function g(a, b = {}, c = false) { return { rule: a, params: b, implicit: c }; } function h(a) { if (typeof a === "undefined") { return g("nullable", { value: a }, true); } } function i(a) { return a.find((a)=>a === h ) ? true : false; } function j(a) { return a === undefined || a === null || a === ""; } function a(a) { return j(a) ? g("required", { value: a }, true) : undefined; } function k(b) { return b.find((b)=>b === a ) ? false : true; } const l = (a, b, d, e)=>{ b.attr = d; if (typeof a === "function") { return a(b, e || ""); } else { for(let c in b){ a = a.replace(`:${c}`, b[c]); } return a; } }; const m = (b)=>{ const a = b.split(":"); a.shift(); return a.join(":"); }; const n = (a, b, c, d, e)=>{ return a[`${b}.${c}`] || a[`${b}.${d}`] || a[b] || a[c] || a[d] || e; }; const o = (h, { messages: d , attributes: f })=>{ const c = {}; const i = (d || {})["default"] || ":attr is invalid"; for(let b in h){ const j = h[b]; const k = (f || {})[b] || b; c[b] = {}; for (let a of j){ const g = m(a.rule); const e = g ? a.rule.substr(0, a.rule.length - g.length - 1) : a.rule; if (a.rule === "validateObject" && a.params.errors) { c[b][e] = o(a.params.errors, { messages: d, attributes: f }); } else if (a.rule === "validateArray" && a.params.errors) { c[b][e] = o(a.params.errors, { messages: d, attributes: f }); } else { const p = n(d || {}, b, a.rule, e, i); c[b][e] = l(p, a.params, k, g); } } } return c; }; const p = (a)=>{ return a.match(/^\d+$/) ? true : false; }; const q = (a, b)=>{ if (typeof a[b] !== "undefined") { return a[b]; } const c = b.split("."); const d = c.reduce((a, b)=>{ if (a && typeof a === "object") { return a[b]; } else if (a instanceof Array && p(b)) { const c = parseInt(b); return a[c]; } }, { ...a }); return d; }; const r = (a, b)=>{ const c = q(a, b); return typeof c !== "undefined"; }; const s = (a)=>{ return { getValue: (b)=>q(a, b) , hasValue: (b)=>r(a, b) }; }; const t = { "fileExists:pathCheck": "file :value doesn't exists", "fileExists:stringCheck": "file path must be a string", isArray: ":attr must be an array", isBool: ":attr must be a boolean", isEmail: ":attr is not a valid email address", isFloat: ":attr must be a float number", isIn: ":value is not allowed", isInt: ":attr must be an integer", isNumber: ":attr must be a number", isNumeric: ":attr must be numeric", isString: ":attr must be a string", lengthBetween: ":attr characters length must be between :minLength-:maxLength", match: ":attr format is incorrect", maxLength: ":attr cannot be higher than :maxValue characters", maxNumber: ":attr cannot be higher than :maxValue", minLength: ":attr cannot be lower than :minValue characters", minNumber: ":attr cannot be lower than :minValue", notIn: ":value is not allowed", notNull: ":value cannot be null", numberBetween: ":value must be between :minValue - :maxValue", required: ":attr is required", default: ":attr is invalid" }; const u = (a, b)=>{ return a[b]; }; const v = new Set([ "requiredWhenRule", "requiredIfRule", "requiredUnlessRule", ]); const w = async (d, b, f)=>{ const e = []; if (j(d) && k(b)) { const g = b.filter((a)=>v.has( ); if (g.length === 0) { return []; } for (let h of b.filter((a)=>v.has( )){ let a = h(d, f); if (a instanceof Promise) { a = await a; } if (a !== undefined && a.noContext) { return []; } if (a !== undefined) { e.push(a); if (a.implicit) { return e; } } } b = b.filter((a)=>!v.has( ); } if (typeof d === "object" && d === null && i(b)) { return []; } for (let l of b){ let c = l(d, f); if (c instanceof Promise) { c = await c; } if (c !== undefined && !c.noContext) { e.push(c); if (c.implicit === true) { break; } } } return e; }; const x = async (c, b)=>{ const d = {}; const f = s(c); for(let a in b){ const g = b[a] instanceof Array ? b[a] : [ b[a] ]; const h = u(c, a); const e = await w(h, g, f); if (e.length) { d[a] = e; } } return d; }; const b = async (c, d, e = { messages: t })=>{ const a = await x(c, d); const b = Object.keys(a).length === 0; const f = b ? {} : o(a, e); return [ b, f ]; }; function c(a) { if (typeof a !== "number") { return g("isNumber", { value: a }); } } const d = { name: "", age: "20" }; const [e, f] = await b(d, { name: a, age: [ a, c ] }); console.log({ passes: e, errors: f });