Make function chains pretty (#1479)

- closes #1473
This commit is contained in:
Ondřej Šebek 2023-10-07 23:04:01 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 11053c4065
commit 694e00b678
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 157 additions and 33 deletions

scripts/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
function help() {
echo "$0 [--min $MIN --max $MAX --step $STEP] EXAMPLE_FILE.sw"
echo "This script helps to compare the format layout for a range"
echo "of output widths. Afterwards it prints those that differ"
echo "as markdown with triple backticks."
# Simple argument parsing from
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
shift # past argument
shift # past value
shift # past argument
shift # past value
shift # past argument
shift # past value
exit 0
echo "Unknown option $1"
exit 1
POSITIONAL_ARGS+=("$1") # save positional arg
shift # past argument
# Build first, otherwise the ouput would go to temporary files
cabal build -O0
function compare_format() {
echo "# $1"
if ! test -f "$1"; then
echo "Could not find file '$1'!"
# save each version in a temporary file
t=$(mktemp -d)
for i in $(seq "$MIN" "$STEP" "$MAX"); do
echo -en "${i}\r" # show progress
cabal run swarm -O0 -- format --width "$i" "$1" > "$t/$i.sw";
echo -en " \r"
for i in $(seq "$MAX" "-$STEP" "$MIN"); do
if ! cmp -s "$t/$i.sw" "$t"/$((i - STEP)).sw; then
echo "$i";
echo '```';
cat "$t/$i.sw";
echo '```';
for file in "${POSITIONAL_ARGS[@]}"; do
compare_format "$file";

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import Swarm.Language.Parse (getLocRange)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Typecheck
import Swarm.Language.Types
import Swarm.Util (showEnum, showLowT)
import Swarm.Util (showEnum, showLowT, unsnocNE)
import Witch
@ -126,6 +126,19 @@ data Wildcard = Wildcard
instance PrettyPrec Wildcard where
prettyPrec _ _ = "_"
-- | Split a function type chain, so that we can pretty print
-- the type parameters aligned on each line when they don't fit.
class UnchainableFun t where
unchainFun :: t -> [t]
instance UnchainableFun Type where
unchainFun (a :->: ty) = a : unchainFun ty
unchainFun ty = [ty]
instance UnchainableFun (UTerm TypeF ty) where
unchainFun (UTerm (TyFunF ty1 ty2)) = ty1 : unchainFun ty2
unchainFun ty = [ty]
instance (PrettyPrec (t (Fix t))) => PrettyPrec (Fix t) where
prettyPrec p = prettyPrec p . unFix
@ -133,7 +146,7 @@ instance (PrettyPrec (t (UTerm t v)), PrettyPrec v) => PrettyPrec (UTerm t v) wh
prettyPrec p (UTerm t) = prettyPrec p t
prettyPrec p (UVar v) = prettyPrec p v
instance (PrettyPrec t) => PrettyPrec (TypeF t) where
instance ((UnchainableFun t), (PrettyPrec t)) => PrettyPrec (TypeF t) where
prettyPrec _ (TyBaseF b) = ppr b
prettyPrec _ (TyVarF v) = pretty v
prettyPrec p (TySumF ty1 ty2) =
@ -145,8 +158,12 @@ instance (PrettyPrec t) => PrettyPrec (TypeF t) where
prettyPrec p (TyCmdF ty) = pparens (p > 9) $ "cmd" <+> prettyPrec 10 ty
prettyPrec _ (TyDelayF ty) = braces $ ppr ty
prettyPrec p (TyFunF ty1 ty2) =
pparens (p > 0) $
prettyPrec 1 ty1 <+> "->" <+> prettyPrec 0 ty2
let (iniF, lastF) = unsnocNE $ ty1 NE.:| unchainFun ty2
funs = (prettyPrec 1 <$> iniF) <> [ppr lastF]
inLine l r = l <+> "->" <+> r
multiLine l r = l <+> "->" <> hardline <> r
in pparens (p > 0) . align $
flatAlt (concatWith multiLine funs) (concatWith inLine funs)
prettyPrec _ (TyRcdF m) = brackets $ hsep (punctuate "," (map prettyBinding (M.assocs m)))
instance PrettyPrec Polytype where
@ -219,27 +236,15 @@ instance PrettyPrec Term where
_ -> prettyPrecApp p t1 t2
_ -> prettyPrecApp p t1 t2
prettyPrec _ (TLet _ x mty t1 t2) =
group . vsep $
[ hsep $
["let", pretty x]
++ maybe [] (\ty -> [":", ppr ty]) mty
++ ["=", ppr t1, "in"]
[ prettyDefinition "let" x mty t1 <+> "in"
, ppr t2
prettyPrec _ (TDef _ x mty t1) =
let (t1rest, t1lams) = unchainLambdas t1
in group . vsep $
[ nest 2 $
[ hsep $
["def", pretty x]
++ maybe [] (\ty -> [":", ppr ty]) mty
++ ["="]
++ map prettyLambda t1lams
, ppr t1rest
, "end"
[ prettyDefinition "def" x mty t1
, "end"
prettyPrec p (TBind Nothing t1 t2) =
pparens (p > 0) $
prettyPrec 1 t1 <> ";" <> line <> prettyPrec 0 t2
@ -262,6 +267,22 @@ prettyTuple = tupled . map ppr . unnestTuple
unnestTuple (TPair t1 t2) = t1 : unnestTuple t2
unnestTuple t = [t]
prettyDefinition :: Doc ann -> Var -> Maybe Polytype -> Term -> Doc ann
prettyDefinition defName x mty t1 =
nest 2 . sep $
[ flatAlt
(defHead <> group defType <+> eqAndLambdaLine)
(defHead <> group defType' <+> defEqLambdas)
, ppr defBody
(defBody, defLambdaList) = unchainLambdas t1
defHead = defName <+> pretty x
defType = maybe "" (\ty -> ":" <+> flatAlt (line <> indent 2 (ppr ty)) (ppr ty)) mty
defType' = maybe "" (\ty -> ":" <+> ppr ty) mty
defEqLambdas = hsep ("=" : map prettyLambda defLambdaList)
eqAndLambdaLine = if null defLambdaList then "=" else line <> defEqLambdas
prettyPrecApp :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Doc a
prettyPrecApp p t1 t2 =
pparens (p > 10) $
@ -413,7 +434,7 @@ fieldMismatchMsg expFs actFs =
instance PrettyPrec InvalidAtomicReason where
prettyPrec _ (TooManyTicks n) = "block could take too many ticks (" <> pretty n <> ")"
prettyPrec _ AtomicDupingThing = "def, let, and lambda are not allowed"
prettyPrec _ (NonSimpleVarType _ ty) = "reference to variable with non-simple type" <+> ppr ty
prettyPrec _ (NonSimpleVarType _ ty) = "reference to variable with non-simple type" <+> ppr (prettyTextLine ty)
prettyPrec _ NestedAtomic = "nested atomic block"
prettyPrec _ LongConst = "commands that can take multiple ticks to execute are not allowed"

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module Swarm.Util (
-- * Directory utilities
@ -239,6 +240,23 @@ applyWhen False _ x = x
hoistMaybe :: (Applicative m) => Maybe b -> MaybeT m b
hoistMaybe = MaybeT . pure
-- | Like 'unsnoc', but for 'NonEmpty' so without the 'Maybe'
-- Taken from Cabal-syntax Distribution.Utils.Generic.
-- Example:
-- >>> import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
-- >>> unsnocNE (1 :| [2, 3])
-- ([1,2],3)
-- >>> unsnocNE (1 :| [])
-- ([],1)
unsnocNE :: NonEmpty a -> ([a], a)
unsnocNE (x :| xs) = go x xs
go y [] = ([], y)
go y (z : zs) = let ~(ws, w) = go z zs in (y : ws, w)
-- Directory stuff

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@ -11,15 +11,16 @@ import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Lens (toListOf)
import Control.Lens.Plated (universe)
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode, encode)
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T
import Swarm.Language.Module (Module (..))
import Swarm.Language.Parse (readTerm)
import Swarm.Language.Parse.QQ (tyQ)
import Swarm.Language.Pipeline (ProcessedTerm (..), processTerm)
import Swarm.Language.Pipeline.QQ (tmQ)
import Swarm.Language.Pretty (prettyText)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Typecheck (isSimpleUType)
import Swarm.Language.Types
@ -161,8 +162,8 @@ testLanguagePipeline =
, testGroup
"json encoding"
[ testCase "simple expr" (roundTrip "42 + 43")
, testCase "module def" (roundTrip "def x = 41 end; def y = 42 end")
[ testCase "simple expr" (roundTripTerm "42 + 43")
, testCase "module def" (roundTripTerm "def x = 41 end;\ndef y = 42 end")
, testGroup
"atomic - #479"
@ -397,13 +398,6 @@ testLanguagePipeline =
valid = flip process ""
roundTrip txt = assertEqual "roundtrip" term (decodeThrow $ encode term)
decodeThrow v = case eitherDecode v of
Left e -> error $ "Decoding of " <> from (T.decodeUtf8 (from v)) <> " failed with: " <> from e
Right x -> x
term = fromMaybe (error "") $ fromRight (error "") $ processTerm txt
process :: Text -> Text -> Assertion
process code expect = case processTerm code of
Left e
@ -417,3 +411,14 @@ testLanguagePipeline =
getSyntax :: ProcessedTerm -> Syntax' Polytype
getSyntax (ProcessedTerm (Module s _) _ _) = s
-- | Check round tripping of term from and to text, then test ToJSON/FromJSON.
roundTripTerm :: Text -> Assertion
roundTripTerm txt = do
assertEqual "roundtrip (readTerm -> prettyText)" txt (prettyText term)
assertEqual "roundtrip (ToJSON -> FromJSON)" term (decodeThrow $ encode term)
decodeThrow v = case eitherDecode v of
Left e -> error $ "Decoding of " <> from (T.decodeUtf8 (from v)) <> " failed with: " <> from e
Right x -> x
term = fromMaybe (error "empty document") $ either (error . T.unpack) id $ readTerm txt