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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Numeric.Natural
import Options.Applicative hiding (str)
import Path
import Path.IO
import Paths_hapistrano (version)
import System.Exit
import System.Hapistrano.Types
import System.IO
import qualified Config as C
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import qualified System.Hapistrano as Hap
import qualified System.Hapistrano.Commands as Hap
import qualified System.Hapistrano.Core as Hap
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
-- Command line options
-- | Command line options.
data Opts = Opts
{ optsCommand :: Command
, optsVersion :: Bool
, optsConfigFile :: FilePath
-- | Command to execute and command-specific options.
data Command
= Deploy ReleaseFormat Natural -- ^ Deploy a new release (with timestamp
-- format and how many releases to keep)
| Rollback Natural -- ^ Rollback to Nth previous release
parserInfo :: ParserInfo Opts
parserInfo = info (helper <*> optionParser)
( fullDesc <>
progDesc "Deploy tool for Haskell applications" <>
header "Hapistrano - A deployment library for Haskell applications" )
optionParser :: Parser Opts
optionParser = Opts
<$> subparser
( command "deploy"
(info deployParser (progDesc "Deploy a new release")) <>
command "rollback"
(info rollbackParser (progDesc "Roll back to Nth previous release")) )
<*> switch
( long "version"
<> short 'v'
<> help "Show version of the program" )
<*> strOption
( long "config"
<> short 'c'
<> value "hap.yaml"
<> metavar "PATH"
<> showDefault
<> help "Configuration file to use" )
deployParser :: Parser Command
deployParser = Deploy
<$> option pReleaseFormat
( long "release-format"
<> short 'r'
<> value ReleaseShort
<> help "Which format release timestamp format to use: long or short, default is short." )
<*> option auto
( long "keep-releases"
<> short 'k'
<> value 5
<> showDefault
<> help "How many releases to keep" )
rollbackParser :: Parser Command
rollbackParser = Rollback
<$> option auto
( long "use-nth"
<> short 'n'
<> value 1
<> showDefault
<> help "How many deployments back to go?" )
pReleaseFormat :: ReadM ReleaseFormat
pReleaseFormat = eitherReader $ \s ->
case s of
"long" -> Right ReleaseLong
"short" -> Right ReleaseShort
_ -> Left ("Unknown format: " ++ s ++ ", try long or short.")
-- Main
-- | Message that is used for communication between worker threads and the
-- printer thread.
data Message
= PrintMsg OutputDest String -- ^ Print a message to specified 'OutputDest'
| FinishMsg -- ^ The worker has finished
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
main :: IO ()
main = do
Opts {..} <- execParser parserInfo
when optsVersion $ do
putStrLn $ "Hapistrano " ++ showVersion version
econfig <- Yaml.decodeFileEither optsConfigFile
case econfig of
Left err -> do
putStrLn (Yaml.prettyPrintParseException err)
Right C.Config {..} -> do
chan <- newTChanIO
let printFnc dest str = atomically $
writeTChan chan (PrintMsg dest str)
hap sshOpts = do
r <- Hap.runHapistrano sshOpts printFnc $
case optsCommand of
Deploy releaseFormat n -> do
release <- Hap.pushRelease Task
{ taskDeployPath = configDeployPath
, taskRepository = configRepo
, taskRevision = configRevision
, taskReleaseFormat = releaseFormat }
rpath <- Hap.releasePath configDeployPath release
forM_ configCopyFiles $ \(C.CopyThing src dest) -> do
srcPath <- resolveFile' src
destPath <- parseRelFile dest
let dpath = rpath </> destPath
(Hap.exec . Hap.MkDir . parent) dpath
Hap.scpFile srcPath dpath
forM_ configCopyDirs $ \(C.CopyThing src dest) -> do
srcPath <- resolveDir' src
destPath <- parseRelDir dest
let dpath = rpath </> destPath
(Hap.exec . Hap.MkDir . parent) dpath
Hap.scpDir srcPath dpath
forM_ configBuildScript (Hap.playScript configDeployPath release)
Hap.registerReleaseAsComplete configDeployPath release
Hap.activateRelease configDeployPath release
Hap.dropOldReleases configDeployPath n
forM_ configRestartCommand Hap.exec
Rollback n -> do
Hap.rollback configDeployPath n
forM_ configRestartCommand Hap.exec
atomically (writeTChan chan FinishMsg)
return r
printer :: Int -> IO ()
printer n = when (n > 0) $ do
msg <- atomically (readTChan chan)
case msg of
PrintMsg StdoutDest str ->
putStr str >> printer n
PrintMsg StderrDest str ->
hPutStr stderr str >> printer n
FinishMsg ->
printer (n - 1)
haps :: [IO (Either Int ())]
haps =
case configHosts of
[] -> [hap Nothing] -- localhost, no SSH
xs ->
let f (host, port) = SshOptions host port
in hap . Just . f <$> xs
results <- (runConcurrently . sequenceA . fmap Concurrently)
((Right () <$ printer (length haps)) : haps)
case sequence_ results of
Left n -> exitWith (ExitFailure n)
Right () -> putStrLn "Success."