// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/graphql_deno@v15.0.0/lib/validation/rules/UniqueTypeNamesRule.js import { GraphQLError } from '../../error/GraphQLError.js'; /** * Unique type names * * A GraphQL document is only valid if all defined types have unique names. */ export function UniqueTypeNamesRule(context) { const knownTypeNames = Object.create(null); const schema = context.getSchema(); return { ScalarTypeDefinition: checkTypeName, ObjectTypeDefinition: checkTypeName, InterfaceTypeDefinition: checkTypeName, UnionTypeDefinition: checkTypeName, EnumTypeDefinition: checkTypeName, InputObjectTypeDefinition: checkTypeName }; function checkTypeName(node) { const typeName = node.name.value; if (schema?.getType(typeName)) { context.reportError(new GraphQLError(`Type "${typeName}" already exists in the schema. It cannot also be defined in this type definition.`, node.name)); return; } if (knownTypeNames[typeName]) { context.reportError(new GraphQLError(`There can be only one type named "${typeName}".`, [knownTypeNames[typeName], node.name])); } else { knownTypeNames[typeName] = node.name; } return false; } }