Add seed option to CLI (#170)

- adds CLI option `--seed` and propagates it to `testWorld2` (Closes #14)
- moves the base in the tree shade (Closes #90)
- makes the `random` command depend on initial seed (Closes #13)
This commit is contained in:
Ondřej Šebek 2021-10-05 21:43:52 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 81d680e1a8
commit 77c7fd686d
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 80 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ looks something like this:
The little white `Ω` in the middle represents your base. Start by
In the world view, you see the default [*World 0*](./
and the little white `Ω` in the middle represents your base. Start by
using the Tab key to cycle through the three panels (the REPL, the
info panel, and the world panel), and read about the various devices
installed on your base.
@ -307,6 +308,24 @@ you want to reload the definitions. Eventually, there will be a way
to both save and load commands, but this is better than nothing for
World generation
If you do not like the starting place of the base, there is a way
to start somewhere else. *In a different world!*
$ swarm --seed $RANDOM
You can specify the *world seed* leading to radically different
starting conditions. You can start next to a copper patch, between
lakes or in the middle of a plain. Either way, you have established
your base in the shade of what you assume is a tree and now can
send out robots to explore!
![World generated with seed 16](./images/world16.png)
Creative Mode

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Swarm.Language.Pipeline (processTerm)
import System.Exit
data CLI
= Run
= Run Int
| Format Input
@ -24,16 +24,24 @@ cliParser =
( command "format" (info (format <**> helper) (progDesc "Format a file"))
<> command "lsp" (info (pure LSP) (progDesc "Start the LSP"))
<|> pure Run
<|> Run <$> seed
format :: Parser CLI
format =
(Format Stdin <$ switch (long "stdin" <> help "Read code from stdin"))
<|> (Format . File <$> strArgument (metavar "FILE"))
seed :: Parser Int
seed = option auto (long "seed" <> short 's' <> value 0 <> help "Seed for world generation")
cliInfo :: ParserInfo CLI
cliInfo = info (cliParser <**> helper) (fullDesc <> header "Swarm game")
cliInfo =
(cliParser <**> helper)
( header "Swarm game - pre-alpha version"
<> progDesc "To play the game simply run without any command."
<> fullDesc
-- | Utility function to validate and format swarm-lang code
data Input = Stdin | File FilePath
getInput :: Input -> IO Text
@ -44,6 +52,7 @@ showInput :: Input -> Text
showInput Stdin = "(input)"
showInput (File fp) = pack fp
-- | Utility function to validate and format swarm-lang code
formatFile :: Input -> IO ()
formatFile input = do
content <- getInput input
@ -59,6 +68,6 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
cli <- execParser cliInfo
case cli of
Run -> appMain
Run seed -> appMain seed
Format fo -> formatFile fo
LSP -> lspMain

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ mkTreeBot :: V2 Int64 -> Integer -> Integer -> Robot
mkTreeBot loc rn1 rn2 =
mkRobot "tree" loc (V2 0 0) machine []
& systemRobot .~ True
machine = initMachine (treeProgram rn1 rn2) Context.empty
machine = initMachine (treeProgram rn1 rn2) Context.empty
-- | Creates a GameState with numTrees trees with random growing rates.
mkTrees :: Int -> IO GameState
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ mkTrees numTrees = do
rn1s <- replicateM numTrees (randomRIO (0, 99))
rn2s <- replicateM numTrees (randomRIO (0, 99))
let robots = zipWith3 mkTreeBot [V2 x 0 | x <- [0 ..]] rn1s rn2s
Right initState <- runExceptT initGameState
Right initState <- runExceptT (initGameState 0)
execStateT (mapM_ addRobot robots) initState
-- | Runs numGameTicks ticks of the game.
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ main = do
[ bgroup
"run 1000 game ticks"
[ bench "10 trees" $ whnfIO (runGame 1000 trees10),
bench "20 trees" $ whnfIO (runGame 1000 trees20),
bench "30 trees" $ whnfIO (runGame 1000 trees30)
[ bench "10 trees" $ whnfIO (runGame 1000 trees10)
, bench "20 trees" $ whnfIO (runGame 1000 trees20)
, bench "30 trees" $ whnfIO (runGame 1000 trees30)

images/world16.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 32 KiB

View File

@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ app =
-- | The main @IO@ computation which initializes the state, sets up
-- some communication channels, and runs the UI.
appMain :: IO ()
appMain = do
res <- runExceptT initAppState
appMain :: Seed -> IO ()
appMain seed = do
res <- runExceptT $ initAppState seed
case res of
Left errMsg -> T.putStrLn errMsg
Right s -> do

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Swarm.Game.State (
REPLStatus (..),
RunStatus (..),
-- ** GameState fields
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ module Swarm.Game.State (
@ -71,9 +73,10 @@ import Swarm.Game.Recipe
import Swarm.Game.Robot
import Swarm.Game.Value
import qualified Swarm.Game.World as W
import Swarm.Game.WorldGen (findGoodOrigin, testWorld2)
import Swarm.Game.WorldGen (Seed, findGoodOrigin, testWorld2)
import Swarm.Language.Types
import Swarm.Util
import System.Random (StdGen, mkStdGen)
-- | The 'ViewCenterRule' specifies how to determine the center of the
-- world viewport.
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@ data GameState = GameState
, _runStatus :: RunStatus
, _robotMap :: Map Text Robot
, _gensym :: Int
, _randGen :: StdGen
, _entityMap :: EntityMap
, _recipesOut :: IntMap [Recipe Entity]
, _recipesIn :: IntMap [Recipe Entity]
@ -163,6 +167,9 @@ robotMap :: Lens' GameState (Map Text Robot)
-- | A counter used to generate globally unique IDs.
gensym :: Lens' GameState Int
-- | Pseudorandom generator initialized at start.
randGen :: Lens' GameState StdGen
-- | The catalog of all entities that the game knows about.
entityMap :: Lens' GameState EntityMap
@ -304,8 +311,8 @@ addRobot r = do
-- | Create an initial game state record, first loading entities and
-- recipies from disk.
initGameState :: ExceptT Text IO GameState
initGameState = do
initGameState :: Seed -> ExceptT Text IO GameState
initGameState seed = do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Loading entities..."
entities <- loadEntities >>= (`isRightOr` id)
liftIO $ putStrLn "Loading recipes..."
@ -322,6 +329,7 @@ initGameState = do
baseDevices = mapMaybe (`lookupEntityName` entities) baseDeviceNames
let baseName = "base"
liftIO $ putStrLn ("Using seed... " <> show seed)
return $
@ -329,11 +337,15 @@ initGameState = do
, _runStatus = Running
, _robotMap = M.singleton baseName (baseRobot baseDevices)
, _gensym = 0
, _randGen = mkStdGen seed
, _entityMap = entities
, _recipesOut = outRecipeMap recipes
, _recipesIn = inRecipeMap recipes
, _world =
W.newWorld . fmap ((lkup entities <$>) . first fromEnum) . findGoodOrigin $ testWorld2
. fmap ((lkup entities <$>) . first fromEnum)
. findGoodOrigin
$ testWorld2 seed
, _viewCenterRule = VCRobot baseName
, _viewCenter = V2 0 0
, _needsRedraw = False

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Linear
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import System.Random (uniformR)
import Witch
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
@ -716,7 +716,9 @@ execConst c vs k = do
_ -> badConst
Random -> case vs of
[VInt hi] -> do
n <- randomRIO (0, hi -1)
rand <- lift . lift $ use randGen
let (n, g) = uniformR (0, hi -1) rand
lift . lift $ randGen .= g
return $ Out (VInt n) k
_ -> badConst
Say -> case vs of

View File

@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ testWorld1 (Coords (i, j))
data Size = Small | Big deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Hardness = Soft | Hard deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Origin = Natural | Artificial deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
type Seed = Int
-- | A more featureful test world.
testWorld2 :: WorldFun TerrainType Text
testWorld2 (Coords ix@(r, c)) =
testWorld2 :: Seed -> WorldFun TerrainType Text
testWorld2 baseSeed (Coords ix@(r, c)) =
(bool Small Big (sample ix pn0 > 0))
(bool Soft Hard (sample ix pn1 > 0))
@ -84,23 +85,28 @@ testWorld2 (Coords ix@(r, c)) =
sample (i, j) noise = noiseValue noise (fromIntegral i / 2, fromIntegral j / 2, 0)
pn :: Int -> Perlin
pn seed = perlin seed 6 0.05 0.6
pn seed = perlin (seed + baseSeed) 6 0.05 0.6
pn0 = pn 0
pn1 = pn 1
pn2 = pn 2
clumps :: Int -> Perlin
clumps seed = perlin seed 4 0.08 0.5
clumps seed = perlin (seed + baseSeed) 4 0.08 0.5
cl0 = clumps 0
-- | Offset the world so the base starts on a tree.
-- | Offset the world so the base starts on empty spot next to tree and grass.
findGoodOrigin :: WorldFun t Text -> WorldFun t Text
findGoodOrigin f = \(Coords (r, c)) -> f (Coords (r + rOffset, c + cOffset))
int' :: Enumeration Int64
int' = fromIntegral <$> int
(rOffset, cOffset) = fromMaybe (error "the impossible happened, no offsets were found") offsets
offsets = find isTree (enumerate (int' >< int'))
isTree = (== Just "tree") . snd . f . Coords
offsets = find isGoodPlace (enumerate (int' >< int'))
hasEntity mayE = (== mayE) . snd . f . Coords
isGoodPlace cs =
hasEntity Nothing cs
&& any (hasEntity (Just "tree")) (neighbors cs)
&& all (\c -> hasEntity (Just "tree") c || hasEntity Nothing c) (neighbors cs)
neighbors (x, y) = (,) <$> [x, x - 1, x + 1] <*> [y, y - 1, y + 1]

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@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ module Swarm.TUI.Model (
-- ** Initialization
) where
import Control.Lens
@ -356,8 +357,8 @@ gameState :: Lens' AppState GameState
uiState :: Lens' AppState UIState
-- | Initialize the 'AppState'.
initAppState :: ExceptT Text IO AppState
initAppState = AppState <$> initGameState <*> initUIState
initAppState :: Seed -> ExceptT Text IO AppState
initAppState seed = AppState <$> initGameState seed <*> initUIState