', 'tablist');
this.$tabs = this.$element.children('li, [data-accordion-item]');
this.$tabs = this.$element.children('li');
if (this.$tabs.length == 0) {
this.$tabs = this.$element.children('[data-accordion-item]');
this.$tabs.each(function(idx, el){
this.$tabs.each(function(idx, el) {
var $el = $(el),
$content = $el.children('[data-tab-content]'),
$content = $el.find('[data-tab-content]'),
id = $content[0].id || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'accordion'),
linkId = || `${id}-label`;
linkId = || id + '-label';
'aria-controls': id,
@ -53,7 +73,6 @@ class Accordion {
'aria-expanded': false,
'aria-selected': false
$content.attr({'role': 'tabpanel', 'aria-labelledby': linkId, 'aria-hidden': true, 'id': id});
var $initActive = this.$element.find('.is-active').children('[data-tab-content]');
@ -61,39 +80,41 @@ class Accordion {
this.down($initActive, true);
* Adds event handlers for items within the accordion.
* @private
_events() {
Accordion.prototype._events = function() {
var _this = this;
this.$tabs.each(function() {
var $elem = $(this);
var $tabContent = $elem.children('[data-tab-content]');
if ($tabContent.length) {
$elem.children('a').off('click.zf.accordion keydown.zf.accordion')
.on('click.zf.accordion', function(e) {
.on('click.zf.accordion', function(e){
// $(this).children('a').on('click.zf.accordion', function(e) {
if ($elem.hasClass('is-active')) {
if(_this.options.allowAllClosed || $elem.siblings().hasClass('is-active')){
else {
}).on('keydown.zf.accordion', function(e){
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'Accordion', {
toggle: function() {
next: function() {
var $a = $'a').focus();
if (!_this.options.multiExpand) {
previous: function() {
var $a = $elem.prev().find('a').focus();
if (!_this.options.multiExpand) {
handled: function() {
@ -103,124 +124,106 @@ class Accordion {
* Toggles the selected content pane's open/close state.
* @param {jQuery} $target - jQuery object of the pane to toggle (`.accordion-content`).
* @param {jQuery} $target - jQuery object of the pane to toggle.
* @function
toggle($target) {
if($target.parent().hasClass('is-active')) {
} else {
Accordion.prototype.toggle = function($target){
if(this.options.allowAllClosed || $target.parent().siblings().hasClass('is-active')){
}else{ return; }
* Opens the accordion tab defined by `$target`.
* @param {jQuery} $target - Accordion pane to open (`.accordion-content`).
* @param {jQuery} $target - Accordion pane to open.
* @param {Boolean} firstTime - flag to determine if reflow should happen.
* @fires Accordion#down
* @function
down($target, firstTime) {
Accordion.prototype.down = function($target, firstTime) {
var _this = this;
if(!this.options.multiExpand && !firstTime){
var $currentActive = this.$element.find('.is-active').children('[data-tab-content]');
.attr('aria-hidden', false)
if (!this.options.multiExpand && !firstTime) {
var $currentActive = this.$element.children('.is-active').children('[data-tab-content]');
if ($currentActive.length) {
// Foundation.Move(_this.options.slideSpeed, $target, function(){
// });
$target.slideDown(this.options.slideSpeed, () => {
* Fires when the tab is done opening.
* @event Accordion#down
this.$element.trigger('down.zf.accordion', [$target]);
// if(!firstTime){
// Foundation._reflow(this.$element.attr('data-accordion'));
// }
$('#' + $target.attr('aria-labelledby')).attr({
'aria-expanded': true,
'aria-selected': true
* Fires when the tab is done opening.
* @event Accordion#down
this.$element.trigger('down.zf.accordion', [$target]);
* Closes the tab defined by `$target`.
* @param {jQuery} $target - Accordion tab to close (`.accordion-content`).
* @param {jQuery} $target - Accordion tab to close.
* @fires Accordion#up
* @function
up($target) {
Accordion.prototype.up = function($target) {
var $aunts = $target.parent().siblings(),
_this = this;
var canClose = this.options.multiExpand ? $aunts.hasClass('is-active') : $target.parent().hasClass('is-active');
if((!this.options.allowAllClosed && !$aunts.hasClass('is-active')) || !$target.parent().hasClass('is-active')) {
if(!this.options.allowAllClosed && !canClose){
// Foundation.Move(this.options.slideSpeed, $target, function(){
$target.slideUp(_this.options.slideSpeed, function () {
* Fires when the tab is done collapsing up.
* @event Accordion#up
_this.$element.trigger('up.zf.accordion', [$target]);
// });
$target.attr('aria-hidden', true)
$('#' + $target.attr('aria-labelledby')).attr({
'aria-expanded': false,
'aria-selected': false
* Fires when the tab is done collapsing up.
* @event Accordion#up
this.$element.trigger('up.zf.accordion', [$target]);
* Destroys an instance of an accordion.
* @fires Accordion#destroyed
* @function
destroy() {
this.$element.find('[data-tab-content]').stop(true).slideUp(0).css('display', '');
Accordion.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.$element.find('[data-tab-content]').slideUp(0).css('display', '');
Accordion.defaults = {
* Amount of time to animate the opening of an accordion pane.
* @option
* @example 250
slideSpeed: 250,
* Allow the accordion to have multiple open panes.
* @option
* @example false
multiExpand: false,
* Allow the accordion to close all panes.
* @option
* @example false
allowAllClosed: false
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Accordion, 'Accordion');
Foundation.plugin(Accordion, 'Accordion');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* AccordionMenu module.
* @module foundation.accordionMenu
@ -9,8 +5,9 @@
* @requires foundation.util.motion
* @requires foundation.util.nest
!function($) {
'use strict';
class AccordionMenu {
* Creates a new instance of an accordion menu.
* @class
@ -18,7 +15,7 @@ class AccordionMenu {
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into an accordion menu.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function AccordionMenu(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, AccordionMenu.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -34,24 +31,39 @@ class AccordionMenu {
'ARROW_UP': 'up',
'ARROW_DOWN': 'down',
'ARROW_LEFT': 'close',
'ESCAPE': 'closeAll'
'ESCAPE': 'closeAll',
'TAB': 'down',
'SHIFT_TAB': 'up'
AccordionMenu.defaults = {
* Amount of time to animate the opening of a submenu in ms.
* @option
* @example 250
slideSpeed: 250,
* Allow the menu to have multiple open panes.
* @option
* @example true
multiOpen: true
* Initializes the accordion menu by hiding all nested menus.
* @private
_init() {
AccordionMenu.prototype._init = function() {
this.$element.find('[data-submenu]').not('.is-active').slideUp(0);//.find('a').css('padding-left', '1rem');
'role': 'menu',
'role': 'tablist',
'aria-multiselectable': this.options.multiOpen
this.$menuLinks = this.$element.find('.is-accordion-submenu-parent');
this.$menuLinks = this.$element.find('.has-submenu');
var linkId = || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'acc-menu-link'),
$elem = $(this),
@ -61,13 +73,14 @@ class AccordionMenu {
'aria-controls': subId,
'aria-expanded': isActive,
'role': 'menuitem',
'aria-selected': false,
'role': 'tab',
'id': linkId
'aria-labelledby': linkId,
'aria-hidden': !isActive,
'role': 'menu',
'role': 'tabpanel',
'id': subId
@ -79,20 +92,20 @@ class AccordionMenu {
* Adds event handlers for items within the menu.
* @private
_events() {
AccordionMenu.prototype._events = function() {
var _this = this;
this.$element.find('li').each(function() {
var $submenu = $(this).children('[data-submenu]');
if ($submenu.length) {
$(this).children('a').off('click.zf.accordionMenu').on('click.zf.accordionMenu', function(e) {
$(this).children('a').off('click.zf.accordionmenu').on('click.zf.accordionmenu', function(e) {
@ -107,30 +120,29 @@ class AccordionMenu {
$elements.each(function(i) {
if ($(this).is($element)) {
$prevElement = $elements.eq(Math.max(0, i-1)).find('a').first();
$nextElement = $elements.eq(Math.min(i+1, $elements.length-1)).find('a').first();
$prevElement = $elements.eq(Math.max(0, i-1));
$nextElement = $elements.eq(Math.min(i+1, $elements.length-1));
if ($(this).children('[data-submenu]:visible').length) { // has open sub menu
$nextElement = $element.find('li:first-child').find('a').first();
$nextElement = $element.find('li:first-child');
if ($(this).is(':first-child')) { // is first element of sub menu
$prevElement = $element.parents('li').first().find('a').first();
} else if ($prevElement.parents('li').first().children('[data-submenu]:visible').length) { // if previous element has open sub menu
$prevElement = $prevElement.parents('li').find('li:last-child').find('a').first();
$prevElement = $element.parents('li').first();
} else if ($prevElement.children('[data-submenu]:visible').length) { // if previous element has open sub menu
$prevElement = $prevElement.find('li:last-child');
if ($(this).is(':last-child')) { // is last element of sub menu
$nextElement = $element.parents('li').first().next('li').find('a').first();
$nextElement = $element.parents('li').first().next('li');
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'AccordionMenu', {
open: function() {
if ($':hidden')) {
close: function() {
@ -138,16 +150,14 @@ class AccordionMenu {
} else if ($element.parent('[data-submenu]').length) { // close currently open sub
up: function() {
return true;
down: function() {
return true;
toggle: function() {
if ($element.children('[data-submenu]').length) {
@ -157,30 +167,26 @@ class AccordionMenu {
closeAll: function() {
handled: function(preventDefault) {
if (preventDefault) {
handled: function() {
});//.attr('tabindex', 0);
* Closes all panes of the menu.
* @function
hideAll() {
AccordionMenu.prototype.hideAll = function(){
* Toggles the open/close state of a submenu.
* @function
* @param {jQuery} $target - the submenu to toggle
AccordionMenu.prototype.toggle = function($target){
if(!$':animated')) {
if (!$':hidden')) {
@ -189,85 +195,68 @@ class AccordionMenu {
* Opens the sub-menu defined by `$target`.
* @param {jQuery} $target - Sub-menu to open.
* @fires AccordionMenu#down
down($target) {
AccordionMenu.prototype.down = function($target) {
var _this = this;
if(!this.options.multiOpen) {
$target.addClass('is-active').attr({'aria-hidden': false})
.parent('.is-accordion-submenu-parent').attr({'aria-expanded': true});
.parent('.has-submenu').attr({'aria-expanded': true, 'aria-selected': true});
//Foundation.Move(this.options.slideSpeed, $target, function() {
$target.slideDown(_this.options.slideSpeed, function () {
* Fires when the menu is done opening.
* @event AccordionMenu#down
_this.$element.trigger('down.zf.accordionMenu', [$target]);
Foundation.Move(this.options.slideSpeed, $target, function(){
* Fires when the menu is done collapsing up.
* @event AccordionMenu#down
this.$element.trigger('down.zf.accordionMenu', [$target]);
* Closes the sub-menu defined by `$target`. All sub-menus inside the target will be closed as well.
* @param {jQuery} $target - Sub-menu to close.
* @fires AccordionMenu#up
up($target) {
AccordionMenu.prototype.up = function($target) {
var _this = this;
//Foundation.Move(this.options.slideSpeed, $target, function(){
$target.slideUp(_this.options.slideSpeed, function () {
* Fires when the menu is done collapsing up.
* @event AccordionMenu#up
_this.$element.trigger('up.zf.accordionMenu', [$target]);
Foundation.Move(this.options.slideSpeed, $target, function(){
$target.attr('aria-hidden', true)
.find('[data-submenu]').slideUp(0).attr('aria-hidden', true).end()
.attr({'aria-expanded': false, 'aria-selected': false});
// $target.slideUp(this.options.slideSpeed, function() {
// $target.find('[data-submenu]').slideUp(0).attr('aria-hidden', true);
// }).attr('aria-hidden', true).parent('.has-submenu').attr({'aria-expanded': false, 'aria-selected': false});
var $menus = $target.find('[data-submenu]').slideUp(0).addBack().attr('aria-hidden', true);
$menus.parent('.is-accordion-submenu-parent').attr('aria-expanded', false);
* Fires when the menu is done collapsing up.
* @event AccordionMenu#up
this.$element.trigger('up.zf.accordionMenu', [$target]);
* Destroys an instance of accordion menu.
* @fires AccordionMenu#destroyed
destroy() {
AccordionMenu.prototype.destroy = function(){
this.$element.find('[data-submenu]').slideDown(0).css('display', '');
Foundation.Nest.Burn(this.$element, 'accordion');
AccordionMenu.defaults = {
* Amount of time to animate the opening of a submenu in ms.
* @option
* @example 250
slideSpeed: 250,
* Allow the menu to have multiple open panes.
* @option
* @example true
multiOpen: true
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(AccordionMenu, 'AccordionMenu');
Foundation.plugin(AccordionMenu, 'AccordionMenu');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
!function($) {
"use strict";
// Global Foundation object
// This is attached to the window, or used as a module for AMD/Browserify
@ -18,6 +17,10 @@ var Foundation = {
* Stores generated unique ids for plugin instances
_uuids: [],
* Stores currently active plugins.
_activePlugins: {},
* Returns a boolean for RTL support
@ -42,24 +45,23 @@ var Foundation = {
* @function
* Populates the _uuids array with pointers to each individual plugin instance.
* Adds the `zfPlugin` data-attribute to programmatically created plugins to allow use of $(selector).foundation(method) calls.
* Also fires the initialization event for each plugin, consolidating repetitive code.
* Creates a pointer to an instance of a Plugin within the Foundation._activePlugins object.
* Sets the `[data-pluginName="uniqueIdHere"]`, allowing easy access to any plugin's internal methods.
* Also fires the initialization event for each plugin, consolidating repeditive code.
* @param {Object} plugin - an instance of a plugin, usually `this` in context.
* @param {String} name - the name of the plugin, passed as a camelCased string.
* @fires Plugin#init
registerPlugin: function(plugin, name){
var pluginName = name ? hyphenate(name) : functionName(plugin.constructor).toLowerCase();
plugin.uuid = this.GetYoDigits(6, pluginName);
if(!plugin.$element.attr(`data-${pluginName}`)){ plugin.$element.attr(`data-${pluginName}`, plugin.uuid); }
if(!plugin.$element.attr('data-' + pluginName)){ plugin.$element.attr('data-' + pluginName, plugin.uuid); }
if(!plugin.$'zfPlugin')){ plugin.$'zfPlugin', plugin); }
* Fires when the plugin has initialized.
* @event Plugin#init
plugin.$element.trigger('init.zf.' + pluginName);
@ -67,9 +69,8 @@ var Foundation = {
* @function
* Removes the plugins uuid from the _uuids array.
* Removes the zfPlugin data attribute, as well as the data-plugin-name attribute.
* Also fires the destroyed event for the plugin, consolidating repetitive code.
* Removes the pointer for an instance of a Plugin from the Foundation._activePlugins obj.
* Also fires the destroyed event for the plugin, consolidating repeditive code.
* @param {Object} plugin - an instance of a plugin, usually `this` in context.
* @fires Plugin#destroyed
@ -77,12 +78,12 @@ var Foundation = {
var pluginName = hyphenate(functionName(plugin.$'zfPlugin').constructor));
this._uuids.splice(this._uuids.indexOf(plugin.uuid), 1);
plugin.$element.removeAttr('data-' + pluginName).removeData('zfPlugin')
* Fires when the plugin has been destroyed.
* @event Plugin#destroyed
.trigger('destroyed.zf.' + pluginName);
for(var prop in plugin){
plugin[prop] = null;//clean up script to prep for garbage collection.
@ -108,12 +109,10 @@ var Foundation = {
fns = {
'object': function(plgs){
p = hyphenate(p);
$('[data-'+ p +']').foundation('_init');
'string': function(){
plugins = hyphenate(plugins);
$('[data-'+ plugins +']').foundation('_init');
'undefined': function(){
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ var Foundation = {
GetYoDigits: function(length, namespace){
length = length || 6;
return Math.round((Math.pow(36, length + 1) - Math.random() * Math.pow(36, length))).toString(36).slice(1) + (namespace ? `-${namespace}` : '');
return Math.round((Math.pow(36, length + 1) - Math.random() * Math.pow(36, length))).toString(36).slice(1) + (namespace ? '-' + namespace : '');
* Initialize plugins on any elements within `elem` (and `elem` itself) that aren't already initialized.
@ -220,6 +219,7 @@ var Foundation = {
Foundation.util = {
* Function for applying a debounce effect to a function call.
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ var foundation = function(method) {
throw new ReferenceError("We're sorry, '" + method + "' is not an available method for " + (plugClass ? functionName(plugClass) : 'this element') + '.');
}else{//error for invalid argument type
throw new TypeError(`We're sorry, ${type} is not a valid parameter. You must use a string representing the method you wish to invoke.`);
throw new TypeError("We're sorry, '" + type + "' is not a valid parameter. You must use a string representing the method you wish to invoke.");
return this;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Drilldown module.
* @module foundation.drilldown
@ -9,15 +5,16 @@
* @requires foundation.util.motion
* @requires foundation.util.nest
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
class Drilldown {
* Creates a new instance of a drilldown menu.
* @class
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into an accordion menu.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function Drilldown(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Drilldown.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -38,21 +35,40 @@ class Drilldown {
'SHIFT_TAB': 'up'
Drilldown.defaults = {
* Markup used for JS generated back button. Prepended to submenu lists and deleted on `destroy` method, 'js-drilldown-back' class required. Remove the backslash (`\`) if copy and pasting.
* @option
* @example '<\li><\a>Back<\/a><\/li>'
backButton: '<li class="js-drilldown-back"><a>Back</a></li>',
* Markup used to wrap drilldown menu. Use a class name for independent styling; the JS applied class: `is-drilldown` is required. Remove the backslash (`\`) if copy and pasting.
* @option
* @example '<\div class="is-drilldown"><\/div>'
wrapper: '<div></div>',
* Allow the menu to return to root list on body click.
* @option
* @example false
closeOnClick: false
// holdOpen: false
* Initializes the drilldown by creating jQuery collections of elements
* @private
_init() {
this.$submenuAnchors = this.$element.find('').children('a');
this.$submenus = this.$submenuAnchors.parent('li').children('[data-submenu]');
this.$menuItems = this.$element.find('li').not('.js-drilldown-back').attr('role', 'menuitem').find('a');
Drilldown.prototype._init = function(){
this.$submenuAnchors = this.$element.find('li.has-submenu');
this.$submenus = this.$submenuAnchors.children('[data-submenu]');
this.$menuItems = this.$element.find('li').not('.js-drilldown-back').attr('role', 'menuitem');
* prepares drilldown menu by setting attributes to links and elements
* sets a min height to prevent content jumping
@ -60,25 +76,22 @@ class Drilldown {
* @private
* @function
_prepareMenu() {
Drilldown.prototype._prepareMenu = function(){
var _this = this;
// if(!this.options.holdOpen){
// this._menuLinkEvents();
// }
var $link = $(this);
var $sub = $link.parent();
$link.clone().prependTo($sub.children('[data-submenu]')).wrap('<li class="is-submenu-parent-item is-submenu-item is-drilldown-submenu-item" role="menu-item"></li>');
$'savedHref', $link.attr('href')).removeAttr('href').attr('tabindex', 0);
var $sub = $(this);
var $link = $sub.find('a:first');
$'savedHref', $link.attr('href')).removeAttr('href');
'aria-hidden': true,
'tabindex': 0,
'role': 'menu'
var $menu = $(this),
@ -89,18 +102,18 @@ class Drilldown {
this.$wrapper = $(this.options.wrapper).addClass('is-drilldown');
this.$wrapper = this.$element.wrap(this.$wrapper).parent().css(this._getMaxDims());
this.$wrapper = $(this.options.wrapper).addClass('is-drilldown').css(this._getMaxDims());
* Adds event handlers to elements in the menu.
* @function
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $elem - the current menu item to add handlers to.
_events($elem) {
Drilldown.prototype._events = function($elem){
var _this = this;
@ -113,31 +126,27 @@ class Drilldown {
// if( !== e.currentTarget.firstElementChild){
// return false;
// }
var $body = $('body');
var $body = $('body').not(_this.$wrapper);
$'.zf.drilldown').on('click.zf.drilldown', function(e){
if ( === _this.$element[0] || $.contains(_this.$element[0], { return; }
* Adds keydown event listener to `li`'s in the menu.
* @private
_keyboardEvents() {
Drilldown.prototype._keyboardEvents = function() {
var _this = this;
this.$menuItems.add(this.$element.find('.js-drilldown-back > a')).on('keydown.zf.drilldown', function(e){
this.$menuItems.add(this.$element.find('.js-drilldown-back')).on('keydown.zf.drilldown', function(e){
var $element = $(this),
$elements = $element.parent('li').parent('ul').children('li').children('a'),
$elements = $element.parent('ul').children('li'),
@ -148,33 +157,28 @@ class Drilldown {
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'Drilldown', {
next: function() {
if ($$submenuAnchors)) {
$element.parent('li').one(Foundation.transitionend($element), function(){
$element.parent('li').find('ul li a').filter(_this.$menuItems).first().focus();
$element.on(Foundation.transitionend($element), function(){
$element.find('ul li').filter(_this.$menuItems).first().focus();
return true;
previous: function() {
$element.parent('li').parent('ul').one(Foundation.transitionend($element), function(){
$element.parent('ul').on(Foundation.transitionend($element), function(){
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
return true;
up: function() {
return true;
down: function() {
return true;
close: function() {
@ -182,38 +186,28 @@ class Drilldown {
open: function() {
if (!$$menuItems)) { // not menu item means back button
$element.parent('li').parent('ul').one(Foundation.transitionend($element), function(){
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
return true;
setTimeout(function(){$element.parent('ul').parent('li').focus();}, 1);
} else if ($$submenuAnchors)) {
$element.parent('li').one(Foundation.transitionend($element), function(){
$element.parent('li').find('ul li a').filter(_this.$menuItems).first().focus();
return true;
setTimeout(function(){$element.find('ul li').filter(_this.$menuItems).first().focus();}, 1);
handled: function(preventDefault) {
if (preventDefault) {
handled: function() {
}); // end keyboardAccess
* Closes all open elements, and returns to root menu.
* @function
* @fires Drilldown#closed
_hideAll() {
var $elem = this.$element.find('').addClass('is-closing');
Drilldown.prototype._hideAll = function(){
var $elem = this.$element.find('').addClass('is-closing');
$$elem), function(e){
$elem.removeClass('is-active is-closing');
@ -222,15 +216,14 @@ class Drilldown {
* @event Drilldown#closed
* Adds event listener for each `back` button, and closes open menus.
* @function
* @fires Drilldown#back
* @param {jQuery} $elem - the current sub-menu to add `back` event.
_back($elem) {
Drilldown.prototype._back = function($elem){
var _this = this;
@ -238,23 +231,16 @@ class Drilldown {
// console.log('mouseup on back');
// If there is a parent submenu, call show
let parentSubMenu = $elem.parent('li').parent('ul').parent('li');
if (parentSubMenu.length) {
* Adds event listener to menu items w/o submenus to close open menus on click.
* @function
* @private
_menuLinkEvents() {
Drilldown.prototype._menuLinkEvents = function(){
var _this = this;
.on('click.zf.drilldown', function(e){
// e.stopImmediatePropagation();
@ -262,120 +248,74 @@ class Drilldown {
}, 0);
* Opens a submenu.
* @function
* @fires Drilldown#open
* @param {jQuery} $elem - the current element with a submenu to open, i.e. the `li` tag.
* @param {jQuery} $elem - the current element with a submenu to open.
_show($elem) {
$elem.attr('aria-expanded', true);
$elem.children('[data-submenu]').addClass('is-active').attr('aria-hidden', false);
* Fires when the submenu has opened.
* @event Drilldown#open
Drilldown.prototype._show = function($elem){
this.$element.trigger('open.zf.drilldown', [$elem]);
* Hides a submenu
* @function
* @fires Drilldown#hide
* @param {jQuery} $elem - the current sub-menu to hide, i.e. the `ul` tag.
* @param {jQuery} $elem - the current sub-menu to hide.
_hide($elem) {
Drilldown.prototype._hide = function($elem){
var _this = this;
$elem.parent('li').attr('aria-expanded', false);
$elem.attr('aria-hidden', true).addClass('is-closing')
.one(Foundation.transitionend($elem), function(){
$elem.removeClass('is-active is-closing');
* Fires when the submenu has closed.
* Fires when the submenu is has closed.
* @event Drilldown#hide
$elem.trigger('hide.zf.drilldown', [$elem]);
* Iterates through the nested menus to calculate the min-height, and max-width for the menu.
* Prevents content jumping.
* @function
* @private
_getMaxDims() {
var biggest = 0
var result = {};
this.$submenus.add(this.$element).each((i, elem) => {
var height = elem.getBoundingClientRect().height;
if (height > biggest) biggest = height;
Drilldown.prototype._getMaxDims = function(){
var max = 0, result = {};
var numOfElems = $(this).children('li').length;
max = numOfElems > max ? numOfElems : max;
result['min-height'] = `${biggest}px`;
result['max-width'] = `${this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect().width}px`;
result.height = max * this.$menuItems[0].getBoundingClientRect().height + 'px';
result.width = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px';
return result;
* Destroys the Drilldown Menu
* @function
destroy() {
Drilldown.prototype.destroy = function(){
Foundation.Nest.Burn(this.$element, 'drilldown');
.find('.js-drilldown-back, .is-submenu-parent-item').remove()
.end().find('.is-active, .is-closing, .is-drilldown-submenu').removeClass('is-active is-closing is-drilldown-submenu')
.end().find('[data-submenu]').removeAttr('aria-hidden tabindex role');
this.$submenuAnchors.each(function() {
.end().find('.is-active, .is-closing, .is-drilldown-sub').removeClass('is-active is-closing is-drilldown-sub')
.end().find('[data-submenu]').removeAttr('aria-hidden tabindex role')
var $link = $(this);
$link.attr('href', $'savedHref')).removeData('savedHref');
}else{ return; }
Drilldown.defaults = {
* Markup used for JS generated back button. Prepended to submenu lists and deleted on `destroy` method, 'js-drilldown-back' class required. Remove the backslash (`\`) if copy and pasting.
* @option
* @example '<\li><\a>Back<\/a><\/li>'
backButton: '<li class="js-drilldown-back"><a tabindex="0">Back</a></li>',
* Markup used to wrap drilldown menu. Use a class name for independent styling; the JS applied class: `is-drilldown` is required. Remove the backslash (`\`) if copy and pasting.
* @option
* @example '<\div class="is-drilldown"><\/div>'
wrapper: '<div></div>',
* Adds the parent link to the submenu.
* @option
* @example false
parentLink: false,
* Allow the menu to return to root list on body click.
* @option
* @example false
closeOnClick: false
// holdOpen: false
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Drilldown, 'Drilldown');
Foundation.plugin(Drilldown, 'Drilldown');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Dropdown module.
* @module foundation.dropdown
* @requires foundation.util.keyboard
* @requires
* @requires foundation.util.triggers
class Dropdown {
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
* Creates a new instance of a dropdown.
* @class
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into a dropdown.
* Object should be of the dropdown panel, rather than its anchor.
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into an accordion menu.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function Dropdown(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Dropdown.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -33,22 +27,78 @@ class Dropdown {
Dropdown.defaults = {
* Amount of time to delay opening a submenu on hover event.
* @option
* @example 250
hoverDelay: 250,
* Allow submenus to open on hover events
* @option
* @example false
hover: false,
* Don't close dropdown when hovering over dropdown pane
* @option
* @example true
hoverPane: false,
* Number of pixels between the dropdown pane and the triggering element on open.
* @option
* @example 1
vOffset: 1,
* Number of pixels between the dropdown pane and the triggering element on open.
* @option
* @example 1
hOffset: 1,
* Class applied to adjust open position. JS will test and fill this in.
* @option
* @example 'top'
positionClass: '',
* Allow the plugin to trap focus to the dropdown pane if opened with keyboard commands.
* @option
* @example false
trapFocus: false,
* Allow the plugin to set focus to the first focusable element within the pane, regardless of method of opening.
* @option
* @example true
autoFocus: false,
* Allows a click on the body to close the dropdown.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnClick: false
* Initializes the plugin by setting/checking options and attributes, adding helper variables, and saving the anchor.
* @function
* @private
_init() {
Dropdown.prototype._init = function(){
var $id = this.$element.attr('id');
this.$anchor = $(`[data-toggle="${$id}"]`).length ? $(`[data-toggle="${$id}"]`) : $(`[data-open="${$id}"]`);
this.$anchor = $('[data-toggle="' + $id + '"]') || $('[data-open="' + $id + '"]');
'aria-controls': $id,
'data-is-focus': false,
'data-yeti-box': $id,
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false
// 'data-resize': $id
this.options.positionClass = this.getPositionClass();
@ -61,30 +111,24 @@ class Dropdown {
'aria-labelledby': this.$anchor[0].id || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'dd-anchor')
* Helper function to determine current orientation of dropdown pane.
* @function
* @returns {String} position - string value of a position class.
getPositionClass() {
var verticalPosition = this.$element[0].className.match(/(top|left|right|bottom)/g);
verticalPosition = verticalPosition ? verticalPosition[0] : '';
var horizontalPosition = /float-(\S+)/.exec(this.$anchor[0].className);
horizontalPosition = horizontalPosition ? horizontalPosition[1] : '';
var position = horizontalPosition ? horizontalPosition + ' ' + verticalPosition : verticalPosition;
Dropdown.prototype.getPositionClass = function(){
var position = this.$element[0].className.match(/(top|left|right)/g);
position = position ? position[0] : '';
return position;
* Adjusts the dropdown panes orientation by adding/removing positioning classes.
* @function
* @private
* @param {String} position - position class to remove.
_reposition(position) {
Dropdown.prototype._reposition = function(position){
this.usedPositions.push(position ? position : 'bottom');
//default, try switching to opposite side
if(!position && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('top') < 0)){
@ -116,15 +160,14 @@ class Dropdown {
this.classChanged = true;
* Sets the position and orientation of the dropdown pane, checks for collisions.
* Recursively calls itself if a collision is detected, with a new position class.
* @function
* @private
_setPosition() {
Dropdown.prototype._setPosition = function(){
if(this.$anchor.attr('aria-expanded') === 'false'){ return false; }
var position = this.getPositionClass(),
$eleDims = Foundation.Box.GetDimensions(this.$element),
@ -134,8 +177,6 @@ class Dropdown {
param = (direction === 'top') ? 'height' : 'width',
offset = (param === 'height') ? this.options.vOffset : this.options.hOffset;
if(($eleDims.width >= $eleDims.windowDims.width) || (!this.counter && !Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.$element))){
this.$element.offset(Foundation.Box.GetOffsets(this.$element, this.$anchor, 'center bottom', this.options.vOffset, this.options.hOffset, true)).css({
'width': $eleDims.windowDims.width - (this.options.hOffset * 2),
@ -147,18 +188,17 @@ class Dropdown {
this.$element.offset(Foundation.Box.GetOffsets(this.$element, this.$anchor, position, this.options.vOffset, this.options.hOffset));
while(!Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.$element, false, true) && this.counter){
while(!Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.$element) && this.counter){
* Adds event listeners to the element utilizing the triggers utility library.
* @function
* @private
_events() {
Dropdown.prototype._events = function(){
var _this = this;
@ -169,14 +209,12 @@ class Dropdown {
this.$'mouseenter.zf.dropdown mouseleave.zf.dropdown')
.on('mouseenter.zf.dropdown', function(){
if($('body[data-whatinput="mouse"]').is('*')) {
_this.timeout = setTimeout(function(){;
_this.$'hover', true);
}, _this.options.hoverDelay);
.on('mouseenter.zf.dropdown', function(){
_this.timeout = setTimeout(function(){;
_this.$'hover', true);
}, _this.options.hoverDelay);
}).on('mouseleave.zf.dropdown', function(){
_this.timeout = setTimeout(function(){
@ -236,14 +274,13 @@ class Dropdown {
* Adds an event handler to the body to close any dropdowns on a click.
* @function
* @private
_addBodyHandler() {
Dropdown.prototype._addBodyHandler = function(){
var $body = $(document.body).not(this.$element),
_this = this;
@ -257,15 +294,14 @@ class Dropdown {
* Opens the dropdown pane, and fires a bubbling event to close other dropdowns.
* @function
* @fires Dropdown#closeme
* @fires Dropdown#show
open() { = function(){
// var _this = this;
* Fires to close other open dropdowns
@ -292,15 +328,18 @@ class Dropdown {
* Fires once the dropdown is visible.
* @event Dropdown#show
this.$element.trigger('show.zf.dropdown', [this.$element]);
this.$element.trigger('show.zf.dropdown', [this.$element]);
//why does this not work correctly for this plugin?
// Foundation.reflow(this.$element, 'dropdown');
// Foundation._reflow(this.$element.attr('data-dropdown'));
* Closes the open dropdown pane.
* @function
* @fires Dropdown#hide
close() {
Dropdown.prototype.close = function(){
return false;
@ -322,91 +361,30 @@ class Dropdown {
this.usedPositions.length = 0;
this.$element.trigger('hide.zf.dropdown', [this.$element]);
// Foundation.reflow(this.$element, 'dropdown');
* Toggles the dropdown pane's visibility.
* @function
toggle() {
Dropdown.prototype.toggle = function(){
if(this.$'hover')) return;
* Destroys the dropdown.
* @function
destroy() {
Dropdown.prototype.destroy = function(){
Dropdown.defaults = {
* Amount of time to delay opening a submenu on hover event.
* @option
* @example 250
hoverDelay: 250,
* Allow submenus to open on hover events
* @option
* @example false
hover: false,
* Don't close dropdown when hovering over dropdown pane
* @option
* @example true
hoverPane: false,
* Number of pixels between the dropdown pane and the triggering element on open.
* @option
* @example 1
vOffset: 1,
* Number of pixels between the dropdown pane and the triggering element on open.
* @option
* @example 1
hOffset: 1,
* Class applied to adjust open position. JS will test and fill this in.
* @option
* @example 'top'
positionClass: '',
* Allow the plugin to trap focus to the dropdown pane if opened with keyboard commands.
* @option
* @example false
trapFocus: false,
* Allow the plugin to set focus to the first focusable element within the pane, regardless of method of opening.
* @option
* @example true
autoFocus: false,
* Allows a click on the body to close the dropdown.
* @option
* @example false
closeOnClick: false
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Dropdown, 'Dropdown');
Foundation.plugin(Dropdown, 'Dropdown');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* DropdownMenu module.
* @module foundation.dropdown-menu
@ -9,8 +5,9 @@
* @requires
* @requires foundation.util.nest
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
class DropdownMenu {
* Creates a new instance of DropdownMenu.
* @class
@ -18,7 +15,7 @@ class DropdownMenu {
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into a dropdown menu.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function DropdownMenu(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, DropdownMenu.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -37,101 +34,161 @@ class DropdownMenu {
* Default settings for plugin
DropdownMenu.defaults = {
* Disallows hover events from opening submenus
* @option
* @example false
disableHover: false,
* Allow a submenu to automatically close on a mouseleave event, if not clicked open.
* @option
* @example true
autoclose: true,
* Amount of time to delay opening a submenu on hover event.
* @option
* @example 50
hoverDelay: 50,
* Allow a submenu to open/remain open on parent click event. Allows cursor to move away from menu.
* @option
* @example true
clickOpen: false,
* Amount of time to delay closing a submenu on a mouseleave event.
* @option
* @example 500
closingTime: 500,
* Position of the menu relative to what direction the submenus should open. Handled by JS.
* @option
* @example 'left'
alignment: 'left',
* Allow clicks on the body to close any open submenus.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnClick: true,
* Class applied to vertical oriented menus, Foundation default is `vertical`. Update this if using your own class.
* @option
* @example 'vertical'
verticalClass: 'vertical',
* Class applied to right-side oriented menus, Foundation default is `align-right`. Update this if using your own class.
* @option
* @example 'align-right'
rightClass: 'align-right',
* Boolean to force overide the clicking of links to perform default action, on second touch event for mobile.
* @option
* @example false
forceFollow: true
* Initializes the plugin, and calls _prepareMenu
* @private
* @function
_init() {
DropdownMenu.prototype._init = function(){
var subs = this.$element.find('');
this.$menuItems = this.$element.find('[role="menuitem"]');
this.$tabs = this.$element.children('[role="menuitem"]');
this.isVert = this.$element.hasClass(this.options.verticalClass);
if (this.$element.hasClass(this.options.rightClass) || this.options.alignment === 'right' || Foundation.rtl() || this.$element.parents('.top-bar-right').is('*')) {
if(this.$element.hasClass(this.options.rightClass) || this.options.alignment === 'right'){
this.options.alignment = 'right';
} else {
subs.addClass('is-left-arrow opens-left');
subs.addClass('is-right-arrow opens-right');
this.$tabs.filter('.is-dropdown-submenu-parent').removeClass('is-right-arrow is-left-arrow opens-right opens-left')
this.changed = false;
_isVertical() {
return this.$tabs.css('display') === 'block';
* Adds event listeners to elements within the menu
* @private
* @function
_events() {
DropdownMenu.prototype._events = function(){
var _this = this,
hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window || (typeof window.ontouchstart !== 'undefined'),
parClass = 'is-dropdown-submenu-parent';
parClass = 'is-dropdown-submenu-parent',
// used for onClick and in the keyboard handlers
var handleClickFn = function(e) {
var $elem = $('ul', `.${parClass}`),
hasSub = $elem.hasClass(parClass),
hasClicked = $elem.attr('data-is-click') === 'true',
$sub = $elem.children('.is-dropdown-submenu');
if(this.options.clickOpen || hasTouch){
this.$menuItems.on('click.zf.dropdownmenu touchstart.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e){
var $elem = $('ul', '.' + parClass),
hasSub = $elem.hasClass(parClass),
hasClicked = $elem.attr('data-is-click') === 'true',
$sub = $elem.children('.is-dropdown-submenu');
if (hasSub) {
if (hasClicked) {
if (!_this.options.closeOnClick || (!_this.options.clickOpen && !hasTouch) || (_this.options.forceFollow && hasTouch)) { return; }
else {
if(!_this.options.closeOnClick || (!_this.options.clickOpen && !hasTouch) || (_this.options.forceFollow && hasTouch)){ return; }
$elem.add($elem.parentsUntil(_this.$element, '.' + parClass)).attr('data-is-click', true);
} else {
$elem.add($elem.parentsUntil(_this.$element, `.${parClass}`)).attr('data-is-click', true);
} else {
if (this.options.clickOpen || hasTouch) {
this.$menuItems.on('click.zf.dropdownmenu touchstart.zf.dropdownmenu', handleClickFn);
}else{ return; }
if (!this.options.disableHover) {
this.$menuItems.on('mouseenter.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e) {
this.$menuItems.on('mouseenter.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e){
var $elem = $(this),
hasSub = $elem.hasClass(parClass);
if (hasSub) {
_this.delay = setTimeout(function() {
delay = setTimeout(function(){
}, _this.options.hoverDelay);
}).on('mouseleave.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e) {
}).on('mouseleave.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e){
var $elem = $(this),
hasSub = $elem.hasClass(parClass);
if (hasSub && _this.options.autoclose) {
if ($elem.attr('data-is-click') === 'true' && _this.options.clickOpen) { return false; }
if(hasSub && _this.options.autoclose){
if($elem.attr('data-is-click') === 'true' && _this.options.clickOpen){ return false; }
_this.delay = setTimeout(function() {
// clearTimeout(delay);
delay = setTimeout(function(){
}, _this.options.closingTime);
this.$menuItems.on('keydown.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e) {
this.$menuItems.on('keydown.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e){
var $element = $('ul', '[role="menuitem"]'),
isTab = _this.$tabs.index($element) > -1,
$elements = isTab ? _this.$tabs : $element.siblings('li').add($element),
@ -147,26 +204,20 @@ class DropdownMenu {
var nextSibling = function() {
if (!$':last-child')) {
if (!$':last-child')) $nextElement.children('a:first').focus();
}, prevSibling = function() {
}, openSub = function() {
var $sub = $element.children('');
if ($sub.length) {
$element.find('li > a:first').focus();
} else { return; }
}else{ return; }
}, closeSub = function() {
//if ($':first-child')) {
var close = $element.parent('ul').parent('li');
var functions = {
@ -174,87 +225,76 @@ class DropdownMenu {
close: function() {
_this.$menuItems.find('a:first').focus(); // focus to first element
handled: function() {
if (isTab) {
if (_this._isVertical()) { // vertical menu
if (Foundation.rtl()) { // right aligned
$.extend(functions, {
down: nextSibling,
up: prevSibling,
next: closeSub,
previous: openSub
} else { // left aligned
if (_this.vertical) { // vertical menu
if (_this.options.alignment === 'left') { // left aligned
$.extend(functions, {
down: nextSibling,
up: prevSibling,
next: openSub,
previous: closeSub
} else { // right aligned
$.extend(functions, {
down: nextSibling,
up: prevSibling,
next: closeSub,
previous: openSub
} else { // horizontal menu
if (Foundation.rtl()) { // right aligned
$.extend(functions, {
next: prevSibling,
previous: nextSibling,
down: openSub,
up: closeSub
} else { // left aligned
$.extend(functions, {
next: nextSibling,
previous: prevSibling,
down: openSub,
up: closeSub
$.extend(functions, {
next: nextSibling,
previous: prevSibling,
down: openSub,
up: closeSub
} else { // not tabs -> one sub
if (Foundation.rtl()) { // right aligned
$.extend(functions, {
next: closeSub,
previous: openSub,
down: nextSibling,
up: prevSibling
} else { // left aligned
if (_this.options.alignment === 'left') { // left aligned
$.extend(functions, {
next: openSub,
previous: closeSub,
down: nextSibling,
up: prevSibling
} else { // right aligned
$.extend(functions, {
next: closeSub,
previous: openSub,
down: nextSibling,
up: prevSibling
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'DropdownMenu', functions);
* Adds an event handler to the body to close any dropdowns on a click.
* @function
* @private
_addBodyHandler() {
DropdownMenu.prototype._addBodyHandler = function(){
var $body = $(document.body),
_this = this;
$'mouseup.zf.dropdownmenu touchend.zf.dropdownmenu')
.on('mouseup.zf.dropdownmenu touchend.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e) {
.on('mouseup.zf.dropdownmenu touchend.zf.dropdownmenu', function(e){
var $link = _this.$element.find(;
if ($link.length) { return; }
if($link.length){ return; }
$'mouseup.zf.dropdownmenu touchend.zf.dropdownmenu');
* Opens a dropdown pane, and checks for collisions first.
* @param {jQuery} $sub - ul element that is a submenu to show
@ -262,35 +302,34 @@ class DropdownMenu {
* @private
* @fires DropdownMenu#show
_show($sub) {
var idx = this.$tabs.index(this.$tabs.filter(function(i, el) {
DropdownMenu.prototype._show = function($sub){
var idx = this.$tabs.index(this.$tabs.filter(function(i, el){
return $(el).find($sub).length > 0;
var $sibs = $sub.parent('').siblings('');
this._hide($sibs, idx);
$sub.css('visibility', 'hidden').addClass('js-dropdown-active').attr({'aria-hidden': false})
.attr({'aria-expanded': true});
.attr({'aria-selected': true, 'aria-expanded': true});
var clear = Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou($sub, null, true);
if (!clear) {
var oldClass = this.options.alignment === 'left' ? '-right' : '-left',
$parentLi = $sub.parent('.is-dropdown-submenu-parent');
$parentLi.removeClass('opens' + oldClass).addClass('opens-' + this.options.alignment);
clear = Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou($sub, null, true);
if (!clear) {
$parentLi.removeClass('opens-' + this.options.alignment).addClass('opens-inner');
this.changed = true;
$sub.css('visibility', '');
if (this.options.closeOnClick) { this._addBodyHandler(); }
if(this.options.closeOnClick){ this._addBodyHandler(); }
* Fires when the new dropdown pane is visible.
* @event DropdownMenu#show
this.$element.trigger('show.zf.dropdownmenu', [$sub]);
* Hides a single, currently open dropdown pane, if passed a parameter, otherwise, hides everything.
* @function
@ -298,22 +337,23 @@ class DropdownMenu {
* @param {Number} idx - index of the $tabs collection to hide
* @private
_hide($elem, idx) {
DropdownMenu.prototype._hide = function($elem, idx){
var $toClose;
if ($elem && $elem.length) {
if($elem && $elem.length){
$toClose = $elem;
} else if (idx !== undefined) {
$toClose = this.$tabs.not(function(i, el) {
}else if(idx !== undefined){
$toClose = this.$tabs.not(function(i, el){
return i === idx;
else {
$toClose = this.$element;
var somethingToClose = $toClose.hasClass('is-active') || $toClose.find('.is-active').length > 0;
if (somethingToClose) {
'aria-selected': false,
'aria-expanded': false,
'data-is-click': false
@ -322,11 +362,11 @@ class DropdownMenu {
'aria-hidden': true
if (this.changed || $toClose.find('opens-inner').length) {
if(this.changed || $toClose.find('opens-inner').length){
var oldClass = this.options.alignment === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left';
.removeClass(`opens-inner opens-${this.options.alignment}`)
.removeClass('opens-inner opens-' + this.options.alignment)
.addClass('opens-' + oldClass);
this.changed = false;
@ -335,95 +375,17 @@ class DropdownMenu {
this.$element.trigger('hide.zf.dropdownmenu', [$toClose]);
* Destroys the plugin.
* @function
destroy() {
DropdownMenu.prototype.destroy = function(){
.removeClass('is-right-arrow is-left-arrow is-down-arrow opens-right opens-left opens-inner');
Foundation.Nest.Burn(this.$element, 'dropdown');
* Default settings for plugin
DropdownMenu.defaults = {
* Disallows hover events from opening submenus
* @option
* @example false
disableHover: false,
* Allow a submenu to automatically close on a mouseleave event, if not clicked open.
* @option
* @example true
autoclose: true,
* Amount of time to delay opening a submenu on hover event.
* @option
* @example 50
hoverDelay: 50,
* Allow a submenu to open/remain open on parent click event. Allows cursor to move away from menu.
* @option
* @example true
clickOpen: false,
* Amount of time to delay closing a submenu on a mouseleave event.
* @option
* @example 500
closingTime: 500,
* Position of the menu relative to what direction the submenus should open. Handled by JS.
* @option
* @example 'left'
alignment: 'left',
* Allow clicks on the body to close any open submenus.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnClick: true,
* Allow clicks on leaf anchor links to close any open submenus.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnClickInside: true,
* Class applied to vertical oriented menus, Foundation default is `vertical`. Update this if using your own class.
* @option
* @example 'vertical'
verticalClass: 'vertical',
* Class applied to right-side oriented menus, Foundation default is `align-right`. Update this if using your own class.
* @option
* @example 'align-right'
rightClass: 'align-right',
* Boolean to force overide the clicking of links to perform default action, on second touch event for mobile.
* @option
* @example false
forceFollow: true
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(DropdownMenu, 'DropdownMenu');
Foundation.plugin(DropdownMenu, 'DropdownMenu');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Equalizer module.
* @module foundation.equalizer
* @requires foundation.util.mediaQuery
* @requires foundation.util.timerAndImageLoader if equalizer contains images
class Equalizer {
* Creates a new instance of Equalizer.
* @class
@ -17,7 +8,7 @@ class Equalizer {
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to add the trigger to.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options){
function Equalizer(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Equalizer.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -26,13 +17,37 @@ class Equalizer {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Equalizer');
* Default settings for plugin
Equalizer.defaults = {
* Enable height equalization when stacked on smaller screens.
* @option
* @example true
equalizeOnStack: true,
* Enable height equalization row by row.
* @option
* @example false
equalizeByRow: false,
* String representing the minimum breakpoint size the plugin should equalize heights on.
* @option
* @example 'medium'
equalizeOn: ''
* Initializes the Equalizer plugin and calls functions to get equalizer functioning on load.
* @private
_init() {
Equalizer.prototype._init = function(){
var eqId = this.$element.attr('data-equalizer') || '';
var $watched = this.$element.find(`[data-equalizer-watch="${eqId}"]`);
var $watched = this.$element.find('[data-equalizer-watch="' + eqId + '"]');
this.$watched = $watched.length ? $watched : this.$element.find('[data-equalizer-watch]');
this.$element.attr('data-resize', (eqId || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'eq')));
@ -40,10 +55,6 @@ class Equalizer {
this.hasNested = this.$element.find('[data-equalizer]').length > 0;
this.isNested = this.$element.parentsUntil(document.body, '[data-equalizer]').length > 0;
this.isOn = false;
this._bindHandler = {
onResizeMeBound: this._onResizeMe.bind(this),
onPostEqualizedBound: this._onPostEqualized.bind(this)
var imgs = this.$element.find('img');
var tooSmall;
@ -60,56 +71,37 @@ class Equalizer {
* Removes event listeners if the breakpoint is too small.
* @private
_pauseEvents() {
Equalizer.prototype._pauseEvents = function(){
this.isOn = false;
'.zf.equalizer': this._bindHandler.onPostEqualizedBound,
'resizeme.zf.trigger': this._bindHandler.onResizeMeBound
* function to handle $elements resizeme.zf.trigger, with bound this on _bindHandler.onResizeMeBound
* @private
_onResizeMe(e) {
* function to handle $elements postequalized.zf.equalizer, with bound this on _bindHandler.onPostEqualizedBound
* @private
_onPostEqualized(e) {
if( !== this.$element[0]){ this._reflow(); }
this.$'.zf.equalizer resizeme.zf.trigger');
* Initializes events for Equalizer.
* @private
_events() {
Equalizer.prototype._events = function(){
var _this = this;
this.$element.on('postequalized.zf.equalizer', this._bindHandler.onPostEqualizedBound);
this.$element.on('postequalized.zf.equalizer', function(e){
if( !== _this.$element[0]){ _this._reflow(); }
this.$element.on('resizeme.zf.trigger', this._bindHandler.onResizeMeBound);
this.$element.on('resizeme.zf.trigger', this._reflow.bind(this));
this.isOn = true;
* Checks the current breakpoint to the minimum required size.
* @private
_checkMQ() {
Equalizer.prototype._checkMQ = function(){
var tooSmall = !Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.equalizeOn);
@ -123,20 +115,18 @@ class Equalizer {
return tooSmall;
* A noop version for the plugin
* @private
_killswitch() {
Equalizer.prototype._killswitch = function(){
* Calls necessary functions to update Equalizer upon DOM change
* @private
_reflow() {
Equalizer.prototype._reflow = function(){
this.$watched.css('height', 'auto');
@ -148,37 +138,34 @@ class Equalizer {
* Manually determines if the first 2 elements are *NOT* stacked.
* @private
_isStacked() {
return this.$watched[0].getBoundingClientRect().top !== this.$watched[1].getBoundingClientRect().top;
Equalizer.prototype._isStacked = function(){
return this.$watched[0].offsetTop !== this.$watched[1].offsetTop;
* Finds the outer heights of children contained within an Equalizer parent and returns them in an array
* @param {Function} cb - A non-optional callback to return the heights array to.
* @returns {Array} heights - An array of heights of children within Equalizer container
getHeights(cb) {
Equalizer.prototype.getHeights = function(cb){
var heights = [];
for(var i = 0, len = this.$watched.length; i < len; i++){
this.$watched[i].style.height = 'auto';
* Finds the outer heights of children contained within an Equalizer parent and returns them in an array
* @param {Function} cb - A non-optional callback to return the heights array to.
* @returns {Array} groups - An array of heights of children within Equalizer container grouped by row with element,height and max as last child
getHeightsByRow(cb) {
var lastElTopOffset = (this.$watched.length ? this.$watched.first().offset().top : 0),
Equalizer.prototype.getHeightsByRow = function(cb) {
var lastElTopOffset = this.$watched.first().offset().top,
groups = [],
group = 0;
//group by Row
@ -191,25 +178,24 @@ class Equalizer {
groups[group] = [];
for (var j = 0, ln = groups.length; j < ln; j++) {
var heights = $(groups[j]).map(function(){ return this[1]; }).get();
for (var i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; i++) {
var heights = $(groups[i]).map(function () { return this[1]}).get();
var max = Math.max.apply(null, heights);
* Changes the CSS height property of each child in an Equalizer parent to match the tallest
* @param {array} heights - An array of heights of children within Equalizer container
* @fires Equalizer#preequalized
* @fires Equalizer#postequalized
applyHeight(heights) {
Equalizer.prototype.applyHeight = function(heights){
var max = Math.max.apply(null, heights);
* Fires before the heights are applied
@ -224,8 +210,7 @@ class Equalizer {
* @event Equalizer#postequalized
* Changes the CSS height property of each child in an Equalizer parent to match the tallest by row
* @param {array} groups - An array of heights of children within Equalizer container grouped by row with element,height and max as last child
@ -234,7 +219,7 @@ class Equalizer {
* @fires Equalizer#postequalizedRow
* @fires Equalizer#postequalized
applyHeightByRow(groups) {
Equalizer.prototype.applyHeightByRow = function(groups){
* Fires before the heights are applied
@ -245,7 +230,7 @@ class Equalizer {
if (groupsILength<=2) {
* Fires before the heights per row are applied
* @event Equalizer#preequalizedRow
@ -264,45 +249,26 @@ class Equalizer {
* Fires when the heights have been applied
* Destroys an instance of Equalizer.
* @function
destroy() {
Equalizer.prototype.destroy = function(){
this.$watched.css('height', 'auto');
* Default settings for plugin
Equalizer.defaults = {
* Enable height equalization when stacked on smaller screens.
* @option
* @example true
equalizeOnStack: false,
* Enable height equalization row by row.
* @option
* @example false
equalizeByRow: false,
* String representing the minimum breakpoint size the plugin should equalize heights on.
* @option
* @example 'medium'
equalizeOn: ''
Foundation.plugin(Equalizer, 'Equalizer');
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Equalizer, 'Equalizer');
// Exports for AMD/Browserify
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = Equalizer;
if (typeof define === 'function')
define(['foundation'], function() {
return Equalizer;
}(Foundation, jQuery);

View File

@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Interchange module.
* @module foundation.interchange
* @requires foundation.util.mediaQuery
* @requires foundation.util.timerAndImageLoader
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
class Interchange {
* Creates a new instance of Interchange.
* @class
@ -17,7 +14,7 @@ class Interchange {
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to add the trigger to.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function Interchange(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Interchange.defaults, options);
this.rules = [];
@ -29,63 +26,76 @@ class Interchange {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Interchange');
* Default settings for plugin
Interchange.defaults = {
* Rules to be applied to Interchange elements. Set with the `data-interchange` array notation.
* @option
rules: null
Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES = {
'landscape': 'screen and (orientation: landscape)',
'portrait': 'screen and (orientation: portrait)',
'retina': 'only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx)'
* Initializes the Interchange plugin and calls functions to get interchange functioning on load.
* @function
* @private
_init() {
Interchange.prototype._init = function() {
* Initializes events for Interchange.
* @function
* @private
_events() {
Interchange.prototype._events = function() {
$(window).on('resize.zf.interchange', Foundation.util.throttle(this._reflow.bind(this), 50));
* Calls necessary functions to update Interchange upon DOM change
* @function
* @private
_reflow() {
Interchange.prototype._reflow = function() {
var match;
// Iterate through each rule, but only save the last match
for (var i in this.rules) {
if(this.rules.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var rule = this.rules[i];
var rule = this.rules[i];
if (window.matchMedia(rule.query).matches) {
match = rule;
if (window.matchMedia(rule.query).matches) {
match = rule;
if (match) {
* Gets the Foundation breakpoints and adds them to the Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES object.
* @function
* @private
_addBreakpoints() {
Interchange.prototype._addBreakpoints = function() {
for (var i in Foundation.MediaQuery.queries) {
if (Foundation.MediaQuery.queries.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var query = Foundation.MediaQuery.queries[i];
Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES[] = query.value;
var query = Foundation.MediaQuery.queries[i];
Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES[] = query.value;
* Checks the Interchange element for the provided media query + content pairings
@ -94,7 +104,7 @@ class Interchange {
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object that is an Interchange instance
* @returns {Array} scenarios - Array of objects that have 'mq' and 'path' keys with corresponding keys
_generateRules(element) {
Interchange.prototype._generateRules = function() {
var rulesList = [];
var rules;
@ -106,24 +116,22 @@ class Interchange {
for (var i in rules) {
if(rules.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var rule = rules[i].slice(1, -1).split(', ');
var path = rule.slice(0, -1).join('');
var query = rule[rule.length - 1];
var rule = rules[i].slice(1, -1).split(', ');
var path = rule.slice(0, -1).join('');
var query = rule[rule.length - 1];
if (Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES[query]) {
query = Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES[query];
path: path,
query: query
if (Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES[query]) {
query = Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES[query];
path: path,
query: query
this.rules = rulesList;
* Update the `src` property of an image, or change the HTML of a container, to the specified path.
@ -131,68 +139,46 @@ class Interchange {
* @param {String} path - Path to the image or HTML partial.
* @fires Interchange#replaced
replace(path) {
Interchange.prototype.replace = function(path) {
if (this.currentPath === path) return;
var _this = this,
trigger = 'replaced.zf.interchange';
var _this = this;
// Replacing images
if (this.$element[0].nodeName === 'IMG') {
this.$element.attr('src', path).on('load', function() {
this.$element.attr('src', path).load(function() {
_this.currentPath = path;
// Replacing background images
else if (path.match(/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|svg|tiff)([?#].*)?/i)) {
this.$element.css({ 'background-image': 'url('+path+')' })
else if (path.match(/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)([?#].*)?/i)) {
this.$element.css({ 'background-image': 'url('+path+')' });
// Replacing HTML
else {
$.get(path, function(response) {
_this.currentPath = path;
* Fires when content in an Interchange element is done being loaded.
* @event Interchange#replaced
// this.$element.trigger('replaced.zf.interchange');
* Destroys an instance of interchange.
* @function
destroy() {
Interchange.prototype.destroy = function(){
//TODO this.
Foundation.plugin(Interchange, 'Interchange');
* Default settings for plugin
Interchange.defaults = {
* Rules to be applied to Interchange elements. Set with the `data-interchange` array notation.
* @option
rules: null
// Exports for AMD/Browserify
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = Interchange;
if (typeof define === 'function')
define(['foundation'], function() {
return Interchange;
Interchange.SPECIAL_QUERIES = {
'landscape': 'screen and (orientation: landscape)',
'portrait': 'screen and (orientation: portrait)',
'retina': 'only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx)'
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Interchange, 'Interchange');
}(Foundation, jQuery);

View File

@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Magellan module.
* @module foundation.magellan
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
class Magellan {
* Creates a new instance of Magellan.
* @class
@ -15,7 +12,7 @@ class Magellan {
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to add the trigger to.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function Magellan(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Magellan.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -24,13 +21,55 @@ class Magellan {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Magellan');
* Default settings for plugin
Magellan.defaults = {
* Amount of time, in ms, the animated scrolling should take between locations.
* @option
* @example 500
animationDuration: 500,
* Animation style to use when scrolling between locations.
* @option
* @example 'ease-in-out'
animationEasing: 'linear',
* Number of pixels to use as a marker for location changes.
* @option
* @example 50
threshold: 50,
* Class applied to the active locations link on the magellan container.
* @option
* @example 'active'
activeClass: 'active',
* Allows the script to manipulate the url of the current page, and if supported, alter the history.
* @option
* @example true
deepLinking: false,
* Number of pixels to offset the scroll of the page on item click if using a sticky nav bar.
* @option
* @example 25
barOffset: 0
* Initializes the Magellan plugin and calls functions to get equalizer functioning on load.
* @private
_init() {
var id = this.$element[0].id || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'magellan');
var _this = this;
Magellan.prototype._init = function() {
var id = this.$element[0].id || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'magellan'),
_this = this;
this.$targets = $('[data-magellan-target]');
this.$links = this.$element.find('a');
@ -42,14 +81,13 @@ class Magellan {
this.scrollPos = parseInt(window.pageYOffset, 10);
* Calculates an array of pixel values that are the demarcation lines between locations on the page.
* Can be invoked if new elements are added or the size of a location changes.
* @function
calcPoints() {
Magellan.prototype.calcPoints = function(){
var _this = this,
body = document.body,
html = document.documentElement;
@ -64,25 +102,20 @@ class Magellan {
$tar.targetPoint = pt;
* Initializes events for Magellan.
* @private
_events() {
Magellan.prototype._events = function() {
var _this = this,
$body = $('html, body'),
opts = {
duration: _this.options.animationDuration,
easing: _this.options.animationEasing
$(window).one('load', function(){
@ -92,40 +125,32 @@ class Magellan {
'scrollme.zf.trigger': this._updateActive.bind(this)
}).on('click.zf.magellan', 'a[href^="#"]', function(e) {
var arrival = this.getAttribute('href');
* Function to scroll to a given location on the page.
* @param {String} loc - a properly formatted jQuery id selector. Example: '#foo'
* @function
scrollToLoc(loc) {
// Do nothing if target does not exist to prevent errors
if (!$(loc).length) {return false;}
var scrollPos = Math.round($(loc).offset().top - this.options.threshold / 2 - this.options.barOffset);
$('html, body').stop(true).animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, this.options.animationDuration, this.options.animationEasing);
var arrival = this.getAttribute('href'),
scrollPos = $(arrival).offset().top - _this.options.threshold / 2 - _this.options.barOffset;
// requestAnimationFrame is disabled for this plugin currently
// Foundation.Move(_this.options.animationDuration, $body, function(){
scrollTop: scrollPos
}, opts);
// });
* Calls necessary functions to update Magellan upon DOM change
* @function
reflow() {
Magellan.prototype.reflow = function(){
* Updates the visibility of an active location link, and updates the url hash for the page, if deepLinking enabled.
* @private
* @function
* @fires Magellan#update
_updateActive(/*evt, elem, scrollPos*/) {
Magellan.prototype._updateActive = function(/*evt, elem, scrollPos*/){
var winPos = /*scrollPos ||*/ parseInt(window.pageYOffset, 10),
@ -135,13 +160,13 @@ class Magellan {
var isDown = this.scrollPos < winPos,
_this = this,
curVisible = this.points.filter(function(p, i){
return isDown ? p - _this.options.barOffset <= winPos : p - _this.options.barOffset - _this.options.threshold <= winPos;
return isDown ? p <= winPos : p - _this.options.threshold <= winPos;//&& winPos >= _this.points[i -1] - _this.options.threshold;
curIdx = curVisible.length ? curVisible.length - 1 : 0;
this.$active = this.$links.filter('[href="#' + this.$targets.eq(curIdx).data('magellan-target') + '"]').addClass(this.options.activeClass);
this.$active = this.$links.eq(curIdx).addClass(this.options.activeClass);
var hash = this.$active[0].getAttribute('href');
@ -158,15 +183,14 @@ class Magellan {
* @event Magellan#update
this.$element.trigger('update.zf.magellan', [this.$active]);
* Destroys an instance of Magellan and resets the url of the window.
* @function
destroy() {
Magellan.prototype.destroy = function(){
this.$'.zf.trigger .zf.magellan')
.find('.' + this.options.activeClass).removeClass(this.options.activeClass);
var hash = this.$active[0].getAttribute('href');
@ -174,52 +198,15 @@ class Magellan {
Foundation.plugin(Magellan, 'Magellan');
* Default settings for plugin
Magellan.defaults = {
* Amount of time, in ms, the animated scrolling should take between locations.
* @option
* @example 500
animationDuration: 500,
* Animation style to use when scrolling between locations.
* @option
* @example 'ease-in-out'
animationEasing: 'linear',
* Number of pixels to use as a marker for location changes.
* @option
* @example 50
threshold: 50,
* Class applied to the active locations link on the magellan container.
* @option
* @example 'active'
activeClass: 'active',
* Allows the script to manipulate the url of the current page, and if supported, alter the history.
* @option
* @example true
deepLinking: false,
* Number of pixels to offset the scroll of the page on item click if using a sticky nav bar.
* @option
* @example 25
barOffset: 0
// Exports for AMD/Browserify
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = Magellan;
if (typeof define === 'function')
define(['foundation'], function() {
return Magellan;
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Magellan, 'Magellan');
}(Foundation, jQuery);

View File

@ -1,343 +1,29 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* OffCanvas module.
* @module foundation.offcanvas
* @requires foundation.util.mediaQuery
* @requires foundation.util.triggers
* @requires foundation.util.motion
!function($, Foundation) {
class OffCanvas {
* Creates a new instance of an off-canvas wrapper.
* @class
* @fires OffCanvas#init
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to initialize.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, OffCanvas.defaults, this.$, options);
this.$lastTrigger = $();
this.$triggers = $();
'use strict';
* Creates a new instance of an off-canvas wrapper.
* @class
* @fires OffCanvas#init
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to initialize.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
function OffCanvas(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, OffCanvas.defaults, this.$, options);
this.$lastTrigger = $();
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'OffCanvas')
Foundation.Keyboard.register('OffCanvas', {
'ESCAPE': 'close'
* Initializes the off-canvas wrapper by adding the exit overlay (if needed).
* @function
* @private
_init() {
var id = this.$element.attr('id');
this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
// Find triggers that affect this element and add aria-expanded to them
this.$triggers = $(document)
.find('[data-open="'+id+'"], [data-close="'+id+'"], [data-toggle="'+id+'"]')
.attr('aria-expanded', 'false')
.attr('aria-controls', id);
// Add a close trigger over the body if necessary
if (this.options.closeOnClick) {
if ($('.js-off-canvas-exit').length) {
this.$exiter = $('.js-off-canvas-exit');
} else {
var exiter = document.createElement('div');
exiter.setAttribute('class', 'js-off-canvas-exit');
this.$exiter = $(exiter);
this.options.isRevealed = this.options.isRevealed || new RegExp(this.options.revealClass, 'g').test(this.$element[0].className);
if (this.options.isRevealed) {
this.options.revealOn = this.options.revealOn || this.$element[0].className.match(/(reveal-for-medium|reveal-for-large)/g)[0].split('-')[2];
if (!this.options.transitionTime) {
this.options.transitionTime = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle($('[data-off-canvas-wrapper]')[0]).transitionDuration) * 1000;
* Adds event handlers to the off-canvas wrapper and the exit overlay.
* @function
* @private
_events() {
this.$'.zf.trigger .zf.offcanvas').on({
'close.zf.trigger': this.close.bind(this),
'toggle.zf.trigger': this.toggle.bind(this),
'keydown.zf.offcanvas': this._handleKeyboard.bind(this)
if (this.options.closeOnClick && this.$exiter.length) {
this.$exiter.on({'click.zf.offcanvas': this.close.bind(this)});
* Applies event listener for elements that will reveal at certain breakpoints.
* @private
_setMQChecker() {
var _this = this;
$(window).on('changed.zf.mediaquery', function() {
if (Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(_this.options.revealOn)) {
} else {
}).one('load.zf.offcanvas', function() {
if (Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(_this.options.revealOn)) {
* Handles the revealing/hiding the off-canvas at breakpoints, not the same as open.
* @param {Boolean} isRevealed - true if element should be revealed.
* @function
reveal(isRevealed) {
var $closer = this.$element.find('[data-close]');
if (isRevealed) {
this.isRevealed = true;
// if (!this.options.forceTop) {
// var scrollPos = parseInt(window.pageYOffset);
// this.$element[0].style.transform = 'translate(0,' + scrollPos + 'px)';
// }
// if (this.options.isSticky) { this._stick(); }
this.$'open.zf.trigger toggle.zf.trigger');
if ($closer.length) { $closer.hide(); }
} else {
this.isRevealed = false;
// if (this.options.isSticky || !this.options.forceTop) {
// this.$element[0].style.transform = '';
// $(window).off('scroll.zf.offcanvas');
// }
'toggle.zf.trigger': this.toggle.bind(this)
if ($closer.length) {
* Opens the off-canvas menu.
* @function
* @param {Object} event - Event object passed from listener.
* @param {jQuery} trigger - element that triggered the off-canvas to open.
* @fires OffCanvas#opened
open(event, trigger) {
if (this.$element.hasClass('is-open') || this.isRevealed) { return; }
var _this = this,
$body = $(document.body);
if (this.options.forceTop) {
// window.pageYOffset = 0;
// if (!this.options.forceTop) {
// var scrollPos = parseInt(window.pageYOffset);
// this.$element[0].style.transform = 'translate(0,' + scrollPos + 'px)';
// if (this.$exiter.length) {
// this.$exiter[0].style.transform = 'translate(0,' + scrollPos + 'px)';
// }
// }
* Fires when the off-canvas menu opens.
* @event OffCanvas#opened
var $wrapper = $('[data-off-canvas-wrapper]');
$wrapper.addClass('is-off-canvas-open is-open-'+ _this.options.position);
// if (_this.options.isSticky) {
// _this._stick();
// }
this.$triggers.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'false')
if (this.options.closeOnClick) {
if (trigger) {
this.$lastTrigger = trigger;
if (this.options.autoFocus) {
$$wrapper), function() {
if(_this.$element.hasClass('is-open')) { // handle double clicks
_this.$element.attr('tabindex', '-1');
if (this.options.trapFocus) {
$$wrapper), function() {
if(_this.$element.hasClass('is-open')) { // handle double clicks
_this.$element.attr('tabindex', '-1');
* Traps focus within the offcanvas on open.
* @private
_trapFocus() {
var focusable = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(this.$element),
first = focusable.eq(0),
last = focusable.eq(-1);'.zf.offcanvas').on('keydown.zf.offcanvas', function(e) {
var key = Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey(e);
if (key === 'TAB' && === last[0]) {
if (key === 'SHIFT_TAB' && === first[0]) {
* Allows the offcanvas to appear sticky utilizing translate properties.
* @private
// OffCanvas.prototype._stick = function() {
// var elStyle = this.$element[0].style;
// if (this.options.closeOnClick) {
// var exitStyle = this.$exiter[0].style;
// }
// $(window).on('scroll.zf.offcanvas', function(e) {
// console.log(e);
// var pageY = window.pageYOffset;
// elStyle.transform = 'translate(0,' + pageY + 'px)';
// if (exitStyle !== undefined) { exitStyle.transform = 'translate(0,' + pageY + 'px)'; }
// });
// // this.$element.trigger('stuck.zf.offcanvas');
// };
* Closes the off-canvas menu.
* @function
* @param {Function} cb - optional cb to fire after closure.
* @fires OffCanvas#closed
close(cb) {
if (!this.$element.hasClass('is-open') || this.isRevealed) { return; }
var _this = this;
// Foundation.Move(this.options.transitionTime, this.$element, function() {
$('[data-off-canvas-wrapper]').removeClass(`is-off-canvas-open is-open-${_this.options.position}`);
// Foundation._reflow();
// });
this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true')
* Fires when the off-canvas menu opens.
* @event OffCanvas#closed
// if (_this.options.isSticky || !_this.options.forceTop) {
// setTimeout(function() {
// _this.$element[0].style.transform = '';
// $(window).off('scroll.zf.offcanvas');
// }, this.options.transitionTime);
// }
if (this.options.closeOnClick) {
this.$triggers.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
if (this.options.trapFocus) {
* Toggles the off-canvas menu open or closed.
* @function
* @param {Object} event - Event object passed from listener.
* @param {jQuery} trigger - element that triggered the off-canvas to open.
toggle(event, trigger) {
if (this.$element.hasClass('is-open')) {
this.close(event, trigger);
else {, trigger);
* Handles keyboard input when detected. When the escape key is pressed, the off-canvas menu closes, and focus is restored to the element that opened the menu.
* @function
* @private
_handleKeyboard(e) {
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'OffCanvas', {
close: () => {
return true;
handled: () => {
* Destroys the offcanvas plugin.
* @function
destroy() {
this.$'.zf.trigger .zf.offcanvas');
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'OffCanvas');
OffCanvas.defaults = {
@ -347,49 +33,45 @@ OffCanvas.defaults = {
* @example true
closeOnClick: true,
* Amount of time in ms the open and close transition requires. If none selected, pulls from body style.
* @option
* @example 500
transitionTime: 0,
* Direction the offcanvas opens from. Determines class applied to body.
* @option
* @example left
position: 'left',
* Force the page to scroll to top on open.
* @option
* @example true
forceTop: true,
* Allow the offcanvas to remain open for certain breakpoints.
* Allow the offcanvas to be sticky while open. Does nothing if Sass option `$maincontent-prevent-scroll === true`.
* Performance in Safari OSX/iOS is not great.
// isSticky: false,
* Allow the offcanvas to remain open for certain breakpoints. Can be used with `isSticky`.
* @option
* @example false
isRevealed: false,
* Breakpoint at which to reveal. JS will use a RegExp to target standard classes, if changing classnames, pass your class with the `revealClass` option.
* Breakpoint at which to reveal. JS will use a RegExp to target standard classes, if changing classnames, pass your class @`revealClass`.
* @option
* @example reveal-for-large
revealOn: null,
* Force focus to the offcanvas on open. If true, will focus the opening trigger on close. Sets tabindex of [data-off-canvas-content] to -1 for accessibility purposes.
* Force focus to the offcanvas on open. If true, will focus the opening trigger on close.
* @option
* @example true
autoFocus: true,
* Class used to force an offcanvas to remain open. Foundation defaults for this are `reveal-for-large` & `reveal-for-medium`.
* @option
@ -397,16 +79,293 @@ OffCanvas.defaults = {
* @example reveal-for-large
revealClass: 'reveal-for-',
* Triggers optional focus trapping when opening an offcanvas. Sets tabindex of [data-off-canvas-content] to -1 for accessibility purposes.
* @option
* @example true
trapFocus: false
* Initializes the off-canvas wrapper by adding the exit overlay (if needed).
* @function
* @private
OffCanvas.prototype._init = function() {
var id = this.$element.attr('id');
this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
// Find triggers that affect this element and add aria-expanded to them
.find('[data-open="'+id+'"], [data-close="'+id+'"], [data-toggle="'+id+'"]')
.attr('aria-expanded', 'false')
.attr('aria-controls', id);
// Add a close trigger over the body if necessary
if (this.options.closeOnClick){
this.$exiter = $('.js-off-canvas-exit');
var exiter = document.createElement('div');
exiter.setAttribute('class', 'js-off-canvas-exit');
this.$exiter = $(exiter);
this.options.isRevealed = this.options.isRevealed || new RegExp(this.options.revealClass, 'g').test(this.$element[0].className);
this.options.revealOn = this.options.revealOn || this.$element[0].className.match(/(reveal-for-medium|reveal-for-large)/g)[0].split('-')[2];
this.options.transitionTime = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle($('[data-off-canvas-wrapper]')[0]).transitionDuration) * 1000;
* Adds event handlers to the off-canvas wrapper and the exit overlay.
* @function
* @private
OffCanvas.prototype._events = function() {
this.$'.zf.trigger .zf.offcanvas').on({
'close.zf.trigger': this.close.bind(this),
'toggle.zf.trigger': this.toggle.bind(this),
'keydown.zf.offcanvas': this._handleKeyboard.bind(this)
if (this.$exiter.length) {
var _this = this;
this.$exiter.on({'click.zf.offcanvas': this.close.bind(this)});
* Applies event listener for elements that will reveal at certain breakpoints.
* @private
OffCanvas.prototype._setMQChecker = function(){
var _this = this;
$(window).on('changed.zf.mediaquery', function(){
}).one('load.zf.offcanvas', function(){
* Handles the revealing/hiding the off-canvas at breakpoints, not the same as open.
* @param {Boolean} isRevealed - true if element should be revealed.
* @function
OffCanvas.prototype.reveal = function(isRevealed){
var $closer = this.$element.find('[data-close]');
this.isRevealed = true;
// if(!this.options.forceTop){
// var scrollPos = parseInt(window.pageYOffset);
// this.$element[0].style.transform = 'translate(0,' + scrollPos + 'px)';
// }
// if(this.options.isSticky){ this._stick(); }
this.$'open.zf.trigger toggle.zf.trigger');
if($closer.length){ $closer.hide(); }
this.isRevealed = false;
// if(this.options.isSticky || !this.options.forceTop){
// this.$element[0].style.transform = '';
// $(window).off('scroll.zf.offcanvas');
// }
'toggle.zf.trigger': this.toggle.bind(this)
* Opens the off-canvas menu.
* @function
* @param {Object} event - Event object passed from listener.
* @param {jQuery} trigger - element that triggered the off-canvas to open.
* @fires OffCanvas#opened
*/ = function(event, trigger) {
if (this.$element.hasClass('is-open') || this.isRevealed){ return; }
var _this = this,
$body = $(document.body);
// window.pageYOffset = 0;
// if(!this.options.forceTop){
// var scrollPos = parseInt(window.pageYOffset);
// this.$element[0].style.transform = 'translate(0,' + scrollPos + 'px)';
// if(this.$exiter.length){
// this.$exiter[0].style.transform = 'translate(0,' + scrollPos + 'px)';
// }
// }
* Fires when the off-canvas menu opens.
* @event OffCanvas#opened
Foundation.Move(this.options.transitionTime, this.$element, function(){
$('[data-off-canvas-wrapper]').addClass('is-off-canvas-open is-open-'+ _this.options.position);
// if(_this.options.isSticky){
// _this._stick();
// }
this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'false')
this.$lastTrigger = trigger.attr('aria-expanded', 'true');
this.$'finished.zf.animate', function(){
_this.$element.find('a, button').eq(0).focus();
$('[data-off-canvas-content]').attr('tabindex', '-1');
* Traps focus within the offcanvas on open.
* @private
OffCanvas.prototype._trapFocus = function(){
var focusable = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(this.$element),
first = focusable.eq(0),
last = focusable.eq(-1);'.zf.offcanvas').on('keydown.zf.offcanvas', function(e){
if(e.which === 9 || e.keycode === 9){
if( === last[0] && !e.shiftKey){
if( === first[0] && e.shiftKey){
* Allows the offcanvas to appear sticky utilizing translate properties.
* @private
// OffCanvas.prototype._stick = function(){
// var elStyle = this.$element[0].style;
// if(this.options.closeOnClick){
// var exitStyle = this.$exiter[0].style;
// }
// $(window).on('scroll.zf.offcanvas', function(e){
// console.log(e);
// var pageY = window.pageYOffset;
// elStyle.transform = 'translate(0,' + pageY + 'px)';
// if(exitStyle !== undefined){ exitStyle.transform = 'translate(0,' + pageY + 'px)'; }
// });
// // this.$element.trigger('stuck.zf.offcanvas');
// };
* Closes the off-canvas menu.
* @function
* @param {Function} cb - optional cb to fire after closure.
* @fires OffCanvas#closed
OffCanvas.prototype.close = function(cb) {
if(!this.$element.hasClass('is-open') || this.isRevealed){ return; }
var _this = this;
// Foundation.Move(this.options.transitionTime, this.$element, function(){
$('[data-off-canvas-wrapper]').removeClass('is-off-canvas-open is-open-' + _this.options.position);
// Foundation._reflow();
// });
this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', 'true')
* Fires when the off-canvas menu opens.
* @event OffCanvas#closed
// if(_this.options.isSticky || !_this.options.forceTop){
// setTimeout(function(){
// _this.$element[0].style.transform = '';
// $(window).off('scroll.zf.offcanvas');
// }, this.options.transitionTime);
// }
this.$lastTrigger.attr('aria-expanded', 'false');
* Toggles the off-canvas menu open or closed.
* @function
* @param {Object} event - Event object passed from listener.
* @param {jQuery} trigger - element that triggered the off-canvas to open.
OffCanvas.prototype.toggle = function(event, trigger) {
if (this.$element.hasClass('is-open')) {
this.close(event, trigger);
else {, trigger);
* Handles keyboard input when detected. When the escape key is pressed, the off-canvas menu closes, and focus is restored to the element that opened the menu.
* @function
* @private
OffCanvas.prototype._handleKeyboard = function(event) {
if (event.which !== 27) return;
* Destroys the offcanvas plugin.
* @function
OffCanvas.prototype.destroy = function(){
this.$'.zf.trigger .zf.offcanvas');
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(OffCanvas, 'OffCanvas');
}(jQuery, Foundation);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Orbit module.
* @module foundation.orbit
@ -10,15 +6,15 @@
* @requires foundation.util.timerAndImageLoader
* @requires foundation.util.touch
class Orbit {
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
* Creates a new instance of an orbit carousel.
* @class
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into an Orbit Carousel.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options){
* Creates a new instance of an orbit carousel.
* @class
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into an Orbit Carousel.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
function Orbit(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Orbit.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -26,429 +22,398 @@ class Orbit {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Orbit');
Foundation.Keyboard.register('Orbit', {
'ltr': {
'ARROW_RIGHT': 'next',
'ARROW_LEFT': 'previous'
'rtl': {
'ARROW_LEFT': 'next',
'ARROW_RIGHT': 'previous'
'ltr': {
'ARROW_RIGHT': 'next',
'ARROW_LEFT': 'previous'
'rtl': {
'ARROW_LEFT': 'next',
'ARROW_RIGHT': 'previous'
Orbit.defaults = {
* Tells the JS to loadBullets.
* @option
* @example true
bullets: true,
* Tells the JS to apply event listeners to nav buttons
* @option
* @example true
navButtons: true,
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-in-right'
animInFromRight: 'slide-in-right',
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-out-right'
animOutToRight: 'slide-out-right',
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-in-left'
animInFromLeft: 'slide-in-left',
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-out-left'
animOutToLeft: 'slide-out-left',
* Allows Orbit to automatically animate on page load.
* @option
* @example true
autoPlay: true,
* Amount of time, in ms, between slide transitions
* @option
* @example 5000
timerDelay: 5000,
* Allows Orbit to infinitely loop through the slides
* @option
* @example true
infiniteWrap: true,
* Allows the Orbit slides to bind to swipe events for mobile, requires an additional util library
* @option
* @example true
swipe: true,
* Allows the timing function to pause animation on hover.
* @option
* @example true
pauseOnHover: true,
* Allows Orbit to bind keyboard events to the slider, to animate frames with arrow keys
* @option
* @example true
accessible: true,
* Class applied to the container of Orbit
* @option
* @example 'orbit-container'
containerClass: 'orbit-container',
* Class applied to individual slides.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-slide'
slideClass: 'orbit-slide',
* Class applied to the bullet container. You're welcome.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-bullets'
boxOfBullets: 'orbit-bullets',
* Class applied to the `next` navigation button.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-next'
nextClass: 'orbit-next',
* Class applied to the `previous` navigation button.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-previous'
prevClass: 'orbit-previous',
* Boolean to flag the js to use motion ui classes or not. Default to true for backwards compatability.
* @option
* @example true
useMUI: true
* Initializes the plugin by creating jQuery collections, setting attributes, and starting the animation.
* @function
* @private
_init() {
this.$wrapper = this.$element.find(`.${this.options.containerClass}`);
this.$slides = this.$element.find(`.${this.options.slideClass}`);
* Initializes the plugin by creating jQuery collections, setting attributes, and starting the animation.
* @function
* @private
Orbit.prototype._init = function(){
this.$wrapper = this.$element.find('.' + this.options.containerClass);
this.$slides = this.$element.find('.' + this.options.slideClass);
var $images = this.$element.find('img'),
initActive = this.$slides.filter('.is-active');
initActive = this.$slides.filter('.is-active');
if (!initActive.length) {
if (!this.options.useMUI) {
if ($images.length) {
Foundation.onImagesLoaded($images, this._prepareForOrbit.bind(this));
} else {
if (this.options.bullets) {
if (this.options.autoPlay && this.$slides.length > 1) {
if (this.options.accessible) { // allow wrapper to be focusable to enable arrow navigation
if(this.options.accessible){ // allow wrapper to be focusable to enable arrow navigation
this.$wrapper.attr('tabindex', 0);
* Creates a jQuery collection of bullets, if they are being used.
* @function
* @private
_loadBullets() {
this.$bullets = this.$element.find(`.${this.options.boxOfBullets}`).find('button');
* Creates a jQuery collection of bullets, if they are being used.
* @function
* @private
Orbit.prototype._loadBullets = function(){
this.$bullets = this.$element.find('.' + this.options.boxOfBullets).find('button');
* Sets a `timer` object on the orbit, and starts the counter for the next slide.
* @function
geoSync() {
* Sets a `timer` object on the orbit, and starts the counter for the next slide.
* @function
Orbit.prototype.geoSync = function(){
var _this = this;
this.timer = new Foundation.Timer(
duration: this.options.timerDelay,
infinite: false
function() {
{duration: this.options.timerDelay,
infinite: false},
* Sets wrapper and slide heights for the orbit.
* @function
* @private
_prepareForOrbit() {
* Sets wrapper and slide heights for the orbit.
* @function
* @private
Orbit.prototype._prepareForOrbit = function(){
var _this = this;
* Calulates the height of each slide in the collection, and uses the tallest one for the wrapper height.
* @function
* @private
* @param {Function} cb - a callback function to fire when complete.
_setWrapperHeight(cb) {//rewrite this to `for` loop
* Calulates the height of each slide in the collection, and uses the tallest one for the wrapper height.
* @function
* @private
* @param {Function} cb - a callback function to fire when complete.
Orbit.prototype._setWrapperHeight = function(cb){//rewrite this to `for` loop
var max = 0, temp, counter = 0;
this.$slides.each(function() {
temp = this.getBoundingClientRect().height;
$(this).attr('data-slide', counter);
if (counter) {//if not the first slide, set css position and display property
if(counter){//if not the first slide, set css position and display property
$(this).css({'position': 'relative', 'display': 'none'});
max = temp > max ? temp : max;
if (counter === this.$slides.length) {
this.$wrapper.css({'height': max}); //only change the wrapper height property once.
cb(max); //fire callback with max height dimension.
if(counter === this.$slides.length){
this.$wrapper.css({'height': max});//only change the wrapper height property once.
cb(max);//fire callback with max height dimension.
* Sets the max-height of each slide.
* @function
* @private
_setSlideHeight(height) {
this.$slides.each(function() {
* Sets the max-height of each slide.
* @function
* @private
Orbit.prototype._setSlideHeight = function(height){
$(this).css('max-height', height);
* Adds event listeners to basically everything within the element.
* @function
* @private
_events() {
* Adds event listeners to basically everything within the element.
* @function
* @private
Orbit.prototype._events = function(){
var _this = this;
//**Now using custom event - thanks to:**
//** Yohai Ararat of Toronto **
if (this.$slides.length > 1) {
this.$'swipeleft.zf.orbit swiperight.zf.orbit')
.on('swipeleft.zf.orbit', function(e){
}).on('swiperight.zf.orbit', function(e){
if (this.options.swipe) {
this.$'swipeleft.zf.orbit swiperight.zf.orbit')
.on('swipeleft.zf.orbit', function(e){
}).on('swiperight.zf.orbit', function(e){
if (this.options.autoPlay) {
this.$slides.on('click.zf.orbit', function() {
_this.$'clickedOn', _this.$'clickedOn') ? false : true);
_this.timer[_this.$'clickedOn') ? 'pause' : 'start']();
if (this.options.pauseOnHover) {
this.$element.on('mouseenter.zf.orbit', function() {
}).on('mouseleave.zf.orbit', function() {
if (!_this.$'clickedOn')) {
if (this.options.navButtons) {
var $controls = this.$element.find(`.${this.options.nextClass}, .${this.options.prevClass}`);
$controls.attr('tabindex', 0)
//also need to handle enter/return and spacebar key presses
.on('click.zf.orbit touchend.zf.orbit', function(e){
if (this.options.bullets) {
this.$bullets.on('click.zf.orbit touchend.zf.orbit', function() {
if (/is-active/g.test(this.className)) { return false; }//if this is active, kick out of function.
var idx = $(this).data('slide'),
ltr = idx > _this.$slides.filter('.is-active').data('slide'),
$slide = _this.$slides.eq(idx);
_this.changeSlide(ltr, $slide, idx);
if (this.options.accessible) {
this.$wrapper.add(this.$bullets).on('keydown.zf.orbit', function(e) {
// handle keyboard event with keyboard util
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'Orbit', {
next: function() {
previous: function() {
handled: function() { // if bullet is focused, make sure focus moves
if ($($bullets)) {
this.$slides.on('click.zf.orbit', function(){
_this.$'clickedOn', _this.$'clickedOn') ? false : true);
_this.timer[_this.$'clickedOn') ? 'pause' : 'start']();
this.$element.on('mouseenter.zf.orbit', function(){
}).on('mouseleave.zf.orbit', function(){
var $controls = this.$element.find('.' + this.options.nextClass + ', .' + this.options.prevClass);
$controls.attr('tabindex', 0)
//also need to handle enter/return and spacebar key presses
.on('click.zf.orbit touchend.zf.orbit', function(){
this.$bullets.on('click.zf.orbit touchend.zf.orbit', function(){
if(/is-active/g.test(this.className)){ return false; }//if this is active, kick out of function.
var idx = $(this).data('slide'),
ltr = idx > _this.$slides.filter('.is-active').data('slide'),
$slide = _this.$slides.eq(idx);
_this.changeSlide(ltr, $slide, idx);
this.$wrapper.add(this.$bullets).on('keydown.zf.orbit', function(e){
// handle keyboard event with keyboard util
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'Orbit', {
next: function() {
previous: function() {
handled: function() { // if bullet is focused, make sure focus moves
if ($($bullets)) {
* Changes the current slide to a new one.
* @function
* @param {Boolean} isLTR - flag if the slide should move left to right.
* @param {jQuery} chosenSlide - the jQuery element of the slide to show next, if one is selected.
* @param {Number} idx - the index of the new slide in its collection, if one chosen.
* @fires Orbit#slidechange
changeSlide(isLTR, chosenSlide, idx) {
* Changes the current slide to a new one.
* @function
* @param {Boolean} isLTR - flag if the slide should move left to right.
* @param {jQuery} chosenSlide - the jQuery element of the slide to show next, if one is selected.
* @param {Number} idx - the index of the new slide in its collection, if one chosen.
* @fires Orbit#slidechange
Orbit.prototype.changeSlide = function(isLTR, chosenSlide, idx){
var $curSlide = this.$slides.filter('.is-active').eq(0);
if (/mui/g.test($curSlide[0].className)) { return false; } //if the slide is currently animating, kick out of the function
if(/mui/g.test($curSlide[0].className)){ return false; }//if the slide is currently animating, kick out of the function
var $firstSlide = this.$slides.first(),
$lastSlide = this.$slides.last(),
dirIn = isLTR ? 'Right' : 'Left',
dirOut = isLTR ? 'Left' : 'Right',
_this = this,
$lastSlide = this.$slides.last(),
dirIn = isLTR ? 'Right' : 'Left',
dirOut = isLTR ? 'Left' : 'Right',
_this = this,
if (!chosenSlide) { //most of the time, this will be auto played or clicked from the navButtons.
if(!chosenSlide){//most of the time, this will be auto played or clicked from the navButtons.
$newSlide = isLTR ? //if wrapping enabled, check to see if there is a `next` or `prev` sibling, if not, select the first or last slide to fill in. if wrapping not enabled, attempt to select `next` or `prev`, if there's nothing there, the function will kick out on next step. CRAZY NESTED TERNARIES!!!!!
(this.options.infiniteWrap ? $`.${this.options.slideClass}`).length ? $`.${this.options.slideClass}`) : $firstSlide : $`.${this.options.slideClass}`))//pick next slide if moving left to right
(this.options.infiniteWrap ? $curSlide.prev(`.${this.options.slideClass}`).length ? $curSlide.prev(`.${this.options.slideClass}`) : $lastSlide : $curSlide.prev(`.${this.options.slideClass}`));//pick prev slide if moving right to left
} else {
(this.options.infiniteWrap ? $'.' + this.options.slideClass).length ? $'.' + this.options.slideClass) : $firstSlide : $'.' + this.options.slideClass))//pick next slide if moving left to right
(this.options.infiniteWrap ? $curSlide.prev('.' + this.options.slideClass).length ? $curSlide.prev('.' + this.options.slideClass) : $lastSlide : $curSlide.prev('.' + this.options.slideClass));//pick prev slide if moving right to left
$newSlide = chosenSlide;
if ($newSlide.length) {
* Triggers before the next slide starts animating in and only if a next slide has been found.
* @event Orbit#beforeslidechange
this.$element.trigger('beforeslidechange.zf.orbit', [$curSlide, $newSlide]);
if (this.options.bullets) {
idx = idx || this.$slides.index($newSlide); //grab index to update bullets
idx = idx || this.$slides.index($newSlide);//grab index to update bullets
if (this.options.useMUI) {
$newSlide.addClass('is-active').css({'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0}),
this.options['animInFrom' + dirIn],
$newSlide.css({'position': 'relative', 'display': 'block'})
.attr('aria-live', 'polite');
.attr('aria-live', 'polite');
this.options['animOutTo' + dirOut],
if(_this.options.autoPlay && !_this.timer.isPaused){
//do stuff?
} else {
$curSlide.removeClass('is-active is-in').removeAttr('aria-live').hide();
$newSlide.addClass('is-active is-in').attr('aria-live', 'polite').show();
if (this.options.autoPlay && !this.timer.isPaused) {
* Triggers when the slide has finished animating in.
* @event Orbit#slidechange
* Triggers when the slide has finished animating in.
* @event Orbit#slidechange
this.$element.trigger('slidechange.zf.orbit', [$newSlide]);
* Updates the active state of the bullets, if displayed.
* @function
* @private
* @param {Number} idx - the index of the current slide.
_updateBullets(idx) {
var $oldBullet = this.$element.find(`.${this.options.boxOfBullets}`)
span = $oldBullet.find('span:last').detach(),
$newBullet = this.$bullets.eq(idx).addClass('is-active').append(span);
* Updates the active state of the bullets, if displayed.
* @function
* @private
* @param {Number} idx - the index of the current slide.
Orbit.prototype._updateBullets = function(idx){
var $oldBullet = this.$element.find('.' + this.options.boxOfBullets)
span = $oldBullet.find('span:last').detach(),
$newBullet = this.$bullets.eq(idx).addClass('is-active').append(span);
* Destroys the carousel and hides the element.
* @function
destroy() {
* Destroys the carousel and hides the element.
* @function
Orbit.prototype.destroy = function(){
delete this.timer;
Orbit.defaults = {
* Tells the JS to look for and loadBullets.
* @option
* @example true
bullets: true,
* Tells the JS to apply event listeners to nav buttons
* @option
* @example true
navButtons: true,
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-in-right'
animInFromRight: 'slide-in-right',
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-out-right'
animOutToRight: 'slide-out-right',
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-in-left'
animInFromLeft: 'slide-in-left',
* motion-ui animation class to apply
* @option
* @example 'slide-out-left'
animOutToLeft: 'slide-out-left',
* Allows Orbit to automatically animate on page load.
* @option
* @example true
autoPlay: true,
* Amount of time, in ms, between slide transitions
* @option
* @example 5000
timerDelay: 5000,
* Allows Orbit to infinitely loop through the slides
* @option
* @example true
infiniteWrap: true,
* Allows the Orbit slides to bind to swipe events for mobile, requires an additional util library
* @option
* @example true
swipe: true,
* Allows the timing function to pause animation on hover.
* @option
* @example true
pauseOnHover: true,
* Allows Orbit to bind keyboard events to the slider, to animate frames with arrow keys
* @option
* @example true
accessible: true,
* Class applied to the container of Orbit
* @option
* @example 'orbit-container'
containerClass: 'orbit-container',
* Class applied to individual slides.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-slide'
slideClass: 'orbit-slide',
* Class applied to the bullet container. You're welcome.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-bullets'
boxOfBullets: 'orbit-bullets',
* Class applied to the `next` navigation button.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-next'
nextClass: 'orbit-next',
* Class applied to the `previous` navigation button.
* @option
* @example 'orbit-previous'
prevClass: 'orbit-previous',
* Boolean to flag the js to use motion ui classes or not. Default to true for backwards compatability.
* @option
* @example true
useMUI: true
Foundation.plugin(Orbit, 'Orbit');
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Orbit, 'Orbit');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* ResponsiveMenu module.
* @module foundation.responsiveMenu
@ -11,8 +7,31 @@
* @requires foundation.util.drilldown
* @requires foundation.util.dropdown-menu
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
// The plugin matches the plugin classes with these plugin instances.
var MenuPlugins = {
dropdown: {
cssClass: 'dropdown',
plugin: Foundation._plugins['dropdown-menu'] || null
drilldown: {
cssClass: 'drilldown',
plugin: Foundation._plugins['drilldown'] || null
accordion: {
cssClass: 'accordion-menu',
plugin: Foundation._plugins['accordion-menu'] || null
// [PH] Media queries
var phMedia = {
small: '(min-width: 0px)',
medium: '(min-width: 640px)'
class ResponsiveMenu {
* Creates a new instance of a responsive menu.
* @class
@ -20,7 +39,7 @@ class ResponsiveMenu {
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into a dropdown menu.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function ResponsiveMenu(element) {
this.$element = $(element);
this.rules = this.$'responsive-menu');
this.currentMq = null;
@ -32,44 +51,43 @@ class ResponsiveMenu {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'ResponsiveMenu');
ResponsiveMenu.defaults = {};
* Initializes the Menu by parsing the classes from the 'data-ResponsiveMenu' attribute on the element.
* @function
* @private
_init() {
// The first time an Interchange plugin is initialized, this.rules is converted from a string of "classes" to an object of rules
if (typeof this.rules === 'string') {
let rulesTree = {};
ResponsiveMenu.prototype._init = function() {
var rulesTree = {};
// Parse rules from "classes" pulled from data attribute
let rules = this.rules.split(' ');
// Parse rules from "classes" in data attribute
var rules = this.rules.split(' ');
// Iterate through every rule found
for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
let rule = rules[i].split('-');
let ruleSize = rule.length > 1 ? rule[0] : 'small';
let rulePlugin = rule.length > 1 ? rule[1] : rule[0];
// Iterate through every rule found
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
var rule = rules[i].split('-');
var ruleSize = rule.length > 1 ? rule[0] : 'small';
var rulePlugin = rule.length > 1 ? rule[1] : rule[0];
if (MenuPlugins[rulePlugin] !== null) {
rulesTree[ruleSize] = MenuPlugins[rulePlugin];
if (MenuPlugins[rulePlugin] !== null) {
rulesTree[ruleSize] = MenuPlugins[rulePlugin];
this.rules = rulesTree;
if (!$.isEmptyObject(this.rules)) {
this.rules = rulesTree;
if (!$.isEmptyObject(rulesTree)) {
* Initializes events for the Menu.
* @function
* @private
_events() {
ResponsiveMenu.prototype._events = function() {
var _this = this;
$(window).on('changed.zf.mediaquery', function() {
@ -78,14 +96,14 @@ class ResponsiveMenu {
// $(window).on('resize.zf.ResponsiveMenu', function() {
// _this._checkMediaQueries();
// });
* Checks the current screen width against available media queries. If the media query has changed, and the plugin needed has changed, the plugins will swap out.
* @function
* @private
_checkMediaQueries() {
ResponsiveMenu.prototype._checkMediaQueries = function() {
var matchedMq, _this = this;
// Iterate through each rule and find the last matching rule
$.each(this.rules, function(key) {
@ -111,38 +129,17 @@ class ResponsiveMenu {
// Create an instance of the new plugin
if (this.currentPlugin) this.currentPlugin.destroy();
this.currentPlugin = new this.rules[matchedMq].plugin(this.$element, {});
* Destroys the instance of the current plugin on this element, as well as the window resize handler that switches the plugins out.
* @function
destroy() {
ResponsiveMenu.prototype.destroy = function() {
Foundation.plugin(ResponsiveMenu, 'ResponsiveMenu');
ResponsiveMenu.defaults = {};
// The plugin matches the plugin classes with these plugin instances.
var MenuPlugins = {
dropdown: {
cssClass: 'dropdown',
plugin: Foundation._plugins['dropdown-menu'] || null
drilldown: {
cssClass: 'drilldown',
plugin: Foundation._plugins['drilldown'] || null
accordion: {
cssClass: 'accordion-menu',
plugin: Foundation._plugins['accordion-menu'] || null
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(ResponsiveMenu, 'ResponsiveMenu');
}(Foundation, jQuery);

View File

@ -1,107 +1,27 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* ResponsiveToggle module.
* @module foundation.responsiveToggle
* @requires foundation.util.mediaQuery
!function($, Foundation) {
class ResponsiveToggle {
* Creates a new instance of Tab Bar.
* @class
* @fires ResponsiveToggle#init
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to attach tab bar functionality to.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
this.$element = $(element);
this.options = $.extend({}, ResponsiveToggle.defaults, this.$, options);
'use strict';
* Creates a new instance of Tab Bar.
* @class
* @fires ResponsiveToggle#init
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to attach tab bar functionality to.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
function ResponsiveToggle(element, options) {
this.$element = $(element);
this.options = $.extend({}, ResponsiveToggle.defaults, this.$, options);
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'ResponsiveToggle');
* Initializes the tab bar by finding the target element, toggling element, and running update().
* @function
* @private
_init() {
var targetID = this.$'responsive-toggle');
if (!targetID) {
console.error('Your tab bar needs an ID of a Menu as the value of data-tab-bar.');
this.$targetMenu = $(`#${targetID}`);
this.$toggler = this.$element.find('[data-toggle]');
* Adds necessary event handlers for the tab bar to work.
* @function
* @private
_events() {
var _this = this;
this._updateMqHandler = this._update.bind(this);
$(window).on('changed.zf.mediaquery', this._updateMqHandler);
this.$toggler.on('click.zf.responsiveToggle', this.toggleMenu.bind(this));
* Checks the current media query to determine if the tab bar should be visible or hidden.
* @function
* @private
_update() {
// Mobile
if (!Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.hideFor)) {
// Desktop
else {
* Toggles the element attached to the tab bar. The toggle only happens if the screen is small enough to allow it.
* @function
* @fires ResponsiveToggle#toggled
toggleMenu() {
if (!Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.hideFor)) {
* Fires when the element attached to the tab bar toggles.
* @event ResponsiveToggle#toggled
destroy() {
$(window).off('changed.zf.mediaquery', this._updateMqHandler);
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'ResponsiveToggle');
ResponsiveToggle.defaults = {
@ -113,7 +33,74 @@ ResponsiveToggle.defaults = {
hideFor: 'medium'
// Window exports
* Initializes the tab bar by finding the target element, toggling element, and running update().
* @function
* @private
ResponsiveToggle.prototype._init = function() {
var targetID = this.$'responsive-toggle');
if (!targetID) {
console.error('Your tab bar needs an ID of a Menu as the value of data-tab-bar.');
this.$targetMenu = $('#'+targetID);
this.$toggler = this.$element.find('[data-toggle]');
* Adds necessary event handlers for the tab bar to work.
* @function
* @private
ResponsiveToggle.prototype._events = function() {
var _this = this;
$(window).on('changed.zf.mediaquery', this._update.bind(this));
this.$toggler.on('click.zf.responsiveToggle', this.toggleMenu.bind(this));
* Checks the current media query to determine if the tab bar should be visible or hidden.
* @function
* @private
ResponsiveToggle.prototype._update = function() {
// Mobile
if (!Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.hideFor)) {
// Desktop
else {
* Toggles the element attached to the tab bar. The toggle only happens if the screen is small enough to allow it.
* @function
* @fires ResponsiveToggle#toggled
ResponsiveToggle.prototype.toggleMenu = function() {
if (!Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.hideFor)) {
* Fires when the element attached to the tab bar toggles.
* @event ResponsiveToggle#toggled
ResponsiveToggle.prototype.destroy = function(){
//TODO this...
Foundation.plugin(ResponsiveToggle, 'ResponsiveToggle');
}(jQuery, Foundation);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Reveal module.
* @module foundation.reveal
@ -11,15 +7,17 @@
* @requires foundation.util.mediaQuery
* @requires foundation.util.motion if using animations
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
class Reveal {
* Creates a new instance of Reveal.
* @class
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to use for the modal.
* @param {Object} options - optional parameters.
constructor(element, options) {
function Reveal(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Reveal.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -34,28 +32,115 @@ class Reveal {
Reveal.defaults = {
* Motion-UI class to use for animated elements. If none used, defaults to simple show/hide.
* @option
* @example 'slide-in-left'
animationIn: '',
* Motion-UI class to use for animated elements. If none used, defaults to simple show/hide.
* @option
* @example 'slide-out-right'
animationOut: '',
* Time, in ms, to delay the opening of a modal after a click if no animation used.
* @option
* @example 10
showDelay: 0,
* Time, in ms, to delay the closing of a modal after a click if no animation used.
* @option
* @example 10
hideDelay: 0,
* Allows a click on the body/overlay to close the modal.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnClick: true,
* Allows the modal to close if the user presses the `ESCAPE` key.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnEsc: true,
* If true, allows multiple modals to be displayed at once.
* @option
* @example false
multipleOpened: false,
* Distance, in pixels, the modal should push down from the top of the screen.
* @option
* @example 100
vOffset: 100,
* Distance, in pixels, the modal should push in from the side of the screen.
* @option
* @example 0
hOffset: 0,
* Allows the modal to be fullscreen, completely blocking out the rest of the view. JS checks for this as well.
* @option
* @example false
fullScreen: false,
* Percentage of screen height the modal should push up from the bottom of the view.
* @option
* @example 10
btmOffsetPct: 10,
* Allows the modal to generate an overlay div, which will cover the view when modal opens.
* @option
* @example true
overlay: true,
* Allows the modal to remove and reinject markup on close. Should be true if using video elements w/o using provider's api.
* @option
* @example false
resetOnClose: false
* Initializes the modal by adding the overlay and close buttons, (if selected).
* @private
_init() {
Reveal.prototype._init = function(){ = this.$element.attr('id');
this.isActive = false;
this.cached = {mq: Foundation.MediaQuery.current};
this.isMobile = mobileSniff();
this.$anchor = $(`[data-open="${}"]`).length ? $(`[data-open="${}"]`) : $(`[data-toggle="${}"]`);
'aria-haspopup': true,
'tabindex': 0
this.$anchor = $('[data-open="' + + '"]').length ? $('[data-open="' + + '"]') : $('[data-toggle="' + + '"]');
if (this.options.fullScreen || this.$element.hasClass('full')) {
var anchorId = this.$anchor[0].id || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'reveal');
'id': anchorId,
'aria-haspopup': true,
'tabindex': 0
this.$element.attr({'aria-labelledby': anchorId});
// this.options.fullScreen = this.$element.hasClass('full');
if(this.options.fullScreen || this.$element.hasClass('full')){
this.options.fullScreen = true;
this.options.overlay = false;
if (this.options.overlay && !this.$overlay) {
if(this.options.overlay && !this.$overlay){
this.$overlay = this._makeOverlay(;
@ -66,88 +151,47 @@ class Reveal {
if(this.$overlay) {
} else {
if (this.options.deepLink && window.location.hash === ( `#${}`)) {
* Creates an overlay div to display behind the modal.
* @private
_makeOverlay(id) {
Reveal.prototype._makeOverlay = function(id){
var $overlay = $('<div></div>')
.attr({'tabindex': -1, 'aria-hidden': true})
'data-close': id
return $overlay;
* Updates position of modal
* TODO: Figure out if we actually need to cache these values or if it doesn't matter
* @private
_updatePosition() {
var width = this.$element.outerWidth();
var outerWidth = $(window).width();
var height = this.$element.outerHeight();
var outerHeight = $(window).height();
var left, top;
if (this.options.hOffset === 'auto') {
left = parseInt((outerWidth - width) / 2, 10);
} else {
left = parseInt(this.options.hOffset, 10);
if (this.options.vOffset === 'auto') {
if (height > outerHeight) {
top = parseInt(Math.min(100, outerHeight / 10), 10);
} else {
top = parseInt((outerHeight - height) / 4, 10);
} else {
top = parseInt(this.options.vOffset, 10);
this.$element.css({top: top + 'px'});
// only worry about left if we don't have an overlay or we havea horizontal offset,
// otherwise we're perfectly in the middle
if(!this.$overlay || (this.options.hOffset !== 'auto')) {
this.$element.css({left: left + 'px'});
this.$element.css({margin: '0px'});
* Adds event handlers for the modal.
* @private
_events() {
Reveal.prototype._events = function(){
var _this = this;
'close.zf.trigger': (event, $element) => {
if (( === _this.$element[0]) ||
($('[data-closable]')[0] === $element)) { // only close reveal when it's explicitly called
return this.close.apply(this);
'close.zf.trigger': this.close.bind(this),
'toggle.zf.trigger': this.toggle.bind(this),
'resizeme.zf.trigger': function() {
'resizeme.zf.trigger': function(){
if (this.$anchor.length) {
this.$anchor.on('keydown.zf.reveal', function(e) {
if (e.which === 13 || e.which === 32) {
this.$anchor.on('keydown.zf.reveal', function(e){
if(e.which === 13 || e.which === 32){
@ -155,30 +199,49 @@ class Reveal {
if (this.options.closeOnClick && this.options.overlay) {
this.$'.zf.reveal').on('click.zf.reveal', function(e) {
if ( === _this.$element[0] ||
$.contains(_this.$element[0], ||
!$.contains(document, {
if (this.options.deepLink) {
$(window).on(`popstate.zf.reveal:${}`, this._handleState.bind(this));
if(this.options.closeOnClick && this.options.overlay){
this.$'.zf.reveal').on('click.zf.reveal', this.close.bind(this));
* Handles modal methods on back/forward button clicks or any other event that triggers popstate.
* Sets the position of the modal before opening
* @param {Function} cb - a callback function to execute when positioning is complete.
* @private
_handleState(e) {
if(window.location.hash === ( '#' + && !this.isActive){; }
else{ this.close(); }
Reveal.prototype._setPosition = function(cb){
var eleDims = Foundation.Box.GetDimensions(this.$element);
var elePos = this.options.fullScreen ? 'reveal full' : (eleDims.height >= (0.5 * eleDims.windowDims.height)) ? 'reveal' : 'center';
if(elePos === 'reveal full'){
//set to full height/width
.offset(Foundation.Box.GetOffsets(this.$element, null, elePos, this.options.vOffset))
'height': eleDims.windowDims.height,
'width': eleDims.windowDims.width
}else if(!Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast('medium') || !Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.$element, null, true, false)){
//if smaller than medium, resize to 100% width minus any custom L/R margin
'width': eleDims.windowDims.width - (this.options.hOffset * 2)
.offset(Foundation.Box.GetOffsets(this.$element, null, 'center', this.options.vOffset, this.options.hOffset));
//flag a boolean so we can reset the size after the element is closed.
this.changedSize = true;
'max-height': eleDims.windowDims.height - (this.options.vOffset * (this.options.btmOffsetPct / 100 + 1)),
'width': ''
.offset(Foundation.Box.GetOffsets(this.$element, null, elePos, this.options.vOffset));
//the max height based on a percentage of vertical offset plus vertical offset
* Opens the modal controlled by `this.$anchor`, and closes all others by default.
@ -186,125 +249,84 @@ class Reveal {
* @fires Reveal#closeme
* @fires Reveal#open
open() {
if (this.options.deepLink) {
var hash = `#${}`;
if (window.history.pushState) {
window.history.pushState(null, null, hash);
} else {
window.location.hash = hash;
} = function(){
var _this = this;
this.isActive = true;
// Make elements invisible, but remove display: none so we can get size and positioning
//make element invisible, but remove display: none so we can get size and positioning
.css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' })
.css({'visibility': 'hidden'})
if (this.options.overlay) {
this.$overlay.css({'visibility': 'hidden'}).show();
.css({ 'visibility': '' });
if(this.$overlay) {
this.$overlay.css({'visibility': ''}).hide();
if(this.$element.hasClass('fast')) {
} else if (this.$element.hasClass('slow')) {
.css({'visibility': ''});
* Fires immediately before the modal opens.
* Closes any other modals that are currently open
* @event Reveal#closeme
Foundation.Motion.animateIn(_this.$overlay, 'fade-in', function(){
Foundation.Motion.animateIn(_this.$element, _this.options.animationIn, function(){
_this.focusableElements = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(_this.$element);
Foundation.Motion.animateIn(_this.$element, _this.options.animationIn, function(){
_this.focusableElements = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(_this.$element);
_this.$, function(){
_this.$, function(){
_this.$, function(){
if (!this.options.multipleOpened) {
* Fires immediately before the modal opens.
* Closes any other modals that are currently open
* @event Reveal#closeme
// Motion UI method of reveal
if (this.options.animationIn) {
var _this = this;
function afterAnimationFocus(){
'aria-hidden': false,
'tabindex': -1
if (this.options.overlay) {
Foundation.Motion.animateIn(this.$overlay, 'fade-in');
Foundation.Motion.animateIn(this.$element, this.options.animationIn, () => {
this.focusableElements = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(this.$element);
// jQuery method of reveal
else {
if (this.options.overlay) {
// handle accessibility
'aria-hidden': false,
'tabindex': -1
this.$element.attr({'aria-hidden': false}).attr('tabindex', -1).focus()
* Fires when the modal has successfully opened.
* @event Reveal#open
if (this.isMobile) {
this.originalScrollPos = window.pageYOffset;
$('html, body').addClass('is-reveal-open');
else {
setTimeout(() => {
.attr({'aria-hidden': (this.options.overlay || this.options.fullScreen) ? true : false});
// Foundation.reflow();
}, 0);
* Adds extra event handlers for the body and window if necessary.
* @private
_extraHandlers() {
Reveal.prototype._extraHandlers = function(){
var _this = this;
this.focusableElements = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(this.$element);
if (!this.options.overlay && this.options.closeOnClick && !this.options.fullScreen) {
$('body').on('click.zf.reveal', function(e) {
if ( === _this.$element[0] ||
$.contains(_this.$element[0], ||
!$.contains(document, { return; }
if(!this.options.overlay && this.options.closeOnClick && !this.options.fullScreen){
$('body').on('click.zf.reveal', function(e){
// if()
if (this.options.closeOnEsc) {
$(window).on('keydown.zf.reveal', function(e) {
$(window).on('keydown.zf.reveal', function(e){
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'Reveal', {
close: function() {
if (_this.options.closeOnEsc) {
@ -313,6 +335,9 @@ class Reveal {
if (_this.focusableElements.length === 0) { // no focusable elements inside the modal at all, prevent tabbing in general
@ -322,23 +347,15 @@ class Reveal {
// handle keyboard event with keyboard util
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'Reveal', {
tab_forward: function() {
_this.focusableElements = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(_this.$element);
if (_this.$element.find(':focus').is(_this.focusableElements.eq(-1))) { // left modal downwards, setting focus to first element
return true;
if (_this.focusableElements.length === 0) { // no focusable elements inside the modal at all, prevent tabbing in general
return true;
tab_backward: function() {
_this.focusableElements = Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable(_this.$element);
if (_this.$element.find(':focus').is(_this.focusableElements.eq(0)) || _this.$':focus')) { // left modal upwards, setting focus to last element
return true;
if (_this.focusableElements.length === 0) { // no focusable elements inside the modal at all, prevent tabbing in general
return true;
open: function() {
@ -355,108 +372,81 @@ class Reveal {
handled: function(preventDefault) {
if (preventDefault) {
* Closes the modal.
* @function
* @fires Reveal#closed
close() {
if (!this.isActive || !this.$':visible')) {
Reveal.prototype.close = function(){
if(!this.isActive || !this.$':visible')){
return false;
var _this = this;
// Motion UI method of hiding
if (this.options.animationOut) {
if (this.options.overlay) {
Foundation.Motion.animateOut(this.$overlay, 'fade-out', finishUp);
else {
Foundation.Motion.animateOut(this.$element, this.options.animationOut);
Foundation.Motion.animateOut(this.$element, this.options.animationOut, function(){
Foundation.Motion.animateOut(_this.$overlay, 'fade-out', function(){
this.$element.hide(_this.options.hideDelay, function(){
_this.$overlay.hide(0, function(){
// jQuery method of hiding
else {
if (this.options.overlay) {
this.$overlay.hide(0, finishUp);
else {
// Conditionals to remove extra event listeners added on open
if (this.options.closeOnEsc) {
//conditionals to remove extra event listeners added on open
if (!this.options.overlay && this.options.closeOnClick) {
if(!this.options.overlay && this.options.closeOnClick){
function finishUp() {
if (_this.isMobile) {
$('html, body').removeClass('is-reveal-open');
if(_this.originalScrollPos) {
_this.originalScrollPos = null;
else {
_this.$element.attr('aria-hidden', true);
* Fires when the modal is done closing.
* @event Reveal#closed
//if the modal changed size, reset it
'height': '',
'width': ''
$('body').removeClass('is-reveal-open').attr({'aria-hidden': false, 'tabindex': ''});
* Resets the modal content
* This prevents a running video to keep going in the background
if (this.options.resetOnClose) {
if(this.options.resetOnClose) {
this.isActive = false;
if (_this.options.deepLink) {
if (window.history.replaceState) {
window.history.replaceState("", document.title, window.location.pathname);
} else {
window.location.hash = '';
this.$element.attr({'aria-hidden': true})
* Fires when the modal is done closing.
* @event Reveal#closed
* Toggles the open/closed state of a modal.
* @function
toggle() {
if (this.isActive) {
Reveal.prototype.toggle = function(){
} else {
@ -465,119 +455,24 @@ class Reveal {
* Destroys an instance of a modal.
* @function
destroy() {
if (this.options.overlay) {
this.$element.appendTo($('body')); // move $element outside of $overlay to prevent error unregisterPlugin()
Reveal.prototype.destroy = function() {
Reveal.defaults = {
* Motion-UI class to use for animated elements. If none used, defaults to simple show/hide.
* @option
* @example 'slide-in-left'
animationIn: '',
* Motion-UI class to use for animated elements. If none used, defaults to simple show/hide.
* @option
* @example 'slide-out-right'
animationOut: '',
* Time, in ms, to delay the opening of a modal after a click if no animation used.
* @option
* @example 10
showDelay: 0,
* Time, in ms, to delay the closing of a modal after a click if no animation used.
* @option
* @example 10
hideDelay: 0,
* Allows a click on the body/overlay to close the modal.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnClick: true,
* Allows the modal to close if the user presses the `ESCAPE` key.
* @option
* @example true
closeOnEsc: true,
* If true, allows multiple modals to be displayed at once.
* @option
* @example false
multipleOpened: false,
* Distance, in pixels, the modal should push down from the top of the screen.
* @option
* @example auto
vOffset: 'auto',
* Distance, in pixels, the modal should push in from the side of the screen.
* @option
* @example auto
hOffset: 'auto',
* Allows the modal to be fullscreen, completely blocking out the rest of the view. JS checks for this as well.
* @option
* @example false
fullScreen: false,
* Percentage of screen height the modal should push up from the bottom of the view.
* @option
* @example 10
btmOffsetPct: 10,
* Allows the modal to generate an overlay div, which will cover the view when modal opens.
* @option
* @example true
overlay: true,
* Allows the modal to remove and reinject markup on close. Should be true if using video elements w/o using provider's api, otherwise, videos will continue to play in the background.
* @option
* @example false
resetOnClose: false,
* Allows the modal to alter the url on open/close, and allows the use of the `back` button to close modals. ALSO, allows a modal to auto-maniacally open on page load IF the hash === the modal's user-set id.
* @option
* @example false
deepLink: false
Foundation.plugin(Reveal, 'Reveal');
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Reveal, 'Reveal');
// Exports for AMD/Browserify
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = Reveal;
if (typeof define === 'function')
define(['foundation'], function() {
return Reveal;
function iPhoneSniff() {
return /iP(ad|hone|od).*OS/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
function androidSniff() {
return /Android/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
function mobileSniff() {
return iPhoneSniff() || androidSniff();
}(Foundation, jQuery);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Slider module.
* @module foundation.slider
@ -10,15 +6,16 @@
* @requires foundation.util.keyboard
* @requires foundation.util.touch
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
class Slider {
* Creates a new instance of a drilldown menu.
* @class
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into an accordion menu.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function Slider(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Slider.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -45,56 +42,148 @@ class Slider {
Slider.defaults = {
* Minimum value for the slider scale.
* @option
* @example 0
start: 0,
* Maximum value for the slider scale.
* @option
* @example 100
end: 100,
* Minimum value change per change event. Not Currently Implemented!
step: 1,
* Value at which the handle/input *(left handle/first input)* should be set to on initialization.
* @option
* @example 0
initialStart: 0,
* Value at which the right handle/second input should be set to on initialization.
* @option
* @example 100
initialEnd: 100,
* Allows the input to be located outside the container and visible. Set to by the JS
* @option
* @example false
binding: false,
* Allows the user to click/tap on the slider bar to select a value.
* @option
* @example true
clickSelect: true,
* Set to true and use the `vertical` class to change alignment to vertical.
* @option
* @example false
vertical: false,
* Allows the user to drag the slider handle(s) to select a value.
* @option
* @example true
draggable: true,
* Disables the slider and prevents event listeners from being applied. Double checked by JS with `disabledClass`.
* @option
* @example false
disabled: false,
* Allows the use of two handles. Double checked by the JS. Changes some logic handling.
* @option
* @example false
doubleSided: false,
* Potential future feature.
// steps: 100,
* Number of decimal places the plugin should go to for floating point precision.
* @option
* @example 2
decimal: 2,
* Time delay for dragged elements.
// dragDelay: 0,
* Time, in ms, to animate the movement of a slider handle if user clicks/taps on the bar. Needs to be manually set if updating the transition time in the Sass settings.
* @option
* @example 200
moveTime: 200,//update this if changing the transition time in the sass
* Class applied to disabled sliders.
* @option
* @example 'disabled'
disabledClass: 'disabled'
* Initilizes the plugin by reading/setting attributes, creating collections and setting the initial position of the handle(s).
* @function
* @private
_init() {
Slider.prototype._init = function(){
this.inputs = this.$element.find('input');
this.handles = this.$element.find('[data-slider-handle]');
this.$handle = this.handles.eq(0);
this.$input = this.inputs.length ? this.inputs.eq(0) : $(`#${this.$handle.attr('aria-controls')}`);
this.$input = this.inputs.length ? this.inputs.eq(0) : $('#' + this.$handle.attr('aria-controls'));
this.$fill = this.$element.find('[data-slider-fill]').css(this.options.vertical ? 'height' : 'width', 0);
var isDbl = false,
_this = this;
if (this.options.disabled || this.$element.hasClass(this.options.disabledClass)) {
if(this.options.disabled || this.$element.hasClass(this.options.disabledClass)){
this.options.disabled = true;
if (!this.inputs.length) {
this.inputs = $().add(this.$input);
this.options.binding = true;
if (this.handles[1]) {
this.options.doubleSided = true;
this.$handle2 = this.handles.eq(1);
this.$input2 = this.inputs.length > 1 ? this.inputs.eq(1) : $(`#${this.$handle2.attr('aria-controls')}`);
this.$input2 = this.inputs.length > 1 ? this.inputs.eq(1) : $('#' + this.$handle2.attr('aria-controls'));
if (!this.inputs[1]) {
this.inputs = this.inputs.add(this.$input2);
isDbl = true;
this._setHandlePos(this.$handle, this.options.initialStart, true, function() {
this._setHandlePos(this.$handle, this.options.initialStart, true, function(){
_this._setHandlePos(_this.$handle2, _this.options.initialEnd, true);
_this._setHandlePos(_this.$handle2, _this.options.initialEnd);
// this.$handle.triggerHandler('click.zf.slider');
if (!isDbl) {
this._setHandlePos(this.$handle, this.options.initialStart, true);
* Sets the position of the selected handle and fill bar.
* @function
@ -103,131 +192,93 @@ class Slider {
* @param {Number} location - floating point between the start and end values of the slider bar.
* @param {Function} cb - callback function to fire on completion.
* @fires Slider#moved
* @fires Slider#changed
_setHandlePos($hndl, location, noInvert, cb) {
// don't move if the slider has been disabled since its initialization
if (this.$element.hasClass(this.options.disabledClass)) {
//might need to alter that slightly for bars that will have odd number selections.
Slider.prototype._setHandlePos = function($hndl, location, noInvert, cb){
//might need to alter that slightly for bars that will have odd number selections.
location = parseFloat(location);//on input change events, convert string to number...grumble.
// prevent slider from running out of bounds
if(location < this.options.start){ location = this.options.start; }
else if(location > this.options.end){ location = this.options.end; }
// prevent slider from running out of bounds, if value exceeds the limits set through options, override the value to min/max
if (location < this.options.start) { location = this.options.start; }
else if (location > this.options.end) { location = this.options.end; }
var isDbl = this.options.doubleSided,
callback = cb || null;
var isDbl = this.options.doubleSided;
if (isDbl) { //this block is to prevent 2 handles from crossing eachother. Could/should be improved.
if (this.handles.index($hndl) === 0) {
if(this.handles.index($hndl) === 0){
var h2Val = parseFloat(this.$handle2.attr('aria-valuenow'));
location = location >= h2Val ? h2Val - this.options.step : location;
} else {
var h1Val = parseFloat(this.$handle.attr('aria-valuenow'));
location = location <= h1Val ? h1Val + this.options.step : location;
//this is for single-handled vertical sliders, it adjusts the value to account for the slider being "upside-down"
//for click and drag events, it's weird due to the scale(-1, 1) css property
if (this.options.vertical && !noInvert) {
if(this.options.vertical && !noInvert){
location = this.options.end - location;
var _this = this,
vert = this.options.vertical,
hOrW = vert ? 'height' : 'width',
lOrT = vert ? 'top' : 'left',
handleDim = $hndl[0].getBoundingClientRect()[hOrW],
halfOfHandle = $hndl[0].getBoundingClientRect()[hOrW] / 2,
elemDim = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect()[hOrW],
//percentage of bar min/max value based on click or drag point
pctOfBar = percent(location - this.options.start, this.options.end - this.options.start).toFixed(2),
//number of actual pixels to shift the handle, based on the percentage obtained above
pxToMove = (elemDim - handleDim) * pctOfBar,
//percentage of bar to shift the handle
movement = (percent(pxToMove, elemDim) * 100).toFixed(this.options.decimal);
//fixing the decimal value for the location number, is passed to other methods as a fixed floating-point value
location = parseFloat(location.toFixed(this.options.decimal));
// declare empty object for css adjustments, only used with 2 handled-sliders
var css = {};
pctOfBar = percent(location, this.options.end).toFixed(2),
pxToMove = (elemDim - halfOfHandle) * pctOfBar,
movement = (percent(pxToMove, elemDim) * 100).toFixed(this.options.decimal),
location = location > 0 ? parseFloat(location.toFixed(this.options.decimal)) : 0,
anim, prog, start = null, css = {};
this._setValues($hndl, location);
// TODO update to calculate based on values set to respective inputs??
if (isDbl) {
if(this.options.doubleSided){//update to calculate based on values set to respective inputs??
var isLeftHndl = this.handles.index($hndl) === 0,
//empty variable, will be used for min-height/width for fill bar
//percentage w/h of the handle compared to the slider bar
handlePct = ~~(percent(handleDim, elemDim) * 100);
//if left handle, the math is slightly different than if it's the right handle, and the left/top property needs to be changed for the fill bar
if (isLeftHndl) {
//left or top percentage value to apply to the fill bar.
css[lOrT] = `${movement}%`;
//calculate the new min-height/width for the fill bar.
dim = parseFloat(this.$handle2[0].style[lOrT]) - movement + handlePct;
//this callback is necessary to prevent errors and allow the proper placement and initialization of a 2-handled slider
//plus, it means we don't care if 'dim' isNaN on init, it won't be in the future.
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb(); }//this is only needed for the initialization of 2 handled sliders
} else {
//just caching the value of the left/bottom handle's left/top property
var handlePos = parseFloat(this.$handle[0].style[lOrT]);
//calculate the new min-height/width for the fill bar. Use isNaN to prevent false positives for numbers <= 0
//based on the percentage of movement of the handle being manipulated, less the opposing handle's left/top position, plus the percentage w/h of the handle itself
dim = movement - (isNaN(handlePos) ? this.options.initialStart/((this.options.end-this.options.start)/100) : handlePos) + handlePct;
idx = this.handles.index($hndl);
css[lOrT] = (pctOfBar > 0 ? pctOfBar * 100 : 0) + '%';//
dim = /*Math.abs*/((percent(this.$handle2.position()[lOrT] + halfOfHandle, elemDim) - parseFloat(pctOfBar)) * 100).toFixed(this.options.decimal) + '%';
css['min-' + hOrW] = dim;
if(cb && typeof cb === 'function'){ cb(); }
var handleLeft = parseFloat(this.$handle[0].style.left);
location = (location < 100 ? location : 100) - (!isNaN(handleLeft) ? handleLeft : this.options.end - location);
css['min-' + hOrW] = location + '%';
// assign the min-height/width to our css object
css[`min-${hOrW}`] = `${dim}%`;
this.$'finished.zf.animate', function() {
this.$'finished.zf.animate', function(){
_this.animComplete = true;
* Fires when the handle is done moving.
* @event Slider#moved
_this.$element.trigger('moved.zf.slider', [$hndl]);
//because we don't know exactly how the handle will be moved, check the amount of time it should take to move.
var moveTime = this.$'dragging') ? 1000/60 : this.options.moveTime;
Foundation.Move(moveTime, $hndl, function() {
//adjusting the left/top property of the handle, based on the percentage calculated above
$hndl.css(lOrT, `${movement}%`);
if (!_this.options.doubleSided) {
//if single-handled, a simple method to expand the fill bar
_this.$fill.css(hOrW, `${pctOfBar * 100}%`);
} else {
//otherwise, use the css object we created above
var moveTime = _this.$'dragging') ? 1000/60 : _this.options.moveTime;
/*var move = new */Foundation.Move(moveTime, $hndl, function(){
$hndl.css(lOrT, movement + '%');
_this.$fill.css(hOrW, pctOfBar * 100 + '%');
* Fires when the value has not been change for a given time.
* @event Slider#changed
_this.timeout = setTimeout(function(){
_this.$element.trigger('changed.zf.slider', [$hndl]);
}, _this.options.changedDelay);
* Sets the initial attribute for the slider element.
* @function
* @private
* @param {Number} idx - index of the current handle/input to use.
_setInitAttr(idx) {
Slider.prototype._setInitAttr = function(idx){
var id = this.inputs.eq(idx).attr('id') || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'slider');
'id': id,
'max': this.options.end,
'min': this.options.start,
'step': this.options.step
'min': this.options.start
'role': 'slider',
@ -238,8 +289,7 @@ class Slider {
'aria-orientation': this.options.vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal',
'tabindex': 0
* Sets the input and `aria-valuenow` values for the slider element.
* @function
@ -247,12 +297,11 @@ class Slider {
* @param {jQuery} $handle - the currently selected handle.
* @param {Number} val - floating point of the new value.
_setValues($handle, val) {
Slider.prototype._setValues = function($handle, val){
var idx = this.options.doubleSided ? this.handles.index($handle) : 0;
$handle.attr('aria-valuenow', val);
* Handles events on the slider element.
* Calculates the new location of the current handle.
@ -262,157 +311,106 @@ class Slider {
* @param {Object} e - the `event` object passed from the listener.
* @param {jQuery} $handle - the current handle to calculate for, if selected.
* @param {Number} val - floating point number for the new value of the slider.
* TODO clean this up, there's a lot of repeated code between this and the _setHandlePos fn.
_handleEvent(e, $handle, val) {
Slider.prototype._handleEvent = function(e, $handle, val){
var value, hasVal;
if (!val) {//click or drag events
if(!val){//click or drag events
var _this = this,
vertical = this.options.vertical,
param = vertical ? 'height' : 'width',
direction = vertical ? 'top' : 'left',
eventOffset = vertical ? e.pageY : e.pageX,
pageXY = vertical ? e.pageY : e.pageX,
halfOfHandle = this.$handle[0].getBoundingClientRect()[param] / 2,
barDim = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect()[param],
windowScroll = vertical ? $(window).scrollTop() : $(window).scrollLeft();
var elemOffset = this.$element.offset()[direction];
// touch events emulated by the touch util give position relative to screen, add window.scroll to event coordinates...
// best way to guess this is simulated is if clientY == pageY
if (e.clientY === e.pageY) { eventOffset = eventOffset + windowScroll; }
var eventFromBar = eventOffset - elemOffset;
var barXY;
if (eventFromBar < 0) {
barXY = 0;
} else if (eventFromBar > barDim) {
barXY = barDim;
} else {
barXY = eventFromBar;
var offsetPct = percent(barXY, barDim);
value = (this.options.end - this.options.start) * offsetPct + this.options.start;
// turn everything around for RTL, yay math!
if (Foundation.rtl() && !this.options.vertical) {value = this.options.end - value;}
value = _this._adjustValue(null, value);
//boolean flag for the setHandlePos fn, specifically for vertical sliders
barOffset = (this.$element.offset()[direction] - pageXY),
barXY = barOffset > 0 ? -halfOfHandle : (barOffset - halfOfHandle) < -barDim ? barDim : Math.abs(barOffset),//if the cursor position is less than or greater than the elements bounding coordinates, set coordinates within those bounds
// eleDim = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect()[param],
offsetPct = percent(barXY, barDim);
value = (this.options.end - this.options.start) * offsetPct;
hasVal = false;
if (!$handle) {//figure out which handle it is, pass it to the next function.
if(!$handle){//figure out which handle it is, pass it to the next function.
var firstHndlPos = absPosition(this.$handle, direction, barXY, param),
secndHndlPos = absPosition(this.$handle2, direction, barXY, param);
$handle = firstHndlPos <= secndHndlPos ? this.$handle : this.$handle2;
} else {//change event on input
value = this._adjustValue(null, val);
}else{//change event on input
value = val;
hasVal = true;
this._setHandlePos($handle, value, hasVal);
* Adjustes value for handle in regard to step value. returns adjusted value
* @function
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $handle - the selected handle.
* @param {Number} value - value to adjust. used if $handle is falsy
_adjustValue($handle, value) {
var val,
step = this.options.step,
div = parseFloat(step/2),
left, prev_val, next_val;
if (!!$handle) {
val = parseFloat($handle.attr('aria-valuenow'));
else {
val = value;
left = val % step;
prev_val = val - left;
next_val = prev_val + step;
if (left === 0) {
return val;
val = val >= prev_val + div ? next_val : prev_val;
return val;
* Adds event listeners to the slider elements.
* @function
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $handle - the current handle to apply listeners to.
_events($handle) {
Slider.prototype._events = function($handle){
if(this.options.disabled){ return false; }
var _this = this,
timer;'change.zf.slider').on('change.zf.slider', function(e) {'change.zf.slider').on('change.zf.slider', function(e){
var idx = _this.inputs.index($(this));
_this._handleEvent(e, _this.handles.eq(idx), $(this).val());
if (this.options.clickSelect) {
this.$'click.zf.slider').on('click.zf.slider', function(e) {
if (_this.$'dragging')) { return false; }
if (!$('[data-slider-handle]')) {
if (_this.options.doubleSided) {
} else {
_this._handleEvent(e, _this.$handle);
if (this.options.draggable) {
var $body = $('body');
.on('mousedown.zf.slider', function(e) {
_this.$'dragging', true);
curHandle = $(e.currentTarget);
$body.on('mousemove.zf.slider', function(e) {
_this._handleEvent(e, curHandle);
}).on('mouseup.zf.slider', function(e) {
_this._handleEvent(e, curHandle);
_this.$'dragging', false);
$'mousemove.zf.slider mouseup.zf.slider');
// prevent events triggered by touch
.on('selectstart.zf.slider touchmove.zf.slider', function(e) {
this.$'click.zf.slider').on('click.zf.slider', function(e){
if(_this.$'dragging')){ return false; }
_this.animComplete = false;
_this._handleEvent(e, _this.$handle);
$'keydown.zf.slider').on('keydown.zf.slider', function(e) {
var _$handle = $(this),
idx = _this.options.doubleSided ? _this.handles.index(_$handle) : 0,
oldValue = parseFloat(_this.inputs.eq(idx).val()),
// var curHandle,
// timer,
var $body = $('body');
.on('mousedown.zf.slider', function(e){
_this.$'dragging', true);
_this.animComplete = false;
curHandle = $(e.currentTarget);
$body.on('mousemove.zf.slider', function(e){
// timer = setTimeout(function(){
_this._handleEvent(e, curHandle);
// }, _this.options.dragDelay);
}).on('mouseup.zf.slider', function(e){
// clearTimeout(timer);
_this.animComplete = true;
_this._handleEvent(e, curHandle);
_this.$'dragging', false);
// Foundation.reflow(_this.$element, 'slider');
$'mousemove.zf.slider mouseup.zf.slider');
$'keydown.zf.slider').on('keydown.zf.slider', function(e){
var idx = _this.options.doubleSided ? _this.handles.index($(this)) : 0,
oldValue = parseFloat(_this.inputs.eq(idx).val()),
var _$handle = $(this);
// handle keyboard event with keyboard util
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey(e, 'Slider', {
@ -438,157 +436,46 @@ class Slider {
_this._setHandlePos(_$handle, newValue);
* Destroys the slider plugin.
destroy() {'.zf.slider');'.zf.slider');
Slider.prototype.destroy = function(){'.zf.slider');'.zf.slider');
Foundation.plugin(Slider, 'Slider');
function percent(frac, num){
return (frac / num);
Slider.defaults = {
* Minimum value for the slider scale.
* @option
* @example 0
start: 0,
* Maximum value for the slider scale.
* @option
* @example 100
end: 100,
* Minimum value change per change event.
* @option
* @example 1
step: 1,
* Value at which the handle/input *(left handle/first input)* should be set to on initialization.
* @option
* @example 0
initialStart: 0,
* Value at which the right handle/second input should be set to on initialization.
* @option
* @example 100
initialEnd: 100,
* Allows the input to be located outside the container and visible. Set to by the JS
* @option
* @example false
binding: false,
* Allows the user to click/tap on the slider bar to select a value.
* @option
* @example true
clickSelect: true,
* Set to true and use the `vertical` class to change alignment to vertical.
* @option
* @example false
vertical: false,
* Allows the user to drag the slider handle(s) to select a value.
* @option
* @example true
draggable: true,
* Disables the slider and prevents event listeners from being applied. Double checked by JS with `disabledClass`.
* @option
* @example false
disabled: false,
* Allows the use of two handles. Double checked by the JS. Changes some logic handling.
* @option
* @example false
doubleSided: false,
* Potential future feature.
// steps: 100,
* Number of decimal places the plugin should go to for floating point precision.
* @option
* @example 2
decimal: 2,
* Time delay for dragged elements.
// dragDelay: 0,
* Time, in ms, to animate the movement of a slider handle if user clicks/taps on the bar. Needs to be manually set if updating the transition time in the Sass settings.
* @option
* @example 200
moveTime: 200,//update this if changing the transition time in the sass
* Class applied to disabled sliders.
* @option
* @example 'disabled'
disabledClass: 'disabled',
* Will invert the default layout for a vertical<span data-tooltip title="who would do this???"> </span>slider.
* @option
* @example false
invertVertical: false,
* Milliseconds before the `changed.zf-slider` event is triggered after value change.
* @option
* @example 500
changedDelay: 500
function percent(frac, num) {
return (frac / num);
function absPosition($handle, dir, clickPos, param) {
return Math.abs(($handle.position()[dir] + ($handle[param]() / 2)) - clickPos);
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Slider, 'Slider');
function absPosition($handle, dir, clickPos, param){
return Math.abs(($handle.position()[dir] + ($handle[param]() / 2)) - clickPos);
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);
//*********this is in case we go to static, absolute positions instead of dynamic positioning********
// this.setSteps(function() {
// this.setSteps(function(){
// _this._events();
// var initStart = _this.options.positions[_this.options.initialStart - 1] || null;
// var initEnd = _this.options.initialEnd ? _this.options.position[_this.options.initialEnd - 1] : null;
// if (initStart || initEnd) {
// if(initStart || initEnd){
// _this._handleEvent(initStart, initEnd);
// }
// });
//***********the other part of absolute positions*************
// Slider.prototype.setSteps = function(cb) {
// Slider.prototype.setSteps = function(cb){
// var posChange = this.$element.outerWidth() / this.options.steps;
// var counter = 0
// while(counter < this.options.steps) {
// if (counter) {
// while(counter < this.options.steps){
// if(counter){
// this.options.positions.push(this.options.positions[counter - 1] + posChange);
// } else {
// }else{
// this.options.positions.push(posChange);
// }
// counter++;

View File

@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Sticky module.
* @module foundation.sticky
* @requires foundation.util.triggers
* @requires foundation.util.mediaQuery
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
class Sticky {
* Creates a new instance of a sticky thing.
* @class
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make sticky.
* @param {Object} options - options object passed when creating the element programmatically.
constructor(element, options) {
function Sticky(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Sticky.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -24,96 +21,163 @@ class Sticky {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Sticky');
Sticky.defaults = {
* Customizable container template. Add your own classes for styling and sizing.
* @option
* @example '&lt;div data-sticky-container class="small-6 columns"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'
container: '<div data-sticky-container></div>',
* Location in the view the element sticks to.
* @option
* @example 'top'
stickTo: 'top',
* If anchored to a single element, the id of that element.
* @option
* @example 'exampleId'
anchor: '',
* If using more than one element as anchor points, the id of the top anchor.
* @option
* @example 'exampleId:top'
topAnchor: '',
* If using more than one element as anchor points, the id of the bottom anchor.
* @option
* @example 'exampleId:bottom'
btmAnchor: '',
* Margin, in `em`'s to apply to the top of the element when it becomes sticky.
* @option
* @example 1
marginTop: 1,
* Margin, in `em`'s to apply to the bottom of the element when it becomes sticky.
* @option
* @example 1
marginBottom: 1,
* Breakpoint string that is the minimum screen size an element should become sticky.
* @option
* @example 'medium'
stickyOn: 'medium',
* Class applied to sticky element, and removed on destruction. Foundation defaults to `sticky`.
* @option
* @example 'sticky'
stickyClass: 'sticky',
* Class applied to sticky container. Foundation defaults to `sticky-container`.
* @option
* @example 'sticky-container'
containerClass: 'sticky-container',
* Number of scroll events between the plugin's recalculating sticky points. Setting it to `0` will cause it to recalc every scroll event, setting it to `-1` will prevent recalc on scroll.
* @option
* @example 50
checkEvery: -1
* Initializes the sticky element by adding classes, getting/setting dimensions, breakpoints and attributes
* @function
* @private
_init() {
Sticky.prototype._init = function(){
var $parent = this.$element.parent('[data-sticky-container]'),
id = this.$element[0].id || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'sticky'),
_this = this;
if (!$parent.length) {
this.wasWrapped = true;
this.$container = $parent.length ? $parent : $(this.options.container).wrapInner(this.$element);
.attr({'data-resize': id});
this.scrollCount = this.options.checkEvery;
this.isStuck = false;
$(window).one('load.zf.sticky', function(){
//We calculate the container height to have correct values for anchor points offset calculation.
_this.containerHeight = _this.$element.css("display") == "none" ? 0 : _this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect().height;
_this.$container.css('height', _this.containerHeight);
_this.elemHeight = _this.containerHeight;
if(_this.options.anchor !== ''){
_this.$anchor = $('#' + _this.options.anchor);
if(this.options.anchor !== ''){
this.$anchor = $('#' + this.options.anchor);
* If using multiple elements as anchors, calculates the top and bottom pixel values the sticky thing should stick and unstick on.
* @function
* @private
_parsePoints() {
var top = this.options.topAnchor == "" ? 1 : this.options.topAnchor,
btm = this.options.btmAnchor== "" ? document.documentElement.scrollHeight : this.options.btmAnchor,
Sticky.prototype._parsePoints = function(){
var top = this.options.topAnchor,
btm = this.options.btmAnchor,
pts = [top, btm],
breaks = {};
for (var i = 0, len = pts.length; i < len && pts[i]; i++) {
var pt;
if (typeof pts[i] === 'number') {
pt = pts[i];
} else {
var place = pts[i].split(':'),
anchor = $(`#${place[0]}`);
if(top && btm){
pt = anchor.offset().top;
if (place[1] && place[1].toLowerCase() === 'bottom') {
pt += anchor[0].getBoundingClientRect().height;
for(var i = 0, len = pts.length; i < len && pts[i]; i++){
var pt;
if(typeof pts[i] === 'number'){
pt = pts[i];
var place = pts[i].split(':'),
anchor = $('#' + place[0]);
pt = anchor.offset().top;
if(place[1] && place[1].toLowerCase() === 'bottom'){
pt += anchor[0].getBoundingClientRect().height;
breaks[i] = pt;
breaks[i] = pt;
breaks = {0: 1, 1: document.documentElement.scrollHeight};
this.points = breaks;
* Adds event handlers for the scrolling element.
* @private
* @param {String} id - psuedo-random id for unique scroll event listener.
_events(id) {
Sticky.prototype._events = function(id){
var _this = this,
scrollListener = this.scrollListener = `scroll.zf.${id}`;
if (this.isOn) { return; }
if (this.canStick) {
scrollListener = this.scrollListener = 'scroll.zf.' + id;
if(this.isOn){ return; }
this.isOn = true;
.on(scrollListener, function(e) {
if (_this.scrollCount === 0) {
.on(scrollListener, function(e){
if(_this.scrollCount === 0){
_this.scrollCount = _this.options.checkEvery;
_this._setSizes(function() {
_this._calc(false, window.pageYOffset);
} else {
_this._calc(false, window.pageYOffset);
@ -121,26 +185,26 @@ class Sticky {
.on('resizeme.zf.trigger', function(e, el) {
_this._setSizes(function() {
.on('resizeme.zf.trigger', function(e, el){
if (_this.canStick) {
if (!_this.isOn) {
} else if (_this.isOn) {
}else if(_this.isOn){
* Removes event handlers for scroll and change events on anchor.
* @fires Sticky#pause
* @param {String} scrollListener - unique, namespaced scroll listener attached to `window`
_pauseListeners(scrollListener) {
Sticky.prototype._pauseListeners = function(scrollListener){
this.isOn = false;
@ -150,7 +214,7 @@ class Sticky {
* @private
* Called on every `scroll` event and on `_init`
@ -158,35 +222,34 @@ class Sticky {
* @param {Boolean} checkSizes - true if plugin should recalculate sizes and breakpoints.
* @param {Number} scroll - current scroll position passed from scroll event cb function. If not passed, defaults to `window.pageYOffset`.
_calc(checkSizes, scroll) {
if (checkSizes) { this._setSizes(); }
Sticky.prototype._calc = function(checkSizes, scroll){
if(checkSizes){ this._setSizes(); }
if (!this.canStick) {
if (this.isStuck) {
return false;
if (!scroll) { scroll = window.pageYOffset; }
if(!scroll){ scroll = window.pageYOffset; }
if (scroll >= this.topPoint) {
if (scroll <= this.bottomPoint) {
if (!this.isStuck) {
if(scroll >= this.topPoint){
if(scroll <= this.bottomPoint){
} else {
if (this.isStuck) {
} else {
if (this.isStuck) {
* Causes the $element to become stuck.
* Adds `position: fixed;`, and helper classes.
@ -194,31 +257,27 @@ class Sticky {
* @function
* @private
_setSticky() {
var _this = this,
stickTo = this.options.stickTo,
Sticky.prototype._setSticky = function(){
var stickTo = this.options.stickTo,
mrgn = stickTo === 'top' ? 'marginTop' : 'marginBottom',
notStuckTo = stickTo === 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top',
css = {};
css[mrgn] = `${this.options[mrgn]}em`;
css[mrgn] = this.options[mrgn] + 'em';
css[stickTo] = 0;
css[notStuckTo] = 'auto';
css['left'] = this.$container.offset().left + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(this.$container[0])["padding-left"], 10);
this.isStuck = true;
this.$element.removeClass(`is-anchored is-at-${notStuckTo}`)
.addClass(`is-stuck is-at-${stickTo}`)
this.$element.removeClass('is-anchored is-at-' + notStuckTo)
.addClass('is-stuck is-at-' + stickTo)
* Fires when the $element has become `position: fixed;`
* Namespaced to `top` or `bottom`, e.g. `sticky.zf.stuckto:top`
* Namespaced to `top` or `bottom`.
* @event Sticky#stuckto
this.$element.on("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd", function() {
.trigger('sticky.zf.stuckto:' + stickTo);
* Causes the $element to become unstuck.
@ -228,7 +287,7 @@ class Sticky {
* @fires Sticky#unstuckfrom
* @private
_removeSticky(isTop) {
Sticky.prototype._removeSticky = function(isTop){
var stickTo = this.options.stickTo,
stickToTop = stickTo === 'top',
css = {},
@ -239,25 +298,26 @@ class Sticky {
css[mrgn] = 0;
css['bottom'] = 'auto';
if(isTop) {
css['top'] = 0;
} else {
css['top'] = anchorPt;
if((isTop && !stickToTop) || (stickToTop && !isTop)){
css[stickTo] = anchorPt;
css[notStuckTo] = 0;
css[stickTo] = 0;
css[notStuckTo] = anchorPt;
css['left'] = '';
this.isStuck = false;
this.$element.removeClass(`is-stuck is-at-${stickTo}`)
.addClass(`is-anchored is-at-${topOrBottom}`)
this.$element.removeClass('is-stuck is-at-' + stickTo)
.addClass('is-anchored is-at-' + topOrBottom)
* Fires when the $element has become anchored.
* Namespaced to `top` or `bottom`, e.g. `sticky.zf.unstuckfrom:bottom`
* Namespaced to `top` or `bottom`.
* @event Sticky#unstuckfrom
.trigger('sticky.zf.unstuckfrom:' + topOrBottom);
* Sets the $element and $container sizes for plugin.
@ -265,60 +325,50 @@ class Sticky {
* @param {Function} cb - optional callback function to fire on completion of `_setBreakPoints`.
* @private
_setSizes(cb) {
Sticky.prototype._setSizes = function(cb){
this.canStick = Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.stickyOn);
if (!this.canStick) {
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb(); }
if(!this.canStick){ cb(); }
var _this = this,
newElemWidth = this.$container[0].getBoundingClientRect().width,
comp = window.getComputedStyle(this.$container[0]),
pdng = parseInt(comp['padding-right'], 10);
if (this.$anchor && this.$anchor.length) {
if(this.$anchor && this.$anchor.length){
this.anchorHeight = this.$anchor[0].getBoundingClientRect().height;
} else {
'max-width': `${newElemWidth - pdng}px`
'max-width': newElemWidth - pdng + 'px'
var newContainerHeight = this.$element[0].getBoundingClientRect().height || this.containerHeight;
if (this.$element.css("display") == "none") {
newContainerHeight = 0;
this.containerHeight = newContainerHeight;
height: newContainerHeight
this.elemHeight = newContainerHeight;
if (this.isStuck) {
this.$element.css({"left":this.$container.offset().left + parseInt(comp['padding-left'], 10)});
} else {
if (this.$element.hasClass('is-at-bottom')) {
var anchorPt = (this.points ? this.points[1] - this.$container.offset().top : this.anchorHeight) - this.elemHeight;
this.$element.css('top', anchorPt);
if (this.isStuck) {
this.$element.css({"left":this.$container.offset().left + parseInt(comp['padding-left'], 10)});
this._setBreakPoints(newContainerHeight, function() {
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb(); }
this._setBreakPoints(newContainerHeight, function(){
if(cb){ cb(); }
* Sets the upper and lower breakpoints for the element to become sticky/unsticky.
* @param {Number} elemHeight - px value for sticky.$element height, calculated by `_setSizes`.
* @param {Function} cb - optional callback function to be called on completion.
* @private
_setBreakPoints(elemHeight, cb) {
if (!this.canStick) {
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb(); }
else { return false; }
Sticky.prototype._setBreakPoints = function(elemHeight, cb){
if(cb){ cb(); }
else{ return false; }
var mTop = emCalc(this.options.marginTop),
mBtm = emCalc(this.options.marginBottom),
@ -328,21 +378,21 @@ class Sticky {
// bottomPoint = topPoint + this.anchorHeight || this.points[1],
winHeight = window.innerHeight;
if (this.options.stickTo === 'top') {
if(this.options.stickTo === 'top'){
topPoint -= mTop;
bottomPoint -= (elemHeight + mTop);
} else if (this.options.stickTo === 'bottom') {
}else if(this.options.stickTo === 'bottom'){
topPoint -= (winHeight - (elemHeight + mBtm));
bottomPoint -= (winHeight - mBtm);
} else {
//this would be the stickTo: both option... tricky
this.topPoint = topPoint;
this.bottomPoint = bottomPoint;
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb(); }
if(cb){ cb(); }
* Destroys the current sticky element.
@ -350,10 +400,10 @@ class Sticky {
* Removes event listeners, JS-added css properties and classes, and unwraps the $element if the JS added the $container.
* @function
destroy() {
Sticky.prototype.destroy = function(){
this.$element.removeClass(`${this.options.stickyClass} is-anchored is-at-top`)
this.$element.removeClass(this.options.stickyClass + ' is-anchored is-at-top')
height: '',
top: '',
@ -361,101 +411,26 @@ class Sticky {
'max-width': ''
if (this.$anchor && this.$anchor.length) {
if (this.wasWrapped) {
} else {
height: ''
* Helper function to calculate em values
* @param Number {em} - number of em's to calculate into pixels
function emCalc(em){
return parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).fontSize, 10) * em;
Sticky.defaults = {
* Customizable container template. Add your own classes for styling and sizing.
* @option
* @example '&lt;div data-sticky-container class="small-6 columns"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'
container: '<div data-sticky-container></div>',
* Location in the view the element sticks to.
* @option
* @example 'top'
stickTo: 'top',
* If anchored to a single element, the id of that element.
* @option
* @example 'exampleId'
anchor: '',
* If using more than one element as anchor points, the id of the top anchor.
* @option
* @example 'exampleId:top'
topAnchor: '',
* If using more than one element as anchor points, the id of the bottom anchor.
* @option
* @example 'exampleId:bottom'
btmAnchor: '',
* Margin, in `em`'s to apply to the top of the element when it becomes sticky.
* @option
* @example 1
marginTop: 1,
* Margin, in `em`'s to apply to the bottom of the element when it becomes sticky.
* @option
* @example 1
marginBottom: 1,
* Breakpoint string that is the minimum screen size an element should become sticky.
* @option
* @example 'medium'
stickyOn: 'medium',
* Class applied to sticky element, and removed on destruction. Foundation defaults to `sticky`.
* @option
* @example 'sticky'
stickyClass: 'sticky',
* Class applied to sticky container. Foundation defaults to `sticky-container`.
* @option
* @example 'sticky-container'
containerClass: 'sticky-container',
* Number of scroll events between the plugin's recalculating sticky points. Setting it to `0` will cause it to recalc every scroll event, setting it to `-1` will prevent recalc on scroll.
* @option
* @example 50
checkEvery: -1
* Helper function to calculate em values
* @param Number {em} - number of em's to calculate into pixels
function emCalc(em) {
return parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).fontSize, 10) * em;
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Sticky, 'Sticky');
Foundation.plugin(Sticky, 'Sticky');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Tabs module.
* @module foundation.tabs
* @requires foundation.util.keyboard
* @requires foundation.util.timerAndImageLoader if tabs contain images
!function($, Foundation) {
'use strict';
class Tabs {
* Creates a new instance of tabs.
* @class
@ -17,7 +14,7 @@ class Tabs {
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to make into tabs.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function Tabs(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Tabs.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -35,23 +32,65 @@ class Tabs {
Tabs.defaults = {
// /**
// * Allows the JS to alter the url of the window. Not yet implemented.
// */
// deepLinking: false,
// /**
// * If deepLinking is enabled, allows the window to scroll to content if window is loaded with a hash including a tab-pane id
// */
// scrollToContent: false,
* Allows the window to scroll to content of active pane on load if set to true.
* @option
* @example false
autoFocus: false,
* Allows keyboard input to 'wrap' around the tab links.
* @option
* @example true
wrapOnKeys: true,
* Allows the tab content panes to match heights if set to true.
* @option
* @example false
matchHeight: false,
* Class applied to `li`'s in tab link list.
* @option
* @example 'tabs-title'
linkClass: 'tabs-title',
// contentClass: 'tabs-content',
* Class applied to the content containers.
* @option
* @example 'tabs-panel'
panelClass: 'tabs-panel'
* Initializes the tabs by showing and focusing (if autoFocus=true) the preset active tab.
* @private
_init() {
Tabs.prototype._init = function(){
var _this = this;
this.$tabTitles = this.$element.find(`.${this.options.linkClass}`);
this.$tabContent = $(`[data-tabs-content="${this.$element[0].id}"]`);
this.$tabTitles = this.$element.find('.' + this.options.linkClass);
this.$tabContent = $('[data-tabs-content="' + this.$element[0].id + '"]');
var $elem = $(this),
$link = $elem.find('a'),
isActive = $elem.hasClass('is-active'),
hash = $link[0].hash.slice(1),
linkId = $link[0].id ? $link[0].id : `${hash}-label`,
$tabContent = $(`#${hash}`);
hash = $link.attr('href').slice(1),
linkId = hash + '-label',
$tabContent = $(hash);
$elem.attr({'role': 'presentation'});
@ -72,67 +111,58 @@ class Tabs {
if(this.options.matchHeight) {
var $images = this.$tabContent.find('img');
if ($images.length) {
Foundation.onImagesLoaded($images, this._setHeight.bind(this));
} else {
* Adds event handlers for items within the tabs.
* @private
_events() {
Tabs.prototype._events = function(){
this._setHeightMqHandler = null;
if (this.options.matchHeight) {
this._setHeightMqHandler = this._setHeight.bind(this);
$(window).on('changed.zf.mediaquery', this._setHeightMqHandler);
$(window).on('changed.zf.mediaquery', this._setHeight.bind(this));
* Adds click handlers for items within the tabs.
* @private
_addClickHandler() {
Tabs.prototype._addClickHandler = function(){
var _this = this;
.on('click.zf.tabs', `.${this.options.linkClass}`, function(e){
if ($(this).hasClass('is-active')) {
.on('click.zf.tabs', '.' + this.options.linkClass, function(e){
* Adds keyboard event handlers for items within the tabs.
* @private
_addKeyHandler() {
Tabs.prototype._addKeyHandler = function(){
var _this = this;
var $firstTab = _this.$element.find('li:first-of-type');
var $lastTab = _this.$element.find('li:last-of-type');
this.$'keydown.zf.tabs').on('keydown.zf.tabs', function(e){
if (e.which === 9) return;
if(e.which === 9) return;
var $element = $(this),
$elements = $element.parent('ul').children('li'),
@ -165,14 +195,11 @@ class Tabs {
next: function() {
handled: function() {
* Opens the tab `$targetContent` defined by `$target`.
@ -180,19 +207,16 @@ class Tabs {
* @fires Tabs#change
* @function
_handleTabChange($target) {
Tabs.prototype._handleTabChange = function($target){
var $tabLink = $target.find('[role="tab"]'),
hash = $tabLink[0].hash,
$targetContent = this.$tabContent.find(hash),
$oldTab = this.$element.
.attr({ 'aria-selected': 'false' });
hash = $tabLink.attr('href'),
$targetContent = $(hash),
.attr({ 'aria-hidden': 'true' });
$oldTab = this.$element.find('.' + this.options.linkClass + '.is-active')
.attr({'aria-selected': 'false'}).attr('href');
$($oldTab).removeClass('is-active').attr({'aria-hidden': 'true'});
@ -207,27 +231,26 @@ class Tabs {
* @event Tabs#change
this.$element.trigger('change.zf.tabs', [$target]);
// Foundation.reflow(this.$element, 'tabs');
* Public method for selecting a content pane to display.
* @param {jQuery | String} elem - jQuery object or string of the id of the pane to display.
* @function
selectTab(elem) {
Tabs.prototype.selectTab = function(elem){
var idStr;
if (typeof elem === 'object') {
if(typeof elem === 'object'){
idStr = elem[0].id;
} else {
idStr = elem;
if (idStr.indexOf('#') < 0) {
idStr = `#${idStr}`;
if(idStr.indexOf('#') < 0){
idStr = '#' + idStr;
var $target = this.$tabTitles.find(`[href="${idStr}"]`).parent(`.${this.options.linkClass}`);
var $target = this.$tabTitles.find('[href="' + idStr + '"]').parent('.' + this.options.linkClass);
@ -238,96 +261,46 @@ class Tabs {
* @function
* @private
_setHeight() {
Tabs.prototype._setHeight = function(){
var max = 0;
.css('height', '')
.each(function() {
var panel = $(this),
isActive = panel.hasClass('is-active');
this.$tabContent.find('.' + this.options.panelClass)
.css('height', '')
var panel = $(this),
isActive = panel.hasClass('is-active');
if (!isActive) {
panel.css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'display': 'block'});
panel.css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'display': 'block'});
var temp = this.getBoundingClientRect().height;
var temp = this.getBoundingClientRect().height;
panel.css({'visibility': '', 'display': ''});
if (!isActive) {
'visibility': '',
'display': ''
max = temp > max ? temp : max;
.css('height', `${max}px`);
max = temp > max ? temp : max;
.css('height', max + 'px');
* Destroys an instance of an tabs.
* @fires Tabs#destroyed
destroy() {
if (this.options.matchHeight) {
if (this._setHeightMqHandler != null) {
$(window).off('changed.zf.mediaquery', this._setHeightMqHandler);
Tabs.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.$element.find('.' + this.options.linkClass)
.find('.' + this.options.panelClass)
Foundation.plugin(Tabs, 'Tabs');
function checkClass($elem){
return $elem.hasClass('is-active');
Tabs.defaults = {
* Allows the window to scroll to content of active pane on load if set to true.
* @option
* @example false
autoFocus: false,
* Allows keyboard input to 'wrap' around the tab links.
* @option
* @example true
wrapOnKeys: true,
* Allows the tab content panes to match heights if set to true.
* @option
* @example false
matchHeight: false,
* Class applied to `li`'s in tab link list.
* @option
* @example 'tabs-title'
linkClass: 'tabs-title',
* Class applied to the content containers.
* @option
* @example 'tabs-panel'
panelClass: 'tabs-panel'
function checkClass($elem){
return $elem.hasClass('is-active');
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Tabs, 'Tabs');
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Toggler module.
* @module foundation.toggler
* @requires foundation.util.motion
* @requires foundation.util.triggers
class Toggler {
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
* Creates a new instance of Toggler.
* @class
@ -17,7 +14,7 @@ class Toggler {
* @param {Object} element - jQuery object to add the trigger to.
* @param {Object} options - Overrides to the default plugin settings.
constructor(element, options) {
function Toggler(element, options) {
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Toggler.defaults,, options);
this.className = '';
@ -28,12 +25,21 @@ class Toggler {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Toggler');
Toggler.defaults = {
* Tells the plugin if the element should animated when toggled.
* @option
* @example false
animate: false
* Initializes the Toggler plugin by parsing the toggle class from data-toggler, or animation classes from data-animate.
* @function
* @private
_init() {
Toggler.prototype._init = function() {
var input;
// Parse animation classes if they were set
if (this.options.animate) {
@ -51,20 +57,20 @@ class Toggler {
// Add ARIA attributes to triggers
var id = this.$element[0].id;
$(`[data-open="${id}"], [data-close="${id}"], [data-toggle="${id}"]`)
$('[data-open="'+id+'"], [data-close="'+id+'"], [data-toggle="'+id+'"]')
.attr('aria-controls', id);
// If the target is hidden, add aria-hidden
this.$element.attr('aria-expanded', this.$':hidden') ? false : true);
* Initializes events for the toggle trigger.
* @function
* @private
_events() {
Toggler.prototype._events = function() {
this.$'toggle.zf.trigger').on('toggle.zf.trigger', this.toggle.bind(this));
* Toggles the target class on the target element. An event is fired from the original trigger depending on if the resultant state was "on" or "off".
@ -72,11 +78,11 @@ class Toggler {
* @fires Toggler#on
* @fires Toggler#off
toggle() {
Toggler.prototype.toggle = function() {
this[ this.options.animate ? '_toggleAnimate' : '_toggleClass']();
_toggleClass() {
Toggler.prototype._toggleClass = function() {
var isOn = this.$element.hasClass(this.className);
@ -96,49 +102,46 @@ class Toggler {
_toggleAnimate() {
Toggler.prototype._toggleAnimate = function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.$':hidden')) {
Foundation.Motion.animateIn(this.$element, this.animationIn, function() {
else {
Foundation.Motion.animateOut(this.$element, this.animationOut, function() {
_updateARIA(isOn) {
Toggler.prototype._updateARIA = function(isOn) {
this.$element.attr('aria-expanded', isOn ? true : false);
* Destroys the instance of Toggler on the element.
* @function
destroy() {
Toggler.prototype.destroy= function() {
Toggler.defaults = {
* Tells the plugin if the element should animated when toggled.
* @option
* @example false
animate: false
Foundation.plugin(Toggler, 'Toggler');
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Toggler, 'Toggler');
// Exports for AMD/Browserify
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports !== 'undefined')
module.exports = Toggler;
if (typeof define === 'function')
define(['foundation'], function() {
return Toggler;
}(Foundation, jQuery);

View File

@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Tooltip module.
* @module foundation.tooltip
* @requires
* @requires foundation.util.mediaQuery
* @requires foundation.util.triggers
!function($, document, Foundation){
'use strict';
class Tooltip {
* Creates a new instance of a Tooltip.
* @class
@ -18,7 +14,7 @@ class Tooltip {
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to attach a tooltip to.
* @param {Object} options - object to extend the default configuration.
constructor(element, options) {
function Tooltip(element, options){
this.$element = element;
this.options = $.extend({}, Tooltip.defaults, this.$, options);
@ -29,14 +25,103 @@ class Tooltip {
Foundation.registerPlugin(this, 'Tooltip');
Tooltip.defaults = {
disableForTouch: false,
* Time, in ms, before a tooltip should open on hover.
* @option
* @example 200
hoverDelay: 200,
* Time, in ms, a tooltip should take to fade into view.
* @option
* @example 150
fadeInDuration: 150,
* Time, in ms, a tooltip should take to fade out of view.
* @option
* @example 150
fadeOutDuration: 150,
* Disables hover events from opening the tooltip if set to true
* @option
* @example false
disableHover: false,
* Optional addtional classes to apply to the tooltip template on init.
* @option
* @example 'my-cool-tip-class'
templateClasses: '',
* Non-optional class added to tooltip templates. Foundation default is 'tooltip'.
* @option
* @example 'tooltip'
tooltipClass: 'tooltip',
* Class applied to the tooltip anchor element.
* @option
* @example 'has-tip'
triggerClass: 'has-tip',
* Minimum breakpoint size at which to open the tooltip.
* @option
* @example 'small'
showOn: 'small',
* Custom template to be used to generate markup for tooltip.
* @option
* @example '&lt;div class="tooltip"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'
template: '',
* Text displayed in the tooltip template on open.
* @option
* @example 'Some cool space fact here.'
tipText: '',
touchCloseText: 'Tap to close.',
* Allows the tooltip to remain open if triggered with a click or touch event.
* @option
* @example true
clickOpen: true,
* Additional positioning classes, set by the JS
* @option
* @example 'top'
positionClass: '',
* Distance, in pixels, the template should push away from the anchor on the Y axis.
* @option
* @example 10
vOffset: 10,
* Distance, in pixels, the template should push away from the anchor on the X axis, if aligned to a side.
* @option
* @example 12
hOffset: 12
* Initializes the tooltip by setting the creating the tip element, adding it's text, setting private variables and setting attributes on the anchor.
* @private
_init() {
Tooltip.prototype._init = function(){
var elemId = this.$element.attr('aria-describedby') || Foundation.GetYoDigits(6, 'tooltip');
this.options.positionClass = this.options.positionClass || this._getPositionClass(this.$element);
this.options.positionClass = this._getPositionClass(this.$element);
this.options.tipText = this.options.tipText || this.$element.attr('title');
this.template = this.options.template ? $(this.options.template) : this._buildTemplate(elemId);
@ -50,7 +135,7 @@ class Tooltip {
'data-yeti-box': elemId,
'data-toggle': elemId,
'data-resize': elemId
//helper variables to track movement on collisions
this.usedPositions = [];
@ -58,16 +143,16 @@ class Tooltip {
this.classChanged = false;
* Grabs the current positioning class, if present, and returns the value or an empty string.
* @private
_getPositionClass(element) {
if (!element) { return ''; }
Tooltip.prototype._getPositionClass = function(element){
if(!element){ return ''; }
// var position = element.attr('class').match(/top|left|right/g);
var position = element[0].className.match(/\b(top|left|right)\b/g);
var position = element[0].className.match(/(top|left|right)/g);
position = position ? position[0] : '';
return position;
@ -75,8 +160,8 @@ class Tooltip {
* builds the tooltip element, adds attributes, and returns the template.
* @private
_buildTemplate(id) {
var templateClasses = (`${this.options.tooltipClass} ${this.options.positionClass} ${this.options.templateClasses}`).trim();
Tooltip.prototype._buildTemplate = function(id){
var templateClasses = (this.options.tooltipClass + ' ' + this.options.positionClass).trim();
var $template = $('<div></div>').addClass(templateClasses).attr({
'role': 'tooltip',
'aria-hidden': true,
@ -85,54 +170,55 @@ class Tooltip {
'id': id
return $template;
* Function that gets called if a collision event is detected.
* @param {String} position - positioning class to try
* @private
_reposition(position) {
Tooltip.prototype._reposition = function(position){
this.usedPositions.push(position ? position : 'bottom');
//default, try switching to opposite side
if (!position && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('top') < 0)) {
if(!position && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('top') < 0)){
} else if (position === 'top' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') < 0)) {
}else if(position === 'top' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') < 0)){
} else if (position === 'left' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('right') < 0)) {
}else if(position === 'left' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('right') < 0)){
} else if (position === 'right' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') < 0)) {
}else if(position === 'right' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') < 0)){
//if default change didn't work, try bottom or left first
else if (!position && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('top') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') < 0)) {
else if(!position && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('top') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') < 0)){
} else if (position === 'top' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') < 0)) {
}else if(position === 'top' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') < 0)){
} else if (position === 'left' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('right') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') < 0)) {
}else if(position === 'left' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('right') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') < 0)){
} else if (position === 'right' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') < 0)) {
}else if(position === 'right' && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('left') > -1) && (this.usedPositions.indexOf('bottom') < 0)){
//if nothing cleared, set to bottom
else {
this.classChanged = true;
* sets the position class of an element and recursively calls itself until there are no more possible positions to attempt, or the tooltip element is no longer colliding.
* if the tooltip is larger than the screen width, default to full width - any user selected margin
* @private
_setPosition() {
Tooltip.prototype._setPosition = function(){
var position = this._getPositionClass(this.template),
$tipDims = Foundation.Box.GetDimensions(this.template),
$anchorDims = Foundation.Box.GetDimensions(this.$element),
@ -141,7 +227,7 @@ class Tooltip {
offset = (param === 'height') ? this.options.vOffset : this.options.hOffset,
_this = this;
if (($tipDims.width >= $tipDims.windowDims.width) || (!this.counter && !Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.template))) {
if(($tipDims.width >= $tipDims.windowDims.width) || (!this.counter && !Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.template))){
this.template.offset(Foundation.Box.GetOffsets(this.template, this.$element, 'center bottom', this.options.vOffset, this.options.hOffset, true)).css({
// this.$element.offset(Foundation.GetOffsets(this.template, this.$element, 'center bottom', this.options.vOffset, this.options.hOffset, true)).css({
'width': $anchorDims.windowDims.width - (this.options.hOffset * 2),
@ -152,20 +238,20 @@ class Tooltip {
this.template.offset(Foundation.Box.GetOffsets(this.template, this.$element,'center ' + (position || 'bottom'), this.options.vOffset, this.options.hOffset));
while(!Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.template) && this.counter) {
while(!Foundation.Box.ImNotTouchingYou(this.template) && this.counter){
* reveals the tooltip, and fires an event to close any other open tooltips on the page
* @fires Tooltip#closeme
* @fires Closeme#tooltip
* @fires Tooltip#show
* @function
show() {
if (this.options.showOn !== 'all' && !Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.showOn)) { = function(){
if(this.options.showOn !== 'all' && !Foundation.MediaQuery.atLeast(this.options.showOn)){
// console.error('The screen is too small to display this tooltip');
return false;
@ -187,7 +273,7 @@ class Tooltip {
_this.isActive = true;
// console.log(this.template);
this.template.stop().hide().css('visibility', '').fadeIn(this.options.fadeInDuration, function() {
this.template.stop().hide().css('visibility', '').fadeIn(this.options.fadeInDuration, function(){
//maybe do stuff?
@ -195,23 +281,23 @@ class Tooltip {
* @event Tooltip#show
* Hides the current tooltip, and resets the positioning class if it was changed due to collision
* @fires Tooltip#hide
* @function
hide() {
Tooltip.prototype.hide = function(){
// console.log('hiding', this.$'yeti-box'));
var _this = this;
'aria-hidden': true,
'data-is-active': false
}).fadeOut(this.options.fadeOutDuration, function() {
}).fadeOut(this.options.fadeOutDuration, function(){
_this.isActive = false;
_this.isClick = false;
if (_this.classChanged) {
@ -226,59 +312,53 @@ class Tooltip {
* @event Tooltip#hide
* adds event listeners for the tooltip and its anchor
* TODO combine some of the listeners like focus and mouseenter, etc.
* @private
_events() {
Tooltip.prototype._events = function(){
var _this = this;
var $template = this.template;
var isFocus = false;
if (!this.options.disableHover) {
.on('mouseenter.zf.tooltip', function(e) {
if (!_this.isActive) {
_this.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
.on('mouseenter.zf.tooltip', function(e){
_this.timeout = setTimeout(function(){;
}, _this.options.hoverDelay);
.on('mouseleave.zf.tooltip', function(e) {
.on('mouseleave.zf.tooltip', function(e){
if (!isFocus || (_this.isClick && !_this.options.clickOpen)) {
if(!isFocus || (!_this.isClick && _this.options.clickOpen)){
if (this.options.clickOpen) {
this.$element.on('mousedown.zf.tooltip', function(e) {
this.$element.on('mousedown.zf.tooltip', function(e){
if (_this.isClick) {
// _this.isClick = false;
} else {
_this.isClick = true;
if ((_this.options.disableHover || !_this.$element.attr('tabindex')) && !_this.isActive) {
if((_this.options.disableHover || !_this.$element.attr('tabindex')) && !_this.isActive){;
} else {
this.$element.on('mousedown.zf.tooltip', function(e) {
_this.isClick = true;
if (!this.options.disableForTouch) {
.on('tap.zf.tooltip touchend.zf.tooltip', function(e) {
.on('tap.zf.tooltip touchend.zf.tooltip', function(e){
_this.isActive ? _this.hide() :;
@ -290,48 +370,45 @@ class Tooltip {
.on('focus.zf.tooltip', function(e) {
.on('focus.zf.tooltip', function(e){
isFocus = true;
if (_this.isClick) {
// If we're not showing open on clicks, we need to pretend a click-launched focus isn't
// a real focus, otherwise on hover and come back we get bad behavior
if(!_this.options.clickOpen) { isFocus = false; }
// console.log(_this.isClick);
return false;
} else {
// $(window);
.on('focusout.zf.tooltip', function(e) {
.on('focusout.zf.tooltip', function(e){
isFocus = false;
_this.isClick = false;
.on('resizeme.zf.trigger', function() {
if (_this.isActive) {
.on('resizeme.zf.trigger', function(){
* adds a toggle method, in addition to the static show() & hide() functions
* @function
toggle() {
if (this.isActive) {
Tooltip.prototype.toggle = function(){
} else {
* Destroys an instance of tooltip, removes template element from the view.
* @function
destroy() {
Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function(){
this.$element.attr('title', this.template.text())
.off('.zf.trigger .zf.tootip')
// .removeClass('has-tip')
@ -343,103 +420,10 @@ class Tooltip {
* TODO utilize resize event trigger
Tooltip.defaults = {
disableForTouch: false,
* Time, in ms, before a tooltip should open on hover.
* @option
* @example 200
hoverDelay: 200,
* Time, in ms, a tooltip should take to fade into view.
* @option
* @example 150
fadeInDuration: 150,
* Time, in ms, a tooltip should take to fade out of view.
* @option
* @example 150
fadeOutDuration: 150,
* Disables hover events from opening the tooltip if set to true
* @option
* @example false
disableHover: false,
* Optional addtional classes to apply to the tooltip template on init.
* @option
* @example 'my-cool-tip-class'
templateClasses: '',
* Non-optional class added to tooltip templates. Foundation default is 'tooltip'.
* @option
* @example 'tooltip'
tooltipClass: 'tooltip',
* Class applied to the tooltip anchor element.
* @option
* @example 'has-tip'
triggerClass: 'has-tip',
* Minimum breakpoint size at which to open the tooltip.
* @option
* @example 'small'
showOn: 'small',
* Custom template to be used to generate markup for tooltip.
* @option
* @example '&lt;div class="tooltip"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;'
template: '',
* Text displayed in the tooltip template on open.
* @option
* @example 'Some cool space fact here.'
tipText: '',
touchCloseText: 'Tap to close.',
* Allows the tooltip to remain open if triggered with a click or touch event.
* @option
* @example true
clickOpen: true,
* Additional positioning classes, set by the JS
* @option
* @example 'top'
positionClass: '',
* Distance, in pixels, the template should push away from the anchor on the Y axis.
* @option
* @example 10
vOffset: 10,
* Distance, in pixels, the template should push away from the anchor on the X axis, if aligned to a side.
* @option
* @example 12
hOffset: 12
* TODO utilize resize event trigger
// Window exports
Foundation.plugin(Tooltip, 'Tooltip');
Foundation.plugin(Tooltip, 'Tooltip');
}(jQuery, window.document, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,195 +1,169 @@
'use strict';
!function(Foundation, window){
* Compares the dimensions of an element to a container and determines collision events with container.
* @function
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to test for collisions.
* @param {jQuery} parent - jQuery object to use as bounding container.
* @param {Boolean} lrOnly - set to true to check left and right values only.
* @param {Boolean} tbOnly - set to true to check top and bottom values only.
* @default if no parent object passed, detects collisions with `window`.
* @returns {Boolean} - true if collision free, false if a collision in any direction.
var ImNotTouchingYou = function(element, parent, lrOnly, tbOnly){
var eleDims = GetDimensions(element),
top, bottom, left, right;
!function($) {
var parDims = GetDimensions(parent);
Foundation.Box = {
ImNotTouchingYou: ImNotTouchingYou,
GetDimensions: GetDimensions,
GetOffsets: GetOffsets
* Compares the dimensions of an element to a container and determines collision events with container.
* @function
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object to test for collisions.
* @param {jQuery} parent - jQuery object to use as bounding container.
* @param {Boolean} lrOnly - set to true to check left and right values only.
* @param {Boolean} tbOnly - set to true to check top and bottom values only.
* @default if no parent object passed, detects collisions with `window`.
* @returns {Boolean} - true if collision free, false if a collision in any direction.
function ImNotTouchingYou(element, parent, lrOnly, tbOnly) {
var eleDims = GetDimensions(element),
top, bottom, left, right;
if (parent) {
var parDims = GetDimensions(parent);
bottom = ( + eleDims.height <= parDims.height +;
top = ( >=;
left = (eleDims.offset.left >= parDims.offset.left);
right = (eleDims.offset.left + eleDims.width <= parDims.width + parDims.offset.left);
else {
bottom = ( + eleDims.height <= eleDims.windowDims.height +;
top = ( >=;
left = (eleDims.offset.left >= eleDims.windowDims.offset.left);
right = (eleDims.offset.left + eleDims.width <= eleDims.windowDims.width);
var allDirs = [bottom, top, left, right];
if (lrOnly) {
return left === right === true;
if (tbOnly) {
return top === bottom === true;
return allDirs.indexOf(false) === -1;
* Uses native methods to return an object of dimension values.
* @function
* @param {jQuery || HTML} element - jQuery object or DOM element for which to get the dimensions. Can be any element other that document or window.
* @returns {Object} - nested object of integer pixel values
* TODO - if element is window, return only those values.
function GetDimensions(elem, test){
elem = elem.length ? elem[0] : elem;
if (elem === window || elem === document) {
throw new Error("I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.");
var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(),
parRect = elem.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
winRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(),
winY = window.pageYOffset,
winX = window.pageXOffset;
return {
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height,
offset: {
top: + winY,
left: rect.left + winX
parentDims: {
width: parRect.width,
height: parRect.height,
offset: {
top: + winY,
left: parRect.left + winX
windowDims: {
width: winRect.width,
height: winRect.height,
offset: {
top: winY,
left: winX
bottom = ( + eleDims.height <= parDims.height +;
top = ( >=;
left = (eleDims.offset.left >= parDims.offset.left);
right = (eleDims.offset.left + eleDims.width <= parDims.width);
bottom = ( + eleDims.height <= eleDims.windowDims.height +;
top = ( >=;
left = (eleDims.offset.left >= eleDims.windowDims.offset.left);
right = (eleDims.offset.left + eleDims.width <= eleDims.windowDims.width);
var allDirs = [bottom, top, left, right];
* Returns an object of top and left integer pixel values for dynamically rendered elements,
* such as: Tooltip, Reveal, and Dropdown
* @function
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object for the element being positioned.
* @param {jQuery} anchor - jQuery object for the element's anchor point.
* @param {String} position - a string relating to the desired position of the element, relative to it's anchor
* @param {Number} vOffset - integer pixel value of desired vertical separation between anchor and element.
* @param {Number} hOffset - integer pixel value of desired horizontal separation between anchor and element.
* @param {Boolean} isOverflow - if a collision event is detected, sets to true to default the element to full width - any desired offset.
* TODO alter/rewrite to work with `em` values as well/instead of pixels
function GetOffsets(element, anchor, position, vOffset, hOffset, isOverflow) {
var $eleDims = GetDimensions(element),
$anchorDims = anchor ? GetDimensions(anchor) : null;
if(lrOnly){ return left === right === true; }
if(tbOnly){ return top === bottom === true; }
switch (position) {
case 'top':
return {
left: (Foundation.rtl() ? $anchorDims.offset.left - $eleDims.width + $anchorDims.width : $anchorDims.offset.left),
top: $ - ($eleDims.height + vOffset)
case 'left':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left - ($eleDims.width + hOffset),
top: $
case 'right':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left + $anchorDims.width + hOffset,
top: $
case 'center top':
return {
left: ($anchorDims.offset.left + ($anchorDims.width / 2)) - ($eleDims.width / 2),
top: $ - ($eleDims.height + vOffset)
case 'center bottom':
return {
left: isOverflow ? hOffset : (($anchorDims.offset.left + ($anchorDims.width / 2)) - ($eleDims.width / 2)),
top: $ + $anchorDims.height + vOffset
case 'center left':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left - ($eleDims.width + hOffset),
top: ($ + ($anchorDims.height / 2)) - ($eleDims.height / 2)
case 'center right':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left + $anchorDims.width + hOffset + 1,
top: ($ + ($anchorDims.height / 2)) - ($eleDims.height / 2)
case 'center':
return {
left: ($eleDims.windowDims.offset.left + ($eleDims.windowDims.width / 2)) - ($eleDims.width / 2),
top: ($ + ($eleDims.windowDims.height / 2)) - ($eleDims.height / 2)
case 'reveal':
return {
left: ($eleDims.windowDims.width - $eleDims.width) / 2,
top: $ + vOffset
case 'reveal full':
return {
left: $eleDims.windowDims.offset.left,
top: $
case 'left bottom':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left,
top: $ + $anchorDims.height
case 'right bottom':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left + $anchorDims.width + hOffset - $eleDims.width,
top: $ + $anchorDims.height
return {
left: (Foundation.rtl() ? $anchorDims.offset.left - $eleDims.width + $anchorDims.width : $anchorDims.offset.left + hOffset),
top: $ + $anchorDims.height + vOffset
return allDirs.indexOf(false) === -1;
* Uses native methods to return an object of dimension values.
* @function
* @param {jQuery || HTML} element - jQuery object or DOM element for which to get the dimensions. Can be any element other that document or window.
* @returns {Object} - nested object of integer pixel values
* TODO - if element is window, return only those values.
var GetDimensions = function(elem, test){
elem = elem.length ? elem[0] : elem;
if(elem === window || elem === document){ throw new Error("I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."); }
var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(),
parRect = elem.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
winRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(),
winY = window.pageYOffset,
winX = window.pageXOffset;
return {
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height,
offset: {
top: + winY,
left: rect.left + winX
parentDims: {
width: parRect.width,
height: parRect.height,
offset: {
top: + winY,
left: parRect.left + winX
windowDims: {
width: winRect.width,
height: winRect.height,
offset: {
top: winY,
left: winX
* Returns an object of top and left integer pixel values for dynamically rendered elements,
* such as: Tooltip, Reveal, and Dropdown
* @function
* @param {jQuery} element - jQuery object for the element being positioned.
* @param {jQuery} anchor - jQuery object for the element's anchor point.
* @param {String} position - a string relating to the desired position of the element, relative to it's anchor
* @param {Number} vOffset - integer pixel value of desired vertical separation between anchor and element.
* @param {Number} hOffset - integer pixel value of desired horizontal separation between anchor and element.
* @param {Boolean} isOverflow - if a collision event is detected, sets to true to default the element to full width - any desired offset.
* TODO alter/rewrite to work with `em` values as well/instead of pixels
var GetOffsets = function(element, anchor, position, vOffset, hOffset, isOverflow){
var $eleDims = GetDimensions(element),
// var $eleDims = GetDimensions(element),
$anchorDims = anchor ? GetDimensions(anchor) : null;
// $anchorDims = anchor ? GetDimensions(anchor) : null;
case 'top':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left,
top: $ - ($eleDims.height + vOffset)
case 'left':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left - ($eleDims.width + hOffset),
top: $
case 'right':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left + $anchorDims.width + hOffset,
top: $
case 'center top':
return {
left: ($anchorDims.offset.left + ($anchorDims.width / 2)) - ($eleDims.width / 2),
top: $ - ($eleDims.height + vOffset)
case 'center bottom':
return {
left: isOverflow ? hOffset : (($anchorDims.offset.left + ($anchorDims.width / 2)) - ($eleDims.width / 2)),
top: $ + $anchorDims.height + vOffset
case 'center left':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left - ($eleDims.width + hOffset),
top: ($ + ($anchorDims.height / 2)) - ($eleDims.height / 2)
case 'center right':
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left + $anchorDims.width + hOffset + 1,
top: ($ + ($anchorDims.height / 2)) - ($eleDims.height / 2)
case 'center':
return {
left: ($eleDims.windowDims.offset.left + ($eleDims.windowDims.width / 2)) - ($eleDims.width / 2),
top: ($ + ($eleDims.windowDims.height / 2)) - ($eleDims.height / 2)
case 'reveal':
return {
left: ($eleDims.windowDims.width - $eleDims.width) / 2,
top: $ + vOffset
case 'reveal full':
return {
left: $eleDims.windowDims.offset.left,
top: $
return {
left: $anchorDims.offset.left,
top: $ + $anchorDims.height + vOffset
Foundation.Box = {
ImNotTouchingYou: ImNotTouchingYou,
GetDimensions: GetDimensions,
GetOffsets: GetOffsets
}(window.Foundation, window);

View File

@ -5,26 +5,32 @@
* or the web *
* *
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
Foundation.Keyboard = {};
'use strict';
var keyCodes = {
9: 'TAB',
13: 'ENTER',
27: 'ESCAPE',
32: 'SPACE',
38: 'ARROW_UP',
!function($) {
* Constants for easier comparing.
* Can be used like Foundation.parseKey(event) === Foundation.keys.SPACE
var keys = (function(kcs) {
var k = {};
for (var kc in kcs) k[kcs[kc]] = kcs[kc];
return k;
const keyCodes = {
9: 'TAB',
13: 'ENTER',
27: 'ESCAPE',
32: 'SPACE',
38: 'ARROW_UP',
var commands = {}
var Keyboard = {
keys: getKeyCodes(keyCodes),
Foundation.Keyboard.keys = keys;
* Parses the (keyboard) event and returns a String that represents its key
@ -32,13 +38,18 @@ var Keyboard = {
* @param {Event} event - the event generated by the event handler
* @return String key - String that represents the key pressed
parseKey(event) {
var parseKey = function(event) {
var key = keyCodes[event.which || event.keyCode] || String.fromCharCode(event.which).toUpperCase();
if (event.shiftKey) key = `SHIFT_${key}`;
if (event.ctrlKey) key = `CTRL_${key}`;
if (event.altKey) key = `ALT_${key}`;
if (event.shiftKey) key = 'SHIFT_' + key;
if (event.ctrlKey) key = 'CTRL_' + key;
if (event.altKey) key = 'ALT_' + key;
return key;
Foundation.Keyboard.parseKey = parseKey;
// plain commands per component go here, ltr and rtl are merged based on orientation
var commands = {};
* Handles the given (keyboard) event
@ -46,13 +57,12 @@ var Keyboard = {
* @param {String} component - Foundation component's name, e.g. Slider or Reveal
* @param {Objects} functions - collection of functions that are to be executed
handleKey(event, component, functions) {
var handleKey = function(event, component, functions) {
var commandList = commands[component],
keyCode = this.parseKey(event),
keyCode = parseKey(event),
if (!commandList) return console.warn('Component not defined!');
if (typeof commandList.ltr === 'undefined') { // this component does not differentiate between ltr and rtl
@ -64,30 +74,33 @@ var Keyboard = {
command = cmds[keyCode];
fn = functions[command];
if (fn && typeof fn === 'function') { // execute function if exists
var returnValue = fn.apply();
if (functions.handled || typeof functions.handled === 'function') { // execute function when event was handled
if (functions.handled || typeof functions.handled === 'function') { // execute function when event was handled
} else {
if (functions.unhandled || typeof functions.unhandled === 'function') { // execute function when event was not handled
if (functions.unhandled || typeof functions.unhandled === 'function') { // execute function when event was not handled
Foundation.Keyboard.handleKey = handleKey;
* Finds all focusable elements within the given `$element`
* @param {jQuery} $element - jQuery object to search within
* @return {jQuery} $focusable - all focusable elements within `$element`
findFocusable($element) {
var findFocusable = function($element) {
return $element.find('a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]').filter(function() {
if (!$(this).is(':visible') || $(this).attr('tabindex') < 0) { return false; } //only have visible elements and those that have a tabindex greater or equal 0
return true;
Foundation.Keyboard.findFocusable = findFocusable;
* Returns the component name name
@ -95,21 +108,8 @@ var Keyboard = {
* @return String componentName
register(componentName, cmds) {
var register = function(componentName, cmds) {
commands[componentName] = cmds;
* Constants for easier comparing.
* Can be used like Foundation.parseKey(event) === Foundation.keys.SPACE
function getKeyCodes(kcs) {
var k = {};
for (var kc in kcs) k[kcs[kc]] = kcs[kc];
return k;
Foundation.Keyboard = Keyboard;
Foundation.Keyboard.register = register;
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
!function($, Foundation) {
// Default set of media queries
const defaultQueries = {
var defaultQueries = {
'default' : 'only screen',
landscape : 'only screen and (orientation: landscape)',
portrait : 'only screen and (orientation: portrait)',
@ -17,42 +15,15 @@ const defaultQueries = {
var MediaQuery = {
queries: [],
current: '',
* Initializes the media query helper, by extracting the breakpoint list from the CSS and activating the breakpoint watcher.
* @function
* @private
_init() {
var self = this;
var extractedStyles = $('.foundation-mq').css('font-family');
var namedQueries;
namedQueries = parseStyleToObject(extractedStyles);
for (var key in namedQueries) {
if(namedQueries.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
name: key,
value: `only screen and (min-width: ${namedQueries[key]})`
this.current = this._getCurrentSize();
* Checks if the screen is at least as wide as a breakpoint.
* @function
* @param {String} size - Name of the breakpoint to check.
* @returns {Boolean} `true` if the breakpoint matches, `false` if it's smaller.
atLeast(size) {
atLeast: function(size) {
var query = this.get(size);
if (query) {
@ -68,27 +39,52 @@ var MediaQuery = {
* @param {String} size - Name of the breakpoint to get.
* @returns {String|null} - The media query of the breakpoint, or `null` if the breakpoint doesn't exist.
get(size) {
get: function(size) {
for (var i in this.queries) {
if(this.queries.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var query = this.queries[i];
if (size === return query.value;
var query = this.queries[i];
if (size === return query.value;
return null;
* Initializes the media query helper, by extracting the breakpoint list from the CSS and activating the breakpoint watcher.
* @function
* @private
_init: function() {
var self = this;
var extractedStyles = $('.foundation-mq').css('font-family');
var namedQueries;
namedQueries = parseStyleToObject(extractedStyles);
for (var key in namedQueries) {
name: key,
value: 'only screen and (min-width: ' + namedQueries[key] + ')'
this.current = this._getCurrentSize();
// Extend default queries
// namedQueries = $.extend(defaultQueries, namedQueries);
* Gets the current breakpoint name by testing every breakpoint and returning the last one to match (the biggest one).
* @function
* @private
* @returns {String} Name of the current breakpoint.
_getCurrentSize() {
_getCurrentSize: function() {
var matched;
for (var i = 0; i < this.queries.length; i++) {
for (var i in this.queries) {
var query = this.queries[i];
if (window.matchMedia(query.value).matches) {
@ -96,7 +92,7 @@ var MediaQuery = {
if (typeof matched === 'object') {
if(typeof matched === 'object') {
} else {
return matched;
@ -108,16 +104,18 @@ var MediaQuery = {
* @function
* @private
_watcher() {
$(window).on('resize.zf.mediaquery', () => {
var newSize = this._getCurrentSize(), currentSize = this.current;
_watcher: function() {
var _this = this;
if (newSize !== currentSize) {
// Change the current media query
this.current = newSize;
$(window).on('resize.zf.mediaquery', function() {
var newSize = _this._getCurrentSize();
if (newSize !== _this.current) {
// Broadcast the media query change on the window
$(window).trigger('changed.zf.mediaquery', [newSize, currentSize]);
$(window).trigger('changed.zf.mediaquery', [newSize, _this.current]);
// Change the current media query
_this.current = newSize;
@ -142,14 +140,14 @@ window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function() {
style.type = 'text/css'; = 'matchmediajs-test';
script && script.parentNode && script.parentNode.insertBefore(style, script);
script.parentNode.insertBefore(style, script);
// 'style.currentStyle' is used by IE <= 8 and 'window.getComputedStyle' for all other browsers
info = ('getComputedStyle' in window) && window.getComputedStyle(style, null) || style.currentStyle;
styleMedia = {
matchMedium(media) {
var text = `@media ${media}{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }`;
matchMedium: function(media) {
var text = '@media ' + media + '{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }';
// 'style.styleSheet' is used by IE <= 8 and 'style.textContent' for all other browsers
if (style.styleSheet) {
@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function() {
// Test if media query is true or false
return info.width === '1px';
return function(media) {
@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function() {
matches: styleMedia.matchMedium(media || 'all'),
media: media || 'all'
// Thank you:
@ -209,6 +207,4 @@ function parseStyleToObject(str) {
return styleObject;
Foundation.MediaQuery = MediaQuery;
}(jQuery, Foundation);

View File

@ -1,26 +1,70 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
* Motion module.
* @module foundation.motion
!function($, Foundation) {
const initClasses = ['mui-enter', 'mui-leave'];
const activeClasses = ['mui-enter-active', 'mui-leave-active'];
var initClasses = ['mui-enter', 'mui-leave'];
var activeClasses = ['mui-enter-active', 'mui-leave-active'];
const Motion = {
animateIn: function(element, animation, cb) {
animate(true, element, animation, cb);
function animate(isIn, element, animation, cb) {
element = $(element).eq(0);
animateOut: function(element, animation, cb) {
animate(false, element, animation, cb);
if (!element.length) return;
var initClass = isIn ? initClasses[0] : initClasses[1];
var activeClass = isIn ? activeClasses[0] : activeClasses[1];
// Set up the animation
.css('transition', 'none');
// .addClass(initClass);
// if(isIn);
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
if (isIn);
// Start the animation
requestAnimationFrame(function() {
element.css('transition', '');
// Move(500, element, function(){
// // element[0].offsetWidth;
// element.css('transition', '');
// element.addClass(activeClass);
// });
// Clean up the animation when it finishes, finish);//.one('finished.zf.animate', finish);
// Hides the element (for out animations), resets the element, and runs a callback
function finish() {
if (!isIn) element.hide();
if (cb) cb.apply(element);
// Resets transitions and removes motion-specific classes
function reset() {
element[0].style.transitionDuration = 0;
element.removeClass(initClass + ' ' + activeClass + ' ' + animation);
function Move(duration, elem, fn){
var Motion = {
animateIn: function(element, animation, /*duration,*/ cb) {
animate(true, element, animation, cb);
animateOut: function(element, animation, /*duration,*/ cb) {
animate(false, element, animation, cb);
var Move = function(duration, elem, fn){
var anim, prog, start = null;
// console.log('called');
@ -37,63 +81,9 @@ function Move(duration, elem, fn){
anim = window.requestAnimationFrame(move);
* Animates an element in or out using a CSS transition class.
* @function
* @private
* @param {Boolean} isIn - Defines if the animation is in or out.
* @param {Object} element - jQuery or HTML object to animate.
* @param {String} animation - CSS class to use.
* @param {Function} cb - Callback to run when animation is finished.
function animate(isIn, element, animation, cb) {
element = $(element).eq(0);
if (!element.length) return;
var initClass = isIn ? initClasses[0] : initClasses[1];
var activeClass = isIn ? activeClasses[0] : activeClasses[1];
// Set up the animation
.css('transition', 'none');
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (isIn);
// Start the animation
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
.css('transition', '')
// Clean up the animation when it finishes, finish);
// Hides the element (for out animations), resets the element, and runs a callback
function finish() {
if (!isIn) element.hide();
if (cb) cb.apply(element);
// Resets transitions and removes motion-specific classes
function reset() {
element[0].style.transitionDuration = 0;
element.removeClass(`${initClass} ${activeClass} ${animation}`);
Foundation.Move = Move;
Foundation.Motion = Motion;
}(jQuery, Foundation);

View File

@ -1,76 +1,64 @@
'use strict';
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
Foundation.Nest = {
Feather: function(menu, type){
menu.attr('role', 'menubar');
type = type || 'zf';
var items = menu.find('li').attr({'role': 'menuitem'}),
subMenuClass = 'is-' + type + '-submenu',
subItemClass = subMenuClass + '-item',
hasSubClass = 'is-' + type + '-submenu-parent';
menu.find('a:first').attr('tabindex', 0);
var $item = $(this),
$sub = $item.children('ul');
$item.addClass('has-submenu ' + hasSubClass)
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-selected': false,
'aria-expanded': false,
'aria-label': $item.children('a:first').text()
$sub.addClass('submenu ' + subMenuClass)
'data-submenu': '',
'aria-hidden': true,
'role': 'menu'
$item.addClass('is-submenu-item ' + subItemClass);
Burn: function(menu, type){
var items = menu.find('li').removeAttr('tabindex'),
subMenuClass = 'is-' + type + '-submenu',
subItemClass = subMenuClass + '-item',
hasSubClass = 'is-' + type + '-submenu-parent';
!function($) {
// menu.find('.is-active').removeClass('is-active');
// menu.find('.' + subMenuClass + ', .' + subItemClass + ', .is-active, .has-submenu, .is-submenu-item, .submenu, [data-submenu]')
.removeClass(subMenuClass + ' ' + subItemClass + ' ' + hasSubClass + ' has-submenu is-submenu-item submenu is-active')
.removeAttr('data-submenu').css('display', '');
const Nest = {
Feather(menu, type = 'zf') {
menu.attr('role', 'menubar');
var items = menu.find('li').attr({'role': 'menuitem'}),
subMenuClass = `is-${type}-submenu`,
subItemClass = `${subMenuClass}-item`,
hasSubClass = `is-${type}-submenu-parent`;
menu.find('a:first').attr('tabindex', 0);
items.each(function() {
var $item = $(this),
$sub = $item.children('ul');
if ($sub.length) {
'aria-haspopup': true,
'aria-expanded': false,
'aria-label': $item.children('a:first').text()
.addClass(`submenu ${subMenuClass}`)
'data-submenu': '',
'aria-hidden': true,
'role': 'menu'
if ($item.parent('[data-submenu]').length) {
$item.addClass(`is-submenu-item ${subItemClass}`);
Burn(menu, type) {
var items = menu.find('li').removeAttr('tabindex'),
subMenuClass = `is-${type}-submenu`,
subItemClass = `${subMenuClass}-item`,
hasSubClass = `is-${type}-submenu-parent`;
.find('>li, .menu, .menu > li')
.removeClass(`${subMenuClass} ${subItemClass} ${hasSubClass} is-submenu-item submenu is-active`)
.removeAttr('data-submenu').css('display', '');
// console.log( menu.find('.' + subMenuClass + ', .' + subItemClass + ', .has-submenu, .is-submenu-item, .submenu, [data-submenu]')
// .removeClass(subMenuClass + ' ' + subItemClass + ' has-submenu is-submenu-item submenu')
// .removeAttr('data-submenu'));
// items.each(function(){
// var $item = $(this),
// $sub = $item.children('ul');
// if($item.parent('[data-submenu]').length){
// $item.removeClass('is-submenu-item ' + subItemClass);
// }
// if($sub.length){
// $item.removeClass('has-submenu');
// $sub.removeClass('submenu ' + subMenuClass).removeAttr('data-submenu');
// }
// });
Foundation.Nest = Nest;
// console.log( menu.find('.' + subMenuClass + ', .' + subItemClass + ', .has-submenu, .is-submenu-item, .submenu, [data-submenu]')
// .removeClass(subMenuClass + ' ' + subItemClass + ' has-submenu is-submenu-item submenu')
// .removeAttr('data-submenu'));
// items.each(function(){
// var $item = $(this),
// $sub = $item.children('ul');
// if($item.parent('[data-submenu]').length){
// $item.removeClass('is-submenu-item ' + subItemClass);
// }
// if($sub.length){
// $item.removeClass('has-submenu');
// $sub.removeClass('submenu ' + subMenuClass).removeAttr('data-submenu');
// }
// });
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -1,86 +1,78 @@
'use strict';
!function($, Foundation){
'use strict';
var Timer = function(elem, options, cb){
var _this = this,
duration = options.duration,//options is an object for easily adding features later.
nameSpace = Object.keys([0] || 'timer',
remain = -1,
!function($) {
this.restart = function(){
remain = -1;
function Timer(elem, options, cb) {
var _this = this,
duration = options.duration,//options is an object for easily adding features later.
nameSpace = Object.keys([0] || 'timer',
remain = -1,
this.start = function(){
// if(!'paused')){ return false; }//maybe implement this sanity check if used for other things.
remain = remain <= 0 ? duration : remain;'paused', false);
start =;
timer = setTimeout(function(){
_this.restart();//rerun the timer.
}, remain);
elem.trigger('timerstart.zf.' + nameSpace);
this.isPaused = false;
this.pause = function(){
//if('paused')){ return false; }//maybe implement this sanity check if used for other things.
clearTimeout(timer);'paused', true);
var end =;
remain = remain - (end - start);
elem.trigger('timerpaused.zf.' + nameSpace);
* Runs a callback function when images are fully loaded.
* @param {Object} images - Image(s) to check if loaded.
* @param {Func} callback - Function to execute when image is fully loaded.
var onImagesLoaded = function(images, callback){
var self = this,
unloaded = images.length;
this.restart = function() {
remain = -1;
this.start = function() {
this.isPaused = false;
// if(!'paused')){ return false; }//maybe implement this sanity check if used for other things.
remain = remain <= 0 ? duration : remain;'paused', false);
start =;
timer = setTimeout(function(){
_this.restart();//rerun the timer.
if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') { cb(); }
}, remain);
this.pause = function() {
this.isPaused = true;
//if('paused')){ return false; }//maybe implement this sanity check if used for other things.
clearTimeout(timer);'paused', true);
var end =;
remain = remain - (end - start);
* Runs a callback function when images are fully loaded.
* @param {Object} images - Image(s) to check if loaded.
* @param {Func} callback - Function to execute when image is fully loaded.
function onImagesLoaded(images, callback){
var self = this,
unloaded = images.length;
if (unloaded === 0) {
images.each(function() {
if (this.complete) {
else if (typeof this.naturalWidth !== 'undefined' && this.naturalWidth > 0) {
else {
$(this).one('load', function() {
function singleImageLoaded() {
if (unloaded === 0) {
Foundation.Timer = Timer;
Foundation.onImagesLoaded = onImagesLoaded;
var singleImageLoaded = function() {
if (unloaded === 0) {
images.each(function() {
if (this.complete) {
else if (typeof this.naturalWidth !== 'undefined' && this.naturalWidth > 0) {
else {
$(this).one('load', function() {
Foundation.Timer = Timer;
Foundation.onImagesLoaded = onImagesLoaded;
}(jQuery, window.Foundation);

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
if(dir) {
$(this).trigger('swipe', dir).trigger(`swipe${dir}`);
$(this).trigger('swipe', dir).trigger('swipe' + dir);
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
$.event.special.swipe = { setup: init };
$.each(['left', 'up', 'down', 'right'], function () {
$.event.special[`swipe${this}`] = { setup: function(){
$.event.special['swipe' + this] = { setup: function(){
$(this).on('swipe', $.noop);
} };
@ -96,23 +96,10 @@
touchmove: 'mousemove',
touchend: 'mouseup'
type = eventTypes[event.type],
type = eventTypes[event.type];
if('MouseEvent' in window && typeof window.MouseEvent === 'function') {
simulatedEvent = new window.MouseEvent(type, {
'bubbles': true,
'cancelable': true,
'screenX': first.screenX,
'screenY': first.screenY,
'clientX': first.clientX,
'clientY': first.clientY
} else {
simulatedEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, first.screenX, first.screenY, first.clientX, first.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null);
var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1, first.screenX, first.screenY, first.clientX, first.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null);;

View File

@ -1,239 +1,222 @@
'use strict';
!function($) {
const MutationObserver = (function () {
var prefixes = ['WebKit', 'Moz', 'O', 'Ms', ''];
for (var i=0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
if (`${prefixes[i]}MutationObserver` in window) {
return window[`${prefixes[i]}MutationObserver`];
return false;
const triggers = (el, type) => {' ').forEach(id => {
$(`#${id}`)[ type === 'close' ? 'trigger' : 'triggerHandler'](`${type}.zf.trigger`, [el]);
!function(Foundation, $) {
'use strict';
// Elements with [data-open] will reveal a plugin that supports it when clicked.
$(document).on('click.zf.trigger', '[data-open]', function() {
var id = $(this).data('open');
$('#' + id).triggerHandler('open.zf.trigger', [$(this)]);
// Elements with [data-open] will reveal a plugin that supports it when clicked.
$(document).on('click.zf.trigger', '[data-open]', function() {
triggers($(this), 'open');
// Elements with [data-close] will close a plugin that supports it when clicked.
// If used without a value on [data-close], the event will bubble, allowing it to close a parent component.
$(document).on('click.zf.trigger', '[data-close]', function() {
let id = $(this).data('close');
if (id) {
triggers($(this), 'close');
else {
// Elements with [data-toggle] will toggle a plugin that supports it when clicked.
$(document).on('click.zf.trigger', '[data-toggle]', function() {
triggers($(this), 'toggle');
// Elements with [data-closable] will respond to close.zf.trigger events.
$(document).on('close.zf.trigger', '[data-closable]', function(e){
let animation = $(this).data('closable');
if(animation !== ''){
Foundation.Motion.animateOut($(this), animation, function() {
$(document).on('focus.zf.trigger blur.zf.trigger', '[data-toggle-focus]', function() {
let id = $(this).data('toggle-focus');
$(`#${id}`).triggerHandler('toggle.zf.trigger', [$(this)]);
* Fires once after all other scripts have loaded
* @function
* @private
$(window).on('load', () => {
function checkListeners() {
//******** only fires this function once on load, if there's something to watch ********
function closemeListener(pluginName) {
var yetiBoxes = $('[data-yeti-box]'),
plugNames = ['dropdown', 'tooltip', 'reveal'];
if(typeof pluginName === 'string'){
}else if(typeof pluginName === 'object' && typeof pluginName[0] === 'string'){
console.error('Plugin names must be strings');
// Elements with [data-close] will close a plugin that supports it when clicked.
// If used without a value on [data-close], the event will bubble, allowing it to close a parent component.
$(document).on('click.zf.trigger', '[data-close]', function() {
var id = $(this).data('close');
if (id) {
$('#' + id).triggerHandler('close.zf.trigger', [$(this)]);
let listeners = => {
return `closeme.zf.${name}`;
}).join(' ');
else {
$(window).off(listeners).on(listeners, function(e, pluginId){
let plugin = e.namespace.split('.')[0];
let plugins = $(`[data-${plugin}]`).not(`[data-yeti-box="${pluginId}"]`);
// Elements with [data-toggle] will toggle a plugin that supports it when clicked.
$(document).on('click.zf.trigger', '[data-toggle]', function() {
var id = $(this).data('toggle');
$('#' + id).triggerHandler('toggle.zf.trigger', [$(this)]);
let _this = $(this);
_this.triggerHandler('close.zf.trigger', [_this]);
// Elements with [data-closable] will respond to close.zf.trigger events.
$(document).on('close.zf.trigger', '[data-closable]', function() {
var animation = $(this).data('closable') || 'fade-out';
Foundation.Motion.animateOut($(this), animation, function() {
function resizeListener(debounce){
let timer,
$nodes = $('[data-resize]');
.on('resize.zf.trigger', function(e) {
if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); }
timer = setTimeout(function(){
if(!MutationObserver){//fallback for IE 9
//trigger all listening elements and signal a resize event
$nodes.attr('data-events', "resize");
}, debounce || 10);//default time to emit resize event
function scrollListener(debounce){
let timer,
$nodes = $('[data-scroll]');
.on('scroll.zf.trigger', function(e){
if(timer){ clearTimeout(timer); }
timer = setTimeout(function(){
if(!MutationObserver){//fallback for IE 9
//trigger all listening elements and signal a scroll event
$nodes.attr('data-events', "scroll");
}, debounce || 10);//default time to emit scroll event
function eventsListener() {
if(!MutationObserver){ return false; }
let nodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-resize], [data-scroll], [data-mutate]');
//element callback
var listeningElementsMutation = function(mutationRecordsList) {
var $target = $(mutationRecordsList[0].target);
//trigger the event handler for the element depending on type
switch ($target.attr("data-events")) {
case "resize" :
$target.triggerHandler('resizeme.zf.trigger', [$target]);
case "scroll" :
$target.triggerHandler('scrollme.zf.trigger', [$target, window.pageYOffset]);
// case "mutate" :
// console.log('mutate', $target);
// $target.triggerHandler('mutate.zf.trigger');
// //make sure we don't get stuck in an infinite loop from sloppy codeing
// if ($target.index('[data-mutate]') == $("[data-mutate]").length-1) {
// domMutationObserver();
// }
// break;
default :
return false;
//for each element that needs to listen for resizing, scrolling, (or coming soon mutation) add a single observer
for (var i = 0; i <= nodes.length-1; i++) {
let elementObserver = new MutationObserver(listeningElementsMutation);
elementObserver.observe(nodes[i], { attributes: true, childList: false, characterData: false, subtree:false, attributeFilter:["data-events"]});
var MutationObserver = (function () {
var prefixes = ['WebKit', 'Moz', 'O', 'Ms', ''];
for (var i=0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
if (prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver' in window) {
return window[prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver'];
return false;
// ------------------------------------
// [PH]
// Foundation.CheckWatchers = checkWatchers;
Foundation.IHearYou = checkListeners;
// Foundation.ISeeYou = scrollListener;
// Foundation.IFeelYou = closemeListener;
var checkListeners = function(){
* Fires once after all other scripts have loaded
* @function
* @private
//******** only fires this function once on load, if there's something to watch ********
var closemeListener = function(pluginName){
var yetiBoxes = $('[data-yeti-box]'),
plugNames = ['dropdown', 'tooltip', 'reveal'];
// function domMutationObserver(debounce) {
// // !!! This is coming soon and needs more work; not active !!! //
// var timer,
// nodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-mutate]');
// //
// if (nodes.length) {
// // var MutationObserver = (function () {
// // var prefixes = ['WebKit', 'Moz', 'O', 'Ms', ''];
// // for (var i=0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
// // if (prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver' in window) {
// // return window[prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver'];
// // }
// // }
// // return false;
// // }());
// //for the body, we need to listen for all changes effecting the style and class attributes
// var bodyObserver = new MutationObserver(bodyMutation);
// bodyObserver.observe(document.body, { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree:true, attributeFilter:["style", "class"]});
// //body callback
// function bodyMutation(mutate) {
// //trigger all listening elements and signal a mutation event
// if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); }
// timer = setTimeout(function() {
// bodyObserver.disconnect();
// $('[data-mutate]').attr('data-events',"mutate");
// }, debounce || 150);
// }
// }
// }
if(typeof pluginName === 'string'){
}else if(typeof pluginName === 'object' && typeof pluginName[0] === 'string'){
console.error('Plugin names must be strings');
var listeners ={
return 'closeme.zf.' + name;
}).join(' ');
$(window).off(listeners).on(listeners, function(e, pluginId){
var plugin = e.namespace.split('.')[0];
var plugins = $('[data-' + plugin + ']').not('[data-yeti-box="' + pluginId + '"]');
var _this = $(this);
_this.triggerHandler('close.zf.trigger', [_this]);
var resizeListener = function(debounce){
var timer,
$nodes = $('[data-resize]');
.on('resize.zf.trigger', function(e) {
if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); }
timer = setTimeout(function(){
if(!MutationObserver){//fallback for IE 9
//trigger all listening elements and signal a resize event
$nodes.attr('data-events', "resize");
}, debounce || 10);//default time to emit resize event
var scrollListener = function(debounce){
var timer,
$nodes = $('[data-scroll]');
.on('scroll.zf.trigger', function(e){
if(timer){ clearTimeout(timer); }
timer = setTimeout(function(){
if(!MutationObserver){//fallback for IE 9
//trigger all listening elements and signal a scroll event
$nodes.attr('data-events', "scroll");
}, debounce || 10);//default time to emit scroll event
// function domMutationObserver(debounce) {
// // !!! This is coming soon and needs more work; not active !!! //
// var timer,
// nodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-mutate]');
// //
// if (nodes.length) {
// // var MutationObserver = (function () {
// // var prefixes = ['WebKit', 'Moz', 'O', 'Ms', ''];
// // for (var i=0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
// // if (prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver' in window) {
// // return window[prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver'];
// // }
// // }
// // return false;
// // }());
// //for the body, we need to listen for all changes effecting the style and class attributes
// var bodyObserver = new MutationObserver(bodyMutation);
// bodyObserver.observe(document.body, { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: false, subtree:true, attributeFilter:["style", "class"]});
// //body callback
// function bodyMutation(mutate) {
// //trigger all listening elements and signal a mutation event
// if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); }
// timer = setTimeout(function() {
// bodyObserver.disconnect();
// $('[data-mutate]').attr('data-events',"mutate");
// }, debounce || 150);
// }
// }
// }
var eventsListener = function() {
if(!MutationObserver){ return false; }
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-resize], [data-scroll], [data-mutate]');
//element callback
var listeningElementsMutation = function(mutationRecordsList) {
var $target = $(mutationRecordsList[0].target);
//trigger the event handler for the element depending on type
switch ($target.attr("data-events")) {
case "resize" :
$target.triggerHandler('resizeme.zf.trigger', [$target]);
case "scroll" :
$target.triggerHandler('scrollme.zf.trigger', [$target, window.pageYOffset]);
// case "mutate" :
// console.log('mutate', $target);
// $target.triggerHandler('mutate.zf.trigger');
// //make sure we don't get stuck in an infinite loop from sloppy codeing
// if ($target.index('[data-mutate]') == $("[data-mutate]").length-1) {
// domMutationObserver();
// }
// break;
default :
return false;
//for each element that needs to listen for resizing, scrolling, (or coming soon mutation) add a single observer
for (var i = 0; i <= nodes.length-1; i++) {
var elementObserver = new MutationObserver(listeningElementsMutation);
elementObserver.observe(nodes[i], { attributes: true, childList: false, characterData: false, subtree:false, attributeFilter:["data-events"]});
// ------------------------------------
// [PH]
// Foundation.CheckWatchers = checkWatchers;
Foundation.IHearYou = checkListeners;
// Foundation.ISeeYou = scrollListener;
// Foundation.IFeelYou = closemeListener;
}(window.Foundation, window.jQuery);

View File

@ -20,15 +20,25 @@ $global-width: rem-calc(1200) !default;
/// @type Number
$global-lineheight: 1.5 !default;
/// Colors used for buttons, callouts, links, etc. There must always be a color called `primary`.
/// @type Map
$foundation-palette: (
primary: #2199e8,
secondary: #777,
success: #3adb76,
warning: #ffae00,
alert: #ec5840,
) !default;
/// Primary color for interactive components like links and buttons.
/// @type Color
$primary-color: #2199e8 !default;
/// Secondary color, used with components that support the `.secondary` class.
/// @type Color
$secondary-color: #777 !default;
/// Color to indicate a positive status or action, used with the `.success` class.
/// @type Color
$success-color: #3adb76 !default;
/// Color to indicate a caution status or action, used with the `.warning` class.
/// @type Color
$warning-color: #ffae00 !default;
/// Color to indicate a negative status or action, used with the `.alert` class.
/// @type Color
$alert-color: #ec5840 !default;
/// Color used for light gray UI items.
/// @type Color
@ -87,31 +97,20 @@ $global-weight-bold: bold !default;
$global-radius: 0 !default;
/// Sets the text direction of the CSS. Can be either `ltr` or `rtl`.
/// @type Keyword
$global-text-direction: ltr !default;
/// Enables flexbox for components that support it.
/// @type Boolean
$global-flexbox: false !default;
@if not map-has-key($foundation-palette, primary) {
@error 'In $foundation-palette, you must have a color named "primary".';
// Internal variables used for text direction
$global-left: if($global-text-direction == rtl, right, left);
$global-right: if($global-text-direction == rtl, left, right);
// Internal variables used for colors
$primary-color: map-get($foundation-palette, primary);
$secondary-color: map-get($foundation-palette, secondary);
$success-color: map-get($foundation-palette, success);
$warning-color: map-get($foundation-palette, warning);
$alert-color: map-get($foundation-palette, alert);
// Remove this in 6.3
$-zf-menu-icon-imported: false;
$-zf-flex-classes-imported: false;
// Internal map used to iterate through colors, to generate CSS classes with less code
$foundation-colors: (
primary: $primary-color,
secondary: $secondary-color,
success: $success-color,
alert: $alert-color,
warning: $warning-color,
) !default;
@mixin foundation-global-styles {
@include -zf-normalize;
@ -128,8 +127,8 @@ $-zf-flex-classes-imported: false;
// Set box-sizing globally to handle padding and border widths
*::after {
*:after {
box-sizing: inherit;
@ -187,7 +186,6 @@ $-zf-flex-classes-imported: false;
// Reset <button> styles created by most browsers
button {
@include disable-mouse-outline;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
background: transparent;
@ -196,15 +194,6 @@ $-zf-flex-classes-imported: false;
border-radius: $global-radius;
line-height: 1;
// Internal classes to show/hide elements in JavaScript
.is-visible {
display: block !important;
.is-hidden {
display: none !important;
/// Loads normalize.css.
@ -513,7 +502,7 @@ $-zf-flex-classes-imported: false;
html input[disabled] {
cursor: not-allowed;
cursor: default;
@ -583,14 +572,13 @@ $-zf-flex-classes-imported: false;
* Define consistent border, margin, and padding.
* [NOTE] We don't enable this ruleset in Foundation, because we want the <fieldset> element to have plain styling.
/* fieldset {
fieldset {
border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
margin: 0 2px;
padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
} */
* 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ $accordion-content-border: 1px solid $light-gray !default;
/// Default text color of tab content.
/// @type Color
$accordion-content-color: foreground($accordion-content-background, $body-font-color) !default;
$accordion-content-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color) !default;
/// Default padding for tab content.
/// @type Number | List
@ -46,20 +46,11 @@ $accordion-content-padding: 1rem !default;
@mixin accordion-container {
list-style-type: none;
background: $accordion-background;
border: $accordion-content-border;
border-radius: $global-radius;
margin-#{$global-left}: 0;
/// Adds styles for the accordion item. Apply this to the list item within an accordion ul.
@mixin accordion-item {
&:first-child > :first-child {
border-radius: $global-radius $global-radius 0 0;
&:last-child > :last-child {
border-radius: 0 0 $global-radius $global-radius;
/// Adds styles for the title of an accordion item. Apply this to the link within an accordion item.
@mixin accordion-title {
display: block;
@ -68,19 +59,18 @@ $accordion-content-padding: 1rem !default;
font-size: rem-calc(12);
color: $accordion-item-color;
position: relative;
border: $accordion-content-border;
border-bottom: 0;
:last-child:not(.is-active) > & {
border-radius: 0 0 $global-radius $global-radius;
border-bottom: $accordion-content-border;
border-bottom: $accordion-content-border;
&:focus {
background-color: $accordion-item-background-hover;
// Remove the border on the last title
:last-child > & {
border-bottom-width: 0;
@if $accordion-plusminus {
&::before {
content: '+';
@ -100,14 +90,8 @@ $accordion-content-padding: 1rem !default;
@mixin accordion-content {
padding: $accordion-content-padding;
display: none;
border: $accordion-content-border;
border-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: $accordion-content-border;
background-color: $accordion-content-background;
color: $accordion-content-color;
:last-child > &:last-child {
border-bottom: $accordion-content-border;
@mixin foundation-accordion {
@ -116,7 +100,7 @@ $accordion-content-padding: 1rem !default;
.accordion-item {
@include accordion-item;
// This class doesn't need styles!
.accordion-title {

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $badge-font-size: 0.6rem !default;
background: $badge-background;
color: $badge-color;
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
@each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {
@if $name != primary {
&.#{$name} {
background: $color;

View File

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ $breadcrumbs-item-slash: true !default;
.disabled {
color: $breadcrumbs-item-color-disabled;
cursor: not-allowed;

View File

@ -29,67 +29,37 @@ $buttongroup-expand-max: 6 !default;
) {
@include clearfix;
margin-bottom: $buttongroup-margin;
@if $global-flexbox {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-items: stretch;
@else {
font-size: 0;
font-size: map-get($button-sizes, default);
#{$child-selector} {
float: #{$global-left};
margin: 0;
margin-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing;
margin-bottom: $buttongroup-spacing;
font-size: map-get($button-sizes, default);
font-size: inherit;
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 0 0 auto;
&:last-child {
margin-#{$global-right}: 0;
&:not(:last-child) {
border-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing solid $body-background;
/// Creates a full-width button group, making each button equal width.
/// @param {Keyword|Number} $count [auto] - Number of buttons inside the button group. Set to `auto` to generate CSS that will account for a variable number of buttons.
/// @param {String} $selector [$buttongroup-child-selector] - Selector for the buttons inside a button group.
@mixin button-group-expand(
$selector: $buttongroup-child-selector,
$count: null
$selector: $buttongroup-child-selector
) {
@if not $global-flexbox {
margin-#{$global-right}: -$buttongroup-spacing;
display: table;
table-layout: fixed;
width: 100%;
&::after {
display: none;
&::after {
display: none;
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
#{$selector} {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 1 1 0px;
@else {
@for $i from 2 through $buttongroup-expand-max {
&:first-child:nth-last-child(#{$i}) {
&, &:first-child:nth-last-child(#{$i}) ~ #{$selector} {
display: inline-block;
width: calc(#{percentage(1 / $i)} - #{$buttongroup-spacing});
margin-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing;
&:last-child {
margin-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing * -$buttongroup-expand-max;
display: table-cell;
float: none;
@ -98,20 +68,11 @@ $buttongroup-expand-max: 6 !default;
@mixin button-group-stack(
$selector: $buttongroup-child-selector
) {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-wrap: wrap;
#{$selector} {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 0 0 100%;
@else {
width: 100%;
width: 100%;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
&:not(:last-child) {
border-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing solid;
@ -121,15 +82,12 @@ $buttongroup-expand-max: 6 !default;
@mixin button-group-unstack(
$selector: $buttongroup-child-selector
) {
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
#{$selector} {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 1 1 0px;
width: auto;
&:not(:last-child) {
border-#{$global-right}: $buttongroup-spacing solid $body-background;
@else {
width: auto;
margin-bottom: 0;
@ -138,17 +96,13 @@ $buttongroup-expand-max: 6 !default;
@include button-group;
// Sizes
@each $size, $value in map-remove($button-sizes, default) {
&.#{$size} #{$buttongroup-child-selector} {
font-size: $value;
// Even-width Group
&.tiny { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, tiny); }
&.small { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, small); }
&.large { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, large); }
&.expanded { @include button-group-expand; }
// Colors
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
@each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {
@if $button-fill != hollow {
&.#{$name} #{$buttongroup-child-selector} {
@include button-style($color, auto, auto);
@ -163,8 +117,7 @@ $buttongroup-expand-max: 6 !default;
&.stacked-for-medium {
&.stacked-for-small {
@include button-group-stack;
@ -173,23 +126,5 @@ $buttongroup-expand-max: 6 !default;
@include button-group-unstack;
&.stacked-for-medium {
@include breakpoint(large) {
@include button-group-unstack;
// scss-lint:disable MergeableSelector
&.stacked-for-small.expanded {
@include breakpoint(small only) {
display: block;
#{$buttongroup-child-selector} {
display: block;
margin-#{$global-right}: 0;

View File

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ $button-background-hover: scale-color($button-background, $lightness: -15%) !def
/// Font color for buttons.
/// @type List
$button-color: $white !default;
$button-color: #fff !default;
/// Font color for buttons, if the background is light.
/// @type List
$button-color-alt: $black !default;
$button-color-alt: #000 !default;
/// Border radius for buttons, defaulted to global-radius.
/// @type Number
@ -51,14 +51,6 @@ $button-sizes: (
/// @type List
$button-opacity-disabled: 0.25 !default;
/// Background color lightness on hover for buttons.
/// @type Number
$button-background-hover-lightness: -20% !default;
/// Color lightness on hover for hollow buttons.
/// @type Number
$button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
// Internal: flip from margin-right to margin-left for defaults
@if $global-text-direction == 'rtl' {
$button-margin: 0 0 $global-margin $global-margin !default;
@ -104,15 +96,21 @@ $button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
@mixin button-style(
$background: $button-background,
$background-hover: $button-background-hover,
$color: $button-color,
$background-hover-lightness: $button-background-hover-lightness
$color: $button-color
) {
@if $color == auto {
$color: foreground($background, $button-color-alt, $button-color);
$color: isitlight($background);
@if $background-hover == auto {
$background-hover: scale-color($background, $lightness: $background-hover-lightness);
$background-hover: scale-color($background, $lightness: -20%);
@if lightness($background) >= 70% {
$color: $button-color-alt;
@else {
$color: $button-color;
background-color: $background;
@ -132,11 +130,8 @@ $button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
@mixin button-hollow-style(
$color: $primary-color,
$hover-lightness: $button-hollow-hover-lightness
) {
$color-hover: scale-color($color, $lightness: $hover-lightness);
@mixin button-hollow-style($color: $primary-color) {
$color-hover: scale-color($color, $lightness: -50%);
border: 1px solid $color;
color: $color;
@ -148,14 +143,10 @@ $button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
/// Adds disabled styles to a button by fading the element, reseting the cursor, and disabling pointer events.
@mixin button-disabled($color: $primary-color) {
@mixin button-disabled {
opacity: $button-opacity-disabled;
cursor: not-allowed;
&:hover, &:focus {
background-color: $color;
color: $button-color;
pointer-events: none;
/// Adds a dropdown arrow to a button.
@ -210,19 +201,16 @@ $button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
@include button;
// Sizes
@each $size, $value in map-remove($button-sizes, default) {
&.#{$size} {
font-size: $value;
&.tiny { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, tiny); }
&.small { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, small); }
&.large { font-size: map-get($button-sizes, large); }
&.expanded { @include button-expand; }
// Colors
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
@each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {
@if $button-fill != hollow {
&.#{$name} {
@include button-style($color, auto, auto);
@include button-style($color, auto);
@else {
@ -242,7 +230,7 @@ $button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
@include button-hollow;
@include button-hollow-style;
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
@each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {
&.#{$name} {
@include button-hollow-style($color);
@ -254,12 +242,6 @@ $button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
&[disabled] {
@include button-disabled;
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
&.#{$name} {
@include button-disabled($color);
// Dropdown arrow
@ -277,7 +259,7 @@ $button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50% !default;
&.arrow-only::after {
margin-#{$global-left}: 0;
float: none;
top: -0.1em;
top: 0.2em;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
/// @group callout
/// Default background color.
/// Defualt background color.
/// @type Color
$callout-background: $white !default;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $callout-background: $white !default;
/// @type Number
$callout-background-fade: 85% !default;
/// Default border style for callouts.
/// Defualt border style for callouts.
/// @type List
$callout-border: 1px solid rgba($black, 0.25) !default;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ $callout-link-tint: 30% !default;
.callout {
@include callout;
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
@each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {
&.#{$name} {
@include callout-style($color);

View File

@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ $drilldown-background: $white !default;
.is-drilldown {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
li {
display: block !important;
// Applied to nested <ul>s
@ -39,7 +35,7 @@ $drilldown-background: $white !default;
top: 0;
#{$global-left}: 100%;
z-index: -1;
// height: 100%;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background: $drilldown-background;
transition: $drilldown-transition;
@ -68,12 +64,12 @@ $drilldown-background: $white !default;
.js-drilldown-back > a::before {
.js-drilldown-back::before {
@include css-triangle(6px, $drilldown-arrow-color, $global-left);
border-#{$global-left}-width: 0;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
float: $global-left;
margin-#{$global-right}: 0.75rem; // Creates space between the arrow and the text
margin-#{$global-left}: 0.6rem; // Lines the tip of the arrow with the items below
margin-top: 14px; // Aligns the arrow with the text

View File

@ -31,114 +31,101 @@ $dropdownmenu-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;
// @type Length
$dropdownmenu-border-width: nth($dropdownmenu-border, 1);
@mixin left-right-arrows {
> a::after {
#{$global-right}: 14px;
margin-top: -3px;
&.opens-left > a::after {
@include css-triangle(5px, $dropdownmenu-arrow-color, left);
&.opens-right > a::after {
@include css-triangle(5px, $dropdownmenu-arrow-color, right);
@mixin dropdown-menu-direction($dir: horizontal) {
@if $dir == horizontal {
> li.opens-left {
> .is-dropdown-submenu {
left: auto;
right: 0;
top: 100%;
@mixin foundation-dropdown-menu { {
a {
@include disable-mouse-outline;
.is-dropdown-submenu-parent {
position: relative;
> li.opens-right {
> .is-dropdown-submenu {
right: auto;
left: 0;
top: 100%;
@if $dropdownmenu-arrows {
> > a {
padding-#{$global-right}: 1.5rem;
position: relative;
> > a::after {
@include css-triangle(5px, $dropdownmenu-arrow-color, down);
#{$global-right}: 5px;
margin-top: -2px;
@else if $dir == vertical {
> li {
.is-dropdown-submenu {
top: 0;
&.opens-left {
> .is-dropdown-submenu {
left: auto;
right: 100%;
&.opens-right {
> .is-dropdown-submenu {
right: auto;
left: 100%;
a::after {
float: $global-right;
margin-top: 3px;
margin-#{$global-left}: 10px;
@if $dropdownmenu-arrows {
@include left-right-arrows;
&.is-down-arrow a {
padding-#{$global-right}: 1.5rem;
position: relative;
&.is-down-arrow > a::after {
@include css-triangle(5px, $dropdownmenu-arrow-color, down);
position: absolute;
top: rem-calc(2px) + rem-calc(get-side($menu-item-padding, top));
#{$global-right}: 5px;
&.is-left-arrow > a::after {
@include css-triangle(5px, $dropdownmenu-arrow-color, left);
float: left;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 10px;
&.is-right-arrow > a::after {
@include css-triangle(5px, $dropdownmenu-arrow-color, right);
@else {
@warn 'The direction used for dropdown-menu-direction() must be horizontal or vertical.';
@mixin foundation-dropdown-menu { {
@include dropdown-menu-direction(horizontal);
&.is-left-arrow.opens-inner .submenu {
right: 0;
left: auto;
a {
@include disable-mouse-outline;
&.is-right-arrow.opens-inner .submenu {
left: 0;
right: auto;
&.opens-inner .submenu {
top: 100%;
.no-js & ul {
display: none;
&.vertical {
@include dropdown-menu-direction(vertical);
.submenu {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 100%;
min-width: $dropdownmenu-min-width;
z-index: 1;
background: $dropdownmenu-background;
border: $dropdownmenu-border;
@each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@include breakpoint($size) {
&.#{$size}-horizontal {
@include dropdown-menu-direction(horizontal);
@if (type-of($dropdownmenu-border-width) == 'number') {
margin-top: (-$dropdownmenu-border-width);
&.#{$size}-vertical {
@include dropdown-menu-direction(vertical);
> li {
width: 100%;
&.first-sub {
top: 100%;
left: 0;
right: auto;
&:not(.js-dropdown-nohover) > .is-dropdown-submenu-parent:hover > &,
&.js-dropdown-active {
display: block;
.is-dropdown-submenu-parent.opens-left .submenu {
left: auto;
right: 100%;
&.align-right {
.is-dropdown-submenu.first-sub {
.submenu.first-sub {
top: 100%;
left: auto;
right: 0;
@ -152,70 +139,10 @@ $dropdownmenu-border-width: nth($dropdownmenu-border, 1);
&.align-right {
float: right;
.is-dropdown-submenu-parent {
position: relative;
a::after {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
#{$global-right}: 5px;
margin-top: -2px;
&.opens-inner > .is-dropdown-submenu {
top: 100%;
@if $global-text-direction == 'rtl' {
right: auto;
} @else {
left: auto;
&.opens-left > .is-dropdown-submenu {
left: auto;
right: 100%;
&.opens-right > .is-dropdown-submenu {
right: auto;
> li .submenu {
top: 0;
left: 100%;
.is-dropdown-submenu {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
#{$global-left}: 100%;
min-width: $dropdownmenu-min-width;
z-index: 1;
background: $dropdownmenu-background;
border: $dropdownmenu-border;
.is-dropdown-submenu-parent {
@if $dropdownmenu-arrows {
@include left-right-arrows;
@if (type-of($dropdownmenu-border-width) == 'number') {
.is-dropdown-submenu {
margin-top: (-$dropdownmenu-border-width);
> li {
width: 100%;
// [TODO] Cut back specificity
// scss-lint:disable SelectorDepth
//&:not(.js-dropdown-nohover) > .is-dropdown-submenu-parent:hover > &, // why is this line needed? Opening is handled by JS and this causes some ugly flickering when the sub is re-positioned automatically...
&.js-dropdown-active {
display: block;

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ $dropdown-border: 1px solid $medium-gray !default;
/// Font size for dropdown panes.
/// @type List
$dropdown-font-size: 1rem !default;
$dropdown-font-size: 16rem !default;
/// Width for dropdown panes.
/// @type Number
@ -38,14 +38,13 @@ $dropdown-sizes: (
@mixin dropdown-container {
background-color: $body-background;
border: $dropdown-border;
border-radius: $dropdown-radius;
display: block;
font-size: $dropdown-font-size;
padding: $dropdown-padding;
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
width: $dropdown-width;
z-index: 10;
border-radius: $dropdown-radius;
&.is-open {
visibility: visible;

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
@mixin foundation-flex-classes {
// Horizontal alignment using justify-content
@each $hdir, $prop in map-remove($-zf-flex-justify, left) {
.align-#{$hdir} {
@include flex-align($x: $hdir);
// Vertical alignment using align-items and align-self
@each $vdir, $prop in $-zf-flex-align {
.align-#{$vdir} {
@include flex-align($y: $vdir);
.align-self-#{$vdir} {
@include flex-align-self($y: $vdir);
// Source ordering
@include -zf-each-breakpoint {
@for $i from 1 through 6 {
.#{$-zf-size}-order-#{$i} {
@include flex-order($i);

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ $label-radius: $global-radius !default;
background: $label-background;
color: $label-color;
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
@each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {
@if $name != primary {
&.#{$name} {
background: $color;

View File

@ -14,57 +14,37 @@ $mediaobject-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;
/// @type Number
$mediaobject-section-padding: $global-padding !default;
/// Width of images within a media object, when the object is stacked vertically. Set to 'auto' to use the image's natural width.
/// With of images within a media object, when the object is stacked vertically. Set to 'auto' to use the image's natural width.
/// @type Number
$mediaobject-image-width-stacked: 100% !default;
/// Adds styles for a media object container.
@mixin media-object-container {
margin-bottom: $mediaobject-margin-bottom;
display: if($global-flexbox, flex, block);
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-wrap: nowrap;
display: block;
/// Adds styles for sections within a media object.
/// @param {Number} $padding [$mediaobject-section-padding] - Padding between sections.
@mixin media-object-section($padding: $mediaobject-section-padding) {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 0 1 auto;
@else {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: top;
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: top;
&:first-child {
padding-#{$global-right}: $padding;
&:last-child:not(:nth-child(2)) {
&:last-child:not(+ #{&}:first-child) {
padding-#{$global-left}: $padding;
> :last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
/// Adds styles to stack sections of a media object. Apply this to the section elements, not the container.
@mixin media-object-stack {
display: block;
padding: 0;
padding-bottom: $mediaobject-section-padding;
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-basis: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
@else {
display: block;
img {
width: $mediaobject-image-width-stacked;
@ -78,16 +58,8 @@ $mediaobject-image-width-stacked: 100% !default;
max-width: none;
@if $global-flexbox {
&.stack-for-#{$-zf-zero-breakpoint} {
@include breakpoint($-zf-zero-breakpoint only) {
flex-wrap: wrap;
&.stack-for-#{$-zf-zero-breakpoint} .media-object-section {
@include breakpoint($-zf-zero-breakpoint only) {
&.stack-for-small .media-object-section {
@include breakpoint(small only) {
@include media-object-stack;
@ -96,20 +68,7 @@ $mediaobject-image-width-stacked: 100% !default;
.media-object-section {
@include media-object-section;
@if $global-flexbox {
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
&.main-section {
flex: 1 1 0px;
@else {
&.middle {
vertical-align: middle;
&.bottom {
vertical-align: bottom;
&.middle { vertical-align: middle; }
&.bottom { vertical-align: bottom; }

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
@mixin foundation-menu-icon {
.menu-icon {
@include hamburger($color: $titlebar-icon-color, $color-hover: $titlebar-icon-color-hover);
.menu-icon.dark {
@include hamburger;

View File

@ -18,45 +18,28 @@ $menu-margin-nested: 1rem !default;
/// @type Number
$menu-item-padding: 0.7rem 1rem !default;
/// Text color of an active menu item.
/// @type Color
$menu-item-color-active: $white !default;
/// Background color of an active menu item.
/// @type Color
$menu-item-background-active: map-get($foundation-palette, primary) !default;
/// Spacing between an icon and text in a menu item.
/// @type Number
$menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
/// Maximum number of `expand-n` classes to include in the CSS.
/// @type Number
$menu-expand-max: 6 !default;
/// Creates the base styles for a Menu.
@mixin menu-base {
margin: $menu-margin;
list-style-type: none;
@if $global-flexbox {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
align-items: center;
// List items are table cell to allow for vertical alignment
> li {
@include disable-mouse-outline;
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 0 0 auto;
@else {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
// Reset line height to make the height of the overall item easier to calculate
> li > a {
> li:not(.menu-text) > a {
display: block;
padding: $menu-item-padding;
line-height: 1;
@ -72,54 +55,22 @@ $menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
/// Expands the items of a Menu, so each item is the same width.
@mixin menu-expand {
@if $global-flexbox {
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
> li {
flex: 1 1 0px;
@else {
width: 100%;
display: table;
table-layout: fixed;
display: table;
table-layout: fixed;
width: 100%;
/// Sets the direction of a Menu.
/// @param {Keyword} $dir [horizontal] - Direction of the Menu. Can be `horizontal` or `vertical`.
@mixin menu-direction($dir: horizontal) {
@if $dir == horizontal {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-wrap: nowrap;
> li {
flex: 0 0 auto;
@else {
> li {
display: table-cell;
> li {
display: table-cell;
@else if $dir == vertical {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-wrap: wrap;
> li {
flex: 0 0 100%;
max-width: 100%;
> li > a {
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: flex-start;
@else {
> li {
display: block;
> li {
display: block;
@else {
@ -129,14 +80,9 @@ $menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
/// Creates a simple Menu, which has no padding or hover state.
@mixin menu-simple {
li {
line-height: 1;
display: inline-block;
margin-#{$global-right}: get-side($menu-item-padding, $global-right);
a {
padding: 0;
margin-#{$global-right}: get-side($menu-item-padding, $global-right);
@ -151,64 +97,35 @@ $menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
/// @param {Boolean} $base [true] - Set to `false` to prevent the shared CSS between side- and top-aligned icons from being printed. Set this to `false` if you're calling the mixin multiple times on the same element.
@mixin menu-icons($position: side, $base: true) {
@if $base {
@if $global-flexbox {
> li > a {
display: flex;
> li > a {
> img,
> i {
vertical-align: middle;
@else {
> li > a {
svg {
vertical-align: middle;
+ span {
vertical-align: middle;
> span {
vertical-align: middle;
@if $position == side {
> li > a {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-flow: row nowrap;
svg {
> img,
> i {
display: inline-block;
margin-#{$global-right}: $menu-icon-spacing;
@if not $global-flexbox {
display: inline-block;
@else if $position == top {
> li > a {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-flow: column nowrap;
@else {
text-align: center;
text-align: center;
svg {
@if not $global-flexbox {
display: block;
margin: 0 auto $menu-icon-spacing;
@else {
align-self: stretch;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: $menu-icon-spacing;
> img,
> i {
display: block;
margin: 0 auto $menu-icon-spacing;
@ -236,7 +153,7 @@ $menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
@each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@if $size != small {
@include breakpoint($size) {
&.#{$size}-horizontal {
@include menu-direction(horizontal);
@ -256,15 +173,8 @@ $menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
// Align right
&.align-#{$global-right} {
@if $global-flexbox {
justify-content: flex-end;
@else {
@include clearfix;
> li {
float: $global-right;
> li {
float: $global-right;
@ -286,27 +196,12 @@ $menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
&.nested {
@include menu-nested;
// Active state
.active > a {
color: $menu-item-color-active;
background: $menu-item-background-active;
.menu-text {
@include menu-text;
// Align center
.menu-centered {
text-align: center;
> .menu {
display: inline-block;
// Prevent FOUC when using the Responsive Menu plugin
.no-js [data-responsive-menu] ul {
display: none;

View File

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ $maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5) !default;
@include clearfix;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
min-height: 100%;
transition: transform $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;
@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ $maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5) !default;
transition: transform $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;
backface-visibility: hidden;
z-index: 1;
padding-bottom: 0.1px; // Prevents margin collapsing, which would reveal the box shadow of the wrapper
@if has-value($maincontent-shadow) {
box-shadow: $maincontent-shadow;
@ -90,6 +88,10 @@ $maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5) !default;
background: $offcanvas-exit-background;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background $offcanvas-transition-length $offcanvas-transition-timing;
.is-off-canvas-open & {
display: block;
@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ $maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5) !default;
// Reveal off-canvas menu on larger screens
@each $name, $value in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $name != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@if $name != small {
@include breakpoint($name) {
.position-left.reveal-for-#{$name} {
@include off-canvas-reveal(left);

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ $orbit-control-zindex: 10 !default;
@mixin orbit-slide {
width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
&.no-motionui {
&.is-active {
top: 0;
@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ $orbit-control-zindex: 10 !default;
margin: 0;
/// Adds styles for a slide containing an image. These styles are used on the `.orbit-image` class.
@mixin orbit-image {
margin: 0;
width: 100%;

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
/// @type Number
$pagination-font-size: rem-calc(14) !default;
/// Default bottom margin of the pagination object.
/// Default bottom margin of the media object.
/// @type Number
$pagination-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;
@ -50,15 +50,10 @@ $pagination-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray !default;
/// @type Color
$pagination-ellipsis-color: $black !default;
/// If `false`, don't display page number links on mobile, only next/previous links
/// and optionally current page number.
/// If `false`, don't display page number links on mobile, only next/previous links.
/// @type Boolean
$pagination-mobile-items: false !default;
/// If `false`, don't display current page number on mobile.
/// @type Boolean
$pagination-mobile-current-item: false !default;
/// If `true`, arrows are added to the next and previous links of pagination.
/// @type Boolean
$pagination-arrows: true !default;
@ -73,25 +68,15 @@ $pagination-arrows: true !default;
li {
font-size: $pagination-font-size;
margin-#{$global-right}: $pagination-item-spacing;
display: none;
border-radius: $pagination-radius;
@if $pagination-mobile-items {
display: inline-block;
@else {
display: none;
@if not $pagination-mobile-items {
&:first-child {
display: inline-block;
@if $pagination-mobile-current-item {
&.current {
display: inline-block;
@include breakpoint(medium) {
display: inline-block;
@ -124,7 +109,7 @@ $pagination-arrows: true !default;
@mixin pagination-item-disabled {
padding: $pagination-item-padding;
color: $pagination-item-color-disabled;
cursor: not-allowed;
cursor: default;
&:hover {
background: transparent;
@ -133,7 +118,7 @@ $pagination-arrows: true !default;
/// Adds styles for an ellipsis for use in a pagination list.
@mixin pagination-ellipsis {
content: '\2026';
content: '';
padding: $pagination-item-padding;
color: $pagination-ellipsis-color;
@ -158,14 +143,14 @@ $pagination-arrows: true !default;
@if $pagination-arrows {
.pagination-previous a::before,
.pagination-previous.disabled::before {
content: '\00ab';
content: '«';
display: inline-block;
margin-#{$global-right}: 0.5rem;
.pagination-next a::after,
.pagination-next.disabled::after {
content: '\00bb';
content: '»';
display: inline-block;
margin-#{$global-left}: 0.5rem;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,30 @@
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
/// @group progress-bar
/// Height of a progress bar.
/// @type Number
$progress-height: 1rem !default;
/// Background color of a progress bar.
/// @type Color
$progress-background: $medium-gray !default;
/// Bottom margin of a progress bar.
/// @type Number
$progress-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;
/// Default color of a progress bar's meter.
/// @type Color
$progress-meter-background: $primary-color !default;
/// Default radius of a progress bar.
/// @type Number
$progress-radius: $global-radius !default;
/// Adds styles for a progress bar container.
@mixin progress-container {
background-color: $progress-background;
@ -17,25 +41,20 @@
width: 0%;
height: 100%;
background-color: $progress-meter-background;
@if has-value($progress-radius) {
border-radius: $global-radius;
border-radius: $global-radius;
/// Adds styles for text in the progress meter.
@mixin progress-meter-text {
@include absolute-center;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
#{$global-left}: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
margin: 0;
font-size: 0.75rem;
font-weight: bold;
color: $white;
white-space: nowrap;
@if has-value($progress-radius) {
border-radius: $progress-radius;
@mixin foundation-progress-bar {
@ -43,7 +62,7 @@
.progress {
@include progress-container;
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
@each $name, $color in $foundation-colors {
&.#{$name} {
.progress-meter {
background-color: $color;
@ -52,13 +71,13 @@
// Inner meter
// Progress bar meter
.progress-meter {
@include progress-meter;
// Inner meter text
.progress-meter-text {
@include progress-meter-text;
// Progress bar meter text
.progress-meter-text {
@include progress-meter-text;

View File

@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ $reveal-width: 600px !default;
/// @type Number
$reveal-max-width: $global-width !default;
/// Offset from the top of the window when a modal is added.
/// @type Number
$reveal-offset: rem-calc(100) !default;
/// Default padding inside a modal.
/// @type Number
$reveal-padding: $global-padding !default;
@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;
/// Adds styles for a modal overlay.
/// @param {Color} $background [$reveal-overlay-background] - Background color of the overlay.
@mixin reveal-overlay($background: $reveal-overlay-background) {
@mixin reveal-overlay {
display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;
left: 0;
right: 0;
z-index: $reveal-zindex;
background-color: $background;
background-color: $reveal-overlay-background;
overflow-y: scroll;
@ -59,6 +63,7 @@ $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;
z-index: $reveal-zindex + 1;
padding: $reveal-padding;
border: $reveal-border;
margin: 100px auto 0;
background-color: $reveal-background;
border-radius: $reveal-radius;
@ -104,22 +109,12 @@ $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;
max-width: none;
margin-left: 0;
border: 0;
border-radius: 0;
@mixin foundation-reveal {
// [TODO] Is this necessary?
// scss-lint:disable QualifyingElement {
overflow: hidden;
// html gets this class only in iOS, body {
min-height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
user-select: none;
// Overlay
.reveal-overlay {
@ -130,12 +125,14 @@ $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;
.reveal {
@include reveal-modal-base;
@include reveal-modal-width($reveal-width);
position: relative;
top: 100px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
position: absolute;
overflow-y: auto;
// Remove padding
&.collapse {
padding: 0;
// Placeholder selector for medium-and-up modals
// Prevents duplicate CSS when defining multiple Reveal sizes
@include breakpoint(medium) {
@ -146,11 +143,6 @@ $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;
// Remove padding
&.collapse {
padding: 0;
// Sizing classes
&.tiny { @include reveal-modal-width(30%); }
&.small { @include reveal-modal-width(50%); }
@ -160,13 +152,5 @@ $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45) !default;
&.full {
@include reveal-modal-fullscreen;
@include breakpoint($-zf-zero-breakpoint only) {
@include reveal-modal-fullscreen;
&.without-overlay {
position: fixed;

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@ -9,11 +9,43 @@
/// @group slider
/// Default slider width of a vertical slider. (Doesn't apply to the native slider.)
/// Default height of the slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-width-vertical: 0.5rem !default;
$slider-height: 0.5rem !default;
/// Transition properties to apply to the slider handle and fill. (Doesn't apply to the native slider.)
/// Default slider width of a vertical slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-width-vertical: $slider-height !default;
/// Default background color of the slider's track.
/// @type Color
$slider-background: $light-gray !default;
/// Default color of the active fill color of the slider.
/// @type Color
$slider-fill-background: $medium-gray !default;
/// Default height of the handle of the slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-handle-height: 1.4rem !default;
/// Default width of the handle of the slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-handle-width: 1.4rem !default;
/// Default color of the handle for the slider.
/// @type Color
$slider-handle-background: $primary-color !default;
/// Default fade amount of a disabled slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-opacity-disabled: 0.25 !default;
/// Default radius for slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-radius: $global-radius !default;
/// Transition properties to apply to the slider handle and fill.
/// @type Transition
$slider-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out !default;
@ -123,11 +155,4 @@ $slider-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out !default;
.slider.vertical {
@include slider-vertical;
// RTL support
@if $global-text-direction == rtl {
.slider:not(.vertical) {
transform: scale(-1, 1);

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@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ $switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out !default;
@mixin switch-input {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
margin-bottom: 0;
/// Adds styles for the background and paddle of a switch. Apply this to a `<label>` within a switch.
@ -169,8 +168,6 @@ $switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out !default;
$paddle-height: $height - ($paddle-offset * 2);
$paddle-left-active: $width - $paddle-width - $paddle-offset;
height: $height;
.switch-paddle {
width: $width;
height: $height;
@ -182,7 +179,7 @@ $switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out !default;
height: $paddle-height;
input:checked ~ .switch-paddle::after {
input:checked ~ .switch-paddle:after {
#{$global-left}: $paddle-left-active;
@ -190,7 +187,6 @@ $switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out !default;
@mixin foundation-switch {
// Container class
.switch {
height: $switch-height;
@include switch-container;

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@ -8,154 +8,120 @@
/// @group table
/// Default color for table background.
/// Defualt color for table background.
/// @type Color
$table-background: $white !default;
/// Default scale for darkening the striped table rows and the table border.
/// Defualt scale for darkening the striped table rows and the table border.
/// @type Number
$table-color-scale: 5% !default;
/// Default style for table border.
/// Defualt style for table border.
/// @type List
$table-border: 1px solid smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale) !default;
/// Default padding for table.
/// Defualt padding for table.
/// @type Number
$table-padding: rem-calc(8 10 10) !default;
/// Default scale for darkening the table rows on hover.
/// Defualt scale for darkening the table rows on hover.
/// @type Number
$table-hover-scale: 2% !default;
/// Default color of standard rows on hover.
/// Defualt color of standard rows on hover.
/// @type List
$table-row-hover: darken($table-background, $table-hover-scale) !default;
/// Default color of striped rows on hover.
/// Defualt color of striped rows on hover.
/// @type List
$table-row-stripe-hover: darken($table-background, $table-color-scale + $table-hover-scale) !default;
/// Default background color for striped rows.
/// Defualt background color for striped rows.
/// @type Color
$table-striped-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale) !default;
/// Default value for showing the stripe on rows of the tables, excluding the header and footer. If even, the even rows will have a background color. If odd, the odd rows will have a background color. If empty, or any other value, the table rows will have no striping.
/// @type Keyword
/// Defualt value for showing the stripe on rows of the tables, excluding the header and footer If even, the even rows will have a background color. If odd, the odd rows will have a background color. If empty, or anyother value, the table rows will have no striping.
/// @type Keyoword
$table-stripe: even !default;
/// Default color for header background.
/// Defualt color for header background.
/// @type Color
$table-head-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale / 2) !default;
/// Default color of header rows on hover.
/// @type List
$table-head-row-hover: darken($table-head-background, $table-hover-scale) !default;
/// Default color for footer background.
/// Defualt color for footer background.
/// @type Color
$table-foot-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale) !default;
/// Default color of footer rows on hover.
/// @type List
$table-foot-row-hover: darken($table-foot-background, $table-hover-scale) !default;
/// Default font color for header.
/// Defualt font color for header.
/// @type Color
$table-head-font-color: $body-font-color !default;
/// Default font color for footer.
/// @type Color
$table-foot-font-color: $body-font-color !default;
/// Default value for showing the header when using stacked tables.
/// Defualt value for showing the header when using stacked tables.
/// @type Boolean
$show-header-for-stacked: false !default;
@mixin -zf-table-children-styles($stripe: $table-stripe) {
tfoot {
border: $table-border;
background-color: $table-background;
// Caption
caption {
font-weight: $global-weight-bold;
padding: $table-padding;
// Table head
thead {
background: $table-head-background;
color: $table-head-font-color;
// Table foot
tfoot {
background: $table-foot-background;
color: $table-foot-font-color;
// Table head and foot
tfoot {
// Rows within head and foot
tr {
background: transparent;
// Cells within head and foot
td {
padding: $table-padding;
font-weight: $global-weight-bold;
text-align: #{$global-left};
// Table rows
tbody {
tr {
// If stripe is set to even, darken the even rows.
@if $stripe == even {
&:nth-child(even) {
background-color: $table-striped-background;
// If stripe is set to odd, darken the odd rows.
@else if $stripe == odd {
&:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: $table-striped-background;
td {
padding: $table-padding;
/// Adds the general styles for tables.
/// @param {Keyword} $stripe [$table-stripe] - Uses keywords even, odd, or none to darken rows of the table. The default value is even.
@mixin table(
$stripe: $table-stripe,
$nest: false
) {
width: 100%;
/// @param {Keyword} $stripe [$table-stripe] - Uses kewords even, odd, or none to darken rows of the table. The defualt value is even.
@mixin table($stripe: $table-stripe) {
margin-bottom: $global-margin;
border-radius: $global-radius;
@if $nest {
@include -zf-table-children-styles($stripe);
@else {
@at-root {
@include -zf-table-children-styles($stripe);
@at-root {
tfoot {
border: $table-border;
background-color: $table-background;
// Caption
caption {
font-weight: $global-weight-bold;
padding: $table-padding;
// Table head and foot
tfoot {
background: $table-head-background;
color: $table-head-font-color;
// Rows within head and foot
tr {
background: transparent;
// Cells within head and foot
td {
padding: $table-padding;
font-weight: $global-weight-bold;
text-align: #{$global-left};
// Table rows
tbody {
tr {
// If stripe is set to even, darken the even rows.
@if $stripe == even {
&:nth-child(even) {
background-color: $table-striped-background;
// If stripe is set to odd, darken the odd rows.
@else if $stripe == odd {
&:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: $table-striped-background;
td {
padding: $table-padding;
@ -169,21 +135,7 @@ $show-header-for-stacked: false !default;
/// Slightly darkens the table rows on hover.
@mixin table-hover {
thead tr {
//Darkens the table header rows on hover.
&:hover {
background-color: $table-head-row-hover;
tfoot tr {
//Darkens the table footer rows on hover.
&:hover {
background-color: $table-foot-row-hover;
tbody tr {
tr {
//Darkens the non-striped table rows on hover.
&:hover {
background-color: $table-row-hover;
@ -240,9 +192,9 @@ $show-header-for-stacked: false !default;
@mixin foundation-table($nest: false) {
@mixin foundation-table {
table {
@include table($nest: $nest);
@include table;
table.stack {
@ -258,12 +210,4 @@ $show-header-for-stacked: false !default;
table.hover {
@include table-hover;
.table-scroll {
overflow-x: auto;
table {
width: auto;

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@ -18,14 +18,18 @@ $tab-background: $white !default;
/// @type Color
$tab-background-active: $light-gray !default;
/// Font size of tab items.
/// @type Number
$tab-item-font-size: rem-calc(12) !default;
/// Default border color of tab content.
/// @type Color
$tab-border: $light-gray !default;
/// Default text color for items in a Menu.
/// @type Color
$tab-item-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color) !default;
/// Default background color on hover for items in a Menu.
$tab-item-background-hover: $white !default;
/// Default padding of a tab item.
/// Default padding of a a tab item.
/// @type Number
$tab-item-padding: 1.25rem 1.5rem !default;
@ -75,7 +79,8 @@ $tab-content-padding: 1rem !default;
display: block;
padding: $tab-item-padding;
line-height: 1;
font-size: $tab-item-font-size;
font-size: 12px;
color: $tab-item-color;
&:hover {
background: $tab-item-background-hover;

View File

@ -36,45 +36,24 @@ $titlebar-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
@mixin foundation-title-bar {
.title-bar {
@include clearfix;
background: $titlebar-background;
color: $titlebar-color;
padding: $titlebar-padding;
@if $global-flexbox {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
@else {
@include clearfix;
.menu-icon {
margin-#{$global-left}: $titlebar-icon-spacing;
margin-#{$global-right}: $titlebar-icon-spacing;
margin-#{$global-right}: $titlebar-padding;
@if $global-flexbox {
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
.title-bar-right {
flex: 1 1 0px;
.title-bar-right {
text-align: right;
.title-bar-left {
float: left;
@else {
.title-bar-left {
float: left;
.title-bar-right {
float: right;
text-align: right;
.title-bar-right {
float: right;
text-align: right;
.title-bar-title {
@ -82,4 +61,8 @@ $titlebar-icon-spacing: 0.25rem !default;
vertical-align: middle;
display: inline-block;
.menu-icon {
@include hamburger($color: $titlebar-icon-color, $color-hover: $titlebar-icon-color-hover);

View File

@ -6,14 +6,6 @@
/// @group tooltip
/// Default font weight of the defined term.
/// @type Keyword | Number
$has-tip-font-weight: $global-weight-bold !default;
/// Default border bottom of the defined term.
/// @type List
$has-tip-border-bottom: dotted 1px $dark-gray !default;
/// Default color of the tooltip background.
/// @type Color
$tooltip-background-color: $black !default;
@ -38,13 +30,17 @@ $tooltip-pip-width: 0.75rem !default;
/// @type Number
$tooltip-pip-height: $tooltip-pip-width * 0.866 !default;
/// Default pip offset for tooltips. This controls how far the pip is indented from the left edge of the tooltip.
/// @type Number
$tooltip-pip-offset: 1.25rem !default;
/// Default radius for tooltips.
/// @type Number
$tooltip-radius: $global-radius !default;
@mixin has-tip {
border-bottom: $has-tip-border-bottom;
font-weight: $has-tip-font-weight;
border-bottom: dotted 1px $dark-gray;
font-weight: bold;
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
cursor: help;

View File

@ -14,34 +14,17 @@ $topbar-padding: 0.5rem !default;
/// @type Color
$topbar-background: $light-gray !default;
/// Background color submenus within the top bar. Usefull if $topbar-background is transparent.
/// Color for links inside a top bar menu.
/// @type Color
$topbar-submenu-background: $topbar-background !default;
$topbar-link-color: $primary-color !default;
/// Spacing for the top bar title.
/// @type Number
$topbar-title-spacing: 1rem !default;
/// Maximum width of `<input>` elements inside the top bar.
/// Width of `<input>` elements inside the top bar.
/// @type Number
$topbar-input-width: 200px !default;
/// Breakpoint at which top bar switches from mobile to desktop view.
/// @type Breakpoint
$topbar-unstack-breakpoint: medium !default;
/// Adds styles for a top bar container.
@mixin top-bar-container {
@if $global-flexbox {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
@else {
@include clearfix;
@include clearfix;
padding: $topbar-padding;
@ -49,70 +32,29 @@ $topbar-unstack-breakpoint: medium !default;
background-color: $topbar-background;
// Check if $topbar-background is differnt from $topbar-background-submenu
@if ($topbar-background != $topbar-submenu-background) {
ul ul {
background-color: $topbar-submenu-background;
a {
color: $topbar-link-color;
// Restrain width of inputs by default to make them easier to arrange
input {
max-width: $topbar-input-width;
width: $topbar-input-width;
margin-#{$global-right}: 1rem;
// The above styles shouldn't apply to input group fields
.input-group-field {
width: 100%;
margin-#{$global-right}: 0;
// scss-lint:disable QualifyingElement
input.button {
width: auto;
/// Makes sections of a top bar stack on top of each other.
/// makes sections stacked
@mixin top-bar-stacked {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-wrap: wrap;
// Sub-sections
.top-bar-right {
flex: 0 0 100%;
max-width: 100%;
// Sub-sections
.top-bar-right {
width: 100%;
@else {
// Sub-sections
.top-bar-right {
width: 100%;
/// Undoes the CSS applied by the `top-bar-stacked()` mixin.
@mixin top-bar-unstack {
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-wrap: nowrap;
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
.top-bar-left {
flex: 1 1 auto;
.top-bar-right {
flex: 0 1 auto;
@else {
.top-bar-right {
width: auto;
.top-bar-left {
width: 100%;
@ -120,51 +62,28 @@ $topbar-unstack-breakpoint: medium !default;
// Top bar container
.top-bar {
@include top-bar-container;
// Stack on small screens by default
@include top-bar-stacked;
@include breakpoint($topbar-unstack-breakpoint) {
@include top-bar-unstack;
// Generate classes for stacking on each screen size (defined in $breakpoint-classes)
@each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
&.stacked-for-#{$size} {
@include breakpoint($size down) {
@include top-bar-stacked;
// Generate classes for stacking on each screen size (defined in $breakpoint-classes)
@each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
.stacked-for-#{$size} {
@include breakpoint($size down) {
@include top-bar-stacked;
// Sub-sections
@if $global-flexbox {
.top-bar-title {
flex: 0 0 auto;
margin-right: $topbar-title-spacing;
.top-bar-right {
flex: 0 0 auto;
// Stack on small screens as default
@include breakpoint(small only) {
@include top-bar-stacked;
@else {
.top-bar-title {
float: left;
margin-right: $topbar-title-spacing;
.top-bar-left {
float: left;
.top-bar-right {
float: right;
// Sub-sections
.top-bar-left {
float: left;
.top-bar-right {
float: right;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
/// @param {Keyword} $size - Breakpoint to use. **Must be a breakpoint defined in `$breakpoints`.**
@mixin show-for($size) {
$size: map-get($breakpoints, $size);
$size: -zf-bp-to-em($size) - (1 / 16);
$size: -zf-bp-to-em($size) - (1/16);
@include breakpoint($size down) {
display: none !important;
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
$upper-bound-size: -zf-map-next($breakpoints, $size);
// more often than not this will be correct, just one time round the loop it won't so set in scope here
$lower-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($lower-bound-size) - (1 / 16);
$lower-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($lower-bound-size) - (1/16);
// test actual lower-bound-size, if 0 set it to 0em
@if strip-unit($lower-bound-size) == 0 {
@if $lower-bound-size == 0 {
$lower-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($lower-bound-size);
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
@else {
$upper-bound: -zf-bp-to-em($upper-bound-size);
@media screen and (max-width: $lower-bound), screen and (min-width: $upper-bound) {
display: none !important;
@ -69,7 +68,7 @@
// Responsive visibility classes
@each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
@if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@if $size != small {
.hide-for-#{$size} {
@include hide-for($size);

View File

@ -21,15 +21,11 @@
margin-#{$global-right}: $form-spacing;
margin-bottom: 0;
vertical-align: baseline;
&[for] {
cursor: pointer;
// Styles for inputs inside labels
label > [type='checkbox'],
label > [type='radio'] {
label > [type='label'] {
margin-#{$global-right}: $form-spacing * 0.5;

View File

@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ $abide-labels: true !default;
/// Background color to use for invalid text inputs.
/// @type Color
$input-background-invalid: map-get($foundation-palette, alert) !default;
$input-background-invalid: $alert-color !default;
/// Color to use for labels of invalid inputs.
/// @type Color
$form-label-color-invalid: map-get($foundation-palette, alert) !default;
$form-label-color-invalid: $alert-color !default;
/// Default font color for form error text.
/// @type Color
$input-error-color: map-get($foundation-palette, alert) !default;
$input-error-color: $alert-color !default;
/// Default font size for form error text.
/// @type Number
@ -37,13 +37,11 @@ $input-error-font-weight: $global-weight-bold !default;
/// Styles the background and border of an input field to have an error state.
/// @param {Color} $background [$alert-color] - Color to use for the background and border.
/// @param {Number} $background-alpha [0.1] - Transparency level of the background color.
@mixin form-input-error(
$background: $input-background-invalid,
$background-alpha: 0.1
$background: $alert-color
) {
&:not(:focus) {
background-color: rgba($background, $background-alpha);
background-color: rgba($background, 0.1);
border-color: $background;

View File

@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ $legend-padding: rem-calc(0 3) !default;
legend {
margin-bottom: $form-spacing * 0.5;
max-width: 100%;
.fieldset {

View File

@ -10,17 +10,15 @@
/// @type Number
$form-spacing: rem-calc(16) !default;
@import 'text';
@import 'checkbox';
@import 'label';
@import 'help-text';
@import 'input-group';
@import 'fieldset';
@import 'select';
@import 'range';
@import 'progress';
@import 'meter';
@import 'error';
@mixin foundation-forms {
@include foundation-form-text;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
/// Default color for help text.
/// @type Color
$helptext-color: $black !default;
$helptext-color: #333 !default;
/// Default font size for help text.
/// @type Number

View File

@ -24,54 +24,38 @@ $input-prefix-padding: 1rem !default;
@mixin foundation-form-prepostfix {
$height: ($input-font-size + $form-spacing * 1.5);
.input-group {
display: if($global-flexbox, flex, table);
display: table;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: $form-spacing;
@if $global-flexbox {
align-items: stretch;
> :first-child {
border-radius: if($global-text-direction == rtl, 0 $global-radius $global-radius 0, $global-radius 0 0 $global-radius);
border-radius: $global-radius 0 0 $global-radius;
> :last-child {
> * {
border-radius: if($global-text-direction == rtl, $global-radius 0 0 $global-radius, 0 $global-radius $global-radius 0);
border-radius: 0 $global-radius $global-radius 0;
%input-group-child {
display: table-cell;
margin: 0;
white-space: nowrap;
@if not $global-flexbox {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
vertical-align: middle;
.input-group-label {
@extend %input-group-child;
text-align: center;
width: 1%;
height: 100%;
padding: 0 $input-prefix-padding;
background: $input-prefix-background;
color: $input-prefix-color;
border: $input-prefix-border;
white-space: nowrap;
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 0 0 auto;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@else {
width: 1%;
height: 100%;
@if has-value($input-prefix-border) {
&:first-child {
@ -87,30 +71,16 @@ $input-prefix-padding: 1rem !default;
.input-group-field {
@extend %input-group-child;
border-radius: 0;
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 1 1 0px;
height: auto;
@else {
height: $height;
height: $height;
.input-group-button {
@extend %input-group-child;
height: 100%;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
text-align: center;
@if $global-flexbox {
flex: 0 0 auto;
@else {
height: 100%;
width: 1%;
width: 1%;
@ -118,12 +88,4 @@ $input-prefix-padding: 1rem !default;
margin: 0;
// Specificity bump needed to prevent override by buttons
// scss-lint:disable QualifyingSelector
@if not $global-flexbox {
.input-group .input-group-button {
display: table-cell;

View File

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
// Foundation for Sites by ZURB
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
/// @group meter
/// Height of a `<meter>` element.
/// @type Length
$meter-height: 1rem !default;
/// Border radius of a `<meter>` element.
/// @type Length
$meter-radius: $global-radius !default;
/// Background color of a `<meter>` element.
/// @type Color
$meter-background: $medium-gray !default;
/// Meter fill for an optimal value in a `<meter>` element.
/// @type Color
$meter-fill-good: $success-color !default;
/// Meter fill for an average value in a `<meter>` element.
/// @type Color
$meter-fill-medium: $warning-color !default;
/// Meter fill for a suboptimal value in a `<meter>` element.
/// @type Color
$meter-fill-bad: $alert-color !default;
@mixin foundation-meter-element {
meter {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: $meter-height;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
@if has-value($meter-radius) {
border-radius: $meter-radius;
// For Firefox
background: $meter-background;
border: 0;
// Chrome/Safari/Edge
&::-webkit-meter-bar {
background: $meter-background;
@if has-value($meter-radius) {
border-radius: $meter-radius;
border: 0;
&::-webkit-meter-inner-element {
@if has-value($meter-radius) {
border-radius: $meter-radius;
&::-webkit-meter-optimum-value {
background: $meter-fill-good;
@if has-value($meter-radius) {
border-radius: $meter-radius;
&::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value {
background: $meter-fill-medium;
@if has-value($meter-radius) {
border-radius: $meter-radius;
&::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value {
background: $meter-fill-bad;
@if has-value($meter-radius) {
border-radius: $meter-radius;
&::-moz-meter-bar {
background: $primary-color;
@if has-value($meter-radius) {
border-radius: $meter-radius;
&:-moz-meter-optimum::-moz-meter-bar {
background: $meter-fill-good;
&:-moz-meter-sub-optimum::-moz-meter-bar {
background: $meter-fill-medium;
&:-moz-meter-sub-sub-optimum::-moz-meter-bar {
background: $meter-fill-bad;

View File

@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
// Foundation for Sites by ZURB
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
/// @group progress-bar
/// Height of a progress bar.
/// @type Number
$progress-height: 1rem !default;
/// Background color of a progress bar.
/// @type Color
$progress-background: $medium-gray !default;
/// Bottom margin of a progress bar.
/// @type Number
$progress-margin-bottom: $global-margin !default;
/// Default color of a progress bar's meter.
/// @type Color
$progress-meter-background: $primary-color !default;
/// Default radius of a progress bar.
/// @type Number
$progress-radius: $global-radius !default;
@mixin foundation-progress-element {
progress {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: $progress-height;
margin-bottom: $progress-margin-bottom;
@if hasvalue($progress-radius) {
border-radius: $progress-radius;
// For Firefox
background: $progress-background;
border: 0;
&::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: $progress-background;
@if hasvalue($progress-radius) {
border-radius: $progress-radius;
&::-webkit-progress-value {
background: $progress-meter-background;
@if hasvalue($progress-radius) {
border-radius: $progress-radius;
&::-moz-progress-bar {
background: $progress-meter-background;
@if hasvalue($progress-radius) {
border-radius: $progress-radius;
@each $name, $color in $foundation-palette {
&.#{$name} {
// Internet Explorer sets the fill with color
color: $color;
&::-webkit-progress-value {
background: $color;
&::-moz-progress-bar {
background: $color;
// For IE and Edge
@if hasvalue($progress-radius) {
border-radius: $progress-radius;
border: 0;

View File

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
// Foundation for Sites by ZURB
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
/// @group slider
/// Default height of the slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-height: 0.5rem !default;
/// Default background color of the slider's track.
/// @type Color
$slider-background: $light-gray !default;
/// Default color of the active fill color of the slider.
/// @type Color
$slider-fill-background: $medium-gray !default;
/// Default height of the handle of the slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-handle-height: 1.4rem !default;
/// Default width of the handle of the slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-handle-width: 1.4rem !default;
/// Default color of the handle for the slider.
/// @type Color
$slider-handle-background: $primary-color !default;
/// Default fade amount of a disabled slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-opacity-disabled: 0.25 !default;
/// Default radius for slider.
/// @type Number
$slider-radius: $global-radius !default;
@mixin foundation-range-input {
// scss-lint:disable QualifyingElement
input[type="range"] {
$margin: ($slider-handle-height - $slider-height) / 2;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
cursor: pointer;
margin-top: $margin;
margin-bottom: $margin;
border: 0;
line-height: 1;
@if has-value($slider-radius) {
border-radius: $slider-radius;
&:focus {
outline: 0;
&[disabled] {
opacity: $slider-opacity-disabled;
// Chrome/Safari
&::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
height: $slider-height;
background: $slider-background;
&::-webkit-slider-handle {
-webkit-appearance: none;
background: $slider-handle-background;
width: $slider-handle-width;
height: $slider-handle-height;
margin-top: -$margin;
@if has-value($slider-radius) {
border-radius: $slider-radius;
// Firefox
&::-moz-range-track {
-moz-appearance: none;
height: $slider-height;
background: $slider-background;
&::-moz-range-thumb {
-moz-appearance: none;
background: $slider-handle-background;
width: $slider-handle-width;
height: $slider-handle-height;
margin-top: -$margin;
@if has-value($slider-radius) {
border-radius: $slider-radius;
// Internet Explorer
&::-ms-track {
height: $slider-height;
background: $slider-background;
color: transparent;
border: 0;
overflow: visible;
border-top: $margin solid $body-background;
border-bottom: $margin solid $body-background;
&::-ms-thumb {
background: $slider-handle-background;
width: $slider-handle-width;
height: $slider-handle-height;
border: 0;
@if has-value($slider-radius) {
border-radius: $slider-radius;
&::-ms-fill-lower {
background: $slider-fill-background;
&::-ms-fill-upper {
background: $slider-background;
@at-root {
output {
line-height: $slider-handle-height;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-left: 0.5em;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $select-background: $white !default;
/// Color of the dropdown triangle inside select menus. Set to `transparent` to remove it entirely.
/// @type Color
$select-triangle-color: $dark-gray !default;
$select-triangle-color: #333 !default;
/// Default radius for select menus.
/// @type Color
@ -37,12 +37,9 @@ $select-radius: $global-radius !default;
@if $select-triangle-color != transparent {
@include background-triangle($select-triangle-color);
background-size: 9px 6px;
background-position: $global-right (-$form-spacing) center;
background-origin: content-box;
background-position: $global-right ($form-spacing / 2) center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-#{$global-right}: ($form-spacing * 1.5);
// Disabled state
&:disabled {
background-color: $input-background-disabled;
@ -56,7 +53,6 @@ $select-radius: $global-radius !default;
&[multiple] {
height: auto;
background-image: none;

View File

@ -10,10 +10,6 @@
/// @type Color
$input-color: $black !default;
/// Font color of placeholder text within text inputs.
/// @type Color
$input-placeholder-color: $medium-gray !default;
/// Font family of text inputs.
/// @type Font
$input-font-family: inherit !default;
@ -52,7 +48,7 @@ $input-shadow-focus: 0 0 5px $medium-gray !default;
/// Cursor to use when hovering over a disabled text input.
/// @type Cursor
$input-cursor-disabled: not-allowed !default;
$input-cursor-disabled: default !default;
/// Properties to transition on text inputs.
/// @type Transition
@ -66,10 +62,6 @@ $input-number-spinners: true !default;
/// @type Border
$input-radius: $global-radius !default;
/// Border radius for buttons, defaulted to global-radius.
/// @type Number
$button-radius: $global-radius !default;
@mixin form-element {
$height: ($input-font-size + ($form-spacing * 1.5) - rem-calc(1));
@ -123,14 +115,9 @@ $button-radius: $global-radius !default;
// Disabled/readonly state
textarea {
// Placeholder text
&::placeholder {
color: $input-placeholder-color;
// Disabled/readonly state
&[readonly] {
background-color: $input-background-disabled;
@ -141,7 +128,7 @@ $button-radius: $global-radius !default;
// Reset styles on button-like inputs
[type='button'] {
border-radius: $button-radius;
border-radius: $global-radius;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
@ -157,8 +144,8 @@ $button-radius: $global-radius !default;
@if not $input-number-spinners {
-moz-appearance: textfield;
&::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
[type='number']::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 0;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Foundation for Sites by ZURB
* Version 6.2.4
* Version 6.1.1
* Licensed under MIT Open Source
@ -28,12 +28,10 @@
@import 'components/drilldown';
@import 'components/dropdown-menu';
@import 'components/dropdown';
@import 'components/flex';
@import 'components/flex-video';
@import 'components/label';
@import 'components/media-object';
@import 'components/menu';
@import 'components/menu-icon';
@import 'components/off-canvas';
@import 'components/orbit';
@import 'components/pagination';
@ -50,10 +48,6 @@
@import 'components/tooltip';
@mixin foundation-everything($flex: false) {
@if $flex {
$global-flexbox: true !global;
@include foundation-global-styles;
@if not $flex {
@include foundation-grid;
@ -62,8 +56,10 @@
@include foundation-flex-grid;
@include foundation-typography;
@include foundation-forms;
@include foundation-button;
@include foundation-forms;
@include foundation-visibility-classes;
@include foundation-float-classes;
@include foundation-accordion;
@include foundation-accordion-menu;
@include foundation-badge;
@ -71,14 +67,13 @@
@include foundation-button-group;
@include foundation-callout;
@include foundation-close-button;
@include foundation-menu;
@include foundation-menu-icon;
@include foundation-drilldown-menu;
@include foundation-dropdown;
@include foundation-dropdown-menu;
@include foundation-flex-video;
@include foundation-label;
@include foundation-media-object;
@include foundation-menu;
@include foundation-off-canvas;
@include foundation-orbit;
@include foundation-pagination;
@ -93,10 +88,4 @@
@include foundation-title-bar;
@include foundation-tooltip;
@include foundation-top-bar;
@include foundation-visibility-classes;
@include foundation-float-classes;
@if $flex {
@include foundation-flex-classes;

View File

@ -28,14 +28,21 @@
// Collapsing
&.#{$collapse} {
> .#{$column} {
@include grid-col-collapse;
> .#{$column} { @include grid-col-collapse; }
// Nesting
& .#{$row} {
@include grid-row-nest($grid-column-gutter);
& & {
@if $grid-column-gutter == null {
@each $breakpoint, $gutter in $grid-column-responsive-gutter {
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
@include grid-row-nest($gutter);
@else {
@include grid-row-nest($grid-column-gutter);
&.#{$collapse} {
margin-left: 0;
@ -46,11 +53,6 @@
// Expanded (full-width) row
&.#{$expanded} {
max-width: none;
.#{$row} {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@ -69,14 +71,14 @@
// The double .row class is needed to bump up the specificity
.#{$column}.#{$row}.#{$row} {
float: none;
// To properly nest a column row, padding and margin is removed
.#{$row} .#{$column}.#{$row}.#{$row} {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
// To properly nest a column row, padding and margin is removed
.#{$row} & {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
@include -zf-each-breakpoint {
@ -108,28 +110,24 @@
// Block grid
@for $i from 1 through $block-grid-max {
.#{$-zf-size}-up-#{$i} {
@include grid-layout($i, ".#{$column}");
@include grid-layout($i);
// Responsive collapsing
.#{$-zf-size}-#{$collapse} {
> .#{$column} { @include grid-col-collapse; }
.#{$row} {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
.#{$expanded}.#{$row} .#{$-zf-size}-#{$collapse}.#{$row} {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
.#{$-zf-size}-#{$uncollapse} {
$gutter: -zf-get-bp-val($grid-column-gutter, $-zf-size);
$gutter: null;
@if $grid-column-gutter {
$gutter: $grid-column-gutter;
@else {
$gutter: -zf-get-bp-val($grid-column-responsive-gutter, $-zf-size);
> .#{$column} { @include grid-col-uncollapse($gutter); }

View File

@ -57,27 +57,25 @@
$columns: $grid-column-count,
$gutter: $grid-column-gutter
) {
@include grid-column-size($columns);
float: $global-left;
// Gutters
@if type-of($gutter) == 'map' {
@each $breakpoint, $value in $gutter {
$padding: rem-calc($value) / 2;
@if $gutter != null {
$gutter: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;
@else {
@each $breakpoint, $gutter in $grid-column-responsive-gutter {
$padding: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
padding-left: $padding;
padding-right: $padding;
@else if type-of($gutter) == 'number' and strip-unit($gutter) > 0 {
$padding: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;
padding-left: $padding;
padding-right: $padding;
// Last column alignment
@include grid-column-size($columns);
float: $global-left;
padding-left: $gutter;
padding-right: $gutter;
@if $grid-column-align-edge {
&:last-child:not(:first-child) {
float: $global-right;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,21 @@
/// @group flex-grid
$-zf-flex-justify: (
'left': flex-start,
'right': flex-end,
'center': center,
'justify': space-between,
'spaced': space-around,
$-zf-flex-align: (
'top': flex-start,
'bottom': flex-end,
'middle': center,
'stretch': stretch,
/// Creates a container for a flex grid row.
/// @param {Keyword|List} $behavior [null]
@ -21,12 +36,13 @@
$base: true,
$gutter: $grid-column-gutter
) {
$behavior: -zf-get-options($behavior, nest collapse);
$margin: auto;
@if index($behavior, nest) != null {
@if map-get($behavior, nest) {
@include grid-row-nest($gutter);
@if index($behavior, collapse) != null {
@if map-get($behavior, collapse) {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
@ -55,7 +71,6 @@
/// @param {Mixed} $columns [null] - Width of the column.
@function flex-grid-column($columns: null) {
// scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit
$flex: 1 1 0px;
@if $columns == shrink {
@ -76,60 +91,34 @@
$columns: null,
$gutter: $grid-column-gutter
) {
// Base properties
flex: flex-grid-column($columns);
// Gutters
@if type-of($gutter) == 'map' {
@each $breakpoint, $value in $gutter {
$padding: rem-calc($value) / 2;
@if $gutter != null {
$gutter: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;
@else {
@each $breakpoint, $gutter in $grid-column-responsive-gutter {
$padding: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
padding-left: $padding;
padding-right: $padding;
@else if type-of($gutter) == 'number' and strip-unit($gutter) > 0 {
$padding: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;
padding-left: $padding;
padding-right: $padding;
// fixes recent Chrome version not limiting child width
@if $columns == null {
min-width: initial;
flex: flex-grid-column($columns);
padding-left: $gutter;
padding-right: $gutter;
// max-width fixes IE 10/11 not respecting the flex-basis property
@if $columns != null and $columns != shrink {
max-width: grid-column($columns);
/// Creates a block grid for a flex grid row.
/// @param {Number} $n - Number of columns to display on each row.
/// @param {String} $selector - Selector to use to target columns within the row.
@mixin flex-grid-layout(
$selector: '.column'
) {
flex-wrap: wrap;
> #{$selector} {
$pct: percentage(1/$n);
flex: 0 0 $pct;
max-width: $pct;
/// Changes the source order of a flex grid column. Columns with lower numbers appear first in the layout.
/// @param {Number} $order [0] - Order number to apply.
@mixin flex-grid-order($order: 0) {
@warn 'This mixin is being replaced by flex-order(). flex-grid-order() will be removed in Foundation 6.3.';
@include flex-order($order);
order: $order;
/// Horizontally or vertically aligns the columns within a flex row. Apply this mixin to a flex row.
@ -137,16 +126,42 @@
/// @param {Keyword} $x [null] - Horizontal alignment to use. Can be `left`, `right`, `center`, `justify`, or `spaced`. Or, set it to `null` (the default) to not set horizontal alignment.
/// @param {Keyword} $y [null] - Vertical alignment to use. Can be `top`, `bottom`, `middle`, or `stretch`. Or, set it to `null` (the default) to not set vertical alignment.
@mixin flex-grid-row-align($x: null, $y: null) {
@warn 'This mixin is being replaced by flex-align(). flex-grid-row-align() will be removed in Foundation 6.3.';
@include flex-align($x, $y);
@if $x {
@if map-has-key($-zf-flex-justify, $x) {
$x: map-get($-zf-flex-justify, $x);
@else {
@warn 'flex-grid-row-align(): #{$x} is not a valid value for horizontal alignment. Use left, right, center, justify, or spaced.'
@if $y {
@if map-has-key($-zf-flex-align, $y) {
$y: map-get($-zf-flex-align, $y);
@else {
@warn 'flex-grid-row-align(): #{$y} is not a valid value for vertical alignment. Use top, bottom, middle, or stretch.'
justify-content: $x;
align-items: $y;
/// Vertically align a single column within a flex row. Apply this mixin to a flex column.
/// @param {Keyword} $y [null] - Vertical alignment to use. Can be `top`, `bottom`, `middle`, or `stretch`. Or, set it to `null` (the default) to not set vertical alignment.
@mixin flex-grid-column-align($y: null) {
@warn 'This mixin is being replaced by flex-align-self(). flex-grid-column-align() will be removed in Foundation 6.3.';
@include flex-align-self($y);
@if $y {
@if map-has-key($-zf-flex-align, $y) {
$y: map-get($-zf-flex-align, $y);
@else {
@warn 'flex-grid-column-align(): #{$y} is not a valid value for alignment. Use top, bottom, middle, or stretch.'
align-self: $y;
@mixin foundation-flex-grid {
@ -155,7 +170,8 @@
@include flex-grid-row;
// Nesting behavior
& .row {
& &,
.column-row & {
@include flex-grid-row(nest, $base: false);
@ -165,17 +181,7 @@
&.collapse {
> .column {
@include grid-col-collapse;
// Undo negative margins
// From collapsed child
&.collapse > .column > .row {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
> .column { @include grid-col-collapse; }
@ -184,21 +190,6 @@
@include flex-grid-column;
// Column row
// The double .row class is needed to bump up the specificity
.column.row.row {
float: none;
display: block;
// To properly nest a column row, padding and margin is removed
.row .column.row.row {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
@include -zf-each-breakpoint {
@for $i from 1 through $grid-column-count {
// Sizing (percentage)
@ -215,21 +206,14 @@
// Source ordering
@for $i from 1 through 6 {
// Source ordering
.#{$-zf-size}-order-#{$i} {
@include flex-order($i);
@include flex-grid-order($i);
// Block grid
@for $i from 1 through $block-grid-max {
.#{$-zf-size}-up-#{$i} {
@include flex-grid-layout($i);
@if $-zf-size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@if $-zf-size != small {
// Sizing (expand)
@include breakpoint($-zf-size) {
.#{$-zf-size}-expand {
@ -240,7 +224,7 @@
// Auto-stacking/unstacking
@at-root (without: media) {
.row.#{$-zf-size}-unstack {
> .column {
.column {
flex: flex-grid-column(100%);
@include breakpoint($-zf-size) {
@ -257,8 +241,12 @@
.#{$-zf-size}-uncollapse {
$gutter: -zf-get-bp-val($grid-column-gutter, $-zf-size);
@if $grid-column-gutter {
$gutter: $grid-column-gutter;
@else {
$gutter: -zf-get-bp-val($grid-column-responsive-gutter, $-zf-size);
> .column { @include grid-col-uncollapse($gutter); }
@ -266,14 +254,23 @@
// Sizing (shrink)
.shrink {
flex: flex-grid-column(shrink);
max-width: 100%;
// Horizontal alignment using justify-content
@each $hdir, $prop in map-remove($-zf-flex-justify, left) {
.row.align-#{$hdir} {
@include flex-grid-row-align($x: $hdir);
// Vertical alignment using align-items and align-self
// Remove these in 6.3
@each $vdir, $prop in $-zf-flex-align {
.row.align-#{$vdir} {
@include flex-grid-row-align($y: $vdir);
.column.align-#{$vdir} {
@include flex-align-self($vdir);
@include flex-grid-column-align($vdir);

View File

@ -14,10 +14,14 @@ $grid-row-width: $global-width !default;
/// @type Number
$grid-column-count: 12 !default;
/// The amount of space between columns at different screen sizes. To use just one size, set the variable to a number instead of a map.
/// @type Map | Length
// The amount of space between columns. Remove this in 6.2.
// @type Number
$grid-column-gutter: null !default;
/// The amount of space between columns at different screen sizes.
/// @type Map
/// @since 6.1.0
$grid-column-gutter: (
$grid-column-responsive-gutter: (
small: 20px,
medium: 30px,
) !default;
@ -26,28 +30,12 @@ $grid-column-gutter: (
/// @type Boolean
$grid-column-align-edge: true !default;
/// The highest number of `.x-up` classes available when using the block grid CSS.
/// @type Number
$block-grid-max: 8 !default;
// Internal value to store the end column float direction
$-zf-end-float: if($grid-column-align-edge, $global-right, $global-left);
// The last piece to transition the responsive gutter feature
// Remove this in 6.3
$grid-column-responsive-gutter: null !default;
@if $grid-column-responsive-gutter {
// scss-lint:disable DebugStatement
@warn 'Rename $grid-column-responsive-gutter to $grid-column-gutter to remove this warning.';
$grid-column-gutter: $grid-column-responsive-gutter;
// If a single value is passed as a gutter, convert it to a map so the code knows what to do with it
@if type-of($grid-column-gutter) == 'number' {
$grid-column-gutter: (
small: $grid-column-gutter,
/// The highest number of `.x-up` classes available when using the block grid CSS.
/// @type Number
$block-grid-max: 8 !default;
@import 'row';
@import 'column';

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
/// @group grid
/// Collapse the gutters on a column by removing the padding. **Note:** only use this mixin within a breakpoint. To collapse a column's gutters on all screen sizes, use the `$gutter` parameter of the `grid-column()` mixin instead.
/// Collapse the gutters on a column by removing the padding.
@mixin grid-column-collapse {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;

View File

@ -10,39 +10,14 @@
/// @param {Number} $n - Number of elements to display per row.
/// @param {String} $selector ['.column'] - Selector(s) to use for child elements.
/// @param {Number|List} $gutter
/// The gutter to apply to child elements. Accepts multiple values:
/// - $grid-column-gutter will use the values in the $grid-column-gutter map, including breakpoint sizes.
/// - A fixed numeric value will apply this gutter to all breakpoints.
@mixin grid-layout(
$selector: '.column',
$gutter: null
$selector: '.column'
) {
& > #{$selector} {
width: percentage(1/$n);
float: $global-left;
// If a $gutter value is passed
@if($gutter) {
// Gutters
@if type-of($gutter) == 'map' {
@each $breakpoint, $value in $gutter {
$padding: rem-calc($value) / 2;
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
padding-left: $padding;
padding-right: $padding;
@else if type-of($gutter) == 'number' and strip-unit($gutter) > 0 {
$padding: rem-calc($gutter) / 2;
padding-left: $padding;
padding-right: $padding;
&:nth-of-type(1n) {
clear: none;
@ -52,25 +27,7 @@
&:last-child {
float: $global-left;
/// Adds extra CSS to block grid children so the last items in the row center automatically. Apply this to the columns, not the row.
/// @param {Number} $n - Number of items that appear in each row.
@mixin grid-layout-center-last($n) {
@for $i from 1 to $n {
@if $i == 1 {
&:nth-child(#{$n}n+1):last-child {
margin-left: (100 - 100/$n * $i) / 2 * 1%;
@else {
&:nth-child(#{$n}n+1):nth-last-child(#{$i}) {
margin-left: (100 - 100/$n * $i) / 2 * 1%;
float: left;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
/// Reposition a column.
/// @param {Number|Keyword} $position - Direction and amount to move. The column will move equal to the width of the column count specified. A positive number will push the column to the right, while a negative number will pull it to the left. Set to center to center the column.
/// @param {Number} $position - Direction and amount to move. The column will move equal to the width of the column count specified. A positive number will push the column to the right, while a negative number will pull it to the left.
@mixin grid-column-position($position) {
@if type-of($position) == 'number' {
$offset: percentage($position / $grid-column-count);
@ -17,10 +17,7 @@
#{$global-left}: $offset;
@else if $position == center {
&, &:last-child:not(:first-child) {
float: none;
clear: both;
float: none;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@ -34,7 +31,6 @@
position: static;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
float: left;
/// Offsets a column to the right by `$n` columns.

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
// Restore the old column count
$grid-column-count: $old-grid-column-count !global;
$grid-column-count: $old-grid-column-count;
/// Creates a grid row.
@ -48,12 +48,13 @@
$cf: true,
$gutter: $grid-column-gutter
) {
$behavior: -zf-get-options($behavior, nest collapse);
$margin: auto;
@if index($behavior, nest) != null {
@if map-get($behavior, nest) {
@include grid-row-nest($gutter);
@if index($behavior, collapse) != null {
@if map-get($behavior, collapse) {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
@ -78,17 +79,19 @@
/// Inverts the margins of a row to nest it inside of a column.
/// @param {Map|null} $gutter [null] - Gutter value to use when inverting the margins. Set to `null` to refer to the responsive gutter settings.
@mixin grid-row-nest($gutter: $grid-column-gutter) {
@if type-of($gutter) == 'number' {
$gutter: ($-zf-zero-breakpoint: $gutter);
@mixin grid-row-nest($gutter: null) {
@if $gutter != null {
$margin: rem-calc($gutter) / 2 * -1;
margin-left: $margin;
margin-right: $margin;
@each $breakpoint, $value in $gutter {
$margin: rem-calc($value) / 2 * -1;
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
margin-left: $margin;
margin-right: $margin;
@else {
@each $breakpoint, $value in $grid-column-responsive-gutter {
$margin: rem-calc($value) / 2 * -1;
@include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
margin-left: $margin;
margin-right: $margin;

View File

@ -25,20 +25,19 @@
// 20. Label
// 21. Media Object
// 22. Menu
// 23. Meter
// 24. Off-canvas
// 25. Orbit
// 26. Pagination
// 27. Progress Bar
// 28. Reveal
// 29. Slider
// 30. Switch
// 31. Table
// 32. Tabs
// 33. Thumbnail
// 34. Title Bar
// 35. Tooltip
// 36. Top Bar
// 23. Off-canvas
// 24. Orbit
// 25. Pagination
// 26. Progress Bar
// 27. Reveal
// 28. Slider
// 29. Switch
// 30. Table
// 31. Tabs
// 32. Thumbnail
// 33. Title Bar
// 34. Tooltip
// 35. Top Bar
@import 'util/util';
@ -48,13 +47,11 @@
$global-font-size: 100%;
$global-width: rem-calc(1200);
$global-lineheight: 1.5;
$foundation-palette: (
primary: #2199e8,
secondary: #777,
success: #3adb76,
warning: #ffae00,
alert: #ec5840,
$primary-color: #2199e8;
$secondary-color: #777;
$success-color: #3adb76;
$warning-color: #ffae00;
$alert-color: #ec5840;
$light-gray: #e6e6e6;
$medium-gray: #cacaca;
$dark-gray: #8a8a8a;
@ -70,10 +67,6 @@ $global-weight-normal: normal;
$global-weight-bold: bold;
$global-radius: 0;
$global-text-direction: ltr;
$global-flexbox: false;
$print-transparent-backgrounds: true;
@include add-foundation-colors;
// 2. Breakpoints
// --------------
@ -92,7 +85,7 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large);
$grid-row-width: $global-width;
$grid-column-count: 12;
$grid-column-gutter: (
$grid-column-responsive-gutter: (
small: 20px,
medium: 30px,
@ -184,9 +177,9 @@ $stat-font-size: 2.5rem;
$abide-inputs: true;
$abide-labels: true;
$input-background-invalid: map-get($foundation-palette, alert);
$form-label-color-invalid: map-get($foundation-palette, alert);
$input-error-color: map-get($foundation-palette, alert);
$input-background-invalid: $alert-color;
$form-label-color-invalid: $alert-color;
$input-error-color: $alert-color;
$input-error-font-size: rem-calc(12);
$input-error-font-weight: $global-weight-bold;
@ -200,7 +193,7 @@ $accordion-item-background-hover: $light-gray;
$accordion-item-padding: 1.25rem 1rem;
$accordion-content-background: $white;
$accordion-content-border: 1px solid $light-gray;
$accordion-content-color: foreground($accordion-content-background, $body-font-color);
$accordion-content-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color);
$accordion-content-padding: 1rem;
// 8. Accordion Menu
@ -238,8 +231,8 @@ $button-margin: 0 0 $global-margin 0;
$button-fill: solid;
$button-background: $primary-color;
$button-background-hover: scale-color($button-background, $lightness: -15%);
$button-color: $white;
$button-color-alt: $black;
$button-color: #fff;
$button-color-alt: #000;
$button-radius: $global-radius;
$button-sizes: (
tiny: 0.6rem,
@ -248,8 +241,6 @@ $button-sizes: (
large: 1.25rem,
$button-opacity-disabled: 0.25;
$button-background-hover-lightness: -20%;
$button-hollow-hover-lightness: -50%;
// 12. Button Group
// ----------------
@ -296,7 +287,7 @@ $drilldown-background: $white;
$dropdown-padding: 1rem;
$dropdown-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
$dropdown-font-size: 1rem;
$dropdown-font-size: 16rem;
$dropdown-width: 300px;
$dropdown-radius: $global-radius;
$dropdown-sizes: (
@ -329,7 +320,7 @@ $fieldset-padding: rem-calc(20);
$fieldset-margin: rem-calc(18 0);
$legend-padding: rem-calc(0 3);
$form-spacing: rem-calc(16);
$helptext-color: $black;
$helptext-color: #333;
$helptext-font-size: rem-calc(13);
$helptext-font-style: italic;
$input-prefix-color: $black;
@ -341,10 +332,9 @@ $form-label-font-size: rem-calc(14);
$form-label-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;
$form-label-line-height: 1.8;
$select-background: $white;
$select-triangle-color: $dark-gray;
$select-triangle-color: #333;
$select-radius: $global-radius;
$input-color: $black;
$input-placeholder-color: $medium-gray;
$input-font-family: inherit;
$input-font-size: rem-calc(16);
$input-background: $white;
@ -354,11 +344,10 @@ $input-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
$input-border-focus: 1px solid $dark-gray;
$input-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1);
$input-shadow-focus: 0 0 5px $medium-gray;
$input-cursor-disabled: not-allowed;
$input-cursor-disabled: default;
$input-transition: box-shadow 0.5s, border-color 0.25s ease-in-out;
$input-number-spinners: true;
$input-radius: $global-radius;
$button-radius: $global-radius;
// 20. Label
// ---------
@ -382,21 +371,10 @@ $mediaobject-image-width-stacked: 100%;
$menu-margin: 0;
$menu-margin-nested: 1rem;
$menu-item-padding: 0.7rem 1rem;
$menu-item-color-active: $white;
$menu-item-background-active: map-get($foundation-palette, primary);
$menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem;
$menu-expand-max: 6;
// 23. Meter
// ---------
$meter-height: 1rem;
$meter-radius: $global-radius;
$meter-background: $medium-gray;
$meter-fill-good: $success-color;
$meter-fill-medium: $warning-color;
$meter-fill-bad: $alert-color;
// 24. Off-canvas
// 23. Off-canvas
// --------------
$offcanvas-size: 250px;
@ -409,7 +387,7 @@ $offcanvas-exit-background: rgba($white, 0.25);
$maincontent-class: 'off-canvas-content';
$maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5);
// 25. Orbit
// 24. Orbit
// ---------
$orbit-bullet-background: $medium-gray;
@ -424,7 +402,7 @@ $orbit-control-background-hover: rgba($black, 0.5);
$orbit-control-padding: 1rem;
$orbit-control-zindex: 10;
// 26. Pagination
// 25. Pagination
// --------------
$pagination-font-size: rem-calc(14);
@ -439,10 +417,9 @@ $pagination-item-color-current: foreground($pagination-item-background-current);
$pagination-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray;
$pagination-ellipsis-color: $black;
$pagination-mobile-items: false;
$pagination-mobile-current-item: false;
$pagination-arrows: true;
// 27. Progress Bar
// 26. Progress Bar
// ----------------
$progress-height: 1rem;
@ -451,24 +428,24 @@ $progress-margin-bottom: $global-margin;
$progress-meter-background: $primary-color;
$progress-radius: $global-radius;
// 28. Reveal
// 27. Reveal
// ----------
$reveal-background: $white;
$reveal-width: 600px;
$reveal-max-width: $global-width;
$reveal-offset: rem-calc(100);
$reveal-padding: $global-padding;
$reveal-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
$reveal-radius: $global-radius;
$reveal-zindex: 1005;
$reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45);
// 29. Slider
// 28. Slider
// ----------
$slider-width-vertical: 0.5rem;
$slider-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
$slider-height: 0.5rem;
$slider-width-vertical: $slider-height;
$slider-background: $light-gray;
$slider-fill-background: $medium-gray;
$slider-handle-height: 1.4rem;
@ -476,8 +453,9 @@ $slider-handle-width: 1.4rem;
$slider-handle-background: $primary-color;
$slider-opacity-disabled: 0.25;
$slider-radius: $global-radius;
$slider-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
// 30. Switch
// 29. Switch
// ----------
$switch-background: $medium-gray;
@ -493,7 +471,7 @@ $switch-paddle-offset: 0.25rem;
$switch-paddle-radius: $global-radius;
$switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out;
// 31. Table
// 30. Table
// ---------
$table-background: $white;
@ -506,20 +484,18 @@ $table-row-stripe-hover: darken($table-background, $table-color-scale + $table-h
$table-striped-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
$table-stripe: even;
$table-head-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale / 2);
$table-head-row-hover: darken($table-head-background, $table-hover-scale);
$table-foot-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
$table-foot-row-hover: darken($table-foot-background, $table-hover-scale);
$table-head-font-color: $body-font-color;
$table-foot-font-color: $body-font-color;
$show-header-for-stacked: false;
// 32. Tabs
// 31. Tabs
// --------
$tab-margin: 0;
$tab-background: $white;
$tab-background-active: $light-gray;
$tab-item-font-size: rem-calc(12);
$tab-border: $light-gray;
$tab-item-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color);
$tab-item-background-hover: $white;
$tab-item-padding: 1.25rem 1.5rem;
$tab-expand-max: 6;
@ -528,7 +504,7 @@ $tab-content-border: $light-gray;
$tab-content-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color);
$tab-content-padding: 1rem;
// 33. Thumbnail
// 32. Thumbnail
// -------------
$thumbnail-border: solid 4px $white;
@ -538,7 +514,7 @@ $thumbnail-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($primary-color, 0.5);
$thumbnail-transition: box-shadow 200ms ease-out;
$thumbnail-radius: $global-radius;
// 34. Title Bar
// 33. Title Bar
// -------------
$titlebar-background: $black;
@ -549,26 +525,23 @@ $titlebar-icon-color: $white;
$titlebar-icon-color-hover: $medium-gray;
$titlebar-icon-spacing: 0.25rem;
// 35. Tooltip
// 34. Tooltip
// -----------
$has-tip-font-weight: $global-weight-bold;
$has-tip-border-bottom: dotted 1px $dark-gray;
$tooltip-background-color: $black;
$tooltip-color: $white;
$tooltip-padding: 0.75rem;
$tooltip-font-size: $small-font-size;
$tooltip-pip-width: 0.75rem;
$tooltip-pip-height: $tooltip-pip-width * 0.866;
$tooltip-pip-offset: 1.25rem;
$tooltip-radius: $global-radius;
// 36. Top Bar
// 35. Top Bar
// -----------
$topbar-padding: 0.5rem;
$topbar-background: $light-gray;
$topbar-submenu-background: $topbar-background;
$topbar-title-spacing: 1rem;
$topbar-link-color: $primary-color;
$topbar-input-width: 200px;
$topbar-unstack-breakpoint: medium;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
@each $size in $breakpoint-classes {
@include breakpoint($size) {
@each $align in (left, right, center, justify) {
@if $size != $-zf-zero-breakpoint {
@if $size != 'small' {
.#{$size}-text-#{$align} {
text-align: $align;

View File

@ -435,9 +435,5 @@ $abbr-underline: 1px dotted $black !default;
background-color: $keystroke-background;
color: $keystroke-color;
font-family: $keystroke-font;
@if has-value($keystroke-radius) {
border-radius: $keystroke-radius;

View File

@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
/// If `true`, all elements will have transparent backgrounds when printed, to save on ink.
/// @type Boolean
/// @group global
$print-transparent-backgrounds: true !default;
/// @group typography
// scss-lint:disable all
@ -14,10 +13,7 @@ $print-transparent-backgrounds: true !default;
@media print {
* {
@if $print-transparent-backgrounds {
background: transparent !important;
background: transparent !important;
color: black !important; // Black prints faster:
box-shadow: none !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ $print-transparent-backgrounds: true !default;
// Prevent page breaks in the middle of a blockquote or preformatted text block
blockquote {
border: 1px solid $dark-gray;
border: 1px solid #999;
page-break-inside: avoid;

View File

@ -18,15 +18,6 @@ $breakpoints: (
xxlarge: 1440px,
) !default;
$-zf-zero-breakpoint: small !default;
@if nth(map-values($breakpoints), 1) != 0 {
@error 'Your smallest breakpoint (defined in $breakpoints) must be set to "0".';
@else {
$-zf-zero-breakpoint: nth(map-keys($breakpoints), 1);
/// All of the names in this list will be output as classes in your CSS, like `.small-12`, `.medium-6`, and so on. Each value in this list must also be in the `$breakpoints` map.
/// @type List
$breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
@ -34,7 +25,7 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
/// Generates a media query string matching the input value. Refer to the documentation for the `breakpoint()` mixin to see what the possible inputs are.
/// @param {Keyword|Number} $val [small] - Breakpoint name, or px, rem, or em value to process.
@function breakpoint($val: $-zf-zero-breakpoint) {
@function breakpoint($val: small) {
// Size or keyword
$bp: nth($val, 1);
// Value for max-width media queries
@ -58,7 +49,14 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
@if type-of($bp) == 'string' {
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $bp) {
@if $dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down' {
$bp-max: -zf-map-next($breakpoints, $bp);
$next-bp: -zf-map-next($breakpoints, $bp);
@if $next-bp == null {
$bp-max: null;
@else {
$bp-max: $next-bp;
$bp: map-get($breakpoints, $bp);
@ -66,7 +64,6 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
@else {
$bp: 0;
@warn 'breakpoint(): "#{$val}" is not defined in your $breakpoints setting.';
@ -76,44 +73,37 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
$bp-max: -zf-bp-to-em($bp-max) - (1/16);
// Conditions to skip media query creation
// - It's a named breakpoint that resolved to "0 down" or "0 up"
// - It's a numeric breakpoint that resolved to "0 " + anything
// Skip media query creation if the input is "0 up"
@if $bp > 0em or $dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down' {
// `only` ranges use the format `(min-width: n) and (max-width: n)`
@if $dir == 'only' {
// Only named media queries can have an "only" range
@if $named == true {
// Only use "min-width" if the floor is greater than 0
@if $bp > 0em {
$str: $str + '(min-width: #{$bp})';
$str: $str + '(min-width: #{$bp})';
// Only add "and" to the media query if there's a ceiling
@if $bp-max != null {
$str: $str + ' and ';
// Only use "max-width" if there's a ceiling
@if $bp-max != null {
$str: $str + '(max-width: #{$bp-max})';
$str: $str + ' and (max-width: #{$bp-max})';
@else {
@warn 'breakpoint(): Only named media queries can have an `only` range.';
@warn 'Only named media queries can have an `only` range.';
// `down` ranges use the format `(max-width: n)`
@else if $dir == 'down' {
$max: if($named, $bp-max, $bp);
$max: 0;
// Skip media query creation if input value is exactly "0 down",
// unless the function was called as "small down", in which case it's just "small only"
// For named breakpoints, subtract the breakpoint value by one "pixel", or 1/16em.
@if $named {
$max: $bp-max;
@else {
$max: $bp;
// Skip media query creation if input value is exactly "0 down" but don't "small down"
@if $named or $bp > 0em {
@if $max != null {
$str: $str + '(max-width: #{$max})';
$str: $str + '(max-width: #{$max})';
@ -128,7 +118,7 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
/// Wraps a media query around the content you put inside the mixin. This mixin accepts a number of values:
/// - If a string is passed, the mixin will look for it in the `$breakpoints` map, and use a media query there.
/// - If a pixel value is passed, it will be converted to an em value using `$global-font-size` as the base.
/// - If a pixel value is passed, it will be converted to an em value using `$rem-base`.
/// - If a rem value is passed, the unit will be changed to em.
/// - If an em value is passed, the value will be used as-is.
@ -175,26 +165,29 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
/// @returns {Mixed} The value for the key after `$key`, if `$key` was found. If `$key` was not found, or `$key` was the last value in the map, returns `null`.
@function -zf-map-next($map, $key) {
// Store the values of the map as a list, so we can access them with nth
$values: map-values($map);
// Store the keys of the map as a list
$values: map-keys($map);
$i: 0;
// If the Key Exists, Get the index of the key within the map and add 1 to it for the next breakpoint in the map
@if (map-has-key($map, $key)) {
$i: index($values, $key) + 1;
// Ghetto for loop
$i: 1;
$found: false;
@each $val in map-keys($map) {
@if $found == false {
@if ($key == $val) {
$found: true;
$i: $i + 1;
// If the key doesn't exist, or it's the last key in the map, return null
@if ($i > length($map) or $i == 0) {
@if $i > length($map) {
@return null;
// Otherwise, return the value
@else {
@return map-get($map, nth($values, $i));
@return nth($values, $i);
/// Get a value for a breakpoint from a responsive config map. If the config map has the key `$value`, the exact breakpoint value is returned. If the config map does *not* have the breakpoint, the value matching the next lowest breakpoint in the config map is returned.
@ -235,7 +228,7 @@ $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default;
// Legacy breakpoint variables
// These will be removed in 6.3
// These will be removed in 6.2
$small-up: null;
$small-only: null;
$medium-up: null;
@ -249,24 +242,25 @@ $xxlarge-only: null;
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, small) {
$small-up: screen;
$small-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(small only)}');
$small-only: screen and #{breakpoint(small only)};
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, medium) {
$medium-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(medium)}');
$medium-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(medium only)}');
$medium-up: screen and #{breakpoint(medium)};
$medium-only: screen and #{breakpoint(medium only)};
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, large) {
$large-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(large)}');
$large-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(large only)}');
$large-up: screen and #{breakpoint(large)};
$large-only: screen and #{breakpoint(large only)};
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, xlarge) {
$xlarge-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(xlarge)}');
$xlarge-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(xlarge only)}');
$xlarge-up: screen and #{breakpoint(xlarge)};
$xlarge-only: screen and #{breakpoint(xlarge only)};
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, xxlarge) {
$xxlarge-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(xxlarge)}');
$xxlarge-up: screen and #{breakpoint(xxlarge)};
$xxlarge-only: screen and #{breakpoint(xxlarge only)};

View File

@ -39,35 +39,3 @@
@return scale-color($color, $lightness: $scale);
/// Get color from foundation-palette
/// @param {key} color key from foundation-palette
/// @returns {Color} color from foundation-palette
@function get-color($key) {
@if map-has-key($foundation-palette, $key) {
@return map-get($foundation-palette, $key);
} @else {
@error 'given $key is not available in $foundation-palette';
/// Transfers the colors in the `$foundation-palette` variable into the legacy color variables, such as `$primary-color` and `$secondary-color`. Call this mixin below the Global section of your settings file to properly migrate your codebase.
@mixin add-foundation-colors() {
@if map-has-key($foundation-palette, primary) {
$primary-color: map-get($foundation-palette, primary) !global;
@if map-has-key($foundation-palette, secondary) {
$secondary-color: map-get($foundation-palette, secondary) !global;
@if map-has-key($foundation-palette, success) {
$success-color: map-get($foundation-palette, success) !global;
@if map-has-key($foundation-palette, warning) {
$warning-color: map-get($foundation-palette, warning) !global;
@if map-has-key($foundation-palette, alert) {
$alert-color: map-get($foundation-palette, alert) !global;

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
$-zf-flex-justify: (
'left': flex-start,
'right': flex-end,
'center': center,
'justify': space-between,
'spaced': space-around,
$-zf-flex-align: (
'top': flex-start,
'bottom': flex-end,
'middle': center,
'stretch': stretch,
/// Enables flexbox by adding `display: flex` to the element.
@mixin flex {
display: flex;
/// Horizontally or vertically aligns the items within a flex container.
/// @param {Keyword} $x [null] - Horizontal alignment to use. Can be `left`, `right`, `center`, `justify`, or `spaced`. Or, set it to `null` (the default) to not set horizontal alignment.
/// @param {Keyword} $y [null] - Vertical alignment to use. Can be `top`, `bottom`, `middle`, or `stretch`. Or, set it to `null` (the default) to not set vertical alignment.
@mixin flex-align($x: null, $y: null) {
@if $x {
@if map-has-key($-zf-flex-justify, $x) {
$x: map-get($-zf-flex-justify, $x);
@else {
@warn 'flex-grid-row-align(): #{$x} is not a valid value for horizontal alignment. Use left, right, center, justify, or spaced.'
@if $y {
@if map-has-key($-zf-flex-align, $y) {
$y: map-get($-zf-flex-align, $y);
@else {
@warn 'flex-grid-row-align(): #{$y} is not a valid value for vertical alignment. Use top, bottom, middle, or stretch.'
justify-content: $x;
align-items: $y;
/// Vertically align a single column within a flex row. Apply this mixin to a flex column.
/// @param {Keyword} $y [null] - Vertical alignment to use. Can be `top`, `bottom`, `middle`, or `stretch`. Or, set it to `null` (the default) to not set vertical alignment.
@mixin flex-align-self($y: null) {
@if $y {
@if map-has-key($-zf-flex-align, $y) {
$y: map-get($-zf-flex-align, $y);
@else {
@warn 'flex-grid-column-align(): #{$y} is not a valid value for alignment. Use top, bottom, middle, or stretch.'
align-self: $y;
/// Changes the source order of a flex child. Children with lower numbers appear first in the layout.
/// @param {Number} $order [0] - Order number to apply.
@mixin flex-order($order: 0) {
order: $order;

View File

@ -25,36 +25,32 @@
@if ($triangle-direction == down) {
border-color: $triangle-color transparent transparent;
border-top-style: solid;
border-bottom-width: 0;
@if ($triangle-direction == up) {
border-color: transparent transparent $triangle-color;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-top-width: 0;
@if ($triangle-direction == right) {
border-color: transparent transparent transparent $triangle-color;
border-left-style: solid;
border-right-width: 0;
@if ($triangle-direction == left) {
border-color: transparent $triangle-color transparent transparent;
border-right-style: solid;
border-left-width: 0;
/// Creates a menu icon with a set width, height, number of bars, and colors. The mixin uses the height of the icon and the weight of the bars to determine spacing. <div class="docs-example-burger"></div>
/// @param {Color} $color [$black] - Color to use for the icon.
/// @param {Color} $color-hover [$dark-gray] - Color to use when the icon is hovered over.
/// @param {Number} $width [20px] - Width of the icon.
/// @param {Number} $height [16px] - Height of the icon.
/// @param {Number} $weight [2px] - Height of individual bars in the icon.
/// @param {Number} $bars [3] - Number of bars in the icon.
/// @param {Color} $color - Color to use for the icon.
/// @param {Color} $color-hover - Color to use when the icon is hovered over.
/// @param {Number} $width - Width of the icon.
/// @param {Number} $height - Height of the icon.
/// @param {Number} $weight - Height of individual bars in the icon.
/// @param {Number} $bars - Number of bars in the icon.
@mixin hamburger(
$color: $black,
$color-hover: $dark-gray,
$color: #000,
$color-hover: #666,
$width: 20px,
$height: 16px,
$weight: 2px,
@ -65,11 +61,7 @@
$hover-shadow: ();
// Spacing between bars is calculated based on the total height of the icon and the weight of each bar
$spacing: ($height - ($weight * $bars)) / ($bars - 1);
@if unit($spacing) == 'px' {
$spacing: floor($spacing);
$spacing: floor(($height - ($weight * $bars)) / ($bars - 1));
// Icon container
position: relative;
@ -118,35 +110,27 @@
/// @param {Color} $color [$black] - Color to use for the triangle.
@mixin background-triangle($color: $black) {
$rgb: 'rgb%28#{round(red($color))}, #{round(green($color))}, #{round(blue($color))}%29';
$rgb: 'rgb%28#{red($color)}, #{green($color)}, #{blue($color)}%29';
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' version='1.1' width='32' height='24' viewBox='0 0 32 24'><polygon points='0,0 32,0 16,24' style='fill: #{$rgb}'></polygon></svg>");
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="32" height="24" viewBox="0 0 32 24"><polygon points="0,0 32,0 16,24" style="fill: #{$rgb}"></polygon></svg>');
@media screen and (min-width:0\0) {
@if lightness($color) < 60% {
// White triangle
@if lightness($color) < 50% {
@else {
// Black triangle
background-image: url('');
/// Applies the micro clearfix hack popularized by Nicolas Gallagher. Include this mixin on a container if its children are all floated, to give the container a proper height.
/// The clearfix is augmented with specific styles to prevent borders in flexbox environments
/// @link Micro Clearfix Hack
/// @link Flexbox fix
@mixin clearfix {
&::after {
content: ' ';
display: table;
@if $global-flexbox {
flex-basis: 0;
order: 1;
&::after {
@ -226,7 +210,7 @@
$map: $breakpoint-classes;
@if not $small {
$map: map-remove($map, $-zf-zero-breakpoint);
$map: map-remove($map, small);
@each $size in $map {

View File

@ -39,11 +39,6 @@ $global-font-size: 100% !default;
@if unit($base) == '%' {
$base: ($base / 100%) * 16px;
// Using rem as base allows correct scaling
@if unit($base) == 'rem' {
$base: strip-unit($base) * 16px;
@if $count == 1 {
@return -zf-to-rem($values, $base);
@ -80,7 +75,7 @@ $global-font-size: 100% !default;
@warn inspect($value) + ' was passed to rem-calc(), which is not a number.';
@return $value;
// Calculate rem if units for $value is not rem
@if unit($value) != 'rem' {
$value: strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base) * 1rem;

View File

@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
// Utilities
@import 'unit';
@import 'value';
@import 'color';
@import 'selector';
@import 'flex';
// Libraries
@import 'breakpoint';
// Mixins
@import 'mixins';

View File

@ -89,19 +89,38 @@
style: solid,
color: #000,
@return map-get($defaults, $elem);
/// Finds a value in a nested map.
/// @link Deep Get/Set in Maps
/// Calculates x^y, where x is `$base` and y is `$power`.
/// @access private
/// @param {Map} $map - Map to pull a value from.
/// @param {String} $keys... - Keys to use when looking for a value.
/// @returns {Mixed} The value found in the map.
@function map-deep-get($map, $keys...) {
@each $key in $keys {
$map: map-get($map, $key);
/// @param {Number} $base - Base number (x).
/// @param {Number} $power - Exponent (y).
@function pow($base, $power) {
@if $power == 0 { @return 1; }
@return $base * pow($base, $power - 1);
// TODO: Remove this (it's used by the grid but is overkill)
/// Given a user-defined list of keywords and a list of possible keywords, find the ones that were passed in.
/// @access private
/// @param {List} $opts - List of values to find keywords in.
/// @param {List} $seeking - List of all possible keywords.
/// @returns {Map} A map of all keywords in $seeking. If a keyword was found in $opts, its value is true, otherwise false.
@function -zf-get-options($opts, $seeking) {
@if type-of($opts) != 'list' {
$opts: ($opts);
$map: ();
@each $keyword in $seeking {
$val: if(index($opts, $keyword) != null, true, false);
$item: ($keyword: $val);
$map: map-merge($map, $item);
@return $map;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ program.version(package.version)
.option('-e, --embeddable', 'omit the HTML <body/> and generate the documentation content only (default: false)')
.option('-d, --development-mode', 'start HTTP server with the file watcher and live reload (default: false)')
.option('-s, --start-server', 'start the HTTP server without any development features')
.option('-p, --port <dir>', 'the port number for the HTTP server to listen on (default: 4400)', Number, 4400)
.option('-p, --port <dir>', 'the port number for the HTTP server to listen on (default: 4400)', Number, 4400)
.option('-t, --target-dir <dir>', 'the target build directory (default: public)', String, path.resolve(cwd, 'public'))
.option('-f, --target-file <file>', 'the target build HTML file (default: index.html)', String, 'index.html')
.option('-a, --app-dir <dir>', 'the application source directory (default: app)', String, path.resolve(root, 'app'))
@ -39,5 +39,11 @@ if (program.args.length < 1) { // && program.rawArgs.length < 1
program.cacheDir = os.tmpdir() + '/.spectacle';
program.specFile = program.args[0]; // || path.resolve(root, 'test/fixtures/cheese.json');
// Replace some absolute paths
if (program.specFile && program.specFile.indexOf('test/fixtures') === 0)
program.specFile = path.resolve(root, program.specFile);
if (program.logoFile && program.logoFile.indexOf('test/fixtures') === 0)
program.logoFile = path.resolve(root, program.logoFile);
// Run the main app with parsed options

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ var fs = require('fs'),
grunt = require('grunt'),
package = require('./package'),
_ = require('lodash');
* Run Spectacle and configured tasks
@ -28,9 +28,13 @@ module.exports = function (options) {
grunt.initConfig(_.merge({ pkg: package }, config));
var cwd = process.cwd(); // change for loadNpmTasks
var cwd = process.cwd(); // change CWD for loadNpmTasks global install
var exists = grunt.file.exists(path.join(path.resolve('node_modules'),
if (!exists)
@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ module.exports = function (options) {
grunt.registerTask('predentation', 'Remove indentation from generated <pre> tags.', function() {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long