// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/dnit@dnit-v1.11.0/textTable.ts export function textTable(headings: string[], cells: string[][]): string { const corners = [["┌", "┐"], ["└", "┘"]]; const hbar = "─"; const vbar = "│"; const ttop = "┬"; const tbottom = "┴"; const cross = "┼"; const tleft = "├"; const tright = "┤"; const maxWidths: number[] = headings.map((t) => t.length); for (const row of cells) { let colInd = 0; for (const col of row) { maxWidths[colInd] = Math.max(maxWidths[colInd], col.length); ++colInd; } } const output: string[] = []; // corner & top bars { const textrow: string[] = []; textrow.push(corners[0][0]); textrow.push(maxWidths.map((n) => hbar.repeat(n + 2)).join(ttop)); textrow.push(corners[0][1]); output.push(textrow.join("")); } // mid { const textrow: string[] = []; textrow.push(vbar); textrow.push( headings.map((h, i) => { const curLength = h.length; const maxWidth = maxWidths[i]; const curSpaces = (maxWidth - curLength); const spaceBefore = Math.floor(curSpaces / 2); const spaceAfter = curSpaces - spaceBefore; return " ".repeat(1 + spaceBefore) + h + " ".repeat(1 + spaceAfter); }).join(vbar), ); textrow.push(vbar); output.push(textrow.join("")); } // cross bar { const textrow: string[] = []; textrow.push(tleft); textrow.push(maxWidths.map((n) => hbar.repeat(n + 2)).join(cross)); textrow.push(tright); output.push(textrow.join("")); } // cells for (const row of cells) { const textrow: string[] = []; textrow.push(vbar); textrow.push( row.map((t, i) => { const curLength = t.length; const maxWidth = maxWidths[i]; const curSpaces = (maxWidth - curLength); const spaceBefore = Math.floor(curSpaces / 2); const spaceAfter = curSpaces - spaceBefore; return " ".repeat(1 + spaceBefore) + t + " ".repeat(1 + spaceAfter); }).join(vbar), ); textrow.push(vbar); output.push(textrow.join("")); } // corner & bottom bars { const textrow: string[] = []; textrow.push(corners[1][0]); textrow.push(maxWidths.map((n) => hbar.repeat(n + 2)).join(tbottom)); textrow.push(corners[1][1]); output.push(textrow.join("")); } return output.join("\n"); }