// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/discordeno@11.0.0-rc.2/src/helpers/messages/delete_message.ts import { botId } from "../../bot.ts"; import { cacheHandlers } from "../../cache.ts"; import { rest } from "../../rest/rest.ts"; import { endpoints } from "../../util/constants.ts"; import { requireBotChannelPermissions } from "../../util/permissions.ts"; import { delay } from "../../util/utils.ts"; /** Delete a message with the channel id and message id only. */ export async function deleteMessage(channelId: bigint, messageId: bigint, reason?: string, delayMilliseconds = 0) { const message = await cacheHandlers.get("messages", messageId); if (message && message.authorId !== botId) { await requireBotChannelPermissions(message.channelId, ["MANAGE_MESSAGES"]); } if (delayMilliseconds) await delay(delayMilliseconds); return await rest.runMethod("delete", endpoints.CHANNEL_MESSAGE(channelId, messageId), { reason }); }