import swc from "../.."; import Visitor from "../../Visitor"; function assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(obj, desc = '') { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { for (const item of obj) { assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(item, `${desc} -> array`); } return } if (!obj) { return } if (typeof obj === 'object') { if (typeof obj.start !== 'undefined' && typeof obj.end !== 'undefined') { return; } if ("spread" in obj) { return; } if ("params" in obj && "span" in obj && "body" in obj) { return; } if (!obj.type) { throw new Error(`${desc}: ${JSON.stringify(obj)} should have field 'type'`) } for (const key in obj) { if (, key)) { assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(obj[key], `${desc} -> ${key}`) } } } } class BaseVisitor extends Visitor.default { visitExpression(n) { const e = super.visitExpression(n); assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(e); return e; } visitPattern(n) { const e = super.visitPattern(n); assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(e); return e; } visitStatement(n) { const e = super.visitStatement(n); assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(e); return e; } visitFunctionDeclaration(n) { const e = super.visitFunctionDeclaration(n); assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(e); return e; } visitClassMember(n) { const e = super.visitClassMember(n); assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(e); return e; } visitClassMethod(n) { assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(n, 'BEFORE'); const e = super.visitClassMethod(n); assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(e); return e; } } const testCodes = [ { input: `const arr = [1, 2, 3]`, output: `const arr = [1, 2, 3];` }, { input: `export default { foo: 'foo', } as const;`, output: `export default { foo: 'foo' };` }, { input: `const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const { a, b } = obj;`, output: `const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const { a, b } = obj;` } ]; test.each(testCodes)(`code($s)`, async ({ input, output }) => { const { code } = await swc.transform(input, { jsc: { parser: { syntax: 'typescript', }, target: 'es2021' }, isModule: true, plugin: (ast) => { const visitor = new BaseVisitor(); const after = visitor.visitProgram(ast); assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(after); return after }, }); expect(code.replace(/[\n\t ]/g, '')).toEqual(output.replace(/[\n\t ]/g, '')) }) // test.each(files)('test262(%s)', async (file) => { // if (!file.endsWith('.js')) { // console.log(`Ignoring ${file}`) // return // } // console.log(`Validating $${file}`) // let astNode; // const { code } = await swc.transformFile(file, { // jsc: { // parser: { // syntax: 'ecmascript', // }, // target: 'es2021' // }, // isModule: file.includes('module.'), // plugin: (ast) => { // // console.debug(ast); // const visitor = new BaseVisitor(); // const after = visitor.visitProgram(ast); // // console.debug(after); // assertAllObjectHasTypeFiled(after); // astNode = ast; // return after // }, // }); // const filename = path.basename(file); // try { // await swc.print(astNode); // } catch (e) { // throw new Error(`${e}: ${JSON.stringify(astNode, null, 4)}`) // } // const expected = await fs.promises.readFile(`./ecmascript/codegen/tests/references/${filename}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }); // expect(code.trim()).toEqual(expected.trim()); // })