a::before { content: "This string is demarcated by double quotes."; content: 'This string is demarcated by single quotes.'; content: "This is a string with \" an escaped double quote."; content: "This string also has \22 an escaped double quote."; content: 'This is a string with \' an escaped single quote.'; content: 'This string also has \27 an escaped single quote.'; content: "This is a string with \\ an escaped backslash."; content: "This string also has \22an escaped double quote."; content: "This string also has \22 an escaped double quote."; content: "This string has a \Aline break in it."; content: "A really long \ awesome string"; content: ";'@ /**/\""; content: '\'"\\'; content: "a\ b"; content: "a\ b"; content: "a\ b"; content: "a\ b"; content: "a\ \ \ \ \ b"; content: 'a\62 c'; } a[title="a not s\ o very long title"] { color: red; } a[title="a not so very long title"] { color: red; }