demo pixi.js (#1650)

Towards #1415.

Potential candidate for a web-based world display

Uses [pixi.js](

# Demo

1. Run swarm: `scripts/ -i scenarios/Fun/horton.yaml --autoplay --speed 6`
1. Visit http://localhost:5357/play.html
This commit is contained in:
Karl Ostmo 2023-12-19 22:41:38 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent c48a46cac4
commit 358e60bb87
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 304 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario)
import Swarm.Game.State (SubworldDescription, genRobotTemplates)
import Swarm.Game.Universe (Cosmic (..), SubworldName (DefaultRootSubworld))
determineViewCenter ::
-- | Determine view center for a static map
-- without reference to a 'GameState'
-- (i.e. outside the context of an active game)
determineStaticViewCenter ::
Scenario ->
NonEmpty SubworldDescription ->
Cosmic Location
determineViewCenter s worldTuples =
determineStaticViewCenter s worldTuples =
fromMaybe defaultVC baseRobotLoc
theRobots = genRobotTemplates s worldTuples

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Swarm.Game.Display (defaultChar)
import Swarm.Game.Entity.Cosmetic
import Swarm.Game.Location
import Swarm.Game.ResourceLoading (initNameGenerator, readAppData)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario, area, loadStandaloneScenario, scenarioCosmetics, scenarioWorlds, ul, worldName)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (PWorldDescription, Scenario, area, loadStandaloneScenario, scenarioCosmetics, scenarioWorlds, ul, worldName)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Status (seedLaunchParams)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Area
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Cell
@ -85,37 +85,20 @@ fromHiFi = fmap $ \case
-- those triples are not inputs to the VTY attribute creation.
AnsiColor x -> namedToTriple x
-- | When output size is not explicitly provided on command line,
-- | When output size is not explicitly provided,
-- uses natural map bounds (if a map exists).
getDisplayGrid ::
Scenario ->
GameState ->
getBoundingBox ::
Location ->
PWorldDescription e ->
Maybe AreaDimensions ->
Grid (PCell EntityFacade)
getDisplayGrid myScenario gs maybeSize =
(getContentAt worlds . mkCosmic)
(mkBoundingBox areaDims upperLeftLocation)
getBoundingBox vc scenarioWorld maybeSize =
mkBoundingBox areaDims upperLeftLocation
mkCosmic = Cosmic $ worldName firstScenarioWorld
worlds = view (landscape . multiWorld) gs
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples myScenario
vc = determineViewCenter myScenario worldTuples
firstScenarioWorld = NE.head $ view scenarioWorlds myScenario
worldArea = area firstScenarioWorld
mapAreaDims = getAreaDimensions worldArea
areaDims@(AreaDimensions w h) =
fromMaybe (AreaDimensions 20 10) $
maybeSize <|> surfaceEmpty isEmpty mapAreaDims
upperLeftLocation =
if null maybeSize && not (isEmpty mapAreaDims)
then ul firstScenarioWorld
else view planar vc .+^ ((`div` 2) <$> V2 (negate w) h)
then ul scenarioWorld
else vc .+^ ((`div` 2) <$> V2 (negate w) h)
mkBoundingBox areaDimens upperLeftLoc =
both W.locToCoords locationBounds
@ -123,6 +106,29 @@ getDisplayGrid myScenario gs maybeSize =
lowerRightLocation = upperLeftToBottomRight areaDimens upperLeftLoc
locationBounds = (upperLeftLoc, lowerRightLocation)
worldArea = area scenarioWorld
mapAreaDims = getAreaDimensions worldArea
areaDims@(AreaDimensions w h) =
fromMaybe (AreaDimensions 20 10) $
maybeSize <|> surfaceEmpty isEmpty mapAreaDims
getDisplayGrid ::
Location ->
Scenario ->
GameState ->
Maybe AreaDimensions ->
Grid CellPaintDisplay
getDisplayGrid vc myScenario gs maybeSize =
(getContentAt worlds . mkCosmic)
(getBoundingBox vc firstScenarioWorld maybeSize)
mkCosmic = Cosmic $ worldName firstScenarioWorld
worlds = view (landscape . multiWorld) gs
firstScenarioWorld = NE.head $ view scenarioWorlds myScenario
getRenderableGrid ::
RenderOpts ->
FilePath ->
@ -138,7 +144,11 @@ getRenderableGrid (RenderOpts maybeSeed _ _ maybeSize) fp = simpleErrorHandle $
(seedLaunchParams maybeSeed)
return (getDisplayGrid myScenario gs maybeSize, myScenario ^. scenarioCosmetics)
let vc =
view planar $
determineStaticViewCenter myScenario $
buildWorldTuples myScenario
return (getDisplayGrid vc myScenario gs maybeSize, myScenario ^. scenarioCosmetics)
doRenderCmd :: RenderOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
doRenderCmd opts@(RenderOpts _ asPng _ _) mapPath =

View File

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ drawNewGameMenuUI (l :| ls) launchOptions = case displayedFor of
, padTop (Pad 1) table
vc = determineViewCenter s worldTuples
vc = determineStaticViewCenter s worldTuples
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples s
theWorlds = genMultiWorld worldTuples $ fromMaybe 0 $ s ^. scenarioSeed

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import Swarm.Game.Robot
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Objective
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Objective.Graph
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Objective.WinCheck
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Area (AreaDimensions (..))
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Structure.Recognition
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Structure.Recognition.Log
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Structure.Recognition.Registry
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ import Swarm.TUI.Model
import Swarm.TUI.Model.Goal
import Swarm.TUI.Model.UI
import Swarm.Util.RingBuffer
import Swarm.Web.Worldview
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Text.Read (readEither)
import WaiAppStatic.Types (unsafeToPiece)
@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ type SwarmAPI =
:<|> "code" :> "run" :> ReqBody '[PlainText] T.Text :> Post '[PlainText] T.Text
:<|> "paths" :> "log" :> Get '[JSON] (RingBuffer CacheLogEntry)
:<|> "repl" :> "history" :> "full" :> Get '[JSON] [REPLHistItem]
:<|> "map" :> Capture "size" AreaDimensions :> Get '[JSON] GridResponse
swarmApi :: Proxy SwarmAPI
swarmApi = Proxy
@ -162,6 +165,7 @@ mkApp state events =
:<|> codeRunHandler events
:<|> pathsLogHandler state
:<|> replHandler state
:<|> mapViewHandler state
robotsHandler :: ReadableIORef AppState -> Handler [Robot]
robotsHandler appStateRef = do
@ -244,6 +248,18 @@ replHandler appStateRef = do
items = toList replHistorySeq
pure items
mapViewHandler :: ReadableIORef AppState -> AreaDimensions -> Handler GridResponse
mapViewHandler appStateRef areaSize = do
appState <- liftIO (readIORef appStateRef)
let maybeScenario = fst <$> appState ^. uiState . scenarioRef
pure $ case maybeScenario of
Just s ->
GridResponse True
. Just
. getCellGrid s (appState ^. gameState)
$ areaSize
Nothing -> GridResponse False Nothing
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Main app (used by service and for development)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -338,3 +354,19 @@ instance ToCapture (Capture "id" RobotID) where
"id" -- name
"(integer) robot ID" -- description
instance FromHttpApiData AreaDimensions where
parseUrlPiece x = left T.pack $ do
pieces <- mapM (readEither . T.unpack) $ T.splitOn "x" x
case pieces of
[w, h] -> return $ AreaDimensions w h
_ -> Left "Need two dimensions"
instance SD.ToSample AreaDimensions where
toSamples _ = SD.samples [AreaDimensions 20 30]
instance ToCapture (Capture "size" AreaDimensions) where
toCapture _ =
"size" -- name
"(integer, integer) dimensions of area" -- description

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
-- |
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-- Description: Render game world for web display
module Swarm.Web.Worldview where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON)
import Data.Colour.Palette.BrewerSet (Kolor)
import Data.Colour.SRGB (RGB (..), sRGB24, sRGB24show)
import Data.IntMap qualified as IM
import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Servant.Docs qualified as SD
import Swarm.Game.Entity.Cosmetic (RGBColor, flattenBg)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario, scenarioCosmetics)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Style
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Area (AreaDimensions (..), Grid)
import Swarm.Game.State (GameState, robotInfo)
import Swarm.Game.State.Robot (viewCenter)
import Swarm.Game.Universe (planar)
import Swarm.Game.World.Render
import Swarm.TUI.View.CellDisplay (getTerrainEntityColor)
import Swarm.Util.OccurrenceEncoder
data GridResponse = GridResponse
{ isPlaying :: Bool
, grid :: Maybe CellGrid
deriving (Generic, ToJSON)
getCellGrid ::
Scenario ->
GameState ->
AreaDimensions ->
getCellGrid myScenario gs requestedSize =
CellGrid indexGrid encoding
vc = gs ^. robotInfo . viewCenter
dg = getDisplayGrid (vc ^. planar) myScenario gs (Just requestedSize)
aMap = myScenario ^. scenarioCosmetics
asColour :: RGBColor -> Kolor
asColour (RGB r g b) = sRGB24 r g b
asHex = HexColor . T.pack . sRGB24show . asColour
f = asHex . maybe (RGB 0 0 0) (flattenBg . fromHiFi) . getTerrainEntityColor aMap
(indexGrid, encoding) = runEncoder $ f <$> dg
data CellGrid = CellGrid
{ coords :: Grid IM.Key
, colors :: [HexColor]
deriving (Generic, ToJSON)
instance SD.ToSample GridResponse where
toSamples _ = SD.noSamples

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-- |
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-- Description: Compress representation of traversable
-- Useful for compressing the representation of a
-- structure that has many repeating elements
-- for transmission (e.g. over the network).
module Swarm.Util.OccurrenceEncoder (
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as M
type OccurrenceEncoder a = State (Encoder a)
newtype Encoder a = Encoder (Map a Int)
-- |
-- Given a data structure that may have many repeating "complex" elements,
-- will store the "complex" element representation
-- in an array so that the structure's elements can be replaced
-- with simple indices into that array.
-- The first encountered element is assigned index 0, and the next
-- novel element encountered gets index 1, and so on.
runEncoder ::
(Traversable t, Ord b) =>
t b ->
(t Int, [b])
runEncoder structure =
getIndices <$> runState (mapM encodeOccurrence structure) emptyEncoder
emptyEncoder :: Ord a => Encoder a
emptyEncoder = Encoder mempty
-- | Map indices are guaranteed to be contiguous
-- from @[0..N]@, so we may convert to a list
-- with no loss of information.
getIndices :: Encoder a -> [a]
getIndices (Encoder m) = map fst $ sortOn snd $ M.toList m
-- | Translate each the first occurrence in the structure
-- to a new integer as it is encountered.
-- Subsequent encounters re-use the allocated integer.
encodeOccurrence :: Ord a => a -> OccurrenceEncoder a Int
encodeOccurrence c = do
Encoder currentMap <- get
maybe (cacheNewIndex currentMap) return $
M.lookup c currentMap
cacheNewIndex currentMap = do
put $ Encoder $ M.insert c newIdx currentMap
return newIdx
newIdx = M.size currentMap

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ library swarm-util
@ -288,12 +289,14 @@ library
reexported-modules: Control.Carrier.Accum.FixedStrict
, Data.BoolExpr.Simplify
, Swarm.Util
, Swarm.Util.Erasable
, Swarm.Util.Lens
, Swarm.Util.OccurrenceEncoder
, Swarm.Util.Parse
, Swarm.Util.RingBuffer
, Swarm.Util.UnitInterval

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
<h1>Hello Swarm player!</h1>
<p>Looking for the <a href="api">Web API docs</a>?</p>
<p>Or an <a href="play.html">experimental web frontend</a> for the game?</p>

web/play.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<!doctype html>
<title>Web frontend</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="script/display.js"></script>
<script src="script/fetch.js"></script>
function startLoop() {
const button = document.getElementById('restart-button'); = 'none';
let displayWidth = 600;
let displayHeight = 300;
let out = setupGraphics(button, displayWidth, displayHeight);
let appView = out[0];
let graphics = out[1];
doFetch(button, appView, graphics, displayWidth, displayHeight);
<button id="restart-button" onclick="startLoop();" style="display: block;">Restart</button>

web/script/display.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
function setupGraphics(button, displayWidth, displayHeight) {
// Create the application helper and add its render target to the page
let app = new PIXI.Application({
width: displayWidth,
height: displayHeight,
backgroundColor: 0xFFFFFF
document.body.insertBefore(app.view, button);
const graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
return [app.view, graphics];

web/script/fetch.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
var globalRefetchCount = 0;
var lastPrintTime =;
let cellSize = 8;
function drawGraphics(graphics, colorMap, grid) {
for (let rowIdx=0; rowIdx < grid.length; rowIdx++) {
let row = grid[rowIdx];
for (let colIdx=0; colIdx <= row.length; colIdx++) {
let colorIdx = row[colIdx];
let color = colorMap[colorIdx];
let xPos = colIdx * cellSize;
let yPos = rowIdx * cellSize;
graphics.drawRect(xPos, yPos, xPos + cellSize, yPos + cellSize);
function doFetch(appView, button, gfx, renderWidth, renderHeight) {
globalRefetchCount += 1;
const newPrintTime =;
const millis = newPrintTime - lastPrintTime;
if (millis > 3000) {
console.log("Fetch count: " + globalRefetchCount);
lastPrintTime = newPrintTime;
let hCellCount = Math.floor(renderWidth / cellSize);
let vCellCount = Math.floor(renderHeight / cellSize);
let areaSpec = hCellCount + "x" + vCellCount;
fetch("map/" + areaSpec)
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error, status = ${response.status}`);
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
if (data.isPlaying) {
drawGraphics(gfx, data.grid.colors, data.grid.coords);
setTimeout(() => doFetch(appView, button, gfx, renderWidth, renderHeight), 30);
.catch((error) => {
const p = document.createElement("p");
p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`Error: ${error.message}`));
document.body.appendChild(p); = 'block';