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synced 2024-12-02 09:15:10 +03:00
Simplify FileRoute further by using FilePath instead of [Slug]
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ library
if flag(with-examples)
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ data Route
data Model = Model Text
instance FileRoute Route where
encodeRoute =
Ema.htmlSlugs . \case
Index -> mempty
About -> one "about"
decodeRoute = \case
[] -> Just Index
["about"] -> Just About
encodeFileRoute =
Index -> "index.html"
About -> "about.html"
decodeFileRoute = \case
"index.html" -> Just Index
"about.html" -> Just About
_ -> Nothing
main :: IO ()
@ -27,13 +27,12 @@ data Route
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)
instance FileRoute Route where
encodeRoute =
Ema.htmlSlugs . \case
Index -> mempty
OnlyTime -> one "time"
decodeRoute = \case
[] -> Just Index
["time"] -> Just OnlyTime
encodeFileRoute = \case
Index -> "index.html"
OnlyTime -> "time.html"
decodeFileRoute = \case
"index.html" -> Just Index
"time.html" -> Just OnlyTime
_ -> Nothing
main :: IO ()
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Ema.Generate where
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Ema.Route (FileRoute, routeFile)
import Ema.Route (FileRoute (encodeFileRoute))
import System.Directory (copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, doesPathExist)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, (</>))
import System.FilePattern.Directory (getDirectoryFiles)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ generate dest model staticAssets routes render = do
error $ "Destination does not exist: " <> toText dest
log LevelInfo $ "Writing " <> show (length routes) <> " routes"
forM_ routes $ \r -> do
let fp = dest </> routeFile r
let fp = dest </> encodeFileRoute r
log LevelInfo $ toText $ "W " <> fp
let !s = render model r
liftIO $ do
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import System.FSNotify
import System.FilePath (isRelative, makeRelative)
import System.FilePattern (FilePattern, matchMany, (?==))
import System.FilePattern (FilePattern, (?==))
import System.FilePattern.Directory (getDirectoryFilesIgnore)
import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO, toIO, withRunInIO)
@ -3,52 +3,66 @@
module Ema.Route
( FileRoute (..),
Slug (unSlug),
UrlStrategy (..),
import Data.Default (def)
import Ema.Route.Slug (Slug (unSlug), decodeSlug, encodeSlug)
import Ema.Route.UrlStrategy
( UrlStrategy (..),
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Ema.Route.Slug (Slug (unSlug), decodeSlug, encodeSlug, unicodeNormalize)
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as UE
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- | Route to a generated file.
class FileRoute route where
-- | Slug path as well as the extension of the file corresponding to this
-- route.
encodeRoute :: route -> ([Slug], String)
encodeFileRoute :: route -> FilePath
-- | Decode a slug path into a route. The final component of the slug path
-- will contain the extension if there is any.
decodeRoute :: [Slug] -> Maybe route
htmlSlugs :: [Slug] -> ([Slug], String)
htmlSlugs = (,".html")
decodeFileRoute :: FilePath -> Maybe route
-- | The unit model is useful when using Ema in pure fashion (see @Ema.runEmaPure@) with a single route (index.html) only.
instance FileRoute () where
encodeRoute () = ([], ".html")
decodeRoute = \case
[] -> Just ()
encodeFileRoute () = "index.html"
decodeFileRoute = \case
"index.html" -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
-- | Decode a URL path into a route
decodeUrlRoute :: FileRoute route => Text -> Maybe route
decodeUrlRoute (toString -> s) =
decodeFileRoute s
<|> decodeFileRoute (s <> ".html")
<|> decodeFileRoute (s </> "index.html")
-- | Return the relative URL of the given route
-- As the returned URL is relative, you will have to either make it absolute (by
-- prepending with `/`) or set the `<base>` URL in your HTML head element.
routeUrl :: forall r. FileRoute r => r -> Text
routeUrl r =
slugRelUrlWithStrategy def (encodeRoute r)
routeFile :: forall r. FileRoute r => r -> FilePath
routeFile r =
slugFileWithStrategy def (encodeRoute r)
routeUrl =
relUrlFromPath . encodeFileRoute
relUrlFromPath :: FilePath -> Text
relUrlFromPath fp =
case T.stripSuffix ".html" (toText fp) of
Just htmlFp ->
case nonEmpty (UE.encodeText . unicodeNormalize <$> T.splitOn "/" htmlFp) of
Nothing ->
Just (removeLastIf "index" -> partsSansIndex) ->
T.intercalate "/" partsSansIndex
Nothing ->
UE.encodeText . unicodeNormalize . toText $ fp
removeLastIf :: Eq a => a -> NonEmpty a -> [a]
removeLastIf x xs =
if NE.last xs == x
then NE.init xs
else toList xs
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ instance IsString Slug where
if "/" `T.isInfixOf` s
then error ("Slug cannot contain a slash: " <> s)
else Slug (unicodeNormalize s)
-- Normalize varying non-ascii strings (in filepaths / slugs) to one
-- representation, so that they can be reliably linked to.
unicodeNormalize = UT.normalize UT.NFC . toText
-- Normalize varying non-ascii strings (in filepaths / slugs) to one
-- representation, so that they can be reliably linked to.
unicodeNormalize :: Text -> Text
unicodeNormalize = UT.normalize UT.NFC . toText
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Ema.Route.UrlStrategy where
import Data.Default (Default, def)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Ema.Route.Slug (Slug (unSlug), decodeSlug, encodeSlug)
import System.FilePath (joinPath)
data UrlStrategy
= -- | URLs always end with a slash, and correspond to index.html in that folder
| -- | Pretty URLs without ugly .html ext or slash-suffix
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance Default UrlStrategy where
def = UrlStrategy_HtmlOnlySansExt
slugRelUrlWithStrategy :: UrlStrategy -> ([Slug], String) -> Text
slugRelUrlWithStrategy strat (slugs, ".html") =
case strat of
UrlStrategy_FolderOnly ->
T.intercalate "/" (encodeSlug <$> slugs)
UrlStrategy_HtmlOnlySansExt ->
case nonEmpty slugs of
Nothing ->
Just (removeLastIf (decodeSlug "index") -> slugsWithoutIndex) ->
T.intercalate "/" (encodeSlug <$> slugsWithoutIndex)
removeLastIf :: Eq a => a -> NonEmpty a -> [a]
removeLastIf x xs =
if NE.last xs == x
then NE.init xs
else toList xs
slugRelUrlWithStrategy _ (slugs, ext) =
T.intercalate "/" (encodeSlug <$> slugs) <> toText ext
slugFileWithStrategy :: UrlStrategy -> ([Slug], String) -> FilePath
slugFileWithStrategy strat (slugs, ext) =
case strat of
UrlStrategy_FolderOnly ->
joinPath $ fmap (toString . unSlug) slugs <> ["index" <> ext]
UrlStrategy_HtmlOnlySansExt ->
let (term :| (reverse -> parts)) = fromMaybe ("index" :| []) $ nonEmpty (reverse $ fmap (toString . unSlug) slugs)
in joinPath $ parts <> [term <> ext]
@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Logger
import Data.LVar (LVar)
import qualified Data.LVar as LVar
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Ema.Route (FileRoute (..))
import qualified Ema.Route.Slug as Slug
import Ema.Route (FileRoute (..), decodeUrlRoute)
import GHC.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import NeatInterpolation (text)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ runServerWithWebSocketHotReload port model render = do
<> show @Text err
<> "</pre><p>Once you fix your code this page will automatically update.</body>"
routeFromPathInfo =
decodeRoute @route . fmap Slug.decodeSlug
decodeUrlRoute @route . T.intercalate "/"
-- TODO: It would be good have this also get us the stack trace.
unsafeCatch :: Exception e => a -> (e -> a) -> a
unsafeCatch x f = unsafePerformIO $ catch (seq x $ pure x) (pure . f)
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