Split Step.hs (#1665)

Both `execConst` and `stepCESK` are huge case statements.  This refactor puts them in different modules.

Also many supporting functions for implementing commands in `execConst` are moved to their own modules.

Whereas `Step.hs` previously had `2931` lines, the new linecounts are:

| File | lines |
| --- | --- |
| `Step.hs` | 848 |
| `Arithmetic.hs` | 124 |
| `Const.hs` | 1687 |
| `Command.hs` | 417 |

The only tricky thing was that `execConst` is mutually recursive with `runCESK`.  So to get them into different modules, I pass a wrapper of `runCESK` as an argument to `execConst`.
This commit is contained in:
Karl Ostmo 2023-11-28 09:41:14 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent e03251cc0b
commit b244a4223c
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 2283 additions and 2112 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#!/bin/bash -xe
# Requires that the working tree be clean.
SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
if git diff --quiet --exit-code
echo "Working tree is clean. Starting benchmarks..."
echo "Working tree is dirty! Quitting."
exit 1
git checkout HEAD~
stack bench --benchmark-arguments "--csv $BASELINE_OUTPUT --color always"
git switch -
stack bench --benchmark-arguments "--baseline $BASELINE_OUTPUT --fail-if-slower 3 --color always"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-- Arithmetic and Comparison commands
module Swarm.Game.Step.Arithmetic where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Control.Carrier.State.Lazy
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Swarm.Game.Exception
import Swarm.Game.Step.Util
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Value
import Witch (From (from))
import Prelude hiding (Applicative (..), lookup)
-- Comparison
-- | Evaluate the application of a comparison operator. Returns
-- @Nothing@ if the application does not make sense.
evalCmp :: Has (Throw Exn) sig m => Const -> Value -> Value -> m Bool
evalCmp c v1 v2 = decideCmp c $ compareValues v1 v2
decideCmp = \case
Eq -> fmap (== EQ)
Neq -> fmap (/= EQ)
Lt -> fmap (== LT)
Gt -> fmap (== GT)
Leq -> fmap (/= GT)
Geq -> fmap (/= LT)
_ -> const . throwError . Fatal . T.append "evalCmp called on bad constant " . from $ show c
-- | Compare two values, returning an 'Ordering' if they can be
-- compared, or @Nothing@ if they cannot.
compareValues :: Has (Throw Exn) sig m => Value -> Value -> m Ordering
compareValues v1 = case v1 of
VUnit -> \case VUnit -> return EQ; v2 -> incompatCmp VUnit v2
VInt n1 -> \case VInt n2 -> return (compare n1 n2); v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VText t1 -> \case VText t2 -> return (compare t1 t2); v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VDir d1 -> \case VDir d2 -> return (compare d1 d2); v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VBool b1 -> \case VBool b2 -> return (compare b1 b2); v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VRobot r1 -> \case VRobot r2 -> return (compare r1 r2); v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VInj s1 v1' -> \case
VInj s2 v2' ->
case compare s1 s2 of
EQ -> compareValues v1' v2'
o -> return o
v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VPair v11 v12 -> \case
VPair v21 v22 ->
(<>) <$> compareValues v11 v21 <*> compareValues v12 v22
v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VRcd m1 -> \case
VRcd m2 -> mconcat <$> (zipWithM compareValues `on` M.elems) m1 m2
v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VKey kc1 -> \case
VKey kc2 -> return (compare kc1 kc2)
v2 -> incompatCmp v1 v2
VClo {} -> incomparable v1
VCApp {} -> incomparable v1
VDef {} -> incomparable v1
VResult {} -> incomparable v1
VBind {} -> incomparable v1
VDelay {} -> incomparable v1
VRef {} -> incomparable v1
VRequirements {} -> incomparable v1
-- | Values with different types were compared; this should not be
-- possible since the type system should catch it.
incompatCmp :: Has (Throw Exn) sig m => Value -> Value -> m a
incompatCmp v1 v2 =
throwError $
Fatal $
T.unwords ["Incompatible comparison of ", prettyValue v1, "and", prettyValue v2]
-- | Values were compared of a type which cannot be compared
-- (e.g. functions, etc.).
incomparable :: Has (Throw Exn) sig m => Value -> Value -> m a
incomparable v1 v2 =
throwError $
["Comparison is undefined for ", prettyValue v1, "and", prettyValue v2]
-- Arithmetic
-- | Evaluate the application of an arithmetic operator, returning
-- an exception in the case of a failing operation, or in case we
-- incorrectly use it on a bad 'Const' in the library.
evalArith :: Has (Throw Exn) sig m => Const -> Integer -> Integer -> m Integer
evalArith = \case
Add -> ok (+)
Sub -> ok (-)
Mul -> ok (*)
Div -> safeDiv
Exp -> safeExp
c -> \_ _ -> throwError $ Fatal $ T.append "evalArith called on bad constant " (from (show c))
ok f x y = return $ f x y
-- | Perform an integer division, but return @Nothing@ for division by
-- zero.
safeDiv :: Has (Throw Exn) sig m => Integer -> Integer -> m Integer
safeDiv _ 0 = throwError $ cmdExn Div $ pure "Division by zero"
safeDiv a b = return $ a `div` b
-- | Perform exponentiation, but return @Nothing@ if the power is negative.
safeExp :: Has (Throw Exn) sig m => Integer -> Integer -> m Integer
safeExp a b
| b < 0 = throwError $ cmdExn Exp $ pure "Negative exponent"
| otherwise = return $ a ^ b

src/Swarm/Game/Step/Const.hs Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-- Helper functions for "Swarm.Game.Step.Const" commands
module Swarm.Game.Step.Util.Command where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Control.Carrier.State.Lazy
import Control.Carrier.Throw.Either (ThrowC, runThrow)
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Effect.Lens
import Control.Effect.Lift
import Control.Lens as Lens hiding (Const, distrib, from, parts, use, uses, view, (%=), (+=), (.=), (<+=), (<>=))
import Control.Monad (forM_, unless)
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time (getZonedTime)
import Linear (zero)
import Swarm.Game.Achievement.Attainment
import Swarm.Game.Achievement.Definitions
import Swarm.Game.CESK
import Swarm.Game.Display
import Swarm.Game.Entity hiding (empty, lookup, singleton, union)
import Swarm.Game.Entity qualified as E
import Swarm.Game.Exception
import Swarm.Game.Location
import Swarm.Game.Recipe
import Swarm.Game.Robot
import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Navigation.Portal (Navigation (..), destination, reorientation)
import Swarm.Game.State
import Swarm.Game.Step.RobotStepState
import Swarm.Game.Step.Util
import Swarm.Game.Universe
import Swarm.Game.World qualified as W
import Swarm.Language.Capability
import Swarm.Language.Context hiding (delete)
import Swarm.Language.Pipeline
import Swarm.Language.Pipeline.QQ (tmQ)
import Swarm.Language.Requirement qualified as R
import Swarm.Language.Syntax
import Swarm.Language.Text.Markdown qualified as Markdown
import Swarm.Log
import Swarm.Util hiding (both)
import System.Clock (TimeSpec)
import Prelude hiding (Applicative (..), lookup)
data GrabbingCmd = Grab' | Harvest' | Swap' | Push' deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Ensure that a robot is capable of executing a certain constant
-- (either because it has a device which gives it that capability,
-- or it is a system robot, or we are in creative mode).
ensureCanExecute :: (Has (State Robot) sig m, Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (Throw Exn) sig m) => Const -> m ()
ensureCanExecute c =
gets @Robot (constCapsFor c) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just cap -> do
isPrivileged <- isPrivilegedBot
robotCaps <- use robotCapabilities
let hasCaps = cap `S.member` robotCaps
(isPrivileged || hasCaps)
`holdsOr` Incapable FixByEquip (R.singletonCap cap) (TConst c)
-- | Clear watches that are out of range
purgeFarAwayWatches ::
HasRobotStepState sig m => m ()
purgeFarAwayWatches = do
privileged <- isPrivilegedBot
myLoc <- use robotLocation
rid <- use robotID
let isNearby = isNearbyOrExempt privileged myLoc
f loc =
if not $ isNearby loc
then S.delete rid
else id
robotInfo . robotsWatching %= M.filter (not . null) . M.mapWithKey f
verbedGrabbingCmd :: GrabbingCmd -> Text
verbedGrabbingCmd = \case
Harvest' -> "harvested"
Grab' -> "grabbed"
Swap' -> "swapped"
Push' -> "pushed"
-- | Update the location of a robot, and simultaneously update the
-- 'robotsByLocation' map, so we can always look up robots by
-- location. This should be the /only/ way to update the location
-- of a robot.
-- Also implements teleportation by portals.
updateRobotLocation ::
(HasRobotStepState sig m) =>
Cosmic Location ->
Cosmic Location ->
m ()
updateRobotLocation oldLoc newLoc
| oldLoc == newLoc = return ()
| otherwise = do
newlocWithPortal <- applyPortal newLoc
rid <- use robotID
removeRobotFromLocationMap oldLoc rid
addRobotToLocation rid newlocWithPortal
modify (unsafeSetRobotLocation newlocWithPortal)
applyPortal loc = do
lms <- use $ landscape . worldNavigation
let maybePortalInfo = M.lookup loc $ portals lms
updatedLoc = maybe loc destination maybePortalInfo
maybeTurn = reorientation <$> maybePortalInfo
forM_ maybeTurn $ \d ->
robotOrientation . _Just %= applyTurn d
return updatedLoc
-- | Execute a stateful action on a target robot --- whether the
-- current one or another.
onTarget ::
(HasRobotStepState sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) =>
RID ->
(forall sig' m'. (HasRobotStepState sig' m', Has (Lift IO) sig' m') => m' ()) ->
m ()
onTarget rid act = do
myID <- use robotID
case myID == rid of
True -> act
False -> do
mtgt <- use (robotInfo . robotMap . at rid)
case mtgt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just tgt -> do
tgt' <- execState @Robot tgt act
if tgt' ^. selfDestruct
then deleteRobot rid
else robotInfo . robotMap . ix rid .= tgt'
grantAchievement ::
(Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) =>
GameplayAchievement ->
m ()
grantAchievement a = do
currentTime <- sendIO getZonedTime
scenarioPath <- use currentScenarioPath
discovery . gameAchievements
%= M.insertWith
(Attainment (GameplayAchievement a) scenarioPath currentTime)
-- | Capabilities needed for a specific robot to evaluate or execute a
-- constant. Right now, the only difference is whether the robot is
-- heavy or not when executing the 'Swarm.Language.Syntax.Move' command, but there might
-- be other exceptions added in the future.
constCapsFor :: Const -> Robot -> Maybe Capability
constCapsFor Move r
| r ^. robotHeavy = Just CMoveheavy
constCapsFor Backup r
| r ^. robotHeavy = Just CMoveheavy
constCapsFor Stride r
| r ^. robotHeavy = Just CMoveheavy
constCapsFor c _ = constCaps c
-- | Requires that the target location is within one cell.
-- Requirement is waived if the bot is privileged.
isNearbyOrExempt :: Bool -> Cosmic Location -> Cosmic Location -> Bool
isNearbyOrExempt privileged myLoc otherLoc =
privileged || case cosmoMeasure manhattan myLoc otherLoc of
InfinitelyFar -> False
Measurable x -> x <= 1
-- Updating discovered entities, recipes, and commands
-- | Update the global list of discovered entities, and check for new recipes.
updateDiscoveredEntities :: (HasRobotStepState sig m) => Entity -> m ()
updateDiscoveredEntities e = do
allDiscovered <- use $ discovery . allDiscoveredEntities
if E.contains0plus e allDiscovered
then pure ()
else do
let newAllDiscovered = E.insertCount 1 e allDiscovered
updateAvailableRecipes (newAllDiscovered, newAllDiscovered) e
updateAvailableCommands e
discovery . allDiscoveredEntities .= newAllDiscovered
-- | Update the availableRecipes list.
-- This implementation is not efficient:
-- * Every time we discover a new entity, we iterate through the entire list of recipes to see which ones we can make.
-- Trying to do something more clever seems like it would definitely be a case of premature optimization.
-- One doesn't discover new entities all that often.
-- * For each usable recipe, we do a linear search through the list of known recipes to see if we already know it.
-- This is a little more troubling, since it's quadratic in the number of recipes.
-- But it probably doesn't really make that much difference until we get up to thousands of recipes.
updateAvailableRecipes :: Has (State GameState) sig m => (Inventory, Inventory) -> Entity -> m ()
updateAvailableRecipes invs e = do
allInRecipes <- use $ recipesInfo . recipesIn
let entityRecipes = recipesFor allInRecipes e
usableRecipes = filter (knowsIngredientsFor invs) entityRecipes
knownRecipes <- use $ discovery . availableRecipes . notificationsContent
let newRecipes = filter (`notElem` knownRecipes) usableRecipes
newCount = length newRecipes
discovery . availableRecipes %= mappend (Notifications newCount newRecipes)
updateAvailableCommands e
updateAvailableCommands :: Has (State GameState) sig m => Entity -> m ()
updateAvailableCommands e = do
let newCaps = e ^. entityCapabilities
keepConsts = \case
Just cap -> cap `S.member` newCaps
Nothing -> False
entityConsts = filter (keepConsts . constCaps) allConst
knownCommands <- use $ discovery . availableCommands . notificationsContent
let newCommands = filter (`notElem` knownCommands) entityConsts
newCount = length newCommands
discovery . availableCommands %= mappend (Notifications newCount newCommands)
-- The "watch" command
addWatchedLocation ::
HasRobotStepState sig m =>
Cosmic Location ->
m ()
addWatchedLocation loc = do
rid <- use robotID
robotInfo . robotsWatching %= M.insertWith (<>) loc (S.singleton rid)
-- | Give some entities from a parent robot (the robot represented by
-- the ambient @State Robot@ effect) to a child robot (represented
-- by the given 'RID') as part of a 'Swarm.Language.Syntax.Build'
-- or 'Swarm.Language.Syntax.Reprogram' command.
-- The first 'Inventory' is devices to be equipped, and the second
-- is entities to be transferred.
-- In classic mode, the entities will be /transferred/ (that is,
-- removed from the parent robot's inventory); in creative mode, the
-- entities will be copied/created, that is, no entities will be
-- removed from the parent robot.
provisionChild ::
(HasRobotStepState sig m) =>
RID ->
Inventory ->
Inventory ->
m ()
provisionChild childID toEquip toGive = do
-- Equip and give devices to child
robotInfo . robotMap . ix childID . equippedDevices %= E.union toEquip
robotInfo . robotMap . ix childID . robotInventory %= E.union toGive
-- Delete all items from parent in classic mode
creative <- use creativeMode
unless creative $
robotInventory %= (`E.difference` (toEquip `E.union` toGive))
-- Exceptions and validation
-- | Create an exception about a command failing, with an achievement
cmdExnWithAchievement :: Const -> [Text] -> GameplayAchievement -> Exn
cmdExnWithAchievement c parts a = CmdFailed c (T.unwords parts) $ Just a
-- | Raise an exception about a command failing with a formatted error message.
raise :: (Has (Throw Exn) sig m) => Const -> [Text] -> m a
raise c parts = throwError (cmdExn c parts)
-- | Run a subcomputation that might throw an exception in a context
-- where we are returning a CESK machine; any exception will be
-- turned into an 'Up' state.
withExceptions :: Monad m => Store -> Cont -> ThrowC Exn m CESK -> m CESK
withExceptions s k m = do
res <- runThrow m
case res of
Left exn -> return $ Up exn s k
Right a -> return a
-- | Print some text via the robot's log.
traceLog :: (Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (State Robot) sig m) => RobotLogSource -> Severity -> Text -> m LogEntry
traceLog source sev msg = do
m <- createLogEntry source sev msg
robotLog %= (Seq.|> m)
return m
updateWorldAndRobots ::
(HasRobotStepState sig m) =>
Const ->
[WorldUpdate Entity] ->
[RobotUpdate] ->
m ()
updateWorldAndRobots cmd wf rf = do
mapM_ (updateWorld cmd) wf
applyRobotUpdates rf
-- | Format a set of suggested devices for use in an error message,
-- in the format @device1 or device2 or ... or deviceN@.
formatDevices :: Set Entity -> Text
formatDevices = T.intercalate " or " . map (^. entityName) . S.toList
-- Debugging
-- | Create a log entry given current robot and game time in ticks
-- noting whether it has been said.
-- This is the more generic version used both for (recorded) said
-- messages and normal logs.
createLogEntry ::
(Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (State Robot) sig m) =>
RobotLogSource ->
Severity ->
Text ->
m LogEntry
createLogEntry source sev msg = do
rid <- use robotID
rn <- use robotName
time <- use $ temporal . ticks
loc <- use robotLocation
pure $ LogEntry time (RobotLog source rid loc) sev rn msg
-- | replace some entity in the world with another entity
updateWorld ::
(Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (Throw Exn) sig m) =>
Const ->
WorldUpdate Entity ->
m ()
updateWorld c (ReplaceEntity loc eThen down) = do
w <- use $ landscape . multiWorld
let eNow = W.lookupCosmicEntity (fmap W.locToCoords loc) w
-- Can fail if a robot started a multi-tick "drill" operation on some entity
-- and meanwhile another entity swaps it out from under them.
if Just eThen /= eNow
then throwError $ cmdExn c ["The", eThen ^. entityName, "is not there."]
else updateEntityAt loc $ const down
applyRobotUpdates ::
(Has (State GameState) sig m, Has (State Robot) sig m) =>
[RobotUpdate] ->
m ()
applyRobotUpdates =
mapM_ \case
AddEntity c e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount c e
LearnEntity e -> robotInventory %= E.insertCount 0 e
-- | Construct a "seed robot" from entity, time range and position,
-- and add it to the world. It has low priority and will be covered
-- by placed entities.
addSeedBot ::
Has (State GameState) sig m =>
Entity ->
(Integer, Integer) ->
Cosmic Location ->
TimeSpec ->
m ()
addSeedBot e (minT, maxT) loc ts =
void $
addTRobot $
(Markdown.fromText $ T.unwords ["A growing", e ^. entityName, "seed."])
(Just loc)
( defaultEntityDisplay '.'
& displayAttr .~ (e ^. entityDisplay . displayAttr)
& displayPriority .~ 0
(initMachine (seedProgram minT (maxT - minT) (e ^. entityName)) empty emptyStore)
[(1, e)]
-- | A system program for a "seed robot", to regrow a growable entity
-- after it is harvested.
seedProgram :: Integer -> Integer -> Text -> ProcessedTerm
seedProgram minTime randTime thing =
try {
r <- random (1 + $int:randTime);
wait (r + $int:minTime);
appear "|";
r <- random (1 + $int:randTime);
wait (r + $int:minTime);
place $str:thing;
} {};
-- Some utility functions
verbGrabbingCmd :: GrabbingCmd -> Text
verbGrabbingCmd = \case
Harvest' -> "harvest"
Grab' -> "grab"
Swap' -> "swap"
Push' -> "push"

View File

@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ common common
if impl(ghc >= 8.4)
ghc-options: -Wpartial-fields
default-language: Haskell2010
common stan-config
@ -165,7 +164,9 @@ library
@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ library
@ -442,3 +444,5 @@ benchmark benchmark
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -threaded