// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/discordeno@11.0.0-rc.2/src/types/interactions/commands/application_command_callback_data.ts import { Embed } from "../../embeds/embed.ts"; import { AllowedMentions } from "../../messages/allowed_mentions.ts"; import { MessageComponents } from "../../messages/components/message_components.ts"; /** https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/slash-commands#interaction-response-interactionapplicationcommandcallbackdata */ export interface InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackData { /** Is the response TTS */ tts?: boolean; /** Message content */ content?: string; /** Supports up to 10 embeds */ embeds?: Embed[]; /** Allowed Mentions object */ allowedMentions?: AllowedMentions; /** Set to `64` to make your response ephemeral */ flags?: number; /** The components you would like to have sent in this message */ components?: MessageComponents; }