[package] authors = ["강동윤 ", "OJ Kwon "] description = "TBD" documentation = "https://rustdoc.swc.rs/swc_core/" edition = "2021" license = "Apache-2.0" name = "swc_core" repository = "https://github.com/swc-project/swc.git" version = "0.78.13" [package.metadata.docs.rs] features = [ "common_perf", "allocator_node", "base", "base_node", "common", "ecma_visit", "quote", "utils", "ecma_transforms", "bundler", "ecma_loader", "ecma_ast", "trace_macro", "plugin_transform", ] rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"] [lib] bench = false doctest = false [features] ### Public features ### Users should opt in necessary features explicitly ## Flags to opt into certain optimizations. In most cases this won't expose new interfaces, ## but changes internal logics to perform differently. These flag should be turned on in combination with ## actual features. Refer build.rs for more details. # swc_common/perf common_perf = ["swc_common/perf"] # swc_ecma_loader/cache* ecma_loader_lru = ["swc_ecma_loader/lru"] ecma_loader_parking_lot = ["swc_ecma_loader/parking_lot"] # swc_ecma_minifier/concurrent ecma_minifier_concurrent = ["swc_ecma_minifier/concurrent"] # swc_bundler/concurrent bundler_concurrent = ["swc_bundler/concurrent"] # configures specific memory allocator. # node.js binding should depend on this. allocator_node = ["swc_node_base"] ## General # Enable swc reexports. To avoid confusion between swc_core namespace, # it is named as 'base' instead. base = ["__base"] base_concurrent = ["__base", "swc/concurrent"] # Enables n-api related features. base_node = [ "__base", "swc/node", # Assume if anyone enables n-api related codes, they may would like to use # some utility functions as well. "swc_nodejs_common", ] # Enable swc_common reexports. # # In most cases, top-level features (i.e plugin, or plugin_host) will include this, so no need to # explicitly opt in. However, if top-level feature should be controlled by feature as opt-in # and some other dependent feature need this, can be manually selected. # refer binding_core_wasm for example: it has plugin_transform_host feature, but # it has to be a feature to be enabled by compile time flag to avoid cargo's feature collision, # while it also need to access 'common' exports by default for cargo check / or clippy. common = ["__common"] common_sourcemap = ["__common", "swc_common/sourcemap"] # TODO: internally concurrent / perf refers to the same feature (`parking_lot`) # - can we consolidate them? common_concurrent = ["__common", "swc_common/concurrent"] common_tty = ["__common", "swc_common/tty-emitter"] # Enable swc_ecma_visit ecma_visit = ["__visit"] ecma_visit_path = ["__visit", "swc_ecma_visit/path"] # Enable `quote!` macro support. ecma_quote = [ # Dependent features "__common", "ecma_ast", # Enable optional package "swc_ecma_quote_macros", ] # Enable swc_ecma_utils ecma_utils = ["__utils", "__common"] # Enable swc_ecma_transforms base features ecma_transforms = ["__ecma_transforms"] ecma_transforms_compat = ["__ecma_transforms", "swc_ecma_transforms_compat"] ecma_transforms_module = ["__ecma_transforms", "swc_ecma_transforms_module"] ecma_transforms_optimization = [ "__ecma_transforms", "swc_ecma_transforms_optimization", ] ecma_transforms_proposal = ["__ecma_transforms", "swc_ecma_transforms_proposal"] ecma_transforms_react = ["__ecma_transforms", "swc_ecma_transforms_react"] ecma_transforms_typescript = [ "__ecma_transforms", "swc_ecma_transforms_typescript", ] # Enable swc_bundler bundler = ["__bundler"] bundler_node_v1 = ["__bundler", "swc_node_bundler/swc_v1"] bundler_node_v2 = ["__bundler", "swc_node_bundler/swc_v2"] # Enable swc_ecma_loader ecma_loader = ["__ecma_loader"] ecma_loader_node = ["__ecma_loader", "swc_ecma_loader/node"] ecma_loader_tsc = ["__ecma_loader", "swc_ecma_loader/tsc"] # Enable swc_ecma_transforms_testing testing_transform = ["__ecma", "__testing_transform"] # Enable swc_ecma_ast / swc_atoms support. # TODO: currently both are enabled at once, we may want to separate them. ecma_ast = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_ast", "swc_atoms"] ecma_ast_serde = ["ecma_ast", "swc_ecma_ast/serde-impl"] # Enable swc_ecma_parser support. ecma_parser = ["__parser"] ecma_parser_typescript = ["__parser", "swc_ecma_parser/typescript"] # Enable swc_cached support cached = ["__cached"] # Enable swc_ecma_codegen ecma_codegen = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_codegen"] # Enable swc_ecma_minifier ecma_minifier = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_minifier"] # Enable swc_ecma_preset_env ecma_preset_env = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_preset_env"] # Enable swc_ecma_usage_analyzer ecma_usage_analyzer = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_usage_analyzer"] # Enable swc_css css_ast = ["__css", "swc_css_ast"] css_ast_serde = ["css_ast", "swc_css_ast/serde-impl"] css_codegen = ["__css", "swc_css_codegen"] css_compat = ["__css", "swc_css_compat"] css_minifier = ["__css", "swc_css_minifier"] css_modules = ["__css", "swc_css_modules"] css_parser = ["__css", "swc_css_parser"] css_prefixer = ["__css", "swc_css_prefixer"] css_utils = ["__css", "swc_css_utils"] css_visit = ["__css", "swc_css_visit"] css_visit_path = ["__css", "swc_css_visit/path"] # Utilities for testing. testing = ["dep:testing"] # Enable trace macro support. # TODO: Once all top-level package (node, wasm, cli..) imports swc_core, # we may encapsulate `tracing` package into swc_core. trace_macro = ["swc_trace_macro"] binding_macro_native = ["__binding_macros", "binding_macros/binding_native"] binding_macro_wasm = ["__binding_macros", "binding_macros/binding_wasm"] ## Plugins # Top level features should be enabled to write plugins for the custom transform. common_plugin_transform = [ "__common_plugin_transform", "__plugin_transform_schema_v1", "__testing_transform", ] css_plugin_transform = ["common_plugin_transform", "__css_plugin_transform"] ecma_plugin_transform = ["common_plugin_transform", "__ecma_plugin_transform"] # Host features to enable plugin `runner` runtime. # native feature is for the host environment does not have, or cannot access # to the wasm runtime (i.e cli, or @swc/core node bindings). # js feature is for the environment can access wasm runtime (i.e @swc/wasm) plugin_transform_host_js = [ # Dependent features "__plugin_transform_host", "__plugin_transform_host_schema_v1", "__plugin_transform_env_js", ] plugin_transform_host_native = [ # Dependent features "__plugin_transform_host", "__plugin_transform_host_schema_v1", "__plugin_transform_env_native", ] # Enables FileSystemCache support for the plugin runner. plugin_transform_host_native_filesystem_cache = [ "swc_plugin_runner/filesystem_cache", ] plugin_transform_host_native_shared_runtime = [ "swc_plugin_runner/plugin_transform_host_native_shared_runtime", ] ### Internal features that public features are relying on. ### This is not supposed to be used directly, and does not gaurantee ### stability across each versions. # Specify version of AST schema will be used. # This'll be automatically selected via transform_plugin features, # SWC upstream decides which version to be used for specific version of # swc_core. __plugin_transform_host_schema_v1 = [ # Dependent features "__plugin_transform_schema_v1", # Enable optional features "swc/plugin_transform_schema_v1", "swc_plugin_runner/plugin_transform_schema_v1", ] __plugin_transform_schema_v1 = ["swc_common/plugin_transform_schema_v1"] # Do not use: testing purpose only __plugin_transform_host_schema_vtest = [ # Dependent features "__plugin_transform_schema_vtest", # Enable optional features "swc/plugin_transform_schema_vtest", "swc_plugin_runner/plugin_transform_schema_vtest", ] __plugin_transform_schema_vtest = ["swc_common/plugin_transform_schema_vtest"] ## Plugins # Internal flags for any transform plugin feature __common_plugin_transform = [ # Dependent features "ecma_visit", "__common", "swc_atoms/rkyv-impl", "swc_plugin_macro", "once_cell", "swc_plugin", ] __css_plugin_transform = [ "swc_common/plugin-mode", "swc_plugin_proxy/plugin-mode", # Dependent features "__common_plugin_transform", "css_visit", "css_ast", # Enable optional packages "swc_css_ast/rkyv-impl", ] __ecma_plugin_transform = [ "swc_common/plugin-mode", "swc_plugin_proxy/plugin-mode", # Dependent features "__common_plugin_transform", "ecma_visit", "ecma_ast", # Enable optional packages "swc_ecma_ast/rkyv-impl", ] # Internal flags for any transform plugin host feature __plugin_transform_host = [ # Dependent features "__common", # Enable optional packages "swc_ecma_ast/rkyv-impl", "swc_atoms/rkyv-impl", "swc_common/plugin-rt", "swc_plugin_runner/rkyv-impl", # TODO: we may simply flag around downlevel plugin feature "swc_plugin_proxy/plugin-rt", "swc/plugin", ] # Internal flags to control plugin environment __plugin_transform_env_native = [ "swc/plugin_transform_host_native", "swc_plugin_runner/plugin_transform_host_native", ] __plugin_transform_env_js = [ "swc/plugin_transform_host_js", "swc_plugin_runner/plugin_transform_host_js", ] # Do not use: testing purpose only # Force enable different version of AST schema __plugin_transform_schema_test = [ "__common_plugin_transform", "__plugin_transform_schema_vtest", ] ## Common __base = ["swc"] __binding_macros = [ "__ecma", "common", "__base", "__ecma_transforms", "ecma_ast", "binding_macros", ] __bundler = ["swc_bundler"] __cached = ["swc_cached"] __common = ["swc_common"] __css = [] __ecma = ["swc_ecma_transforms_base"] __ecma_loader = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_loader"] __ecma_transforms = ["__ecma"] __parser = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_parser"] __testing_transform = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_transforms_testing"] __utils = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_utils"] __visit = ["__ecma", "swc_ecma_visit"] [dependencies] # 3rd party dependencies once_cell = { optional = true, version = "1.13.0" } # swc_* dependencies binding_macros = { optional = true, version = "0.52.13", path = "../binding_macros" } swc = { optional = true, version = "0.263.13", path = "../swc" } swc_atoms = { optional = true, version = "0.5.6", path = "../swc_atoms" } swc_bundler = { optional = true, version = "0.216.11", path = "../swc_bundler" } swc_cached = { optional = true, version = "0.3.15", path = "../swc_cached" } swc_common = { optional = true, version = "0.31.12", path = "../swc_common" } swc_css_ast = { optional = true, version = "0.137.12", path = "../swc_css_ast" } swc_css_codegen = { optional = true, version = "0.147.14", path = "../swc_css_codegen" } swc_css_compat = { optional = true, version = "0.23.14", path = "../swc_css_compat" } swc_css_minifier = { optional = true, version = "0.112.14", path = "../swc_css_minifier" } swc_css_modules = { optional = true, version = "0.25.15", path = "../swc_css_modules" } swc_css_parser = { optional = true, version = "0.146.14", path = "../swc_css_parser" } swc_css_prefixer = { optional = true, version = "0.149.16", path = "../swc_css_prefixer" } swc_css_utils = { optional = true, version = "0.134.12", path = "../swc_css_utils/" } swc_css_visit = { optional = true, version = "0.136.12", path = "../swc_css_visit" } swc_ecma_ast = { optional = true, version = "0.106.2", path = "../swc_ecma_ast" } swc_ecma_codegen = { optional = true, version = "0.141.4", path = "../swc_ecma_codegen" } swc_ecma_loader = { optional = true, version = "0.43.14", path = "../swc_ecma_loader" } swc_ecma_minifier = { optional = true, version = "0.183.11", path = "../swc_ecma_minifier" } swc_ecma_parser = { optional = true, version = "0.136.2", path = "../swc_ecma_parser" } swc_ecma_preset_env = { optional = true, version = "0.197.12", path = "../swc_ecma_preset_env" } swc_ecma_quote_macros = { optional = true, version = "0.47.2", path = "../swc_ecma_quote_macros" } swc_ecma_transforms_base = { optional = true, version = "0.129.6", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_base" } swc_ecma_transforms_compat = { optional = true, version = "0.155.9", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_compat" } swc_ecma_transforms_module = { optional = true, version = "0.172.10", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_module" } swc_ecma_transforms_optimization = { optional = true, version = "0.189.11", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_optimization" } swc_ecma_transforms_proposal = { optional = true, version = "0.163.9", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_proposal" } swc_ecma_transforms_react = { optional = true, version = "0.175.10", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_react" } swc_ecma_transforms_testing = { optional = true, version = "0.132.6", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_testing" } swc_ecma_transforms_typescript = { optional = true, version = "0.179.11", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_typescript" } swc_ecma_usage_analyzer = { optional = true, version = "0.15.4", path = "../swc_ecma_usage_analyzer" } swc_ecma_utils = { optional = true, version = "0.119.4", path = "../swc_ecma_utils" } swc_ecma_visit = { optional = true, version = "0.92.1", path = "../swc_ecma_visit" } swc_node_base = { optional = true, version = "0.5.8", path = "../swc_node_base" } swc_node_bundler = { optional = true, version = "0.50.13", path = "../swc_node_bundler" } swc_nodejs_common = { optional = true, version = "0.0.6", path = "../swc_nodejs_common" } swc_plugin = { optional = true, version = "0.90.0", path = "../swc_plugin" } swc_plugin_macro = { optional = true, version = "0.9.14", path = "../swc_plugin_macro" } swc_plugin_proxy = { optional = true, version = "0.35.1", path = "../swc_plugin_proxy" } swc_trace_macro = { optional = true, version = "0.1.2", path = "../swc_trace_macro" } testing = { optional = true, version = "0.33.14", path = "../testing" } # TODO: eventually swc_plugin_runner needs to remove default features swc_plugin_runner = { optional = true, version = "0.97.2", path = "../swc_plugin_runner", default-features = false } [build-dependencies] vergen = { version = "7.3.2", default-features = false, features = ["cargo"] } [dev-dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.66"