Move more code to Robots.hs, do not export private fields (#1669)

A continuation of #1667.

* Do not export `_viewCenter` or `_focusedRobotID`
* Move record initialization code to `Robot.hs` as `setRobotInfo`.
* `modifyViewCenter`, `unfocus`, `recalcViewCenter` now operate directly on `Robots` instead of `GameState`.
This commit is contained in:
Karl Ostmo 2023-12-03 14:31:35 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 536f1dcf47
commit 437f70418c
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 67 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -47,11 +47,8 @@ module Swarm.Game.State (
RobotRange (..),
@ -84,8 +81,8 @@ import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Foldable.Extra (allM)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.IntMap qualified as IM
import Data.IntSet qualified as IS
import Data.List (partition, sortOn)
@ -323,51 +320,19 @@ messageIsFromNearby l e = case e ^. leSource of
InfinitelyFar -> False
Measurable x -> x <= hearingDistance
-- | Given a current mapping from robot names to robots, apply a
-- 'ViewCenterRule' to derive the location it refers to. The result
-- is 'Maybe' because the rule may refer to a robot which does not
-- exist.
applyViewCenterRule :: ViewCenterRule -> IntMap Robot -> Maybe (Cosmic Location)
applyViewCenterRule (VCLocation l) _ = Just l
applyViewCenterRule (VCRobot name) m = m ^? at name . _Just . robotLocation
-- | Recalculate the view center (and cache the result in the
-- 'viewCenter' field) based on the current 'viewCenterRule'. If
-- the 'viewCenterRule' specifies a robot which does not exist,
-- simply leave the current 'viewCenter' as it is. Set 'needsRedraw'
-- if the view center changes.
recalcViewCenter :: GameState -> GameState
recalcViewCenter g =
recalcViewCenterAndRedraw :: GameState -> GameState
recalcViewCenterAndRedraw g =
{ _robotInfo =
(g ^. robotInfo)
{ _viewCenter = newViewCenter
& (if newViewCenter /= oldViewCenter then needsRedraw .~ True else id)
& robotInfo .~ newRobotInfo
& (if ((/=) `on` (^. viewCenter)) oldRobotInfo newRobotInfo then needsRedraw .~ True else id)
oldViewCenter = g ^. robotInfo . viewCenter
newViewCenter =
fromMaybe oldViewCenter $
applyViewCenterRule (g ^. robotInfo . viewCenterRule) (g ^. robotInfo . robotMap)
-- | Modify the 'viewCenter' by applying an arbitrary function to the
-- current value. Note that this also modifies the 'viewCenterRule'
-- to match. After calling this function the 'viewCenterRule' will
-- specify a particular location, not a robot.
modifyViewCenter :: (Cosmic Location -> Cosmic Location) -> GameState -> GameState
modifyViewCenter update g =
& case g ^. robotInfo . viewCenterRule of
VCLocation l -> robotInfo . viewCenterRule .~ VCLocation (update l)
VCRobot _ -> robotInfo . viewCenterRule .~ VCLocation (update (g ^. robotInfo . viewCenter))
-- | "Unfocus" by modifying the view center rule to look at the
-- current location instead of a specific robot, and also set the
-- focused robot ID to an invalid value. In classic mode this
-- causes the map view to become nothing but static.
unfocus :: GameState -> GameState
unfocus = (\g -> g {_robotInfo = (g ^. robotInfo) {_focusedRobotID = -1000}}) . modifyViewCenter id
oldRobotInfo = g ^. robotInfo
newRobotInfo = recalcViewCenter oldRobotInfo
-- | Given a width and height, compute the region, centered on the
-- 'viewCenter', that should currently be in view.
@ -663,10 +628,7 @@ pureScenarioToGameState scenario theSeed now toRun gsc =
gs = initGameState gsc
preliminaryGameState =
& robotInfo .~ (gs ^. robotInfo) {_focusedRobotID = baseID}
& robotInfo %~ setRobotList robotList'
& robotInfo . viewCenterRule .~ VCRobot baseID
& robotInfo . robotNaming . gensym .~ initGensym
& robotInfo %~ setRobotInfo baseID robotList'
& creativeMode .~ scenario ^. scenarioCreative
& winCondition .~ theWinCondition
& winSolution .~ scenario ^. scenarioSolution
@ -756,7 +718,6 @@ pureScenarioToGameState scenario theSeed now toRun gsc =
(\x -> WinConditions Ongoing (ObjectiveCompletion (CompletionBuckets (NE.toList x) mempty mempty) mempty))
(NE.nonEmpty (scenario ^. scenarioObjectives))
initGensym = length robotList - 1
addRecipesWith f = IM.unionWith (<>) (f $ scenario ^. scenarioRecipes)
-- | Create an initial game state corresponding to the given scenario.

View File

@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ module Swarm.Game.State.Robot (
-- * Initialization
-- * Accessors
@ -41,7 +40,11 @@ module Swarm.Game.State.Robot (
-- ** View
) where
import Control.Arrow (Arrow ((&&&)))
@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ import Data.IntSet.Lens (setOf)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
@ -378,13 +381,21 @@ removeRobotFromLocationMap (Cosmic oldSubworld oldPlanar) rid =
tidyDelete robID =
surfaceEmpty M.null . M.update (deleteOne robID) oldPlanar
setRobotInfo :: RID -> [Robot] -> Robots -> Robots
setRobotInfo baseID robotList rState =
(setRobotList robotList rState) {_focusedRobotID = baseID}
& viewCenterRule .~ VCRobot baseID
setRobotList :: [Robot] -> Robots -> Robots
setRobotList robotList rState =
& robotMap .~ IM.fromList (map (view robotID &&& id) robotList)
& robotsByLocation .~ (groupRobotsByPlanarLocation . NE.toList) (groupRobotsBySubworld robotList)
& internalActiveRobots .~ setOf (traverse . robotID) robotList
& robotNaming . gensym .~ initGensym
initGensym = length robotList - 1
groupRobotsBySubworld =
binTuples . map (view (robotLocation . subworld) &&& id)
@ -392,3 +403,43 @@ setRobotList robotList rState =
(map (view (robotLocation . planar) &&& (IS.singleton . view robotID)) rs)
-- | Modify the 'viewCenter' by applying an arbitrary function to the
-- current value. Note that this also modifies the 'viewCenterRule'
-- to match. After calling this function the 'viewCenterRule' will
-- specify a particular location, not a robot.
modifyViewCenter :: (Cosmic Location -> Cosmic Location) -> Robots -> Robots
modifyViewCenter update rInfo =
& case rInfo ^. viewCenterRule of
VCLocation l -> viewCenterRule .~ VCLocation (update l)
VCRobot _ -> viewCenterRule .~ VCLocation (update (rInfo ^. viewCenter))
-- | "Unfocus" by modifying the view center rule to look at the
-- current location instead of a specific robot, and also set the
-- focused robot ID to an invalid value. In classic mode this
-- causes the map view to become nothing but static.
unfocus :: Robots -> Robots
unfocus = (\ri -> ri {_focusedRobotID = -1000}) . modifyViewCenter id
-- | Recalculate the view center (and cache the result in the
-- 'viewCenter' field) based on the current 'viewCenterRule'. If
-- the 'viewCenterRule' specifies a robot which does not exist,
-- simply leave the current 'viewCenter' as it is.
recalcViewCenter :: Robots -> Robots
recalcViewCenter rInfo =
{ _viewCenter = newViewCenter
newViewCenter =
fromMaybe (rInfo ^. viewCenter) $
applyViewCenterRule (rInfo ^. viewCenterRule) (rInfo ^. robotMap)
-- | Given a current mapping from robot names to robots, apply a
-- 'ViewCenterRule' to derive the location it refers to. The result
-- is 'Maybe' because the rule may refer to a robot which does not
-- exist.
applyViewCenterRule :: ViewCenterRule -> IntMap Robot -> Maybe (Cosmic Location)
applyViewCenterRule (VCLocation l) _ = Just l
applyViewCenterRule (VCRobot name) m = m ^? at name . _Just . robotLocation

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ gameTick = do
Nothing -> pure ()
-- Possibly update the view center.
modify recalcViewCenter
modify recalcViewCenterAndRedraw
when ticked $ do
-- On new tick see if the winning condition for the current objective is met.

View File

@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ execConst runChildProg c vs s k = do
-- point is that there's no way to tell the difference
-- between this situation and the situation where the
-- robot exists but is too far away.
False -> modify unfocus
False -> robotInfo %= unfocus
-- If it does exist, set it as the view center.
Just _ -> robotInfo . viewCenterRule .= VCRobot rid

View File

@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ scrollView update = do
-- always work, but there seems to be some sort of race condition
-- where 'needsRedraw' gets reset before the UI drawing code runs.
invalidateCacheEntry WorldCache
gameState %= modifyViewCenter (fmap update)
gameState . robotInfo %= modifyViewCenter (fmap update)
-- | Convert a directional key into a direction.
keyToDir :: V.Key -> Heading