mirror of https://github.com/srid/rib.git synced 2024-09-11 13:37:20 +03:00

Merge pull request #152 from srid/absolute-path

Path revamp
This commit is contained in:
Sridhar Ratnakumar 2020-04-10 12:48:48 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 958b07619b
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 134 additions and 104 deletions

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@ -2,11 +2,16 @@
- Dropped `path` and `path-io` in favour of good ol' `FilePath`
- This also lifts the restriction with absolute paths
- Misc changes
- #145: CLI arguments have been revamped
- `serve` subcommand is replaced by the options `-wS`.
- Added `--input-dir/--output-dir` to override these paths
- Accept host string in addition to port number
- Exposed `Rib.Shake.getCliConfig` to get full CLI configuration
- Allow customizing fsnotify ignore list
- #141: Allow quiet logging (useful when rib is used as a library)

View File

@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ common library-common
pandoc >=2.7 && <3,
pandoc-include-code >=1.5 && <1.6,
pandoc-types >=1.20,
path >= 0.7.0,
path-io >= 1.6.0,
relude >= 0.6 && < 0.7,
shake >= 0.18.5,

View File

@ -20,23 +20,23 @@ import Control.Exception.Safe (catch)
import Development.Shake hiding (command)
import Development.Shake.Forward (shakeForward)
import Options.Applicative
import Path
import Path.IO
import Relude
import Rib.Cli (CliConfig (CliConfig), cliParser)
import qualified Rib.Cli as Cli
import Rib.Log
import qualified Rib.Server as Server
import Rib.Watch (onTreeChange)
import System.FSNotify (Event (..), eventIsDirectory, eventPath)
import System.Directory
import System.FSNotify (Event (..), eventPath)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO (BufferMode (LineBuffering), hSetBuffering)
-- | Run Rib using arguments passed in the command line.
run ::
-- | Default value for `Cli.inputDir`
Path Rel Dir ->
FilePath ->
-- | Deault value for `Cli.outputDir`
Path Rel Dir ->
FilePath ->
-- | Shake build rules for building the static site
Action () ->
IO ()
@ -52,31 +52,25 @@ run src dst buildAction = runWith buildAction =<< execParser opts
-- | Like `run` but with an explicitly passed `CliConfig`
runWith :: Action () -> CliConfig -> IO ()
runWith buildAction cfg@CliConfig {..} = do
when (inputDir == currentRelDir) $
-- Because otherwise our use of `watchTree` can interfere with Shake's file
-- scaning.
fail "cannot use '.' as source directory."
-- For saner output
flip hSetBuffering LineBuffering `mapM_` [stdout, stderr]
case (watch, serve) of
(True, Just (host, port)) -> do
(Server.serve cfg host port $ toFilePath outputDir)
(Server.serve cfg host port $ outputDir)
(runShakeAndObserve cfg buildAction)
(True, Nothing) ->
runShakeAndObserve cfg buildAction
(False, Just (host, port)) ->
Server.serve cfg host port $ toFilePath outputDir
Server.serve cfg host port $ outputDir
(False, Nothing) ->
runShakeBuild cfg buildAction
currentRelDir = [reldir|.|]
shakeOptionsFrom :: CliConfig -> ShakeOptions
shakeOptionsFrom cfg'@CliConfig {..} =
{ shakeVerbosity = verbosity,
shakeFiles = toFilePath shakeDbDir,
shakeFiles = shakeDbDir,
shakeRebuild = bool [] [(RebuildNow, "**")] rebuildAll,
shakeLintInside = [""],
shakeExtra = addShakeExtra cfg' (shakeExtra shakeOptions)
@ -85,7 +79,7 @@ shakeOptionsFrom cfg'@CliConfig {..} =
runShakeBuild :: CliConfig -> Action () -> IO ()
runShakeBuild cfg@CliConfig {..} buildAction = do
runShake cfg $ do
logStrLn cfg $ "[Rib] Generating " <> toFilePath inputDir <> " (rebuildAll=" <> show rebuildAll <> ")"
logStrLn cfg $ "[Rib] Generating " <> inputDir <> " (rebuildAll=" <> show rebuildAll <> ")"
runShake :: CliConfig -> Action () -> IO ()
@ -109,27 +103,25 @@ runShakeAndObserve cfg@CliConfig {..} buildAction = do
-- flag to disable this.
runShakeBuild (cfg {Cli.rebuildAll = True}) buildAction
-- And then every time a file changes under the current directory
logStrLn cfg $ "[Rib] Watching " <> toFilePath inputDir <> " for changes"
logStrLn cfg $ "[Rib] Watching " <> inputDir <> " for changes"
onSrcChange $ runShakeBuild cfg buildAction
onSrcChange :: IO () -> IO ()
onSrcChange f = do
workDir <- getCurrentDir
-- Canonicalizing path is important as we are comparing path ancestor using isPrefixOf
dir <- canonicalizePath inputDir
-- Top-level directories to ignore from notifications
dirBlacklist <- traverse makeAbsolute [shakeDbDir, inputDir </> [reldir|.git|]]
let isBlacklisted :: FilePath -> Bool
isBlacklisted p = or $ flip fmap dirBlacklist $ \b -> toFilePath b `isPrefixOf` p
onTreeChange inputDir $ \allEvents -> do
isBlacklisted p = or $ flip fmap watchIgnore $ \b -> (dir </> b) `isPrefixOf` p
onTreeChange dir $ \allEvents -> do
let events = filter (not . isBlacklisted . eventPath) allEvents
unless (null events) $ do
-- Log the changed events for diagnosis.
logEvent workDir `mapM_` events
logEvent `mapM_` events
logEvent workDir e = do
eventRelPath <-
if eventIsDirectory e
then fmap toFilePath . makeRelative workDir =<< parseAbsDir (eventPath e)
else fmap toFilePath . makeRelative workDir =<< parseAbsFile (eventPath e)
logStrLn cfg $ eventLogPrefix e <> " " <> eventRelPath
logEvent :: Event -> IO ()
logEvent e = do
logStrLn cfg $ eventLogPrefix e <> " " <> eventPath e
eventLogPrefix = \case
-- Single character log prefix to indicate file actions is a convention in Rib.
Added _ _ _ -> "A"

View File

@ -4,10 +4,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Rib.Cli
( CliConfig (..),
Verbosity (..),
-- * Parser helpers
-- * Internal
@ -16,9 +23,9 @@ where
import Development.Shake (Verbosity (..))
import Options.Applicative
import Path
import Relude
import Relude.Extra.Tuple
import System.FilePath
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as M
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as M
@ -38,38 +45,26 @@ data CliConfig
-- Setting this to `Silent` will affect Rib's own logging as well.
verbosity :: Verbosity,
-- | Directory from which source content will be read.
inputDir :: Path Rel Dir,
inputDir :: FilePath,
-- | The path where static files will be generated. Rib's server uses this
-- directory when serving files.
outputDir :: Path Rel Dir,
outputDir :: FilePath,
-- | Path to shake's database directory.
shakeDbDir :: Path Rel Dir
shakeDbDir :: FilePath,
-- | List of relative paths to ignore when watching the source directory
watchIgnore :: [FilePath]
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable)
cliParser :: Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel Dir -> Parser CliConfig
cliParser :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser CliConfig
cliParser inputDirDefault outputDirDefault = do
rebuildAll <-
( long "rebuild-all"
<> help "Rebuild all sources"
watch <-
( long "watch"
<> short 'w'
<> help "Watch for changes and regenerate"
serve <-
( option
(megaparsecReader hostPortParser)
( long "serve"
<> short 's'
<> metavar "[HOST]:PORT"
<> help "Run a HTTP server on the generated directory"
watch <- watchOption
serve <- serveOption
verbosity <-
(bool Verbose Silent)
@ -80,29 +75,63 @@ cliParser inputDirDefault outputDirDefault = do
~(inputDir, shakeDbDir) <-
fmap (mapToSnd shakeDbDirFrom) $
( long "input-dir"
<> metavar "INPUTDIR"
<> value (toFilePath inputDirDefault)
<> help ("Directory containing the source files (" <> "default: " <> toFilePath inputDirDefault <> ")")
<> value inputDirDefault
<> help ("Directory containing the source files (" <> "default: " <> inputDirDefault <> ")")
outputDir <-
( long "output-dir"
<> metavar "OUTPUTDIR"
<> value (toFilePath outputDirDefault)
<> help ("Directory where files will be generated (" <> "default: " <> toFilePath outputDirDefault <> ")")
<> value outputDirDefault
<> help ("Directory where files will be generated (" <> "default: " <> outputDirDefault <> ")")
~(watchIgnore) <- pure builtinWatchIgnores
pure CliConfig {..}
relDirOption = fmap (either (error . toText . displayException) id . parseRelDir) . strOption
shakeDbDirFrom :: Path Rel Dir -> Path Rel Dir
watchOption :: Parser Bool
watchOption =
( long "watch"
<> short 'w'
<> help "Watch for changes and regenerate"
serveOption :: Parser (Maybe (Text, Int))
serveOption =
( option
(megaparsecReader hostPortParser)
( long "serve"
<> short 's'
<> metavar "[HOST]:PORT"
<> help "Run a HTTP server on the generated directory"
<|> ( fmap (bool Nothing $ Just (defaultHost, 8080)) $
switch (short 'S' <> help ("Like `-s " <> toString defaultHost <> ":8080`"))
builtinWatchIgnores :: [FilePath]
builtinWatchIgnores =
[ ".shake",
shakeDbDirFrom :: FilePath -> FilePath
shakeDbDirFrom inputDir =
-- Keep shake database directory under the src directory instead of the
-- (default) current working directory, which may not always be a project
-- root (as in the case of neuron).
inputDir </> [reldir|.shake|]
inputDir </> ".shake"
-- | Like `str` but adds a trailing slash if there isn't one.
directoryReader :: ReadM FilePath
directoryReader = fmap addTrailingPathSeparator str
megaparsecReader :: M.Parsec Void Text a -> ReadM a
megaparsecReader p =
@ -116,7 +145,7 @@ hostPortParser = do
<|> M.try parseIP
void $ M.char ':'
port <- parseNumRange 1 65535
pure (fromMaybe "" host, port)
pure (fromMaybe defaultHost host, port)
readNum = maybe (fail "Not a number") pure . readMaybe
parseIP :: M.Parsec Void Text Text
@ -132,3 +161,6 @@ hostPortParser = do
if a <= n && n <= b
then pure n
else fail $ "Number not in range: " <> show a <> "-" <> show b
defaultHost :: Text
defaultHost = ""

View File

@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ where
import Development.Shake
import Dhall (FromDhall, auto, input)
import Path
import Relude
import Rib.Shake (ribInputDir)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
-- | Parse a Dhall file as Haskell type.
parse ::
FromDhall a =>
-- | Dependent .dhall files, which must trigger a rebuild
[Path Rel File] ->
[FilePath] ->
-- | The Dhall file to parse. Relative to `ribInputDir`.
Path Rel File ->
FilePath ->
Action a
parse (map toFilePath -> deps) f = do
parse deps f = do
inputDir <- ribInputDir
need deps
s <- toText <$> readFile' (toFilePath $ inputDir </> f)
liftIO $ withCurrentDirectory (toFilePath inputDir) $
s <- toText <$> readFile' (inputDir </> f)
liftIO $ withCurrentDirectory inputDir $
input auto s

View File

@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ where
import Control.Foldl (Fold (..))
import Development.Shake (Action, readFile')
import Lucid.Base (HtmlT (..))
import Path
import Relude
import Rib.Shake (ribInputDir)
import System.FilePath
import Text.MMark (MMark, projectYaml)
import qualified Text.MMark as MMark
import qualified Text.MMark.Extension as Ext
@ -73,16 +73,16 @@ parsePure ::
parsePure = parsePureWith defaultExts
-- | Parse Markdown using mmark
parse :: Path Rel File -> Action MMark
parse :: FilePath -> Action MMark
parse = parseWith defaultExts
-- | Like `parse` but takes a custom list of MMark extensions
parseWith :: [MMark.Extension] -> Path Rel File -> Action MMark
parseWith :: [MMark.Extension] -> FilePath -> Action MMark
parseWith exts f =
either (fail . toString) pure =<< do
inputDir <- ribInputDir
s <- toText <$> readFile' (toFilePath $ inputDir </> f)
pure $ parsePureWith exts (toFilePath f) s
s <- toText <$> readFile' (inputDir </> f)
pure $ parsePureWith exts f s
-- | Get the first image in the document if one exists
getFirstImg :: MMark -> Maybe URI

View File

@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, liftEither, runExcept)
import Data.Aeson
import Development.Shake (Action, readFile')
import Lucid (HtmlT, toHtmlRaw)
import Path
import Relude
import Rib.Shake (ribInputDir)
import System.FilePath
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.Filter.IncludeCode (includeCode)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Readers
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ parsePure textReader s =
parse ::
-- | The pandoc text reader function to use, eg: `readMarkdown`
(ReaderOptions -> Text -> PandocIO Pandoc) ->
Path Rel File ->
FilePath ->
Action Pandoc
parse textReader f =
either fail pure =<< do
inputDir <- ribInputDir
content <- toText <$> readFile' (toFilePath $ inputDir </> f)
content <- toText <$> readFile' (inputDir </> f)
fmap (first show) $ runExceptT $ do
v' <- runIO' $ textReader readerSettings content
liftIO $ walkM includeSources v'

View File

@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Kind
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.Shake (Action)
import Path
import Relude
import Rib.Shake (writeFileCached)
import System.FilePath
-- | A route is a GADT which represents the individual routes in a static site.
@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ import Rib.Shake (writeFileCached)
class IsRoute (r :: Type -> Type) where
-- | Return the filepath (relative to `Rib.Shake.ribInputDir`) where the
-- generated content for this route should be written.
routeFile :: MonadThrow m => r a -> m (Path Rel File)
routeFile :: MonadThrow m => r a -> m (FilePath)
data UrlType = Relative | Absolute
path2Url :: Path Rel File -> UrlType -> Text
path2Url fp = toText . toFilePath . \case
path2Url :: FilePath -> UrlType -> Text
path2Url fp = toText . \case
Relative ->
Absolute ->
[absdir|/|] </> fp
"/" </> fp
-- | The absolute URL to this route (relative to site root)
routeUrl :: IsRoute r => r a -> Text

View File

@ -19,16 +19,17 @@ module Rib.Shake
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Development.Shake
import Path
import Path.IO
import Relude
import Rib.Cli (CliConfig)
import qualified Rib.Cli as Cli
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
-- | Get rib settings from a shake Action monad.
getCliConfig :: Action CliConfig
@ -39,47 +40,44 @@ getCliConfig = getShakeExtra >>= \case
-- | Input directory containing source files
-- This is same as the first argument to `Rib.App.run`
ribInputDir :: Action (Path Rel Dir)
ribInputDir :: Action FilePath
ribInputDir = Cli.inputDir <$> getCliConfig
-- | Output directory where files are generated
-- This is same as the second argument to `Rib.App.run`
ribOutputDir :: Action (Path Rel Dir)
ribOutputDir :: Action FilePath
ribOutputDir = do
output <- Cli.outputDir <$> getCliConfig
liftIO $ createDirIfMissing True output
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True output
return output
-- | Shake action to copy static files as is.
buildStaticFiles :: [Path Rel File] -> Action ()
buildStaticFiles :: [FilePath] -> Action ()
buildStaticFiles staticFilePatterns = do
input <- ribInputDir
output <- ribOutputDir
files <- getDirectoryFiles' input staticFilePatterns
files <- getDirectoryFiles input staticFilePatterns
void $ forP files $ \f ->
copyFileChanged' (input </> f) (output </> f)
copyFileChanged' (toFilePath -> old) (toFilePath -> new) =
copyFileChanged old new
copyFileChanged (input </> f) (output </> f)
-- | Run the given action when any file matching the patterns changes
forEvery ::
-- | Source file patterns (relative to `ribInputDir`)
[Path Rel File] ->
(Path Rel File -> Action a) ->
[FilePath] ->
(FilePath -> Action a) ->
Action [a]
forEvery pats f = do
input <- ribInputDir
fs <- getDirectoryFiles' input pats
fs <- getDirectoryFiles input pats
forP fs f
-- | Write the given file but only when it has been modified.
-- Also, always writes under ribOutputDir
writeFileCached :: Path Rel File -> String -> Action ()
writeFileCached :: FilePath -> String -> Action ()
writeFileCached !k !s = do
f <- fmap (toFilePath . (</> k)) ribOutputDir
f <- fmap (</> k) ribOutputDir
currentS <- liftIO $ forgivingAbsence $ readFile f
unless (Just s == currentS) $ do
writeFile' f $! s
@ -87,7 +85,12 @@ writeFileCached !k !s = do
-- logging modified files being read.
putInfo $ "+ " <> f
-- | Like `getDirectoryFiles` but works with `Path`
getDirectoryFiles' :: Typeable b => Path b Dir -> [Path Rel File] -> Action [Path Rel File]
getDirectoryFiles' (toFilePath -> dir) (fmap toFilePath -> pat) =
traverse (liftIO . parseRelFile) =<< getDirectoryFiles dir pat
-- | If argument of the function throws a
-- 'System.IO.Error.doesNotExistErrorType', 'Nothing' is returned (other
-- exceptions propagate). Otherwise the result is returned inside a 'Just'.
forgivingAbsence :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => m a -> m (Maybe a)
forgivingAbsence f =
(Just <$> f)
(const $ return Nothing)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Path
import Relude
import System.FSNotify (Event (..), watchTreeChan, withManager)
@ -22,11 +21,11 @@ import System.FSNotify (Event (..), watchTreeChan, withManager)
-- If multiple events fire rapidly, the IO action is invoked only once, taking
-- those multiple events as its argument.
onTreeChange :: Path b t -> ([Event] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
onTreeChange :: FilePath -> ([Event] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
onTreeChange fp f = do
withManager $ \mgr -> do
eventCh <- newChan
void $ watchTreeChan mgr (toFilePath fp) (const True) eventCh
void $ watchTreeChan mgr fp (const True) eventCh
forever $ do
firstEvent <- readChan eventCh
events <- debounce 100 [firstEvent] $ readChan eventCh

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Rib.CliSpec