mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 14:33:09 +03:00
Working deploy and build
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import System.Process
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT(..), left, right, runEitherT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>), pure)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Data.List
@ -26,6 +27,15 @@ echoMessage msg = do
liftIO $ putStrLn msg
right Nothing
printCommandError :: String -> String -> (Int, Maybe String) -> IO ()
printCommandError server cmd (errCode, Nothing) =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command " ++ " '" ++ cmd ++ "' failed on host '" ++
server ++ "' with error code " ++ show errCode ++ " and no STDERR output."
printCommandError server cmd (errCode, Just errMsg) =
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Command " ++ " '" ++ cmd ++ "' failed on host '" ++
server ++ "' with error code " ++ show errCode ++ " and message '" ++
errMsg ++ "'."
remoteT :: -- ^ The host to run commands on
@ -39,8 +49,9 @@ remoteT server command = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Going to execute " ++ command ++ " on host " ++ server ++
(code, stdout, stderr) <-
(code, stdout, err) <-
liftIO $ readProcessWithExitCode "ssh" (server : words command) ""
case code of
ExitSuccess -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Command '" ++ command ++
@ -48,11 +59,9 @@ remoteT server command = do
right $ maybeString stdout
ExitFailure int -> do
liftIO $
putStrLn $ "Command '" ++ command ++ "' failed " ++ "on host '" ++
server ++ "'."
left $ (int, maybeString stderr)
let maybeError = maybeString err
liftIO $ printCommandError server command (int, maybeError)
left $ (int, maybeError)
directoryExists :: String -> String -> RemoteCommand
directoryExists server path = remoteT server $ "ls " ++ path
@ -60,7 +69,7 @@ directoryExists server path = remoteT server $ "ls " ++ path
-- ^ Ensure that the initial bare repo exists in the repo directory. Idempotent.
ensureRepositoryPushed :: Config -> RemoteCommand
ensureRepositoryPushed config = do
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ directoryExists (host config) (repoPath config)
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ directoryExists (host config) (cacheRepoPath config)
case res of
Left _ -> createCacheRepo config
@ -91,30 +100,28 @@ releasePath config = do
return $ releasesPath config ++ "/" ++ ts
-- | Clones the repository to the next releasePath timestamp.
cloneToNewRelease :: Config -> RemoteCommand
cloneToNewRelease config = do
nextReleasePath <- liftIO $ releasePath config
cloneToRelease :: Config -> String -> RemoteCommand
cloneToRelease config releaseTimestamp = do
remoteT (host config) $
"git clone " ++ repoPath config ++ " " ++ nextReleasePath
"git clone " ++ cacheRepoPath config ++ " " ++ releasesPath config ++ "/" ++
repoPath :: Config -> String
repoPath config = deployPath config ++ "/repo"
cacheRepoPath :: Config -> String
cacheRepoPath config = deployPath config ++ "/repo"
releases :: Config -> EitherT (Int, Maybe String) IO [String]
releases config = do
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ remoteT (host config) cmd
res <- liftIO $ runEitherT $ remoteT (host config) $
"find " ++ releasesPath config ++ " -type d -maxdepth 1"
case res of
Left r -> left r
Right rs ->
case rs of
Nothing -> right []
Just s ->
right $ filter isReleaseString . map (reverse . take 14 . reverse) $
lines s
Right Nothing -> right []
Right (Just s) ->
right $ filter isReleaseString . map (reverse . take 14 . reverse) $
lines s
where cmd = "find " ++ releasesPath config ++ " -type d -maxdepth 1"
-- |Given a list of release strings, takes the last five in the sequence.
-- | Given a list of release strings, takes the last five in the sequence.
-- Assumes a list of folders that has been determined to be a proper release
-- path.
oldReleases :: Config -> [String] -> [String]
@ -131,14 +138,12 @@ cleanReleases config = do
case allReleases of
Left err -> left err
Right [] -> echoMessage "There are no old releases to prune."
Right xs -> do
let deletable = oldReleases config xs
if null deletable then
echoMessage "There are no old releases to prune."
remoteT (host config) $ "rm -rf " ++ foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
remoteT (host config) $ "rm -rf " ++ foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
isReleaseString :: String -> Bool
isReleaseString s = all isNumber s && (length s) == 14
@ -147,7 +152,8 @@ createCacheRepo :: Config -> RemoteCommand
createCacheRepo config =
remoteT (host config) cmd
where cmd = "git clone --bare " ++ (repository config) ++ " " ++
repoPath config
cacheRepoPath config
setupDirs :: Config -> RemoteCommand
setupDirs config =
@ -185,15 +191,36 @@ testConfig = Config { deployPath = "/tmp/project"
, repository = "/tmp/testrepo"
updateCacheRepo :: Config -> RemoteCommand
updateCacheRepo config =
remoteT (host config) cmd
where cmd = "cd " ++ (cacheRepoPath config) ++ " && " ++
"git fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
buildRelease :: Config -> String -> RemoteCommand
buildRelease config releaseTimestamp = remoteT (host config) cmd
where cmd = intercalate " && "
[ "cd " ++ releasesPath config ++ "/" ++ releaseTimestamp
, "export PATH=~/.cabal/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
, "git fetch --all"
, "git reset --hard origin/master"
, "rm -rf .cabal-sandbox"
, "cabal sandbox init"
, "cabal clean"
, "cabal update"
, "cabal install --only-dependencies -j"
, "cabal build -j" ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
releaseTimestamp <- currentTimestamp
runEitherT $
setupDirs testConfig >>
ensureRepositoryPushed testConfig >>
updateCacheRepo testConfig >>
cleanReleases testConfig >>
cloneToNewRelease testConfig >>
-- Build here!
cloneToRelease testConfig releaseTimestamp >>
buildRelease testConfig releaseTimestamp >>
removeCurrentSymlink testConfig >>
symlinkCurrent testConfig
Reference in New Issue
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