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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Config
( Config (..)
, CopyThing (..) )
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Yaml
import Path
import System.Hapistrano.Commands
import System.Hapistrano.Types (TargetSystem (..))
-- | Hapistrano configuration typically loaded from @hap.yaml@ file.
data Config = Config
{ configDeployPath :: !(Path Abs Dir)
-- ^ Top-level deploy directory on target machine
, configHosts :: ![(String, Word)]
-- ^ Hosts\/ports to deploy to. If empty, localhost will be assumed.
, configRepo :: !String
-- ^ Location of repository that contains the source code to deploy
, configRevision :: !String
-- ^ Revision to use
, configRestartCommand :: !(Maybe GenericCommand)
-- ^ The command to execute when switching to a different release
-- (usually after a deploy or rollback).
, configBuildScript :: !(Maybe [GenericCommand])
-- ^ Build script to execute to build the project
, configCopyFiles :: ![CopyThing]
-- ^ Collection of files to copy over to target machine before building
, configCopyDirs :: ![CopyThing]
-- ^ Collection of directories to copy over to target machine before building
, configVcAction :: !Bool
-- ^ Perform version control related actions. By default, it's assumed to be True.
, configRunLocally :: !(Maybe [GenericCommand])
-- ^ Perform a series of commands on the local machine before communication
-- with target server starts
, configTargetSystem :: !TargetSystem
-- ^ Optional parameter to specify the target system. It's GNU/Linux by
-- default
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Information about source and destination locations of a file\/directory
-- to copy.
data CopyThing = CopyThing FilePath FilePath
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance FromJSON Config where
parseJSON = withObject "Hapistrano configuration" $ \o -> do
configDeployPath <- o .: "deploy_path"
let grabPort m = m .:? "port" .!= 22
host <- o .:? "host"
port <- grabPort o
hs <- (o .:? "targets" .!= []) >>= mapM (\m -> do
host' <- m .: "host"
port' <- grabPort m
return (host', port'))
let configHosts = nubBy ((==) `on` fst)
(maybeToList ((,) <$> host <*> pure port) ++ hs)
configRepo <- o .: "repo"
configRevision <- o .: "revision"
configRestartCommand <- (o .:? "restart_command") >>=
maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . mkCmd)
configBuildScript <- o .:? "build_script" >>=
maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . mapM mkCmd)
configCopyFiles <- o .:? "copy_files" .!= []
configCopyDirs <- o .:? "copy_dirs" .!= []
configVcAction <- o .:? "vc_action" .!= True
configRunLocally <- o .:? "run_locally" >>=
maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . mapM mkCmd)
configTargetSystem <- o .:? "linux" .!= GNULinux
return Config {..}
instance FromJSON CopyThing where
parseJSON = withObject "src and dest of a thing to copy" $ \o ->
CopyThing <$> (o .: "src") <*> (o .: "dest")
instance FromJSON TargetSystem where
parseJSON = withBool "linux" $
pure . \case
True -> GNULinux
False -> BSD
mkCmd :: String -> Parser GenericCommand
mkCmd raw =
case mkGenericCommand raw of
Nothing -> fail "invalid restart command"
Just cmd -> return cmd