// Empty array literal with no contextual type has type Undefined[] var arr1= [[], [1], ['']]; var arr2 = [[null], [1], ['']]; // Array literal with elements of only EveryType E has type E[] var stringArrArr = [[''], [""]]; var stringArr = ['', ""]; var numberArr = [0, 0.0, 0x00, 1e1]; var boolArr = [false, true, false, true]; class C { private p; } var classArr = [new C(), new C()]; var classTypeArray = [C, C, C]; var classTypeArray: Array; // Should OK, not be a parse error // Contextual type C with numeric index signature makes array literal of EveryType E of type BCT(E,C)[] var context1: { [n: number]: { a: string; b: number; }; } = [{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' }, { a: "", b: 3, c: 0 }]; var context2 = [{ a: '', b: 0, c: '' }, { a: "", b: 3, c: 0 }]; // Contextual type C with numeric index signature of type Base makes array literal of Derived have type Base[] class Base { private p; } class Derived1 extends Base { private m }; class Derived2 extends Base { private n }; var context3: Base[] = [new Derived1(), new Derived2()]; // Contextual type C with numeric index signature of type Base makes array literal of Derived1 and Derived2 have type Base[] var context4: Base[] = [new Derived1(), new Derived1()];