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// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/discordeno@11.0.0-rc.2/src/structures/guild.ts
import { botId, eventHandlers } from "../bot.ts";
import { cache, cacheHandlers } from "../cache.ts";
import { deleteGuild } from "../helpers/guilds/delete_guild.ts";
import { editGuild } from "../helpers/guilds/edit_guild.ts";
import { getAuditLogs } from "../helpers/guilds/get_audit_logs.ts";
import { getBan } from "../helpers/guilds/get_ban.ts";
import { getBans } from "../helpers/guilds/get_bans.ts";
import { guildBannerURL } from "../helpers/guilds/guild_banner_url.ts";
import { guildIconURL } from "../helpers/guilds/guild_icon_url.ts";
import { guildSplashURL } from "../helpers/guilds/guild_splash_url.ts";
import { leaveGuild } from "../helpers/guilds/leave_guild.ts";
import { getInvites } from "../helpers/invites/get_invites.ts";
import { banMember } from "../helpers/members/ban_member.ts";
import { unbanMember } from "../helpers/members/unban_member.ts";
import type { PresenceUpdate } from "../types/activity/presence_update.ts";
import { GetGuildAuditLog } from "../types/audit_log/get_guild_audit_log.ts";
import type { Emoji } from "../types/emojis/emoji.ts";
import type { CreateGuildBan } from "../types/guilds/create_guild_ban.ts";
import type { Guild } from "../types/guilds/guild.ts";
import { DiscordGuildFeatures } from "../types/guilds/guild_features.ts";
import type { ModifyGuild } from "../types/guilds/modify_guild.ts";
import type { GuildMember, GuildMemberWithUser } from "../types/members/guild_member.ts";
import type { DiscordImageFormat } from "../types/misc/image_format.ts";
import type { DiscordImageSize } from "../types/misc/image_size.ts";
import { snowflakeToBigint } from "../util/bigint.ts";
import { cacheMembers } from "../util/cache_members.ts";
import { Collection } from "../util/collection.ts";
import { iconHashToBigInt } from "../util/hash.ts";
import { createNewProp } from "../util/utils.ts";
import { DiscordenoChannel } from "./channel.ts";
import { DiscordenoMember } from "./member.ts";
import { structures } from "./mod.ts";
import { DiscordenoRole } from "./role.ts";
import { DiscordenoVoiceState } from "./voice_state.ts";
export const guildToggles = {
/** Whether this user is owner of this guild */
owner: 1n,
/** Whether the guild widget is enabled */
widgetEnabled: 2n,
/** Whether this is a large guild */
large: 4n,
/** Whether this guild is unavailable due to an outage */
unavailable: 8n,
/** Whether this server's icon is animated */
animatedIcon: 16n,
/** Whether this server's banner is animated. */
animatedBanner: 32n,
/** Whether this server's splash is animated. */
animatedSplash: 64n,
const baseGuild: Partial<DiscordenoGuild> = {
toJSON() {
return {
shardId: this.shardId!,
id: this.id?.toString(),
name: this.name,
icon: this.icon,
iconHash: undefined,
splash: this.splash,
discoverySplash: this.discoverySplash,
owner: this.owner,
ownerId: this.ownerId?.toString(),
permissions: this.permissions,
region: this.region,
afkChannelId: this.afkChannelId?.toString(),
afkTimeout: this.afkTimeout,
widgetEnabled: this.widgetEnabled,
widgetChannelId: this.widgetChannelId?.toString(),
verificationLevel: this.verificationLevel,
defaultMessageNotifications: this.defaultMessageNotifications,
explicitContentFilter: this.explicitContentFilter,
roles: this.roles?.map((r) => r.toJSON()) || [],
emojis: this.emojis?.array() || [],
features: this.features,
mfaLevel: this.mfaLevel,
applicationId: this.applicationId?.toString(),
systemChannelId: this.systemChannelId?.toString(),
systemChannelFlags: this.systemChannelFlags,
rulesChannelId: this.rulesChannelId?.toString(),
joinedAt: this.joinedAt ? new Date(this.joinedAt).toISOString() : undefined,
large: this.large,
unavailable: this.unavailable,
memberCount: this.memberCount,
voiceStates: this.voiceStates,
members: this.members,
channels: this.channels,
threads: this.threads,
presences: this.presences,
maxPresences: this.maxPresences,
maxMembers: this.maxMembers,
vanityUrlCode: this.vanityUrlCode,
description: this.description,
banner: this.banner,
premiumTier: this.premiumTier,
premiumSubscriptionCount: this.premiumSubscriptionCount,
preferredLocale: this.preferredLocale,
publicUpdatesChannelId: this.publicUpdatesChannelId?.toString(),
maxVideoChannelUsers: this.maxVideoChannelUsers,
approximateMemberCount: this.approximateMemberCount,
approximatePresenceCount: this.approximatePresenceCount,
welcomeScreen: this.welcomeScreen,
nsfwLevel: this.nsfwLevel,
stageInstances: this.stageInstances,
} as Guild & { shardId: number };
get members() {
return cache.members.filter((member) => member.guilds.has(this.id!));
get channels() {
return cache.channels.filter((channel) => channel.guildId === this.id);
get afkChannel() {
return cache.channels.get(this.afkChannelId!);
get publicUpdatesChannel() {
return cache.channels.get(this.publicUpdatesChannelId!);
get rulesChannel() {
return cache.channels.get(this.rulesChannelId!);
get systemChannel() {
return cache.channels.get(this.systemChannelId!);
get bot() {
return cache.members.get(botId);
get botMember() {
return this.bot?.guilds.get(this.id!);
get botVoice() {
return this.voiceStates?.get(botId);
get owner() {
return cache.members.get(this.ownerId!);
get partnered() {
return Boolean(this.features?.includes(DiscordGuildFeatures.Partnered));
get verified() {
return Boolean(this.features?.includes(DiscordGuildFeatures.Verified));
bannerURL(size, format) {
return guildBannerURL(this.id!, {
banner: this.banner!,
animated: this.animatedBanner!,
splashURL(size, format) {
return guildSplashURL(this.id!, {
splash: this.splash!,
animated: this.animatedSplash,
delete() {
return deleteGuild(this.id!);
edit(options) {
return editGuild(this.id!, options);
auditLogs(options) {
return getAuditLogs(this.id!, options);
getBan(memberId) {
return getBan(this.id!, memberId);
bans() {
return getBans(this.id!);
ban(memberId, options) {
return banMember(this.id!, memberId, options);
unban(memberId) {
return unbanMember(this.id!, memberId);
invites() {
return getInvites(this.id!);
iconURL(size, format) {
return guildIconURL(this.id!, {
icon: this.icon!,
animated: this.animatedIcon!,
leave() {
return leaveGuild(this.id!);
get isOwner() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & guildToggles.owner);
get widgetEnabled() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & guildToggles.widgetEnabled);
get large() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & guildToggles.large);
get unavailable() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & guildToggles.unavailable);
get animatedIcon() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & guildToggles.animatedIcon);
get animatedBanner() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & guildToggles.animatedBanner);
get animatedSplash() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & guildToggles.animatedSplash);
export async function createDiscordenoGuild(data: Guild, shardId: number) {
const {
memberCount = 0,
voiceStates = [],
channels = [],
threads = [],
presences = [],
joinedAt = "",
emojis = [],
members = [],
} = data;
let bitfield = 0n;
const guildId = snowflakeToBigint(rest.id);
const roles = await Promise.all(
(data.roles || []).map((role) =>
const voiceStateStructs = await Promise.all(
voiceStates.map((vs) => structures.createDiscordenoVoiceState(guildId, vs))
await Promise.all(
[...channels, ...threads].map(async (channel) => {
const discordenoChannel = await structures.createDiscordenoChannel(channel, guildId);
return await cacheHandlers.set("channels", discordenoChannel.id, discordenoChannel);
const props: Record<string, ReturnType<typeof createNewProp>> = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(rest)) {
eventHandlers.debug?.("loop", `Running for of loop in createDiscordenoGuild function.`);
const toggleBits = guildToggles[key as keyof typeof guildToggles];
if (toggleBits) {
bitfield |= value ? toggleBits : 0n;
props[key] = createNewProp(GUILD_SNOWFLAKES.includes(key) ? (value ? snowflakeToBigint(value) : undefined) : value);
const hashes = [
{ name: "icon", toggle: guildToggles.animatedIcon, value: icon },
{ name: "banner", toggle: guildToggles.animatedBanner, value: banner },
{ name: "splash", toggle: guildToggles.animatedSplash, value: splash },
for (const hash of hashes) {
const transformed = hash.value ? iconHashToBigInt(hash.value) : undefined;
if (transformed) {
props[hash.name] = createNewProp(hash.value);
if (transformed.animated) bitfield |= hash.toggle;
const guild: DiscordenoGuild = Object.create(baseGuild, {
shardId: createNewProp(shardId),
roles: createNewProp(new Collection(roles.map((r: DiscordenoRole) => [r.id, r]))),
joinedAt: createNewProp(Date.parse(joinedAt)),
presences: createNewProp(new Collection(presences.map((p) => [snowflakeToBigint(p.user!.id), p]))),
memberCount: createNewProp(memberCount),
emojis: createNewProp(new Collection(emojis.map((emoji) => [snowflakeToBigint(emoji.id!), emoji]))),
voiceStates: createNewProp(new Collection(voiceStateStructs.map((vs) => [vs.userId, vs]))),
bitfield: createNewProp(bitfield),
await cacheMembers(guild.id, members as GuildMemberWithUser[]);
return guild;
export interface DiscordenoGuild
extends Omit<
| "roles"
| "presences"
| "voiceStates"
| "members"
| "channels"
| "memberCount"
| "owner"
| "emojis"
| "id"
| "ownerId"
| "permissions"
| "afkChannelId"
| "widgetChannelId"
| "applicationId"
| "systemChannelId"
| "rulesChannelId"
| "publicUpdatesChannelId"
> {
/** Guild id */
id: bigint;
/** Id of the owner */
ownerId: bigint;
/** Total permissions for the user in the guild (execludes overrides) */
permissions: bigint;
/** Id of afk channel */
afkChannelId?: bigint;
/** The channel id that the widget will generate an invite to, or null if set to no invite */
widgetChannelId?: bigint;
/** Application id of the guild creator if it is bot-created */
applicationId?: bigint;
/** The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted */
systemChannelId?: bigint;
/** The id of the channel where community guilds can display rules and/or guidelines */
rulesChannelId?: bigint;
/** The id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive notices from Discord */
publicUpdatesChannelId?: bigint;
/** Whether this server's icon is animated */
animatedIcon: boolean;
/** Whether this server's banner is animated. */
animatedBanner: boolean;
/** Whether this server's splash is animated. */
animatedSplash: boolean;
/** The id of the shard this guild is bound to */
shardId: number;
/** Total number of members in this guild */
memberCount: number;
/** The roles in the guild */
roles: Collection<bigint, DiscordenoRole>;
/** The presences of all the users in the guild. */
presences: Collection<bigint, PresenceUpdate>;
/** The Voice State data for each user in a voice channel in this server. */
voiceStates: Collection<bigint, DiscordenoVoiceState>;
/** Custom guild emojis */
emojis: Collection<bigint, Emoji>;
/** Whether the bot is the owner of this guild */
isOwner: boolean;
/** Holds all the boolean toggles. */
bitfield: bigint;
/** Members in this guild. */
members: Collection<bigint, DiscordenoMember>;
/** Channels in this guild. */
channels: Collection<bigint, DiscordenoChannel>;
/** The afk channel if one is set */
afkChannel?: DiscordenoChannel;
/** The public update channel if one is set */
publicUpdatesChannel?: DiscordenoChannel;
/** The rules channel in this guild if one is set */
rulesChannel?: DiscordenoChannel;
/** The system channel in this guild if one is set */
systemChannel?: DiscordenoChannel;
/** The bot member in this guild if cached */
bot?: DiscordenoMember;
/** The bot guild member in this guild if cached */
botMember?: Omit<GuildMember, "joinedAt" | "premiumSince" | "roles"> & {
joinedAt?: number;
premiumSince?: number;
roles: bigint[];
/** The bots voice state if there is one in this guild */
botVoice?: DiscordenoVoiceState;
/** The owner member of this guild */
owner?: DiscordenoMember;
/** Whether or not this guild is partnered */
partnered: boolean;
/** Whether or not this guild is verified */
verified: boolean;
/** The banner url for this server */
bannerURL(size?: DiscordImageSize, format?: DiscordImageFormat): string | undefined;
/** The splash url for this server */
splashURL(size?: DiscordImageSize, format?: DiscordImageFormat): string | undefined;
/** The full URL of the icon from Discords CDN. Undefined when no icon is set. */
iconURL(size?: DiscordImageSize, format?: DiscordImageFormat): string | undefined;
/** Delete a guild permanently. User must be owner. Returns 204 No Content on success. Fires a Guild Delete Gateway event. */
delete(): ReturnType<typeof deleteGuild>;
/** Leave a guild */
leave(): ReturnType<typeof leaveGuild>;
/** Edit the server. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. */
edit(options: ModifyGuild): ReturnType<typeof editGuild>;
/** Returns the audit logs for the guild. Requires VIEW AUDIT LOGS permission */
auditLogs(options: Partial<GetGuildAuditLog>): ReturnType<typeof getAuditLogs>;
/** Returns a ban object for the given user or a 404 not found if the ban cannot be found. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission. */
getBan(memberId: bigint): ReturnType<typeof getBan>;
/** Returns a list of ban objects for the users banned from this guild. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission. */
bans(): ReturnType<typeof getBans>;
/** Ban a user from the guild and optionally delete previous messages sent by the user. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission. */
ban(memberId: bigint, options: CreateGuildBan): ReturnType<typeof banMember>;
/** Remove the ban for a user. Requires BAN_MEMBERS permission */
unban(memberId: bigint): ReturnType<typeof unbanMember>;
/** Get all the invites for this guild. Requires MANAGE_GUILD permission */
invites(): ReturnType<typeof getInvites>;
/** Get the JSON version of the Guild object used to create this. Includes the shardId as well */
toJSON(): Guild & { shardId: number };