use swc_common::{chain, pass::Repeat, Mark}; use swc_ecma_parser::{EsConfig, Syntax, TsConfig}; use swc_ecma_transforms_base::resolver; use swc_ecma_transforms_compat::es2022::class_properties; use swc_ecma_transforms_optimization::simplify::dce::{dce, Config}; use swc_ecma_transforms_proposal::decorators; use swc_ecma_transforms_testing::test; use swc_ecma_transforms_typescript::strip; use swc_ecma_visit::Fold; fn tr() -> impl Fold { Repeat::new(dce( Config { top_level: true, ..Default::default() }, Mark::new(), )) } macro_rules! to { ($name:ident, $src:expr, $expected:expr) => { test!( Syntax::Es(EsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |_| chain!(resolver(Mark::new(), Mark::new(), false), tr()), $name, $src, $expected ); }; } macro_rules! optimized_out { ($name:ident, $src:expr) => { to!($name, $src, ""); }; } macro_rules! noop { ($name:ident, $src:expr) => { to!($name, $src, $src); }; } to!( single_pass, " const a = 1; if (a) { const b = 2; } ", " const a = 1; if (a) {} " ); optimized_out!(issue_607, "let a"); noop!( noop_1, " let b = 2; let a = 1; if (b) { a = 2; } let c; if (a) { c = 3; } console.log(c); " ); noop!( noop_2, " switch (1){ case 1: a = '1'; } console.log(a); " ); noop!( noop_3, " try { console.log(foo()) } catch (e) { console.error(e); }" ); to!( custom_loop_2, "let b = 2; let a = 1; a = 2; let c; if (2) c = 3 console.log(c)", " 2 let c; if (2) c = 3; console.log(c);" ); optimized_out!(simple_const, "{const x = 1}"); noop!(assign_op, "x *= 2; use(x)"); to!( import_default_unused, "import foo from 'foo'", "import'foo'" ); to!( import_specific_unused, "import {foo} from 'foo'", "import 'foo'" ); to!( import_mixed_unused, "import foo, { bar } from 'foo'", "import 'foo'" ); noop!(export_named, "export { x };"); noop!(export_named_from, "export {foo} from 'src';"); noop!( import_default_export_named, "import foo from 'src'; export { foo }; " ); to!( import_unused_export_named, "import foo, { bar } from 'src'; export { foo }; ", "import foo from 'src'; export { foo }; " ); noop!( issue_760_1, "var ref; export const Auth = window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : (ref = === \ null || ref === void 0 ? void 0 : ref.Auth; " ); noop!( issue_760_2_export_default, "const initialState = 'foo'; export default function reducer(state = initialState, action = {}) { }" ); noop!( issue_760_2_export_named, "const initialState = 'foo'; export function reducer(state = initialState, action = {}) { }" ); optimized_out!( issue_760_2_no_export, "const initialState = 'foo'; function reducer(state = initialState, action = {}) { }" ); to!( issue_763_1, "import { INSTAGRAM_CHECK_PATTERN, RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, RESOURCE_WEBSITE, } from '../../../../consts' export const resources = [ { value: RESOURCE_WEBSITE, label: 'Webové stránky', }, { value: RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, label: 'Facebook', }, { value: RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, label: 'Instagram', }, ]", "import { RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, RESOURCE_WEBSITE, } from '../../../../consts' export const resources = [ { value: RESOURCE_WEBSITE, label: 'Webové stránky', }, { value: RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, label: 'Facebook', }, { value: RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, label: 'Instagram', }, ]" ); to!( issue_763_2, "import { INSTAGRAM_CHECK_PATTERN, RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, RESOURCE_WEBSITE, } from '../../../../consts' const resources = [ { value: RESOURCE_WEBSITE, label: 'Webové stránky', }, { value: RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, label: 'Facebook', }, { value: RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, label: 'Instagram', }, ];", "import { RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, RESOURCE_WEBSITE, } from '../../../../consts' const resources = [ { value: RESOURCE_WEBSITE, label: 'Webové stránky', }, { value: RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, label: 'Facebook', }, { value: RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, label: 'Instagram', }, ];;" ); noop!( issue_763_3, "import { RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, RESOURCE_WEBSITE, } from '../../../../consts' const resources = [ { value: RESOURCE_WEBSITE, label: 'Webové stránky', }, { value: RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, label: 'Facebook', }, { value: RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, label: 'Instagram', }, ]; => v)" ); noop!( issue_763_4, "import { RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, RESOURCE_WEBSITE } from './consts'; const resources = [ { value: RESOURCE_WEBSITE, label: 'Webové stránky', }, { value: RESOURCE_FACEBOOK, label: 'Facebook', }, { value: RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM, label: 'Instagram', }, ]; export function foo(websites) { const a = => ( { value: resource.value, } )); const b = website.type_id === RESOURCE_INSTAGRAM ? 'text' : 'url'; return a + b; }" ); noop!( issue_763_5_1, "import { A, B } from './consts'; const resources = [A, B]; use(B) => v) " ); noop!( issue_763_5_2, "import { A, B } from './consts'; const resources = {A, B}; use(B) => v) " ); to!( spack_issue_004, "const FOO = 'foo', BAR = 'bar'; export default BAR;", "const BAR = 'bar'; export default BAR;" ); noop!( spack_issue_005, "function a() { } function foo() { } console.log(a(), foo());" ); noop!( spack_issue_006, "import * as a from './a'; function foo() {} console.log(foo(), a.a(),;" ); noop!( spack_issue_007, " var load = function(){} var { progress } = load(); console.log(progress);" ); noop!( spack_issue_008, "class B { } class A extends B { } console.log('foo'); new A();" ); noop!( spack_issue_009, " class A { } function a() { return new A(); } console.log(a, a()); " ); noop!( spack_issue_010, " class A {} console.log(new A()); " ); noop!( issue_898_1, " export default class X { @whatever anything= 0; x() { const localVar = aFunctionSomewhere(); return localVar; } } " ); test!( Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |_| { let unresolved_mark = Mark::new(); let top_level_mark = Mark::new(); chain!( decorators(decorators::Config { legacy: true, emit_metadata: false, use_define_for_class_fields: false, }), resolver(unresolved_mark, top_level_mark, false), strip(top_level_mark), tr() ) }, issue_898_2, "export default class X { @whatever anything: number = 0; x() { const localVar = aFunctionSomewhere(); return localVar; } } ", " export default class X { anything = 0; x() { const localVar = aFunctionSomewhere(); return localVar; } } _ts_decorate([ whatever ], X.prototype, \"anything\", void 0); " ); test!( Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |_| { let unresolved_mark = Mark::new(); let top_level_mark = Mark::new(); chain!( decorators(decorators::Config { legacy: true, emit_metadata: false, use_define_for_class_fields: false, }), resolver(unresolved_mark, top_level_mark, false), strip(top_level_mark), tr() ) }, issue_1111, " const a = 1; export const d = { a }; ", " const a = 1; export const d = { a }; " ); test!( Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |_| { let unresolved_mark = Mark::new(); let top_level_mark = Mark::new(); chain!(resolver(unresolved_mark, top_level_mark, false), tr()) }, issue_1150_1, " class A { constructor(o: AOptions = {}) { const { a = defaultA, c, } = o; this.#a = a; this.#c = c; } a() { this.#a(); } c() { console.log(this.#c); } } new A(); ", " class A { constructor(o: AOptions = { }){ const { a = defaultA , c } = o; this.#a = a; this.#c = c; } a() { this.#a(); } c() { console.log(this.#c); } } new A(); " ); test!( Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |t| { let unresolved_mark = Mark::new(); let top_level_mark = Mark::new(); chain!( resolver(unresolved_mark, top_level_mark, false), strip(top_level_mark), class_properties( Some(t.comments.clone()), class_properties::Config { set_public_fields: true, ..Default::default() } ), tr() ) }, issue_1156_1, " export interface D { resolve: any; reject: any; } export function d(): D { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } ", " export function d() { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } " ); test!( Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |t| { let unresolved_mark = Mark::new(); let top_level_mark = Mark::new(); chain!( resolver(unresolved_mark, top_level_mark, false), strip(top_level_mark), class_properties( Some(t.comments.clone()), class_properties::Config { set_public_fields: true, ..Default::default() } ), tr(), ) }, issue_1156_2, " interface D { resolve: any; reject: any; } function d(): D { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } class A { private s: D = d(); a() { this.s.resolve(); } b() { this.s = d(); } } new A(); ", " function d() { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } class A { a() { this.s.resolve(); } b() { this.s = d(); } constructor(){ this.s = d(); } } new A(); " ); test!( Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |_| { let unresolved_mark = Mark::new(); let top_level_mark = Mark::new(); chain!( resolver(unresolved_mark, top_level_mark, false), strip(top_level_mark), tr(), ) }, issue_1156_3, " function d() { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } d() ", " function d() { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } d(); " ); test!( Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig { decorators: true, ..Default::default() }), |t| { let unresolved_mark = Mark::new(); let top_level_mark = Mark::new(); chain!( resolver(unresolved_mark, top_level_mark, false), strip(top_level_mark), class_properties( Some(t.comments.clone()), class_properties::Config { set_public_fields: true, ..Default::default() } ), tr(), ) }, issue_1156_4, " interface D { resolve: any; reject: any; } function d(): D { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } class A { private s: D = d(); a() { this.s.resolve(); } } new A(); ", " function d() { let methods; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ methods = { resolve, reject }; }); return Object.assign(promise, methods); } class A { a() { this.s.resolve(); } constructor(){ this.s = d(); } } new A(); " ); optimized_out!( self_referential_function_01, " function foo() { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { foo() } } " ); optimized_out!( pr_1199_01, " function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance'); } " ); noop!( deno_8736_1, " class DenoStdInternalError1 extends Error { constructor(message){ super(message); = 'DenoStdInternalError'; } } const DenoStdInternalError = DenoStdInternalError1; function assert2(expr, msg = '') { if (!expr) { throw new DenoStdInternalError(msg); } } const assert1 = assert2; const assert = assert1; const TEST = Deno.env.get('TEST'); assert(TEST, 'TEST must be defined!'); console.log(`Test is ${TEST}`); " ); noop!( deno_8736_2, " class DenoStdInternalError extends Error { constructor(message){ super(message); = 'DenoStdInternalError'; } } function assert(expr, msg = '') { throw new DenoStdInternalError(msg); } const TEST = Deno.env.get('TEST'); assert(TEST, 'TEST must be defined!'); console.log(`Test is ${TEST}`); " ); noop!( deno_9076, " class App { constructor() { console.log('Hello from app') } } new App; " ); noop!( deno_9212_1, " var _ = []; _ = l.baseState; " ); noop!( deno_9212_2, " if (u !== null) { if (y !== null) { var _ = y.lastBaseUpdate; } } if (i !== null) { _ = l.baseState; } " ); noop!( deno_9121_3, " function wt(e, n, t, r) { var l = e.updateQueue; Fe = !1; var i = l.firstBaseUpdate, o = l.lastBaseUpdate, u = l.shared.pending; if (u !== null) { l.shared.pending = null; var s = u, d =; = null, o === null ? i = d : = d, o = s; var y = e.alternate; if (y !== null) { y = y.updateQueue; var _ = y.lastBaseUpdate; _ !== o && (_ === null ? y.firstBaseUpdate = d : = d, y.lastBaseUpdate = s) } } if (i !== null) { _ = l.baseState, o = 0, y = d = s = null; do { u = i.lane; var h = i.eventTime; if ((r & u) === u) { y !== null && (y = = { eventTime: h, lane: 0, tag: i.tag, payload: i.payload, callback: i.callback, next: null }); e: { var k = e, E = i; switch (u = n, h = t, E.tag) { case 1: if (k = E.payload, typeof k == 'function') { _ =, _, u); break e } _ = k; break e; case 3: k.flags = k.flags & -4097 | 64; case 0: if (k = E.payload, u = typeof k == 'function' ?, _, u) : \ k, u == null) break e; _ = R({}, _, u); break e; case 2: Fe = !0 } } i.callback !== null && (e.flags |= 32, u = l.effects, u === null ? l.effects = \ [i] : u.push(i)) } else h = { eventTime: h, lane: u, tag: i.tag, payload: i.payload, callback: i.callback, next: null }, y === null ? (d = y = h, s = _) : y = = h, o |= u; if (i =, i === null) { if (u = l.shared.pending, u === null) break; i =, = null, l.lastBaseUpdate = u, l.shared.pending = null } } while (1); y === null && (s = _), l.baseState = s, l.firstBaseUpdate = d, l.lastBaseUpdate = y, \ gt |= o, e.lanes = o, e.memoizedState = _ } } wt() " );