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synced 2025-01-05 23:34:35 +03:00
Refactor App using standalone functions (#2130)
* Make `appMain` fit on the screen. * Replace state `s1` and `s2` versions with `modifyIORef`.
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,19 +9,27 @@
-- Description: Application entry point
-- Main entry point for the Swarm application.
module Swarm.App where
module Swarm.App (
-- * Demo web
) where
import Brick
import Brick.BChan
import Control.Carrier.Lift (runM)
import Control.Carrier.Throw.Either (runThrow)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Lens (view, (%~), (&), (?~))
import Control.Lens (view, (%~), (?~))
import Control.Monad (forever, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.IORef (IORef, modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import GitHash (GitInfo)
import Graphics.Vty qualified as V
import Graphics.Vty.CrossPlatform qualified as V
import Swarm.Game.Failure (SystemFailure)
@ -35,6 +43,7 @@ import Swarm.TUI.Model.UI (uiAttrMap)
import Swarm.TUI.View
import Swarm.Version (getNewerReleaseVersion)
import Swarm.Web
import System.Exit
import System.IO (stderr)
type EventHandler = BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name AppState ()
@ -47,7 +56,7 @@ app eventHandler =
{ appDraw = drawUI
, appChooseCursor = chooseCursor
, appHandleEvent = eventHandler
, appStartEvent = enablePasteMode
, appStartEvent = pure ()
, appAttrMap = view $ uiState . uiAttrMap
@ -57,69 +66,37 @@ appMain :: AppOpts -> IO ()
appMain opts = do
res <- runM . runThrow $ initAppState opts
case res of
Left err -> T.hPutStrLn stderr (prettyText @SystemFailure err)
Left err -> do
T.hPutStrLn stderr (prettyText @SystemFailure err)
Right s -> do
-- Send Frame events as at a reasonable rate for 30 fps. The
-- game is responsible for figuring out how many steps to take
-- each frame to achieve the desired speed, regardless of the
-- frame rate. Note that if the game cannot keep up with 30
-- fps, it's not a problem: the channel will fill up and this
-- thread will block. So the force of the threadDelay is just
-- to set a *maximum* possible frame rate.
-- 5 is the size of the bounded channel; when it gets that big,
-- any writes to it will block. Probably 1 would work fine,
-- though it seems like it could be good to have a bit of buffer
-- just so the app never has to wait for the thread to wake up
-- and do another write.
chan <- newBChan 5
_ <- forkIO $
forever $ do
writeBChan chan Frame
threadDelay 33_333 -- cap maximum framerate at 30 FPS
_ <- forkIO $ do
upRel <- getNewerReleaseVersion (repoGitInfo opts)
writeBChan chan (UpstreamVersion upRel)
-- Start the web service with a reference to the game state.
-- NOTE: This reference should be considered read-only by
-- the web service; the game alone shall host the canonical state.
-- NOTE: The state reference is read-only by the web service;
-- the brick app has the real state and updates the reference.
appStateRef <- newIORef s
chan <- createChannel
sendFrameEvents chan
sendUpstreamVersion chan (repoGitInfo opts)
-- Start web service
eport <-
(userWebPort opts)
(readIORef appStateRef)
(writeBChan chan)
let logP p = logEvent SystemLog Info "Web API" ("started on :" <> T.pack (show p))
let logE e = logEvent SystemLog Error "Web API" (T.pack e)
let s1 =
& runtimeState
%~ case eport of
Right p -> (webPort ?~ p) . (eventLog %~ logP p)
Left e -> eventLog %~ logE e
-- Update the reference for every event
let eventHandler e = do
curSt <- get
liftIO $ writeIORef appStateRef curSt
handleEvent e
modifyIORef appStateRef $ logWebPort eport
-- Setup virtual terminal
let buildVty = V.mkVty V.defaultConfig {V.configPreferredColorMode = colorMode opts}
vty <- buildVty
V.setMode (V.outputIface vty) V.Mouse True
let cm = V.outputColorMode $ V.outputIface vty
let s2 =
& runtimeState . eventLog %~ logEvent SystemLog Info "Graphics" ("Color mode: " <> T.pack (show cm))
vty <- buildVty $ colorMode opts
modifyIORef appStateRef $ logColorMode vty
-- Run the app.
void $ customMain vty buildVty (Just chan) (app eventHandler) s2
void $
readIORef appStateRef
>>= customMain
(buildVty $ colorMode opts)
(Just chan)
(app $ handleEventAndUpdateWeb appStateRef)
-- | A demo program to run the web service directly, without the terminal application.
-- This is useful to live update the code using @ghcid -W --test "Swarm.App.demoWeb"@.
@ -131,21 +108,79 @@ demoWeb = do
case res of
Left err -> T.putStrLn (prettyText @SystemFailure err)
Right s -> do
appStateRef <- newIORef s
chan <- newBChan 5
chan <- createChannel
(readIORef appStateRef)
(pure s)
(writeBChan chan)
demoScenario = Just "./data/scenarios/Testing/475-wait-one.yaml"
-- | If available for the terminal emulator, enable bracketed paste mode.
enablePasteMode :: EventM n s ()
enablePasteMode = do
vty <- getVtyHandle
-- | Create a channel for app events.
-- 5 is the size of the bounded channel; when it gets that big,
-- any writes to it will block. Probably 1 would work fine,
-- though it seems like it could be good to have a bit of buffer
-- just so the app never has to wait for the thread to wake up
-- and do another write.
-- Note that there are occasionally other events (web, version)
-- so this buffer is big enough for them too.
createChannel :: IO (BChan AppEvent)
createChannel = newBChan 5
-- | Send Frame events as at a reasonable rate for 30 fps.
-- The game is responsible for figuring out how many steps to take
-- each frame to achieve the desired speed, regardless of the
-- frame rate. Note that if the game cannot keep up with 30
-- fps, it's not a problem: the channel will fill up and this
-- thread will block. So the force of the threadDelay is just
-- to set a *maximum* possible frame rate.
sendFrameEvents :: BChan AppEvent -> IO ()
sendFrameEvents chan = void . forkIO . forever $ do
writeBChan chan Frame
threadDelay 33_333 -- cap maximum framerate at 30 FPS
-- | Get newer upstream version and send event to channel.
sendUpstreamVersion :: BChan AppEvent -> Maybe GitInfo -> IO ()
sendUpstreamVersion chan gitInfo = void . forkIO $ do
upRel <- getNewerReleaseVersion gitInfo
writeBChan chan (UpstreamVersion upRel)
-- | Log and save the web port or log web startup failure.
logWebPort :: Either String Int -> AppState -> AppState
logWebPort eport =
runtimeState %~ case eport of
Right p -> (webPort ?~ p) . (eventLog %~ logP p)
Left e -> eventLog %~ logE e
logP p = logEvent SystemLog Info "Web API" ("started on :" <> T.pack (show p))
logE e = logEvent SystemLog Error "Web API" (T.pack e)
-- | Build VTY with preffered color mode and bracketed paste mode if available.
-- Note that this will also run whenever the event loop needs to reinitialize
-- the terminal, e.g. on resume after suspension. See 'customMain'.
buildVty :: Maybe ColorMode -> IO V.Vty
buildVty cm = do
vty <- V.mkVty V.defaultConfig {V.configPreferredColorMode = cm}
let output = V.outputIface vty
V.setMode output V.Mouse True
when (V.supportsMode output V.BracketedPaste) $
liftIO $
V.setMode output V.BracketedPaste True
V.setMode output V.BracketedPaste True
return vty
-- | Log the VTY color mode to system log.
logColorMode :: V.Vty -> AppState -> AppState
logColorMode vty = runtimeState . eventLog %~ logEvent SystemLog Info "Graphics" ("Color mode: " <> T.pack (show cm))
cm = V.outputColorMode $ V.outputIface vty
-- | Update the reference after every event.
handleEventAndUpdateWeb :: IORef AppState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name AppState ()
handleEventAndUpdateWeb appStateRef e = do
handleEvent e
curSt <- get
liftIO $ writeIORef appStateRef curSt
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