require 'tempfile' require 'rake/clean' task 'default' => %w[ .bitmap .console .portable .truetype .opentype .screenshots ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bitmap #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory 'bdf' file '.bitmap' => %w[ bdf .tamzen .powerline ] do |t| sh 'mkfontdir', 'bdf' sh 'xset', '+fp', File.expand_path('bdf') sh 'xset', 'fp', 'rehash' touch end CLOBBER.include %w[ .bitmap bdf/fonts.dir ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tamzen #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Font <, :props, :chars) def initialize file, contents head, *body, @tail = contents.split(/(?=\nSTARTCHAR|\nENDFONT)/) props = Hash[ {|s| s.chomp.split(' ', 2) }.reject(&:empty?)] chars = Hash[ {|s| [Integer(s[/ENCODING (\d+)/, 1]), s] }] super file, props, chars # delete empty glyphs except space (32) and non-breaking space (160) chars.each do |code, char| if char =~ /BITMAP\n(?:0+\n)+ENDCHAR/ && code != 32 && code != 160 chars.delete code end end end def to_s props['CHARS'] = chars.length [ {|*a| a.join(' ') }.join(?\n), ?\n, chars.values, @tail, ?\n ].join end end # Font files are looked up in the specified named git trees. TAMZEN_BACKPORT_TREES = %w[ Tamsyn-1.6 Tamsyn-1.6-derived Tamsyn-1.9 ] # For each font filename regexp, the specified names are substituted. TAMZEN_BACKPORT_MOVES = { /8x16/ => '8x17', } # For each font filename regexp, the specified glyphs are backported. TAMZEN_BACKPORT_SPECS = { # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 6 7 8 9 0 # { } [ ] ( ) < > $ * - + = / # _ % ^ @ \ & | ~ ? ' " ` ! , . ; : /(?#for-all-fonts)/ => %w[ b h l m n p q y ], /10x20/ => %w[ O Q a b c d e g h j l m n o p q r u w y ], /8x16/ => %w[ O Q a b d g h l m n p q r u w y ], /8x15/ => %w[ b d h l m n p q r u w y ], /7x14/ => %w[ b h k l m n p q s y ], /7x13/ => %w[ b h l m n p q w y ], } desc 'Build Tamzen fonts.' file '.tamzen' => ['bdf', __FILE__] do |t| require 'git' git ='.') # cache to speed up font lookups in loops below font_by_tree_and_file = do |cache, key| tree, file = key if blob = git.gtree(tree).blobs[file] cache[key] =, blob.contents) end end # target the newest available Tamsyn release tag tags =^Tamsyn-/). sort_by {|s| s.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i) } target_tag = tags.last # for each BDF font in the target release tag... git.gtree(target_tag).blobs.keys.grep(/\.bdf$/).each do |target_file| target_font = font_by_tree_and_file[[target_tag, target_file]] source_files = {|k,v| target_file.sub(k,v) }. unshift(target_file).uniq # backport glyphs from previous font versions backport_glyphs = TAMZEN_BACKPORT_SPECS. select {|regexp, _| regexp =~ target_file }. map {|_, glyphs| glyphs }.flatten.uniq.sort backport_glyphs.all? do |glyph| codepoint = glyph.ord TAMZEN_BACKPORT_TREES.any? do |tree| source_files.any? do |file| source_font = font_by_tree_and_file[[tree, file]] and source_char = source_font.chars[codepoint] and target_font.chars[codepoint] = source_char # backport! end end or warn "#{target_file}: glyph #{glyph.inspect} (#{codepoint}) not found" end or warn "#{target_file}: not all glyphs were backported; see errors above" # ensure that BDF fonts play well with Unicode target_font.props['CHARSET_REGISTRY'] = '"ISO10646"' target_font.props['CHARSET_ENCODING'] = '"1"' # save backported font under a different name rename = %w[ Tamsyn Tamzen ] dst = File.join('bdf', target_file.sub(*rename)) File.write dst, target_font.to_s.gsub(*rename) end touch end CLOBBER.include %w[ .tamzen bdf/Tamzen[0-9]*.bdf ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # powerline #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- desc 'Build Tamzen fonts for Powerline.' file '.powerline' => %w[ .tamzen bitmap-font-patcher/ ] do |t| FileList['bdf/Tamzen[0-9]*.bdf'].each do |src| rename = [/Tamzen/, '\&ForPowerline'] dst = src.sub(*rename) target_font = # backport powerline glyphs from existing BDF files or patch them in if File.exist? powerline_file = "bdf/Powerline#{src[/\d+x\d+/]}.bdf" source_font =, powerline_font =, source_font.chars.merge! powerline_font.chars # backport! source_font.props['CHARSET_REGISTRY'] = '"ISO10646"' source_font else IO.popen(t.prerequisites.last, 'w+') do |patcher| # XXX: patcher *only* operates on ISO10646 encoded fonts patcher.write'ISO8859', 'ISO10646') patcher.close_write,'ISO10646', 'ISO8859')) end end File.write dst, target_font.to_s.gsub(*rename) end touch end CLOBBER.include %w[ .powerline bdf/TamzenForPowerline*.bdf ] file 'bitmap-font-patcher/' do sh 'git', 'clone', '' end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # console #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory 'psf' desc 'Build Tamzen fonts for the Linux Console (VT).' file '.console' => %w[ psf .bitmap /usr/share/bdf2psf ] do |t| FileList['bdf/Tamzen*.bdf'].sort.each_slice(2) do |bold, regular| dst = regular.gsub('bdf', 'psf').sub(/r(?=\.psf$)/, '')'symbols') do |symbols_file| symbols =^STARTCHAR (\S+)$/) symbols_file.puts symbols symbols_file.close sh 'bdf2psf', '--fb', "#{regular}+#{bold}", "#{t.prerequisites.last}/standard.equivalents", symbols_file.path, symbols.length.to_s, dst end end touch end CLOBBER.include %w[ .console psf ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # portable #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory 'pcf' desc 'Build Tamzen fonts in Portable Compiled Format.' file '.portable' => %w[ pcf .bitmap ] do |t| FileList['bdf/Tamzen*.bdf'].each do |src| dst = src.gsub('bdf', 'pcf') sh 'bdftopcf', '-o', dst, '-t', src end touch end CLOBBER.include %w[ .portable pcf ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # opentype #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory 'otb' desc 'Build Tamzen fonts in OpenType Bitmap (OTB) format.' file '.opentype' => %w[ otb .bitmap ] do |t| FileList['bdf/Tamzen*.bdf'].each do |src| dst = src.gsub('bdf', 'otb') sh 'fonttosfnt', '-o', dst, '--', src end touch end CLOBBER.include %w[ .opentype otb ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # truetype #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory 'ttf' desc 'Build Tamzen fonts in TrueType (TTF) format.' file '.truetype' => %w[ ttf .bitmap bitsnpicas/downloads/BitsNPicas.jar ] do |t| FileList['bdf/Tamzen*.bdf'].each do |src| dst = src.gsub('bdf', 'ttf') sh 'java', '-jar', t.prerequisites.last, 'convertbitmap', '-f', 'ttf', '-o', dst, src end touch end CLOBBER.include %w[ .truetype ttf ] file 'bitsnpicas/downloads/BitsNPicas.jar' do sh 'git', 'clone', '' end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # screenshots #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- directory 'png' desc 'Build font preview screenshots.' file '.screenshots' => %w[ png .bitmap ] do |t| FileList['bdf/Tamzen*.bdf'].each do |bdf| src = File.basename(bdf) dst = bdf.sub('bdf', 'png').ext('png') # translate the BDF font filename into its full X11 font name @bdf_to_x11 ||= Hash[File.readlines('bdf/fonts.dir').map(&:split)] # assemble sample text for rendering lines = File.readlines('screenshot.txt').map(&:chomp) width = lines.first.length lines.unshift # store sample text in a file because it's the easiest way to render sample_text_file ='screenshot') sample_text_file.write lines.join(?\n) sample_text_file.close # render sample text using the source font to the destination image sh 'xterm', '-fg', 'black', '-bg', 'white', '-T', src, '-font', @bdf_to_x11.fetch(src), '-geometry', "#{lines.first.length}x#{lines.length}", '-e', [ 'tput civis', # hide the cursor "cat #{sample_text_file.path.inspect}", # show sample text "import -window $WINDOWID #{dst.inspect}", # take a screenshot ].join(' && ') end touch end CLEAN.include %w[ .screenshots png ]