use super::*; fn tr() -> impl Fold { Destructuring } test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), issue_169, "export class Foo { func(a, b = { return {a}; } }", "export class Foo{ func(a, ref) { let b = ref === void 0 ? : ref; return { a }; } } " ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), issue_260_01, "[code = 1] = []", "var ref, ref1; ref = [], ref1 = ref[0], code = ref1 === void 0 ? 1 : ref1, ref;" ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), issue_260_02, "[code = 1,] = []", "var ref, ref1; ref = [], ref1 = ref[0], code = ref1 === void 0 ? 1 : ref1, rest = ref.slice(1), ref;" ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), object_pat_assign_prop, "({code = 1} = {})", "var ref, ref1; ref = {}, ref1 = ref.code, code = ref1 === void 0 ? 1 : ref1, ref;" ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), obj_assign_pat, r#"let { a = 1 } = foo"#, r#"let ref = foo ? foo : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), _ref$a = ref.a, a = _ref$a === void 0 ? 1 : _ref$a;"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), obj_assign_expr, r#"let a; [{ a = 1 }] = foo"#, r#"let a; var ref, ref1, ref2; ref = foo, ref1 = ref[0], ref2 = ref1.a, a = ref2 === void 0 ? 1 : ref2, ref;"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), array1, r#"var [a, [b], [c]] = ["hello", [", ", "junk"], ["world"]];"#, r#"var ref = ['hello', [', ', 'junk'], ['world']], a = ref[0], ref1 = ref[1], b = ref1[0], ref2 = ref[2], c = ref2[0];"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), array2, r#"[a, [b], [c]] = ["hello", [", ", "junk"], ["world"]];"#, r#"var ref, ref1, ref2; ref = ['hello', [', ', 'junk'], ['world']], a = ref[0], ref1 = ref[1], b = ref1[0], ref2 = ref[2], c = ref2[0], ref; "# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), assign_expr_completion_record, r#"var x, y; [x, y] = [1, 2];"#, r#"var x, y; var ref; ref = [1, 2], x = ref[0], y = ref[1], ref;"# ); test!(::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), assign_expr_pat, r#"var z = {}; var { x: { y } = {} } = z;"#, r#"var z = { }; var ref = z ? z : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), tmp = ref.x, ref1 = tmp === void 0 ? { } : tmp, ref2 = ref1 ? ref1 : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), y = ref2.y;"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), assign_expr, r#"console.log([x] = [123]);"#, r#"var ref; console.log((ref = [123], x = ref[0], ref));"# ); test_exec!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| Destructuring, chained, r#"var a, b, c, d; ({ a, b } = ({ c, d } = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})); expect(a).toBe(1); expect(b).toBe(2); expect(c).toBe(3); expect(d).toBe(4);"# ); test_exec!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| Destructuring, empty_obj_pat_1, r#"expect(function () { var {} = null; }).toThrow("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'");"# ); // test!(::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), // |_| tr(), // empty_obj_pat_2, // r#"var {} = null;"#, // r#"var _ref = null; // babelHelpers.objectDestructuringEmpty(_ref);"# // ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), empty, r#"var [, a, [b], [c], d] = ["foo", "hello", [", ", "junk"], ["world"]];"#, r#"var ref = ['foo', 'hello', [', ', 'junk'], ['world']], a = ref[1], ref1 = ref[2], b = ref1[0], ref2 = ref[3], c = ref2[0], d = ref[4]; "# ); test!( ignore, ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), es7_object_rest_builtins, r#"var z = {}; var { ...x } = z; var { x, ...y } = z; var { [x]: x, ...y } = z; (function({ x, ...y }) { }); ({ x, y, ...z } = o);"#, r#"var z = {}; var _z = z, x = Object.assign({}, _z); var _z2 = z, x = _z2.x, y = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_z2, ["x"]); var _z3 = z, x = _z3[x], y = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_z3, [x].map(babelHelpers.toPropertyKey)); (function (_ref) { var x = _ref.x, y = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["x"]); }); var _o = o; x = _o.x; y = _o.y; z = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_o, ["x", "y"]); _o;"# ); test!( ignore, ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), es7_object_rest, r#"var z = {}; var { ...x } = z; var { x, ...y } = z; var { [x]: x, ...y } = z; (function({ x, ...y }) { }); ({ x, y, ...z } = o);"#, r#"var z = {}; var _z = z, x = babelHelpers.extends({}, _z); var _z2 = z, x = _z2.x, y = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_z2, ["x"]); var _z3 = z, x = _z3[x], y = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_z3, [x].map(babelHelpers.toPropertyKey)); (function (_ref) { var x = _ref.x, y = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["x"]); }); var _o = o; x = _o.x; y = _o.y; z = babelHelpers.objectWithoutProperties(_o, ["x", "y"]); _o;"# ); test!( ignore, ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), export_variable, r#"export let {a, b, c: {d, e: {f = 4}}} = {};"#, r#" var _ref = {}, a = _ref.a, b = _ref.b, _ref$c = _ref.c, d = _ref$c.d, _ref$c$e$f = _ref$c.e.f, f = _ref$c$e$f === void 0 ? 4 : _ref$c$e$f; export { a, b, d, f };"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), for_in, r#"for (var [name, value] in obj) { print("Name: " + name + ", Value: " + value); }"#, r#"for(var ref in obj){ let name = ref[0], value = ref[1]; print('Name: ' + name + ', Value: ' + value); } "# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), for_let, r#"for (let [ i, n ] = range; ; ) {}"#, r#"for(let i = range[0], n = range[1];;){}"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), for_of, r#"for (var [ name, before, after ] of test.expectation.registers) { }"#, r#"for(var ref of test.expectation.registers){ let name = ref[0], before = ref[1], after = ref[2]; }"# ); test_exec!( ignore, ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| Destructuring, fn_key_with_obj_rest_spread, r#"const { [(() => 1)()]: a, } = { 1: "a" }; expect(a).toBe("a"); expect(rest).toEqual({});"# ); test!(::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), babel_issue_3081, r#"let list = [1, 2, 3, 4]; for (let i = 0, { length } = list; i < length; i++) { list[i]; }"#, r#"let list = [1, 2, 3, 4]; for(let i = 0, ref = list ? list : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), length = ref.length; i < length; i++){ list[i]; } "# ); test_exec!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| Destructuring, babel_issue_5090, r#"const assign = function([...arr], index, value) { arr[index] = value; return arr; } const arr = [1, 2, 3]; assign(arr, 1, 42); expect(arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3]);"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), babel_issue_5628, r#" (function () { let q; let w; let e; if (true) [q, w, e] = [1, 2, 3].map(()=>123); })();"#, r#"(function() { let q; let w; let e; var ref; if (true) ref = [1, 2, 3].map(()=>123), q = ref[0], w = ref[1], e = ref[2], ref; })();"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), babel_issue_5744, r#"if (true) [a, b] = [b, a];"#, r#"var ref; if (true) ref = [b, a], a = ref[0], b = ref[1], ref;"# ); test!( ignore, ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), babel_issue_6373, r#"import { NestedObjects } from "./some-module" const { Foo, Bar } = NestedObjects"#, r#""use strict"; var _someModule = require("./some-module"); const Foo = _someModule.NestedObjects.Foo, Bar = _someModule.NestedObjects.Bar;"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), known_array, r#"var z = []; var [x, ...y] = z;"#, r#"var z = []; var x = z[0], y = z.slice(1);"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), member_expr, r#"[,] = [1, 2];"#, r#"var ref; ref = [1, 2], = ref[0], = ref[1], ref;"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), mixed, r#"var rect = {}; var {topLeft: [x1, y1], bottomRight: [x2, y2] } = rect;"#, r#"var rect = {}; var ref = rect ? rect : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), _ref$topLeft = ref.topLeft, x1 = _ref$topLeft[0], y1 = _ref$topLeft[1], _ref$bottomRight = ref.bottomRight, x2 = _ref$bottomRight[0], y2 = _ref$bottomRight[1];"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), multiple, r#"var coords = [1, 2]; var { x, y } = coords, foo = "bar";"#, r#"var coords = [1, 2]; var ref = coords ? coords : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), x = ref.x, y = ref.y, foo = 'bar';"# ); test_exec!( ignore, ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| Destructuring, number_key_with_object_spread, r#"const foo = { 1: "a", 2: "b", 3: "c", }; const { [1]: bar, } = foo; expect(bar).toBe("a"); expect(rest).toEqual({ 2: "b", 3: "c" });"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), object_advanced, r#"var rect = {}; var {topLeft: {x: x1, y: y1}, bottomRight: {x: x2, y: y2}} = rect; var { 3: foo, 5: bar } = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];"#, r#"var rect = { }; var ref = rect ? rect : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), _ref$topLeft = ref.topLeft, ref1 = _ref$topLeft ? _ref$topLeft : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), x1 = ref1.x, y1 = ref1.y, _ref$bottomRight = ref.bottomRight, ref2 = _ref$bottomRight ? _ref$bottomRight : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), x2 = ref2.x, y2 = ref2.y; var ref3 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], foo = ref3[3], bar = ref3[5];"# ); test!(::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), object_basic, r#"var coords = [1, 2]; var { x, y } = coords;"#, r#"var coords = [1, 2]; var ref = coords ? coords : _throw(new TypeError("Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'")), x = ref.x, y = ref.y;"# ); test_exec!( ignore, ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| Destructuring, spread_generator, r#"function* f() { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { yield i; } } var [...xs] = f(); expect(xs).toEqual([0, 1, 2]);"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), spread, r#"function isSorted([x, y,]) { if (!zs.length) return true if (y > x) return isSorted(zs) return false }"#, r#"function isSorted(ref) { let x = ref[0], y = ref[1], wow = ref.slice(2); if (!zs.length) return true; if (y > x) return isSorted(zs); return false; }"# ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), issue_311, "const Foo = 'foo'; const bar = { [Foo]: { qux: 'baz' } }; const { [Foo]: { qux } } = bar;", " const Foo = 'foo'; const bar = { [Foo]: { qux: 'baz' } }; const ref = bar ? bar : _throw(new TypeError(\"Cannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'\")), \ _ref$Foo = ref[Foo], ref1 = _ref$Foo ? _ref$Foo : _throw(new TypeError(\"Cannot destructure \ 'undefined' or 'null'\")), qux = ref1.qux;" ); test!( ::swc_ecma_parser::Syntax::default(), |_| tr(), issue_317, "export const [ A, B, C ] = [1,2,3]; export const [ E, D, F ] = [4,5,6];", " var ref = [1, 2, 3]; export const A = ref[0], B = ref[1], C = ref[2]; var ref1 = [4, 5, 6]; export const E = ref[0], D = ref[1], F = ref[2];" );