// Loaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denjucks/dex/master/lib/formatter.js import QueryBuilder from './query/builder.js'; import Raw from './raw.js'; import _ from './deps/lodash@4.17.15/index.js'; const transform = _.transform; // Valid values for the `order by` clause generation. const orderBys = ['asc', 'desc']; // Turn this into a lookup map const operators = transform( [ '=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=', 'like', 'not like', 'between', 'not between', 'ilike', 'not ilike', 'exists', 'not exist', 'rlike', 'not rlike', 'regexp', 'not regexp', '&', '|', '^', '<<', '>>', '~', '~*', '!~', '!~*', '#', '&&', '@>', '<@', '||', '&<', '&>', '-|-', '@@', '!!', ['?', '\\?'], ['?|', '\\?|'], ['?&', '\\?&'], ], (result, key) => { if (Array.isArray(key)) { result[key[0]] = key[1]; } else { result[key] = key; } }, {} ); class Formatter { constructor(client, builder) { this.client = client; this.builder = builder; this.bindings = []; } // Accepts a string or array of columns to wrap as appropriate. columnize(target) { const columns = Array.isArray(target) ? target : [target]; let str = '', i = -1; while (++i < columns.length) { if (i > 0) str += ', '; str += this.wrap(columns[i]); } return str; } // Turns a list of values into a list of ?'s, joining them with commas unless // a "joining" value is specified (e.g. ' and ') parameterize(values, notSetValue) { if (typeof values === 'function') return this.parameter(values); values = Array.isArray(values) ? values : [values]; let str = '', i = -1; while (++i < values.length) { if (i > 0) str += ', '; str += this.parameter(values[i] === undefined ? notSetValue : values[i]); } return str; } // Formats `values` into a parenthesized list of parameters for a `VALUES` // clause. // // [1, 2] -> '(?, ?)' // [[1, 2], [3, 4]] -> '((?, ?), (?, ?))' // knex('table') -> '(select * from "table")' // knex.raw('select ?', 1) -> '(select ?)' // values(values) { if (Array.isArray(values)) { if (Array.isArray(values[0])) { return `(${values .map((value) => `(${this.parameterize(value)})`) .join(', ')})`; } return `(${this.parameterize(values)})`; } if (values instanceof Raw) { return `(${this.parameter(values)})`; } return this.parameter(values); } // Checks whether a value is a function... if it is, we compile it // otherwise we check whether it's a raw parameter(value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return this.outputQuery(this.compileCallback(value), true); } return this.unwrapRaw(value, true) || '?'; } unwrapRaw(value, isParameter) { let query; if (value instanceof QueryBuilder) { query = this.client.queryCompiler(value).toSQL(); if (query.bindings) { this.bindings = this.bindings.concat(query.bindings); } return this.outputQuery(query, isParameter); } if (value instanceof Raw) { value.client = this.client; if (this.builder._queryContext) { value.queryContext = () => { return this.builder._queryContext; }; } query = value.toSQL(); if (query.bindings) { this.bindings = this.bindings.concat(query.bindings); } return query.sql; } if (isParameter) { this.bindings.push(value); } } /** * Creates SQL for a parameter, which might be passed to where() or .with() or * pretty much anywhere in API. * * @param query Callback (for where or complete builder), Raw or QueryBuilder * @param method Optional at least 'select' or 'update' are valid */ rawOrFn(value, method) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return this.outputQuery(this.compileCallback(value, method)); } return this.unwrapRaw(value) || ''; } // Puts the appropriate wrapper around a value depending on the database // engine, unless it's a knex.raw value, in which case it's left alone. wrap(value, isParameter) { const raw = this.unwrapRaw(value, isParameter); if (raw) return raw; switch (typeof value) { case 'function': return this.outputQuery(this.compileCallback(value), true); case 'object': return this.parseObject(value); case 'number': return value; default: return this.wrapString(value + ''); } } wrapAsIdentifier(value) { const queryContext = this.builder.queryContext(); return this.client.wrapIdentifier((value || '').trim(), queryContext); } alias(first, second) { return first + ' as ' + second; } operator(value) { const raw = this.unwrapRaw(value); if (raw) return raw; const operator = operators[(value || '').toLowerCase()]; if (!operator) { throw new TypeError(`The operator "${value}" is not permitted`); } return operator; } // Specify the direction of the ordering. direction(value) { const raw = this.unwrapRaw(value); if (raw) return raw; return orderBys.indexOf((value || '').toLowerCase()) !== -1 ? value : 'asc'; } // Compiles a callback using the query builder. compileCallback(callback, method) { const { client } = this; // Build the callback const builder = client.queryBuilder(); callback.call(builder, builder); // Compile the callback, using the current formatter (to track all bindings). const compiler = client.queryCompiler(builder); compiler.formatter = this; // Return the compiled & parameterized sql. return compiler.toSQL(method || builder._method || 'select'); } // Ensures the query is aliased if necessary. outputQuery(compiled, isParameter) { let sql = compiled.sql || ''; if (sql) { if ( (compiled.method === 'select' || compiled.method === 'first') && (isParameter || compiled.as) ) { sql = `(${sql})`; if (compiled.as) return this.alias(sql, this.wrap(compiled.as)); } } return sql; } // Key-value notation for alias parseObject(obj) { const ret = []; for (const alias in obj) { const queryOrIdentifier = obj[alias]; // Avoids double aliasing for subqueries if (typeof queryOrIdentifier === 'function') { const compiled = this.compileCallback(queryOrIdentifier); compiled.as = alias; // enforces the object's alias ret.push(this.outputQuery(compiled, true)); } else if (queryOrIdentifier instanceof QueryBuilder) { ret.push( this.alias( `(${this.wrap(queryOrIdentifier)})`, this.wrapAsIdentifier(alias) ) ); } else { ret.push( this.alias(this.wrap(queryOrIdentifier), this.wrapAsIdentifier(alias)) ); } } return ret.join(', '); } // Coerce to string to prevent strange errors when it's not a string. wrapString(value) { const asIndex = value.toLowerCase().indexOf(' as '); if (asIndex !== -1) { const first = value.slice(0, asIndex); const second = value.slice(asIndex + 4); return this.alias(this.wrap(first), this.wrapAsIdentifier(second)); } const wrapped = []; let i = -1; const segments = value.split('.'); while (++i < segments.length) { value = segments[i]; if (i === 0 && segments.length > 1) { wrapped.push(this.wrap((value || '').trim())); } else { wrapped.push(this.wrapAsIdentifier(value)); } } return wrapped.join('.'); } } export default Formatter;