
4869 lines
331 KiB
Raw Normal View History

!function(root, doc, factory) {
"function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([
], function($) {
return factory($, root, doc), $.mobile;
}) : factory(root.jQuery, root, doc);
}(this, document, function(jQuery, window, document, undefined) {
var $, rcapitals, $1, doc, bool, docElem, refNode, fakeBody, div, $2, support, $3, self, $win, dummyFnToInitNavigate, $4, undefined, path, $base, $5, undefined, $6, path1, initialHref, $7, heldCall, curr, diff, handler, lastCall, $8, baseElement, base, $9, $10, $11, $12, undefined, rInitialLetter, iconposClass, $13, $14, $15, meta, initialContent, disabledZoom, enabledZoom, disabledInitially, $16, $17, undefined, rDividerListItem, origDefaultFilterCallback;
jQuery.mobile = {
}, (function($, window, undefined) {
$.extend($.mobile, {
version: "1.4.2",
subPageUrlKey: "ui-page",
hideUrlBar: !0,
keepNative: ":jqmData(role='none'), :jqmData(role='nojs')",
activePageClass: "ui-page-active",
activeBtnClass: "ui-btn-active",
focusClass: "ui-focus",
ajaxEnabled: !0,
hashListeningEnabled: !0,
linkBindingEnabled: !0,
defaultPageTransition: "fade",
maxTransitionWidth: !1,
minScrollBack: 0,
defaultDialogTransition: "pop",
pageLoadErrorMessage: "Error Loading Page",
pageLoadErrorMessageTheme: "a",
phonegapNavigationEnabled: !1,
autoInitializePage: !0,
pushStateEnabled: !0,
ignoreContentEnabled: !1,
buttonMarkup: {
hoverDelay: 200
dynamicBaseEnabled: !0,
pageContainer: $(),
allowCrossDomainPages: !1,
dialogHashKey: "&ui-state=dialog"
})(jQuery, this), (function($, window, undefined) {
var nsNormalizeDict = {
}, oldFind = $.find, rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/, jqmDataRE = /:jqmData\(([^)]*)\)/g;
$.extend($.mobile, {
ns: "",
getAttribute: function(element, key) {
var data;
(element = element.jquery ? element[0] : element) && element.getAttribute && (data = element.getAttribute("data-" + $.mobile.ns + key));
try {
data = "true" === data || "false" !== data && ("null" === data ? null : +data + "" === data ? +data : rbrace.test(data) ? JSON.parse(data) : data);
} catch (err) {
return data;
nsNormalizeDict: nsNormalizeDict,
nsNormalize: function(prop) {
return nsNormalizeDict[prop] || (nsNormalizeDict[prop] = $.camelCase($.mobile.ns + prop));
closestPageData: function($target) {
return $target.closest(":jqmData(role='page'), :jqmData(role='dialog')").data("mobile-page");
}), $.fn.jqmData = function(prop, value) {
var result;
return void 0 !== prop && (prop && (prop = $.mobile.nsNormalize(prop)), result = arguments.length < 2 || void 0 === value ? this.data(prop) : this.data(prop, value)), result;
}, $.jqmData = function(elem, prop, value) {
var result;
return void 0 !== prop && (result = $.data(elem, prop ? $.mobile.nsNormalize(prop) : prop, value)), result;
}, $.fn.jqmRemoveData = function(prop) {
return this.removeData($.mobile.nsNormalize(prop));
}, $.jqmRemoveData = function(elem, prop) {
return $.removeData(elem, $.mobile.nsNormalize(prop));
}, $.find = function(selector, context, ret, extra) {
return selector.indexOf(":jqmData") > -1 && (selector = selector.replace(jqmDataRE, "[data-" + ($.mobile.ns || "") + "$1]")), oldFind.call(this, selector, context, ret, extra);
}, $.extend($.find, oldFind);
})(jQuery, this), (function($, undefined) {
var uuid = 0, runiqueId = /^ui-id-\d+$/;
function focusable(element, isTabIndexNotNaN) {
var mapName, img, nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return "area" === nodeName ? (mapName = element.parentNode.name, !!element.href && !!mapName && "map" === element.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() && !!(img = $("img[usemap=#" + mapName + "]")[0]) && visible(img)) : (/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(nodeName) ? !element.disabled : "a" === nodeName ? element.href || isTabIndexNotNaN : isTabIndexNotNaN) && visible(element);
function visible(element) {
return $.expr.filters.visible(element) && !$(element).parents().addBack().filter(function() {
return "hidden" === $.css(this, "visibility");
$.ui = $.ui || {
}, $.extend($.ui, {
version: "c0ab71056b936627e8a7821f03c044aec6280a40",
keyCode: {
COMMA: 188,
DOWN: 40,
END: 35,
ENTER: 13,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
PAGE_UP: 33,
PERIOD: 190,
RIGHT: 39,
SPACE: 32,
TAB: 9,
UP: 38
}), $.fn.extend({
focus: function(orig) {
return function(delay, fn) {
return "number" == typeof delay ? this.each(function() {
var elem = this;
setTimeout(function() {
$(elem).focus(), fn && fn.call(elem);
}, delay);
}) : orig.apply(this, arguments);
scrollParent: function() {
var scrollParent;
return scrollParent = $.ui.ie && /(static|relative)/.test(this.css("position")) || /absolute/.test(this.css("position")) ? this.parents().filter(function() {
return /(relative|absolute|fixed)/.test($.css(this, "position")) && /(auto|scroll)/.test($.css(this, "overflow") + $.css(this, "overflow-y") + $.css(this, "overflow-x"));
}).eq(0) : this.parents().filter(function() {
return /(auto|scroll)/.test($.css(this, "overflow") + $.css(this, "overflow-y") + $.css(this, "overflow-x"));
}).eq(0), /fixed/.test(this.css("position")) || !scrollParent.length ? $(this[0].ownerDocument || document) : scrollParent;
uniqueId: function() {
return this.each(function() {
this.id || (this.id = "ui-id-" + ++uuid);
removeUniqueId: function() {
return this.each(function() {
runiqueId.test(this.id) && $(this).removeAttr("id");
}), $.extend($.expr[":"], {
data: $.expr.createPseudo ? $.expr.createPseudo(function(dataName) {
return function(elem) {
return !!$.data(elem, dataName);
}) : function(elem, i, match) {
return !!$.data(elem, match[3]);
focusable: function(element) {
return focusable(element, !isNaN($.attr(element, "tabindex")));
tabbable: function(element) {
var tabIndex = $.attr(element, "tabindex"), isTabIndexNaN = isNaN(tabIndex);
return (isTabIndexNaN || tabIndex >= 0) && focusable(element, !isTabIndexNaN);
}), $("<a>").outerWidth(1).jquery || $.each([
], function(i, name) {
var side = "Width" === name ? [
] : [
], type = name.toLowerCase(), orig = {
innerWidth: $.fn.innerWidth,
innerHeight: $.fn.innerHeight,
outerWidth: $.fn.outerWidth,
outerHeight: $.fn.outerHeight
function reduce(elem, size, border, margin) {
return $.each(side, function() {
size -= parseFloat($.css(elem, "padding" + this)) || 0, border && (size -= parseFloat($.css(elem, "border" + this + "Width")) || 0), margin && (size -= parseFloat($.css(elem, "margin" + this)) || 0);
}), size;
$.fn["inner" + name] = function(size) {
return size === undefined ? orig["inner" + name].call(this) : this.each(function() {
$(this).css(type, reduce(this, size) + "px");
}, $.fn["outer" + name] = function(size, margin) {
return "number" != typeof size ? orig["outer" + name].call(this, size) : this.each(function() {
$(this).css(type, reduce(this, size, !0, margin) + "px");
}), $.fn.addBack || ($.fn.addBack = function(selector) {
return this.add(null == selector ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector));
}), $("<a>").data("a-b", "a").removeData("a-b").data("a-b") && ($.fn.removeData = (function(removeData) {
return function(key) {
return arguments.length ? removeData.call(this, $.camelCase(key)) : removeData.call(this);
})($.fn.removeData)), $.ui.ie = !!/msie [\w.]+/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()), $.support.selectstart = "onselectstart" in document.createElement("div"), $.fn.extend({
disableSelection: function() {
return this.bind(($.support.selectstart ? "selectstart" : "mousedown") + ".ui-disableSelection", function(event) {
enableSelection: function() {
return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection");
zIndex: function(zIndex) {
if (zIndex !== undefined) return this.css("zIndex", zIndex);
if (this.length) for(var position, value, elem = $(this[0]); elem.length && elem[0] !== document;){
if (("absolute" === (position = elem.css("position")) || "relative" === position || "fixed" === position) && !isNaN(value = parseInt(elem.css("zIndex"), 10)) && 0 !== value) return value;
elem = elem.parent();
return 0;
}), $.ui.plugin = {
add: function(module, option, set) {
var i, proto = $.ui[module].prototype;
for(i in set)proto.plugins[i] = proto.plugins[i] || [], proto.plugins[i].push([
call: function(instance, name, args, allowDisconnected) {
var i, set = instance.plugins[name];
if (set && (allowDisconnected || instance.element[0].parentNode && 11 !== instance.element[0].parentNode.nodeType)) for(i = 0; i < set.length; i++)instance.options[set[i][0]] && set[i][1].apply(instance.element, args);
})(jQuery), (function($, window, undefined) {
var compensateToolbars = function(page, desiredHeight) {
var pageParent = page.parent(), toolbarsAffectingHeight = [], externalHeaders = pageParent.children(":jqmData(role='header')"), internalHeaders = page.children(":jqmData(role='header')"), externalFooters = pageParent.children(":jqmData(role='footer')"), internalFooters = page.children(":jqmData(role='footer')");
return 0 === internalHeaders.length && externalHeaders.length > 0 && (toolbarsAffectingHeight = toolbarsAffectingHeight.concat(externalHeaders.toArray())), 0 === internalFooters.length && externalFooters.length > 0 && (toolbarsAffectingHeight = toolbarsAffectingHeight.concat(externalFooters.toArray())), $.each(toolbarsAffectingHeight, function(index, value) {
desiredHeight -= $(value).outerHeight();
}), Math.max(0, desiredHeight);
$.extend($.mobile, {
window: $(window),
document: $(document),
keyCode: $.ui.keyCode,
behaviors: {
silentScroll: function(ypos) {
"number" !== $.type(ypos) && (ypos = $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll), $.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = !1, setTimeout(function() {
window.scrollTo(0, ypos), $.mobile.document.trigger("silentscroll", {
x: 0,
y: ypos
}, 20), setTimeout(function() {
$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = !0;
}, 150);
getClosestBaseUrl: function(ele) {
var url = $(ele).closest(".ui-page").jqmData("url"), base = $.mobile.path.documentBase.hrefNoHash;
return $.mobile.dynamicBaseEnabled && url && $.mobile.path.isPath(url) || (url = base), $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute(url, base);
removeActiveLinkClass: function(forceRemoval) {
$.mobile.activeClickedLink && (!$.mobile.activeClickedLink.closest("." + $.mobile.activePageClass).length || forceRemoval) && $.mobile.activeClickedLink.removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass), $.mobile.activeClickedLink = null;
getInheritedTheme: function(el, defaultTheme) {
for(var c, m, e = el[0], ltr = "", re = /ui-(bar|body|overlay)-([a-z])\b/; e;){
if ((c = e.className || "") && (m = re.exec(c)) && (ltr = m[2])) break;
e = e.parentNode;
return ltr || defaultTheme || "a";
enhanceable: function(elements) {
return this.haveParents(elements, "enhance");
hijackable: function(elements) {
return this.haveParents(elements, "ajax");
haveParents: function(elements, attr) {
if (!$.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled) return elements;
var e, $element, excluded, i, count = elements.length, $newSet = $();
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
for($element = elements.eq(i), excluded = !1, e = elements[i]; e;){
if ("false" === (e.getAttribute ? e.getAttribute("data-" + $.mobile.ns + attr) : "")) {
excluded = !0;
e = e.parentNode;
excluded || ($newSet = $newSet.add($element));
return $newSet;
getScreenHeight: function() {
return window.innerHeight || $.mobile.window.height();
resetActivePageHeight: function(height) {
var page = $("." + $.mobile.activePageClass), pageHeight = page.height(), pageOuterHeight = page.outerHeight(!0);
height = compensateToolbars(page, "number" == typeof height ? height : $.mobile.getScreenHeight()), page.css("min-height", height - (pageOuterHeight - pageHeight));
loading: function() {
var loader = this.loading._widget || $($.mobile.loader.prototype.defaultHtml).loader(), returnValue = loader.loader.apply(loader, arguments);
return this.loading._widget = loader, returnValue;
}), $.addDependents = function(elem, newDependents) {
var $elem = $(elem), dependents = $elem.jqmData("dependents") || $();
$elem.jqmData("dependents", $(dependents).add(newDependents));
}, $.fn.extend({
removeWithDependents: function() {
enhanceWithin: function() {
var index, widgetElements = {
}, keepNative = $.mobile.page.prototype.keepNativeSelector(), that = this;
for(index in $.mobile.nojs && $.mobile.nojs(this), $.mobile.links && $.mobile.links(this), $.mobile.degradeInputsWithin && $.mobile.degradeInputsWithin(this), $.fn.buttonMarkup && this.find($.fn.buttonMarkup.initSelector).not(keepNative).jqmEnhanceable().buttonMarkup(), $.fn.fieldcontain && this.find(":jqmData(role='fieldcontain')").not(keepNative).jqmEnhanceable().fieldcontain(), $.each($.mobile.widgets, function(name, constructor) {
if (constructor.initSelector) {
var elements = $.mobile.enhanceable(that.find(constructor.initSelector));
elements.length > 0 && (elements = elements.not(keepNative)), elements.length > 0 && (widgetElements[constructor.prototype.widgetName] = elements);
}), widgetElements)widgetElements[index][index]();
return this;
addDependents: function(newDependents) {
$.addDependents(this, newDependents);
getEncodedText: function() {
return $("<a>").text(this.text()).html();
jqmEnhanceable: function() {
return $.mobile.enhanceable(this);
jqmHijackable: function() {
return $.mobile.hijackable(this);
}), $.removeWithDependents = function(nativeElement) {
var element = $(nativeElement);
(element.jqmData("dependents") || $()).remove(), element.remove();
}, $.addDependents = function(nativeElement, newDependents) {
var element = $(nativeElement), dependents = element.jqmData("dependents") || $();
element.jqmData("dependents", $(dependents).add(newDependents));
}, $.find.matches = function(expr, set) {
return $.find(expr, null, null, set);
}, $.find.matchesSelector = function(node, expr) {
return $.find(expr, null, null, [
]).length > 0;
})(jQuery, this), (function($, undefined) {
var uuid = 0, slice = Array.prototype.slice, _cleanData = $.cleanData;
$.cleanData = function(elems) {
for(var elem, i = 0; null != (elem = elems[i]); i++)try {
} catch (e) {
}, $.widget = function(name, base, prototype) {
var fullName, existingConstructor, constructor, basePrototype, proxiedPrototype = {
}, namespace = name.split(".")[0];
return fullName = namespace + "-" + (name = name.split(".")[1]), prototype || (prototype = base, base = $.Widget), $.expr[":"][fullName.toLowerCase()] = function(elem) {
return !!$.data(elem, fullName);
}, $[namespace] = $[namespace] || {
}, existingConstructor = $[namespace][name], constructor = $[namespace][name] = function(options, element) {
if (!this._createWidget) return new constructor(options, element);
arguments.length && this._createWidget(options, element);
}, $.extend(constructor, existingConstructor, {
version: prototype.version,
_proto: $.extend({
}, prototype),
_childConstructors: []
}), (basePrototype = new base()).options = $.widget.extend({
}, basePrototype.options), $.each(prototype, function(prop, value) {
if (!$.isFunction(value)) {
proxiedPrototype[prop] = value;
proxiedPrototype[prop] = (function() {
return function() {
var returnValue, __super = this._super, __superApply = this._superApply;
return this._super = function() {
return base.prototype[prop].apply(this, arguments);
}, this._superApply = function(args) {
return base.prototype[prop].apply(this, args);
}, returnValue = value.apply(this, arguments), this._super = __super, this._superApply = __superApply, returnValue;
}), constructor.prototype = $.widget.extend(basePrototype, {
widgetEventPrefix: existingConstructor ? basePrototype.widgetEventPrefix || name : name
}, proxiedPrototype, {
constructor: constructor,
namespace: namespace,
widgetName: name,
widgetFullName: fullName
}), existingConstructor ? ($.each(existingConstructor._childConstructors, function(i, child) {
var childPrototype = child.prototype;
$.widget(childPrototype.namespace + "." + childPrototype.widgetName, constructor, child._proto);
}), delete existingConstructor._childConstructors) : base._childConstructors.push(constructor), $.widget.bridge(name, constructor), constructor;
}, $.widget.extend = function(target) {
for(var key, value, input = slice.call(arguments, 1), inputIndex = 0, inputLength = input.length; inputIndex < inputLength; inputIndex++)for(key in input[inputIndex])value = input[inputIndex][key], input[inputIndex].hasOwnProperty(key) && value !== undefined && ($.isPlainObject(value) ? target[key] = $.isPlainObject(target[key]) ? $.widget.extend({
}, target[key], value) : $.widget.extend({
}, value) : target[key] = value);
return target;
}, $.widget.bridge = function(name, object) {
var fullName = object.prototype.widgetFullName || name;
$.fn[name] = function(options) {
var isMethodCall = "string" == typeof options, args = slice.call(arguments, 1), returnValue = this;
return options = !isMethodCall && args.length ? $.widget.extend.apply(null, [
].concat(args)) : options, isMethodCall ? this.each(function() {
var methodValue, instance = $.data(this, fullName);
return "instance" === options ? (returnValue = instance, !1) : instance ? $.isFunction(instance[options]) && "_" !== options.charAt(0) ? (methodValue = instance[options].apply(instance, args)) !== instance && methodValue !== undefined ? (returnValue = methodValue && methodValue.jquery ? returnValue.pushStack(methodValue.get()) : methodValue, !1) : void 0 : $.error("no such method '" + options + "' for " + name + " widget instance") : $.error("cannot call methods on " + name + " prior to initialization; attempted to call method '" + options + "'");
}) : this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data(this, fullName);
instance ? instance.option(options || {
})._init() : $.data(this, fullName, new object(options, this));
}), returnValue;
}, $.Widget = function() {
}, $.Widget._childConstructors = [], $.Widget.prototype = {
widgetName: "widget",
widgetEventPrefix: "",
defaultElement: "<div>",
options: {
disabled: !1,
create: null
_createWidget: function(options, element) {
element = $(element || this.defaultElement || this)[0], this.element = $(element), this.uuid = uuid++, this.eventNamespace = "." + this.widgetName + this.uuid, this.options = $.widget.extend({
}, this.options, this._getCreateOptions(), options), this.bindings = $(), this.hoverable = $(), this.focusable = $(), element !== this && ($.data(element, this.widgetFullName, this), this._on(!0, this.element, {
remove: function(event) {
event.target === element && this.destroy();
}), this.document = $(element.style ? element.ownerDocument : element.document || element), this.window = $(this.document[0].defaultView || this.document[0].parentWindow)), this._create(), this._trigger("create", null, this._getCreateEventData()), this._init();
_getCreateOptions: $.noop,
_getCreateEventData: $.noop,
_create: $.noop,
_init: $.noop,
destroy: function() {
this._destroy(), this.element.unbind(this.eventNamespace).removeData(this.widgetFullName).removeData($.camelCase(this.widgetFullName)), this.widget().unbind(this.eventNamespace).removeAttr("aria-disabled").removeClass(this.widgetFullName + "-disabled ui-state-disabled"), this.bindings.unbind(this.eventNamespace), this.hoverable.removeClass("ui-state-hover"), this.focusable.removeClass("ui-state-focus");
_destroy: $.noop,
widget: function() {
return this.element;
option: function(key, value) {
var parts, curOption, i, options = key;
if (0 === arguments.length) return $.widget.extend({
}, this.options);
if ("string" == typeof key) if (options = {
}, key = (parts = key.split(".")).shift(), parts.length) {
for(i = 0, curOption = options[key] = $.widget.extend({
}, this.options[key]); i < parts.length - 1; i++)curOption[parts[i]] = curOption[parts[i]] || {
}, curOption = curOption[parts[i]];
if (key = parts.pop(), value === undefined) return undefined === curOption[key] ? null : curOption[key];
curOption[key] = value;
} else {
if (value === undefined) return undefined === this.options[key] ? null : this.options[key];
options[key] = value;
return this._setOptions(options), this;
_setOptions: function(options) {
var key;
for(key in options)this._setOption(key, options[key]);
return this;
_setOption: function(key, value) {
return this.options[key] = value, "disabled" === key && (this.widget().toggleClass(this.widgetFullName + "-disabled", !!value), this.hoverable.removeClass("ui-state-hover"), this.focusable.removeClass("ui-state-focus")), this;
enable: function() {
return this._setOptions({
disabled: !1
disable: function() {
return this._setOptions({
disabled: !0
_on: function(suppressDisabledCheck, element, handlers) {
var delegateElement, instance = this;
"boolean" != typeof suppressDisabledCheck && (handlers = element, element = suppressDisabledCheck, suppressDisabledCheck = !1), handlers ? (element = delegateElement = $(element), this.bindings = this.bindings.add(element)) : (handlers = element, element = this.element, delegateElement = this.widget()), $.each(handlers, function(event, handler) {
function handlerProxy() {
if (!(!suppressDisabledCheck && (!0 === instance.options.disabled || $(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled")))) return ("string" == typeof handler ? instance[handler] : handler).apply(instance, arguments);
"string" != typeof handler && (handlerProxy.guid = handler.guid = handler.guid || handlerProxy.guid || $.guid++);
var match = event.match(/^(\w+)\s*(.*)$/), eventName = match[1] + instance.eventNamespace, selector = match[2];
selector ? delegateElement.delegate(selector, eventName, handlerProxy) : element.bind(eventName, handlerProxy);
_off: function(element, eventName) {
eventName = (eventName || "").split(" ").join(this.eventNamespace + " ") + this.eventNamespace, element.unbind(eventName).undelegate(eventName);
_delay: function(handler, delay) {
var instance = this;
return setTimeout(function() {
return ("string" == typeof handler ? instance[handler] : handler).apply(instance, arguments);
}, delay || 0);
_hoverable: function(element) {
this.hoverable = this.hoverable.add(element), this._on(element, {
mouseenter: function(event) {
mouseleave: function(event) {
_focusable: function(element) {
this.focusable = this.focusable.add(element), this._on(element, {
focusin: function(event) {
focusout: function(event) {
_trigger: function(type, event, data) {
var prop, orig, callback = this.options[type];
if (data = data || {
}, (event = $.Event(event)).type = (type === this.widgetEventPrefix ? type : this.widgetEventPrefix + type).toLowerCase(), event.target = this.element[0], orig = event.originalEvent) for(prop in orig)prop in event || (event[prop] = orig[prop]);
return this.element.trigger(event, data), !($.isFunction(callback) && !1 === callback.apply(this.element[0], [
].concat(data)) || event.isDefaultPrevented());
}, $.each({
show: "fadeIn",
hide: "fadeOut"
}, function(method, defaultEffect) {
$.Widget.prototype["_" + method] = function(element, options, callback) {
"string" == typeof options && (options = {
effect: options
var hasOptions, effectName = options ? !0 === options || "number" == typeof options ? defaultEffect : options.effect || defaultEffect : method;
"number" == typeof (options = options || {
}) && (options = {
duration: options
}), hasOptions = !$.isEmptyObject(options), options.complete = callback, options.delay && element.delay(options.delay), hasOptions && $.effects && $.effects.effect[effectName] ? element[method](options) : effectName !== method && element[effectName] ? element[effectName](options.duration, options.easing, callback) : element.queue(function(next) {
$(this)[method](), callback && callback.call(element[0]), next();
})(jQuery), rcapitals = /[A-Z]/g, ($ = jQuery).extend($.Widget.prototype, {
_getCreateOptions: function() {
var option, value, elem = this.element[0], options = {
if (!$.mobile.getAttribute(elem, "defaults")) for(option in this.options)null != (value = $.mobile.getAttribute(elem, option.replace(rcapitals, function(c) {
return "-" + c.toLowerCase();
}))) && (options[option] = value);
return options;
}), $.mobile.widget = $.Widget, (function($) {
var $html = $("html");
$.widget("mobile.loader", {
options: {
theme: "a",
textVisible: !1,
html: "",
text: "loading"
defaultHtml: "<div class='ui-loader'><span class='ui-icon-loading'></span><h1></h1></div>",
fakeFixLoader: function() {
var activeBtn = $("." + $.mobile.activeBtnClass).first();
top: $.support.scrollTop && this.window.scrollTop() + this.window.height() / 2 || activeBtn.length && activeBtn.offset().top || 100
checkLoaderPosition: function() {
var offset = this.element.offset(), scrollTop = this.window.scrollTop(), screenHeight = $.mobile.getScreenHeight();
(offset.top < scrollTop || offset.top - scrollTop > screenHeight) && (this.element.addClass("ui-loader-fakefix"), this.fakeFixLoader(), this.window.unbind("scroll", this.checkLoaderPosition).bind("scroll", $.proxy(this.fakeFixLoader, this)));
resetHtml: function() {
show: function(theme, msgText, textonly) {
var message, loadSettings;
this.resetHtml(), "object" === $.type(theme) ? theme = (loadSettings = $.extend({
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$html.removeClass("ui-loading"), this.options.text && this.element.removeClass("ui-loader-fakefix"), $.mobile.window.unbind("scroll", this.fakeFixLoader), $.mobile.window.unbind("scroll", this.checkLoaderPosition);
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return "#" + (url = url || location.href).replace(/^[^#]*#?(.*)$/, "$1");
$.fn.hashchange = function(fn) {
return fn ? this.bind("hashchange", fn) : this.trigger("hashchange");
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setup: function() {
if (supports_onhashchange) return !1;
teardown: function() {
if (supports_onhashchange) return !1;
}), fake_onhashchange = (function() {
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return val;
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return self.start = function() {
timeout_id || poll();
}, self.stop = function() {
timeout_id && clearTimeout(timeout_id), timeout_id = undefined;
}, !window.attachEvent || window.addEventListener || supports_onhashchange || (self.start = function() {
iframe || (iframe_src = (iframe_src = $.fn.hashchange.src) && iframe_src + get_fragment(), iframe = $("<iframe tabindex=\"-1\" title=\"empty\"/>").hide().one("load", function() {
iframe_src || history_set(get_fragment()), poll();
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return get_fragment(iframe.location.href);
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var iframe_doc = iframe.document, domain = $.fn.hashchange.domain;
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matches: bool,
media: q
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orientation: "orientation" in window && "onorientationchange" in window
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function propExists(prop) {
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], operamini = window.operamini && "[object OperaMini]" === ({
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browser: {
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while (a[0])
return v > 4 ? v : !v;
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pushState: "pushState" in history && "replaceState" in history && !(window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 0 && window.top !== window) && -1 === window.navigator.userAgent.search(/CriOS/),
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cssPseudoElement: !!propExists("content"),
touchOverflow: !!propExists("overflowScrolling"),
cssTransform3d: function() {
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boxShadow: !!propExists("boxShadow") && !bb,
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}).toString.call(w.operamini) || operammobilematch && omversion < 7458 || ua.indexOf("Android") > -1 && wkversion && wkversion < 533 || ffversion && ffversion < 6 || "palmGetResource" in window && wkversion && wkversion < 534 || ua.indexOf("MeeGo") > -1 && ua.indexOf("NokiaBrowser/8.5.0") > -1)),
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href: fauxBase
}).appendTo("head"), (link = $("<a href='testurl' />").prependTo(fakeBody1))[0].href, base1[0].href = location.pathname, 0 === link[0].href.indexOf(fauxBase)),
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boundingRect: void 0 !== document.createElement("div").getBoundingClientRect,
inlineSVG: function() {
var w1 = window, svg = !!w1.document.createElementNS && !!w1.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").createSVGRect && !(w1.opera && -1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome")), support = function(data) {
data && svg || $("html").addClass("ui-nosvg");
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img.onerror = function() {
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support(1 === img.width && 1 === img.height);
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return ($.support.mediaquery && $.support.cssPseudoElement || $.mobile.browser.oldIE && $.mobile.browser.oldIE >= 8) && ($.support.boundingRect || null !== $.fn.jquery.match(/1\.[0-7+]\.[0-9+]?/));
}, $.mobile.ajaxBlacklist = window.blackberry && !window.WebKitPoint || operamini || nokiaLTE7_3, nokiaLTE7_3 && $(function() {
$("head link[rel='stylesheet']").attr("rel", "alternate stylesheet").attr("rel", "stylesheet");
}), $.support.boxShadow || $("html").addClass("ui-noboxshadow");
})(jQuery), $win = ($3 = jQuery).mobile.window, dummyFnToInitNavigate = function() {
}, $3.event.special.beforenavigate = {
setup: function() {
$win.on("navigate", dummyFnToInitNavigate);
teardown: function() {
$win.off("navigate", dummyFnToInitNavigate);
}, $3.event.special.navigate = self = {
bound: !1,
pushStateEnabled: !0,
originalEventName: void 0,
isPushStateEnabled: function() {
return $3.support.pushState && !0 === $3.mobile.pushStateEnabled && this.isHashChangeEnabled();
isHashChangeEnabled: function() {
return !0 === $3.mobile.hashListeningEnabled;
popstate: function(event) {
var newEvent = new $3.Event("navigate"), beforeNavigate = new $3.Event("beforenavigate"), state = event.originalEvent.state || {
beforeNavigate.originalEvent = event, $win.trigger(beforeNavigate), beforeNavigate.isDefaultPrevented() || (event.historyState && $3.extend(state, event.historyState), newEvent.originalEvent = event, setTimeout(function() {
$win.trigger(newEvent, {
state: state
}, 0));
hashchange: function(event) {
var newEvent = new $3.Event("navigate"), beforeNavigate = new $3.Event("beforenavigate");
beforeNavigate.originalEvent = event, $win.trigger(beforeNavigate), beforeNavigate.isDefaultPrevented() || (newEvent.originalEvent = event, $win.trigger(newEvent, {
state: event.hashchangeState || {
setup: function() {
!self.bound && (self.bound = !0, self.isPushStateEnabled() ? (self.originalEventName = "popstate", $win.bind("popstate.navigate", self.popstate)) : self.isHashChangeEnabled() && (self.originalEventName = "hashchange", $win.bind("hashchange.navigate", self.hashchange)));
}, ($4 = jQuery).mobile.path = path = {
uiStateKey: "&ui-state",
urlParseRE: /^\s*(((([^:\/#\?]+:)?(?:(\/\/)((?:(([^:@\/#\?]+)(?:\:([^:@\/#\?]+))?)@)?(([^:\/#\?\]\[]+|\[[^\/\]@#?]+\])(?:\:([0-9]+))?))?)?)?((\/?(?:[^\/\?#]+\/+)*)([^\?#]*)))?(\?[^#]+)?)(#.*)?/,
getLocation: function(url) {
var uri = url ? this.parseUrl(url) : location, hash = this.parseUrl(url || location.href).hash;
return hash = "#" === hash ? "" : hash, uri.protocol + "//" + uri.host + uri.pathname + uri.search + hash;
getDocumentUrl: function(asParsedObject) {
return asParsedObject ? $4.extend({
}, path.documentUrl) : path.documentUrl.href;
parseLocation: function() {
return this.parseUrl(this.getLocation());
parseUrl: function(url) {
if ("object" === $4.type(url)) return url;
var matches = path.urlParseRE.exec(url || "") || [];
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href: matches[0] || "",
hrefNoHash: matches[1] || "",
hrefNoSearch: matches[2] || "",
domain: matches[3] || "",
protocol: matches[4] || "",
doubleSlash: matches[5] || "",
authority: matches[6] || "",
username: matches[8] || "",
password: matches[9] || "",
host: matches[10] || "",
hostname: matches[11] || "",
port: matches[12] || "",
pathname: matches[13] || "",
directory: matches[14] || "",
filename: matches[15] || "",
search: matches[16] || "",
hash: matches[17] || ""
makePathAbsolute: function(relPath, absPath) {
var absStack, relStack, i, d;
if (relPath && "/" === relPath.charAt(0)) return relPath;
for(i = 0, relPath = relPath || "", absStack = (absPath = absPath ? absPath.replace(/^\/|(\/[^\/]*|[^\/]+)$/g, "") : "") ? absPath.split("/") : [], relStack = relPath.split("/"); i < relStack.length; i++)switch(d = relStack[i]){
case ".":
case "..":
absStack.length && absStack.pop();
return "/" + absStack.join("/");
isSameDomain: function(absUrl1, absUrl2) {
return path.parseUrl(absUrl1).domain === path.parseUrl(absUrl2).domain;
isRelativeUrl: function(url) {
return "" === path.parseUrl(url).protocol;
isAbsoluteUrl: function(url) {
return "" !== path.parseUrl(url).protocol;
makeUrlAbsolute: function(relUrl, absUrl) {
if (!path.isRelativeUrl(relUrl)) return relUrl;
absUrl === undefined && (absUrl = this.documentBase);
var relObj = path.parseUrl(relUrl), absObj = path.parseUrl(absUrl), protocol = relObj.protocol || absObj.protocol, doubleSlash = relObj.protocol ? relObj.doubleSlash : relObj.doubleSlash || absObj.doubleSlash, authority = relObj.authority || absObj.authority, hasPath = "" !== relObj.pathname;
return protocol + doubleSlash + authority + path.makePathAbsolute(relObj.pathname || absObj.filename, absObj.pathname) + (relObj.search || !hasPath && absObj.search || "") + relObj.hash;
addSearchParams: function(url, params) {
var u = path.parseUrl(url), p = "object" == typeof params ? $4.param(params) : params, s = u.search || "?";
return u.hrefNoSearch + s + ("?" !== s.charAt(s.length - 1) ? "&" : "") + p + (u.hash || "");
convertUrlToDataUrl: function(absUrl) {
var u = path.parseUrl(absUrl);
return path.isEmbeddedPage(u) ? u.hash.split("&ui-state=dialog")[0].replace(/^#/, "").replace(/\?.*$/, "") : path.isSameDomain(u, this.documentBase) ? u.hrefNoHash.replace(this.documentBase.domain, "").split("&ui-state=dialog")[0] : window.decodeURIComponent(absUrl);
get: function(newPath) {
return newPath === undefined && (newPath = path.parseLocation().hash), path.stripHash(newPath).replace(/[^\/]*\.[^\/*]+$/, "");
set: function(path) {
location.hash = path;
isPath: function(url) {
return /\//.test(url);
clean: function(url) {
return url.replace(this.documentBase.domain, "");
stripHash: function(url) {
return url.replace(/^#/, "");
stripQueryParams: function(url) {
return url.replace(/\?.*$/, "");
cleanHash: function(hash) {
return path.stripHash(hash.replace(/\?.*$/, "").replace("&ui-state=dialog", ""));
isHashValid: function(hash) {
return /^#[^#]+$/.test(hash);
isExternal: function(url) {
var u = path.parseUrl(url);
return !!u.protocol && u.domain !== this.documentUrl.domain;
hasProtocol: function(url) {
return /^(:?\w+:)/.test(url);
isEmbeddedPage: function(url) {
var u = path.parseUrl(url);
return "" !== u.protocol ? !this.isPath(u.hash) && u.hash && (u.hrefNoHash === this.documentUrl.hrefNoHash || this.documentBaseDiffers && u.hrefNoHash === this.documentBase.hrefNoHash) : /^#/.test(u.href);
squash: function(url, resolutionUrl) {
var href, cleanedUrl, stateIndex, isPath = this.isPath(url), uri = this.parseUrl(url), preservedHash = uri.hash, uiState = "";
return resolutionUrl = resolutionUrl || (path.isPath(url) ? path.getLocation() : path.getDocumentUrl()), cleanedUrl = isPath ? path.stripHash(url) : url, (stateIndex = (cleanedUrl = path.isPath(uri.hash) ? path.stripHash(uri.hash) : cleanedUrl).indexOf(this.uiStateKey)) > -1 && (uiState = cleanedUrl.slice(stateIndex), cleanedUrl = cleanedUrl.slice(0, stateIndex)), href = path.makeUrlAbsolute(cleanedUrl, resolutionUrl), this.parseUrl(href).search, isPath ? ((path.isPath(preservedHash) || 0 === preservedHash.replace("#", "").indexOf(this.uiStateKey)) && (preservedHash = ""), uiState && -1 === preservedHash.indexOf(this.uiStateKey) && (preservedHash += uiState), -1 === preservedHash.indexOf("#") && "" !== preservedHash && (preservedHash = "#" + preservedHash), href = (href = path.parseUrl(href)).protocol + "//" + href.host + href.pathname + this.parseUrl(href).search + preservedHash) : href += href.indexOf("#") > -1 ? uiState : "#" + uiState, href;
isPreservableHash: function(hash) {
return 0 === hash.replace("#", "").indexOf(this.uiStateKey);
hashToSelector: function(hash) {
var hasHash = "#" === hash.substring(0, 1);
return hasHash && (hash = hash.substring(1)), (hasHash ? "#" : "") + hash.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~])/g, "\\$1");
getFilePath: function(path) {
var splitkey = "&" + $4.mobile.subPageUrlKey;
return path && path.split(splitkey)[0].split("&ui-state=dialog")[0];
isFirstPageUrl: function(url) {
var u = path.parseUrl(path.makeUrlAbsolute(url, this.documentBase)), samePath = u.hrefNoHash === this.documentUrl.hrefNoHash || this.documentBaseDiffers && u.hrefNoHash === this.documentBase.hrefNoHash, fp = $4.mobile.firstPage, fpId = fp && fp[0] ? fp[0].id : undefined;
return samePath && (!u.hash || "#" === u.hash || fpId && u.hash.replace(/^#/, "") === fpId);
isPermittedCrossDomainRequest: function(docUrl, reqUrl) {
return $4.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages && ("file:" === docUrl.protocol || "content:" === docUrl.protocol) && -1 !== reqUrl.search(/^https?:/);
}, path.documentUrl = path.parseLocation(), $base = $4("head").find("base"), path.documentBase = $base.length ? path.parseUrl(path.makeUrlAbsolute($base.attr("href"), path.documentUrl.href)) : path.documentUrl, path.documentBaseDiffers = path.documentUrl.hrefNoHash !== path.documentBase.hrefNoHash, path.getDocumentBase = function(asParsedObject) {
return asParsedObject ? $4.extend({
}, path.documentBase) : path.documentBase.href;
}, $4.extend($4.mobile, {
getDocumentUrl: path.getDocumentUrl,
getDocumentBase: path.getDocumentBase
}), ($5 = jQuery).mobile.History = function(stack, index) {
this.stack = stack || [], this.activeIndex = index || 0;
}, $5.extend($5.mobile.History.prototype, {
getActive: function() {
return this.stack[this.activeIndex];
getLast: function() {
return this.stack[this.previousIndex];
getNext: function() {
return this.stack[this.activeIndex + 1];
getPrev: function() {
return this.stack[this.activeIndex - 1];
add: function(url, data) {
data = data || {
}, this.getNext() && this.clearForward(), data.hash && -1 === data.hash.indexOf("#") && (data.hash = "#" + data.hash), data.url = url, this.stack.push(data), this.activeIndex = this.stack.length - 1;
clearForward: function() {
this.stack = this.stack.slice(0, this.activeIndex + 1);
find: function(url, stack, earlyReturn) {
var entry, i, index, length = (stack = stack || this.stack).length;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)if (entry = stack[i], (decodeURIComponent(url) === decodeURIComponent(entry.url) || decodeURIComponent(url) === decodeURIComponent(entry.hash)) && (index = i, earlyReturn)) return index;
return index;
closest: function(url) {
var closest, a = this.activeIndex;
return undefined === (closest = this.find(url, this.stack.slice(0, a))) && (closest = undefined === (closest = this.find(url, this.stack.slice(a), !0)) ? closest : closest + a), closest;
direct: function(opts) {
var newActiveIndex = this.closest(opts.url), a = this.activeIndex;
newActiveIndex !== undefined && (this.activeIndex = newActiveIndex, this.previousIndex = a), newActiveIndex < a ? (opts.present || opts.back || $5.noop)(this.getActive(), "back") : newActiveIndex > a ? (opts.present || opts.forward || $5.noop)(this.getActive(), "forward") : newActiveIndex === undefined && opts.missing && opts.missing(this.getActive());
}), path1 = ($6 = jQuery).mobile.path, initialHref = location.href, $6.mobile.Navigator = function(history) {
this.history = history, this.ignoreInitialHashChange = !0, $6.mobile.window.bind({
"popstate.history": $6.proxy(this.popstate, this),
"hashchange.history": $6.proxy(this.hashchange, this)
}, $6.extend($6.mobile.Navigator.prototype, {
squash: function(url, data) {
var state, href, hash = path1.isPath(url) ? path1.stripHash(url) : url;
return href = path1.squash(url), state = $6.extend({
hash: hash,
url: href
}, data), window.history.replaceState(state, state.title || document.title, href), state;
hash: function(url, href) {
var parsed, loc, resolved;
return parsed = path1.parseUrl(url), (loc = path1.parseLocation()).pathname + loc.search === parsed.pathname + parsed.search ? parsed.hash ? parsed.hash : parsed.pathname + parsed.search : path1.isPath(url) ? (resolved = path1.parseUrl(href)).pathname + resolved.search + (path1.isPreservableHash(resolved.hash) ? resolved.hash.replace("#", "") : "") : url;
go: function(url, data, noEvents) {
var state, href, hash, popstateEvent, isPopStateEvent = $6.event.special.navigate.isPushStateEnabled();
href = path1.squash(url), hash = this.hash(url, href), noEvents && hash !== path1.stripHash(path1.parseLocation().hash) && (this.preventNextHashChange = noEvents), this.preventHashAssignPopState = !0, window.location.hash = hash, this.preventHashAssignPopState = !1, state = $6.extend({
url: href,
hash: hash,
title: document.title
}, data), isPopStateEvent && ((popstateEvent = new $6.Event("popstate")).originalEvent = {
type: "popstate",
state: null
}, this.squash(url, state), noEvents || (this.ignorePopState = !0, $6.mobile.window.trigger(popstateEvent))), this.history.add(state.url, state);
popstate: function(event) {
var hash, state;
if ($6.event.special.navigate.isPushStateEnabled()) {
if (this.preventHashAssignPopState) {
this.preventHashAssignPopState = !1, event.stopImmediatePropagation();
if (this.ignorePopState) {
this.ignorePopState = !1;
if (!event.originalEvent.state && 1 === this.history.stack.length && this.ignoreInitialHashChange && (this.ignoreInitialHashChange = !1, location.href === initialHref)) {
if (hash = path1.parseLocation().hash, !event.originalEvent.state && hash) {
state = this.squash(hash), this.history.add(state.url, state), event.historyState = state;
url: (event.originalEvent.state || {
}).url || hash,
present: function(historyEntry, direction) {
event.historyState = $6.extend({
}, historyEntry), event.historyState.direction = direction;
hashchange: function(event) {
var history, hash;
if (!(!$6.event.special.navigate.isHashChangeEnabled() || $6.event.special.navigate.isPushStateEnabled())) {
if (this.preventNextHashChange) {
this.preventNextHashChange = !1, event.stopImmediatePropagation();
history = this.history, hash = path1.parseLocation().hash, this.history.direct({
url: hash,
present: function(historyEntry, direction) {
event.hashchangeState = $6.extend({
}, historyEntry), event.hashchangeState.direction = direction;
missing: function() {
history.add(hash, {
hash: hash,
title: document.title
}), (function($, undefined) {
$.mobile.navigate = function(url, data, noEvents) {
$.mobile.navigate.navigator.go(url, data, noEvents);
}, $.mobile.navigate.history = new $.mobile.History(), $.mobile.navigate.navigator = new $.mobile.Navigator($.mobile.navigate.history);
var loc = $.mobile.path.parseLocation();
$.mobile.navigate.history.add(loc.href, {
hash: loc.hash
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var props = {
animation: {
transition: {
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}), $.support.cssTransitions = undefined !== props.transition.prefix, $.support.cssAnimations = undefined !== props.animation.prefix, $(testElement).remove(), $.fn.animationComplete = function(callback, type, fallbackTime) {
var timer, duration, that = this, animationType = type && "animation" !== type ? "transition" : "animation";
return $.support.cssTransitions && "transition" === animationType || $.support.cssAnimations && "animation" === animationType ? (fallbackTime === undefined && ($(this).context !== document && (duration = 3000 * parseFloat($(this).css(props[animationType].duration))), (0 === duration || duration === undefined || isNaN(duration)) && (duration = $.fn.animationComplete.defaultDuration)), timer = setTimeout(function() {
$(that).off(props[animationType].event), callback.apply(that);
}, duration), $(this).one(props[animationType].event, function() {
clearTimeout(timer), callback.call(this, arguments);
})) : (setTimeout($.proxy(callback, this), 0), $(this));
}, $.fn.animationComplete.defaultDuration = 1000;
})(jQuery), (function($, window, document, undefined) {
var threshold, i, virtualEventNames = "vmouseover vmousedown vmousemove vmouseup vclick vmouseout vmousecancel".split(" "), touchEventProps = "clientX clientY pageX pageY screenX screenY".split(" "), mouseHookProps = $.event.mouseHooks ? $.event.mouseHooks.props : [], mouseEventProps = $.event.props.concat(mouseHookProps), activeDocHandlers = {
}, resetTimerID = 0, startX = 0, startY = 0, didScroll = !1, clickBlockList = [], blockMouseTriggers = !1, blockTouchTriggers = !1, eventCaptureSupported = "addEventListener" in document, $document = $(document), nextTouchID = 1, lastTouchID = 0;
function getNativeEvent(event) {
for(; event && void 0 !== event.originalEvent;)event = event.originalEvent;
return event;
function getVirtualBindingFlags(element) {
for(var b, k, flags = {
}; element;){
for(k in b = $.data(element, "virtualMouseBindings"))b[k] && (flags[k] = flags.hasVirtualBinding = !0);
element = element.parentNode;
return flags;
function disableTouchBindings() {
blockTouchTriggers = !0;
function startResetTimer() {
clearResetTimer(), resetTimerID = setTimeout(function() {
resetTimerID = 0, lastTouchID = 0, clickBlockList.length = 0, blockMouseTriggers = !1, disableTouchBindings();
}, $.vmouse.resetTimerDuration);
function clearResetTimer() {
resetTimerID && (clearTimeout(resetTimerID), resetTimerID = 0);
function triggerVirtualEvent(eventType, event, flags) {
var ve;
return (flags && flags[eventType] || !flags && (function(element, eventType) {
for(var b; element;){
if ((b = $.data(element, "virtualMouseBindings")) && (!eventType || b[eventType])) return element;
element = element.parentNode;
return null;
})(event.target, eventType)) && (ve = (function(event, eventType) {
var oe, props, ne, prop, ct, touch, i, j, len, t = event.type;
if ((event = $.Event(event)).type = eventType, oe = event.originalEvent, props = $.event.props, t.search(/^(mouse|click)/) > -1 && (props = mouseEventProps), oe) for(i = props.length; i;)event[prop = props[--i]] = oe[prop];
if (t.search(/mouse(down|up)|click/) > -1 && !event.which && (event.which = 1), -1 !== t.search(/^touch/) && (t = (ne = getNativeEvent(oe)).touches, ct = ne.changedTouches, touch = t && t.length ? t[0] : ct && ct.length ? ct[0] : void 0)) for(j = 0, len = touchEventProps.length; j < len; j++)event[prop = touchEventProps[j]] = touch[prop];
return event;
})(event, eventType), $(event.target).trigger(ve)), ve;
function mouseEventCallback(event) {
var ve, touchID = $.data(event.target, "virtualTouchID");
!blockMouseTriggers && (!lastTouchID || lastTouchID !== touchID) && (ve = triggerVirtualEvent("v" + event.type, event)) && (ve.isDefaultPrevented() && event.preventDefault(), ve.isPropagationStopped() && event.stopPropagation(), ve.isImmediatePropagationStopped() && event.stopImmediatePropagation());
function handleTouchStart(event) {
var target, flags, t, touches = getNativeEvent(event).touches;
touches && 1 === touches.length && (flags = getVirtualBindingFlags(target = event.target)).hasVirtualBinding && (lastTouchID = nextTouchID++, $.data(target, "virtualTouchID", lastTouchID), clearResetTimer(), blockTouchTriggers = !1, didScroll = !1, startX = (t = getNativeEvent(event).touches[0]).pageX, startY = t.pageY, triggerVirtualEvent("vmouseover", event, flags), triggerVirtualEvent("vmousedown", event, flags));
function handleScroll(event) {
blockTouchTriggers || (didScroll || triggerVirtualEvent("vmousecancel", event, getVirtualBindingFlags(event.target)), didScroll = !0, startResetTimer());
function handleTouchMove(event) {
if (!blockTouchTriggers) {
var t = getNativeEvent(event).touches[0], didCancel = didScroll, moveThreshold = $.vmouse.moveDistanceThreshold, flags = getVirtualBindingFlags(event.target);
(didScroll = didScroll || Math.abs(t.pageX - startX) > moveThreshold || Math.abs(t.pageY - startY) > moveThreshold) && !didCancel && triggerVirtualEvent("vmousecancel", event, flags), triggerVirtualEvent("vmousemove", event, flags), startResetTimer();
function handleTouchEnd(event) {
if (!blockTouchTriggers) {
var ve, t, flags = getVirtualBindingFlags(event.target);
triggerVirtualEvent("vmouseup", event, flags), !didScroll && (ve = triggerVirtualEvent("vclick", event, flags)) && ve.isDefaultPrevented() && (t = getNativeEvent(event).changedTouches[0], clickBlockList.push({
touchID: lastTouchID,
x: t.clientX,
y: t.clientY
}), blockMouseTriggers = !0), triggerVirtualEvent("vmouseout", event, flags), didScroll = !1, startResetTimer();
function hasVirtualBindings(ele) {
var k, bindings = $.data(ele, "virtualMouseBindings");
if (bindings) {
for(k in bindings)if (bindings[k]) return !0;
return !1;
function dummyMouseHandler() {
function getSpecialEventObject(eventType) {
var realType = eventType.substr(1);
return {
setup: function() {
hasVirtualBindings(this) || $.data(this, "virtualMouseBindings", {
}), $.data(this, "virtualMouseBindings")[eventType] = !0, activeDocHandlers[eventType] = (activeDocHandlers[eventType] || 0) + 1, 1 === activeDocHandlers[eventType] && $document.bind(realType, mouseEventCallback), $(this).bind(realType, dummyMouseHandler), eventCaptureSupported && (activeDocHandlers.touchstart = (activeDocHandlers.touchstart || 0) + 1, 1 === activeDocHandlers.touchstart && $document.bind("touchstart", handleTouchStart).bind("touchend", handleTouchEnd).bind("touchmove", handleTouchMove).bind("scroll", handleScroll));
teardown: function() {
--activeDocHandlers[eventType], activeDocHandlers[eventType] || $document.unbind(realType, mouseEventCallback), eventCaptureSupported && (--activeDocHandlers.touchstart, activeDocHandlers.touchstart || $document.unbind("touchstart", handleTouchStart).unbind("touchmove", handleTouchMove).unbind("touchend", handleTouchEnd).unbind("scroll", handleScroll));
var $this = $(this), bindings = $.data(this, "virtualMouseBindings");
bindings && (bindings[eventType] = !1), $this.unbind(realType, dummyMouseHandler), hasVirtualBindings(this) || $this.removeData("virtualMouseBindings");
for(i = 0, $.vmouse = {
moveDistanceThreshold: 10,
clickDistanceThreshold: 10,
resetTimerDuration: 1500
}; i < virtualEventNames.length; i++)$.event.special[virtualEventNames[i]] = getSpecialEventObject(virtualEventNames[i]);
eventCaptureSupported && document.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var x, y, ele, i, o, cnt = clickBlockList.length, target = e.target;
if (cnt) for(x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY, threshold = $.vmouse.clickDistanceThreshold, ele = target; ele;){
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)if (o = clickBlockList[i], ele === target && Math.abs(o.x - x) < threshold && Math.abs(o.y - y) < threshold || $.data(ele, "virtualTouchID") === o.touchID) {
e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation();
ele = ele.parentNode;
}, !0);
})(jQuery, window, document), (function($, window, undefined) {
var $document = $(document), supportTouch = $.mobile.support.touch, touchStartEvent = supportTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", touchStopEvent = supportTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup", touchMoveEvent = supportTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove";
function triggerCustomEvent(obj, eventType, event, bubble) {
var originalType = event.type;
event.type = eventType, bubble ? $.event.trigger(event, void 0, obj) : $.event.dispatch.call(obj, event), event.type = originalType;
$.each("touchstart touchmove touchend tap taphold swipe swipeleft swiperight scrollstart scrollstop".split(" "), function(i, name) {
$.fn[name] = function(fn) {
return fn ? this.bind(name, fn) : this.trigger(name);
}, $.attrFn && ($.attrFn[name] = !0);
}), $.event.special.scrollstart = {
enabled: !0,
setup: function() {
var scrolling, timer, thisObject = this, $this = $(thisObject);
function trigger(event, state) {
triggerCustomEvent(thisObject, (scrolling = state) ? "scrollstart" : "scrollstop", event);
$this.bind("touchmove scroll", function(event) {
$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled && (scrolling || trigger(event, !0), clearTimeout(timer), timer = setTimeout(function() {
trigger(event, !1);
}, 50));
teardown: function() {
$(this).unbind("touchmove scroll");
}, $.event.special.tap = {
tapholdThreshold: 750,
emitTapOnTaphold: !0,
setup: function() {
var thisObject = this, $this = $(thisObject), isTaphold = !1;
$this.bind("vmousedown", function(event) {
if (isTaphold = !1, event.which && 1 !== event.which) return !1;
var timer, origTarget = event.target;
function clearTapTimer() {
function clearTapHandlers() {
clearTapTimer(), $this.unbind("vclick", clickHandler).unbind("vmouseup", clearTapTimer), $document.unbind("vmousecancel", clearTapHandlers);
function clickHandler(event) {
clearTapHandlers(), isTaphold || origTarget !== event.target ? isTaphold && event.stopPropagation() : triggerCustomEvent(thisObject, "tap", event);
$this.bind("vmouseup", clearTapTimer).bind("vclick", clickHandler), $document.bind("vmousecancel", clearTapHandlers), timer = setTimeout(function() {
$.event.special.tap.emitTapOnTaphold || (isTaphold = !0), triggerCustomEvent(thisObject, "taphold", $.Event("taphold", {
target: origTarget
}, $.event.special.tap.tapholdThreshold);
teardown: function() {
$(this).unbind("vmousedown").unbind("vclick").unbind("vmouseup"), $document.unbind("vmousecancel");
}, $.event.special.swipe = {
scrollSupressionThreshold: 30,
durationThreshold: 1000,
horizontalDistanceThreshold: 30,
verticalDistanceThreshold: 30,
getLocation: function(event) {
var winPageX = window.pageXOffset, winPageY = window.pageYOffset, x = event.clientX, y = event.clientY;
return 0 === event.pageY && Math.floor(y) > Math.floor(event.pageY) || 0 === event.pageX && Math.floor(x) > Math.floor(event.pageX) ? (x -= winPageX, y -= winPageY) : (y < event.pageY - winPageY || x < event.pageX - winPageX) && (x = event.pageX - winPageX, y = event.pageY - winPageY), {
x: x,
y: y
start: function(event) {
var data = event.originalEvent.touches ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event, location = $.event.special.swipe.getLocation(data);
return {
time: new Date().getTime(),
coords: [
origin: $(event.target)
stop: function(event) {
var data = event.originalEvent.touches ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event, location = $.event.special.swipe.getLocation(data);
return {
time: new Date().getTime(),
coords: [
handleSwipe: function(start, stop, thisObject, origTarget) {
if (stop.time - start.time < $.event.special.swipe.durationThreshold && Math.abs(start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0]) > $.event.special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold && Math.abs(start.coords[1] - stop.coords[1]) < $.event.special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold) {
var direction = start.coords[0] > stop.coords[0] ? "swipeleft" : "swiperight";
return triggerCustomEvent(thisObject, "swipe", $.Event("swipe", {
target: origTarget,
swipestart: start,
swipestop: stop
}), !0), triggerCustomEvent(thisObject, direction, $.Event(direction, {
target: origTarget,
swipestart: start,
swipestop: stop
}), !0), !0;
return !1;
eventInProgress: !1,
setup: function() {
var events, thisObject = this, $this = $(thisObject), context = {
(events = $.data(this, "mobile-events")) || (events = {
length: 0
}, $.data(this, "mobile-events", events)), events.length++, events.swipe = context, context.start = function(event) {
if (!$.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress) {
$.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = !0;
var stop, start = $.event.special.swipe.start(event), origTarget = event.target, emitted = !1;
context.move = function(event) {
!!start && (stop = $.event.special.swipe.stop(event), !emitted && (emitted = $.event.special.swipe.handleSwipe(start, stop, thisObject, origTarget)) && ($.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = !1), Math.abs(start.coords[0] - stop.coords[0]) > $.event.special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold && event.preventDefault());
}, context.stop = function() {
emitted = !0, $.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = !1, $document.off(touchMoveEvent, context.move), context.move = null;
}, $document.on(touchMoveEvent, context.move).one(touchStopEvent, context.stop);
}, $this.on(touchStartEvent, context.start);
teardown: function() {
var events, context;
(events = $.data(this, "mobile-events")) && (context = events.swipe, delete events.swipe, events.length--, 0 === events.length && $.removeData(this, "mobile-events")), context && (context.start && $(this).off(touchStartEvent, context.start), context.move && $document.off(touchMoveEvent, context.move), context.stop && $document.off(touchStopEvent, context.stop));
}, $.each({
scrollstop: "scrollstart",
taphold: "tap",
swipeleft: "swipe",
swiperight: "swipe"
}, function(event, sourceEvent) {
$.event.special[event] = {
setup: function() {
$(this).bind(sourceEvent, $.noop);
teardown: function() {
})(jQuery, this), ($7 = jQuery).event.special.throttledresize = {
setup: function() {
$7(this).bind("resize", handler);
teardown: function() {
$7(this).unbind("resize", handler);
}, handler = function() {
(diff = (curr = new Date().getTime()) - lastCall) >= 250 ? (lastCall = curr, $7(this).trigger("throttledresize")) : (heldCall && clearTimeout(heldCall), heldCall = setTimeout(handler, 250 - diff));
}, lastCall = 0, (function($, window) {
var get_orientation, last_orientation, initial_orientation_is_landscape, initial_orientation_is_default, ww, wh, landscape_threshold, win = $(window), portrait_map = {
"0": !0,
"180": !0
function handler() {
var orientation = get_orientation();
orientation !== last_orientation && (last_orientation = orientation, win.trigger("orientationchange"));
$.support.orientation && (landscape_threshold = 50, initial_orientation_is_landscape = (ww = window.innerWidth || win.width()) > (wh = window.innerHeight || win.height()) && ww - wh > landscape_threshold, initial_orientation_is_default = portrait_map[window.orientation], (initial_orientation_is_landscape && initial_orientation_is_default || !initial_orientation_is_landscape && !initial_orientation_is_default) && (portrait_map = {
"-90": !0,
"90": !0
})), $.event.special.orientationchange = $.extend({
}, $.event.special.orientationchange, {
setup: function() {
if ($.support.orientation && !$.event.special.orientationchange.disabled) return !1;
last_orientation = get_orientation(), win.bind("throttledresize", handler);
teardown: function() {
if ($.support.orientation && !$.event.special.orientationchange.disabled) return !1;
win.unbind("throttledresize", handler);
add: function(handleObj) {
var old_handler = handleObj.handler;
handleObj.handler = function(event) {
return event.orientation = get_orientation(), old_handler.apply(this, arguments);
}), $.event.special.orientationchange.orientation = get_orientation = function() {
var elem = document.documentElement;
return ($.support.orientation ? portrait_map[window.orientation] : elem && elem.clientWidth / elem.clientHeight < 1.1) ? "portrait" : "landscape";
}, $.fn.orientationchange = function(fn) {
return fn ? this.bind("orientationchange", fn) : this.trigger("orientationchange");
}, $.attrFn && ($.attrFn.orientationchange = !0);
})(jQuery, this), base = {
element: (baseElement = ($8 = jQuery)("head").children("base")).length ? baseElement : $8("<base>", {
href: $8.mobile.path.documentBase.hrefNoHash
linkSelector: "[src], link[href], a[rel='external'], :jqmData(ajax='false'), a[target]",
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!!$8.mobile.dynamicBaseEnabled && $8.support.dynamicBaseTag && base.element.attr("href", $8.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute(href, $8.mobile.path.documentBase));
rewrite: function(href, page) {
var newPath = $8.mobile.path.get(href);
page.find(base.linkSelector).each(function(i, link) {
var thisAttr = $8(link).is("[href]") ? "href" : $8(link).is("[src]") ? "src" : "action", thisUrl = $8(link).attr(thisAttr);
thisUrl = thisUrl.replace(location.protocol + "//" + location.host + location.pathname, ""), /^(\w+:|#|\/)/.test(thisUrl) || $8(link).attr(thisAttr, newPath + thisUrl);
reset: function() {
base.element.attr("href", $8.mobile.path.documentBase.hrefNoSearch);
}, $8.mobile.base = base, (function($, undefined) {
$.mobile.widgets = {
var originalWidget = $.widget, keepNativeFactoryDefault = $.mobile.keepNative;
$.widget = (function(orig) {
return function() {
var constructor = orig.apply(this, arguments), name = constructor.prototype.widgetName;
return constructor.initSelector = undefined !== constructor.prototype.initSelector ? constructor.prototype.initSelector : ":jqmData(role='" + name + "')", $.mobile.widgets[name] = constructor, constructor;
})($.widget), $.extend($.widget, originalWidget), $.mobile.document.on("create", function(event) {
}), $.widget("mobile.page", {
options: {
theme: "a",
domCache: !1,
keepNativeDefault: $.mobile.keepNative,
contentTheme: null,
enhanced: !1
_createWidget: function() {
$.Widget.prototype._createWidget.apply(this, arguments), this._trigger("init");
_create: function() {
if (!1 === this._trigger("beforecreate")) return !1;
this.options.enhanced || this._enhance(), this._on(this.element, {
pagebeforehide: "removeContainerBackground",
pagebeforeshow: "_handlePageBeforeShow"
}), this.element.enhanceWithin(), "dialog" === $.mobile.getAttribute(this.element[0], "role") && $.mobile.dialog && this.element.dialog();
_enhance: function() {
var attrPrefix = "data-" + $.mobile.ns, self = this;
this.options.role && this.element.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role", this.options.role), this.element.attr("tabindex", "0").addClass("ui-page ui-page-theme-" + this.options.theme), this.element.find("[" + attrPrefix + "role='content']").each(function() {
var $this = $(this), theme = this.getAttribute(attrPrefix + "theme") || undefined;
self.options.contentTheme = theme || self.options.contentTheme || self.options.dialog && self.options.theme || "dialog" === self.element.jqmData("role") && self.options.theme, $this.addClass("ui-content"), self.options.contentTheme && $this.addClass("ui-body-" + self.options.contentTheme), $this.attr("role", "main").addClass("ui-content");
bindRemove: function(callback) {
var page = this.element;
!page.data("mobile-page").options.domCache && page.is(":jqmData(external-page='true')") && page.bind("pagehide.remove", callback || function(e, data) {
if (!data.samePage) {
var $this = $(this), prEvent = new $.Event("pageremove");
$this.trigger(prEvent), prEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || $this.removeWithDependents();
_setOptions: function(o) {
undefined !== o.theme && this.element.removeClass("ui-page-theme-" + this.options.theme).addClass("ui-page-theme-" + o.theme), undefined !== o.contentTheme && this.element.find("[data-" + $.mobile.ns + "='content']").removeClass("ui-body-" + this.options.contentTheme).addClass("ui-body-" + o.contentTheme);
_handlePageBeforeShow: function() {
removeContainerBackground: function() {
theme: "none"
setContainerBackground: function(theme) {
theme: theme || this.options.theme
keepNativeSelector: function() {
var options = this.options, keepNative = $.trim(options.keepNative || ""), globalValue = $.trim($.mobile.keepNative), optionValue = $.trim(options.keepNativeDefault), newDefault = keepNativeFactoryDefault === globalValue ? "" : globalValue, oldDefault = "" === newDefault ? optionValue : "";
return (keepNative ? [
] : []).concat(newDefault ? [
] : []).concat(oldDefault ? [
] : []).join(", ");
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.pagecontainer", {
options: {
theme: "a"
initSelector: !1,
_create: function() {
this.setLastScrollEnabled = !0, this._on(this.window, {
navigate: "_disableRecordScroll",
scrollstop: "_delayedRecordScroll"
}), this._on(this.window, {
navigate: "_filterNavigateEvents"
}), this._on({
pagechange: "_afterContentChange"
}), this.window.one("navigate", $.proxy(function() {
this.setLastScrollEnabled = !0;
}, this));
_setOptions: function(options) {
undefined !== options.theme && "none" !== options.theme ? this.element.removeClass("ui-overlay-" + this.options.theme).addClass("ui-overlay-" + options.theme) : undefined !== options.theme && this.element.removeClass("ui-overlay-" + this.options.theme), this._super(options);
_disableRecordScroll: function() {
this.setLastScrollEnabled = !1;
_enableRecordScroll: function() {
this.setLastScrollEnabled = !0;
_afterContentChange: function() {
this.setLastScrollEnabled = !0, this._off(this.window, "scrollstop"), this._on(this.window, {
scrollstop: "_delayedRecordScroll"
_recordScroll: function() {
if (this.setLastScrollEnabled) {
var currentScroll, minScroll, defaultScroll, active = this._getActiveHistory();
active && (currentScroll = this._getScroll(), minScroll = this._getMinScroll(), defaultScroll = this._getDefaultScroll(), active.lastScroll = currentScroll < minScroll ? defaultScroll : currentScroll);
_delayedRecordScroll: function() {
setTimeout($.proxy(this, "_recordScroll"), 100);
_getScroll: function() {
return this.window.scrollTop();
_getMinScroll: function() {
return $.mobile.minScrollBack;
_getDefaultScroll: function() {
return $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll;
_filterNavigateEvents: function(e, data) {
var url;
e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || ((url = e.originalEvent.type.indexOf("hashchange") > -1 ? data.state.hash : data.state.url) || (url = this._getHash()), url && "#" !== url && 0 !== url.indexOf("#" + $.mobile.path.uiStateKey) || (url = location.href), this._handleNavigate(url, data.state));
_getHash: function() {
return $.mobile.path.parseLocation().hash;
getActivePage: function() {
return this.activePage;
_getInitialContent: function() {
return $.mobile.firstPage;
_getHistory: function() {
return $.mobile.navigate.history;
_getActiveHistory: function() {
return $.mobile.navigate.history.getActive();
_getDocumentBase: function() {
return $.mobile.path.documentBase;
back: function() {
forward: function() {
go: function(steps) {
if ($.mobile.hashListeningEnabled) window.history.go(steps);
else {
var activeIndex = $.mobile.navigate.history.activeIndex, index = activeIndex + parseInt(steps, 10), url = $.mobile.navigate.history.stack[index].url, direction = steps >= 1 ? "forward" : "back";
$.mobile.navigate.history.activeIndex = index, $.mobile.navigate.history.previousIndex = activeIndex, this.change(url, {
direction: direction,
changeHash: !1,
fromHashChange: !0
_handleDestination: function(to) {
var history;
return "string" === $.type(to) && (to = $.mobile.path.stripHash(to)), to && (history = this._getHistory(), (to = $.mobile.path.isPath(to) ? to : $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute("#" + to, this._getDocumentBase())) === $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute("#" + history.initialDst, this._getDocumentBase()) && history.stack.length && history.stack[0].url !== history.initialDst.replace($.mobile.dialogHashKey, "") && (to = this._getInitialContent())), to || this._getInitialContent();
_handleDialog: function(changePageOptions, data) {
var active, activeContent = this.getActivePage();
return activeContent && !activeContent.hasClass("ui-dialog") ? ("back" === data.direction ? this.back() : this.forward(), !1) : (data.pageUrl, active = this._getActiveHistory(), $.extend(changePageOptions, {
role: active.role,
transition: active.transition,
reverse: "back" === data.direction
}), data.pageUrl);
_handleNavigate: function(url, data) {
var to = $.mobile.path.stripHash(url), history = this._getHistory(), transition = 0 === history.stack.length ? "none" : undefined, changePageOptions = {
changeHash: !1,
fromHashChange: !0,
reverse: "back" === data.direction
$.extend(changePageOptions, data, {
transition: (history.getLast() || {
}).transition || transition
}), history.activeIndex > 0 && to.indexOf($.mobile.dialogHashKey) > -1 && history.initialDst !== to && !1 === (to = this._handleDialog(changePageOptions, data)) || this._changeContent(this._handleDestination(to), changePageOptions);
_changeContent: function(to, opts) {
$.mobile.changePage(to, opts);
_getBase: function() {
return $.mobile.base;
_getNs: function() {
return $.mobile.ns;
_enhance: function(content, role) {
return content.page({
role: role
_include: function(page, settings) {
page.appendTo(this.element), this._enhance(page, settings.role), page.page("bindRemove");
_find: function(absUrl) {
var page, fileUrl = this._createFileUrl(absUrl), dataUrl = this._createDataUrl(absUrl), initialContent = this._getInitialContent();
return 0 === (page = this.element.children("[data-" + this._getNs() + "url='" + dataUrl + "']")).length && dataUrl && !$.mobile.path.isPath(dataUrl) && (page = this.element.children($.mobile.path.hashToSelector("#" + dataUrl)).attr("data-" + this._getNs() + "url", dataUrl).jqmData("url", dataUrl)), 0 === page.length && $.mobile.path.isFirstPageUrl(fileUrl) && initialContent && initialContent.parent().length && (page = $(initialContent)), page;
_getLoader: function() {
return $.mobile.loading();
_showLoading: function(delay, theme, msg, textonly) {
this._loadMsg || (this._loadMsg = setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
this._getLoader().loader("show", theme, msg, textonly), this._loadMsg = 0;
}, this), delay));
_hideLoading: function() {
clearTimeout(this._loadMsg), this._loadMsg = 0, this._getLoader().loader("hide");
_showError: function() {
this._hideLoading(), this._showLoading(0, $.mobile.pageLoadErrorMessageTheme, $.mobile.pageLoadErrorMessage, !0), setTimeout($.proxy(this, "_hideLoading"), 1500);
_parse: function(html, fileUrl) {
var page, all = $("<div></div>");
return all.get(0).innerHTML = html, (page = all.find(":jqmData(role='page'), :jqmData(role='dialog')").first()).length || (page = $("<div data-" + this._getNs() + "role='page'>" + (html.split(/<\/?body[^>]*>/gmi)[1] || "") + "</div>")), page.attr("data-" + this._getNs() + "url", $.mobile.path.convertUrlToDataUrl(fileUrl)).attr("data-" + this._getNs() + "external-page", !0), page;
_setLoadedTitle: function(page, html) {
var newPageTitle = html.match(/<title[^>]*>([^<]*)/) && RegExp.$1;
newPageTitle && !page.jqmData("title") && (newPageTitle = $("<div>" + newPageTitle + "</div>").text(), page.jqmData("title", newPageTitle));
_isRewritableBaseTag: function() {
return $.mobile.dynamicBaseEnabled && !$.support.dynamicBaseTag;
_createDataUrl: function(absoluteUrl) {
return $.mobile.path.convertUrlToDataUrl(absoluteUrl);
_createFileUrl: function(absoluteUrl) {
return $.mobile.path.getFilePath(absoluteUrl);
_triggerWithDeprecated: function(name, data, page) {
var deprecatedEvent = $.Event("page" + name), newEvent = $.Event(this.widgetName + name);
return (page || this.element).trigger(deprecatedEvent, data), this.element.trigger(newEvent, data), {
deprecatedEvent: deprecatedEvent,
event: newEvent
_loadSuccess: function(absUrl, triggerData, settings, deferred) {
var fileUrl = this._createFileUrl(absUrl), dataUrl = this._createDataUrl(absUrl);
return $.proxy(function(html, textStatus, xhr) {
var content, pageElemRegex = new RegExp("(<[^>]+\\bdata-" + this._getNs() + "role=[\"']?page[\"']?[^>]*>)"), dataUrlRegex = new RegExp("\\bdata-" + this._getNs() + "url=[\"']?([^\"'>]*)[\"']?");
pageElemRegex.test(html) && RegExp.$1 && dataUrlRegex.test(RegExp.$1) && RegExp.$1 && (fileUrl = $.mobile.path.getFilePath($("<div>" + RegExp.$1 + "</div>").text())), undefined === settings.prefetch && this._getBase().set(fileUrl), content = this._parse(html, fileUrl), this._setLoadedTitle(content, html), triggerData.xhr = xhr, triggerData.textStatus = textStatus, triggerData.page = content, triggerData.content = content, this._trigger("load", undefined, triggerData) && (this._isRewritableBaseTag() && content && this._getBase().rewrite(fileUrl, content), this._include(content, settings), absUrl.indexOf("&" + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey) > -1 && (content = this.element.children("[data-" + this._getNs() + "url='" + dataUrl + "']")), settings.showLoadMsg && this._hideLoading(), this.element.trigger("pageload"), deferred.resolve(absUrl, settings, content));
}, this);
_loadDefaults: {
type: "get",
data: undefined,
reloadPage: !1,
reload: !1,
role: undefined,
showLoadMsg: !1,
loadMsgDelay: 50
load: function(url, options) {
var fileUrl, dataUrl, pblEvent, triggerData, deferred = options && options.deferred || $.Deferred(), settings = $.extend({
}, this._loadDefaults, options), content = null, absUrl = $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute(url, this._findBaseWithDefault());
if (settings.reload = settings.reloadPage, settings.data && "get" === settings.type && (absUrl = $.mobile.path.addSearchParams(absUrl, settings.data), settings.data = undefined), settings.data && "post" === settings.type && (settings.reload = !0), fileUrl = this._createFileUrl(absUrl), dataUrl = this._createDataUrl(absUrl), 0 === (content = this._find(absUrl)).length && $.mobile.path.isEmbeddedPage(fileUrl) && !$.mobile.path.isFirstPageUrl(fileUrl)) {
deferred.reject(absUrl, settings);
if (this._getBase().reset(), content.length && !settings.reload) {
this._enhance(content, settings.role), deferred.resolve(absUrl, settings, content), settings.prefetch || this._getBase().set(url);
if (triggerData = {
url: url,
absUrl: absUrl,
dataUrl: dataUrl,
deferred: deferred,
options: settings
}, !((pblEvent = this._triggerWithDeprecated("beforeload", triggerData)).deprecatedEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || pblEvent.event.isDefaultPrevented())) {
if (settings.showLoadMsg && this._showLoading(settings.loadMsgDelay), undefined === settings.prefetch && this._getBase().reset(), !($.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages || $.mobile.path.isSameDomain($.mobile.path.documentUrl, absUrl))) {
deferred.reject(absUrl, settings);
url: fileUrl,
type: settings.type,
data: settings.data,
contentType: settings.contentType,
dataType: "html",
success: this._loadSuccess(absUrl, triggerData, settings, deferred),
error: this._loadError(absUrl, triggerData, settings, deferred)
_loadError: function(absUrl, triggerData, settings, deferred) {
return $.proxy(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
this._getBase().set($.mobile.path.get()), triggerData.xhr = xhr, triggerData.textStatus = textStatus, triggerData.errorThrown = errorThrown;
var plfEvent = this._triggerWithDeprecated("loadfailed", triggerData);
plfEvent.deprecatedEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || plfEvent.event.isDefaultPrevented() || (settings.showLoadMsg && this._showError(), deferred.reject(absUrl, settings));
}, this);
_getTransitionHandler: function(transition) {
return transition = $.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition(transition), $.mobile.transitionHandlers[transition] || $.mobile.defaultTransitionHandler;
_triggerCssTransitionEvents: function(to, from, prefix) {
var samePage = !1;
prefix = prefix || "", from && (to[0] === from[0] && (samePage = !0), this._triggerWithDeprecated(prefix + "hide", {
nextPage: to,
samePage: samePage
}, from)), this._triggerWithDeprecated(prefix + "show", {
prevPage: from || $("")
}, to);
_cssTransition: function(to, from, options) {
var promise, transition = options.transition, reverse = options.reverse, deferred = options.deferred;
this._triggerCssTransitionEvents(to, from, "before"), this._hideLoading(), (promise = new (this._getTransitionHandler(transition))(transition, reverse, to, from).transition()).done(function() {
deferred.resolve.apply(deferred, arguments);
}), promise.done($.proxy(function() {
this._triggerCssTransitionEvents(to, from);
}, this));
_releaseTransitionLock: function() {
isPageTransitioning = !1, pageTransitionQueue.length > 0 && $.mobile.changePage.apply(null, pageTransitionQueue.pop());
_removeActiveLinkClass: function(force) {
_loadUrl: function(to, triggerData, settings) {
settings.target = to, settings.deferred = $.Deferred(), this.load(to, settings), settings.deferred.done($.proxy(function(url, options, content) {
isPageTransitioning = !1, options.absUrl = triggerData.absUrl, this.transition(content, triggerData, options);
}, this)), settings.deferred.fail($.proxy(function() {
this._removeActiveLinkClass(!0), this._releaseTransitionLock(), this._triggerWithDeprecated("changefailed", triggerData);
}, this));
_triggerPageBeforeChange: function(to, triggerData, settings) {
var pbcEvent = new $.Event("pagebeforechange");
return $.extend(triggerData, {
toPage: to,
options: settings
}), "string" === $.type(to) ? triggerData.absUrl = $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute(to, this._findBaseWithDefault()) : triggerData.absUrl = settings.absUrl, this.element.trigger(pbcEvent, triggerData), !pbcEvent.isDefaultPrevented();
change: function(to, options) {
if (isPageTransitioning) {
var settings = $.extend({
}, $.mobile.changePage.defaults, options), triggerData = {
settings.fromPage = settings.fromPage || this.activePage, this._triggerPageBeforeChange(to, triggerData, settings) && (to = triggerData.toPage, "string" === $.type(to) ? (isPageTransitioning = !0, this._loadUrl(to, triggerData, settings)) : this.transition(to, triggerData, settings));
transition: function(toPage, triggerData, settings) {
var fromPage, url, pageUrl, active, activeIsInitialPage, historyDir, pageTitle, isDialog, alreadyThere, newPageTitle, params, cssTransitionDeferred, beforeTransition;
if (isPageTransitioning) {
if (this._triggerPageBeforeChange(toPage, triggerData, settings) && !((beforeTransition = this._triggerWithDeprecated("beforetransition", triggerData)).deprecatedEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || beforeTransition.event.isDefaultPrevented())) {
if (isPageTransitioning = !0, toPage[0] !== $.mobile.firstPage[0] || settings.dataUrl || (settings.dataUrl = $.mobile.path.documentUrl.hrefNoHash), fromPage = settings.fromPage, pageUrl = url = settings.dataUrl && $.mobile.path.convertUrlToDataUrl(settings.dataUrl) || toPage.jqmData("url"), $.mobile.path.getFilePath(url), active = $.mobile.navigate.history.getActive(), activeIsInitialPage = 0 === $.mobile.navigate.history.activeIndex, historyDir = 0, pageTitle = document.title, isDialog = ("dialog" === settings.role || "dialog" === toPage.jqmData("role")) && !0 !== toPage.jqmData("dialog"), fromPage && fromPage[0] === toPage[0] && !settings.allowSamePageTransition) {
isPageTransitioning = !1, this._triggerWithDeprecated("transition", triggerData), this.element.trigger("pagechange", triggerData), settings.fromHashChange && $.mobile.navigate.history.direct({
url: url
role: settings.role
}), settings.fromHashChange && (historyDir = "back" === settings.direction ? -1 : 1);
try {
document.activeElement && "body" !== document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? $(document.activeElement).blur() : $("input:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus").blur();
} catch (e) {
alreadyThere = !1, isDialog && active && (active.url && active.url.indexOf($.mobile.dialogHashKey) > -1 && this.activePage && !this.activePage.hasClass("ui-dialog") && $.mobile.navigate.history.activeIndex > 0 && (settings.changeHash = !1, alreadyThere = !0), url = active.url || "", !alreadyThere && url.indexOf("#") > -1 ? url += $.mobile.dialogHashKey : url += "#" + $.mobile.dialogHashKey, 0 === $.mobile.navigate.history.activeIndex && url === $.mobile.navigate.history.initialDst && (url += $.mobile.dialogHashKey)), (newPageTitle = active ? toPage.jqmData("title") || toPage.children(":jqmData(role='header')").find(".ui-title").text() : pageTitle) && pageTitle === document.title && (pageTitle = newPageTitle), toPage.jqmData("title") || toPage.jqmData("title", pageTitle), settings.transition = settings.transition || (historyDir && !activeIsInitialPage ? active.transition : undefined) || (isDialog ? $.mobile.defaultDialogTransition : $.mobile.defaultPageTransition), !historyDir && alreadyThere && ($.mobile.navigate.history.getActive().pageUrl = pageUrl), url && !settings.fromHashChange && (!$.mobile.path.isPath(url) && 0 > url.indexOf("#") && (url = "#" + url), params = {
transition: settings.transition,
title: pageTitle,
pageUrl: pageUrl,
role: settings.role
}, !1 !== settings.changeHash && $.mobile.hashListeningEnabled ? $.mobile.navigate(url, params, !0) : toPage[0] !== $.mobile.firstPage[0] && $.mobile.navigate.history.add(url, params)), document.title = pageTitle, $.mobile.activePage = toPage, this.activePage = toPage, settings.reverse = settings.reverse || historyDir < 0, cssTransitionDeferred = $.Deferred(), this._cssTransition(toPage, fromPage, {
transition: settings.transition,
reverse: settings.reverse,
deferred: cssTransitionDeferred
}), cssTransitionDeferred.done($.proxy(function(name, reverse, $to, $from, alreadyFocused) {
$.mobile.removeActiveLinkClass(), settings.duplicateCachedPage && settings.duplicateCachedPage.remove(), alreadyFocused || $.mobile.focusPage(toPage), this._releaseTransitionLock(), this.element.trigger("pagechange", triggerData), this._triggerWithDeprecated("transition", triggerData);
}, this));
_findBaseWithDefault: function() {
return this.activePage && $.mobile.getClosestBaseUrl(this.activePage) || $.mobile.path.documentBase.hrefNoHash;
}), $.mobile.navreadyDeferred = $.Deferred();
var pageTransitionQueue = [], isPageTransitioning = !1;
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var domreadyDeferred = $.Deferred(), loadDeferred = $.Deferred(), documentUrl = $.mobile.path.documentUrl, $lastVClicked = null;
function findClosestLink(ele) {
for(; ele;){
if ("string" == typeof ele.nodeName && "a" === ele.nodeName.toLowerCase()) break;
ele = ele.parentNode;
return ele;
$.mobile.loadPage = function(url, opts) {
var container;
return container = (opts = opts || {
}).pageContainer || $.mobile.pageContainer, opts.deferred = $.Deferred(), container.pagecontainer("load", url, opts), opts.deferred.promise();
}, $.mobile.back = function() {
var nav = window.navigator;
this.phonegapNavigationEnabled && nav && nav.app && nav.app.backHistory ? nav.app.backHistory() : $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("back");
}, $.mobile.focusPage = function(page) {
var autofocus = page.find("[autofocus]"), pageTitle = page.find(".ui-title:eq(0)");
if (autofocus.length) {
pageTitle.length ? pageTitle.focus() : page.focus();
}, $.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition = $.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition || function(transition) {
return transition;
}, $.mobile.changePage = function(to, options) {
$.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", to, options);
}, $.mobile.changePage.defaults = {
transition: undefined,
reverse: !1,
changeHash: !0,
fromHashChange: !1,
role: undefined,
duplicateCachedPage: undefined,
pageContainer: undefined,
showLoadMsg: !0,
dataUrl: undefined,
fromPage: undefined,
allowSamePageTransition: !1
}, $.mobile._registerInternalEvents = function() {
var getAjaxFormData = function($form, calculateOnly) {
var url, formData, vclickedName, method, ret = !0;
return !(!$.mobile.ajaxEnabled || $form.is(":jqmData(ajax='false')") || !$form.jqmHijackable().length || $form.attr("target")) && (url = $lastVClicked && $lastVClicked.attr("formaction") || $form.attr("action"), method = ($form.attr("method") || "get").toLowerCase(), url || (url = $.mobile.getClosestBaseUrl($form), "get" === method && (url = $.mobile.path.parseUrl(url).hrefNoSearch), url === $.mobile.path.documentBase.hrefNoHash && (url = documentUrl.hrefNoSearch)), url = $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute(url, $.mobile.getClosestBaseUrl($form)), (!$.mobile.path.isExternal(url) || !!$.mobile.path.isPermittedCrossDomainRequest(documentUrl, url)) && (calculateOnly || (formData = $form.serializeArray(), $lastVClicked && $lastVClicked[0].form === $form[0] && (vclickedName = $lastVClicked.attr("name")) && ($.each(formData, function(key, value) {
if (value.name === vclickedName) return vclickedName = "", !1;
}), vclickedName && formData.push({
name: vclickedName,
value: $lastVClicked.attr("value")
})), ret = {
url: url,
options: {
type: method,
data: $.param(formData),
transition: $form.jqmData("transition"),
reverse: "reverse" === $form.jqmData("direction"),
reloadPage: !0
}), ret));
$.mobile.document.delegate("form", "submit", function(event) {
var formData;
!event.isDefaultPrevented() && (formData = getAjaxFormData($(this))) && ($.mobile.changePage(formData.url, formData.options), event.preventDefault());
}), $.mobile.document.bind("vclick", function(event) {
var $btn, btnEls, target = event.target, needClosest = !1;
if (!(event.which > 1) && $.mobile.linkBindingEnabled) {
if ($lastVClicked = $(target), $.data(target, "mobile-button")) {
if (!getAjaxFormData($(target).closest("form"), !0)) return;
target.parentNode && (target = target.parentNode);
} else {
if (!((target = findClosestLink(target)) && "#" !== $.mobile.path.parseUrl(target.getAttribute("href") || "#").hash)) return;
if (!$(target).jqmHijackable().length) return;
~target.className.indexOf("ui-link-inherit") ? target.parentNode && (btnEls = $.data(target.parentNode, "buttonElements")) : btnEls = $.data(target, "buttonElements"), btnEls ? target = btnEls.outer : needClosest = !0, $btn = $(target), needClosest && ($btn = $btn.closest(".ui-btn")), $btn.length > 0 && !$btn.hasClass("ui-state-disabled") && ($.mobile.removeActiveLinkClass(!0), $.mobile.activeClickedLink = $btn, $.mobile.activeClickedLink.addClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass));
}), $.mobile.document.bind("click", function(event) {
if (!(!$.mobile.linkBindingEnabled || event.isDefaultPrevented())) {
var baseUrl, href, transition, reverse, role, link = findClosestLink(event.target), $link = $(link), httpCleanup = function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
if ($.mobile.activeClickedLink && $.mobile.activeClickedLink[0] === event.target.parentNode && httpCleanup(), link && !(event.which > 1) && $link.jqmHijackable().length) {
if ($link.is(":jqmData(rel='back')")) return $.mobile.back(), !1;
if (baseUrl = $.mobile.getClosestBaseUrl($link), href = $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute($link.attr("href") || "#", baseUrl), !$.mobile.ajaxEnabled && !$.mobile.path.isEmbeddedPage(href)) {
if (-1 !== href.search("#")) if (href = href.replace(/[^#]*#/, "")) href = $.mobile.path.isPath(href) ? $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute(href, baseUrl) : $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute("#" + href, documentUrl.hrefNoHash);
else {
if ($link.is("[rel='external']") || $link.is(":jqmData(ajax='false')") || $link.is("[target]") || $.mobile.path.isExternal(href) && !$.mobile.path.isPermittedCrossDomainRequest(documentUrl, href)) {
transition = $link.jqmData("transition"), reverse = "reverse" === $link.jqmData("direction") || $link.jqmData("back"), role = $link.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "rel") || undefined, $.mobile.changePage(href, {
transition: transition,
reverse: reverse,
role: role,
link: $link
}), event.preventDefault();
}), $.mobile.document.delegate(".ui-page", "pageshow.prefetch", function() {
var urls = [];
$(this).find("a:jqmData(prefetch)").each(function() {
var $link = $(this), url = $link.attr("href");
url && -1 === $.inArray(url, urls) && (urls.push(url), $.mobile.loadPage(url, {
role: $link.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "rel"),
prefetch: !0
}), $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer(), $.mobile.document.bind("pageshow", function() {
loadDeferred ? loadDeferred.done($.mobile.resetActivePageHeight) : $.mobile.resetActivePageHeight();
}), $.mobile.window.bind("throttledresize", $.mobile.resetActivePageHeight);
}, $(function() {
}), $.mobile.window.load(function() {
loadDeferred.resolve(), loadDeferred = null;
}), $.when(domreadyDeferred, $.mobile.navreadyDeferred).done(function() {
})(jQuery), (function($, window, undefined) {
$.mobile.Transition = function() {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
}, $.extend($.mobile.Transition.prototype, {
toPreClass: " ui-page-pre-in",
init: function(name, reverse, $to, $from) {
$.extend(this, {
name: name,
reverse: reverse,
$to: $to,
$from: $from,
deferred: new $.Deferred()
cleanFrom: function() {
this.$from.removeClass($.mobile.activePageClass + " out in reverse " + this.name).height("");
beforeDoneIn: function() {
beforeDoneOut: function() {
beforeStartOut: function() {
doneIn: function() {
this.beforeDoneIn(), this.$to.removeClass("out in reverse " + this.name).height(""), this.toggleViewportClass(), $.mobile.window.scrollTop() !== this.toScroll && this.scrollPage(), this.sequential || this.$to.addClass($.mobile.activePageClass), this.deferred.resolve(this.name, this.reverse, this.$to, this.$from, !0);
doneOut: function(screenHeight, reverseClass, none, preventFocus) {
this.beforeDoneOut(), this.startIn(screenHeight, reverseClass, none, preventFocus);
hideIn: function(callback) {
this.$to.css("z-index", -10), callback.call(this), this.$to.css("z-index", "");
scrollPage: function() {
$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = !1, ($.mobile.hideUrlBar || this.toScroll !== $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll) && window.scrollTo(0, this.toScroll), setTimeout(function() {
$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = !0;
}, 150);
startIn: function(screenHeight, reverseClass, none, preventFocus) {
this.hideIn(function() {
this.$to.addClass($.mobile.activePageClass + this.toPreClass), preventFocus || $.mobile.focusPage(this.$to), this.$to.height(screenHeight + this.toScroll), none || this.scrollPage();
}), this.$to.removeClass(this.toPreClass).addClass(this.name + " in " + reverseClass), none ? this.doneIn() : this.$to.animationComplete($.proxy(function() {
}, this));
startOut: function(screenHeight, reverseClass, none) {
this.beforeStartOut(screenHeight, reverseClass, none), this.$from.height(screenHeight + $.mobile.window.scrollTop()).addClass(this.name + " out" + reverseClass);
toggleViewportClass: function() {
$.mobile.pageContainer.toggleClass("ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning viewport-" + this.name);
transition: function() {
var none, reverseClass = this.reverse ? " reverse" : "", screenHeight = $.mobile.getScreenHeight(), maxTransitionOverride = !1 !== $.mobile.maxTransitionWidth && $.mobile.window.width() > $.mobile.maxTransitionWidth;
return this.toScroll = $.mobile.navigate.history.getActive().lastScroll || $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll, none = !$.support.cssTransitions || !$.support.cssAnimations || maxTransitionOverride || !this.name || "none" === this.name || Math.max($.mobile.window.scrollTop(), this.toScroll) > $.mobile.getMaxScrollForTransition(), this.toggleViewportClass(), this.$from && !none ? this.startOut(screenHeight, reverseClass, none) : this.doneOut(screenHeight, reverseClass, none, !0), this.deferred.promise();
})(jQuery, this), (function($) {
$.mobile.SerialTransition = function() {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
}, $.extend($.mobile.SerialTransition.prototype, $.mobile.Transition.prototype, {
sequential: !0,
beforeDoneOut: function() {
this.$from && this.cleanFrom();
beforeStartOut: function(screenHeight, reverseClass, none) {
this.$from.animationComplete($.proxy(function() {
this.doneOut(screenHeight, reverseClass, none);
}, this));
})(jQuery), (function($) {
$.mobile.ConcurrentTransition = function() {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
}, $.extend($.mobile.ConcurrentTransition.prototype, $.mobile.Transition.prototype, {
sequential: !1,
beforeDoneIn: function() {
this.$from && this.cleanFrom();
beforeStartOut: function(screenHeight, reverseClass, none) {
this.doneOut(screenHeight, reverseClass, none);
})(jQuery), ($9 = jQuery).mobile.transitionHandlers = {
sequential: $9.mobile.SerialTransition,
simultaneous: $9.mobile.ConcurrentTransition
}, $9.mobile.defaultTransitionHandler = $9.mobile.transitionHandlers.sequential, $9.mobile.transitionFallbacks = {
}, $9.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition = function(transition) {
return transition && !$9.support.cssTransform3d && $9.mobile.transitionFallbacks[transition] && (transition = $9.mobile.transitionFallbacks[transition]), transition;
}, $9.mobile.getMaxScrollForTransition = $9.mobile.getMaxScrollForTransition || function() {
return 3 * $9.mobile.getScreenHeight();
}, jQuery.mobile.transitionFallbacks.flip = "fade", jQuery.mobile.transitionFallbacks.flow = "fade", jQuery.mobile.transitionFallbacks.pop = "fade", ($10 = jQuery).mobile.transitionHandlers.slide = $10.mobile.transitionHandlers.simultaneous, $10.mobile.transitionFallbacks.slide = "fade", jQuery.mobile.transitionFallbacks.slidedown = "fade", jQuery.mobile.transitionFallbacks.slidefade = "fade", jQuery.mobile.transitionFallbacks.slideup = "fade", jQuery.mobile.transitionFallbacks.turn = "fade", ($11 = jQuery).mobile.degradeInputs = {
color: !1,
date: !1,
datetime: !1,
"datetime-local": !1,
email: !1,
month: !1,
number: !1,
range: "number",
search: "text",
tel: !1,
time: !1,
url: !1,
week: !1
}, $11.mobile.page.prototype.options.degradeInputs = $11.mobile.degradeInputs, $11.mobile.degradeInputsWithin = function(target) {
(target = $11(target)).find("input").not($11.mobile.page.prototype.keepNativeSelector()).each(function() {
var html, hasType, findstr, repstr, element = $11(this), type = this.getAttribute("type"), optType = $11.mobile.degradeInputs[type] || "text";
$11.mobile.degradeInputs[type] && (findstr = (hasType = (html = $11("<div>").html(element.clone()).html()).indexOf(" type=") > -1) ? /\s+type=["']?\w+['"]?/ : /\/?>/, repstr = " type=\"" + optType + "\" data-" + $11.mobile.ns + "type=\"" + type + "\"" + (hasType ? "" : ">"), element.replaceWith(html.replace(findstr, repstr)));
}, (function($, window, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.page", $.mobile.page, {
options: {
closeBtn: "left",
closeBtnText: "Close",
overlayTheme: "a",
corners: !0,
dialog: !1
_create: function() {
this._super(), this.options.dialog && ($.extend(this, {
_inner: this.element.children(),
_headerCloseButton: null
}), this.options.enhanced || this._setCloseBtn(this.options.closeBtn));
_enhance: function() {
this._super(), this.options.dialog && this.element.addClass("ui-dialog").wrapInner($("<div/>", {
role: "dialog",
"class": "ui-dialog-contain ui-overlay-shadow" + (this.options.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "")
_setOptions: function(options) {
var closeButtonLocation, closeButtonText, currentOpts = this.options;
undefined !== options.corners && this._inner.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", !!options.corners), undefined !== options.overlayTheme && $.mobile.activePage[0] === this.element[0] && (currentOpts.overlayTheme = options.overlayTheme, this._handlePageBeforeShow()), undefined !== options.closeBtnText && (closeButtonLocation = currentOpts.closeBtn, closeButtonText = options.closeBtnText), undefined !== options.closeBtn && (closeButtonLocation = options.closeBtn), closeButtonLocation && this._setCloseBtn(closeButtonLocation, closeButtonText), this._super(options);
_handlePageBeforeShow: function() {
this.options.overlayTheme && this.options.dialog ? (this.removeContainerBackground(), this.setContainerBackground(this.options.overlayTheme)) : this._super();
_setCloseBtn: function(location, text) {
var dst, btn = this._headerCloseButton;
"none" == (location = "left" === location ? "left" : "right" === location ? "right" : "none") ? btn && (btn.remove(), btn = null) : btn ? (btn.removeClass("ui-btn-left ui-btn-right").addClass("ui-btn-" + location), text && btn.text(text)) : (dst = this._inner.find(":jqmData(role='header')").first(), btn = $("<a></a>", {
href: "#",
"class": "ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-icon-delete ui-btn-icon-notext ui-btn-" + location
}).attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "rel", "back").text(text || this.options.closeBtnText || "").prependTo(dst)), this._headerCloseButton = btn;
})(jQuery, this), (function($, window, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.dialog", {
options: {
closeBtn: "left",
closeBtnText: "Close",
overlayTheme: "a",
corners: !0
_handlePageBeforeShow: function() {
this._isCloseable = !0, this.options.overlayTheme && this.element.page("removeContainerBackground").page("setContainerBackground", this.options.overlayTheme);
_handlePageBeforeHide: function() {
this._isCloseable = !1;
_handleVClickSubmit: function(event) {
var attrs, $target = $(event.target).closest("vclick" === event.type ? "a" : "form");
$target.length && !$target.jqmData("transition") && ((attrs = {
})["data-" + $.mobile.ns + "transition"] = ($.mobile.navigate.history.getActive() || {
}).transition || $.mobile.defaultDialogTransition, attrs["data-" + $.mobile.ns + "direction"] = "reverse", $target.attr(attrs));
_create: function() {
var elem = this.element, opts = this.options;
elem.addClass("ui-dialog").wrapInner($("<div/>", {
role: "dialog",
"class": "ui-dialog-contain ui-overlay-shadow" + (opts.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "")
})), $.extend(this, {
_isCloseable: !1,
_inner: elem.children(),
_headerCloseButton: null
}), this._on(elem, {
vclick: "_handleVClickSubmit",
submit: "_handleVClickSubmit",
pagebeforeshow: "_handlePageBeforeShow",
pagebeforehide: "_handlePageBeforeHide"
}), this._setCloseBtn(opts.closeBtn);
_setOptions: function(options) {
var closeButtonLocation, closeButtonText, currentOpts = this.options;
undefined !== options.corners && this._inner.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", !!options.corners), undefined !== options.overlayTheme && $.mobile.activePage[0] === this.element[0] && (currentOpts.overlayTheme = options.overlayTheme, this._handlePageBeforeShow()), undefined !== options.closeBtnText && (closeButtonLocation = currentOpts.closeBtn, closeButtonText = options.closeBtnText), undefined !== options.closeBtn && (closeButtonLocation = options.closeBtn), closeButtonLocation && this._setCloseBtn(closeButtonLocation, closeButtonText), this._super(options);
_setCloseBtn: function(location, text) {
var dst, btn = this._headerCloseButton;
"none" == (location = "left" === location ? "left" : "right" === location ? "right" : "none") ? btn && (btn.remove(), btn = null) : btn ? (btn.removeClass("ui-btn-left ui-btn-right").addClass("ui-btn-" + location), text && btn.text(text)) : (dst = this._inner.find(":jqmData(role='header')").first(), btn = $("<a></a>", {
role: "button",
href: "#",
"class": "ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-icon-delete ui-btn-icon-notext ui-btn-" + location
}).text(text || this.options.closeBtnText || "").prependTo(dst), this._on(btn, {
click: "close"
})), this._headerCloseButton = btn;
close: function() {
this._isCloseable && (this._isCloseable = !1, $.mobile.hashListeningEnabled && $.mobile.navigate.history.activeIndex > 0 ? $.mobile.back() : $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("back"));
})(jQuery, this), $12 = jQuery, rInitialLetter = /([A-Z])/g, iconposClass = function(iconpos) {
return "ui-btn-icon-" + (null === iconpos ? "left" : iconpos);
}, $12.widget("mobile.collapsible", {
options: {
enhanced: !1,
expandCueText: null,
collapseCueText: null,
collapsed: !0,
heading: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,legend",
collapsedIcon: null,
expandedIcon: null,
iconpos: null,
theme: null,
contentTheme: null,
inset: null,
corners: null,
mini: null
_create: function() {
var elem = this.element, ui = {
accordion: elem.closest(":jqmData(role='collapsible-set'),:jqmData(role='collapsibleset')" + ($12.mobile.collapsibleset ? ", :mobile-collapsibleset" : "")).addClass("ui-collapsible-set")
this._ui = ui, this._renderedOptions = this._getOptions(this.options), this.options.enhanced ? (ui.heading = $12(".ui-collapsible-heading", this.element[0]), ui.content = ui.heading.next(), ui.anchor = $12("a", ui.heading[0]).first(), ui.status = ui.anchor.children(".ui-collapsible-heading-status")) : this._enhance(elem, ui), this._on(ui.heading, {
tap: function() {
click: function(event) {
this._handleExpandCollapse(!ui.heading.hasClass("ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed")), event.preventDefault(), event.stopPropagation();
_getOptions: function(options) {
var key, accordion = this._ui.accordion, accordionWidget = this._ui.accordionWidget;
for(key in options = $12.extend({
}, options), accordion.length && !accordionWidget && (this._ui.accordionWidget = accordionWidget = accordion.data("mobile-collapsibleset")), options)options[key] = null != options[key] ? options[key] : accordionWidget ? accordionWidget.options[key] : accordion.length ? $12.mobile.getAttribute(accordion[0], key.replace(rInitialLetter, "-$1").toLowerCase()) : null, null == options[key] && (options[key] = $12.mobile.collapsible.defaults[key]);
return options;
_themeClassFromOption: function(prefix, value) {
return value ? "none" === value ? "" : prefix + value : "";
_enhance: function(elem, ui) {
var iconclass, opts = this._renderedOptions, contentThemeClass = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", opts.contentTheme);
return elem.addClass("ui-collapsible " + (opts.inset ? "ui-collapsible-inset " : "") + (opts.inset && opts.corners ? "ui-corner-all " : "") + (contentThemeClass ? "ui-collapsible-themed-content " : "")), ui.originalHeading = elem.children(this.options.heading).first(), ui.content = elem.wrapInner("<div class='ui-collapsible-content " + contentThemeClass + "'></div>").children(".ui-collapsible-content"), ui.heading = ui.originalHeading, ui.heading.is("legend") && (ui.heading = $12("<div role='heading'>" + ui.heading.html() + "</div>"), ui.placeholder = $12("<div><!-- placeholder for legend --></div>").insertBefore(ui.originalHeading), ui.originalHeading.remove()), iconclass = opts.collapsed ? opts.collapsedIcon ? "ui-icon-" + opts.collapsedIcon : "" : opts.expandedIcon ? "ui-icon-" + opts.expandedIcon : "", ui.status = $12("<span class='ui-collapsible-heading-status'></span>"), ui.anchor = ui.heading.detach().addClass("ui-collapsible-heading").append(ui.status).wrapInner("<a href='#' class='ui-collapsible-heading-toggle'></a>").find("a").first().addClass("ui-btn " + (iconclass ? iconclass + " " : "") + (iconclass ? iconposClass(opts.iconpos) + " " : "") + this._themeClassFromOption("ui-btn-", opts.theme) + " " + (opts.mini ? "ui-mini " : "")), ui.heading.insertBefore(ui.content), this._handleExpandCollapse(this.options.collapsed), ui;
refresh: function() {
this._applyOptions(this.options), this._renderedOptions = this._getOptions(this.options);
_applyOptions: function(options) {
var isCollapsed, newTheme, oldTheme, hasCorners, hasIcon, elem = this.element, currentOpts = this._renderedOptions, ui = this._ui, anchor = ui.anchor, status = ui.status, opts = this._getOptions(options);
undefined !== options.collapsed && this._handleExpandCollapse(options.collapsed), (isCollapsed = elem.hasClass("ui-collapsible-collapsed")) ? undefined !== opts.expandCueText && status.text(opts.expandCueText) : undefined !== opts.collapseCueText && status.text(opts.collapseCueText), hasIcon = undefined !== opts.collapsedIcon ? !1 !== opts.collapsedIcon : !1 !== currentOpts.collapsedIcon, !(undefined === opts.iconpos && undefined === opts.collapsedIcon && undefined === opts.expandedIcon) && (anchor.removeClass([
].concat(currentOpts.expandedIcon ? [
"ui-icon-" + currentOpts.expandedIcon
] : []).concat(currentOpts.collapsedIcon ? [
"ui-icon-" + currentOpts.collapsedIcon
] : []).join(" ")), hasIcon && anchor.addClass([
iconposClass(undefined !== opts.iconpos ? opts.iconpos : currentOpts.iconpos)
].concat(isCollapsed ? [
"ui-icon-" + (undefined !== opts.collapsedIcon ? opts.collapsedIcon : currentOpts.collapsedIcon)
] : [
"ui-icon-" + (undefined !== opts.expandedIcon ? opts.expandedIcon : currentOpts.expandedIcon)
]).join(" "))), undefined !== opts.theme && (oldTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-btn-", currentOpts.theme), newTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-btn-", opts.theme), anchor.removeClass(oldTheme).addClass(newTheme)), undefined !== opts.contentTheme && (oldTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", currentOpts.contentTheme), newTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", opts.contentTheme), ui.content.removeClass(oldTheme).addClass(newTheme)), undefined !== opts.inset && (elem.toggleClass("ui-collapsible-inset", opts.inset), hasCorners = !!(opts.inset && (opts.corners || currentOpts.corners))), undefined !== opts.corners && (hasCorners = !!(opts.corners && (opts.inset || currentOpts.inset))), hasCorners !== undefined && elem.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", hasCorners), undefined !== opts.mini && anchor.toggleClass("ui-mini", opts.mini);
_setOptions: function(options) {
this._applyOptions(options), this._super(options), this._renderedOptions = this._getOptions(this.options);
_handleExpandCollapse: function(isCollapse) {
var opts = this._renderedOptions, ui = this._ui;
ui.status.text(isCollapse ? opts.expandCueText : opts.collapseCueText), ui.heading.toggleClass("ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed", isCollapse).find("a").first().toggleClass("ui-icon-" + opts.expandedIcon, !isCollapse).toggleClass("ui-icon-" + opts.collapsedIcon, isCollapse || opts.expandedIcon === opts.collapsedIcon).removeClass($12.mobile.activeBtnClass), this.element.toggleClass("ui-collapsible-collapsed", isCollapse), ui.content.toggleClass("ui-collapsible-content-collapsed", isCollapse).attr("aria-hidden", isCollapse).trigger("updatelayout"), this.options.collapsed = isCollapse, this._trigger(isCollapse ? "collapse" : "expand");
expand: function() {
collapse: function() {
_destroy: function() {
var ui = this._ui;
this.options.enhanced || (ui.placeholder ? (ui.originalHeading.insertBefore(ui.placeholder), ui.placeholder.remove(), ui.heading.remove()) : (ui.status.remove(), ui.heading.removeClass("ui-collapsible-heading ui-collapsible-heading-collapsed").children().contents().unwrap()), ui.anchor.contents().unwrap(), ui.content.contents().unwrap(), this.element.removeClass("ui-collapsible ui-collapsible-collapsed ui-collapsible-themed-content ui-collapsible-inset ui-corner-all"));
}), $12.mobile.collapsible.defaults = {
expandCueText: " click to expand contents",
collapseCueText: " click to collapse contents",
collapsedIcon: "plus",
contentTheme: "inherit",
expandedIcon: "minus",
iconpos: "left",
inset: !0,
corners: !0,
theme: "inherit",
mini: !1
}, jQuery.mobile.behaviors.addFirstLastClasses = {
_getVisibles: function($els, create) {
var visibles;
return create ? visibles = $els.not(".ui-screen-hidden") : 0 === (visibles = $els.filter(":visible")).length && (visibles = $els.not(".ui-screen-hidden")), visibles;
_addFirstLastClasses: function($els, $visibles, create) {
$els.removeClass("ui-first-child ui-last-child"), $visibles.eq(0).addClass("ui-first-child").end().last().addClass("ui-last-child"), create || this.element.trigger("updatelayout");
_removeFirstLastClasses: function($els) {
$els.removeClass("ui-first-child ui-last-child");
}, (function($, undefined) {
var childCollapsiblesSelector = ":mobile-collapsible, " + $.mobile.collapsible.initSelector;
$.widget("mobile.collapsibleset", $.extend({
initSelector: ":jqmData(role='collapsible-set'),:jqmData(role='collapsibleset')",
options: $.extend({
enhanced: !1
}, $.mobile.collapsible.defaults),
_handleCollapsibleExpand: function(event) {
var closestCollapsible = $(event.target).closest(".ui-collapsible");
closestCollapsible.parent().is(":mobile-collapsibleset, :jqmData(role='collapsible-set')") && closestCollapsible.siblings(".ui-collapsible:not(.ui-collapsible-collapsed)").collapsible("collapse");
_create: function() {
var elem = this.element, opts = this.options;
$.extend(this, {
_classes: ""
}), opts.enhanced || (elem.addClass("ui-collapsible-set " + this._themeClassFromOption("ui-group-theme-", opts.theme) + " " + (opts.corners && opts.inset ? "ui-corner-all " : "")), this.element.find($.mobile.collapsible.initSelector).collapsible()), this._on(elem, {
collapsibleexpand: "_handleCollapsibleExpand"
_themeClassFromOption: function(prefix, value) {
return value ? "none" === value ? "" : prefix + value : "";
_init: function() {
this._refresh(!0), this.element.children(childCollapsiblesSelector).filter(":jqmData(collapsed='false')").collapsible("expand");
_setOptions: function(options) {
var ret, hasCorners, elem = this.element, themeClass = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-group-theme-", options.theme);
return themeClass && elem.removeClass(this._themeClassFromOption("ui-group-theme-", this.options.theme)).addClass(themeClass), undefined !== options.inset && (hasCorners = !!(options.inset && (options.corners || this.options.corners))), undefined !== options.corners && (hasCorners = !!(options.corners && (options.inset || this.options.inset))), hasCorners !== undefined && elem.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", hasCorners), ret = this._super(options), this.element.children(":mobile-collapsible").collapsible("refresh"), ret;
_destroy: function() {
var el = this.element;
this._removeFirstLastClasses(el.children(childCollapsiblesSelector)), el.removeClass("ui-collapsible-set ui-corner-all " + this._themeClassFromOption("ui-group-theme-", this.options.theme)).children(":mobile-collapsible").collapsible("destroy");
_refresh: function(create) {
var collapsiblesInSet = this.element.children(childCollapsiblesSelector);
this.element.find($.mobile.collapsible.initSelector).not(".ui-collapsible").collapsible(), this._addFirstLastClasses(collapsiblesInSet, this._getVisibles(collapsiblesInSet, create), create);
refresh: function() {
}, $.mobile.behaviors.addFirstLastClasses));
})(jQuery), jQuery.fn.fieldcontain = function() {
return this.addClass("ui-field-contain");
}, ($13 = jQuery).fn.grid = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var iterator, letter, $this = $13(this), o = $13.extend({
grid: null
}, options), $kids = $this.children(), gridCols = {
solo: 1,
a: 2,
b: 3,
c: 4,
d: 5
}, grid = o.grid;
if (!grid) if ($kids.length <= 5) for(letter in gridCols)gridCols[letter] === $kids.length && (grid = letter);
else grid = "a", $this.addClass("ui-grid-duo");
iterator = gridCols[grid], $this.addClass("ui-grid-" + grid), $kids.filter(":nth-child(" + iterator + "n+1)").addClass("ui-block-a"), iterator > 1 && $kids.filter(":nth-child(" + iterator + "n+2)").addClass("ui-block-b"), iterator > 2 && $kids.filter(":nth-child(" + iterator + "n+3)").addClass("ui-block-c"), iterator > 3 && $kids.filter(":nth-child(" + iterator + "n+4)").addClass("ui-block-d"), iterator > 4 && $kids.filter(":nth-child(" + iterator + "n+5)").addClass("ui-block-e");
}, (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.navbar", {
options: {
iconpos: "top",
grid: null
_create: function() {
var $navbar = this.element, $navbtns = $navbar.find("a"), iconpos = $navbtns.filter(":jqmData(icon)").length ? this.options.iconpos : void 0;
$navbar.addClass("ui-navbar").attr("role", "navigation").find("ul").jqmEnhanceable().grid({
grid: this.options.grid
}), $navbtns.each(function() {
var icon = $.mobile.getAttribute(this, "icon"), theme = $.mobile.getAttribute(this, "theme"), classes = "ui-btn";
theme && (classes += " ui-btn-" + theme), icon && (classes += " ui-icon-" + icon + " ui-btn-icon-" + iconpos), $(this).addClass(classes);
}), $navbar.delegate("a", "vclick", function() {
var activeBtn = $(this);
activeBtn.hasClass("ui-state-disabled") || activeBtn.hasClass("ui-disabled") || activeBtn.hasClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass) || ($navbtns.removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass), activeBtn.addClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass), $(document).one("pagehide", function() {
}), $navbar.closest(".ui-page").bind("pagebeforeshow", function() {
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var getAttr = $.mobile.getAttribute;
$.widget("mobile.listview", $.extend({
options: {
theme: null,
countTheme: null,
dividerTheme: null,
icon: "carat-r",
splitIcon: "carat-r",
splitTheme: null,
corners: !0,
shadow: !0,
inset: !1
_create: function() {
var listviewClasses = "";
listviewClasses += this.options.inset ? " ui-listview-inset" : "", this.options.inset && (listviewClasses += this.options.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "", listviewClasses += this.options.shadow ? " ui-shadow" : ""), this.element.addClass(" ui-listview" + listviewClasses), this.refresh(!0);
_findFirstElementByTagName: function(ele, nextProp, lcName, ucName) {
var dict = {
for(dict[lcName] = dict[ucName] = !0; ele;){
if (dict[ele.nodeName]) return ele;
ele = ele[nextProp];
return null;
_addThumbClasses: function(containers) {
var i, img, len = containers.length;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++)(img = $(this._findFirstElementByTagName(containers[i].firstChild, "nextSibling", "img", "IMG"))).length && $(this._findFirstElementByTagName(img[0].parentNode, "parentNode", "li", "LI")).addClass(img.hasClass("ui-li-icon") ? "ui-li-has-icon" : "ui-li-has-thumb");
_getChildrenByTagName: function(ele, lcName, ucName) {
var results = [], dict = {
for(dict[lcName] = dict[ucName] = !0, ele = ele.firstChild; ele;)dict[ele.nodeName] && results.push(ele), ele = ele.nextSibling;
return $(results);
_beforeListviewRefresh: $.noop,
_afterListviewRefresh: $.noop,
refresh: function(create) {
var buttonClass, pos, numli, item, itemClass, itemTheme, itemIcon, icon, a, isDivider, startCount, newStartCount, value, last, splittheme, splitThemeClass, altButtonClass, li, o = this.options, $list = this.element, ol = !!$.nodeName($list[0], "ol"), start = $list.attr("start"), itemClassDict = {
}, countBubbles = $list.find(".ui-li-count"), countTheme = getAttr($list[0], "counttheme") || this.options.countTheme, countThemeClass = countTheme ? "ui-body-" + countTheme : "ui-body-inherit";
for(o.theme && $list.addClass("ui-group-theme-" + o.theme), ol && (start || 0 === start) && (startCount = parseInt(start, 10) - 1, $list.css("counter-reset", "listnumbering " + startCount)), this._beforeListviewRefresh(), pos = 0, numli = (li = this._getChildrenByTagName($list[0], "li", "LI")).length; pos < numli; pos++)item = li.eq(pos), itemClass = "", (create || 0 > item[0].className.search(/\bui-li-static\b|\bui-li-divider\b/)) && (a = this._getChildrenByTagName(item[0], "a", "A"), isDivider = "list-divider" === getAttr(item[0], "role"), value = item.attr("value"), itemTheme = getAttr(item[0], "theme"), a.length && 0 > a[0].className.search(/\bui-btn\b/) && !isDivider ? (icon = !1 !== (itemIcon = getAttr(item[0], "icon")) && (itemIcon || o.icon), a.removeClass("ui-link"), buttonClass = "ui-btn", itemTheme && (buttonClass += " ui-btn-" + itemTheme), a.length > 1 ? (itemClass = "ui-li-has-alt", splitThemeClass = (splittheme = getAttr((last = a.last())[0], "theme") || o.splitTheme || getAttr(item[0], "theme", !0)) ? " ui-btn-" + splittheme : "", altButtonClass = "ui-btn ui-btn-icon-notext ui-icon-" + (getAttr(last[0], "icon") || getAttr(item[0], "icon") || o.splitIcon) + splitThemeClass, last.attr("title", $.trim(last.getEncodedText())).addClass(altButtonClass).empty()) : icon && (buttonClass += " ui-btn-icon-right ui-icon-" + icon), a.first().addClass(buttonClass)) : isDivider ? (itemClass = "ui-li-divider ui-bar-" + (getAttr(item[0], "theme") || o.dividerTheme || o.theme || "inherit"), item.attr("role", "heading")) : a.length <= 0 && (itemClass = "ui-li-static ui-body-" + (itemTheme || "inherit")), ol && value && (newStartCount = parseInt(value, 10) - 1, item.css("counter-reset", "listnumbering " + newStartCount))), itemClassDict[itemClass] || (itemClassDict[itemClass] = []), itemClassDict[itemClass].push(item[0]);
for(itemClass in itemClassDict)$(itemClassDict[itemClass]).addClass(itemClass);
countBubbles.each(function() {
}), countThemeClass && countBubbles.addClass(countThemeClass), this._addThumbClasses(li), this._addThumbClasses(li.find(".ui-btn")), this._afterListviewRefresh(), this._addFirstLastClasses(li, this._getVisibles(li, create), create);
}, $.mobile.behaviors.addFirstLastClasses));
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.listview", $.mobile.listview, {
options: {
autodividers: !1,
autodividersSelector: function(elt) {
var text = $.trim(elt.text()) || null;
return text ? text = text.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() : null;
_beforeListviewRefresh: function() {
this.options.autodividers && (this._replaceDividers(), this._superApply(arguments));
_replaceDividers: function() {
var i, lis, li, dividerText, divider, lastDividerText = null, list = this.element;
for(list.children("li:jqmData(role='list-divider')").remove(), lis = list.children("li"), i = 0; i < lis.length; i++)li = lis[i], (dividerText = this.options.autodividersSelector($(li))) && lastDividerText !== dividerText && ((divider = document.createElement("li")).appendChild(document.createTextNode(dividerText)), divider.setAttribute("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role", "list-divider"), li.parentNode.insertBefore(divider, li)), lastDividerText = dividerText;
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var rdivider = /(^|\s)ui-li-divider($|\s)/, rhidden = /(^|\s)ui-screen-hidden($|\s)/;
$.widget("mobile.listview", $.mobile.listview, {
options: {
hideDividers: !1
_afterListviewRefresh: function() {
var items, idx, item, hideDivider = !0;
if (this._superApply(arguments), this.options.hideDividers) for(idx = (items = this._getChildrenByTagName(this.element[0], "li", "LI")).length - 1; idx > -1; idx--)(item = items[idx]).className.match(rdivider) ? (hideDivider && (item.className = item.className + " ui-screen-hidden"), hideDivider = !0) : item.className.match(rhidden) || (hideDivider = !1);
})(jQuery), ($14 = jQuery).mobile.nojs = function(target) {
$14(":jqmData(role='nojs')", target).addClass("ui-nojs");
}, jQuery.mobile.behaviors.formReset = {
_handleFormReset: function() {
this._on(this.element.closest("form"), {
reset: function() {
}, (function($, undefined) {
var escapeId = $.mobile.path.hashToSelector;
$.widget("mobile.checkboxradio", $.extend({
initSelector: "input:not( :jqmData(role='flipswitch' ) )[type='checkbox'],input[type='radio']:not( :jqmData(role='flipswitch' ))",
options: {
theme: "inherit",
mini: !1,
wrapperClass: null,
enhanced: !1,
iconpos: "left"
_create: function() {
var input = this.element, o = this.options, inheritAttr = function(input, dataAttr) {
return input.jqmData(dataAttr) || input.closest("form, fieldset").jqmData(dataAttr);
}, parentLabel = input.closest("label"), label = parentLabel.length ? parentLabel : input.closest("form, fieldset, :jqmData(role='page'), :jqmData(role='dialog')").find("label").filter("[for='" + escapeId(input[0].id) + "']").first(), inputtype = input[0].type;
("checkbox" === inputtype || "radio" === inputtype) && (this.element[0].disabled && (this.options.disabled = !0), o.iconpos = inheritAttr(input, "iconpos") || label.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "iconpos") || o.iconpos, o.mini = inheritAttr(input, "mini") || o.mini, $.extend(this, {
input: input,
label: label,
parentLabel: parentLabel,
inputtype: inputtype,
checkedClass: "ui-" + inputtype + "-on",
uncheckedClass: "ui-" + inputtype + "-off"
}), this.options.enhanced || this._enhance(), this._on(label, {
vmouseover: "_handleLabelVMouseOver",
vclick: "_handleLabelVClick"
}), this._on(input, {
vmousedown: "_cacheVals",
vclick: "_handleInputVClick",
focus: "_handleInputFocus",
blur: "_handleInputBlur"
}), this._handleFormReset(), this.refresh());
_enhance: function() {
this.label.addClass("ui-btn ui-corner-all"), this.parentLabel.length > 0 ? this.input.add(this.label).wrapAll(this._wrapper()) : (this.element.wrap(this._wrapper()), this.element.parent().prepend(this.label)), this._setOptions({
theme: this.options.theme,
iconpos: this.options.iconpos,
mini: this.options.mini
_wrapper: function() {
return $("<div class='" + (this.options.wrapperClass ? this.options.wrapperClass : "") + " ui-" + this.inputtype + (this.options.disabled ? " ui-state-disabled" : "") + "' ></div>");
_handleInputFocus: function() {
_handleInputBlur: function() {
_handleInputVClick: function() {
this.element.prop("checked", this.element.is(":checked")), this._getInputSet().not(this.element).prop("checked", !1), this._updateAll();
_handleLabelVMouseOver: function(event) {
this.label.parent().hasClass("ui-state-disabled") && event.stopPropagation();
_handleLabelVClick: function(event) {
var input = this.element;
if (input.is(":disabled")) {
return this._cacheVals(), input.prop("checked", "radio" === this.inputtype || !input.prop("checked")), input.triggerHandler("click"), this._getInputSet().not(input).prop("checked", !1), this._updateAll(), !1;
_cacheVals: function() {
this._getInputSet().each(function() {
$(this).attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "cacheVal", this.checked);
_getInputSet: function() {
var selector, formId, radio = this.element[0], name = radio.name, form = radio.form, doc = this.element.parents().last().get(0), radios = this.element;
return name && "radio" === this.inputtype && doc && (selector = "input[type='radio'][name='" + escapeId(name) + "']", form ? ((formId = form.id) && (radios = $(selector + "[form='" + escapeId(formId) + "']", doc)), radios = $(form).find(selector).filter(function() {
return this.form === form;
}).add(radios)) : radios = $(selector, doc).filter(function() {
return !this.form;
})), radios;
_updateAll: function() {
var self = this;
this._getInputSet().each(function() {
(this.checked || "checkbox" === self.inputtype) && $(this).trigger("change");
_reset: function() {
_hasIcon: function() {
var controlgroup, controlgroupWidget, controlgroupConstructor = $.mobile.controlgroup;
return !controlgroupConstructor || !((controlgroup = this.element.closest(":mobile-controlgroup," + controlgroupConstructor.prototype.initSelector)).length > 0) || ((controlgroupWidget = $.data(controlgroup[0], "mobile-controlgroup")) ? controlgroupWidget.options.type : controlgroup.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "type")) !== "horizontal";
refresh: function() {
var hasIcon = this._hasIcon(), isChecked = this.element[0].checked, active = $.mobile.activeBtnClass, iconposClass = "ui-btn-icon-" + this.options.iconpos, addClasses = [], removeClasses = [];
hasIcon ? (removeClasses.push(active), addClasses.push(iconposClass)) : (removeClasses.push(iconposClass), (isChecked ? addClasses : removeClasses).push(active)), isChecked ? (addClasses.push(this.checkedClass), removeClasses.push(this.uncheckedClass)) : (addClasses.push(this.uncheckedClass), removeClasses.push(this.checkedClass)), this.label.addClass(addClasses.join(" ")).removeClass(removeClasses.join(" "));
widget: function() {
return this.label.parent();
_setOptions: function(options) {
var label = this.label, currentOptions = this.options, outer = this.widget(), hasIcon = this._hasIcon();
undefined !== options.disabled && (this.input.prop("disabled", !!options.disabled), outer.toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", !!options.disabled)), undefined !== options.mini && outer.toggleClass("ui-mini", !!options.mini), undefined !== options.theme && label.removeClass("ui-btn-" + currentOptions.theme).addClass("ui-btn-" + options.theme), undefined !== options.wrapperClass && outer.removeClass(currentOptions.wrapperClass).addClass(options.wrapperClass), undefined !== options.iconpos && hasIcon ? label.removeClass("ui-btn-icon-" + currentOptions.iconpos).addClass("ui-btn-icon-" + options.iconpos) : hasIcon || label.removeClass("ui-btn-icon-" + currentOptions.iconpos), this._super(options);
}, $.mobile.behaviors.formReset));
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.button", {
initSelector: "input[type='button'], input[type='submit'], input[type='reset']",
options: {
theme: null,
icon: null,
iconpos: "left",
iconshadow: !1,
corners: !0,
shadow: !0,
inline: null,
mini: null,
wrapperClass: null,
enhanced: !1
_create: function() {
this.element.is(":disabled") && (this.options.disabled = !0), this.options.enhanced || this._enhance(), $.extend(this, {
wrapper: this.element.parent()
}), this._on({
focus: function() {
blur: function() {
}), this.refresh(!0);
_enhance: function() {
_button: function() {
var options = this.options, iconClasses = this._getIconClasses(this.options);
return $("<div class='ui-btn ui-input-btn" + (options.wrapperClass ? " " + options.wrapperClass : "") + (options.theme ? " ui-btn-" + options.theme : "") + (options.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "") + (options.shadow ? " ui-shadow" : "") + (options.inline ? " ui-btn-inline" : "") + (options.mini ? " ui-mini" : "") + (options.disabled ? " ui-state-disabled" : "") + (iconClasses ? " " + iconClasses : "") + "' >" + this.element.val() + "</div>");
widget: function() {
return this.wrapper;
_destroy: function() {
this.element.insertBefore(this.button), this.button.remove();
_getIconClasses: function(options) {
return options.icon ? "ui-icon-" + options.icon + (options.iconshadow ? " ui-shadow-icon" : "") + " ui-btn-icon-" + options.iconpos : "";
_setOptions: function(options) {
var outer = this.widget();
undefined !== options.theme && outer.removeClass(this.options.theme).addClass("ui-btn-" + options.theme), undefined !== options.corners && outer.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", options.corners), undefined !== options.shadow && outer.toggleClass("ui-shadow", options.shadow), undefined !== options.inline && outer.toggleClass("ui-btn-inline", options.inline), undefined !== options.mini && outer.toggleClass("ui-mini", options.mini), undefined !== options.disabled && (this.element.prop("disabled", options.disabled), outer.toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", options.disabled)), (undefined !== options.icon || undefined !== options.iconshadow || undefined !== options.iconpos) && outer.removeClass(this._getIconClasses(this.options)).addClass(this._getIconClasses($.extend({
}, this.options, options))), this._super(options);
refresh: function(create) {
var originalElement, isDisabled = this.element.prop("disabled");
this.options.icon && "notext" === this.options.iconpos && this.element.attr("title") && this.element.attr("title", this.element.val()), create || (originalElement = this.element.detach(), $(this.wrapper).text(this.element.val()).append(originalElement)), this.options.disabled !== isDisabled && this._setOptions({
disabled: isDisabled
})(jQuery), disabledZoom = (initialContent = (meta = ($15 = jQuery)("meta[name=viewport]")).attr("content")) + ",maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no", enabledZoom = initialContent + ",maximum-scale=10, user-scalable=yes", disabledInitially = /(user-scalable[\s]*=[\s]*no)|(maximum-scale[\s]*=[\s]*1)[$,\s]/.test(initialContent), $15.mobile.zoom = $15.extend({
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enabled: !disabledInitially,
locked: !1,
disable: function(lock) {
disabledInitially || $15.mobile.zoom.locked || (meta.attr("content", disabledZoom), $15.mobile.zoom.enabled = !1, $15.mobile.zoom.locked = lock || !1);
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disabledInitially || $15.mobile.zoom.locked && !0 !== unlock || (meta.attr("content", enabledZoom), $15.mobile.zoom.enabled = !0, $15.mobile.zoom.locked = !1);
restore: function() {
disabledInitially || (meta.attr("content", initialContent), $15.mobile.zoom.enabled = !0);
}), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.textinput", {
initSelector: "input[type='text'],input[type='search'],:jqmData(type='search'),input[type='number'],:jqmData(type='number'),input[type='password'],input[type='email'],input[type='url'],input[type='tel'],textarea,input[type='time'],input[type='date'],input[type='month'],input[type='week'],input[type='datetime'],input[type='datetime-local'],input[type='color'],input:not([type]),input[type='file']",
options: {
theme: null,
corners: !0,
mini: !1,
preventFocusZoom: /iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") > -1,
wrapperClass: "",
enhanced: !1
_create: function() {
var options = this.options, isSearch = this.element.is("[type='search'], :jqmData(type='search')"), isTextarea = "TEXTAREA" === this.element[0].tagName, isRange = this.element.is("[data-" + ($.mobile.ns || "") + "type='range']"), inputNeedsWrap = (this.element.is("input") || this.element.is("[data-" + ($.mobile.ns || "") + "type='search']")) && !isRange;
this.element.prop("disabled") && (options.disabled = !0), $.extend(this, {
classes: this._classesFromOptions(),
isSearch: isSearch,
isTextarea: isTextarea,
isRange: isRange,
inputNeedsWrap: inputNeedsWrap
}), this._autoCorrect(), options.enhanced || this._enhance(), this._on({
focus: "_handleFocus",
blur: "_handleBlur"
refresh: function() {
disabled: this.element.is(":disabled")
_enhance: function() {
var elementClasses = [];
this.isTextarea && elementClasses.push("ui-input-text"), (this.isTextarea || this.isRange) && elementClasses.push("ui-shadow-inset"), this.inputNeedsWrap ? this.element.wrap(this._wrap()) : elementClasses = elementClasses.concat(this.classes), this.element.addClass(elementClasses.join(" "));
widget: function() {
return this.inputNeedsWrap ? this.element.parent() : this.element;
_classesFromOptions: function() {
var options = this.options, classes = [];
return classes.push("ui-body-" + (null === options.theme ? "inherit" : options.theme)), options.corners && classes.push("ui-corner-all"), options.mini && classes.push("ui-mini"), options.disabled && classes.push("ui-state-disabled"), options.wrapperClass && classes.push(options.wrapperClass), classes;
_wrap: function() {
return $("<div class='" + (this.isSearch ? "ui-input-search " : "ui-input-text ") + this.classes.join(" ") + " ui-shadow-inset'></div>");
_autoCorrect: function() {
void 0 === this.element[0].autocorrect || $.support.touchOverflow || (this.element[0].setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"), this.element[0].setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"));
_handleBlur: function() {
this.widget().removeClass($.mobile.focusClass), this.options.preventFocusZoom && $.mobile.zoom.enable(!0);
_handleFocus: function() {
this.options.preventFocusZoom && $.mobile.zoom.disable(!0), this.widget().addClass($.mobile.focusClass);
_setOptions: function(options) {
var outer = this.widget();
this._super(options), undefined === options.disabled && undefined === options.mini && undefined === options.corners && undefined === options.theme && undefined === options.wrapperClass || (outer.removeClass(this.classes.join(" ")), this.classes = this._classesFromOptions(), outer.addClass(this.classes.join(" "))), undefined !== options.disabled && this.element.prop("disabled", !!options.disabled);
_destroy: function() {
this.options.enhanced || (this.inputNeedsWrap && this.element.unwrap(), this.element.removeClass("ui-input-text " + this.classes.join(" ")));
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.slider", $.extend({
initSelector: "input[type='range'], :jqmData(type='range'), :jqmData(role='slider')",
widgetEventPrefix: "slide",
options: {
theme: null,
trackTheme: null,
corners: !0,
mini: !1,
highlight: !1
_create: function() {
var bg, options, wrapper, j, length, i, optionsCount, origTabIndex, side, activeClass, sliderImg, control = this.element, trackTheme = this.options.trackTheme || $.mobile.getAttribute(control[0], "theme"), cornerClass = this.options.corners || control.jqmData("corners") ? " ui-corner-all" : "", miniClass = this.options.mini || control.jqmData("mini") ? " ui-mini" : "", cType = control[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), isToggleSwitch = "select" === cType, isRangeslider = control.parent().is(":jqmData(role='rangeslider')"), controlID = control.attr("id"), $label = $("[for='" + controlID + "']"), labelID = $label.attr("id") || controlID + "-label", min = isToggleSwitch ? 0 : parseFloat(control.attr("min")), max = isToggleSwitch ? control.find("option").length - 1 : parseFloat(control.attr("max")), step = window.parseFloat(control.attr("step") || 1), domHandle = document.createElement("a"), handle = $(domHandle), domSlider = document.createElement("div"), slider = $(domSlider), valuebg = !!this.options.highlight && !isToggleSwitch && ((bg = document.createElement("div")).className = "ui-slider-bg " + $.mobile.activeBtnClass, $(bg).prependTo(slider));
if ($label.attr("id", labelID), this.isToggleSwitch = isToggleSwitch, domHandle.setAttribute("href", "#"), domSlider.setAttribute("role", "application"), domSlider.className = [
this.isToggleSwitch ? "ui-slider ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset " : "ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset ",
isToggleSwitch ? "ui-slider-switch" : "",
trackTheme ? " ui-bar-" + trackTheme : " ui-bar-inherit",
].join(""), domHandle.className = "ui-slider-handle", domSlider.appendChild(domHandle), handle.attr({
role: "slider",
"aria-valuemin": min,
"aria-valuemax": max,
"aria-valuenow": this._value(),
"aria-valuetext": this._value(),
title: this._value(),
"aria-labelledby": labelID
}), $.extend(this, {
slider: slider,
handle: handle,
control: control,
type: cType,
step: step,
max: max,
min: min,
valuebg: valuebg,
isRangeslider: isRangeslider,
dragging: !1,
beforeStart: null,
userModified: !1,
mouseMoved: !1
}), isToggleSwitch) {
for((origTabIndex = control.attr("tabindex")) && handle.attr("tabindex", origTabIndex), control.attr("tabindex", "-1").focus(function() {
$(this).blur(), handle.focus();
}), (wrapper = document.createElement("div")).className = "ui-slider-inneroffset", j = 0, length = domSlider.childNodes.length; j < length; j++)wrapper.appendChild(domSlider.childNodes[j]);
for(domSlider.appendChild(wrapper), handle.addClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping"), i = 0, optionsCount = (options = control.find("option")).length; i < optionsCount; i++)side = i ? "a" : "b", activeClass = i ? " " + $.mobile.activeBtnClass : "", (sliderImg = document.createElement("span")).className = [
"ui-slider-label ui-slider-label-",
].join(""), sliderImg.setAttribute("role", "img"), sliderImg.appendChild(document.createTextNode(options[i].innerHTML)), $(sliderImg).prependTo(slider);
this._labels = $(".ui-slider-label", slider);
control.addClass(isToggleSwitch ? "ui-slider-switch" : "ui-slider-input"), this._on(control, {
change: "_controlChange",
keyup: "_controlKeyup",
blur: "_controlBlur",
vmouseup: "_controlVMouseUp"
}), slider.bind("vmousedown", $.proxy(this._sliderVMouseDown, this)).bind("vclick", !1), this._on(document, {
vmousemove: "_preventDocumentDrag"
}), this._on(slider.add(document), {
vmouseup: "_sliderVMouseUp"
}), slider.insertAfter(control), isToggleSwitch || isRangeslider || (wrapper = this.options.mini ? "<div class='ui-slider ui-mini'>" : "<div class='ui-slider'>", control.add(slider).wrapAll(wrapper)), this._on(this.handle, {
vmousedown: "_handleVMouseDown",
keydown: "_handleKeydown",
keyup: "_handleKeyup"
}), this.handle.bind("vclick", !1), this._handleFormReset(), this.refresh(undefined, undefined, !0);
_setOptions: function(options) {
undefined !== options.theme && this._setTheme(options.theme), undefined !== options.trackTheme && this._setTrackTheme(options.trackTheme), undefined !== options.corners && this._setCorners(options.corners), undefined !== options.mini && this._setMini(options.mini), undefined !== options.highlight && this._setHighlight(options.highlight), undefined !== options.disabled && this._setDisabled(options.disabled), this._super(options);
_controlChange: function(event) {
if (!1 === this._trigger("controlchange", event)) return !1;
this.mouseMoved || this.refresh(this._value(), !0);
_controlKeyup: function() {
this.refresh(this._value(), !0, !0);
_controlBlur: function() {
this.refresh(this._value(), !0);
_controlVMouseUp: function() {
_handleVMouseDown: function() {
_handleKeydown: function(event) {
var index = this._value();
if (!this.options.disabled) {
case $.mobile.keyCode.HOME:
case $.mobile.keyCode.END:
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.RIGHT:
case $.mobile.keyCode.DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.LEFT:
event.preventDefault(), this._keySliding || (this._keySliding = !0, this.handle.addClass("ui-state-active"));
case $.mobile.keyCode.HOME:
case $.mobile.keyCode.END:
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.RIGHT:
this.refresh(index + this.step);
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.LEFT:
this.refresh(index - this.step);
_handleKeyup: function() {
this._keySliding && (this._keySliding = !1, this.handle.removeClass("ui-state-active"));
_sliderVMouseDown: function(event) {
return this.options.disabled || !(1 === event.which || 0 === event.which || undefined === event.which) || !1 === this._trigger("beforestart", event) || (this.dragging = !0, this.userModified = !1, this.mouseMoved = !1, this.isToggleSwitch && (this.beforeStart = this.element[0].selectedIndex), this.refresh(event), this._trigger("start")), !1;
_sliderVMouseUp: function() {
if (this.dragging) return this.dragging = !1, this.isToggleSwitch && (this.handle.addClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping"), this.mouseMoved ? this.userModified ? this.refresh(0 === this.beforeStart ? 1 : 0) : this.refresh(this.beforeStart) : this.refresh(0 === this.beforeStart ? 1 : 0)), this.mouseMoved = !1, this._trigger("stop"), !1;
_preventDocumentDrag: function(event) {
return !1 !== this._trigger("drag", event) && (this.dragging && !this.options.disabled ? (this.mouseMoved = !0, this.isToggleSwitch && this.handle.removeClass("ui-slider-handle-snapping"), this.refresh(event), this.userModified = this.beforeStart !== this.element[0].selectedIndex, !1) : void 0);
_checkedRefresh: function() {
this.value !== this._value() && this.refresh(this._value());
_value: function() {
return this.isToggleSwitch ? this.element[0].selectedIndex : parseFloat(this.element.val());
_reset: function() {
this.refresh(undefined, !1, !0);
refresh: function(val, isfromControl, preventInputUpdate) {
var bg, left, width, data, tol, pxStep, percent, control, isInput, optionElements, min, max, step, newval, valModStep, alignValue, percentPerStep, handlePercent, aPercent, bPercent, valueChanged, self = this, parentTheme = $.mobile.getAttribute(this.element[0], "theme"), theme = this.options.theme || parentTheme, trackTheme = this.options.trackTheme || parentTheme, cornerClass = this.options.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "", miniClass = this.options.mini ? " ui-mini" : "";
if (self.slider[0].className = [
this.isToggleSwitch ? "ui-slider ui-slider-switch ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset" : "ui-slider-track ui-shadow-inset",
trackTheme ? " ui-bar-" + trackTheme : " ui-bar-inherit",
].join(""), (this.options.disabled || this.element.prop("disabled")) && this.disable(), this.value = this._value(), this.options.highlight && !this.isToggleSwitch && 0 === this.slider.find(".ui-slider-bg").length && (this.valuebg = ((bg = document.createElement("div")).className = "ui-slider-bg " + $.mobile.activeBtnClass, $(bg).prependTo(self.slider))), this.handle.addClass("ui-btn" + (theme ? " ui-btn-" + theme : "") + " ui-shadow"), control = this.element, optionElements = (isInput = !this.isToggleSwitch) ? [] : control.find("option"), min = isInput ? parseFloat(control.attr("min")) : 0, max = isInput ? parseFloat(control.attr("max")) : optionElements.length - 1, step = isInput && parseFloat(control.attr("step")) > 0 ? parseFloat(control.attr("step")) : 1, "object" == typeof val) {
if (data = val, tol = 8, left = this.slider.offset().left, pxStep = (width = this.slider.width()) / ((max - min) / step), !this.dragging || data.pageX < left - tol || data.pageX > left + width + tol) return;
percent = pxStep > 1 ? (data.pageX - left) / width * 100 : Math.round((data.pageX - left) / width * 100);
} else null == val && (val = isInput ? parseFloat(control.val() || 0) : control[0].selectedIndex), percent = (parseFloat(val) - min) / (max - min) * 100;
if (!isNaN(percent) && (alignValue = newval - (valModStep = ((newval = percent / 100 * (max - min) + min) - min) % step), 2 * Math.abs(valModStep) >= step && (alignValue += valModStep > 0 ? step : -step), percentPerStep = 100 / ((max - min) / step), newval = parseFloat(alignValue.toFixed(5)), void 0 === pxStep && (pxStep = width / ((max - min) / step)), pxStep > 1 && isInput && (percent = (newval - min) * percentPerStep * (1 / step)), percent < 0 && (percent = 0), percent > 100 && (percent = 100), newval < min && (newval = min), newval > max && (newval = max), this.handle.css("left", percent + "%"), this.handle[0].setAttribute("aria-valuenow", isInput ? newval : optionElements.eq(newval).attr("value")), this.handle[0].setAttribute("aria-valuetext", isInput ? newval : optionElements.eq(newval).getEncodedText()), this.handle[0].setAttribute("title", isInput ? newval : optionElements.eq(newval).getEncodedText()), this.valuebg && this.valuebg.css("width", percent + "%"), this._labels && (handlePercent = this.handle.width() / this.slider.width() * 100, aPercent = percent && handlePercent + (100 - handlePercent) * percent / 100, bPercent = 100 === percent ? 0 : Math.min(handlePercent + 100 - aPercent, 100), this._labels.each(function() {
var ab = $(this).hasClass("ui-slider-label-a");
$(this).width((ab ? aPercent : bPercent) + "%");
})), !preventInputUpdate)) {
if (valueChanged = !1, isInput ? (valueChanged = control.val() !== newval, control.val(newval)) : (valueChanged = control[0].selectedIndex !== newval, control[0].selectedIndex = newval), !1 === this._trigger("beforechange", val)) return !1;
!isfromControl && valueChanged && control.trigger("change");
_setHighlight: function(value) {
(value = !!value) ? (this.options.highlight = !!value, this.refresh()) : this.valuebg && (this.valuebg.remove(), this.valuebg = !1);
_setTheme: function(value) {
this.handle.removeClass("ui-btn-" + this.options.theme).addClass("ui-btn-" + value);
var currentTheme = this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : "inherit";
this.control.removeClass("ui-body-" + currentTheme).addClass("ui-body-" + (value || "inherit"));
_setTrackTheme: function(value) {
var currentTrackTheme = this.options.trackTheme ? this.options.trackTheme : "inherit";
this.slider.removeClass("ui-body-" + currentTrackTheme).addClass("ui-body-" + (value || "inherit"));
_setMini: function(value) {
value = !!value, this.isToggleSwitch || this.isRangeslider || (this.slider.parent().toggleClass("ui-mini", value), this.element.toggleClass("ui-mini", value)), this.slider.toggleClass("ui-mini", value);
_setCorners: function(value) {
this.slider.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", value), this.isToggleSwitch || this.control.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", value);
_setDisabled: function(value) {
value = !!value, this.element.prop("disabled", value), this.slider.toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", value).attr("aria-disabled", value);
}, $.mobile.behaviors.formReset));
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var popup;
$.widget("mobile.slider", $.mobile.slider, {
options: {
popupEnabled: !1,
showValue: !1
_create: function() {
this._super(), $.extend(this, {
_currentValue: null,
_popup: null,
_popupVisible: !1
}), this._setOption("popupEnabled", this.options.popupEnabled), this._on(this.handle, {
vmousedown: "_showPopup"
}), this._on(this.slider.add(this.document), {
vmouseup: "_hidePopup"
}), this._refresh();
_positionPopup: function() {
var dstOffset = this.handle.offset();
left: dstOffset.left + (this.handle.width() - this._popup.width()) / 2,
top: dstOffset.top - this._popup.outerHeight() - 5
_setOption: function(key, value) {
this._super(key, value), "showValue" === key ? this.handle.html(value && !this.options.mini ? this._value() : "") : "popupEnabled" === key && value && !this._popup && (this._popup = (popup || (popup = $("<div></div>", {
"class": "ui-slider-popup ui-shadow ui-corner-all"
})), popup.clone()).addClass("ui-body-" + (this.options.theme || "a")).hide().insertBefore(this.element));
refresh: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments), this._refresh();
_refresh: function() {
var newValue, o = this.options;
o.popupEnabled && this.handle.removeAttr("title"), (newValue = this._value()) !== this._currentValue && (this._currentValue = newValue, o.popupEnabled && this._popup ? (this._positionPopup(), this._popup.html(newValue)) : o.showValue && !this.options.mini && this.handle.html(newValue));
_showPopup: function() {
this.options.popupEnabled && !this._popupVisible && (this.handle.html(""), this._popup.show(), this._positionPopup(), this._popupVisible = !0);
_hidePopup: function() {
var o = this.options;
o.popupEnabled && this._popupVisible && (o.showValue && !o.mini && this.handle.html(this._value()), this._popup.hide(), this._popupVisible = !1);
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.flipswitch", $.extend({
options: {
onText: "On",
offText: "Off",
theme: null,
enhanced: !1,
wrapperClass: null,
corners: !0,
mini: !1
_create: function() {
this.options.enhanced ? $.extend(this, {
flipswitch: this.element.parent(),
on: this.element.find(".ui-flipswitch-on").eq(0),
off: this.element.find(".ui-flipswitch-off").eq(0),
type: this.element.get(0).tagName
}) : this._enhance(), this._handleFormReset(), this._originalTabIndex = this.element.attr("tabindex"), null != this._originalTabIndex && this.on.attr("tabindex", this._originalTabIndex), this.element.attr("tabindex", "-1"), this._on({
focus: "_handleInputFocus"
}), this.element.is(":disabled") && this._setOptions({
disabled: !0
}), this._on(this.flipswitch, {
click: "_toggle",
swipeleft: "_left",
swiperight: "_right"
}), this._on(this.on, {
keydown: "_keydown"
}), this._on({
change: "refresh"
_handleInputFocus: function() {
widget: function() {
return this.flipswitch;
_left: function() {
this.flipswitch.removeClass("ui-flipswitch-active"), "SELECT" === this.type ? this.element.get(0).selectedIndex = 0 : this.element.prop("checked", !1), this.element.trigger("change");
_right: function() {
this.flipswitch.addClass("ui-flipswitch-active"), "SELECT" === this.type ? this.element.get(0).selectedIndex = 1 : this.element.prop("checked", !0), this.element.trigger("change");
_enhance: function() {
var flipswitch = $("<div>"), options = this.options, element = this.element, theme = options.theme ? options.theme : "inherit", on = $("<a></a>", {
href: "#"
}), off = $("<span></span>"), type = element.get(0).tagName, onText = "INPUT" === type ? options.onText : element.find("option").eq(1).text(), offText = "INPUT" === type ? options.offText : element.find("option").eq(0).text();
on.addClass("ui-flipswitch-on ui-btn ui-shadow ui-btn-inherit").text(onText), off.addClass("ui-flipswitch-off").text(offText), flipswitch.addClass("ui-flipswitch ui-shadow-inset ui-bar-" + theme + " " + (options.wrapperClass ? options.wrapperClass : "") + " " + (element.is(":checked") || element.find("option").eq(1).is(":selected") ? "ui-flipswitch-active" : "") + (element.is(":disabled") ? " ui-state-disabled" : "") + (options.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "") + (options.mini ? " ui-mini" : "")).append(on, off), element.addClass("ui-flipswitch-input").after(flipswitch).appendTo(flipswitch), $.extend(this, {
flipswitch: flipswitch,
on: on,
off: off,
type: type
_reset: function() {
refresh: function() {
var direction, existingDirection = this.flipswitch.hasClass("ui-flipswitch-active") ? "_right" : "_left";
(direction = "SELECT" === this.type ? this.element.get(0).selectedIndex > 0 ? "_right" : "_left" : this.element.prop("checked") ? "_right" : "_left") !== existingDirection && this[direction]();
_toggle: function() {
this[this.flipswitch.hasClass("ui-flipswitch-active") ? "_left" : "_right"]();
_keydown: function(e) {
e.which === $.mobile.keyCode.LEFT ? this._left() : e.which === $.mobile.keyCode.RIGHT ? this._right() : e.which === $.mobile.keyCode.SPACE && (this._toggle(), e.preventDefault());
_setOptions: function(options) {
if (undefined !== options.theme) {
var currentTheme = options.theme ? options.theme : "inherit", newTheme = options.theme ? options.theme : "inherit";
this.widget().removeClass("ui-bar-" + currentTheme).addClass("ui-bar-" + newTheme);
undefined !== options.onText && this.on.text(options.onText), undefined !== options.offText && this.off.text(options.offText), undefined !== options.disabled && this.widget().toggleClass("ui-state-disabled", options.disabled), undefined !== options.mini && this.widget().toggleClass("ui-mini", options.mini), undefined !== options.corners && this.widget().toggleClass("ui-corner-all", options.corners), this._super(options);
_destroy: function() {
this.options.enhanced || (null != this._originalTabIndex ? this.element.attr("tabindex", this._originalTabIndex) : this.element.removeAttr("tabindex"), this.on.remove(), this.off.remove(), this.element.unwrap(), this.flipswitch.remove(), this.removeClass("ui-flipswitch-input"));
}, $.mobile.behaviors.formReset));
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.rangeslider", $.extend({
options: {
theme: null,
trackTheme: null,
corners: !0,
mini: !1,
highlight: !0
_create: function() {
var $el = this.element, elClass = this.options.mini ? "ui-rangeslider ui-mini" : "ui-rangeslider", _inputFirst = $el.find("input").first(), _inputLast = $el.find("input").last(), _label = $el.find("label").first(), _sliderWidgetFirst = $.data(_inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider") || $.data(_inputFirst.slider().get(0), "mobile-slider"), _sliderWidgetLast = $.data(_inputLast.get(0), "mobile-slider") || $.data(_inputLast.slider().get(0), "mobile-slider"), _sliderFirst = _sliderWidgetFirst.slider, _sliderLast = _sliderWidgetLast.slider, firstHandle = _sliderWidgetFirst.handle, _sliders = $("<div class='ui-rangeslider-sliders' />").appendTo($el);
_inputFirst.addClass("ui-rangeslider-first"), _inputLast.addClass("ui-rangeslider-last"), $el.addClass(elClass), _sliderFirst.appendTo(_sliders), _sliderLast.appendTo(_sliders), _label.insertBefore($el), firstHandle.prependTo(_sliderLast), $.extend(this, {
_inputFirst: _inputFirst,
_inputLast: _inputLast,
_sliderFirst: _sliderFirst,
_sliderLast: _sliderLast,
_label: _label,
_targetVal: null,
_sliderTarget: !1,
_sliders: _sliders,
_proxy: !1
}), this.refresh(), this._on(this.element.find("input.ui-slider-input"), {
slidebeforestart: "_slidebeforestart",
slidestop: "_slidestop",
slidedrag: "_slidedrag",
slidebeforechange: "_change",
blur: "_change",
keyup: "_change"
}), this._on({
mousedown: "_change"
}), this._on(this.element.closest("form"), {
reset: "_handleReset"
}), this._on(firstHandle, {
vmousedown: "_dragFirstHandle"
_handleReset: function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
_dragFirstHandle: function(event) {
return $.data(this._inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider").dragging = !0, $.data(this._inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider").refresh(event), !1;
_slidedrag: function(event) {
var first = $(event.target).is(this._inputFirst), otherSlider = first ? this._inputLast : this._inputFirst;
if (this._sliderTarget = !1, "first" === this._proxy && first || "last" === this._proxy && !first) return $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").dragging = !0, $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").refresh(event), !1;
_slidestop: function(event) {
var first = $(event.target).is(this._inputFirst);
this._proxy = !1, this.element.find("input").trigger("vmouseup"), this._sliderFirst.css("z-index", first ? 1 : "");
_slidebeforestart: function(event) {
this._sliderTarget = !1, $(event.originalEvent.target).hasClass("ui-slider-track") && (this._sliderTarget = !0, this._targetVal = $(event.target).val());
_setOptions: function(options) {
undefined !== options.theme && this._setTheme(options.theme), undefined !== options.trackTheme && this._setTrackTheme(options.trackTheme), undefined !== options.mini && this._setMini(options.mini), undefined !== options.highlight && this._setHighlight(options.highlight), this._super(options), this.refresh();
refresh: function() {
var $el = this.element, o = this.options;
(this._inputFirst.is(":disabled") || this._inputLast.is(":disabled")) && (this.options.disabled = !0), $el.find("input").slider({
theme: o.theme,
trackTheme: o.trackTheme,
disabled: o.disabled,
corners: o.corners,
mini: o.mini,
highlight: o.highlight
}).slider("refresh"), this._updateHighlight();
_change: function(event) {
if ("keyup" === event.type) return this._updateHighlight(), !1;
var self = this, min = parseFloat(this._inputFirst.val(), 10), max = parseFloat(this._inputLast.val(), 10), first = $(event.target).hasClass("ui-rangeslider-first"), thisSlider = first ? this._inputFirst : this._inputLast, otherSlider = first ? this._inputLast : this._inputFirst;
if (this._inputFirst.val() > this._inputLast.val() && "mousedown" === event.type && !$(event.target).hasClass("ui-slider-handle")) thisSlider.blur();
else if ("mousedown" === event.type) return;
if (min > max && !this._sliderTarget ? (thisSlider.val(first ? max : min).slider("refresh"), this._trigger("normalize")) : min > max && (thisSlider.val(this._targetVal).slider("refresh"), setTimeout(function() {
otherSlider.val(first ? min : max).slider("refresh"), $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.focus(), self._sliderFirst.css("z-index", first ? "" : 1), self._trigger("normalize");
}, 0), this._proxy = first ? "first" : "last"), min === max ? ($.data(thisSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", 1), $.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", 0)) : ($.data(otherSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", ""), $.data(thisSlider.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.css("z-index", "")), this._updateHighlight(), min >= max) return !1;
_updateHighlight: function() {
var min = parseInt($.data(this._inputFirst.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.get(0).style.left, 10), max = parseInt($.data(this._inputLast.get(0), "mobile-slider").handle.get(0).style.left, 10);
"margin-left": min + "%",
width: max - min + "%"
_setTheme: function(value) {
this._inputFirst.slider("option", "theme", value), this._inputLast.slider("option", "theme", value);
_setTrackTheme: function(value) {
this._inputFirst.slider("option", "trackTheme", value), this._inputLast.slider("option", "trackTheme", value);
_setMini: function(value) {
this._inputFirst.slider("option", "mini", value), this._inputLast.slider("option", "mini", value), this.element.toggleClass("ui-mini", !!value);
_setHighlight: function(value) {
this._inputFirst.slider("option", "highlight", value), this._inputLast.slider("option", "highlight", value);
_destroy: function() {
this._label.prependTo(this.element), this.element.removeClass("ui-rangeslider ui-mini"), this._inputFirst.after(this._sliderFirst), this._inputLast.after(this._sliderLast), this._sliders.remove(), this.element.find("input").removeClass("ui-rangeslider-first ui-rangeslider-last").slider("destroy");
}, $.mobile.behaviors.formReset));
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.textinput", $.mobile.textinput, {
options: {
clearBtn: !1,
clearBtnText: "Clear text"
_create: function() {
this._super(), (this.options.clearBtn || this.isSearch) && this._addClearBtn();
clearButton: function() {
return $("<a href='#' class='ui-input-clear ui-btn ui-icon-delete ui-btn-icon-notext ui-corner-all' title='" + this.options.clearBtnText + "'>" + this.options.clearBtnText + "</a>");
_clearBtnClick: function(event) {
this.element.val("").focus().trigger("change"), this._clearBtn.addClass("ui-input-clear-hidden"), event.preventDefault();
_addClearBtn: function() {
this.options.enhanced || this._enhanceClear(), $.extend(this, {
_clearBtn: this.widget().find("a.ui-input-clear")
}), this._bindClearEvents(), this._toggleClear();
_enhanceClear: function() {
this.clearButton().appendTo(this.widget()), this.widget().addClass("ui-input-has-clear");
_bindClearEvents: function() {
this._on(this._clearBtn, {
click: "_clearBtnClick"
}), this._on({
keyup: "_toggleClear",
change: "_toggleClear",
input: "_toggleClear",
focus: "_toggleClear",
blur: "_toggleClear",
cut: "_toggleClear",
paste: "_toggleClear"
_unbindClear: function() {
this._off(this._clearBtn, "click"), this._off(this.element, "keyup change input focus blur cut paste");
_setOptions: function(options) {
this._super(options), undefined === options.clearBtn || this.element.is("textarea, :jqmData(type='range')") || (options.clearBtn ? this._addClearBtn() : this._destroyClear()), undefined !== options.clearBtnText && undefined !== this._clearBtn && this._clearBtn.text(options.clearBtnText).attr("title", options.clearBtnText);
_toggleClear: function() {
this._delay("_toggleClearClass", 0);
_toggleClearClass: function() {
this._clearBtn.toggleClass("ui-input-clear-hidden", !this.element.val());
_destroyClear: function() {
this.widget().removeClass("ui-input-has-clear"), this._unbindClear(), this._clearBtn.remove();
_destroy: function() {
this._super(), this._destroyClear();
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.textinput", $.mobile.textinput, {
options: {
autogrow: !0,
keyupTimeoutBuffer: 100
_create: function() {
this._super(), this.options.autogrow && this.isTextarea && this._autogrow();
_autogrow: function() {
this.element.addClass("ui-textinput-autogrow"), this._on({
keyup: "_timeout",
change: "_timeout",
input: "_timeout",
paste: "_timeout"
}), this._on(!0, this.document, {
pageshow: "_handleShow",
popupbeforeposition: "_handleShow",
updatelayout: "_handleShow",
panelopen: "_handleShow"
_handleShow: function(event) {
$.contains(event.target, this.element[0]) && this.element.is(":visible") && ("popupbeforeposition" !== event.type && this.element.addClass("ui-textinput-autogrow-resize").animationComplete($.proxy(function() {
}, this), "transition"), this._timeout());
_unbindAutogrow: function() {
this.element.removeClass("ui-textinput-autogrow"), this._off(this.element, "keyup change input paste"), this._off(this.document, "pageshow popupbeforeposition updatelayout panelopen");
keyupTimeout: null,
_prepareHeightUpdate: function(delay) {
this.keyupTimeout && clearTimeout(this.keyupTimeout), delay === undefined ? this._updateHeight() : this.keyupTimeout = this._delay("_updateHeight", delay);
_timeout: function() {
_updateHeight: function() {
var borderHeight, height, scrollTop = this.window.scrollTop();
this.keyupTimeout = 0, "onpage" in this.element[0] || this.element.css({
height: 0,
"min-height": 0,
"max-height": 0
}), this.element[0].scrollHeight, this.element[0].clientHeight, borderHeight = parseFloat(this.element.css("border-top-width")) + parseFloat(this.element.css("border-bottom-width")), height = this.element[0].scrollHeight + borderHeight + 15, 0 === this.element[0].clientHeight && (height += parseFloat(this.element.css("padding-top")) + parseFloat(this.element.css("padding-bottom"))), this.element.css({
height: height,
"min-height": "",
"max-height": ""
}), this.window.scrollTop(scrollTop);
refresh: function() {
this.options.autogrow && this.isTextarea && this._updateHeight();
_setOptions: function(options) {
this._super(options), undefined !== options.autogrow && this.isTextarea && (options.autogrow ? this._autogrow() : this._unbindAutogrow());
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.selectmenu", $.extend({
initSelector: "select:not( :jqmData(role='slider')):not( :jqmData(role='flipswitch') )",
options: {
theme: null,
icon: "carat-d",
iconpos: "right",
inline: !1,
corners: !0,
shadow: !0,
iconshadow: !1,
overlayTheme: null,
dividerTheme: null,
hidePlaceholderMenuItems: !0,
closeText: "Close",
nativeMenu: !0,
preventFocusZoom: /iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") > -1,
mini: !1
_button: function() {
return $("<div/>");
_setDisabled: function(value) {
return this.element.attr("disabled", value), this.button.attr("aria-disabled", value), this._setOption("disabled", value);
_focusButton: function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 40);
_selectOptions: function() {
return this.select.find("option");
_preExtension: function() {
var inline = this.options.inline || this.element.jqmData("inline"), mini = this.options.mini || this.element.jqmData("mini"), classes = "";
~this.element[0].className.indexOf("ui-btn-left") && (classes = " ui-btn-left"), ~this.element[0].className.indexOf("ui-btn-right") && (classes = " ui-btn-right"), inline && (classes += " ui-btn-inline"), mini && (classes += " ui-mini"), this.select = this.element.removeClass("ui-btn-left ui-btn-right").wrap("<div class='ui-select" + classes + "'>"), this.selectId = this.select.attr("id") || "select-" + this.uuid, this.buttonId = this.selectId + "-button", this.label = $("label[for='" + this.selectId + "']"), this.isMultiple = this.select[0].multiple;
_destroy: function() {
var wrapper = this.element.parents(".ui-select");
wrapper.length > 0 && (wrapper.is(".ui-btn-left, .ui-btn-right") && this.element.addClass(wrapper.hasClass("ui-btn-left") ? "ui-btn-left" : "ui-btn-right"), this.element.insertAfter(wrapper), wrapper.remove());
_create: function() {
this._preExtension(), this.button = this._button();
var self = this, options = this.options, iconpos = !!options.icon && (options.iconpos || this.select.jqmData("iconpos")), button = this.button.insertBefore(this.select).attr("id", this.buttonId).addClass("ui-btn" + (options.icon ? " ui-icon-" + options.icon + " ui-btn-icon-" + iconpos + (options.iconshadow ? " ui-shadow-icon" : "") : "") + (options.theme ? " ui-btn-" + options.theme : "") + (options.corners ? " ui-corner-all" : "") + (options.shadow ? " ui-shadow" : ""));
this.setButtonText(), options.nativeMenu && window.opera && window.opera.version && button.addClass("ui-select-nativeonly"), this.isMultiple && (this.buttonCount = $("<span>").addClass("ui-li-count ui-body-inherit").hide().appendTo(button.addClass("ui-li-has-count"))), (options.disabled || this.element.attr("disabled")) && this.disable(), this.select.change(function() {
self.refresh(), options.nativeMenu && this.blur();
}), this._handleFormReset(), this._on(this.button, {
keydown: "_handleKeydown"
}), this.build();
build: function() {
var self = this;
this.select.appendTo(self.button).bind("vmousedown", function() {
}).bind("focus", function() {
}).bind("blur", function() {
}).bind("focus vmouseover", function() {
}).bind("vmousemove", function() {
}).bind("change blur vmouseout", function() {
}), self.button.bind("vmousedown", function() {
self.options.preventFocusZoom && $.mobile.zoom.disable(!0);
}), self.label.bind("click focus", function() {
self.options.preventFocusZoom && $.mobile.zoom.disable(!0);
}), self.select.bind("focus", function() {
self.options.preventFocusZoom && $.mobile.zoom.disable(!0);
}), self.button.bind("mouseup", function() {
self.options.preventFocusZoom && setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
}), self.select.bind("blur", function() {
self.options.preventFocusZoom && $.mobile.zoom.enable(!0);
selected: function() {
return this._selectOptions().filter(":selected");
selectedIndices: function() {
var self = this;
return this.selected().map(function() {
return self._selectOptions().index(this);
setButtonText: function() {
var selected = this.selected(), text = this.placeholder, span = $(document.createElement("span"));
this.button.children("span").not(".ui-li-count").remove().end().end().prepend(((text = selected.length ? selected.map(function() {
return $(this).text();
}).get().join(", ") : this.placeholder) ? span.text(text) : span.html("&#160;"), span.addClass(this.select.attr("class")).addClass(selected.attr("class")).removeClass("ui-screen-hidden")));
setButtonCount: function() {
var selected = this.selected();
this.isMultiple && this.buttonCount[selected.length > 1 ? "show" : "hide"]().text(selected.length);
_handleKeydown: function() {
_reset: function() {
_refreshButton: function() {
this.setButtonText(), this.setButtonCount();
refresh: function() {
open: $.noop,
close: $.noop,
disable: function() {
this._setDisabled(!0), this.button.addClass("ui-state-disabled");
enable: function() {
this._setDisabled(!1), this.button.removeClass("ui-state-disabled");
}, $.mobile.behaviors.formReset));
})(jQuery), ($16 = jQuery).mobile.links = function(target) {
$16(target).find("a").jqmEnhanceable().filter(":jqmData(rel='popup')[href][href!='']").each(function() {
var idref = this.getAttribute("href").substring(1);
idref && (this.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", !0), this.setAttribute("aria-owns", idref), this.setAttribute("aria-expanded", !1));
}).end().not(".ui-btn, :jqmData(role='none'), :jqmData(role='nojs')").addClass("ui-link");
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function fitSegmentInsideSegment(windowSize, segmentSize, offset, desired) {
return windowSize < segmentSize ? offset + (windowSize - segmentSize) / 2 : Math.min(Math.max(offset, desired - segmentSize / 2), offset + windowSize - segmentSize);
function getWindowCoordinates(theWindow) {
return {
x: theWindow.scrollLeft(),
y: theWindow.scrollTop(),
cx: theWindow[0].innerWidth || theWindow.width(),
cy: theWindow[0].innerHeight || theWindow.height()
$.widget("mobile.popup", {
options: {
wrapperClass: null,
theme: null,
overlayTheme: null,
shadow: !0,
corners: !0,
transition: "none",
positionTo: "origin",
tolerance: null,
closeLinkSelector: "a:jqmData(rel='back')",
closeLinkEvents: "click.popup",
navigateEvents: "navigate.popup",
closeEvents: "navigate.popup pagebeforechange.popup",
dismissible: !0,
enhanced: !1,
history: !$.mobile.browser.oldIE
_create: function() {
var theElement = this.element, myId = theElement.attr("id"), currentOptions = this.options;
currentOptions.history = currentOptions.history && $.mobile.ajaxEnabled && $.mobile.hashListeningEnabled, $.extend(this, {
_scrollTop: 0,
_page: theElement.closest(".ui-page"),
_ui: null,
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_currentTransition: !1,
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_isOpen: !1,
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_resizeData: null,
_ignoreResizeTo: 0,
_orientationchangeInProgress: !1
}), 0 === this._page.length && (this._page = $("body")), currentOptions.enhanced ? this._ui = {
container: theElement.parent(),
screen: theElement.parent().prev(),
placeholder: $(this.document[0].getElementById(myId + "-placeholder"))
} : (this._ui = this._enhance(theElement, myId), this._applyTransition(currentOptions.transition)), this._setTolerance(currentOptions.tolerance)._ui.focusElement = this._ui.container, this._on(this._ui.screen, {
vclick: "_eatEventAndClose"
}), this._on(this.window, {
orientationchange: $.proxy(this, "_handleWindowOrientationchange"),
resize: $.proxy(this, "_handleWindowResize"),
keyup: $.proxy(this, "_handleWindowKeyUp")
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focusin: "_handleDocumentFocusIn"
_enhance: function(theElement, myId) {
var currentOptions = this.options, wrapperClass = currentOptions.wrapperClass, ui = {
screen: $("<div class='ui-screen-hidden ui-popup-screen " + this._themeClassFromOption("ui-overlay-", currentOptions.overlayTheme) + "'></div>"),
placeholder: $("<div style='display: none;'><!-- placeholder --></div>"),
container: $("<div class='ui-popup-container ui-popup-hidden ui-popup-truncate" + (wrapperClass ? " " + wrapperClass : "") + "'></div>")
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return fragment.appendChild(ui.screen[0]), fragment.appendChild(ui.container[0]), myId && (ui.screen.attr("id", myId + "-screen"), ui.container.attr("id", myId + "-popup"), ui.placeholder.attr("id", myId + "-placeholder").html("<!-- placeholder for " + myId + " -->")), this._page[0].appendChild(fragment), ui.placeholder.insertAfter(theElement), theElement.detach().addClass("ui-popup " + this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", currentOptions.theme) + " " + (currentOptions.shadow ? "ui-overlay-shadow " : "") + (currentOptions.corners ? "ui-corner-all " : "")).appendTo(ui.container), ui;
_eatEventAndClose: function(theEvent) {
return theEvent.preventDefault(), theEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.options.dismissible && this.close(), !1;
_resizeScreen: function() {
var screen = this._ui.screen, popupHeight = this._ui.container.outerHeight(!0), screenHeight = screen.removeAttr("style").height(), documentHeight = this.document.height() - 1;
screenHeight < documentHeight ? screen.height(documentHeight) : popupHeight > screenHeight && screen.height(popupHeight);
_handleWindowKeyUp: function(theEvent) {
if (this._isOpen && theEvent.keyCode === $.mobile.keyCode.ESCAPE) return this._eatEventAndClose(theEvent);
_expectResizeEvent: function() {
var windowCoordinates = getWindowCoordinates(this.window);
if (this._resizeData) {
if (windowCoordinates.x === this._resizeData.windowCoordinates.x && windowCoordinates.y === this._resizeData.windowCoordinates.y && windowCoordinates.cx === this._resizeData.windowCoordinates.cx && windowCoordinates.cy === this._resizeData.windowCoordinates.cy) return !1;
return this._resizeData = {
timeoutId: this._delay("_resizeTimeout", 200),
windowCoordinates: windowCoordinates
}, !0;
_resizeTimeout: function() {
this._isOpen ? this._expectResizeEvent() || (this._ui.container.hasClass("ui-popup-hidden") && (this._ui.container.removeClass("ui-popup-hidden ui-popup-truncate"), this.reposition({
positionTo: "window"
}), this._ignoreResizeEvents()), this._resizeScreen(), this._resizeData = null, this._orientationchangeInProgress = !1) : (this._resizeData = null, this._orientationchangeInProgress = !1);
_stopIgnoringResizeEvents: function() {
this._ignoreResizeTo = 0;
_ignoreResizeEvents: function() {
this._ignoreResizeTo && clearTimeout(this._ignoreResizeTo), this._ignoreResizeTo = this._delay("_stopIgnoringResizeEvents", 1000);
_handleWindowResize: function() {
this._isOpen && 0 === this._ignoreResizeTo && (this._expectResizeEvent() || this._orientationchangeInProgress) && !this._ui.container.hasClass("ui-popup-hidden") && this._ui.container.addClass("ui-popup-hidden ui-popup-truncate").removeAttr("style");
_handleWindowOrientationchange: function() {
!this._orientationchangeInProgress && this._isOpen && 0 === this._ignoreResizeTo && (this._expectResizeEvent(), this._orientationchangeInProgress = !0);
_handleDocumentFocusIn: function(theEvent) {
var target, targetElement = theEvent.target, ui = this._ui;
if (this._isOpen) {
if (targetElement !== ui.container[0]) {
if (0 === (target = $(targetElement)).parents().filter(ui.container[0]).length) return $(this.document[0].activeElement).one("focus", function() {
}), ui.focusElement.focus(), theEvent.preventDefault(), theEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(), !1;
ui.focusElement[0] === ui.container[0] && (ui.focusElement = target);
_themeClassFromOption: function(prefix, value) {
return value ? "none" === value ? "" : prefix + value : prefix + "inherit";
_applyTransition: function(value) {
return value && (this._ui.container.removeClass(this._fallbackTransition), "none" !== value && (this._fallbackTransition = $.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition(value), "none" === this._fallbackTransition && (this._fallbackTransition = ""), this._ui.container.addClass(this._fallbackTransition))), this;
_setOptions: function(newOptions) {
var currentOptions = this.options, theElement = this.element, screen = this._ui.screen;
return undefined !== newOptions.wrapperClass && this._ui.container.removeClass(currentOptions.wrapperClass).addClass(newOptions.wrapperClass), undefined !== newOptions.theme && theElement.removeClass(this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", currentOptions.theme)).addClass(this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", newOptions.theme)), undefined !== newOptions.overlayTheme && (screen.removeClass(this._themeClassFromOption("ui-overlay-", currentOptions.overlayTheme)).addClass(this._themeClassFromOption("ui-overlay-", newOptions.overlayTheme)), this._isOpen && screen.addClass("in")), undefined !== newOptions.shadow && theElement.toggleClass("ui-overlay-shadow", newOptions.shadow), undefined !== newOptions.corners && theElement.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", newOptions.corners), undefined === newOptions.transition || this._currentTransition || this._applyTransition(newOptions.transition), undefined !== newOptions.tolerance && this._setTolerance(newOptions.tolerance), undefined !== newOptions.disabled && newOptions.disabled && this.close(), this._super(newOptions);
_setTolerance: function(value) {
var ar, tol = {
t: 30,
r: 15,
b: 30,
l: 15
if (value !== undefined) switch(ar = String(value).split(","), $.each(ar, function(idx, val) {
ar[idx] = parseInt(val, 10);
}), ar.length){
case 1:
isNaN(ar[0]) || (tol.t = tol.r = tol.b = tol.l = ar[0]);
case 2:
isNaN(ar[0]) || (tol.t = tol.b = ar[0]), isNaN(ar[1]) || (tol.l = tol.r = ar[1]);
case 4:
isNaN(ar[0]) || (tol.t = ar[0]), isNaN(ar[1]) || (tol.r = ar[1]), isNaN(ar[2]) || (tol.b = ar[2]), isNaN(ar[3]) || (tol.l = ar[3]);
return this._tolerance = tol, this;
_clampPopupWidth: function(infoOnly) {
var windowCoordinates = getWindowCoordinates(this.window), rectangle = {
x: this._tolerance.l,
y: windowCoordinates.y + this._tolerance.t,
cx: windowCoordinates.cx - this._tolerance.l - this._tolerance.r,
cy: windowCoordinates.cy - this._tolerance.t - this._tolerance.b
return infoOnly || this._ui.container.css("max-width", rectangle.cx), {
rc: rectangle,
menuSize: {
cx: this._ui.container.outerWidth(!0),
cy: this._ui.container.outerHeight(!0)
_calculateFinalLocation: function(desired, clampInfo) {
var returnValue, rectangle = clampInfo.rc, menuSize = clampInfo.menuSize;
return (returnValue = {
left: fitSegmentInsideSegment(rectangle.cx, menuSize.cx, rectangle.x, desired.x),
top: fitSegmentInsideSegment(rectangle.cy, menuSize.cy, rectangle.y, desired.y)
}).top = Math.max(0, returnValue.top), returnValue.top -= Math.min(returnValue.top, Math.max(0, returnValue.top + menuSize.cy - this.document.height())), returnValue;
_placementCoords: function(desired) {
return this._calculateFinalLocation(desired, this._clampPopupWidth());
_createPrerequisites: function(screenPrerequisite, containerPrerequisite, whenDone) {
var prerequisites, self = this;
(prerequisites = {
screen: $.Deferred(),
container: $.Deferred()
}).screen.then(function() {
prerequisites === self._prerequisites && screenPrerequisite();
}), prerequisites.container.then(function() {
prerequisites === self._prerequisites && containerPrerequisite();
}), $.when(prerequisites.screen, prerequisites.container).done(function() {
prerequisites === self._prerequisites && (self._prerequisites = null, whenDone());
}), self._prerequisites = prerequisites;
_animate: function(args) {
if (this._ui.screen.removeClass(args.classToRemove).addClass(args.screenClassToAdd), args.prerequisites.screen.resolve(), args.transition && "none" !== args.transition && (args.applyTransition && this._applyTransition(args.transition), this._fallbackTransition)) {
this._ui.container.addClass(args.containerClassToAdd).removeClass(args.classToRemove).animationComplete($.proxy(args.prerequisites.container, "resolve"));
this._ui.container.removeClass(args.classToRemove), args.prerequisites.container.resolve();
_desiredCoords: function(openOptions) {
var offset, dst = null, windowCoordinates = getWindowCoordinates(this.window), x = openOptions.x, y = openOptions.y, pTo = openOptions.positionTo;
if (pTo && "origin" !== pTo) if ("window" === pTo) x = windowCoordinates.cx / 2 + windowCoordinates.x, y = windowCoordinates.cy / 2 + windowCoordinates.y;
else {
try {
dst = $(pTo);
} catch (err) {
dst = null;
dst && (dst.filter(":visible"), 0 === dst.length && (dst = null));
return dst && (x = (offset = dst.offset()).left + dst.outerWidth() / 2, y = offset.top + dst.outerHeight() / 2), ("number" !== $.type(x) || isNaN(x)) && (x = windowCoordinates.cx / 2 + windowCoordinates.x), ("number" !== $.type(y) || isNaN(y)) && (y = windowCoordinates.cy / 2 + windowCoordinates.y), {
x: x,
y: y
_reposition: function(openOptions) {
openOptions = {
x: openOptions.x,
y: openOptions.y,
positionTo: openOptions.positionTo
}, this._trigger("beforeposition", undefined, openOptions), this._ui.container.offset(this._placementCoords(this._desiredCoords(openOptions)));
reposition: function(openOptions) {
this._isOpen && this._reposition(openOptions);
_openPrerequisitesComplete: function() {
var id = this.element.attr("id");
this._ui.container.addClass("ui-popup-active"), this._isOpen = !0, this._resizeScreen(), this._ui.container.attr("tabindex", "0").focus(), this._ignoreResizeEvents(), id && this.document.find("[aria-haspopup='true'][aria-owns='" + id + "']").attr("aria-expanded", !0), this._trigger("afteropen");
_open: function(options) {
var ua, wkmatch, wkversion, androidmatch, andversion, chromematch, openOptions = $.extend({
}, this.options, options), androidBlacklist = (wkversion = !!(wkmatch = (ua = navigator.userAgent).match(/AppleWebKit\/([0-9\.]+)/)) && wkmatch[1], andversion = !!(androidmatch = ua.match(/Android (\d+(?:\.\d+))/)) && androidmatch[1], chromematch = ua.indexOf("Chrome") > -1, null !== androidmatch && "4.0" === andversion && !!wkversion && wkversion > 534.13 && !chromematch);
this._createPrerequisites($.noop, $.noop, $.proxy(this, "_openPrerequisitesComplete")), this._currentTransition = openOptions.transition, this._applyTransition(openOptions.transition), this._ui.screen.removeClass("ui-screen-hidden"), this._ui.container.removeClass("ui-popup-truncate"), this._reposition(openOptions), this._ui.container.removeClass("ui-popup-hidden"), this.options.overlayTheme && androidBlacklist && this.element.closest(".ui-page").addClass("ui-popup-open"), this._animate({
additionalCondition: !0,
transition: openOptions.transition,
classToRemove: "",
screenClassToAdd: "in",
containerClassToAdd: "in",
applyTransition: !1,
prerequisites: this._prerequisites
_closePrerequisiteScreen: function() {
_closePrerequisiteContainer: function() {
this._ui.container.removeClass("reverse out").addClass("ui-popup-hidden ui-popup-truncate").removeAttr("style");
_closePrerequisitesDone: function() {
var container = this._ui.container, id = this.element.attr("id");
container.removeAttr("tabindex"), $.mobile.popup.active = undefined, $(":focus", container[0]).add(container[0]).blur(), id && this.document.find("[aria-haspopup='true'][aria-owns='" + id + "']").attr("aria-expanded", !1), this._trigger("afterclose");
_close: function(immediate) {
this._ui.container.removeClass("ui-popup-active"), this._page.removeClass("ui-popup-open"), this._isOpen = !1, this._createPrerequisites($.proxy(this, "_closePrerequisiteScreen"), $.proxy(this, "_closePrerequisiteContainer"), $.proxy(this, "_closePrerequisitesDone")), this._animate({
additionalCondition: this._ui.screen.hasClass("in"),
transition: immediate ? "none" : this._currentTransition,
classToRemove: "in",
screenClassToAdd: "out",
containerClassToAdd: "reverse out",
applyTransition: !0,
prerequisites: this._prerequisites
_unenhance: function() {
this.options.enhanced || (this._setOptions({
theme: $.mobile.popup.prototype.options.theme
}), this.element.detach().insertAfter(this._ui.placeholder).removeClass("ui-popup ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all ui-body-inherit"), this._ui.screen.remove(), this._ui.container.remove(), this._ui.placeholder.remove());
_destroy: function() {
return $.mobile.popup.active === this ? (this.element.one("popupafterclose", $.proxy(this, "_unenhance")), this.close()) : this._unenhance(), this;
_closePopup: function(theEvent, data) {
var parsedDst, toUrl, currentOptions = this.options, immediate = !1;
theEvent && theEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || $.mobile.popup.active !== this || (window.scrollTo(0, this._scrollTop), theEvent && "pagebeforechange" === theEvent.type && data && (parsedDst = "string" == typeof data.toPage ? data.toPage : data.toPage.jqmData("url"), toUrl = (parsedDst = $.mobile.path.parseUrl(parsedDst)).pathname + parsedDst.search + parsedDst.hash, this._myUrl !== $.mobile.path.makeUrlAbsolute(toUrl) ? immediate = !0 : theEvent.preventDefault()), this.window.off(currentOptions.closeEvents), this.element.undelegate(currentOptions.closeLinkSelector, currentOptions.closeLinkEvents), this._close(immediate));
_bindContainerClose: function() {
this.window.on(this.options.closeEvents, $.proxy(this, "_closePopup"));
widget: function() {
return this._ui.container;
open: function(options) {
var url, hashkey, activePage, currentIsDialog, urlHistory, self = this, currentOptions = this.options;
return $.mobile.popup.active || currentOptions.disabled ? this : ($.mobile.popup.active = this, this._scrollTop = this.window.scrollTop(), currentOptions.history) ? (urlHistory = $.mobile.navigate.history, hashkey = $.mobile.dialogHashKey, currentIsDialog = !!(activePage = $.mobile.activePage) && activePage.hasClass("ui-dialog"), this._myUrl = url = urlHistory.getActive().url, url.indexOf(hashkey) > -1 && !currentIsDialog && urlHistory.activeIndex > 0) ? (self._open(options), self._bindContainerClose(), this) : (-1 !== url.indexOf(hashkey) || currentIsDialog ? url = $.mobile.path.parseLocation().hash + hashkey : url += url.indexOf("#") > -1 ? hashkey : "#" + hashkey, 0 === urlHistory.activeIndex && url === urlHistory.initialDst && (url += hashkey), this.window.one("beforenavigate", function(theEvent) {
theEvent.preventDefault(), self._open(options), self._bindContainerClose();
}), this.urlAltered = !0, $.mobile.navigate(url, {
role: "dialog"
}), this) : (self._open(options), self._bindContainerClose(), self.element.delegate(currentOptions.closeLinkSelector, currentOptions.closeLinkEvents, function(theEvent) {
self.close(), theEvent.preventDefault();
}), this);
close: function() {
return $.mobile.popup.active !== this || (this._scrollTop = this.window.scrollTop(), this.options.history && this.urlAltered ? ($.mobile.back(), this.urlAltered = !1) : this._closePopup()), this;
}), $.mobile.popup.handleLink = function($link) {
var offset, path = $.mobile.path, popup = $(path.hashToSelector(path.parseUrl($link.attr("href")).hash)).first();
popup.length > 0 && popup.data("mobile-popup") && (offset = $link.offset(), popup.popup("open", {
x: offset.left + $link.outerWidth() / 2,
y: offset.top + $link.outerHeight() / 2,
transition: $link.jqmData("transition"),
positionTo: $link.jqmData("position-to")
})), setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
}, $.mobile.document.on("pagebeforechange", function(theEvent, data) {
"popup" === data.options.role && ($.mobile.popup.handleLink(data.options.link), theEvent.preventDefault());
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var goToAdjacentItem = function(item, target, direction) {
var adjacent = item[direction + "All"]().not(".ui-disabled,.ui-state-disabled,.ui-li-divider,.ui-screen-hidden,:jqmData(role='placeholder')").first();
adjacent.length && (target.blur().attr("tabindex", "-1"), adjacent.find("a").first().focus());
$.widget("mobile.selectmenu", $.mobile.selectmenu, {
_create: function() {
var o = this.options;
return o.nativeMenu = o.nativeMenu || this.element.parents(":jqmData(role='popup'),:mobile-popup").length > 0, this._super();
_handleSelectFocus: function() {
this.element.blur(), this.button.focus();
_handleKeydown: function(event) {
this._super(event), this._handleButtonVclickKeydown(event);
_handleButtonVclickKeydown: function(event) {
this.options.disabled || this.isOpen || ("vclick" === event.type || event.keyCode && (event.keyCode === $.mobile.keyCode.ENTER || event.keyCode === $.mobile.keyCode.SPACE)) && (this._decideFormat(), "overlay" === this.menuType ? this.button.attr("href", "#" + this.popupId).attr("data-" + ($.mobile.ns || "") + "rel", "popup") : this.button.attr("href", "#" + this.dialogId).attr("data-" + ($.mobile.ns || "") + "rel", "dialog"), this.isOpen = !0);
_handleListFocus: function(e) {
var params = "focusin" === e.type ? {
tabindex: "0",
event: "vmouseover"
} : {
tabindex: "-1",
event: "vmouseout"
$(e.target).attr("tabindex", params.tabindex).trigger(params.event);
_handleListKeydown: function(event) {
var target = $(event.target), li = target.closest("li");
case 38:
return goToAdjacentItem(li, target, "prev"), !1;
case 40:
return goToAdjacentItem(li, target, "next"), !1;
case 13:
case 32:
return target.trigger("click"), !1;
_handleMenuPageHide: function() {
_handleHeaderCloseClick: function() {
if ("overlay" === this.menuType) return this.close(), !1;
build: function() {
var selectId, popupId, dialogId, label, thisPage, isMultiple, menuId, themeAttr, overlayTheme, overlayThemeAttr, dividerThemeAttr, menuPage, listbox, list, header, headerTitle, menuPageContent, menuPageClose, headerClose, self, o = this.options;
return o.nativeMenu ? this._super() : (self = this, popupId = (selectId = this.selectId) + "-listbox", dialogId = selectId + "-dialog", label = this.label, thisPage = this.element.closest(".ui-page"), isMultiple = this.element[0].multiple, menuId = selectId + "-menu", themeAttr = o.theme ? " data-" + $.mobile.ns + "theme='" + o.theme + "'" : "", overlayThemeAttr = (overlayTheme = o.overlayTheme || o.theme || null) ? " data-" + $.mobile.ns + "overlay-theme='" + overlayTheme + "'" : "", dividerThemeAttr = o.dividerTheme && isMultiple ? " data-" + $.mobile.ns + "divider-theme='" + o.dividerTheme + "'" : "", menuPage = $("<div data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='dialog' class='ui-selectmenu' id='" + dialogId + "'" + themeAttr + overlayThemeAttr + "><div data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='header'><div class='ui-title'>" + label.getEncodedText() + "</div></div><div data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='content'></div></div>"), listbox = $("<div id='" + popupId + "' class='ui-selectmenu'></div>").insertAfter(this.select).popup({
theme: o.overlayTheme
}), list = $("<ul class='ui-selectmenu-list' id='" + menuId + "' role='listbox' aria-labelledby='" + this.buttonId + "'" + themeAttr + dividerThemeAttr + "></ul>").appendTo(listbox), header = $("<div class='ui-header ui-bar-" + (o.theme ? o.theme : "inherit") + "'></div>").prependTo(listbox), headerTitle = $("<h1 class='ui-title'></h1>").appendTo(header), this.isMultiple && (headerClose = $("<a>", {
role: "button",
text: o.closeText,
href: "#",
"class": "ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-btn-left ui-btn-icon-notext ui-icon-delete"
}).appendTo(header)), $.extend(this, {
selectId: selectId,
menuId: menuId,
popupId: popupId,
dialogId: dialogId,
thisPage: thisPage,
menuPage: menuPage,
label: label,
isMultiple: isMultiple,
theme: o.theme,
listbox: listbox,
list: list,
header: header,
headerTitle: headerTitle,
headerClose: headerClose,
menuPageContent: menuPageContent,
menuPageClose: menuPageClose,
placeholder: ""
}), this.refresh(), undefined === this._origTabIndex && (this._origTabIndex = null !== this.select[0].getAttribute("tabindex") && this.select.attr("tabindex")), this.select.attr("tabindex", "-1"), this._on(this.select, {
focus: "_handleSelectFocus"
}), this._on(this.button, {
vclick: "_handleButtonVclickKeydown"
}), this.list.attr("role", "listbox"), this._on(this.list, {
focusin: "_handleListFocus",
focusout: "_handleListFocus",
keydown: "_handleListKeydown"
}), this.list.delegate("li:not(.ui-disabled,.ui-state-disabled,.ui-li-divider)", "click", function(event) {
var oldIndex = self.select[0].selectedIndex, newIndex = $.mobile.getAttribute(this, "option-index"), option = self._selectOptions().eq(newIndex)[0];
option.selected = !self.isMultiple || !option.selected, self.isMultiple && $(this).find("a").toggleClass("ui-checkbox-on", option.selected).toggleClass("ui-checkbox-off", !option.selected), (self.isMultiple || oldIndex !== newIndex) && self.select.trigger("change"), self.isMultiple ? self.list.find("li:not(.ui-li-divider)").eq(newIndex).find("a").first().focus() : self.close(), event.preventDefault();
}), this._on(this.menuPage, {
pagehide: "_handleMenuPageHide"
}), this._on(this.listbox, {
popupafterclose: "close"
}), this.isMultiple && this._on(this.headerClose, {
click: "_handleHeaderCloseClick"
}), this);
_isRebuildRequired: function() {
var list = this.list.find("li");
return this._selectOptions().not(".ui-screen-hidden").text() !== list.text();
selected: function() {
return this._selectOptions().filter(":selected:not( :jqmData(placeholder='true') )");
refresh: function(force) {
var self, indices;
if (this.options.nativeMenu) return this._super(force);
self = this, (force || this._isRebuildRequired()) && self._buildList(), indices = this.selectedIndices(), self.setButtonText(), self.setButtonCount(), self.list.find("li:not(.ui-li-divider)").find("a").removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass).end().attr("aria-selected", !1).each(function(i) {
if ($.inArray(i, indices) > -1) {
var item = $(this);
item.attr("aria-selected", !0), self.isMultiple ? item.find("a").removeClass("ui-checkbox-off").addClass("ui-checkbox-on") : item.hasClass("ui-screen-hidden") ? item.next().find("a").addClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass) : item.find("a").addClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass);
close: function() {
if (!this.options.disabled && this.isOpen) {
var self = this;
"page" === self.menuType ? (self.menuPage.dialog("close"), self.list.appendTo(self.listbox)) : self.listbox.popup("close"), self._focusButton(), self.isOpen = !1;
open: function() {
_focusMenuItem: function() {
var selector = this.list.find("a." + $.mobile.activeBtnClass);
0 === selector.length && (selector = this.list.find("li:not(.ui-disabled,.ui-state-disabled,.ui-li-divider,.ui-screen-hidden,:jqmData(role='placeholder')) a.ui-btn")), selector.first().focus();
_decideFormat: function() {
var $window = this.window, menuHeight = this.list.parent().outerHeight(), scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(), btnOffset = this.button.offset().top, screenHeight = $window.height();
menuHeight > screenHeight - 80 || !$.support.scrollTop ? (this.menuPage.appendTo($.mobile.pageContainer).page(), this.menuPageContent = this.menuPage.find(".ui-content"), this.menuPageClose = this.menuPage.find(".ui-header a"), this.thisPage.unbind("pagehide.remove"), 0 === scrollTop && btnOffset > screenHeight && this.thisPage.one("pagehide", function() {
$(this).jqmData("lastScroll", btnOffset);
}), this.menuPage.one({
pageshow: $.proxy(this, "_focusMenuItem"),
pagehide: $.proxy(this, "close")
}), this.menuType = "page", this.menuPageContent.append(this.list), this.menuPage.find("div .ui-title").text(this.label.text())) : (this.menuType = "overlay", this.listbox.one({
popupafteropen: $.proxy(this, "_focusMenuItem")
_buildList: function() {
var $options, numOptions, select, optGroup, i, option, $option, parent, text, anchor, classes, optLabel, divider, item, o = this.options, placeholder = this.placeholder, needPlaceholder = !0, dataPrefix = "data-" + $.mobile.ns, dataIndexAttr = dataPrefix + "option-index", dataIconAttr = dataPrefix + "icon", dataRoleAttr = dataPrefix + "role", dataPlaceholderAttr = dataPrefix + "placeholder", fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), isPlaceholderItem = !1;
for(this.list.empty().filter(".ui-listview").listview("destroy"), numOptions = ($options = this._selectOptions()).length, select = this.select[0], i = 0; i < numOptions; i++, isPlaceholderItem = !1)($option = $(option = $options[i])).hasClass("ui-screen-hidden") || (parent = option.parentNode, text = $option.text(), classes = [], (anchor = document.createElement("a")).setAttribute("href", "#"), anchor.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)), parent !== select && "optgroup" === parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (optLabel = parent.getAttribute("label")) !== optGroup && ((divider = document.createElement("li")).setAttribute(dataRoleAttr, "list-divider"), divider.setAttribute("role", "option"), divider.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), divider.appendChild(document.createTextNode(optLabel)), fragment.appendChild(divider), optGroup = optLabel), needPlaceholder && (!option.getAttribute("value") || 0 === text.length || $option.jqmData("placeholder")) && (needPlaceholder = !1, isPlaceholderItem = !0, null === option.getAttribute(dataPlaceholderAttr) && (this._removePlaceholderAttr = !0), option.setAttribute(dataPlaceholderAttr, !0), o.hidePlaceholderMenuItems && classes.push("ui-screen-hidden"), placeholder !== text && (placeholder = this.placeholder = text)), item = document.createElement("li"), option.disabled && (classes.push("ui-state-disabled"), item.setAttribute("aria-disabled", !0)), item.setAttribute(dataIndexAttr, i), item.setAttribute(dataIconAttr, "false"), isPlaceholderItem && item.setAttribute(dataPlaceholderAttr, !0), item.className = classes.join(" "), item.setAttribute("role", "option"), anchor.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), this.isMultiple && $(anchor).addClass("ui-btn ui-checkbox-off ui-btn-icon-right"), item.appendChild(anchor), fragment.appendChild(item));
this.list[0].appendChild(fragment), this.isMultiple || placeholder.length ? this.headerTitle.text(this.placeholder) : this.header.addClass("ui-screen-hidden"), this.list.listview();
_button: function() {
return this.options.nativeMenu ? this._super() : $("<a>", {
href: "#",
role: "button",
id: this.buttonId,
"aria-haspopup": "true",
"aria-owns": this.menuId
_destroy: function() {
this.options.nativeMenu || (this.close(), undefined !== this._origTabIndex && (!1 !== this._origTabIndex ? this.select.attr("tabindex", this._origTabIndex) : this.select.removeAttr("tabindex")), this._removePlaceholderAttr && this._selectOptions().removeAttr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "placeholder"), this.listbox.remove(), this.menuPage.remove()), this._super();
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var reverseBoolOptionMap = {
"ui-shadow": "shadow",
"ui-corner-all": "corners",
"ui-btn-inline": "inline",
"ui-shadow-icon": "iconshadow",
"ui-mini": "mini"
}, getAttrFixed = function() {
var ret = $.mobile.getAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
return null == ret ? undefined : ret;
}, capitalLettersRE = /[A-Z]/g;
function optionsToClasses(options, existingClasses) {
var classes = existingClasses || [];
return classes.push("ui-btn"), options.theme && classes.push("ui-btn-" + options.theme), options.icon && (classes = classes.concat([
"ui-icon-" + options.icon,
"ui-btn-icon-" + options.iconpos
]), options.iconshadow && classes.push("ui-shadow-icon")), options.inline && classes.push("ui-btn-inline"), options.shadow && classes.push("ui-shadow"), options.corners && classes.push("ui-corner-all"), options.mini && classes.push("ui-mini"), classes;
function classNameToOptions(classes) {
var idx, map, unknownClass, alreadyEnhanced = !1, noIcon = !0, o = {
icon: "",
inline: !1,
shadow: !1,
corners: !1,
iconshadow: !1,
mini: !1
}, unknownClasses = [];
for(idx = 0, classes = classes.split(" "); idx < classes.length; idx++)unknownClass = !0, undefined !== (map = reverseBoolOptionMap[classes[idx]]) ? (unknownClass = !1, o[map] = !0) : 0 === classes[idx].indexOf("ui-btn-icon-") ? (unknownClass = !1, noIcon = !1, o.iconpos = classes[idx].substring(12)) : 0 === classes[idx].indexOf("ui-icon-") ? (unknownClass = !1, o.icon = classes[idx].substring(8)) : 0 === classes[idx].indexOf("ui-btn-") && 8 === classes[idx].length ? (unknownClass = !1, o.theme = classes[idx].substring(7)) : "ui-btn" === classes[idx] && (unknownClass = !1, alreadyEnhanced = !0), unknownClass && unknownClasses.push(classes[idx]);
return noIcon && (o.icon = ""), {
options: o,
unknownClasses: unknownClasses,
alreadyEnhanced: alreadyEnhanced
function camelCase2Hyphenated(c) {
return "-" + c.toLowerCase();
$.fn.buttonMarkup = function(options, overwriteClasses) {
var idx, data, el, retrievedOptions, optionKey, defaults = $.fn.buttonMarkup.defaults;
for(idx = 0; idx < this.length; idx++){
if (el = this[idx], data = overwriteClasses ? {
alreadyEnhanced: !1,
unknownClasses: []
} : classNameToOptions(el.className), retrievedOptions = $.extend({
}, data.alreadyEnhanced ? data.options : {
}, options), !data.alreadyEnhanced) for(optionKey in defaults)undefined === retrievedOptions[optionKey] && (retrievedOptions[optionKey] = getAttrFixed(el, optionKey.replace(capitalLettersRE, camelCase2Hyphenated)));
el.className = optionsToClasses($.extend({
}, defaults, retrievedOptions), data.unknownClasses).join(" "), "button" !== el.tagName.toLowerCase() && el.setAttribute("role", "button");
return this;
}, $.fn.buttonMarkup.defaults = {
icon: "",
iconpos: "left",
theme: null,
inline: !1,
shadow: !0,
corners: !0,
iconshadow: !1,
mini: !1
}, $.extend($.fn.buttonMarkup, {
initSelector: "a:jqmData(role='button'), .ui-bar > a, .ui-bar > :jqmData(role='controlgroup') > a, button"
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.controlgroup", $.extend({
options: {
enhanced: !1,
theme: null,
shadow: !1,
corners: !0,
excludeInvisible: !0,
type: "vertical",
mini: !1
_create: function() {
var elem = this.element, opts = this.options;
$.fn.buttonMarkup && this.element.find($.fn.buttonMarkup.initSelector).buttonMarkup(), $.each(this._childWidgets, $.proxy(function(number, widgetName) {
$.mobile[widgetName] && this.element.find($.mobile[widgetName].initSelector).not($.mobile.page.prototype.keepNativeSelector())[widgetName]();
}, this)), $.extend(this, {
_ui: null,
_initialRefresh: !0
}), opts.enhanced ? this._ui = {
groupLegend: elem.children(".ui-controlgroup-label").children(),
childWrapper: elem.children(".ui-controlgroup-controls")
} : this._ui = this._enhance();
_childWidgets: [
_themeClassFromOption: function(value) {
return value ? "none" === value ? "" : "ui-group-theme-" + value : "";
_enhance: function() {
var elem = this.element, opts = this.options, ui = {
groupLegend: elem.children("legend"),
childWrapper: elem.addClass("ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-" + ("horizontal" === opts.type ? "horizontal" : "vertical") + " " + this._themeClassFromOption(opts.theme) + " " + (opts.corners ? "ui-corner-all " : "") + (opts.mini ? "ui-mini " : "")).wrapInner("<div class='ui-controlgroup-controls " + (!0 === opts.shadow ? "ui-shadow" : "") + "'></div>").children()
return ui.groupLegend.length > 0 && $("<div role='heading' class='ui-controlgroup-label'></div>").append(ui.groupLegend).prependTo(elem), ui;
_init: function() {
_setOptions: function(options) {
var callRefresh, returnValue, elem = this.element;
return undefined !== options.type && (elem.removeClass("ui-controlgroup-horizontal ui-controlgroup-vertical").addClass("ui-controlgroup-" + ("horizontal" === options.type ? "horizontal" : "vertical")), callRefresh = !0), undefined !== options.theme && elem.removeClass(this._themeClassFromOption(this.options.theme)).addClass(this._themeClassFromOption(options.theme)), undefined !== options.corners && elem.toggleClass("ui-corner-all", options.corners), undefined !== options.mini && elem.toggleClass("ui-mini", options.mini), undefined !== options.shadow && this._ui.childWrapper.toggleClass("ui-shadow", options.shadow), undefined !== options.excludeInvisible && (this.options.excludeInvisible = options.excludeInvisible, callRefresh = !0), returnValue = this._super(options), callRefresh && this.refresh(), returnValue;
container: function() {
return this._ui.childWrapper;
refresh: function() {
var $el = this.container(), els = $el.find(".ui-btn").not(".ui-slider-handle"), create = this._initialRefresh;
$.mobile.checkboxradio && $el.find(":mobile-checkboxradio").checkboxradio("refresh"), this._addFirstLastClasses(els, this.options.excludeInvisible ? this._getVisibles(els, create) : els, create), this._initialRefresh = !1;
_destroy: function() {
var ui, buttons, opts = this.options;
if (opts.enhanced) return this;
ui = this._ui, buttons = this.element.removeClass("ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-horizontal ui-controlgroup-vertical ui-corner-all ui-mini " + this._themeClassFromOption(opts.theme)).find(".ui-btn").not(".ui-slider-handle"), this._removeFirstLastClasses(buttons), ui.groupLegend.unwrap(), ui.childWrapper.children().unwrap();
}, $.mobile.behaviors.addFirstLastClasses));
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.toolbar", {
initSelector: ":jqmData(role='footer'), :jqmData(role='header')",
options: {
theme: null,
addBackBtn: !1,
backBtnTheme: null,
backBtnText: "Back"
_create: function() {
var leftbtn, rightbtn, role = this.element.is(":jqmData(role='header')") ? "header" : "footer", page = this.element.closest(".ui-page");
0 === page.length && (page = !1, this._on(this.document, {
pageshow: "refresh"
})), $.extend(this, {
role: role,
page: page,
leftbtn: leftbtn,
rightbtn: rightbtn
}), this.element.attr("role", "header" === role ? "banner" : "contentinfo").addClass("ui-" + role), this.refresh(), this._setOptions(this.options);
_setOptions: function(o) {
if (undefined !== o.addBackBtn && (this.options.addBackBtn && "header" === this.role && $(".ui-page").length > 1 && this.page[0].getAttribute("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "url") !== $.mobile.path.stripHash(location.hash) && !this.leftbtn ? this._addBackButton() : this.element.find(".ui-toolbar-back-btn").remove()), null != o.backBtnTheme && this.element.find(".ui-toolbar-back-btn").addClass("ui-btn ui-btn-" + o.backBtnTheme), undefined !== o.backBtnText && this.element.find(".ui-toolbar-back-btn .ui-btn-text").text(o.backBtnText), undefined !== o.theme) {
var currentTheme = this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : "inherit", newTheme = o.theme ? o.theme : "inherit";
this.element.removeClass("ui-bar-" + currentTheme).addClass("ui-bar-" + newTheme);
refresh: function() {
"header" === this.role && this._addHeaderButtonClasses(), this.page || (this._setRelative(), "footer" === this.role && this.element.appendTo("body")), this._addHeadingClasses(), this._btnMarkup();
_setRelative: function() {
$("[data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='page']").css({
position: "relative"
_btnMarkup: function() {
this.element.children("a").filter(":not([data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='none'])").attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role", "button"), this.element.trigger("create");
_addHeaderButtonClasses: function() {
var $headeranchors = this.element.children("a, button");
this.leftbtn = $headeranchors.hasClass("ui-btn-left"), this.rightbtn = $headeranchors.hasClass("ui-btn-right"), this.leftbtn = this.leftbtn || $headeranchors.eq(0).not(".ui-btn-right").addClass("ui-btn-left").length, this.rightbtn = this.rightbtn || $headeranchors.eq(1).addClass("ui-btn-right").length;
_addBackButton: function() {
var options = this.options, theme = options.backBtnTheme || options.theme;
$("<a role='button' href='javascript:void(0);' class='ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-shadow ui-btn-left " + (theme ? "ui-btn-" + theme + " " : "") + "ui-toolbar-back-btn ui-icon-carat-l ui-btn-icon-left' data-" + $.mobile.ns + "rel='back'>" + options.backBtnText + "</a>").prependTo(this.element);
_addHeadingClasses: function() {
this.element.children("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6").addClass("ui-title").attr({
role: "heading",
"aria-level": "1"
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.toolbar", $.mobile.toolbar, {
options: {
position: null,
visibleOnPageShow: !0,
disablePageZoom: !0,
transition: "slide",
fullscreen: !1,
tapToggle: !0,
tapToggleBlacklist: "a, button, input, select, textarea, .ui-header-fixed, .ui-footer-fixed, .ui-flipswitch, .ui-popup, .ui-panel, .ui-panel-dismiss-open",
hideDuringFocus: "input, textarea, select",
updatePagePadding: !0,
trackPersistentToolbars: !0,
supportBlacklist: function() {
return !$.support.fixedPosition;
_create: function() {
this._super(), "fixed" !== this.options.position || this.options.supportBlacklist() || this._makeFixed();
_makeFixed: function() {
this.element.addClass("ui-" + this.role + "-fixed"), this.updatePagePadding(), this._addTransitionClass(), this._bindPageEvents(), this._bindToggleHandlers();
_setOptions: function(o) {
if ("fixed" === o.position && "fixed" !== this.options.position && this._makeFixed(), "fixed" === this.options.position && !this.options.supportBlacklist()) {
var $page = this.page ? this.page : $(".ui-page-active").length > 0 ? $(".ui-page-active") : $(".ui-page").eq(0);
undefined !== o.fullscreen && (o.fullscreen ? (this.element.addClass("ui-" + this.role + "-fullscreen"), $page.addClass("ui-page-" + this.role + "-fullscreen")) : (this.element.removeClass("ui-" + this.role + "-fullscreen"), $page.removeClass("ui-page-" + this.role + "-fullscreen").addClass("ui-page-" + this.role + "-fixed")));
_addTransitionClass: function() {
var tclass = this.options.transition;
tclass && "none" !== tclass && ("slide" === tclass && (tclass = this.element.hasClass("ui-header") ? "slidedown" : "slideup"), this.element.addClass(tclass));
_bindPageEvents: function() {
var page = this.page ? this.element.closest(".ui-page") : this.document;
this._on(page, {
pagebeforeshow: "_handlePageBeforeShow",
webkitAnimationStart: "_handleAnimationStart",
animationstart: "_handleAnimationStart",
updatelayout: "_handleAnimationStart",
pageshow: "_handlePageShow",
pagebeforehide: "_handlePageBeforeHide"
_handlePageBeforeShow: function() {
var o = this.options;
o.disablePageZoom && $.mobile.zoom.disable(!0), o.visibleOnPageShow || this.hide(!0);
_handleAnimationStart: function() {
this.options.updatePagePadding && this.updatePagePadding(this.page ? this.page : ".ui-page-active");
_handlePageShow: function() {
this.updatePagePadding(this.page ? this.page : ".ui-page-active"), this.options.updatePagePadding && this._on(this.window, {
throttledresize: "updatePagePadding"
_handlePageBeforeHide: function(e, ui) {
var thisFooter, thisHeader, nextFooter, nextHeader, o = this.options;
o.disablePageZoom && $.mobile.zoom.enable(!0), o.updatePagePadding && this._off(this.window, "throttledresize"), o.trackPersistentToolbars && (thisFooter = $(".ui-footer-fixed:jqmData(id)", this.page), thisHeader = $(".ui-header-fixed:jqmData(id)", this.page), nextFooter = thisFooter.length && ui.nextPage && $(".ui-footer-fixed:jqmData(id='" + thisFooter.jqmData("id") + "')", ui.nextPage) || $(), nextHeader = thisHeader.length && ui.nextPage && $(".ui-header-fixed:jqmData(id='" + thisHeader.jqmData("id") + "')", ui.nextPage) || $(), (nextFooter.length || nextHeader.length) && (nextFooter.add(nextHeader).appendTo($.mobile.pageContainer), ui.nextPage.one("pageshow", function() {
nextHeader.prependTo(this), nextFooter.appendTo(this);
_visible: !0,
updatePagePadding: function(tbPage) {
var $el = this.element, header = "header" === this.role, pos = parseFloat($el.css(header ? "top" : "bottom"));
this.options.fullscreen || (tbPage = tbPage && undefined === tbPage.type && tbPage || this.page || $el.closest(".ui-page"), $(tbPage = this.page ? this.page : ".ui-page-active").css("padding-" + (header ? "top" : "bottom"), $el.outerHeight() + pos));
_useTransition: function(notransition) {
var $win = this.window, $el = this.element, scroll = $win.scrollTop(), elHeight = $el.height(), pHeight = this.page ? $el.closest(".ui-page").height() : $(".ui-page-active").height(), viewportHeight = $.mobile.getScreenHeight();
return !notransition && (this.options.transition && "none" !== this.options.transition && ("header" === this.role && !this.options.fullscreen && scroll > elHeight || "footer" === this.role && !this.options.fullscreen && scroll + viewportHeight < pHeight - elHeight) || this.options.fullscreen);
show: function(notransition) {
var $el = this.element;
this._useTransition(notransition) ? $el.removeClass("out ui-fixed-hidden").addClass("in").animationComplete(function() {
}) : $el.removeClass("ui-fixed-hidden"), this._visible = !0;
hide: function(notransition) {
var $el = this.element, outclass = "out" + ("slide" === this.options.transition ? " reverse" : "");
this._useTransition(notransition) ? $el.addClass(outclass).removeClass("in").animationComplete(function() {
}) : $el.addClass("ui-fixed-hidden").removeClass(outclass), this._visible = !1;
toggle: function() {
this[this._visible ? "hide" : "show"]();
_bindToggleHandlers: function() {
var delayShow, delayHide, self = this, o = self.options, isVisible = !0;
(this.page ? this.page : $(".ui-page")).bind("vclick", function(e) {
o.tapToggle && !$(e.target).closest(o.tapToggleBlacklist).length && self.toggle();
}).bind("focusin focusout", function(e) {
screen.width < 1025 && $(e.target).is(o.hideDuringFocus) && !$(e.target).closest(".ui-header-fixed, .ui-footer-fixed").length && ("focusout" !== e.type || isVisible ? "focusin" === e.type && isVisible && (clearTimeout(delayShow), isVisible = !1, delayHide = setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)) : (isVisible = !0, clearTimeout(delayHide), delayShow = setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)));
_setRelative: function() {
"fixed" !== this.options.position && $("[data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='page']").css({
position: "relative"
_destroy: function() {
var $el = this.element, header = $el.hasClass("ui-header");
$el.closest(".ui-page").css("padding-" + (header ? "top" : "bottom"), ""), $el.removeClass("ui-header-fixed ui-footer-fixed ui-header-fullscreen ui-footer-fullscreen in out fade slidedown slideup ui-fixed-hidden"), $el.closest(".ui-page").removeClass("ui-page-header-fixed ui-page-footer-fixed ui-page-header-fullscreen ui-page-footer-fullscreen");
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.toolbar", $.mobile.toolbar, {
_makeFixed: function() {
this._super(), this._workarounds();
_workarounds: function() {
var ua = navigator.userAgent, platform = navigator.platform, wkmatch = ua.match(/AppleWebKit\/([0-9]+)/), wkversion = !!wkmatch && wkmatch[1], os = null;
if (platform.indexOf("iPhone") > -1 || platform.indexOf("iPad") > -1 || platform.indexOf("iPod") > -1) os = "ios";
else {
if (!(ua.indexOf("Android") > -1)) return;
os = "android";
if ("ios" === os) this._bindScrollWorkaround();
else {
if ("android" !== os || !wkversion || !(wkversion < 534)) return;
this._bindScrollWorkaround(), this._bindListThumbWorkaround();
_viewportOffset: function() {
var $el = this.element, header = $el.hasClass("ui-header"), offset = Math.abs($el.offset().top - this.window.scrollTop());
return header || (offset = Math.round(offset - this.window.height() + $el.outerHeight()) - 60), offset;
_bindScrollWorkaround: function() {
var self = this;
this._on(this.window, {
scrollstop: function() {
self._viewportOffset() > 2 && self._visible && self._triggerRedraw();
_bindListThumbWorkaround: function() {
_triggerRedraw: function() {
var paddingBottom = parseFloat($(".ui-page-active").css("padding-bottom"));
$(".ui-page-active").css("padding-bottom", paddingBottom + 1 + "px"), setTimeout(function() {
$(".ui-page-active").css("padding-bottom", paddingBottom + "px");
}, 0);
destroy: function() {
this._super(), this.element.closest(".ui-page-active").removeClass("ui-android-2x-fix");
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
var ieHack = $.mobile.browser.oldIE && $.mobile.browser.oldIE <= 8, uiTemplate = $("<div class='ui-popup-arrow-guide'></div><div class='ui-popup-arrow-container" + (ieHack ? " ie" : "") + "'><div class='ui-popup-arrow'></div></div>");
$.widget("mobile.popup", $.mobile.popup, {
options: {
arrow: ""
_create: function() {
var ret = this._super();
return this.options.arrow && (this._ui.arrow = this._addArrow()), ret;
_addArrow: function() {
var clone, gd, ct, ar, theme, opts = this.options, ar1 = (gd = (clone = uiTemplate.clone()).eq(0), ar = (ct = clone.eq(1)).children(), {
arEls: ct.add(gd),
gd: gd,
ct: ct,
ar: ar
return theme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", opts.theme), ar1.ar.addClass(theme + (opts.shadow ? " ui-overlay-shadow" : "")), ar1.arEls.hide().appendTo(this.element), ar1;
_unenhance: function() {
var ar = this._ui.arrow;
return ar && ar.arEls.remove(), this._super();
_tryAnArrow: function(p, dir, desired, s, best) {
var result, r, diff, desiredForArrow = {
}, tip = {
return s.arFull[p.dimKey] > s.guideDims[p.dimKey] || (desiredForArrow[p.fst] = desired[p.fst] + (s.arHalf[p.oDimKey] + s.menuHalf[p.oDimKey]) * p.offsetFactor - s.contentBox[p.fst] + (s.clampInfo.menuSize[p.oDimKey] - s.contentBox[p.oDimKey]) * p.arrowOffsetFactor, desiredForArrow[p.snd] = desired[p.snd], r = {
x: (result = s.result || this._calculateFinalLocation(desiredForArrow, s.clampInfo)).left,
y: result.top
}, tip[p.fst] = r[p.fst] + s.contentBox[p.fst] + p.tipOffset, tip[p.snd] = Math.max(result[p.prop] + s.guideOffset[p.prop] + s.arHalf[p.dimKey], Math.min(result[p.prop] + s.guideOffset[p.prop] + s.guideDims[p.dimKey] - s.arHalf[p.dimKey], desired[p.snd])), diff = Math.abs(desired.x - tip.x) + Math.abs(desired.y - tip.y), (!best || diff < best.diff) && (tip[p.snd] -= s.arHalf[p.dimKey] + result[p.prop] + s.contentBox[p.snd], best = {
dir: dir,
diff: diff,
result: result,
posProp: p.prop,
posVal: tip[p.snd]
})), best;
_getPlacementState: function(clamp) {
var offset, gdOffset, ar = this._ui.arrow, state = {
clampInfo: this._clampPopupWidth(!clamp),
arFull: {
cx: ar.ct.width(),
cy: ar.ct.height()
guideDims: {
cx: ar.gd.width(),
cy: ar.gd.height()
guideOffset: ar.gd.offset()
return offset = this.element.offset(), ar.gd.css({
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
}), gdOffset = ar.gd.offset(), state.contentBox = {
x: gdOffset.left - offset.left,
y: gdOffset.top - offset.top,
cx: ar.gd.width(),
cy: ar.gd.height()
}, ar.gd.removeAttr("style"), state.guideOffset = {
left: state.guideOffset.left - offset.left,
top: state.guideOffset.top - offset.top
}, state.arHalf = {
cx: state.arFull.cx / 2,
cy: state.arFull.cy / 2
}, state.menuHalf = {
cx: state.clampInfo.menuSize.cx / 2,
cy: state.clampInfo.menuSize.cy / 2
}, state;
_placementCoords: function(desired) {
var state, best, params, elOffset, bgRef, optionValue = this.options.arrow, ar = this._ui.arrow;
return ar ? (ar.arEls.show(), bgRef = {
}, params = {
l: {
fst: "x",
snd: "y",
prop: "top",
dimKey: "cy",
oDimKey: "cx",
offsetFactor: 1,
tipOffset: -(state = this._getPlacementState(!0)).arHalf.cx,
arrowOffsetFactor: 0
r: {
fst: "x",
snd: "y",
prop: "top",
dimKey: "cy",
oDimKey: "cx",
offsetFactor: -1,
tipOffset: state.arHalf.cx + state.contentBox.cx,
arrowOffsetFactor: 1
b: {
fst: "y",
snd: "x",
prop: "left",
dimKey: "cx",
oDimKey: "cy",
offsetFactor: -1,
tipOffset: state.arHalf.cy + state.contentBox.cy,
arrowOffsetFactor: 1
t: {
fst: "y",
snd: "x",
prop: "left",
dimKey: "cx",
oDimKey: "cy",
offsetFactor: 1,
tipOffset: -state.arHalf.cy,
arrowOffsetFactor: 0
}, $.each((!0 === optionValue ? "l,t,r,b" : optionValue).split(","), $.proxy(function(key, value) {
best = this._tryAnArrow(params[value], value, desired, state, best);
}, this)), best) ? (ar.ct.removeClass("ui-popup-arrow-l ui-popup-arrow-t ui-popup-arrow-r ui-popup-arrow-b").addClass("ui-popup-arrow-" + best.dir).removeAttr("style").css(best.posProp, best.posVal).show(), ieHack || (elOffset = this.element.offset(), bgRef[params[best.dir].fst] = ar.ct.offset(), bgRef[params[best.dir].snd] = {
left: elOffset.left + state.contentBox.x,
top: elOffset.top + state.contentBox.y
}), best.result) : (ar.arEls.hide(), this._super(desired)) : this._super(desired);
_setOptions: function(opts) {
var newTheme, oldTheme = this.options.theme, ar = this._ui.arrow, ret = this._super(opts);
if (undefined !== opts.arrow) {
if (!ar && opts.arrow) {
this._ui.arrow = this._addArrow();
ar && !opts.arrow && (ar.arEls.remove(), this._ui.arrow = null);
return (ar = this._ui.arrow) && (undefined !== opts.theme && (oldTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", oldTheme), newTheme = this._themeClassFromOption("ui-body-", opts.theme), ar.ar.removeClass(oldTheme).addClass(newTheme)), undefined !== opts.shadow && ar.ar.toggleClass("ui-overlay-shadow", opts.shadow)), ret;
_destroy: function() {
var ar = this._ui.arrow;
return ar && ar.arEls.remove(), this._super();
})(jQuery), (function($, undefined) {
$.widget("mobile.panel", {
options: {
classes: {
panel: "ui-panel",
panelOpen: "ui-panel-open",
panelClosed: "ui-panel-closed",
panelFixed: "ui-panel-fixed",
panelInner: "ui-panel-inner",
modal: "ui-panel-dismiss",
modalOpen: "ui-panel-dismiss-open",
pageContainer: "ui-panel-page-container",
pageWrapper: "ui-panel-wrapper",
pageFixedToolbar: "ui-panel-fixed-toolbar",
pageContentPrefix: "ui-panel-page-content",
animate: "ui-panel-animate"
animate: !0,
theme: null,
position: "left",
dismissible: !0,
display: "reveal",
swipeClose: !0,
positionFixed: !1
_closeLink: null,
_parentPage: null,
_page: null,
_modal: null,
_panelInner: null,
_wrapper: null,
_fixedToolbars: null,
_create: function() {
var el = this.element, parentPage = el.closest(".ui-page, :jqmData(role='page')");
$.extend(this, {
_closeLink: el.find(":jqmData(rel='close')"),
_parentPage: parentPage.length > 0 && parentPage,
_openedPage: null,
_page: this._getPage,
_panelInner: this._getPanelInner(),
_fixedToolbars: this._getFixedToolbars
}), "overlay" !== this.options.display && this._getWrapper(), this._addPanelClasses(), $.support.cssTransform3d && this.options.animate && this.element.addClass(this.options.classes.animate), this._bindUpdateLayout(), this._bindCloseEvents(), this._bindLinkListeners(), this._bindPageEvents(), this.options.dismissible && this._createModal(), this._bindSwipeEvents();
_getPanelInner: function() {
var panelInner = this.element.find("." + this.options.classes.panelInner);
return 0 === panelInner.length && (panelInner = this.element.children().wrapAll("<div class='" + this.options.classes.panelInner + "' />").parent()), panelInner;
_createModal: function() {
var self = this, target = self._parentPage ? self._parentPage.parent() : self.element.parent();
self._modal = $("<div class='" + self.options.classes.modal + "'></div>").on("mousedown", function() {
_getPage: function() {
return this._openedPage || this._parentPage || $("." + $.mobile.activePageClass);
_getWrapper: function() {
var wrapper = this._page().find("." + this.options.classes.pageWrapper);
0 === wrapper.length && (wrapper = this._page().children(".ui-header:not(.ui-header-fixed), .ui-content:not(.ui-popup), .ui-footer:not(.ui-footer-fixed)").wrapAll("<div class='" + this.options.classes.pageWrapper + "'></div>").parent()), this._wrapper = wrapper;
_getFixedToolbars: function() {
var extFixedToolbars = $("body").children(".ui-header-fixed, .ui-footer-fixed"), intFixedToolbars = this._page().find(".ui-header-fixed, .ui-footer-fixed");
return extFixedToolbars.add(intFixedToolbars).addClass(this.options.classes.pageFixedToolbar);
_getPosDisplayClasses: function(prefix) {
return prefix + "-position-" + this.options.position + " " + prefix + "-display-" + this.options.display;
_getPanelClasses: function() {
var panelClasses = this.options.classes.panel + " " + this._getPosDisplayClasses(this.options.classes.panel) + " " + this.options.classes.panelClosed + " ui-body-" + (this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : "inherit");
return this.options.positionFixed && (panelClasses += " " + this.options.classes.panelFixed), panelClasses;
_addPanelClasses: function() {
_handleCloseClickAndEatEvent: function(event) {
if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) return event.preventDefault(), this.close(), !1;
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})), this.toggle(), !1;
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$.widget("mobile.table", {
options: {
classes: {
table: "ui-table"
enhanced: !1
_create: function() {
this.options.enhanced || this.element.addClass(this.options.classes.table), $.extend(this, {
headers: undefined,
allHeaders: undefined
}), this._refresh(!0);
_setHeaders: function() {
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refresh: function() {
rebuild: $.noop,
_refresh: function() {
var table = this.element, trs = table.find("thead tr");
this._setHeaders(), trs.each(function() {
var columnCount = 0;
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$(this).jqmData("cells", table.find("tr").not(trs.eq(0)).not(this).children(selector)), columnCount++;
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$.widget("mobile.table", $.mobile.table, {
options: {
mode: "columntoggle",
columnBtnTheme: null,
columnPopupTheme: null,
columnBtnText: "Columns...",
classes: $.extend($.mobile.table.prototype.options.classes, {
popup: "ui-table-columntoggle-popup",
columnBtn: "ui-table-columntoggle-btn",
priorityPrefix: "ui-table-priority-",
columnToggleTable: "ui-table-columntoggle"
_create: function() {
this._super(), "columntoggle" === this.options.mode && ($.extend(this, {
_menu: null
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_id: function() {
return this.element.attr("id") || this.widgetName + this.uuid;
_setupEvents: function() {
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throttledresize: "_setToggleState"
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"change input": "_menuInputChange"
_addToggles: function(menu, keep) {
var inputs, checkboxIndex = 0, opts = this.options, container = menu.controlgroup("container");
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theme: opts.columnPopupTheme
})).jqmData("cells", cells));
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_menuInputChange: function(evt) {
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input.jqmData("cells").toggleClass("ui-table-cell-hidden", !checked).toggleClass("ui-table-cell-visible", checked), input[0].getAttribute("locked") ? (input.removeAttr("locked"), this._unlockCells(input.jqmData("cells"))) : input.attr("locked", !0);
_unlockCells: function(cells) {
cells.removeClass("ui-table-cell-hidden ui-table-cell-visible");
_enhanceColToggle: function() {
var id, menuButton, popup, menu, table = this.element, opts = this.options, ns = $.mobile.ns, fragment = this.document[0].createDocumentFragment();
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rebuild: function() {
this._super(), "columntoggle" === this.options.mode && this._refresh(!1);
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this._super(create), create || "columntoggle" !== this.options.mode || (this._unlockCells(this.element.find(".ui-table-cell-hidden, .ui-table-cell-visible")), this._addToggles(this._menu, create), this._setToggleState());
_setToggleState: function() {
this._menu.find("input").each(function() {
var checkbox = $(this);
this.checked = "table-cell" === checkbox.jqmData("cells").eq(0).css("display"), checkbox.checkboxradio("refresh");
_destroy: function() {
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$.widget("mobile.table", $.mobile.table, {
options: {
mode: "reflow",
classes: $.extend($.mobile.table.prototype.options.classes, {
reflowTable: "ui-table-reflow",
cellLabels: "ui-table-cell-label"
_create: function() {
this._super(), "reflow" === this.options.mode && (this.options.enhanced || (this.element.addClass(this.options.classes.reflowTable), this._updateReflow()));
rebuild: function() {
this._super(), "reflow" === this.options.mode && this._refresh(!1);
_refresh: function(create) {
this._super(create), create || "reflow" !== this.options.mode || this._updateReflow();
_updateReflow: function() {
var table = this, opts = this.options;
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_addLabels: function(cells, label, text) {
cells.not(":has(b." + label + ")").prepend("<b class='" + label + "'>" + text + "</b>");
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var defaultFilterCallback = function(index, searchValue) {
return -1 === ("" + ($.mobile.getAttribute(this, "filtertext") || $(this).text())).toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue);
$.widget("mobile.filterable", {
initSelector: ":jqmData(filter='true')",
options: {
filterReveal: !1,
filterCallback: defaultFilterCallback,
enhanced: !1,
input: null,
children: "> li, > option, > optgroup option, > tbody tr, > .ui-controlgroup-controls > .ui-btn, > .ui-controlgroup-controls > .ui-checkbox, > .ui-controlgroup-controls > .ui-radio"
_create: function() {
var opts = this.options;
$.extend(this, {
_search: null,
_timer: 0
}), this._setInput(opts.input), opts.enhanced || this._filterItems((this._search && this._search.val() || "").toLowerCase());
_onKeyUp: function() {
var val, lastval, search = this._search;
if (search) {
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this._timer && (window.clearTimeout(this._timer), this._timer = 0), this._timer = this._delay(function() {
this._trigger("beforefilter", null, {
input: search
}), search[0].setAttribute("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "lastval", val), this._filterItems(val), this._timer = 0;
}, 250);
_getFilterableItems: function() {
var children = this.options.children, items = children ? $.isFunction(children) ? children() : children.nodeName ? $(children) : children.jquery ? children : this.element.find(children) : {
length: 0
return 0 === items.length && (items = this.element.children()), items;
_filterItems: function(val) {
var idx, callback, length, show = [], hide = [], opts = this.options, filterItems = this._getFilterableItems();
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0 === hide.length ? filterItems[opts.filterReveal ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("ui-screen-hidden") : ($(hide).addClass("ui-screen-hidden"), $(show).removeClass("ui-screen-hidden")), this._refreshChildWidget(), this._trigger("filter", null, {
items: filterItems
_refreshChildWidget: function() {
var widget, idx, recognizedWidgets = [
for(idx = recognizedWidgets.length - 1; idx > -1; idx--)widget = recognizedWidgets[idx], $.mobile[widget] && (widget = this.element.data("mobile-" + widget)) && $.isFunction(widget.refresh) && widget.refresh();
_setInput: function(selector) {
var search = this._search;
this._timer && (window.clearTimeout(this._timer), this._timer = 0), search && (this._off(search, "keyup change input"), search = null), selector && (search = selector.jquery ? selector : selector.nodeName ? $(selector) : this.document.find(selector), this._on(search, {
keyup: "_onKeyUp",
change: "_onKeyUp",
input: "_onKeyUp"
})), this._search = search;
_setOptions: function(options) {
var refilter = !(undefined === options.filterReveal && undefined === options.filterCallback && undefined === options.children);
this._super(options), undefined !== options.input && (this._setInput(options.input), refilter = !0), refilter && this.refresh();
_destroy: function() {
var opts = this.options, items = this._getFilterableItems();
opts.enhanced ? items.toggleClass("ui-screen-hidden", opts.filterReveal) : items.removeClass("ui-screen-hidden");
refresh: function() {
this._timer && (window.clearTimeout(this._timer), this._timer = 0), this._filterItems((this._search && this._search.val() || "").toLowerCase());
})(jQuery), rDividerListItem = /(^|\s)ui-li-divider(\s|$)/, origDefaultFilterCallback = ($17 = jQuery).mobile.filterable.prototype.options.filterCallback, $17.mobile.filterable.prototype.options.filterCallback = function(index, searchValue) {
return !this.className.match(rDividerListItem) && origDefaultFilterCallback.call(this, index, searchValue);
}, $17.widget("mobile.filterable", $17.mobile.filterable, {
options: {
filterPlaceholder: "Filter items...",
filterTheme: null
_create: function() {
var idx, widgetName, elem = this.element, recognizedWidgets = [
], createHandlers = {
for(this._super(), $17.extend(this, {
_widget: null
}), idx = recognizedWidgets.length - 1; idx > -1; idx--)if (widgetName = recognizedWidgets[idx], $17.mobile[widgetName]) {
if (this._setWidget(elem.data("mobile-" + widgetName))) break;
createHandlers[widgetName + "create"] = "_handleCreate";
this._widget || this._on(elem, createHandlers);
_handleCreate: function(evt) {
this._setWidget(this.element.data("mobile-" + evt.type.substring(0, evt.type.length - 6)));
_trigger: function(type, event, data) {
this._widget && "mobile-listview" === this._widget.widgetFullName && "beforefilter" === type && this._widget._trigger("beforefilter", event, data), this._super(type, event, data);
_setWidget: function(widget) {
if (!this._widget && widget) {
var self, orig;
this._widget = widget, self = this, orig = this._widget._setOptions, this._widget._setOptions = function(options) {
orig.call(this, options), self._syncTextInputOptions(options);
return this._widget && (this._syncTextInputOptions(this._widget.options), "listview" === this._widget.widgetName && (this._widget.options.hideDividers = !0, this._widget.element.listview("refresh"))), !!this._widget;
_isSearchInternal: function() {
return this._search && this._search.jqmData("ui-filterable-" + this.uuid + "-internal");
_setInput: function(selector) {
var opts = this.options, updatePlaceholder = !0, textinputOpts = {
if (!selector) {
if (this._isSearchInternal()) return;
updatePlaceholder = !1, selector = $17("<input data-" + $17.mobile.ns + "type='search' placeholder='" + opts.filterPlaceholder + "'></input>").jqmData("ui-filterable-" + this.uuid + "-internal", !0), $17("<form class='ui-filterable'></form>").append(selector).submit(function(evt) {
evt.preventDefault(), selector.blur();
}).insertBefore(this.element), $17.mobile.textinput && (null != this.options.filterTheme && (textinputOpts.theme = opts.filterTheme), selector.textinput(textinputOpts));
this._super(selector), this._isSearchInternal() && updatePlaceholder && this._search.attr("placeholder", this.options.filterPlaceholder);
_setOptions: function(options) {
var ret = this._super(options);
return undefined !== options.filterPlaceholder && this._isSearchInternal() && this._search.attr("placeholder", options.filterPlaceholder), undefined !== options.filterTheme && this._search && $17.mobile.textinput && this._search.textinput("option", "theme", options.filterTheme), ret;
_destroy: function() {
this._isSearchInternal() && this._search.remove(), this._super();
_syncTextInputOptions: function(options) {
var idx, textinputOptions = {
if (this._isSearchInternal() && $17.mobile.textinput) {
for(idx in $17.mobile.textinput.prototype.options)undefined !== options[idx] && ("theme" === idx && null != this.options.filterTheme ? textinputOptions[idx] = this.options.filterTheme : textinputOptions[idx] = options[idx]);
this._search.textinput("option", textinputOptions);
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var tabId = 0, rhash = /#.*$/;
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$.widget("ui.tabs", {
version: "fadf2b312a05040436451c64bbfaf4814bc62c56",
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panel: this.active.length ? this._getPanelForTab(this.active) : $()
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selectedIndex = this.anchors.length - 1;
case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
selectedIndex = 0;
case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE:
event.preventDefault(), clearTimeout(this.activating), this._activate(selectedIndex);
case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER:
event.preventDefault(), clearTimeout(this.activating), this._activate(selectedIndex !== this.options.active && selectedIndex);
event.preventDefault(), clearTimeout(this.activating), selectedIndex = this._focusNextTab(selectedIndex, goingForward), event.ctrlKey || (focusedTab.attr("aria-selected", "false"), this.tabs.eq(selectedIndex).attr("aria-selected", "true"), this.activating = this._delay(function() {
this.option("active", selectedIndex);
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_panelKeydown: function(event) {
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_handlePageNav: function(event) {
return event.altKey && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP ? (this._activate(this._focusNextTab(this.options.active - 1, !1)), !0) : event.altKey && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN ? (this._activate(this._focusNextTab(this.options.active + 1, !0)), !0) : void 0;
_findNextTab: function(index, goingForward) {
var lastTabIndex = this.tabs.length - 1;
function constrain() {
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for(; -1 !== $.inArray(constrain(), this.options.disabled);)index = goingForward ? index + 1 : index - 1;
return index;
_focusNextTab: function(index, goingForward) {
return index = this._findNextTab(index, goingForward), this.tabs.eq(index).focus(), index;
_setOption: function(key, value) {
if ("active" === key) {
if ("disabled" === key) {
this._super(key, value), "collapsible" !== key || (this.element.toggleClass("ui-tabs-collapsible", value), value || !1 !== this.options.active || this._activate(0)), "event" === key && this._setupEvents(value), "heightStyle" === key && this._setupHeightStyle(value);
_tabId: function(tab) {
return tab.attr("aria-controls") || "ui-tabs-" + ++tabId;
_sanitizeSelector: function(hash) {
return hash ? hash.replace(/[!"$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\]\^`{|}~]/g, "\\$&") : "";
refresh: function() {
var options = this.options, lis = this.tablist.children(":has(a[href])");
options.disabled = $.map(lis.filter(".ui-state-disabled"), function(tab) {
return lis.index(tab);
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this._setupDisabled(this.options.disabled), this._setupEvents(this.options.event), this._setupHeightStyle(this.options.heightStyle), this.tabs.not(this.active).attr({
"aria-selected": "false",
tabIndex: -1
}), this.panels.not(this._getPanelForTab(this.active)).hide().attr({
"aria-expanded": "false",
"aria-hidden": "true"
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"aria-selected": "true",
tabIndex: 0
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"aria-expanded": "true",
"aria-hidden": "false"
})) : this.tabs.eq(0).attr("tabIndex", 0);
_processTabs: function() {
var that = this;
this.tablist = this._getList().addClass("ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all").attr("role", "tablist"), this.tabs = this.tablist.find("> li:has(a[href])").addClass("ui-state-default ui-corner-top").attr({
role: "tab",
tabIndex: -1
}), this.anchors = this.tabs.map(function() {
return $("a", this)[0];
role: "presentation",
tabIndex: -1
}), this.panels = $(), this.anchors.each(function(i, anchor) {
var selector, panel, panelId, anchorId = $(anchor).uniqueId().attr("id"), tab = $(anchor).closest("li"), originalAriaControls = tab.attr("aria-controls");
isLocal(anchor) ? (selector = anchor.hash, panel = that.element.find(that._sanitizeSelector(selector))) : (selector = "#" + (panelId = that._tabId(tab)), (panel = that.element.find(selector)).length || (panel = that._createPanel(panelId)).insertAfter(that.panels[i - 1] || that.tablist), panel.attr("aria-live", "polite")), panel.length && (that.panels = that.panels.add(panel)), originalAriaControls && tab.data("ui-tabs-aria-controls", originalAriaControls), tab.attr({
"aria-controls": selector.substring(1),
"aria-labelledby": anchorId
}), panel.attr("aria-labelledby", anchorId);
}), this.panels.addClass("ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom").attr("role", "tabpanel");
_getList: function() {
return this.element.find("ol,ul").eq(0);
_createPanel: function(id) {
return $("<div>").attr("id", id).addClass("ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom").data("ui-tabs-destroy", !0);
_setupDisabled: function(disabled) {
$.isArray(disabled) && (disabled.length ? disabled.length === this.anchors.length && (disabled = !0) : disabled = !1);
for(var li, i = 0; li = this.tabs[i]; i++)!0 === disabled || -1 !== $.inArray(i, disabled) ? $(li).addClass("ui-state-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", "true") : $(li).removeClass("ui-state-disabled").removeAttr("aria-disabled");
this.options.disabled = disabled;
_setupEvents: function(event) {
var events = {
click: function(event) {
event && $.each(event.split(" "), function(index, eventName) {
events[eventName] = "_eventHandler";
}), this._off(this.anchors.add(this.tabs).add(this.panels)), this._on(this.anchors, events), this._on(this.tabs, {
keydown: "_tabKeydown"
}), this._on(this.panels, {
keydown: "_panelKeydown"
}), this._focusable(this.tabs), this._hoverable(this.tabs);
_setupHeightStyle: function(heightStyle) {
var maxHeight;
"fill" === heightStyle ? (maxHeight = this.element.parent().height(), maxHeight -= this.element.outerHeight() - this.element.height(), this.element.siblings(":visible").each(function() {
var elem = $(this), position = elem.css("position");
"absolute" !== position && "fixed" !== position && (maxHeight -= elem.outerHeight(!0));
}), this.element.children().not(this.panels).each(function() {
maxHeight -= $(this).outerHeight(!0);
}), this.panels.each(function() {
$(this).height(Math.max(0, maxHeight - $(this).innerHeight() + $(this).height()));
}).css("overflow", "auto")) : "auto" === heightStyle && (maxHeight = 0, this.panels.each(function() {
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, $(this).height("").height());
_eventHandler: function(event) {
var options = this.options, active = this.active, tab = $(event.currentTarget).closest("li"), clickedIsActive = tab[0] === active[0], collapsing = clickedIsActive && options.collapsible, toShow = collapsing ? $() : this._getPanelForTab(tab), toHide = active.length ? this._getPanelForTab(active) : $(), eventData = {
oldTab: active,
oldPanel: toHide,
newTab: collapsing ? $() : tab,
newPanel: toShow
event.preventDefault(), tab.hasClass("ui-state-disabled") || tab.hasClass("ui-tabs-loading") || this.running || clickedIsActive && !options.collapsible || !1 === this._trigger("beforeActivate", event, eventData) || (options.active = !collapsing && this.tabs.index(tab), this.active = clickedIsActive ? $() : tab, this.xhr && this.xhr.abort(), toHide.length || toShow.length || $.error("jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier."), toShow.length && this.load(this.tabs.index(tab), event), this._toggle(event, eventData));
_toggle: function(event, eventData) {
var that = this, toShow = eventData.newPanel, toHide = eventData.oldPanel;
function complete() {
that.running = !1, that._trigger("activate", event, eventData);
function show() {
eventData.newTab.closest("li").addClass("ui-tabs-active ui-state-active"), toShow.length && that.options.show ? that._show(toShow, that.options.show, complete) : (toShow.show(), complete());
this.running = !0, toHide.length && this.options.hide ? this._hide(toHide, this.options.hide, function() {
eventData.oldTab.closest("li").removeClass("ui-tabs-active ui-state-active"), show();
}) : (eventData.oldTab.closest("li").removeClass("ui-tabs-active ui-state-active"), toHide.hide(), show()), toHide.attr({
"aria-expanded": "false",
"aria-hidden": "true"
}), eventData.oldTab.attr("aria-selected", "false"), toShow.length && toHide.length ? eventData.oldTab.attr("tabIndex", -1) : toShow.length && this.tabs.filter(function() {
return 0 === $(this).attr("tabIndex");
}).attr("tabIndex", -1), toShow.attr({
"aria-expanded": "true",
"aria-hidden": "false"
}), eventData.newTab.attr({
"aria-selected": "true",
tabIndex: 0
_activate: function(index) {
var anchor, active = this._findActive(index);
active[0] !== this.active[0] && (active.length || (active = this.active), anchor = active.find(".ui-tabs-anchor")[0], this._eventHandler({
target: anchor,
currentTarget: anchor,
preventDefault: $.noop
_findActive: function(index) {
return !1 === index ? $() : this.tabs.eq(index);
_getIndex: function(index) {
return "string" == typeof index && (index = this.anchors.index(this.anchors.filter("[href$='" + index + "']"))), index;
_destroy: function() {
this.xhr && this.xhr.abort(), this.element.removeClass("ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-tabs-collapsible"), this.tablist.removeClass("ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all").removeAttr("role"), this.anchors.removeClass("ui-tabs-anchor").removeAttr("role").removeAttr("tabIndex").removeUniqueId(), this.tabs.add(this.panels).each(function() {
$.data(this, "ui-tabs-destroy") ? $(this).remove() : $(this).removeClass("ui-state-default ui-state-active ui-state-disabled ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-widget-content ui-tabs-active ui-tabs-panel").removeAttr("tabIndex").removeAttr("aria-live").removeAttr("aria-busy").removeAttr("aria-selected").removeAttr("aria-labelledby").removeAttr("aria-hidden").removeAttr("aria-expanded").removeAttr("role");
}), this.tabs.each(function() {
var li = $(this), prev = li.data("ui-tabs-aria-controls");
prev ? li.attr("aria-controls", prev).removeData("ui-tabs-aria-controls") : li.removeAttr("aria-controls");
}), this.panels.show(), "content" !== this.options.heightStyle && this.panels.css("height", "");
enable: function(index) {
var disabled = this.options.disabled;
!1 !== disabled && (index === undefined ? disabled = !1 : (index = this._getIndex(index), disabled = $.isArray(disabled) ? $.map(disabled, function(num) {
return num !== index ? num : null;
}) : $.map(this.tabs, function(li, num) {
return num !== index ? num : null;
})), this._setupDisabled(disabled));
disable: function(index) {
var disabled = this.options.disabled;
if (!0 !== disabled) {
if (index === undefined) disabled = !0;
else {
if (index = this._getIndex(index), -1 !== $.inArray(index, disabled)) return;
disabled = $.isArray(disabled) ? $.merge([
], disabled).sort() : [
load: function(index, event) {
index = this._getIndex(index);
var that = this, tab = this.tabs.eq(index), anchor = tab.find(".ui-tabs-anchor"), panel = this._getPanelForTab(tab), eventData = {
tab: tab,
panel: panel
!isLocal(anchor[0]) && (this.xhr = $.ajax(this._ajaxSettings(anchor, event, eventData)), this.xhr && "canceled" !== this.xhr.statusText && (tab.addClass("ui-tabs-loading"), panel.attr("aria-busy", "true"), this.xhr.success(function(response) {
setTimeout(function() {
panel.html(response), that._trigger("load", event, eventData);
}, 1);
}).complete(function(jqXHR, status) {
setTimeout(function() {
"abort" === status && that.panels.stop(!1, !0), tab.removeClass("ui-tabs-loading"), panel.removeAttr("aria-busy"), jqXHR === that.xhr && delete that.xhr;
}, 1);
_ajaxSettings: function(anchor, event, eventData) {
var that = this;
return {
url: anchor.attr("href"),
beforeSend: function(jqXHR, settings) {
return that._trigger("beforeLoad", event, $.extend({
jqXHR: jqXHR,
ajaxSettings: settings
}, eventData));
_getPanelForTab: function(tab) {
var id = $(tab).attr("aria-controls");
return this.element.find(this._sanitizeSelector("#" + id));
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