const os = require("os"); const cpuCount = os.cpus().length; const SOURCE = ` 'use strict'; class Foo { foo() {} } class Bar extends Foo { foo() {; } async bar() {} } class Baz extends Bar { foo() {; this.baz() } baz() { } async other() { this.baz() await } } /** * Extract red color out of a color integer: * * 0x00DEAD -> 0x00 * * @param {Number} color * @return {Number} */ function red( color ) { let foo = 3.14; return color >> 16; } /** * Extract green out of a color integer: * * 0x00DEAD -> 0xDE * * @param {Number} color * @return {Number} */ function green( color ) { return ( color >> 8 ) & 0xFF; } /** * Extract blue color out of a color integer: * * 0x00DEAD -> 0xAD * * @param {Number} color * @return {Number} */ function blue( color ) { return color & 0xFF; } /** * Converts an integer containing a color such as 0x00DEAD to a hex * string, such as '#00DEAD'; * * @param {Number} int * @return {String} */ function intToHex( int ) { const mask = '#000000'; const hex = int.toString( 16 ); return mask.substring( 0, 7 - hex.length ) + hex; } /** * Converts a hex string containing a color such as '#00DEAD' to * an integer, such as 0x00DEAD; * * @param {Number} num * @return {String} */ function hexToInt( hex ) { return parseInt( hex.substring( 1 ), 16 ); } // fixer ({}) ? 1 : 2; (foo ? // foo 1 : // bar ( // baz 2 ) ) ? 3 : 4; _iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = module.exports = { red, green, blue, intToHex, hexToInt, }; `; const PARSERS = [ [ "swc (es3)", "../", module => module.transform(SOURCE, { jsc: { target: "es3" } }) ], [ "swc (es2015)", "../", module => module.transform(SOURCE, { jsc: { target: "es2015" } }) ], [ "swc (es2016)", "../", module => module.transform(SOURCE, { jsc: { target: "es2016" } }) ], [ "swc (es2017)", "../", module => module.transform(SOURCE, { jsc: { target: "es2017" } }) ], [ "swc (es2018)", "../", module => module.transform(SOURCE, { jsc: { target: "es2018" } }) ], [ "swc-optimize (es3)", "../", module => module.transform(SOURCE, { jsc: { transform: { optimizer: {} } } }) ], [ "babel (es5)", "@babel/core", module => module.transform(SOURCE, { presets: ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"], // This does less work than swc's InlineGlobals pass, but it's ok. // swc is faster than babel anyway. plugins: [ "transform-node-env-inline", "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", "@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread", [ "@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { decoratorsBeforeExport: true } ] ] }) ] ]; const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < cpuCount / 2; i++) { arr.push(0); }`CPU Core: ${cpuCount}; Parallelism: ${arr.length}`); `Note that output of this benchmark should be multiplied by ${arr.length} as this test uses Promise.all` ); suite("multicore", () => { => { const [name, requirePath, fn] = args; const func = fn.bind(null, require(requirePath)); bench(name, async done => { await Promise.all( => func())); done(); }); }); });