draw interface with three full-size panels, and improve visuals

This commit is contained in:
Brent Yorgey 2021-08-22 06:36:56 -05:00
parent 479b10e986
commit 81fe71f3bb

View File

@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ import Linear
import Brick
import Brick.BChan
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import Brick.Widgets.Border (border, borderWithLabel, hBorder,
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style as BS
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import Brick.Widgets.Center (center, hCenter, vCenter)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -134,6 +135,26 @@ exec Harvest r = do
vLeft (V2 x y) = V2 (-y) (x)
vRight (V2 x y) = V2 y (-x)
-- Resources
data ResourceInfo = RI
{ _resourceChar :: Char
, _resourceName :: Text
, _resourceAttr :: AttrName
makeLenses ''ResourceInfo
resourceMap :: Map Char ResourceInfo
resourceMap = M.fromList $
[ ('T', RI 'T' "Tree" treeAttr)
, ('*', RI '*' "Flower" flowerAttr)
, ('.', RI '.' "Dirt" dirtAttr)
, ('O', RI 'O' "Rock" rockAttr)
, (' ', RI ' ' "Air" defAttr)
-- UI
@ -150,12 +171,22 @@ app = App
, appAttrMap = const theMap
robotAttr :: AttrName
robotAttr = "robotAttr"
robotAttr, treeAttr, flowerAttr, dirtAttr, rockAttr, defAttr :: AttrName
robotAttr = "robotAttr"
treeAttr = "treeAttr"
flowerAttr = "flowerAttr"
dirtAttr = "dirtAttr"
rockAttr = "rockAttr"
defAttr = "defAttr"
theMap :: AttrMap
theMap = attrMap V.defAttr
[ (robotAttr, fg V.cyan `V.withStyle` V.bold)
, (treeAttr, fg V.green)
, (flowerAttr, fg V.yellow)
, (dirtAttr, fg (V.rgbColor 165 42 42))
, (rockAttr, fg (V.rgbColor 80 80 80))
, (defAttr, V.defAttr)
handleEvent :: GameState -> BrickEvent Name Tick -> EventM Name (Next GameState)
@ -166,18 +197,29 @@ handleEvent g _ = continue g
drawUI :: GameState -> [Widget Name]
drawUI g =
[ C.center $ drawWorld g <+> padLeft (Pad 2) (drawInventory (g ^. inventory))]
[ joinBorders
$ border
$ vBox
[ hBox
[ hLimitPercent 75 $ drawWorld g
, vBorder
, drawInventory $ g ^. inventory
, hBorder
, vLimit 10 $ center $ str "REPL"
drawWorld :: GameState -> Widget Name
drawWorld g = withBorderStyle BS.unicode
$ B.border
drawWorld g
= center
$ padAll 1
$ vBox (imap (\r -> hBox . imap (\c x -> drawLoc r c x)) (g ^. world))
robotLocs = M.fromList $ g ^.. robots . traverse . lensProduct location direction
drawLoc r c x = case M.lookup (V2 r c) robotLocs of
Just dir -> withAttr robotAttr $ str (robotDir dir)
Nothing -> str [x]
Nothing -> drawResource x
robotDir (V2 0 1) = ""
robotDir (V2 0 (-1)) = ""
@ -185,26 +227,38 @@ robotDir (V2 1 0) = "▼"
robotDir (V2 (-1) 0) = ""
drawInventory :: Map Item Int -> Widget Name
drawInventory inv = withBorderStyle BS.unicode
$ B.borderWithLabel (str "Inventory")
$ padAll 1
$ vLimit 10
$ padBottom Max
$ vBox
$ map drawItem (M.assocs inv)
drawInventory inv
= vBox
[ hCenter (str "Inventory")
, padAll 2
$ padBottom Max
$ vBox
$ map drawItem (M.assocs inv)
drawItem :: (Item, Int) -> Widget Name
drawItem (Resource c, n) = padRight (Pad 1) (str [c]) <+> showCount n
drawItem (Resource c, n) = drawNamedResource c <+> showCount n
showCount = hLimit 7 . padLeft Max . str . show
showCount = padLeft Max . str . show
drawNamedResource :: Char -> Widget Name
drawNamedResource c = case M.lookup c resourceMap of
Nothing -> str [c]
Just (RI _ nm attr) ->
hBox [ withAttr attr (padRight (Pad 2) (str [c])), txt nm ]
drawResource :: Char -> Widget Name
drawResource c = case M.lookup c resourceMap of
Nothing -> str [c]
Just (RI _ _ attr) -> withAttr attr (str [c])
testGameState :: GameState
testGameState = GameState [] [Robot (V2 0 0) (V2 0 1) testProgram] ["*.*$", "%**a"] M.empty
testGameState = GameState [] [Robot (V2 0 0) (V2 0 1) testProgram] ["TT*O", "T*.O"] M.empty
testProgram :: Program
testProgram = [Wait, Harvest, Move, Harvest, TR, Move, Harvest, TL, Move, Harvest, Harvest]
testProgram = [Wait, Harvest, Move, Harvest, TR, Move, Harvest, TL, Move, Harvest, Harvest, Move, Harvest]
main :: IO ()
main = do