Extract drilling logic (#1288)

Just a simple code relocation with no functional changes.

Towards #1007.
This commit is contained in:
Karl Ostmo 2023-05-29 09:02:02 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent b2747a6fce
commit c1a1a67480
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -1462,63 +1462,7 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
t <- use ticks
return $ Out (VInt t) s k
Drill -> case vs of
[VDir d] -> do
rname <- use robotName
inv <- use robotInventory
ins <- use equippedDevices
let equippedDrills = extantElemsWithCapability CDrill ins
-- Heuristic: choose the drill with the more elaborate name.
-- E.g. "metal drill" vs. "drill"
preferredDrill = listToMaybe $ sortOn (Down . T.length . (^. entityName)) equippedDrills
drill <- preferredDrill `isJustOr` Fatal "Drill is required but not equipped?!"
let directionText = case d of
DRelative DDown -> "under"
DRelative DForward -> "ahead of"
DRelative DBack -> "behind"
_ -> directionSyntax d <> " of"
(nextLoc, nextME) <- lookInDirection d
nextE <-
`isJustOrFail` ["There is nothing to drill", directionText, "robot", rname <> "."]
inRs <- use recipesIn
let recipes = filter drilling (recipesFor inRs nextE)
drilling = any ((== drill) . snd) . view recipeRequirements
not (null recipes) `holdsOrFail` ["There is no way to drill", indefinite (nextE ^. entityName) <> "."]
-- add the drilled entity so it can be consumed by the recipe
let makeRecipe r = (,r) <$> make' (insert nextE inv, ins) r
chosenRecipe <- weightedChoice (\((_, _), r) -> r ^. recipeWeight) (rights (map makeRecipe recipes))
((invTaken, outs), recipe) <-
`isJustOrFail` ["You don't have the ingredients to drill", indefinite (nextE ^. entityName) <> "."]
let (out, down) = L.partition ((`hasProperty` Portable) . snd) outs
let learn = map (LearnEntity . snd) down
let gain = map (uncurry AddEntity) out
newEntity <- case down of
[] -> pure Nothing
[(1, de)] -> pure $ Just de
_ -> throwError $ Fatal "Bad recipe:\n more than one unmovable entity produced."
let changeWorld =
{ updatedLoc = nextLoc
, originalEntity = nextE
, newEntity = newEntity
-- take recipe inputs from inventory and add outputs after recipeTime
robotInventory .= invTaken
let cmdOutput = asValue $ snd <$> listToMaybe out
finishCookingRecipe recipe cmdOutput [changeWorld] (learn <> gain)
[VDir d] -> doDrill d
_ -> badConst
Blocked -> do
loc <- use robotLocation
@ -2103,6 +2047,68 @@ execConst c vs s k = do
let msg = "The operator '$' should only be a syntactic sugar and removed in elaboration:\n"
in throwError . Fatal $ msg <> badConstMsg
doDrill d = do
inv <- use robotInventory
ins <- use equippedDevices
let equippedDrills = extantElemsWithCapability CDrill ins
-- Heuristic: choose the drill with the more elaborate name.
-- E.g. "metal drill" vs. "drill"
preferredDrill = listToMaybe $ sortOn (Down . T.length . (^. entityName)) equippedDrills
drill <- preferredDrill `isJustOr` Fatal "Drill is required but not equipped?!"
(nextLoc, nextE) <- getDrillTarget "drill" d
inRs <- use recipesIn
let recipes = filter drilling (recipesFor inRs nextE)
drilling = any ((== drill) . snd) . view recipeRequirements
not (null recipes) `holdsOrFail` ["There is no way to drill", indefinite (nextE ^. entityName) <> "."]
-- add the drilled entity so it can be consumed by the recipe
let makeRecipe r = (,r) <$> make' (insert nextE inv, ins) r
chosenRecipe <- weightedChoice (\((_, _), r) -> r ^. recipeWeight) (rights (map makeRecipe recipes))
((invTaken, outs), recipe) <-
`isJustOrFail` ["You don't have the ingredients to drill", indefinite (nextE ^. entityName) <> "."]
let (out, down) = L.partition ((`hasProperty` Portable) . snd) outs
let learn = map (LearnEntity . snd) down
let gain = map (uncurry AddEntity) out
newEntity <- case down of
[] -> pure Nothing
[(1, de)] -> pure $ Just de
_ -> throwError $ Fatal "Bad recipe:\n more than one unmovable entity produced."
let changeWorld =
{ updatedLoc = nextLoc
, originalEntity = nextE
, newEntity = newEntity
-- take recipe inputs from inventory and add outputs after recipeTime
robotInventory .= invTaken
let cmdOutput = asValue $ snd <$> listToMaybe out
finishCookingRecipe recipe cmdOutput [changeWorld] (learn <> gain)
getDrillTarget verb d = do
rname <- use robotName
(nextLoc, nextME) <- lookInDirection d
nextE <-
`isJustOrFail` ["There is nothing to", verb, directionText, "robot", rname <> "."]
return (nextLoc, nextE)
directionText = case d of
DRelative DDown -> "under"
DRelative DForward -> "ahead of"
DRelative DBack -> "behind"
_ -> directionSyntax d <> " of"
goAtomic :: HasRobotStepState sig m => m CESK
goAtomic = case vs of
-- To execute an atomic block, set the runningAtomic flag,