mirror of https://github.com/srid/rib.git synced 2024-09-11 13:37:20 +03:00

Cleanup and refactor

This commit is contained in:
Sridhar Ratnakumar 2019-11-26 17:41:01 -05:00
parent 65f6c6d67e
commit 22c9642bd9
5 changed files with 56 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
This release comes with major API refactor. Key changes:
This release comes with a major API refactor. Key changes:
- Support for both Pandoc and MMark parsers
- Add `Rib.Markup.Markup` type class to polymorphically select the parser
- Add top-level `Rib` import namespace to ease of use
- Replace complex metadata handling using straightforward aeson `Value` parsing
- Added MMark support, as an alternative to Pandoc
- Allows using arbitrary records to load metadata
- This replaces the previous complex metadata API
- Added `Document` type that uses the custom metadata record
- Add top-level `Rib` import namespace for ease of use
- Remove the following:
- JSON cache
- `Rib.Simple`
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ Other changes:
- Use type-safe path types using the [path](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/path) library.
- Fix #40: Gracefully handle rendering/ parsing errors, without dying.
- Misc error reporting improvements

View File

@ -31,15 +31,19 @@ using Rib:
-- itself. Second, the metadata associated with each document.
-- | A generated page is either an index of documents, or an individual document.
data Page doc
= Page_Index [Document doc]
| Page_Doc (Document doc)
-- The `Document` type takes two type variables:
-- 1. The first type variable specifies the parser to use: MMark or Pandoc
-- 2. The second type variable should be your metadata record
data Page
= Page_Index [Document MMark DocMeta]
| Page_Doc (Document MMark DocMeta)
-- | Type representing the metadata in our Markdown documents
-- Note that if a field is not optional (i.e., not Maybe) it must be present.
data Meta
= Meta
data DocMeta
= DocMeta
{ title :: Text,
description :: Maybe Text
@ -60,51 +64,46 @@ main = Rib.run [reldir|a|] [reldir|b|] $ do
-- Copy over the static files
Rib.buildStaticFiles [[relfile|static/**|]]
-- Build individual markdown files, generating .html for each.
-- NOTE: We use TypeApplications to specify the type of the `doc` type
-- variable, as used in the `Markup doc` constraint in the functions below.
-- There are currently two possible values: `MMark` (if you choose to use the
-- `mmark` parser) and `Pandoc` (if using pandoc).
posts <- Rib.buildHtmlMulti @MMark [relfile|*.md|] (renderPage . Page_Doc)
posts <- Rib.buildHtmlMulti [relfile|*.md|] (renderPage . Page_Doc)
-- Build an index.html linking to the aforementioned files.
Rib.buildHtml [relfile|index.html|]
$ renderPage
$ Page_Index posts
-- Define your site HTML here
renderPage :: Markup doc => Page doc -> Html ()
renderPage :: Page -> Html ()
renderPage page = with html_ [lang_ "en"] $ do
head_ $ do
meta_ [httpEquiv_ "Content-Type", content_ "text/html; charset=utf-8"]
title_ $ case page of
Page_Index _ -> "My website!"
Page_Doc doc -> toHtml $ title $ Rib.getDocumentMeta doc
Page_Doc doc -> toHtml $ title $ Rib._document_meta doc
style_ [type_ "text/css"] $ Clay.render pageStyle
$ with div_ [id_ "thesite"]
$ do
-- Main content
with a_ [href_ "/"] "Back to Home"
hr_ []
case page of
Page_Index docs ->
div_ $ forM_ docs $ \doc -> li_ $ do
let meta = Rib.getDocumentMeta doc
div_ $ forM_ docs $ \doc -> with li_ [class_ "links"] $ do
let meta = Rib._document_meta doc
b_ $ with a_ [href_ (Rib.getDocumentUrl doc)] $ toHtml $ title meta
case description meta of
Just s -> em_ $ small_ $ toHtml s
Nothing -> mempty
maybe mempty Rib.renderMarkdown $
description meta
Page_Doc doc ->
with article_ [class_ "post"] $ do
h1_ $ toHtml $ title $ Rib.getDocumentMeta doc
Rib.renderDoc doc
h1_ $ toHtml $ title $ Rib._document_meta doc
Rib._document_html doc
-- Define your site CSS here
pageStyle :: Css
pageStyle = div # "#thesite" ? do
marginLeft $ pct 20
marginTop $ em 4
"h1" ? do
fontSize $ em 2.3
pageStyle = "div#thesite" ? do
margin (em 4) (pc 20) (em 1) (pc 20)
"li.links" ? do
listStyleType none
marginTop $ em 1
"b" ? fontSize (em 1.2)
"p" ? sym margin (px 0)
(View full [`Main.hs`](https://github.com/srid/rib-sample/blob/master/Main.hs) at rib-sample)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@ -8,6 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Rib.Document
( -- * Document type
@ -59,31 +59,33 @@ instance Markup repr => Show (DocumentError repr) where
-- Return the Document type containing converted values.
mkDocumentFrom ::
forall b repr meta.
(Markup repr, FromJSON meta) =>
forall m b repr meta.
(MonadError (DocumentError repr) m, MonadIO m, Markup repr, FromJSON meta) =>
-- | File path, used only to identify (not access) the document
"relpath" :! Path Rel File ->
-- | Actual file path, for access and reading
"path" :! Path b File ->
IO (Either (DocumentError repr) (Document repr meta))
mkDocumentFrom (Arg k) (Arg f) = runExceptT $ do
-- HACK: this looks bad
v :: repr <-
m (Document repr meta)
mkDocumentFrom k@(arg #relpath -> k') f = do
v <-
=<< ( lift $ fmap (first DocumentError_MarkupError) $
readDoc @repr @b
! #relpath k
! #path f
h <- withExceptT DocumentError_MarkupError $ liftEither $ renderDoc v
. first DocumentError_MarkupError
=<< liftIO (readDoc k f)
html <-
$ first DocumentError_MarkupError
$ renderDoc v
let metaValueM = extractMeta v
metaValue <- maybeToEither DocumentError_MetadataMissing metaValueM
metaValue <-
meta <-
withExceptT DocumentError_MetadataBadJSON
$ liftEither
$ first DocumentError_MetadataBadJSON
$ resultToEither
$ fromJSON metaValue
pure $ Document k v h metaValueM meta
pure $ Document k' v html metaValueM meta
maybeToEither e = \case
Nothing -> throwError e

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

View File

@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ readDocMulti pat = do
fs <- getDirectoryFiles' input [pat]
forP fs $ \f -> do
need $ toFilePath <$> [input </> f]
result <-
liftIO $
! #relpath f
! #path (input </> f)
result <- runExceptT $
! #relpath f
! #path (input </> f)
-- TODO: Make error reporting nice, without Shake's stack trace ugliness.
case result of
Left e ->
fail $ "Error converting " <> toFilePath f <> " to HTML: " <> show e