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// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/dnit@dnit-v1.11.0/adl-gen/runtime/json.ts
import type {DeclResolver,ATypeExpr} from "./adl.ts";
import type * as AST from "./sys/adlast.ts";
//import * as b64 from 'base64-js';
import {isVoid, isEnum, scopedNamesEqual} from "./utils.ts";
/** A type for json serialised values */
export type Json = {} | null;
export type JsonObject = { [member: string]: Json };
export type JsonArray = Json[];
function asJsonObject(jv: Json): JsonObject | undefined {
if (jv instanceof Object && !(jv instanceof Array)) {
return jv as JsonObject;
return undefined;
function asJsonArray(jv: Json): JsonArray | undefined{
if(jv instanceof Array) {
return jv as JsonArray;
return undefined;
/** A type alias for values of an Unknown type */
type Unknown = {}|null;
* A JsonBinding is a de/serialiser for a give ADL type
export interface JsonBinding<T> {
typeExpr : AST.TypeExpr;
// Convert a value of type T to Json
toJson (t : T): Json;
// Parse a json blob into a value of type T. Throws
// JsonParseExceptions on failure.
fromJson(json : Json) : T;
// Variant of fromJson that throws Errors on failure
fromJsonE(json : Json) : T;
* Construct a JsonBinding for an arbitrary type expression
export function createJsonBinding<T>(dresolver : DeclResolver, texpr : ATypeExpr<T>) : JsonBinding<T> {
const jb0 = buildJsonBinding(dresolver, texpr.value, {}) as JsonBinding0<T>;
function fromJsonE(json :Json): T {
try {
return jb0.fromJson(json);
} catch (e) {
throw mapJsonException(e);
return {typeExpr : texpr.value, toJson:jb0.toJson, fromJson:jb0.fromJson, fromJsonE};
* Interface for json parsing exceptions.
* Any implementation should properly show the parse error tree.
* @interface JsonParseException
export interface JsonParseException {
kind: 'JsonParseException';
getMessage(): string;
pushField(fieldName: string): void;
pushIndex(index: number): void;
toString(): string;
// Map a JsonException to an Error value
export function mapJsonException(exception:{}): {} {
if (exception && (exception as {kind:string})['kind'] == "JsonParseException") {
const jserr: JsonParseException = exception as JsonParseException;
return new Error(jserr.getMessage());
} else {
return exception;
/** Convenience function for generating a json parse exception.
* @param {string} message - Exception message.
export function jsonParseException(message: string): JsonParseException {
const context: string[] = [];
let createContextString: () => string = () => {
const rcontext: string[] = context.slice(0);
return rcontext.join('.');
return {
kind: 'JsonParseException',
getMessage(): string {
return message + ' at ' + createContextString();
pushField(fieldName: string): void {
pushIndex(index: number): void {
context.push('[' + index + ']');
toString(): string {
return this.getMessage();
* Check if a javascript error is of the json parse exception type.
* @param exception The exception to check.
export function isJsonParseException(exception: {}): exception is JsonParseException {
return (<JsonParseException> exception).kind === 'JsonParseException';
interface JsonBinding0<T> {
toJson (t : T): Json;
fromJson(json : Json) : T;
interface BoundTypeParams {
[key: string]: JsonBinding0<Unknown>;
function buildJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, texpr : AST.TypeExpr, boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
if (texpr.typeRef.kind === "primitive") {
return primitiveJsonBinding(dresolver, texpr.typeRef.value, texpr.parameters, boundTypeParams);
} else if (texpr.typeRef.kind === "reference") {
const ast = dresolver(texpr.typeRef.value);
if (ast.decl.type_.kind === "struct_") {
return structJsonBinding(dresolver, ast.decl.type_.value, texpr.parameters, boundTypeParams);
} else if (ast.decl.type_.kind === "union_") {
const union = ast.decl.type_.value;
if (isEnum(union)) {
return enumJsonBinding(dresolver, union, texpr.parameters, boundTypeParams);
} else {
return unionJsonBinding(dresolver, union, texpr.parameters, boundTypeParams);
} else if (ast.decl.type_.kind === "newtype_") {
return newtypeJsonBinding(dresolver, ast.decl.type_.value, texpr.parameters, boundTypeParams);
} else if (ast.decl.type_.kind === "type_") {
return typedefJsonBinding(dresolver, ast.decl.type_.value, texpr.parameters, boundTypeParams);
} else if (texpr.typeRef.kind === "typeParam") {
return boundTypeParams[texpr.typeRef.value];
throw new Error("buildJsonBinding : unimplemented ADL type");
function primitiveJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, ptype : string, params : AST.TypeExpr[], boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams ) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
if (ptype === "String") { return identityJsonBinding("a string", (v) => typeof(v) === 'string'); }
else if (ptype === "Int8") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Void") { return identityJsonBinding("a null", (v) => v === null); }
else if (ptype === "Bool") { return identityJsonBinding("a bool", (v) => typeof(v) === 'boolean'); }
else if (ptype === "Int8") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Int16") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Int32") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Int64") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Word8") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Word16") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Word32") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Word64") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Float") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Double") { return identityJsonBinding("a number", (v) => typeof(v) === 'number'); }
else if (ptype === "Json") { return identityJsonBinding("a json value", (_v) => true); }
else if (ptype === "Bytes") { return bytesJsonBinding(); }
else if (ptype === "Vector") { return vectorJsonBinding(dresolver, params[0], boundTypeParams); }
else if (ptype === "StringMap") { return stringMapJsonBinding(dresolver, params[0], boundTypeParams); }
else if (ptype === "Nullable") { return nullableJsonBinding(dresolver, params[0], boundTypeParams); }
else throw new Error("Unimplemented json binding for primitive " + ptype);
function identityJsonBinding<T>(expected : string, predicate : (json : Json) => boolean) : JsonBinding0<T>{
function toJson(v : T) : Json {
return (v as Unknown as Json);
function fromJson(json : Json) : T {
if( !predicate(json)) {
throw jsonParseException("expected " + expected);
return json as Unknown as T;
return {toJson, fromJson};
function bytesJsonBinding() : JsonBinding0<Uint8Array> {
function toJson(v : Uint8Array) : Json {
//return b64.fromByteArray(v);
throw new Error("bytesJsonBinding not implemented");
function fromJson(json : Json) : Uint8Array {
if (typeof(json) != 'string') {
throw jsonParseException('expected a string');
//return b64.toByteArray(json);
throw new Error("bytesJsonBinding not implemented");
return {toJson, fromJson};
function vectorJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, texpr : AST.TypeExpr, boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams) : JsonBinding0<Unknown[]> {
const elementBinding = once(() => buildJsonBinding(dresolver, texpr, boundTypeParams));
function toJson(v : Unknown[]) : Json {
return v.map(elementBinding().toJson);
function fromJson(json : Json) : Unknown[] {
const jarr = asJsonArray(json);
if (jarr == undefined) {
throw jsonParseException('expected an array');
let result : Unknown[] = [];
jarr.forEach( (eljson:Json,i:number) => {
try {
} catch(e) {
if (isJsonParseException(e)) {
throw e;
return result;
return {toJson, fromJson};
type StringMap<T> = {[key:string]: T};
function stringMapJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, texpr : AST.TypeExpr, boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams) : JsonBinding0<StringMap<Unknown>> {
const elementBinding = once(() => buildJsonBinding(dresolver, texpr, boundTypeParams));
function toJson(v : StringMap<Unknown>) : Json {
const result: JsonObject = {};
for (let k in v) {
result[k] = elementBinding().toJson(v[k]);
return result;
function fromJson(json : Json) : StringMap<Unknown> {
const jobj = asJsonObject(json);
if (!jobj) {
throw jsonParseException('expected an object');
let result: JsonObject = {};
for (let k in jobj) {
try {
result[k] = elementBinding().fromJson(jobj[k]);
} catch(e) {
if (isJsonParseException(e)) {
return result;
return {toJson, fromJson};
function nullableJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, texpr : AST.TypeExpr, boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
const elementBinding = once(() => buildJsonBinding(dresolver, texpr, boundTypeParams));
function toJson(v : Unknown) : Json {
if (v === null) {
return null;
return elementBinding().toJson(v);
function fromJson(json : Json) : Unknown {
if (json === null) {
return null;
return elementBinding().fromJson(json);
return {toJson,fromJson};
interface StructFieldDetails {
field : AST.Field,
jsonBinding : () => JsonBinding0<Unknown>,
buildDefault : () => { value : Unknown } | null
function structJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, struct : AST.Struct, params : AST.TypeExpr[], boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams ) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
const newBoundTypeParams = createBoundTypeParams(dresolver, struct.typeParams, params, boundTypeParams);
const fieldDetails : StructFieldDetails[] = [];
struct.fields.forEach( (field) => {
let buildDefault = once( () => {
if (field.default.kind === "just") {
const json = field.default.value;
return { 'value' : buildJsonBinding(dresolver, field.typeExpr, newBoundTypeParams).fromJson(json)};
} else {
return null;
fieldDetails.push( {
field : field,
jsonBinding : once(() => buildJsonBinding(dresolver, field.typeExpr, newBoundTypeParams)),
buildDefault : buildDefault,
function toJson(v0: Unknown) : Json {
const v = v0 as {[key:string]:Unknown};
const json: JsonObject = {};
fieldDetails.forEach( (fd) => {
json[fd.field.serializedName] = fd.jsonBinding().toJson(v && v[fd.field.name]);
return json;
function fromJson(json: Json): Unknown {
const jobj = asJsonObject(json);
if (!jobj) {
throw jsonParseException("expected an object");
const v : {[member:string]: Unknown} = {};
fieldDetails.forEach( (fd) => {
if (jobj[fd.field.serializedName] === undefined) {
const defaultv = fd.buildDefault();
if (defaultv === null) {
throw jsonParseException("missing struct field " + fd.field.serializedName );
} else {
v[fd.field.name] = defaultv.value;
} else {
try {
v[fd.field.name] = fd.jsonBinding().fromJson(jobj[fd.field.serializedName]);
} catch(e) {
if (isJsonParseException(e)) {
throw e;
return v;
return {toJson, fromJson};
function enumJsonBinding(_dresolver : DeclResolver, union : AST.Union, _params : AST.TypeExpr[], _boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams ) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
const fieldSerializedNames : string[] = [];
const fieldNumbers : {[key:string]:number} = {};
union.fields.forEach( (field,i) => {
fieldNumbers[field.serializedName] = i;
function toJson(v :Unknown) : Json {
return fieldSerializedNames[v as number];
function fromJson(json : Json) : Unknown {
if (typeof(json) !== 'string') {
throw jsonParseException("expected a string for enum");
const result = fieldNumbers[json as string];
if (result === undefined) {
throw jsonParseException("invalid string for enum: " + json);
return result;
return {toJson, fromJson};
interface FieldDetails {
field : AST.Field;
isVoid : boolean;
jsonBinding : () => JsonBinding0<Unknown>;
function unionJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, union : AST.Union, params : AST.TypeExpr[], boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams ) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
const newBoundTypeParams = createBoundTypeParams(dresolver, union.typeParams, params, boundTypeParams);
const detailsByName : {[key: string]: FieldDetails} = {};
const detailsBySerializedName : {[key: string]: FieldDetails} = {};
union.fields.forEach( (field) => {
const details = {
field : field,
isVoid : isVoid(field.typeExpr),
jsonBinding : once(() => buildJsonBinding(dresolver, field.typeExpr, newBoundTypeParams))
detailsByName[field.name] = details;
detailsBySerializedName[field.serializedName] = details;
function toJson(v0 : Unknown) : Json {
const v = v0 as {kind:string, value:Unknown};
const details = detailsByName[v.kind];
if (details.isVoid) {
return details.field.serializedName;
} else {
const result: JsonObject = {};
result[details.field.serializedName] = details.jsonBinding().toJson(v.value);
return result;
function lookupDetails(serializedName : string) {
let details = detailsBySerializedName[serializedName];
if (details === undefined) {
throw jsonParseException("invalid union field " + serializedName);
return details;
function fromJson(json : Json) : Unknown {
if (typeof(json) === "string") {
let details = lookupDetails(json);
if (!details.isVoid) {
throw jsonParseException("union field " + json + "needs an associated value");
return { kind : details.field.name };
const jobj = asJsonObject(json);
if (jobj) {
for (let k in jobj) {
let details = lookupDetails(k);
try {
return {
kind : details.field.name,
value : details.jsonBinding().fromJson(jobj[k])
} catch(e) {
if (isJsonParseException(e)) {
throw e;
throw jsonParseException("union without a property");
} else {
throw jsonParseException("expected an object or string");
return {toJson, fromJson};
function newtypeJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, newtype : AST.NewType, params : AST.TypeExpr[], boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams ) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
const newBoundTypeParams = createBoundTypeParams(dresolver, newtype.typeParams, params, boundTypeParams);
return buildJsonBinding(dresolver, newtype.typeExpr, newBoundTypeParams);
function typedefJsonBinding(dresolver : DeclResolver, typedef : AST.TypeDef, params : AST.TypeExpr[], boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams ) : JsonBinding0<Unknown> {
const newBoundTypeParams = createBoundTypeParams(dresolver, typedef.typeParams, params, boundTypeParams);
return buildJsonBinding(dresolver, typedef.typeExpr, newBoundTypeParams);
function createBoundTypeParams(dresolver : DeclResolver, paramNames : string[], paramTypes : AST.TypeExpr[], boundTypeParams : BoundTypeParams) : BoundTypeParams
let result : BoundTypeParams = {};
paramNames.forEach( (paramName,i) => {
result[paramName] = buildJsonBinding(dresolver,paramTypes[i], boundTypeParams);
return result;
* Helper function that takes a thunk, and evaluates it only on the first call. Subsequent
* calls return the previous value
function once<T>(run : () => T) : () => T {
let result : T | null = null;
return () => {
if(result === null) {
result = run();
return result;
* Get the value of an annotation of type T
export function getAnnotation<T>(jb: JsonBinding<T>, annotations: AST.Annotations): T | undefined {
if (jb.typeExpr.typeRef.kind != 'reference') {
return undefined;
const annScopedName :AST.ScopedName = jb.typeExpr.typeRef.value;
const ann = annotations.find(el => scopedNamesEqual(el.v1, annScopedName));
if (ann === undefined) {
return undefined;
return jb.fromJsonE(ann.v2);