sudo: required dist: trusty addons: apt: packages: - libssl-dev language: rust rust: - nightly # Need to cache the whole `.cargo` directory to keep .crates.toml for # cargo-update to work cache: directories: - /home/travis/.cargo # But don't cache the cargo registry before_cache: - rm -rf /home/travis/.cargo/registry git: submodules: false before_install: - sed -i 's/\/\/\//' .gitmodules - git submodule update --init --recursive install: - cargo test --no-run --color always --all --all-features - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "windows" ]]; then rm -rf ~/.nvm ; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "windows" ]]; then git clone ~/.nvm ; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "windows" ]]; then source ~/.nvm/ ; fi - nvm install 11.6.0 - nvm use 11.6.0 - npm i -g jest script: - RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo test --color always --all --all-features before_deploy: - CARGO_TARGET_DIR=$HOME/cargo-target cargo doc --color always after_success: # Temporarily disabled because cargo tarpaulin does not set CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR. # # - bash <(curl # - | # cargo tarpaulin --all --ignore-tests --out Xml && # bash <(curl -s # - '[ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = false ] && # [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ] && # ./.travis/' deploy: local_dir: $HOME/cargo-target/doc repo: swc-project/rustdoc target_branch: gh-pages provider: pages skip_cleanup: true github_token: $GH_TOKEN email: name: "강동윤" on: branch: master notifications: email: never env: global: - CASHER_TIME_OUT=600 - RUST_MIN_STACK=16777216 - CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 - RUSTFLAGS="--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt" - secure: 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 branches: only: # This is where pull requests from "bors r+" are built. - staging # This is where pull requests from "bors try" are built. - trying # This is required to update docs. - master