decompose scenario record (#1771)

Peripheral to #1715.
This commit is contained in:
Karl Ostmo 2024-02-19 11:53:43 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent ad9bdf2b09
commit 9253b0eb94
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
15 changed files with 285 additions and 191 deletions

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Swarm.Game.Entity (Entity, EntityMap (entitiesByName), entityName)
import Swarm.Game.Entity qualified as E
import Swarm.Game.Recipe (Recipe, recipeCatalysts, recipeInputs, recipeOutputs)
import Swarm.Game.Robot (Robot, equippedDevices, robotInventory)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (GameStateInputs (..), loadStandaloneScenario)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (GameStateInputs (..), loadStandaloneScenario, scenarioLandscape)
import Swarm.Game.World.Gen (extractEntities)
import Swarm.Game.World.Typecheck (Some (..), TTerm)
import Swarm.Language.Key (specialKeyNames)
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ generateSpecialKeyNames =
generateRecipe :: IO String
generateRecipe = simpleErrorHandle $ do
(classic, GameStateInputs worlds entities recipes) <- loadStandaloneScenario "data/scenarios/classic.yaml"
baseRobot <- instantiateBaseRobot classic
baseRobot <- instantiateBaseRobot $ classic ^. scenarioLandscape
return . Dot.showDot $ recipesToDot baseRobot (worlds ! "classic") entities recipes
recipesToDot :: Robot -> Some (TTerm '[]) -> EntityMap -> [Recipe Entity] -> Dot ()

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@ -33,9 +33,24 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Swarm.Constant
import Swarm.Game.Entity (loadEntities)
import Swarm.Game.Failure (SystemFailure)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario, scenarioDescription, scenarioName, scenarioObjectives, scenarioSolution)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Objective (objectiveGoal)
import Swarm.Game.ScenarioInfo (ScenarioCollection, ScenarioInfoPair, flatten, loadScenarios, scenarioCollectionToList, scenarioPath)
import Swarm.Game.ScenarioInfo (
import Swarm.Game.World.Load (loadWorlds)
import Swarm.Language.Module (Module (..))
import Swarm.Language.Pipeline (ProcessedTerm (..))
@ -85,14 +100,14 @@ extractCommandUsages idx siPair@(s, _si) =
TutorialInfo siPair idx solnCommands $ getDescCommands s
solnCommands = getCommands maybeSoln
maybeSoln = view scenarioSolution s
maybeSoln = view (scenarioOperation . scenarioSolution) s
-- | Obtain the set of all commands mentioned by
-- name in the tutorial's goal descriptions.
getDescCommands :: Scenario -> Set Const
getDescCommands s = S.fromList $ concatMap filterConst allCode
goalTextParagraphs = view objectiveGoal <$> view scenarioObjectives s
goalTextParagraphs = view objectiveGoal <$> view (scenarioOperation . scenarioObjectives) s
allCode = concatMap findCode goalTextParagraphs
filterConst :: Syntax -> [Const]
filterConst sx = mapMaybe toConst $ universe (sx ^. sTerm)
@ -176,7 +191,7 @@ renderUsagesMarkdown (CoverageInfo (TutorialInfo (s, si) idx _sCmds dCmds) novel
[ pure . surround "`" . T.pack $ view scenarioPath si
, pure . surround "*" . T.strip . docToText $ view scenarioDescription s
, pure . surround "*" . T.strip . docToText $ view (scenarioOperation . scenarioDescription) s
, renderSection "Introduced in solution" . renderCmdList $ M.keysSet novelCmds
, renderSection "Referenced in description" $ renderCmdList dCmds
@ -195,7 +210,7 @@ renderTutorialTitle :: (Show a) => a -> Scenario -> Text
renderTutorialTitle idx s =
[ T.pack $ show idx <> ":"
, view scenarioName s
, view (scenarioMetadata . scenarioName) s
linkifyCommand :: Text -> Text

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Swarm.Game.Failure (SystemFailure (CustomFailure))
import Swarm.Game.Robot (Robot)
import Swarm.Game.Robot.Concrete (instantiateRobot)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario, scenarioRobots)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (ScenarioLandscape, scenarioRobots)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax (Const (..))
import Swarm.Language.Syntax qualified as Syntax
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ commands = filter Syntax.isCmd Syntax.allConst
constSyntax :: Const -> Text
constSyntax = Syntax.syntax . Syntax.constInfo
instantiateBaseRobot :: Has (Throw SystemFailure) sig m => Scenario -> m Robot
instantiateBaseRobot s = case listToMaybe $ view scenarioRobots s of
instantiateBaseRobot :: Has (Throw SystemFailure) sig m => ScenarioLandscape -> m Robot
instantiateBaseRobot sLandscape = case listToMaybe $ view scenarioRobots sLandscape of
Just r -> pure $ instantiateRobot Nothing 0 r
Nothing -> throwError $ CustomFailure "Scenario contains no robots"

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Swarm.Game.Display (Display, defaultChar)
import Swarm.Game.Entity (EntityName, entitiesByName)
import Swarm.Game.Entity (Entity, EntityName, entitiesByName)
import Swarm.Game.Location
import Swarm.Game.Scenario
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Area
@ -35,8 +35,11 @@ import Swarm.Util (binTuples, histogram)
import Swarm.Util qualified as U
import Swarm.Util.Erasable
makeSuggestedPalette :: Maybe Scenario -> [[CellPaintDisplay]] -> KM.KeyMap (AugmentedCell EntityFacade)
makeSuggestedPalette maybeOriginalScenario cellGrid =
makeSuggestedPalette ::
KM.KeyMap (AugmentedCell Entity) ->
[[CellPaintDisplay]] ->
KM.KeyMap (AugmentedCell EntityFacade)
makeSuggestedPalette originalScenarioPalette cellGrid =
. (AugmentedCell Nothing)
. M.fromList
@ -91,8 +94,7 @@ makeSuggestedPalette maybeOriginalScenario cellGrid =
originalPalette :: KM.KeyMap CellPaintDisplay
originalPalette = (toCellPaintDisplay . standardCell) $
maybe mempty (unPalette . palette . NE.head . (^. scenarioWorlds)) maybeOriginalScenario (toCellPaintDisplay . standardCell) originalScenarioPalette
pairsWithDisplays :: Map (TerrainWith EntityName) (T.Text, CellPaintDisplay)
pairsWithDisplays = M.fromList $ mapMaybe g entitiesWithModalTerrain
@ -115,16 +117,16 @@ makeSuggestedPalette maybeOriginalScenario cellGrid =
constructScenario :: Maybe Scenario -> Grid CellPaintDisplay -> SkeletonScenario
constructScenario maybeOriginalScenario (Grid cellGrid) =
(maybe 1 (^. scenarioVersion) maybeOriginalScenario)
(maybe "My Scenario" (^. scenarioName) maybeOriginalScenario)
(maybe (fromText "The scenario description...") (^. scenarioDescription) maybeOriginalScenario)
(maybe 1 (^. scenarioMetadata . scenarioVersion) maybeOriginalScenario)
(maybe "My Scenario" (^. scenarioMetadata . scenarioName) maybeOriginalScenario)
(maybe (fromText "The scenario description...") (^. scenarioOperation . scenarioDescription) maybeOriginalScenario)
-- (maybe True (^. scenarioCreative) maybeOriginalScenario)
(M.elems $ entitiesByName customEntities)
[] -- robots
customEntities = maybe mempty (^. scenarioEntities) maybeOriginalScenario
customEntities = maybe mempty (^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioEntities) maybeOriginalScenario
wd =
{ offsetOrigin = False
@ -138,7 +140,9 @@ constructScenario maybeOriginalScenario (Grid cellGrid) =
, worldProg = Nothing
suggestedPalette = makeSuggestedPalette maybeOriginalScenario cellGrid
extractPalette = unPalette . palette . NE.head . (^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioWorlds)
originalPalette = maybe mempty extractPalette maybeOriginalScenario
suggestedPalette = makeSuggestedPalette originalPalette cellGrid
upperLeftCoord =

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Control.Lens
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (scenarioSeed)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (scenarioLandscape, scenarioSeed)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Status (ParameterizableLaunchParams (..))
import Swarm.Game.State (getRunCodePath)
import Swarm.TUI.Launch.Model
@ -104,7 +104,10 @@ drawLaunchConfigPanel (LaunchOptions lc launchParams) =
Left _ -> mkSeedEditorWidget
Right x -> mkSeedEntryWidget x
scenarioSeedText = maybe "random" show $ view scenarioSeed . fst =<< displayedFor
scenarioSeedText =
maybe "random" show $
view (scenarioLandscape . scenarioSeed) . fst =<< displayedFor
mkSeedEntryWidget seedEntryContent =
if isFocused SeedSelector
then mkSeedEditorWidget

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@ -45,7 +45,14 @@ import Swarm.Game.Achievement.Attainment
import Swarm.Game.Achievement.Definitions
import Swarm.Game.Achievement.Persistence
import Swarm.Game.Failure (SystemFailure)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (loadScenario, scenarioAttrs, scenarioSolution, scenarioWorlds)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.Best
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.ConcreteMetrics
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.GenericMetrics
@ -139,7 +146,7 @@ constructAppState rs ui opts@(AppOpts {..}) = do
let maybeAutoplay = do
guard autoPlay
soln <- scenario ^. scenarioSolution
soln <- scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioSolution
return $ CodeToRun ScenarioSuggested soln
codeToRun = maybeAutoplay <|> maybeRunScript
@ -263,7 +270,12 @@ scenarioToUIState isAutoplaying siPair@(scenario, _) gs u = do
& uiGameplay . uiTiming . uiShowFPS .~ False
& uiGameplay . uiREPL .~ initREPLState (u ^. uiGameplay . uiREPL . replHistory)
& uiGameplay . uiREPL . replHistory %~ restartREPLHistory
& uiAttrMap .~ applyAttrMappings (map (first getWorldAttrName . toAttrPair) $ fst siPair ^. scenarioAttrs) swarmAttrMap
& uiAttrMap
.~ applyAttrMappings
( map (first getWorldAttrName . toAttrPair) $
fst siPair ^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioAttrs
& uiGameplay . scenarioRef ?~ siPair
& uiGameplay . uiTiming . lastFrameTime .~ curTime
& uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . EM.entityPaintList %~ BL.listReplace entityList Nothing
@ -275,7 +287,11 @@ scenarioToUIState isAutoplaying siPair@(scenario, _) gs u = do
entityList = EU.getEntitiesForList $ gs ^. landscape . entityMap
(isEmptyArea, newBounds) = EU.getEditingBounds $ NE.head $ scenario ^. scenarioWorlds
(isEmptyArea, newBounds) =
EU.getEditingBounds $
NE.head $
scenario ^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioWorlds
setNewBounds maybeOldBounds =
if isEmptyArea
then maybeOldBounds

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@ -85,8 +85,11 @@ import Swarm.Game.Scenario (
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.Best
@ -219,11 +222,11 @@ drawNewGameMenuUI (l :| ls) launchOptions = case displayedFor of
(Nothing, Just (SISingle _)) -> hCenter $ txt "Press 'o' for launch options, or 'Enter' to launch with defaults"
_ -> txt " "
drawScenarioItem (SISingle (s, si)) = padRight (Pad 1) (drawStatusInfo s si) <+> txt (s ^. scenarioName)
drawScenarioItem (SISingle (s, si)) = padRight (Pad 1) (drawStatusInfo s si) <+> txt (s ^. scenarioMetadata . scenarioName)
drawScenarioItem (SICollection nm _) = padRight (Pad 1) (withAttr boldAttr $ txt " > ") <+> txt nm
drawStatusInfo s si = case si ^. scenarioStatus of
NotStarted -> txt ""
Played _initialScript (Metric Attempted _) _ -> case s ^. scenarioObjectives of
Played _initialScript (Metric Attempted _) _ -> case s ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioObjectives of
[] -> withAttr cyanAttr $ txt ""
_ -> withAttr yellowAttr $ txt ""
Played _initialScript (Metric Completed _) _ -> withAttr greenAttr $ txt ""
@ -244,22 +247,25 @@ drawNewGameMenuUI (l :| ls) launchOptions = case displayedFor of
drawDescription (SICollection _ _) = txtWrap " "
drawDescription (SISingle (s, si)) =
[ drawMarkdown (nonBlank (s ^. scenarioDescription))
[ drawMarkdown (nonBlank (s ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioDescription))
, hCenter . padTop (Pad 1) . vLimit 6 $ hLimitPercent 60 worldPeek
, padTop (Pad 1) table
vc = determineStaticViewCenter s worldTuples
vc = determineStaticViewCenter (s ^. scenarioLandscape) worldTuples
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples s
theWorlds = genMultiWorld worldTuples $ fromMaybe 0 $ s ^. scenarioSeed
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples $ s ^. scenarioLandscape
theWorlds =
genMultiWorld worldTuples $
fromMaybe 0 $
s ^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioSeed
ri =
RenderingInput theWorlds $
getEntityIsKnown $
{ isCreativeMode = s ^. scenarioCreative
, globallyKnownEntities = s ^. scenarioKnown
{ isCreativeMode = s ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioCreative
, globallyKnownEntities = s ^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioKnown
, theFocusedRobot = Nothing
renderCoord = renderDisplay . displayLocRaw (WorldOverdraw False mempty) ri []
@ -267,7 +273,7 @@ drawNewGameMenuUI (l :| ls) launchOptions = case displayedFor of
firstRow =
( withAttr dimAttr $ txt "Author:"
, withAttr dimAttr . txt <$> s ^. scenarioAuthor
, withAttr dimAttr . txt <$> s ^. scenarioMetadata . scenarioAuthor
secondRow =
( txt "last:"
@ -623,7 +629,7 @@ drawModal s = \case
QuitModal -> padBottom (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ txt (quitMsg (s ^. uiState . uiMenu))
GoalModal ->
GR.renderGoalsDisplay (s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . uiGoal) $
view scenarioDescription . fst <$> s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . scenarioRef
view (scenarioOperation . scenarioDescription) . fst <$> s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . scenarioRef
KeepPlayingModal ->
padLeftRight 1 $
displayParagraphs $

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Graphics.Vty qualified as V
import Swarm.Game.Entity as E
import Swarm.Game.Location
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (scenarioName)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (scenarioMetadata, scenarioName)
import Swarm.Game.ScenarioInfo (scenarioItemName)
import Swarm.Game.State
import Swarm.Game.State.Substate
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ generateModal s mt = Modal mt (dialog (Just $ str title) buttons (maxModalWindow
GoalModal ->
let goalModalTitle = case currentScenario of
Nothing -> "Goal"
Just (scenario, _) -> scenario ^. scenarioName
Just (scenario, _) -> scenario ^. scenarioMetadata . scenarioName
in (" " <> T.unpack goalModalTitle <> " ", Nothing, descriptionWidth)
KeepPlayingModal -> ("", Just (Button CancelButton, [("OK", Button CancelButton, Cancel)]), 80)
TerrainPaletteModal -> ("Terrain", Nothing, w)

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@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ data ScenarioItem = SISingle ScenarioInfoPair | SICollection Text ScenarioCollec
-- | Retrieve the name of a scenario item.
scenarioItemName :: ScenarioItem -> Text
scenarioItemName (SISingle (s, _ss)) = s ^. scenarioName
scenarioItemName (SISingle (s, _ss)) = s ^. scenarioMetadata . scenarioName
scenarioItemName (SICollection name _) = name
-- | A scenario collection is a tree of scenarios, keyed by name,

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@ -557,31 +557,33 @@ pureScenarioToGameState scenario theSeed now toRun gsc =
& discovery . structureRecognition .~ recognizer
sLandscape = scenario ^. scenarioLandscape
recognizer =
runIdentity $
Fused.evalState preliminaryGameState $
mkRecognizer (scenario ^. scenarioStructures)
mkRecognizer (sLandscape ^. scenarioStructures)
gs = initGameState gsc
preliminaryGameState =
& robotInfo %~ setRobotInfo baseID robotList'
& creativeMode .~ scenario ^. scenarioCreative
& creativeMode .~ scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioCreative
& winCondition .~ theWinCondition
& winSolution .~ scenario ^. scenarioSolution
& winSolution .~ scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioSolution
& discovery . availableCommands .~ Notifications 0 initialCommands
& discovery . knownEntities .~ scenario ^. scenarioKnown
& discovery . knownEntities .~ sLandscape ^. scenarioKnown
& discovery . tagMembers .~ buildTagMap em
& randomness . seed .~ theSeed
& randomness . randGen .~ mkStdGen theSeed
& recipesInfo %~ modifyRecipesInfo
& landscape .~ mkLandscape scenario em worldTuples theSeed
& landscape .~ mkLandscape sLandscape em worldTuples theSeed
& gameControls . initiallyRunCode .~ initialCodeToRun
& gameControls . replStatus .~ case running of -- When the base starts out running a program, the REPL status must be set to working,
-- otherwise the store of definition cells is not saved (see #333, #838)
False -> REPLDone Nothing
True -> REPLWorking (Typed Nothing PolyUnit mempty)
& temporal . robotStepsPerTick .~ ((scenario ^. scenarioStepsPerTick) ? defaultRobotStepsPerTick)
& temporal . robotStepsPerTick .~ ((scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioStepsPerTick) ? defaultRobotStepsPerTick)
robotList' = (robotCreatedAt .~ now) <$> robotList
@ -591,13 +593,13 @@ pureScenarioToGameState scenario theSeed now toRun gsc =
& recipesIn %~ addRecipesWith inRecipeMap
& recipesCat %~ addRecipesWith catRecipeMap
em = integrateScenarioEntities (initState gsc) scenario
em = integrateScenarioEntities (initState gsc) sLandscape
baseID = 0
(things, devices) = partition (null . view entityCapabilities) (M.elems (entitiesByName em))
getCodeToRun (CodeToRun _ s) = s
robotsByBasePrecedence = genRobotTemplates scenario worldTuples
robotsByBasePrecedence = genRobotTemplates sLandscape worldTuples
initialCodeToRun = getCodeToRun <$> toRun
@ -619,12 +621,12 @@ pureScenarioToGameState scenario theSeed now toRun gsc =
-- If we are in creative mode, give base all the things
& ix baseID
. robotInventory
%~ case scenario ^. scenarioCreative of
%~ case scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioCreative of
False -> id
True -> union (fromElems (map (0,) things))
& ix baseID
. equippedDevices
%~ case scenario ^. scenarioCreative of
%~ case scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioCreative of
False -> id
True -> const (fromList devices)
@ -644,15 +646,15 @@ pureScenarioToGameState scenario theSeed now toRun gsc =
(maybe True (`S.member` initialCaps) . constCaps)
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples scenario
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples sLandscape
theWinCondition =
(WinConditions Ongoing . initCompletion . NE.toList)
(NE.nonEmpty (scenario ^. scenarioObjectives))
(NE.nonEmpty (scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioObjectives))
addRecipesWith f = IM.unionWith (<>) (f $ scenario ^. scenarioRecipes)
addRecipesWith f = IM.unionWith (<>) (f $ scenario ^. scenarioOperation . scenarioRecipes)
-- | Create an initial game state corresponding to the given scenario.
scenarioToGameState ::
@ -661,6 +663,6 @@ scenarioToGameState ::
GameStateConfig ->
IO GameState
scenarioToGameState scenario (LaunchParams (Identity userSeed) (Identity toRun)) gsc = do
theSeed <- arbitrateSeed userSeed scenario
theSeed <- arbitrateSeed userSeed $ scenario ^. scenarioLandscape
now <- Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic
return $ pureScenarioToGameState scenario theSeed now toRun gsc

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@ -22,11 +22,15 @@ module Swarm.Game.Scenario (
-- * Scenario
Scenario (..),
ScenarioLandscape (..),
StaticStructureInfo (..),
-- ** Fields
@ -127,36 +131,138 @@ structureDefs :: Lens' StaticStructureInfo [SymmetryAnnotatedGrid (Maybe Cell)]
-- added to the "recognized" list upon scenario initialization
staticPlacements :: Lens' StaticStructureInfo (M.Map SubworldName [Structure.LocatedStructure])
-- Scenario
-- * Scenario records
-- | A 'Scenario' contains all the information to describe a
-- scenario.
data Scenario = Scenario
-- | Authorship information about scenario not used at play-time
data ScenarioMetadata = ScenarioMetadata
{ _scenarioVersion :: Int
, _scenarioName :: Text
, _scenarioAuthor :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show)
makeLensesNoSigs ''ScenarioMetadata
-- | The version number of the scenario schema. Currently, this
-- should always be 1, but it is ignored. In the future, this may
-- be used to convert older formats to newer ones, or simply to
-- print a nice error message when we can't read an older format.
scenarioVersion :: Lens' ScenarioMetadata Int
-- | The name of the scenario.
scenarioName :: Lens' ScenarioMetadata Text
-- | The author of the scenario.
scenarioAuthor :: Lens' ScenarioMetadata (Maybe Text)
-- | Non-structural gameplay content of the scenario;
-- how it is to be played.
data ScenarioOperation = ScenarioOperation
{ _scenarioCreative :: Bool
, _scenarioDescription :: Document Syntax
, _scenarioCreative :: Bool
, _scenarioSeed :: Maybe Int
-- ^ Note: the description is in this record instead of
-- 'ScenarioMetadata' because it relates to the goals.
, _scenarioObjectives :: [Objective]
, _scenarioSolution :: Maybe ProcessedTerm
, _scenarioRecipes :: [Recipe Entity]
, _scenarioStepsPerTick :: Maybe Int
deriving (Show)
makeLensesNoSigs ''ScenarioOperation
-- | A high-level description of the scenario, shown /e.g./ in the
-- menu.
scenarioDescription :: Lens' ScenarioOperation (Document Syntax)
-- | Whether the scenario should start in creative mode.
scenarioCreative :: Lens' ScenarioOperation Bool
-- | Any custom recipes used in this scenario.
scenarioRecipes :: Lens' ScenarioOperation [Recipe Entity]
-- | A sequence of objectives for the scenario (if any).
scenarioObjectives :: Lens' ScenarioOperation [Objective]
-- | An optional solution of the scenario, expressed as a
-- program of type @cmd a@. This is useful for automated
-- testing of the win condition.
scenarioSolution :: Lens' ScenarioOperation (Maybe ProcessedTerm)
-- | Optionally, specify the maximum number of steps each robot may
-- take during a single tick.
scenarioStepsPerTick :: Lens' ScenarioOperation (Maybe Int)
-- | All cosmetic and structural content of the scenario.
data ScenarioLandscape = ScenarioLandscape
{ _scenarioSeed :: Maybe Int
, _scenarioAttrs :: [CustomAttr]
, _scenarioEntities :: EntityMap
, _scenarioCosmetics :: M.Map WorldAttr PreservableColor
, _scenarioRecipes :: [Recipe Entity]
, _scenarioKnown :: Set EntityName
, _scenarioWorlds :: NonEmpty WorldDescription
, _scenarioNavigation :: Navigation (M.Map SubworldName) Location
, _scenarioStructures :: StaticStructureInfo
, _scenarioRobots :: [TRobot]
, _scenarioObjectives :: [Objective]
, _scenarioSolution :: Maybe ProcessedTerm
, _scenarioStepsPerTick :: Maybe Int
deriving (Show)
makeLensesNoSigs ''ScenarioLandscape
-- | The seed used for the random number generator. If @Nothing@, use
-- a random seed / prompt the user for the seed.
scenarioSeed :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape (Maybe Int)
-- | Custom attributes defined in the scenario.
scenarioAttrs :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape [CustomAttr]
-- | Any custom entities used for this scenario.
scenarioEntities :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape EntityMap
-- | High-fidelity color map for entities
scenarioCosmetics :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape (M.Map WorldAttr PreservableColor)
-- | List of entities that should be considered "known", so robots do
-- not have to scan them.
scenarioKnown :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape (Set EntityName)
-- | The subworlds of the scenario.
-- The "root" subworld shall always be at the head of the list, by construction.
scenarioWorlds :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape (NonEmpty WorldDescription)
-- | Information required for structure recognition
scenarioStructures :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape StaticStructureInfo
-- | Waypoints and inter-world portals
scenarioNavigation :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape (Navigation (M.Map SubworldName) Location)
-- | The starting robots for the scenario. Note this should
-- include the base.
scenarioRobots :: Lens' ScenarioLandscape [TRobot]
-- | A 'Scenario' contains all the information to describe a
-- scenario.
data Scenario = Scenario
{ _scenarioMetadata :: ScenarioMetadata
, _scenarioOperation :: ScenarioOperation
, _scenarioLandscape :: ScenarioLandscape
deriving (Show)
makeLensesNoSigs ''Scenario
-- | Authorship information about scenario not used at play-time
scenarioMetadata :: Lens' Scenario ScenarioMetadata
-- | Non-structural gameplay content of the scenario;
-- how it is to be played.
scenarioOperation :: Lens' Scenario ScenarioOperation
-- | All cosmetic and structural content of the scenario.
scenarioLandscape :: Lens' Scenario ScenarioLandscape
-- * Parsing
instance FromJSONE (EntityMap, WorldMap) Scenario where
parseJSONE = withObjectE "scenario" $ \v -> do
-- parse custom entities
@ -166,13 +272,9 @@ instance FromJSONE (EntityMap, WorldMap) Scenario where
let mergedCosmetics = worldAttributes <> M.fromList (mapMaybe toHifiPair parsedAttrs)
attrsUnion = M.keysSet mergedCosmetics
case run . runThrow $ validateAttrRefs attrsUnion emRaw of
Right x -> return x
Left x -> failT [prettyText @LoadingFailure x]
runValidation $ validateAttrRefs attrsUnion emRaw
em <- case run . runThrow $ buildEntityMap emRaw of
Right x -> return x
Left x -> failT [prettyText @LoadingFailure x]
em <- runValidation $ buildEntityMap emRaw
-- Save the passed in WorldMap for later
worldMap <- snd <$> getE
@ -248,96 +350,41 @@ instance FromJSONE (EntityMap, WorldMap) Scenario where
. NE.toList
$ (worldName &&& placedStructures) allWorlds
<$> liftE (v .: "version")
<*> liftE (v .: "name")
<*> liftE (v .:? "author")
<*> liftE (v .:? "description" .!= "")
<*> liftE (v .:? "creative" .!= False)
<*> liftE (v .:? "seed")
<*> pure parsedAttrs
<*> pure em
<*> pure mergedCosmetics
<*> v ..:? "recipes" ..!= []
<*> pure (Set.fromList known)
<*> pure allWorlds
<*> pure mergedNavigation
<*> pure structureInfo
<*> pure rs
<*> (liftE (v .:? "objectives" .!= []) >>= validateObjectives)
<*> liftE (v .:? "solution")
<*> liftE (v .:? "stepsPerTick")
seed <- liftE (v .:? "seed")
let landscape =
(Set.fromList known)
-- Lenses
metadata <-
<$> liftE (v .: "version")
<*> liftE (v .: "name")
<*> liftE (v .:? "author")
-- | The version number of the scenario schema. Currently, this
-- should always be 1, but it is ignored. In the future, this may
-- be used to convert older formats to newer ones, or simply to
-- print a nice error message when we can't read an older format.
scenarioVersion :: Lens' Scenario Int
playInfo <-
<$> liftE (v .:? "creative" .!= False)
<*> liftE (v .:? "description" .!= "")
<*> (liftE (v .:? "objectives" .!= []) >>= validateObjectives)
<*> liftE (v .:? "solution")
<*> v ..:? "recipes" ..!= []
<*> liftE (v .:? "stepsPerTick")
-- | The name of the scenario.
scenarioName :: Lens' Scenario Text
return $ Scenario metadata playInfo landscape
runValidation f = case run . runThrow $ f of
Right x -> return x
Left x -> failT [prettyText @LoadingFailure x]
-- | The author of the scenario.
scenarioAuthor :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe Text)
-- | A high-level description of the scenario, shown /e.g./ in the
-- menu.
scenarioDescription :: Lens' Scenario (Document Syntax)
-- | Whether the scenario should start in creative mode.
scenarioCreative :: Lens' Scenario Bool
-- | The seed used for the random number generator. If @Nothing@, use
-- a random seed / prompt the user for the seed.
scenarioSeed :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe Int)
-- | Custom attributes defined in the scenario.
scenarioAttrs :: Lens' Scenario [CustomAttr]
-- | Any custom entities used for this scenario.
scenarioEntities :: Lens' Scenario EntityMap
-- | High-fidelity color map for entities
scenarioCosmetics :: Lens' Scenario (M.Map WorldAttr PreservableColor)
-- | Any custom recipes used in this scenario.
scenarioRecipes :: Lens' Scenario [Recipe Entity]
-- | List of entities that should be considered "known", so robots do
-- not have to scan them.
scenarioKnown :: Lens' Scenario (Set EntityName)
-- | The subworlds of the scenario.
-- The "root" subworld shall always be at the head of the list, by construction.
scenarioWorlds :: Lens' Scenario (NonEmpty WorldDescription)
-- | Information required for structure recognition
scenarioStructures :: Lens' Scenario StaticStructureInfo
-- | Waypoints and inter-world portals
scenarioNavigation :: Lens' Scenario (Navigation (M.Map SubworldName) Location)
-- | The starting robots for the scenario. Note this should
-- include the base.
scenarioRobots :: Lens' Scenario [TRobot]
-- | A sequence of objectives for the scenario (if any).
scenarioObjectives :: Lens' Scenario [Objective]
-- | An optional solution of the scenario, expressed as a
-- program of type @cmd a@. This is useful for automated
-- testing of the win condition.
scenarioSolution :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe ProcessedTerm)
-- | Optionally, specify the maximum number of steps each robot may
-- take during a single tick.
scenarioStepsPerTick :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe Int)
-- Loading scenarios
-- * Loading scenarios
getScenarioPath ::
(Has (Lift IO) sig m) =>
@ -393,17 +440,17 @@ data GameStateInputs = GameStateInputs
, initRecipes :: [Recipe Entity]
integrateScenarioEntities :: GameStateInputs -> Scenario -> EntityMap
integrateScenarioEntities gsi scenario =
initEntities gsi <> scenario ^. scenarioEntities
integrateScenarioEntities :: GameStateInputs -> ScenarioLandscape -> EntityMap
integrateScenarioEntities gsi sLandscape =
initEntities gsi <> sLandscape ^. scenarioEntities
-- |
-- Decide on a seed. In order of preference, we will use:
-- 1. seed value provided by the user
-- 2. seed value specified in the scenario description
-- 3. randomly chosen seed value
arbitrateSeed :: Maybe Seed -> Scenario -> IO Seed
arbitrateSeed userSeed scenario =
case userSeed <|> scenario ^. scenarioSeed of
arbitrateSeed :: Maybe Seed -> ScenarioLandscape -> IO Seed
arbitrateSeed userSeed sLandscape =
case userSeed <|> sLandscape ^. scenarioSeed of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> randomRIO (0, maxBound :: Int)

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Swarm.Game.Location (Location, origin)
import Swarm.Game.Robot (trobotLocation)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (ScenarioLandscape)
import Swarm.Game.State.Landscape (SubworldDescription, genRobotTemplates)
import Swarm.Game.Universe (Cosmic (..), SubworldName (DefaultRootSubworld))
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ import Swarm.Game.Universe (Cosmic (..), SubworldName (DefaultRootSubworld))
-- without reference to a 'GameState'
-- (i.e. outside the context of an active game)
determineStaticViewCenter ::
Scenario ->
ScenarioLandscape ->
NonEmpty SubworldDescription ->
Cosmic Location
determineStaticViewCenter s worldTuples =
determineStaticViewCenter sLandscape worldTuples =
fromMaybe defaultVC baseRobotLoc
theRobots = genRobotTemplates s worldTuples
theRobots = genRobotTemplates sLandscape worldTuples
defaultVC = Cosmic DefaultRootSubworld origin
-- The first robot is guaranteed to be the base.

View File

@ -86,22 +86,22 @@ initLandscape gsc =
, _worldScrollable = True
mkLandscape :: Scenario -> EntityMap -> NonEmpty SubworldDescription -> Seed -> Landscape
mkLandscape scenario em worldTuples theSeed =
mkLandscape :: ScenarioLandscape -> EntityMap -> NonEmpty SubworldDescription -> Seed -> Landscape
mkLandscape sLandscape em worldTuples theSeed =
{ _entityMap = em
, _worldNavigation = scenario ^. scenarioNavigation
, _worldNavigation = sLandscape ^. scenarioNavigation
, _multiWorld = genMultiWorld worldTuples theSeed
, -- TODO (#1370): Should we allow subworlds to have their own scrollability?
-- Leaning toward no, but for now just adopt the root world scrollability
-- as being universal.
_worldScrollable = NE.head (scenario ^. scenarioWorlds) ^. to scrollable
_worldScrollable = NE.head (sLandscape ^. scenarioWorlds) ^. to scrollable
buildWorldTuples :: Scenario -> NonEmpty SubworldDescription
buildWorldTuples s =
buildWorldTuples :: ScenarioLandscape -> NonEmpty SubworldDescription
buildWorldTuples sLandscape = (worldName &&& buildWorld) $
s ^. scenarioWorlds
sLandscape ^. scenarioWorlds
genMultiWorld :: NonEmpty SubworldDescription -> Seed -> MultiWorld Int Entity
genMultiWorld worldTuples s =
@ -179,14 +179,14 @@ buildWorld WorldDescription {..} = (robots worldName, first fromEnum . wf)
-- same subworld, then
-- prefer the one closest to the upper-left of the screen, with higher
-- rows given precedence over columns (i.e. first in row-major order).
genRobotTemplates :: Scenario -> NonEmpty (a, ([(Int, TRobot)], b)) -> [TRobot]
genRobotTemplates scenario worldTuples =
genRobotTemplates :: ScenarioLandscape -> NonEmpty (a, ([(Int, TRobot)], b)) -> [TRobot]
genRobotTemplates sLandscape worldTuples =
locatedRobots ++ map snd (sortOn fst genRobots)
-- Keep only robots from the robot list with a concrete location;
-- the others existed only to serve as a template for robots drawn
-- in the world map
locatedRobots = filter (isJust . view trobotLocation) $ scenario ^. scenarioRobots
locatedRobots = filter (isJust . view trobotLocation) $ sLandscape ^. scenarioRobots
-- Subworld order as encountered in the scenario YAML file is preserved for
-- the purpose of numbering robots, other than the "root" subworld

View File

@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ getBoundingBox vc scenarioWorld maybeSize =
getDisplayGrid ::
Location ->
Scenario ->
ScenarioLandscape ->
Landscape ->
Maybe AreaDimensions ->
Grid CellPaintDisplay
getDisplayGrid vc myScenario ls maybeSize =
getDisplayGrid vc sLandscape ls maybeSize =
(getContentAt worlds . mkCosmic)
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ getDisplayGrid vc myScenario ls maybeSize =
mkCosmic = Cosmic $ worldName firstScenarioWorld
worlds = view multiWorld ls
firstScenarioWorld = NE.head $ view scenarioWorlds myScenario
firstScenarioWorld = NE.head $ view scenarioWorlds sLandscape
getRenderableGrid ::
(Has (Throw SystemFailure) sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) =>
@ -143,18 +143,18 @@ getRenderableGrid ::
m (Grid (PCell EntityFacade), M.Map WorldAttr PreservableColor)
getRenderableGrid (RenderOpts maybeSeed _ _ maybeSize _) fp = do
(myScenario, gsi) <- loadStandaloneScenario fp
theSeed <- sendIO $ arbitrateSeed maybeSeed myScenario
let sLandscape = myScenario ^. scenarioLandscape
theSeed <- sendIO $ arbitrateSeed maybeSeed sLandscape
let em = integrateScenarioEntities gsi myScenario
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples myScenario
myLandscape = mkLandscape myScenario em worldTuples theSeed
let em = integrateScenarioEntities gsi sLandscape
worldTuples = buildWorldTuples sLandscape
myLandscape = mkLandscape sLandscape em worldTuples theSeed
vc =
view planar $
determineStaticViewCenter myScenario $
buildWorldTuples myScenario
determineStaticViewCenter sLandscape worldTuples
return (getDisplayGrid vc myScenario myLandscape maybeSize, myScenario ^. scenarioCosmetics)
return (getDisplayGrid vc sLandscape myLandscape maybeSize, sLandscape ^. scenarioCosmetics)
doRenderCmd :: RenderOpts -> FilePath -> IO ()
doRenderCmd opts@(RenderOpts _ asPng _ _ _) mapPath =

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Servant.Docs qualified as SD
import Swarm.Game.Entity.Cosmetic (RGBColor, flattenBg)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario, scenarioCosmetics)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario (Scenario, scenarioCosmetics, scenarioLandscape)
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Style
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Area (AreaDimensions (..), Grid)
import Swarm.Game.State (GameState, landscape, robotInfo)
@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ getCellGrid myScenario gs requestedSize =
CellGrid indexGrid encoding
vc = gs ^. robotInfo . viewCenter
dg = getDisplayGrid (vc ^. planar) myScenario (gs ^. landscape) (Just requestedSize)
aMap = myScenario ^. scenarioCosmetics
sLandscape = myScenario ^. scenarioLandscape
dg = getDisplayGrid (vc ^. planar) sLandscape (gs ^. landscape) (Just requestedSize)
aMap = sLandscape ^. scenarioCosmetics
asColour :: RGBColor -> Kolor
asColour (RGB r g b) = sRGB24 r g b