{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | High score records module TestScoring where import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate import Data.Time.LocalTime import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.Best import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.CodeSize import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.ConcreteMetrics import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.GenericMetrics import Swarm.Language.Module import Swarm.Language.Pipeline import Swarm.Language.Syntax import System.FilePath (()) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit baseTestPath :: FilePath baseTestPath = "data/test/language-snippets/code-size" testHighScores :: TestTree testHighScores = testGroup "Scoring" [ testGroup "Code size" [ compareAstSize 1 "single-move-bare.sw" , compareAstSize 2 "single-move-def.sw" , compareAstSize 3 "single-move-let-with-invocation.sw" , compareAstSize 5 "double-move-let-with-invocation.sw" , compareAstSize 6 "single-move-def-with-invocation.sw" , compareAstSize 8 "double-move-def-with-invocation.sw" , compareAstSize 28 "single-def-two-args-recursive.sw" , compareAstSize 36 "single-def-two-args-recursive-with-invocation.sw" ] , testGroup "Precedence" [ testGroup "Single metrics" [ testCase "Attempted long > Attempted short" $ assertEqual "Longer is better for incomplete games" (Metric Attempted (5 :: Int)) $ chooseBetter pure (Metric Attempted 3) (Metric Attempted 5) , testCase "Completed short > Completed long" $ assertEqual "Shorter is better for completed games" (Metric Completed (3 :: Int)) $ chooseBetter pure (Metric Completed 3) (Metric Completed 5) ] , testGroup "Grouped metrics" [ betterReplTimeAfterCodeSizeRecord , betterCodeWorseTime ] ] ] compareAstSize :: Int -> FilePath -> TestTree compareAstSize expectedSize path = testCase (unwords ["size of", path]) $ do contents <- TIO.readFile $ baseTestPath path ProcessedTerm (Module stx _) _ _ <- case processTermEither contents of Right x -> return x Left y -> assertFailure y let actualSize = measureAstSize stx assertEqual "incorrect size" expectedSize actualSize betterReplTimeAfterCodeSizeRecord :: TestTree betterReplTimeAfterCodeSizeRecord = testCase "new repl win after code size record" $ assertEqual "incorrect" newExpectedBest newActualBest where mkZonedTime t = ZonedTime (LocalTime (fromOrdinalDate 2023 1) (TimeOfDay 0 t 0)) utc newRunWithoutCodeSize = Metric Completed $ ProgressStats (mkZonedTime 1) $ AttemptMetrics (DurationMetrics 1 1) Nothing oldCompletedRunWithCodeSize = Metric Completed $ ProgressStats (mkZonedTime 0) $ AttemptMetrics (DurationMetrics 2 2) (Just $ ScenarioCodeMetrics 1 1) oldBestWithCodeSize = BestRecords oldCompletedRunWithCodeSize oldCompletedRunWithCodeSize oldCompletedRunWithCodeSize oldCompletedRunWithCodeSize newExpectedBest = BestRecords newRunWithoutCodeSize newRunWithoutCodeSize oldCompletedRunWithCodeSize oldCompletedRunWithCodeSize newActualBest = updateBest newRunWithoutCodeSize oldBestWithCodeSize betterCodeWorseTime :: TestTree betterCodeWorseTime = testCase "improvement upon code size with a worse time" $ assertEqual "incorrect" newExpectedBests newActualBests where mkZonedTime t = ZonedTime (LocalTime (fromOrdinalDate 2023 1) (TimeOfDay 0 t 0)) utc newRunBetterCodeSize = Metric Completed $ ProgressStats (mkZonedTime 1) $ AttemptMetrics (DurationMetrics 2 2) (Just $ ScenarioCodeMetrics 1 1) oldRunPoorCodeSize = Metric Completed $ ProgressStats (mkZonedTime 0) $ AttemptMetrics (DurationMetrics 1 1) (Just $ ScenarioCodeMetrics 2 2) oldBests = BestRecords oldRunPoorCodeSize oldRunPoorCodeSize oldRunPoorCodeSize oldRunPoorCodeSize newExpectedBests = BestRecords oldRunPoorCodeSize oldRunPoorCodeSize newRunBetterCodeSize newRunBetterCodeSize newActualBests = updateBest newRunBetterCodeSize oldBests