# rib Rib is a static site generator written in Haskell that reuses existing tools (`Shake`, `Lucid` and `Clay`) and is thus non-monolithic. It is nearly done but still a work in progress and will soon be ready for general use. ## Example See `./examples/hello-world` to see how the `Rib` library can be used to write your own static site generator in a few lines of code which includes the HTML and CSS of the site. See `./examples/doc` for a real-world example---Rib's own documentation site. (Refer to `Rib.Simple` if you need further customization of the Shake action.) With Rib you do not have to deal with less powerful template engines or write raw HTML/CSS by hand. Do everything in Haskell, and concisely at that! --- To get an example site up and running run: ```bash cd ./examples/hello-world ../../ghcid ``` This will: - Drop into a nix-shell with needed Haskell dependencies - Compile the `rib` library and `Main.hs` through ghcid - Whenever Haskell sources change ghcid reloads them - Run `Main.hs:buildAction` (as if with `serve -w` CLI arguments) - This does the following: 1. Convert sources in `./a` into `./b` using Shake 2. Listens for changes to `./a`, and re-generate them (i.e., the `-w` argument) 3. Start a HTTP server serving the `./b` directory (i.e, the `serve` command) Thus, by running that one command one gets a production-quality web server serving the statically generated HTML files which automatically get regenerated when the source content changes. What's more, we may change the Haskell sources such as `Main.hs` and ghcid will recompile and relaunch the whole thing. With `rib` we get hot reload for free. ## Use cases - Website / Blog generation - Documentation - Org Mode interface - Invoice generation