mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 13:50:31 +03:00
Serve with warp + auto regeneration (#7)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,19 @@
My public notes. Kind of a blog and wiki.
## Local server when editing content
nix-build -A ghc.notessridca
./result/bin/notessridca serve --watch
## Hacking on Main.hs
nix-shell -A shells.ghc --run "ghcid -T 'Main.runApp (Main.Serve 8080 True)'"
- Reflex based
@ -11,25 +24,13 @@ My public notes. Kind of a blog and wiki.
- [ ] Add `fsnotify` to re-run Shake on file modificaiton (warp server
should serve the new files automatically)
- Shake API to do this: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/shake-0.18.2/docs/Development-Shake-Database.html
- Literate haskell
- Include rendered Main.lhs as a post in notes.srid.ca
## Article Ideas
### Article Ideas
- Github CI for OSS haskell projects
- Lens and friends
- mtl
- string types
- personal nix cache
## Running
nix-build -A ghc.notessridca
nix-shell -p nodePackages.serve --run 'serve dist'
Using ghcid:
nix-shell -A shells.ghc --run ghcid
@ -1,66 +1,150 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- TODo: What if I make this literate haskell thus blog post?
module Main where
import Control.Lens
import Prelude hiding (init, last)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently_)
import Control.Lens (at, (?~))
import Control.Monad (forever, guard, void, when)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Aeson.Lens (_Object)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf, partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.Environment (withArgs)
import Network.Wai.Application.Static (defaultFileServerSettings, ssLookupFile, staticApp)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Safe (initMay, lastMay)
import System.Console.CmdArgs (Data, Typeable, auto, cmdArgs, help, modes, (&=))
import System.FSNotify (watchTree, withManager)
import WaiAppStatic.Types (LookupResult (..), Pieces, StaticSettings, fromPiece, unsafeToPiece)
import Development.Shake (Verbosity (Chatty), copyFileChanged, getDirectoryFiles, need, readFile', shakeArgs,
shakeOptions, shakeVerbosity, want, writeFile', (%>), (|%>), (~>))
import Development.Shake.Classes (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
import Development.Shake.FilePath (dropDirectory1, dropExtension, (-<.>), (</>))
import Reflex.Dom.Core
import Slick (compileTemplate', convert, jsonCache', markdownToHTML, substitute)
-- import Reflex.Dom.Core hiding (def)
-- | The program will run in either of two modes
-- 1. Generate static files and exit immediately.
-- 1. Serve the generated static files, while automatically re-generating them
-- when the source files change.
data App
= Watch
| Serve { port :: Int, watch :: Bool }
| Generate
deriving (Data,Typeable,Show,Eq)
cli :: App
cli = modes
[ Watch
&= help "Watch for changes and generate"
, Serve
{ port = 8080 &= help "Port to bind to"
, watch = False &= help "Watch in addition to serving generated files"
} &= help "Serve the generated site"
, Generate
&= help "Generate the site"
&= auto -- | Generate is the default command.
-- | WAI Settings suited for serving statically generated websites.
staticSiteServerSettings :: FilePath -> StaticSettings
staticSiteServerSettings root = settings { ssLookupFile = lookupFileForgivingHtmlExt }
settings = defaultFileServerSettings root
-- | Like upstream's `ssLookupFile` but ignores the ".html" suffix in the
-- URL when looking up the corresponding file in the filesystem.
-- This allows "clean urls" so to speak.
lookupFileForgivingHtmlExt :: Pieces -> IO LookupResult
lookupFileForgivingHtmlExt pieces = ssLookupFile settings pieces >>= \case
LRNotFound -> ssLookupFile settings (addHtmlExt pieces)
x -> pure x
-- | Add the ".html" suffix to the URL unless it already exists
addHtmlExt :: Pieces -> Pieces
addHtmlExt xs = fromMaybe xs $ do
init <- fmap fromPiece <$> initMay xs
last <- fromPiece <$> lastMay xs
guard $ not $ ".html" `isSuffixOf` T.unpack last
pure $ fmap unsafeToPiece $ init <> [last <> ".html"]
main :: IO ()
main = shakeArgs shakeOptions {shakeVerbosity = Chatty} $ do
-- TODO: Understand how this works. The caching from Slick.
getPostCached <- jsonCache' getPost
main = runApp =<< cmdArgs cli
want ["site"]
runApp :: App -> IO ()
runApp = \case
Watch -> withManager $ \mgr -> do
-- Generate once
runApp Generate
-- And then every time a file changes under the ./site directory.
void $ watchTree mgr "site" (const True) $ const $ runApp Generate
-- Wait forever, effectively.
forever $ threadDelay maxBound
-- Require all the things we need to build the whole site
"site" ~>
need ["static", "posts", "dist/index.html"]
Serve p w -> concurrently_
(when w $ runApp Watch)
(putStrLn ("Serving at " <> show p) >> Warp.run p (staticApp $ staticSiteServerSettings "dist"))
let staticFilePatterns = ["css//*", "js//*", "images//*"]
-- ^ Which files are considered to be static files.
postFilePatterns = ["*.md"]
-- ^ Which files are considered to be post files
Generate -> withArgs [] $ shakeArgs shakeOptions {shakeVerbosity = Chatty} $ do
-- ^ The withArgs above is to ensure that our own app arguments is not
-- confusing Shake.
-- Require all static assets
"static" ~> do
need . fmap ("dist" </>) =<< getDirectoryFiles "site" staticFilePatterns
-- TODO: Understand how this works. The caching from Slick.
getPostCached <- jsonCache' getPost
-- Rule for handling static assets, just copy them from source to dest
("dist" </>) <$> staticFilePatterns |%> \out ->
copyFileChanged (destToSrc out) out
want ["site"]
-- Find and require every post to be built
"posts" ~> do
need . fmap (("dist" </>) . (-<.> "html")) =<< getDirectoryFiles "site" postFilePatterns
-- Require all the things we need to build the whole site
"site" ~>
need ["static", "posts", "dist/index.html"]
-- build the main table of contents
"dist/index.html" %> \out -> do
posts <- traverse (getPostCached . PostFilePath . ("site" </>)) =<< getDirectoryFiles "site" postFilePatterns
let indexInfo = uncurry IndexInfo $ partition ((== Just Programming) . category) posts
writeFile' out =<< renderTemplate "site/templates/index.html" indexInfo
let staticFilePatterns = ["css//*", "js//*", "images//*"]
-- ^ Which files are considered to be static files.
postFilePatterns = ["*.md"]
-- ^ Which files are considered to be post files
-- rule for actually building posts
"dist/*.html" %> \out -> do
post <- getPostCached $ PostFilePath $ destToSrc out -<.> "md"
writeFile' out =<< renderTemplate "site/templates/post.html" post
-- Require all static assets
"static" ~> do
need . fmap ("dist" </>) =<< getDirectoryFiles "site" staticFilePatterns
-- Rule for handling static assets, just copy them from source to dest
("dist" </>) <$> staticFilePatterns |%> \out ->
copyFileChanged (destToSrc out) out
-- Find and require every post to be built
"posts" ~> do
need . fmap (("dist" </>) . (-<.> "html")) =<< getDirectoryFiles "site" postFilePatterns
-- build the main table of contents
"dist/index.html" %> \out -> do
posts <- traverse (getPostCached . PostFilePath . ("site" </>)) =<< getDirectoryFiles "site" postFilePatterns
let indexInfo = uncurry IndexInfo $ partition ((== Just Programming) . category) posts
writeFile' out =<< renderTemplate "site/templates/index.html" indexInfo
-- rule for actually building posts
"dist/*.html" %> \out -> do
post <- getPostCached $ PostFilePath $ destToSrc out -<.> "md"
writeFile' out =<< renderTemplate "site/templates/post.html" post
-- | Read and parse a Markdown post
@ -26,17 +26,26 @@ executable notessridca
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -Wall -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates
, async
, base >=4.7 && <5
, binary
, bytestring
, cmdargs
, containers
, fsnotify
, http-types
, lens
, lens-aeson
, mustache
, pandoc
, reflex-dom-core
, safe
, shake
, slick
, text
, time
, wai
, wai-app-static
, wai-extra
, warp
default-language: Haskell2010
Reference in New Issue
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