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Merge pull request #132 from lucasvreis/coercible

Change from `GIsomorphic` to `Coercible`
This commit is contained in:
Sridhar Ratnakumar 2022-08-18 16:28:20 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit c1855fd8e1
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 24 additions and 132 deletions

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ The `WithSubRoutes` option to `GenericRoute` can be powerful if you want to use
In GHC 9.2+, `WithSubRoutes` is generically determined in this manner. A constructor like `Route_Blog BlogRoute` automatically expands to `FolderRoute "blog" Slug`.
You can use any arbitrary type as long as their generic representations are isomorphic (per the `GIsomorphic` class). In effect, `WithSubRoutes` enables "deriving [HasSubRoutes] via" the specified isomorphic route constructor representations.
You can use any arbitrary type as long as they are coercible. In effect, `WithSubRoutes` enables "deriving [HasSubRoutes] via" the specified isomorphic route constructor representations.
### `HasSubModels`

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@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ library

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Ema.Route.Lib.Folder (FolderRoute (FolderRoute))
import Ema.Route.Lib.Multi (MultiModel, MultiRoute)
import Ema.Route.Prism.Type (mapRoutePrism)
import GHC.Generics qualified as GHC
import Generics.SOP (All, Code, I (..), NP)
import Generics.SOP (All, I (..), NP)
import Optics.Core (ReversibleOptic (re), coercedTo, equality, review, (%))
import Prelude hiding (All, Generic)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ data WithModel (r :: Type)
{- | Specify isomorphic types to delegate sub-route behaviour. Usually this is identical to the route product type.
The isomorphism is specified by @GIsomorphic@ and is thus via generic representation.
The isomorphism is specified by @Coercible@.
The default implementation uses @FileRoute@ for terminal routes, and
@FolderRoute@ (with constructor prefix stripped) for wrapping sub-routes types.
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ instance
(MultiModel (SubRoutes (GenericRoute r opts)))
(OptSubModels r opts)
~ (() :: Constraint)
, VerifyRoutes (Code r) (SubRoutes (GenericRoute r opts)) ~ (() :: Constraint)
, VerifyRoutes (RCode r) (SubRoutes (GenericRoute r opts))
, GSubModels (RouteModel (GenericRoute r opts)) (MultiModel (OptSubRoutes r opts)) (OptSubModels r opts)
, HasSubRoutes (GenericRoute r opts)
, GenericRouteOpts r opts
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ instance
( VerifyRoutes (Code r) (SubRoutes (GenericRoute r opts)) ~ (() :: Constraint)
( VerifyRoutes (RCode r) (SubRoutes (GenericRoute r opts))
, HasSubRoutes r
, HasSubModels r
, ValidSubRoutes r (SubRoutes r)

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Ema.Route.Generic.Iso (
GIsomorphic (giso),
) where
import Data.Type.Bool (type (&&), type (||))
import Data.Type.Equality (type (==))
import GHC.Generics qualified as GHC
import Optics.Core (Iso', iso)
{- | Types `a` and `b` are isomorphic via their generic representation
Unlike `Coercible` this constraint does not require that the two types have
identical *runtime* representation. For example, `data Foo = Foo` is not
coercible to `()` (they have different runtime representations), but they are
both isomorphic via their generic representation.
class (Generic a, Generic b, GHC.Rep a () `Coercible` GHC.Rep b ()) => GIsomorphic a b where
giso :: Iso' a b
instance (Generic a, Generic b, GHC.Rep a () `Coercible` GHC.Rep b ()) => GIsomorphic a b where
giso =
(GHC.to @b @() . coerce . GHC.from @a @())
(GHC.to @a @() . coerce . GHC.from @b @())
-- NOTE: The following code was added as part of custom type errors PR
-- https://github.com/EmaApps/ema/pull/120
-- It may require further reflection, and even a rewrite. It exists in this
-- module insofar as it checks the `GIsomorphic` constraint at compile-time for
-- deriving clauses.
{- | Attempts to 'unwrap' @r2@ to see if the constructor fields specified by @r1@ match its internal representation 1:1
In the ideal world, we would piggyback on @GIsoMorphic@ to do the
heavylifting for us, but GHC is not smart enough for that yet.
type family IsUnwrappedRoute (r1 :: [Type]) (r2 :: Type) :: Bool where
-- For routes that derived /stock/ GHC.Generic;
-- TODO: The implementation is a bit overkill here as it checks for all fields, but this could be useful
-- should semantics expand in the future perhaps?
IsUnwrappedRoute ts (GHC.D1 _ (GHC.C1 _ fields) _) =
IsUnwrappedRoute ts (fields ())
IsUnwrappedRoute (t ': '[]) (GHC.S1 _ (GHC.K1 _ t') _) =
t == t'
IsUnwrappedRoute (t ': ts) ((GHC.S1 _ (GHC.K1 _ t') GHC.:*: nxt) _) =
t == t' && IsUnwrappedRoute ts (nxt ())
-- Special case for routes with no fields internally, since we can think of Unwrapped () ~ ()
IsUnwrappedRoute '[] (GHC.U1 ()) =
-- Catch-all
IsUnwrappedRoute _ _ =
-- We need to implement the matching logic as 2 type families here due to overlapping patterns
type family IsUnwrappedRoute' (r1 :: [Type]) (r2 :: Type) :: Bool where
-- For routes that derived /newtype/ GHC.Generic; simply verify the reps are equal
-- Otherwise, pass it on to match with the assumption of /stock/ GHC.Generic deriving
IsUnwrappedRoute' (t ': ts) ts' =
GHC.Rep t () == ts' || IsUnwrappedRoute (t ': ts) ts'
IsUnwrappedRoute' r1 r2 =
IsUnwrappedRoute r1 r2

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@ -25,10 +25,9 @@ import Ema.Route.Lib.Folder (FolderRoute)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Ema.Route.Generic.Iso (GIsomorphic (giso))
import Generics.SOP (All, I (..), NS, SameShapeAs, Top, unI)
import Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata qualified as SOPM
import Optics.Core (Iso', iso, view)
import Optics.Core (Iso', iso)
import Prelude hiding (All)
{- | HasSubRoutes is a class of routes with an underlying MultiRoute (and MultiModel) representation.
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ gtoSubRoutes ::
) =>
NS I (RCode r) ->
MultiRoute subRoutes
gtoSubRoutes = trans_NS (Proxy @GIsomorphic) (I . view giso . unI)
gtoSubRoutes = trans_NS (Proxy @Coercible) (I . coerce . unI)
gfromSubRoutes ::
forall r subRoutes.
@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ gfromSubRoutes ::
) =>
MultiRoute subRoutes ->
NS I (RCode r)
gfromSubRoutes = trans_NS (Proxy @GIsomorphic) (I . view giso . unI)
gfromSubRoutes = trans_NS (Proxy @Coercible) (I . coerce . unI)
-- | @subRoutes@ are valid sub-routes of @r@
type ValidSubRoutes r subRoutes =
@ -75,8 +74,8 @@ type ValidSubRoutes r subRoutes =
, SameShapeAs subRoutes (RCode r)
, All Top (RCode r)
, All Top subRoutes
, AllZipF GIsomorphic (RCode r) subRoutes
, AllZipF GIsomorphic subRoutes (RCode r)
, AllZipF Coercible (RCode r) subRoutes
, AllZipF Coercible subRoutes (RCode r)

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@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ module Ema.Route.Generic.Verification (
) where
import Data.Type.Bool (If)
import Ema.Route.Generic.Iso (IsUnwrappedRoute')
import Ema.Route.Generic.Verification.Any (HasAnyT)
import GHC.Generics qualified as GHC
import Type.Errors.Pretty (TypeError, type (%), type (<>))
{- | @VerifyModels model routeModels lookups@ verifies the given @model@ to ensure that there
@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ exists a valid @HasSubRoutes@ instance for @route@ given its @rep@ and the @subr
Invariant: code ~ Code route
type family VerifyRoutes (code :: [[Type]]) (subRoutes :: [Type]) :: Constraint where
type family VerifyRoutes (rcode :: [Type]) (subRoutes :: [Type]) :: Constraint where
VerifyRoutes '[] '[] = ()
-- Inconsistent lengths
VerifyRoutes '[] t =
@ -57,29 +55,11 @@ type family VerifyRoutes (code :: [[Type]]) (subRoutes :: [Type]) :: Constraint
% ""
% ("\t" <> t)
-- Subroute rep is unit
VerifyRoutes ('[] ': rs) (() : rs') = VerifyRoutes rs rs'
VerifyRoutes ('[()] ': rs) (() : rs') = VerifyRoutes rs rs'
-- Subroute rep is unit (REVIEW: this case not strictly necessary anymore; should it be removed?)
VerifyRoutes (() ': rs) (() : rs') = VerifyRoutes rs rs'
VerifyRoutes (r' ': rs) (() : rs') =
( "A 'WithSubRoutes' entry is '()' instead of the expected: "
% r'
-- Constructor type ~ Subroute spec
VerifyRoutes ('[r'] ': rs) (r' : rs') = VerifyRoutes rs rs'
-- Constructor type ~ Unwrapped (Subroute spec) as a last-resort assumption
VerifyRoutes (r1 ': rs) (r2 ': rs') =
(r1 `IsUnwrappedRoute'` (GHC.Rep r2 ()))
(VerifyRoutes rs rs')
( TypeError
( "A 'WithSubRoutes' type:"
% ""
% ("\t" <> r2)
% ""
% "is not isomorphic to the corresponding route constructor type:"
% ""
% ("\t" <> r1)
% ""
VerifyRoutes (r1 ': rs) (r2 ': rs') = (Coercible r1 r2, VerifyRoutes rs rs')

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Ema.Route.Prism (
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
import Optics.Core (iso, only, (%))
import Optics.Core (coercedTo, only, (%))
{- | A type-level singleton route, whose encoding is given by the symbol parameter.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Optics.Core (iso, only, (%))
TODO: Can this type be simplified? See https://stackoverflow.com/q/72755053/55246
data FileRoute (filename :: Symbol) = FileRoute
newtype FileRoute (filename :: Symbol) = FileRoute ()
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
instance KnownSymbol fn => IsRoute (FileRoute fn) where
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ instance KnownSymbol fn => IsRoute (FileRoute fn) where
routePrism () =
toPrism_ $
only (symbolVal (Proxy @fn))
% iso (\() -> FileRoute) (\FileRoute -> ())
% coercedTo
routeUniverse () =
[FileRoute ()]

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@ -24,12 +24,13 @@ import Text.RawString.QQ (r)
data BadRoute = BR_1 Int String | BR_2 String
data M = M { m1 :: (), m2 :: () } deriving stock GHC.Generic
deriveGeneric ''BadRoute
-- Subroutes should not have constructors with multiple fields
-- Expect: MultiRoute: too many arguments
deriveIsRoute ''BadRoute [t|
'[ WithModel (NiceNamedM () ())
'[ WithModel M
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ deriveGeneric ''R
'WithSubRoutes' is missing subroutes for:
'[ '[()]]
deriveIsRoute ''R [t|
'[ WithSubRoutes '[ () ] ]
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ deriveGeneric ''R
-- Expect:
A 'WithSubRoutes' entry is '()' instead of the expected:
deriveIsRoute ''R [t|
'[ WithSubRoutes '[ (), () ] ]
@ -100,13 +101,8 @@ deriveGeneric ''R
-- subroute types that are nonisomorphic to what is specified in 'WithSubRoutes' should be illegal
-- Expect:
A 'WithSubRoutes' type:
is not isomorphic to the corresponding route constructor type:
Couldn't match representation of type () with that of Bool
arising from a use of routePrism
deriveIsRoute ''R [t|
' [ WithSubRoutes '[ (), Bool] ]
@ -247,20 +243,3 @@ deriveIsRoute ''R
-- | Low priority
routeSpec "submodel field name selectors on models with multiple constructors should be illegal"
(niceRoute ''() ''())
'[ WithModel (BadM () ())
, WithSubModels '[ Proxy "niceNamed1", () ]
, WithSubRoutes '[ (), () ]
Type rep field name lookup: multiple constructors