parse and pretty-print tuples properly

Tuples are now parsed as parens containing terms separated by commas,
instead of just treating the comma as a binary infix operator.  This
fixes #225 --- we now properly parse tuples containing lambdas.
Tuples bigger than pairs are treated as syntax sugar for right-nested
pairs, e.g. (1,2,3) is (1,(2,3)) (and also pretty-prints as the former).
This commit is contained in:
Brent Yorgey 2021-12-15 17:06:59 -06:00
parent b1366b7c2a
commit f6a1931b23
3 changed files with 24 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ parseTermAtom =
<|> sDef <$> (reserved "def" *> identifier)
<*> optional (symbol ":" *> parsePolytype)
<*> (symbol "=" *> parseTerm <* reserved "end")
<|> parens (mkTuple <$> (parseTerm `sepBy` symbol ","))
<|> parens parseTerm
-- Potential syntax for explicitly requesting memoized delay.
-- Perhaps we will not need this in the end; see the discussion at
-- .
@ -257,6 +257,11 @@ parseTermAtom =
<|> parseLoc (SDelay SimpleDelay <$> braces parseTerm)
<|> parseLoc (ask >>= (guard . (== AllowAntiquoting)) >> parseAntiquotation)
mkTuple :: [Syntax] -> Term
mkTuple [] = TUnit
mkTuple [STerm x] = x
mkTuple (x : xs) = SPair x (STerm (mkTuple xs))
-- | Construct an 'SLet', automatically filling in the Boolean field
-- indicating whether it is recursive.
sLet :: Var -> Maybe Polytype -> Syntax -> Syntax -> Term
@ -327,7 +332,6 @@ parseExpr = fixDefMissingSemis <$> makeExprParser parseTermAtom table
[ Map.singleton 9 [InfixL (exprLoc2 $ SApp <$ string "")]
, binOps
, unOps
, Map.singleton 2 [InfixR (exprLoc2 $ SPair <$ symbol ",")]
-- add location for ExprParser by combining all

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@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ instance PrettyPrec Term where
prettyPrec _ (TBool b) = bool "false" "true" b
prettyPrec _ (TVar s) = pretty s
prettyPrec _ (TDelay _ t) = braces $ ppr t
prettyPrec _ (TPair t1 t2) = pparens True $ ppr t1 <> "," <+> ppr t2
prettyPrec _ t@TPair {} = prettyTuple t
prettyPrec _ (TLam x mty body) =
"\\" <> pretty x <> maybe "" ((":" <>) . ppr) mty <> "." <+> ppr body
-- Special handling of infix operators - ((+) 2) 3 --> 2 + 3
@ -163,6 +163,12 @@ instance PrettyPrec Term where
pparens (p > 0) $
pretty x <+> "<-" <+> prettyPrec 1 t1 <> ";" <+> prettyPrec 0 t2
prettyTuple :: Term -> Doc a
prettyTuple = pparens True . hsep . punctuate "," . map ppr . unnestTuple
unnestTuple (TPair t1 t2) = t1 : unnestTuple t2
unnestTuple t = [t]
prettyPrecApp :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Doc a
prettyPrecApp p t1 t2 =
pparens (p > 10) $

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@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ parser =
, testCase
"Parse pair syntax #225"
(valid "def f : (int -> bool) * (int -> bool) = (\\x. false, \\x. true) end")
, testCase
"Nested pair syntax"
(valid "(1,2,3,4)")
, testGroup
"failure location - #268"
[ testCase
@ -202,6 +208,11 @@ prettyConst =
( equalPretty "(2 ^ 4) ^ 8" $
mkOp' Exp (mkOp' Exp (TInt 2) (TInt 4)) (TInt 8)
, testCase
"pairs #225 - nested pairs are printed right-associative"
( equalPretty "(1, 2, 3)" $
(TPair (TInt 1) (TPair (TInt 2) (TInt 3)))
equalPretty :: String -> Term -> Assertion