# swc architecture This document gives a high level overview of swc internals. You may find it useful if you want to contribute to swc or if you are interested in the inner workings of swc. ## Macros See [blog post about swc macros](https://swc.rs/blog/2020/01/04/pmutil#macros-built-with-pmutil). swc uses proc macro extensively to reduce work. Please see links below to know what each macro do. - [enum_kind][] - [string_enum][] - [ast_node][] And some adhoc-macros are used. - [parser_macros][] - [codegen_macros][] These macro breaks macro hygiene. ## Structure ### `/atoms` Handle string interning for the swc project. The crate depends on [string_cache](https://github.com/servo/string-cache) from servo. ### `/common` Contains code related to span, hygiene and error reporting. Also, it contains / re-exports codes for visitor pattern. `Visit` is non-mutating visitor, while `Fold` is a mutating visitor. ### `/ecmascript/ast` Contains ast nodes for javascript and script. ### `/ecmascript/codegen` Converts javascript ast into javascript code. ### `/ecmascript/parser` Parses javascript and typescript ### `/ecmascript/transforms` Theres are three core transforms named `resolver`, `hygiene`, `fixer`. Other transforms depends on them. #### `/ecmascript/transforms/src/resolver` This pass resolves and marks all identifiers in the file. e.g. ```js let a = 1; { let a = 1; } ``` becomes ```js let a#0 = 1; { let a#1 = 1; } ``` where number after `#` denotes the hygiene id. If two identifiers have same symbol but different hygiene id, it's different. #### `/ecmascript/transforms/src/hygiene` Hygiene pass actually changes symbol of identifiers with same symbol but different hygiene id. ```js let a#0 = 1; { let a#1 = 2; } ``` becomes ```js let a = 1; { let a1 = 2; } ``` #### `/ecmascript/transforms/src/fixer` Fixes borken ast. This allow us to simply fold types like `BinExpr` without caring about operator precedence. It means, ```rust let v = BinExpr { left: "1 + 2", op: "*", right: "3", }; ``` (other passes generates ast like this) is converted into ```rust let v = BinExpr { left: "(1 + 2)", op: "*", right: "3", }; ``` and printed as ```js (1 + 2) * 3; ``` #### `/ecmascript/transforms/src/compat` Contains codes related to converting new generation javascript codes for old browsers. #### `/ecmascript/transforms/src/modules` Contains code related to transforming es6 modules to other modules. #### `/ecmascript/transforms/src/optimization` Contains code related to making code faster on runtime. Currently only small set of optimization is implemented. ## Tests swc uses [official ecmascript conformance test suite called test262][test262] for testing. Parser tests ensures that parsed result of test262/pass is identical with test262/pass-explicit. Codegen tests ensures that generated code is equivalent to goldened reference files located at [tests/references](ecmascript/codegen/tests/references). [enum_kind]: https://swc.rs/rustdoc/enum_kind/derive.Kind.html [string_enum]: https://swc.rs/rustdoc/string_enum/derive.StringEnum.html [ast_node]: https://swc.rs/rustdoc/ast_node/index.html [parser_macros]: https://swc.rs/rustdoc/swc_ecma_parser_macros/index.html [codegen_macros]: https://swc.rs/rustdoc/swc_ecma_codegen_macros/index.html [test262]: https://github.com/tc39/test262