//! Tests ported from https://github.com/thysultan/stylis.js //! //! License is MIT, which is original license at the time of copying. //! Original test authors have copyright for their work. #![deny(warnings)] #![allow(clippy::needless_update)] use std::path::PathBuf; use swc_atoms::JsWord; use swc_css_ast::Stylesheet; use swc_css_codegen::{ writer::basic::{BasicCssWriter, BasicCssWriterConfig}, CodegenConfig, Emit, }; use swc_css_compat::{ compiler::{Compiler, Config}, feature::Features, }; use swc_css_parser::{parse_file, parser::ParserConfig}; use swc_css_visit::VisitMutWith; use testing::NormalizedOutput; fn test_full(input: PathBuf, suffix: Option<&str>) { let parent = input.parent().unwrap(); let output = match suffix { Some(suffix) => parent.join("output.".to_owned() + suffix + ".css"), _ => parent.join("output.css"), }; testing::run_test2(false, |cm, handler| { // let fm = cm.load_file(&input).unwrap(); let mut errors = vec![]; let mut ss: Stylesheet = parse_file( &fm, ParserConfig { css_modules: true, legacy_nesting: true, ..Default::default() }, &mut errors, ) .unwrap(); for err in &errors { err.to_diagnostics(&handler).emit(); } if !errors.is_empty() { panic!("parsing failed") } swc_css_modules::compile(&mut ss, TestConfig {}); ss.visit_mut_with(&mut Compiler::new(Config { process: Features::NESTING, })); let mut s = String::new(); { let mut wr = BasicCssWriter::new(&mut s, None, BasicCssWriterConfig::default()); let mut gen = swc_css_codegen::CodeGenerator::new(&mut wr, CodegenConfig { minify: false }); gen.emit(&ss).unwrap(); } NormalizedOutput::from(s).compare_to_file(&output).unwrap(); Ok(()) }) .unwrap(); } #[testing::fixture("tests/with-compat/**/input.css")] fn test_without_env(input: PathBuf) { test_full(input, None) } struct TestConfig {} impl swc_css_modules::TransformConfig for TestConfig { fn new_name_for(&self, local: &JsWord) -> JsWord { format!("__local__{}", local).into() } }