const swc = require("../../../"); const path = require("path"); it("should handle minify", () => { const src = '/* Comment */import foo, {bar} from "foo"'; expect( swc .transformSync(src, { minify: true }) .code.trim() ).toBe(`import foo,{bar}from"foo";`); }); it("should handle sourceMaps = false", () => { const src = '/* Comment */import foo, {bar} from "foo"'; const out = swc.transformSync(src, { sourceMaps: false }); expect(; }); it("should handle exportNamespaceFrom", () => { const src = "export * as Foo from 'bar';"; const out = swc.transformSync(src, { jsc: { parser: { syntax: "ecmascript", exportNamespaceFrom: true } } }); expect(out.code).toContain("import * as _Foo from \"bar\";"); expect(out.code).toContain("export { _Foo as Foo }"); }); it("should handle = es5", () => { const out = swc.transformSync(`foo.default`, { swcrc: false, jsc: { target: "es5" } }); expect(out.code.trim()).toBe(`foo.default;`); }); it("(sync) should handle module input", () => { const m = swc.parseSync("class Foo {}"); const out = swc.transformSync(m, { swcrc: false, jsc: { target: 'es2016', } }); expect(out.code.replace(/\n/g, "")).toBe("class Foo {}"); }); it("(async) should handle module input", async () => { const m = await swc.parse("class Foo {}"); const out = await swc.transform(m, { jsc: { target: "es2016" } }); expect(out.code.replace(/\n/g, "")).toBe("class Foo {}"); }); it("(sync) should handle plugin", () => { const out = swc.transformSync("class Foo {}", { plugin: m => ({ ...m, body: [] }) }); expect(out.code).toBe(""); }); it("(async) should handle plugin", async () => { const out = await swc.transform("class Foo {}", { plugin: m => ({ ...m, body: [] }) }); expect(out.code).toBe(""); }); it("(async) should handle dynamic import", async () => { const out = await swc.transform("import('foo');", { jsc: { target: "es3", parser: { syntax: "ecmascript", dynamicImport: true } } }); expect(out.code.replace(/;/g, "").trim()).toBe(`import("foo")`); }); it("should handle nullish coalescing", async () => { const out = await swc.transform("a ?? 'foo';", { jsc: { parser: { syntax: "ecmascript", nullishCoalescing: true } } }); expect(out.code).toBe(`a !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : "foo"; `); }); it("should handle for of statement in an async function", async () => { const out = swc.transformSync( `async function foo() { for (let a of b) { } }` ); expect(out.code).toBeTruthy() }); it("should respect isModule = false", async () => { const out = swc.transformSync( `const five = 005`, { isModule: false, } ); expect(out.code.trim()).toEqual(`var five = 005;`) }); it("should respect isModule = true", async () => { const f = () => swc.transformSync( `const five = 005`, { isModule: true, } ); expect(f).toThrowError(/Syntax Error/) }); it("should respect `inlineSourcesContent`", async () => { const src = '/* Comment */import foo, {bar} from "foo"'; const { map } = await swc.transform(src, { sourceMaps: true, inlineSourcesContent: true, }); const j = JSON.parse(map); expect(j).toHaveProperty('sourcesContent') }); it("should respect `error.filename = false`", async () => { const src = 'export default

'; try { await swc.transform(src, { error: { filename: false } }) } catch (e) { expect(e).not.toContain("-->") } }); it("should support overring `jsc.externalHelpers` using js api", async () => { const filename = path.resolve( __dirname + "/../../tests/issue-3834/input.js" ); const { code } = await swc.transformFile(filename, { jsc: { externalHelpers: false, } }) expect(code).toContain('function _class_call_check') });